Remembering today Giuseppe Conlon who left his home in Belfast and travelled over to his son.
Such an horrendous failure of justice.
I shall be playing your song regularly today.
Christy's reply
Thank you for timely reminders Rory
Have you ever tried “The Free State” podacst ?
The recent episode has Tim O’Grady talking to Dion Fanning and Joe Brolly about Radden Keefe’s book “Say Nothing”
A few episodes earlier Joe sounds off about Bono’s Freedom Medal…..
great listening
Well worth repeating a visit to the Dylan film ..stunning acting and fab sound via a modern system.
Over and out from me droning on about what isn’t everybody’s cuppa.. for fellow addicts,there are great ‘Blood on the tracks’ at 50 and fine articles/ Garth Hudson tribute at
Hi C Thanks for such an amazing gig on Mon, it really was outstanding and a most fitting finish to the mighty run of 12 gigs. I cannot imagine the time, effort and dedication that you put into preparing the for the gigs, but it sure pays off. The attention to detail, the choice of songs, the choosing of names from the hat of the lucky listeners, the focus, while singing solo on stage for over two hours !! Not forgetting your excellent stagecraft skills on display in quietening the louder audience members and through out the gig in bringing the room along with you, but also so evident in the various ways you present different songs. I’m thinking in particular of the three songs early on in the gig, the acapella version of the Black and Amber, followed by After the Deluge with the very strong outtro. Then it was such a joy to hear The Contender with a mighty scene setting introduction and such soft sparse accompaniment which in fact accentuated Jimmy Macs great lyrics. In the final quarter you sang Martin Leahys’ Snowflake in hushed tones initially, totally quietening the room, which has become a bit excited, before building up to the chorus including the 1,000 plus singer in that great room. You also managed to include several very popular songs Amsterdam, Lisdoon, Joxer, Jan Man, Smoke & Strong Whiskey, Beeswing, Big Marquee, etc., etc. The buzz as people left was reminiscent of Barrowlands. GRMMA aris, beir bua agus beannacht, go deo. H
Christy's reply
“The Contender” is such a beautifully crafted song…
Declan suggested “After The Deluge” at an early Moving Hearts gig in 1980…
years later we performed his song with Jackson Browne at a Festival in Millstreet…later again at The Philharmonic in Liverpool…
Briany’s “”Black & Amber rolled out lovely last Mon night…..”Smoke & Strong Whiskey” has come roaring back into the thanks to that man who called out for it last month…his request resounded at the perfect moment…I took a chance and out it came….
apart from myself and the crew, only one other attended every gaggle, Fair Play
Hi a Chriostóir,
Just a quick note to say that I really enjoyed the gig on Monday night, (interruptions aside!)
Some energy from you, Amsterdam standing was a highlight!
Boy in the Wild has become a new favourite, while old favourites getting a new airing was a delight.
Looking forward to seeing you again during the year, keep her lit!
Christy's reply
morra Séamus…all that energy comes from the room….soon as I hit the lamps everthin goes up a few notches…when I hit the spot, you listeners switch me on….back here at base I return to normality…pottering about , looking for me specs, wishing those Leinster House Loopers would cop themselves on
That Elon Musk thing is scarey, so scarey. What can we do… keep singing, walking, marching, standing up, trying to make sure there are no silent triangles?
Christy's reply
we try to stand up and be counted…in whatever way we can….music and song always has a part to play
The Woody hospital scenes are really powerful and integral to the film…probably the most emotional…hearing the song Dylan wrote for Woody and seeing it played to an ailing hero…wow….also,I thought of you, being the first person I heard sing it…D
To borrow your fine phrase…I’m still in the scratcher…and thinking it’s a great start to the day when it begins with Dylan!
bourkey,I hope you got some kip after Smal nailed the crossword clue…surely,right? Fair play…
Time for a cuppa and Music from Big Pink…what a fine forum you set up!
Have a good day all
Christy's reply
this old forum fulfills its intended purpose beautifully….like a warm snug in a welcoming pub….I cant remember- do ye have snugs over there..I recall a tap-room in The Pack Horse,in Birtle, near Bury, Lancs where we quaffed manys the pint of John Willie Lees finest Middleton Keg
Hi Dave,
Can you help us out with something ?
There was a clue in a crossword and it’s
wrecking me head.
1+1D What a comeback!
Everything that Bob Dylan took with him on tour.
Are they messing ?
I have a few letters but it only makes it worse.
Enjoyed A Complete Unknown.
Tim put in some hard yards to get his Bobness up on screen.
Thought Ed Norton gave a great turn as Pete Seeger.
But it was a well cast, written and directed film.
Great that you enjoyed the film…so much astounding acting and characterisation.Fair play to Timothy for setting the standard so high and all others for making it such a powerful ensemble work.
I’m seeing it again tomorrow to focus on the music…
RIP Garth…pure class in a top notch outfit…
G’night all
Christy's reply
The Band….Garth swirling away in the firmament….let us all dance The Last Waltz
Hi Christy,
Back home. Still buzzing from Monday night.
The seldom heard chestnuts of old mixing with
the tried and the trusted. The new bedding in nicely
alongside ’em. Hilary had a nice chat with us before
the gig. Met Pat and Noleen after – top people.
Hope you enjoy the break from the gigs.
Get them first earlies ordered. A complete unknown
well worth a look. Please leave the retirement to them
that needs it. We need you now more than ever.
Tabhair Aire
Christy's reply
I’m currently on Pablo Casals diet and Segovia strict regime…early retirement no longer an option..gonna stick with the long haul…as long as the vox holds up and I got the legs to carry it..
great that ye all met up last night..
it was a scorcher for me…the longest of the 12 gigs with 33 songs in 125 minutes…very hard on the heavy smokers..
the Banner made its presence felt…fair play to ’em
just back in from the new Dylan movie
highly recommended
plenty of Dramatic licence employed but ,after all,is’nt it a feckin movie ….we loved it..I even shed a tear during Woody’s scenes..
hope all well over in the West
What a great night we all had last night! Many thanks.
You made my daughter Emily’s night when she attended the show on Dec 11th when she was home visiting from Australia for three weeks. She was hoping for Beeswing and I regretted not asking in advance. You of course didn’t disappoint there were happy tears.
Last night I took a video of your encore performance and sent it across the miles she was thrilled.
Thank you for mentioning our good friend Ken last night also.
Christy's reply
my pleasure and privilige…its all part of what its all about
No sign of Lawless so far, even though we are right next to St. Patrick’s Rowing Club, who organise the annual Ringsend Regatta. I ventured further south today and still no luck – will keep an eye out for him!
I do like Ringsend. I’d only seen the top end before, where the James Connolly mural is, on a previous trip with the family. I’ve walked further now and seen more streets. I love the industrial era red-brick terraced houses and cottages, one of the features I also love about The Liberties, and the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham. And as a South Londoner the blocks of 20th century social housing flats remind me of places I’ve lived and make me feel at home.
Christy's reply
The song “Lawless” was written by Mick Curry from that quarter… he alos wrote a song called “The Ringsend Regatta” and another called “Red Ronnie & Lousy Shoulders”… two great songs from Mick…. Red Ronnie was a policeman with a red moustache… Lousy Shoulders a policeman with dreadful dandruff…they used to terrorise the rapscallions around Ringsend
Hey Christy, good luck for the RTE Folk Awards next month with your nominations for Album Of The Year and Best Folk Singer.
God bless, ‘More Christy’ Tribute Act
Christy's reply
Thank you Dave….
I’ve been blest in my life by songwriters, listeners and collectors….by fellow musicians and companeros….such a life I’ve had….
It will be great to meet up with all the other nominees…whoever is awarded. we’ll all celebrate together….
that said…I’ll be very happy should one come my way
greetings to all songsters across the water
Hi Christy
Thanks to you and so many others for a memorable night.
So pleased to hear the mention of Liverpool Ken followed by Spancil Hill and Nancy Spain, two of his favourite songs.
Soon Mr Dylan,(IFI)(memories of you and him at Finsbury Park) then tonight Lisa O’Neill.
Tomorrow back to Merseyside.
See you in Belfast
Thanks again for giving so much.
Christy's reply
Thanks Dave..enjoy Lisa in the Gate Theatre…
Spancilhill was sequestered last night by the enthusiasm of Banner Folk on my left….I set out to do a quiet version in Ken’s memory but the lads and lassie frae Clare were in marching mode….that said ..its uplifting to have such enthusiasm in the room…
“I wish I was back in Liverpool”
Hello Christy.What can I say about last night in Vicar St. It was Unreal.All the old favourites one after the other..I was lucky to se 5 gigs at the venue
Everyone a classic. How cud I forget the night when you belted out the Big Marquee. I am honoured to attend your gigs all over this lovely country of ours.Long may you continue treating us to these memorable nights.Sweet music Roll on.
Christy's reply
Morra Daithí…..job done…a month now to dress the wounds and get ready for going to the country…
“The Lonely Woods of Upton
The Piper of Crossbarry
The Blood and Bandage
Hear The Rebel sing”
Hi Christy, thank you so much for that outstanding gig! I really, really enjoyed it! It’s so beautiful so see again how much you appreciate us listeners and practice songs for us you haven’t played for a while. That brought some songs back to my mind I haven’t listened to in a long time. So it’s time to get the older CD spinning again as well :-).
It was such a pleasure to meet other 4711ers, some of them I had met before, some new ones, one to fly back home to Dusseldorf this morning ;-). It was nice to talk to them and enjoy your songs together. Thanks a lot as well to Hilary who again took very well care of us listeners!!!
I’m back to work now (o.k., lunch break) from a great and interesting stay in with lots of sports (rugby, hurling, Gaelic football), the EPIC museum, lots of music (brilliant buskers at Grafton St., pub music) and the highlight at the end at your HQ.
I hope to be able to come back soon as you superbly transfer your energy with your songs and make us happy!
Enjoy the well deserved break! All the best to you and your whole crew
Christy's reply
Dear Birgit of Essen… certainly made the best of your visit…thanks for travelling so far to join last night’s gaggle….it kicked off really well, got a bit ropey towards the end but no harm done….certain songs felt good for me last night….best “Black & Amber” yet….with “Jolly Ravers” I felt that Wally was sitting beside me…(in fact I think he was)……Jackson Browne’s “How Long” was perfect after Jim Page’s “Palestine”…I have enjoyed 12 nights in Dublin’s number one venue…whatever it is about that old kip, we all seem to love it ….I reckon I’ve played it 300 times since it opened…never had a bad gig there….great staff there, top promoter people too….my crew always happy when Vicar St kicks off…
woke up to see Elon Musk’s nazi salute….not a sight I want to see…..we need to prepare
Remembering today Giuseppe Conlon who left his home in Belfast and travelled over to his son.
Such an horrendous failure of justice.
I shall be playing your song regularly today.
Thank you for timely reminders Rory
Have you ever tried “The Free State” podacst ?
The recent episode has Tim O’Grady talking to Dion Fanning and Joe Brolly about Radden Keefe’s book “Say Nothing”
A few episodes earlier Joe sounds off about Bono’s Freedom Medal…..
great listening
Hi Christy
Well worth repeating a visit to the Dylan film ..stunning acting and fab sound via a modern system.
Over and out from me droning on about what isn’t everybody’s cuppa.. for fellow addicts,there are great ‘Blood on the tracks’ at 50 and fine articles/ Garth Hudson tribute at
Enjoy the break
First comes the Chanter, then the Regulators, last come the Drones..
only then does the Uileann Piper have The Full Set…
Drone on Dave…our low end is vital to the overall harmonic….
Hi C Thanks for such an amazing gig on Mon, it really was outstanding and a most fitting finish to the mighty run of 12 gigs. I cannot imagine the time, effort and dedication that you put into preparing the for the gigs, but it sure pays off. The attention to detail, the choice of songs, the choosing of names from the hat of the lucky listeners, the focus, while singing solo on stage for over two hours !! Not forgetting your excellent stagecraft skills on display in quietening the louder audience members and through out the gig in bringing the room along with you, but also so evident in the various ways you present different songs. I’m thinking in particular of the three songs early on in the gig, the acapella version of the Black and Amber, followed by After the Deluge with the very strong outtro. Then it was such a joy to hear The Contender with a mighty scene setting introduction and such soft sparse accompaniment which in fact accentuated Jimmy Macs great lyrics. In the final quarter you sang Martin Leahys’ Snowflake in hushed tones initially, totally quietening the room, which has become a bit excited, before building up to the chorus including the 1,000 plus singer in that great room. You also managed to include several very popular songs Amsterdam, Lisdoon, Joxer, Jan Man, Smoke & Strong Whiskey, Beeswing, Big Marquee, etc., etc. The buzz as people left was reminiscent of Barrowlands. GRMMA aris, beir bua agus beannacht, go deo. H
“The Contender” is such a beautifully crafted song…
Declan suggested “After The Deluge” at an early Moving Hearts gig in 1980…
years later we performed his song with Jackson Browne at a Festival in Millstreet…later again at The Philharmonic in Liverpool…
Briany’s “”Black & Amber rolled out lovely last Mon night…..”Smoke & Strong Whiskey” has come roaring back into the thanks to that man who called out for it last month…his request resounded at the perfect moment…I took a chance and out it came….
apart from myself and the crew, only one other attended every gaggle, Fair Play
Hi a Chriostóir,
Just a quick note to say that I really enjoyed the gig on Monday night, (interruptions aside!)
Some energy from you, Amsterdam standing was a highlight!
Boy in the Wild has become a new favourite, while old favourites getting a new airing was a delight.
Looking forward to seeing you again during the year, keep her lit!
morra Séamus…all that energy comes from the room….soon as I hit the lamps everthin goes up a few notches…when I hit the spot, you listeners switch me on….back here at base I return to normality…pottering about , looking for me specs, wishing those Leinster House Loopers would cop themselves on
Hello Christy,
Whatever Pablo Casals and Segovia did, hope you’re getting lots of it.
That Elon Musk thing is scarey, so scarey. What can we do… keep singing, walking, marching, standing up, trying to make sure there are no silent triangles?
we try to stand up and be counted…in whatever way we can….music and song always has a part to play
Thanks Smál
down and across
Interesting ,Christy
The Woody hospital scenes are really powerful and integral to the film…probably the most emotional…hearing the song Dylan wrote for Woody and seeing it played to an ailing hero…wow….also,I thought of you, being the first person I heard sing it…D
Hey Hey Woody Guthrie
still singin your songs
Morning Christy
To borrow your fine phrase…I’m still in the scratcher…and thinking it’s a great start to the day when it begins with Dylan!
bourkey,I hope you got some kip after Smal nailed the crossword clue…surely,right? Fair play…
Time for a cuppa and Music from Big Pink…what a fine forum you set up!
Have a good day all
this old forum fulfills its intended purpose beautifully….like a warm snug in a welcoming pub….I cant remember- do ye have snugs over there..I recall a tap-room in The Pack Horse,in Birtle, near Bury, Lancs where we quaffed manys the pint of John Willie Lees finest Middleton Keg
Bringing it all back home!
Philip & Nuala
Hi Dave,
Can you help us out with something ?
There was a clue in a crossword and it’s
wrecking me head.
1+1D What a comeback!
Everything that Bob Dylan took with him on tour.
Are they messing ?
I have a few letters but it only makes it worse.
Enjoyed A Complete Unknown.
Tim put in some hard yards to get his Bobness up on screen.
Thought Ed Norton gave a great turn as Pete Seeger.
But it was a well cast, written and directed film.
as for that manager
Hi Christy
Great that you enjoyed the film…so much astounding acting and characterisation.Fair play to Timothy for setting the standard so high and all others for making it such a powerful ensemble work.
I’m seeing it again tomorrow to focus on the music…
RIP Garth…pure class in a top notch outfit…
G’night all
The Band….Garth swirling away in the firmament….let us all dance The Last Waltz
Hi Christy,
Back home. Still buzzing from Monday night.
The seldom heard chestnuts of old mixing with
the tried and the trusted. The new bedding in nicely
alongside ’em. Hilary had a nice chat with us before
the gig. Met Pat and Noleen after – top people.
Hope you enjoy the break from the gigs.
Get them first earlies ordered. A complete unknown
well worth a look. Please leave the retirement to them
that needs it. We need you now more than ever.
Tabhair Aire
I’m currently on Pablo Casals diet and Segovia strict regime…early retirement no longer an option..gonna stick with the long haul…as long as the vox holds up and I got the legs to carry it..
great that ye all met up last night..
it was a scorcher for me…the longest of the 12 gigs with 33 songs in 125 minutes…very hard on the heavy smokers..
the Banner made its presence felt…fair play to ’em
just back in from the new Dylan movie
highly recommended
plenty of Dramatic licence employed but ,after all,is’nt it a feckin movie ….we loved it..I even shed a tear during Woody’s scenes..
hope all well over in the West
Hi Christy
The spirit of Woody lives on…in music,film and good works. It’s certainly needed now…
beautiful movie… fair play to Timothy…he put a lot of work into getting all Bob’s moves together
RIP Garth Hudson….what a player
Hi Christy
What a great night we all had last night! Many thanks.
You made my daughter Emily’s night when she attended the show on Dec 11th when she was home visiting from Australia for three weeks. She was hoping for Beeswing and I regretted not asking in advance. You of course didn’t disappoint there were happy tears.
Last night I took a video of your encore performance and sent it across the miles she was thrilled.
Thank you for mentioning our good friend Ken last night also.
my pleasure and privilige…its all part of what its all about
Hi Christy
RIP Garth Hudson…last of The Band…wonderful music legacy,thankfully
I was gutted a few years back when Garth played Whelan’s in Dublin and I did not hear about it ’til it was over
Hi Christy,
No sign of Lawless so far, even though we are right next to St. Patrick’s Rowing Club, who organise the annual Ringsend Regatta. I ventured further south today and still no luck – will keep an eye out for him!
I do like Ringsend. I’d only seen the top end before, where the James Connolly mural is, on a previous trip with the family. I’ve walked further now and seen more streets. I love the industrial era red-brick terraced houses and cottages, one of the features I also love about The Liberties, and the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham. And as a South Londoner the blocks of 20th century social housing flats remind me of places I’ve lived and make me feel at home.
The song “Lawless” was written by Mick Curry from that quarter… he alos wrote a song called “The Ringsend Regatta” and another called “Red Ronnie & Lousy Shoulders”… two great songs from Mick…. Red Ronnie was a policeman with a red moustache… Lousy Shoulders a policeman with dreadful dandruff…they used to terrorise the rapscallions around Ringsend
Hey Christy, good luck for the RTE Folk Awards next month with your nominations for Album Of The Year and Best Folk Singer.
God bless, ‘More Christy’ Tribute Act
Thank you Dave….
I’ve been blest in my life by songwriters, listeners and collectors….by fellow musicians and companeros….such a life I’ve had….
It will be great to meet up with all the other nominees…whoever is awarded. we’ll all celebrate together….
that said…I’ll be very happy should one come my way
greetings to all songsters across the water
Hi Christy
Thanks to you and so many others for a memorable night.
So pleased to hear the mention of Liverpool Ken followed by Spancil Hill and Nancy Spain, two of his favourite songs.
Soon Mr Dylan,(IFI)(memories of you and him at Finsbury Park) then tonight Lisa O’Neill.
Tomorrow back to Merseyside.
See you in Belfast
Thanks again for giving so much.
Thanks Dave..enjoy Lisa in the Gate Theatre…
Spancilhill was sequestered last night by the enthusiasm of Banner Folk on my left….I set out to do a quiet version in Ken’s memory but the lads and lassie frae Clare were in marching mode….that said ..its uplifting to have such enthusiasm in the room…
“I wish I was back in Liverpool”
Hello Christy.What can I say about last night in Vicar St. It was Unreal.All the old favourites one after the other..I was lucky to se 5 gigs at the venue
Everyone a classic. How cud I forget the night when you belted out the Big Marquee. I am honoured to attend your gigs all over this lovely country of ours.Long may you continue treating us to these memorable nights.Sweet music Roll on.
Morra Daithí…..job done…a month now to dress the wounds and get ready for going to the country…
“The Lonely Woods of Upton
The Piper of Crossbarry
The Blood and Bandage
Hear The Rebel sing”
Hi Christy, thank you so much for that outstanding gig! I really, really enjoyed it! It’s so beautiful so see again how much you appreciate us listeners and practice songs for us you haven’t played for a while. That brought some songs back to my mind I haven’t listened to in a long time. So it’s time to get the older CD spinning again as well :-).
It was such a pleasure to meet other 4711ers, some of them I had met before, some new ones, one to fly back home to Dusseldorf this morning ;-). It was nice to talk to them and enjoy your songs together. Thanks a lot as well to Hilary who again took very well care of us listeners!!!
I’m back to work now (o.k., lunch break) from a great and interesting stay in with lots of sports (rugby, hurling, Gaelic football), the EPIC museum, lots of music (brilliant buskers at Grafton St., pub music) and the highlight at the end at your HQ.
I hope to be able to come back soon as you superbly transfer your energy with your songs and make us happy!
Enjoy the well deserved break! All the best to you and your whole crew
Dear Birgit of Essen… certainly made the best of your visit…thanks for travelling so far to join last night’s gaggle….it kicked off really well, got a bit ropey towards the end but no harm done….certain songs felt good for me last night….best “Black & Amber” yet….with “Jolly Ravers” I felt that Wally was sitting beside me…(in fact I think he was)……Jackson Browne’s “How Long” was perfect after Jim Page’s “Palestine”…I have enjoyed 12 nights in Dublin’s number one venue…whatever it is about that old kip, we all seem to love it ….I reckon I’ve played it 300 times since it opened…never had a bad gig there….great staff there, top promoter people too….my crew always happy when Vicar St kicks off…
woke up to see Elon Musk’s nazi salute….not a sight I want to see…..we need to prepare