Hi Christy. Hope your well and you are enjoying the autumn. A hello from Japan. I`m visiting the country for 3 weeks and at the moment I`m in Hiroshima for a 4 day stay, I know you have sang about the city many times. The first few days here the sun was shining bright and the city looked beautiful. Plenty of green trees and parks and right next to the blue sea overlooking some small islands. The hospitality of the people has been second to none. Every major landmark in the city seems to have “peace” in its name e.g. Peace Park, Peace Museum, Peace Boulevard, if you did not know you would think peace is the name of the city. The museum is a moving experience and the a-bomb dome is quite a sight. I am sure it has been said many times before but I think history good or bad can help our minds develop in positive ways, history is a powerful thing. Over 68 years on, the city is standing tall and proud today and using its past to promote a better world for everybody, greetings to all from japan..
Christy's reply
thanks for sharing John…you have given us all a lovely insight to your journey..maybe we’ll give Jim Page’s fine song a whirl tonight in Coventry/Warwick….a grand day off in Madchester yesterday….had a wander around the United City..lived here 45 years ago but coud’nt find any of my landmarks as I walked under flyovers and over flyunders…had a nice few tunes with Decky before heading out for the Rogan..hope your journey brings you joy
The time has come and it’s gig day. My first of the year and the longest gap between gigs for 15 years or so for me. I know when it’s nearly arrived because I do nothing but sing ‘Before the Deluge’ to myself over and over again for some reason! Note to self; don’t get caught speeding on the way like I did to my last gig in York. Calm yourself Adrian.
Just a quick note to say thanks for another special night on Hope St. The Phil seems to suit Declan and yourself! The tribute to Phil Chevron was beautiful… and to follow with ‘A pair of brown eyes’ left us reeling. What a tune that is. The voice sounded at the top of its game too. Two Ewan Macoll songs and two from Woody… can’t be bad as ye said yourself! Al x
Christy's reply
good man Al…..long may the songs ring out for us all
Hiya Christy. A few years ago when you came over to the Warwick Arts Centre I dropped you a note describing how I had first seen you in St Columb’s Hall in Derry with Planxty and that on the night youse were supported by Pumpkinhead while Seamus Heaney and Seamus Deane also performed poetry readings. You placed the date as 1973. So here we are now 40 years on celebrating our Ruby Anniversary!! It’s lifetime. I just want to say thanks for the body of work that you have created over the years and for the enjoyment, enlightenment and conscience pricking that you have brought to us all.
There have been times when I have felt that you have almost been singing for me personally. When I first listened to Graffiti Tongue I couldn’t believe it. I remember the first time listening to the CD and thinking my god this is for me. Minds Locked Shut. I was on the march on Bloody Sunday with my brother and one of my sisters and the events are seared in my memory. On The Mainland. Seamus Heaney went to the same school as me, St Columb’s, something that has always made me proud. In reality there is no reason for it because I never knew him and our times at ‘The College’ never crossed. But he was ours and we loved him for it.
Then, Rory Is Gone. Dan Gallagher, Rory’s Dad, lived a few streets away from me in Derry. Dan ended up an alcoholic and while not down and out on the streets had a very sore life coping with his addition. Dan was an accomplished accordion player in his early years but he was an old man when I knew him and by that stage his hands were gnarled from having too many falls while under the influence and being too far gone to get himself treatment; broken fingers left to heal of their own accord. There was a pride in Dan. He would tap you up for a bit of money but would always offer something in return, a joke or a trick or a gift. He liked to earn it so that he wasn’t seen to be begging. He used to make little pictures using the shiny tinfoil wrappers from sweets like you get Roses chocolates wrapped in. I remember once being in his house and he was trying to show me how to do it but his fingers had long lost their dexterity and he ended up in tears because of the frustration.
Like I said, the tracks just seemed to speak to me.
And now we have lost Seamus Heaney. I was remembering your chat when you described your visit to Phoenix Park in March to meet President O’Higgins and on the way in you and Seamus crossed paths. I am sure you didn’t imagine then that come the summer he would be gone. Seamus Heaney has left a marvellous body of work. I think sometimes people hear the word poetry and switch off but Seamus Heaney’s work is readily accessible and the very soil, the very being of Ireland, the phrasing and rhythm of our speech, particularly of Co. Derry, permeates every line. His voice just draws you in. It is voice that would have been heard in any time. I am sure that had he lived centuries ago then his voice would have been one that developed and added to the oral tradition. Every time I heard him speak or be interviewed he would evoke some level of emotion and invariably I would learn a new word. His vocabulary seemed to be infinite.
And you know Christy you are there too. Like Seamus Heaney you have created and continue to create a wondrous body of work that goes out into the air, affecting countless people you will never meet or know. It leaves me, and I am sure many others too, with that sense of feeling that we are in some way part of you and you are part of us although our shared moments are fleeting and often long apart.
I almost went to see Seamus Heaney earlier in the year at the Oxford Literary Festival but he was appearing in an afternoon slot and I couldn’t get the time off work. Now the chance to see him again has gone. Fortunately, 40 years on I am still able to enjoy the experience of sitting in halls listening to your voice and watching you share your gift.
Cath and I will be there on Tuesday night, I know it will be another wonderful occasion that will add further stock to the memories we have already. I just want to say thanks for all the enjoyment you have brought to me over so many years.
Thanks too to Declan and all the background crew that make it all come alive.
Have a great night on Tuesday, I know I will. And I promise if we make it to 50 years then I’ll bake you a cake!! Christy, you’re far from being an Ordinary Man. Thanks!
Christy's reply
Thanks for sharing Charlie….Seamus Heaney’s passing was monumental…I dont think we fully realised the extent of his presence until he moved on…he had words for everyone…his generosity was awesome…
your post stirred many memories…I hope tonight will be good for you and Cath…I value the presence of the long time listener,it feels like we’ve been through a lot together
Great reading the posts and seeing such positive feedback from the English tour. Might have to shake myself and try visiting one of those overseas gigs some of these days. In the meantime i’ll have to be content with crossing the Foyle in November. Keep enjoying your travels Christy, and keep well.
Christy's reply
dont be shaking yourself too hard John….when I last tried it, bits of me started falling off
Just thought I would post a quick comment that the write up in the Liverpool echo today about the concert on Saturday was excellent. The author was very wax lyrical about the performance but sure that’s no surprise to your followers such as myself. Still buzzing today.
Christy's reply
well ahead of the posse..went on to Newcastle after The Phil and had a mighty night on The Tyne…sometimes the reviews catch up on us when we get back to base..glad that The Phil was well received..Decky and I certainly had a good night….we have set up camp in Madchester as we prepare for Coventry and Leeds…keep coming back Spur
A fantastic gig at the Liverpool Philharmonic on Saturday night, thank you Christy & Declan, looking forward to the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on April 13th ’14.
Keep up the magic work guys.
Christy's reply
Fair play to you Clare…we are having a rare auld time
Hi Christy. Can hardly wait to see you tomorrow in Warwick, Going to be great night. Will be there in the front Row in a “Coronas” T-Shirt with my daughter Katie. Any chance of a dedication for her. She loves all things Irish. I’d like North & South, but anything would be great
To a great Night
Christy's reply
see ye there…its a nice room to play…audience close in..I like that
Hi Christy. I’m coming to see you tomorrow in Warwick. We spent a week on the Dingle penisula in Sept to a constant backdrop of Christy music – particularly St Brendon’s Voyage!! – got the map out and found all the places. Went to see Pauline Scanlon in St James church in Dingle where I know you’ve played. If you could play SBV for me tomorrow and mention my name I’d be beside myself. 12th time I’ve been to see you.
Christy – on cloud name after you played “Spancill Hill” for me. Whole gig was magnificent, especially “Little Musgrave” & “Curragh of Kildare” – well done on Moorefield’s victory as well. You Lilywhites are grand people
just to say i’m really looking forward to seeing you guys again at Warwick on Tuesday – my friend saw you last night in Liverpool and said you were both awesome as always and that Luka was a great show also as was all the others at the festival….
Saw you at south bank and then with my children in Liverpool 2 days later last year – both brilliant nights
Seeing you in Coventry with wife and my 9 year old twin boys – George and Luca
Any chance of a shout out and ‘lisdoonvarna’ or ‘ride on’ or ‘farewell to pripchat” for my boys – they have grown up for 9 years with your music and are so excited
I’m working in Leeds weds so hoping to get a ticket and see you there as well
Love to you and dec
Matt from Leicester
Christy's reply
Good man Matty..we’ll have to try and push the boat out for those two rapscallions..its such a priviledge, having youngsters listening to these songs…it brings a magical element to the proceedings..travel safe, I hope ye have a great night
don’t usually post much but i have to break my silence and thank you declan for a simply brilliant concert in liverpool last night..in an evening of highlights for me you nailed ewan mccoll’s ‘the first time ever i saw her face’ for ever…. your delicate and heartfelt singing had the song hanging so beautifully in the air.. watching you closely you could see you were living every moment of the song..you could almost reach out and touch the audience’s emotionally charged involvement ……then not long after ‘shine on you crazy diamond’ with the same intensity ..you must have to dig deep down to bring out performaces of such potency..don’t know how you manage it but it’s muchly appreciated…and nice to see declan’s ukulele making an appearance…thanks again for a truly memorable evening…roll on vicar street…ta ken
Christy's reply
from Knocknagoshel to The Phil, The Feale to The Mersey..good man Ken…..
Do you ever do backstage passes?
Was talking the other half into coming to see you on Tuesday (as an early birthday present for me haha).
I hope you’re well!
Christy x
Christy's reply
when the gig is over its straight back into the oxygen tent, then a few rapid deckitts of the rosary followed by deep meditation and shiatsu massage…if sleep does not beckon then perhaps a tincture of cocoa or horlicks…
… and, any chance of that brilliant Pink Floyd cover (Shine on … ) tonight at Newcastle? Please? Always a favourite of mine (even goes down a storm at local buskers nights when me and Irish Dave bash it out!)
Christy's reply
Newcastle never fails to deliver….from the first gig there in 1967 I dont think I’ve ever had a bad night…hope you and Dave are bashing it out to great acclaim
A GREAT night again at the Liverpool Phil last night Christy. My daughter Ailis’s first ever live concert and she loved every second. Thanks to you and Declan for the usual brilliant performance.
Christy's reply
Saturday down at The Phil….every age colour and creed….we had ourselves a reet good do
Good review after good review Christy nothing bad said here,I’m coming to Scotland for three gigs I’m sure to find some faults,So be on guard Christy I’m Waching you any slip ups and it’s back to bank work for you,Only joking Enjoy the rest of of the tour Geraint,Leinster beat the ospreys damn.
Christy's reply
but when it comes to the 6 Nations ye will be seeking fierce revenge…bring your scrum cap to Barrowland
Hi Christy. Hope your well and you are enjoying the autumn. A hello from Japan. I`m visiting the country for 3 weeks and at the moment I`m in Hiroshima for a 4 day stay, I know you have sang about the city many times. The first few days here the sun was shining bright and the city looked beautiful. Plenty of green trees and parks and right next to the blue sea overlooking some small islands. The hospitality of the people has been second to none. Every major landmark in the city seems to have “peace” in its name e.g. Peace Park, Peace Museum, Peace Boulevard, if you did not know you would think peace is the name of the city. The museum is a moving experience and the a-bomb dome is quite a sight. I am sure it has been said many times before but I think history good or bad can help our minds develop in positive ways, history is a powerful thing. Over 68 years on, the city is standing tall and proud today and using its past to promote a better world for everybody, greetings to all from japan..
thanks for sharing John…you have given us all a lovely insight to your journey..maybe we’ll give Jim Page’s fine song a whirl tonight in Coventry/Warwick….a grand day off in Madchester yesterday….had a wander around the United City..lived here 45 years ago but coud’nt find any of my landmarks as I walked under flyovers and over flyunders…had a nice few tunes with Decky before heading out for the Rogan..hope your journey brings you joy
The time has come and it’s gig day. My first of the year and the longest gap between gigs for 15 years or so for me. I know when it’s nearly arrived because I do nothing but sing ‘Before the Deluge’ to myself over and over again for some reason! Note to self; don’t get caught speeding on the way like I did to my last gig in York. Calm yourself Adrian.
Some of us are dreamers
Just a quick note to say thanks for another special night on Hope St. The Phil seems to suit Declan and yourself! The tribute to Phil Chevron was beautiful… and to follow with ‘A pair of brown eyes’ left us reeling. What a tune that is. The voice sounded at the top of its game too. Two Ewan Macoll songs and two from Woody… can’t be bad as ye said yourself! Al x
good man Al…..long may the songs ring out for us all
Hiya Christy. A few years ago when you came over to the Warwick Arts Centre I dropped you a note describing how I had first seen you in St Columb’s Hall in Derry with Planxty and that on the night youse were supported by Pumpkinhead while Seamus Heaney and Seamus Deane also performed poetry readings. You placed the date as 1973. So here we are now 40 years on celebrating our Ruby Anniversary!! It’s lifetime. I just want to say thanks for the body of work that you have created over the years and for the enjoyment, enlightenment and conscience pricking that you have brought to us all.
There have been times when I have felt that you have almost been singing for me personally. When I first listened to Graffiti Tongue I couldn’t believe it. I remember the first time listening to the CD and thinking my god this is for me. Minds Locked Shut. I was on the march on Bloody Sunday with my brother and one of my sisters and the events are seared in my memory. On The Mainland. Seamus Heaney went to the same school as me, St Columb’s, something that has always made me proud. In reality there is no reason for it because I never knew him and our times at ‘The College’ never crossed. But he was ours and we loved him for it.
Then, Rory Is Gone. Dan Gallagher, Rory’s Dad, lived a few streets away from me in Derry. Dan ended up an alcoholic and while not down and out on the streets had a very sore life coping with his addition. Dan was an accomplished accordion player in his early years but he was an old man when I knew him and by that stage his hands were gnarled from having too many falls while under the influence and being too far gone to get himself treatment; broken fingers left to heal of their own accord. There was a pride in Dan. He would tap you up for a bit of money but would always offer something in return, a joke or a trick or a gift. He liked to earn it so that he wasn’t seen to be begging. He used to make little pictures using the shiny tinfoil wrappers from sweets like you get Roses chocolates wrapped in. I remember once being in his house and he was trying to show me how to do it but his fingers had long lost their dexterity and he ended up in tears because of the frustration.
Like I said, the tracks just seemed to speak to me.
And now we have lost Seamus Heaney. I was remembering your chat when you described your visit to Phoenix Park in March to meet President O’Higgins and on the way in you and Seamus crossed paths. I am sure you didn’t imagine then that come the summer he would be gone. Seamus Heaney has left a marvellous body of work. I think sometimes people hear the word poetry and switch off but Seamus Heaney’s work is readily accessible and the very soil, the very being of Ireland, the phrasing and rhythm of our speech, particularly of Co. Derry, permeates every line. His voice just draws you in. It is voice that would have been heard in any time. I am sure that had he lived centuries ago then his voice would have been one that developed and added to the oral tradition. Every time I heard him speak or be interviewed he would evoke some level of emotion and invariably I would learn a new word. His vocabulary seemed to be infinite.
And you know Christy you are there too. Like Seamus Heaney you have created and continue to create a wondrous body of work that goes out into the air, affecting countless people you will never meet or know. It leaves me, and I am sure many others too, with that sense of feeling that we are in some way part of you and you are part of us although our shared moments are fleeting and often long apart.
I almost went to see Seamus Heaney earlier in the year at the Oxford Literary Festival but he was appearing in an afternoon slot and I couldn’t get the time off work. Now the chance to see him again has gone. Fortunately, 40 years on I am still able to enjoy the experience of sitting in halls listening to your voice and watching you share your gift.
Cath and I will be there on Tuesday night, I know it will be another wonderful occasion that will add further stock to the memories we have already. I just want to say thanks for all the enjoyment you have brought to me over so many years.
Thanks too to Declan and all the background crew that make it all come alive.
Have a great night on Tuesday, I know I will. And I promise if we make it to 50 years then I’ll bake you a cake!! Christy, you’re far from being an Ordinary Man. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing Charlie….Seamus Heaney’s passing was monumental…I dont think we fully realised the extent of his presence until he moved on…he had words for everyone…his generosity was awesome…
your post stirred many memories…I hope tonight will be good for you and Cath…I value the presence of the long time listener,it feels like we’ve been through a lot together
Great reading the posts and seeing such positive feedback from the English tour. Might have to shake myself and try visiting one of those overseas gigs some of these days. In the meantime i’ll have to be content with crossing the Foyle in November. Keep enjoying your travels Christy, and keep well.
dont be shaking yourself too hard John….when I last tried it, bits of me started falling off
Just thought I would post a quick comment that the write up in the Liverpool echo today about the concert on Saturday was excellent. The author was very wax lyrical about the performance but sure that’s no surprise to your followers such as myself. Still buzzing today.
well ahead of the posse..went on to Newcastle after The Phil and had a mighty night on The Tyne…sometimes the reviews catch up on us when we get back to base..glad that The Phil was well received..Decky and I certainly had a good night….we have set up camp in Madchester as we prepare for Coventry and Leeds…keep coming back Spur
A fantastic gig at the Liverpool Philharmonic on Saturday night, thank you Christy & Declan, looking forward to the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on April 13th ’14.
Keep up the magic work guys.
Fair play to you Clare…we are having a rare auld time
Hi Christy. Can hardly wait to see you tomorrow in Warwick, Going to be great night. Will be there in the front Row in a “Coronas” T-Shirt with my daughter Katie. Any chance of a dedication for her. She loves all things Irish. I’d like North & South, but anything would be great
To a great Night
see ye there…its a nice room to play…audience close in..I like that
Hi Christy. I’m coming to see you tomorrow in Warwick. We spent a week on the Dingle penisula in Sept to a constant backdrop of Christy music – particularly St Brendon’s Voyage!! – got the map out and found all the places. Went to see Pauline Scanlon in St James church in Dingle where I know you’ve played. If you could play SBV for me tomorrow and mention my name I’d be beside myself. 12th time I’ve been to see you.
right or left for Gibralter
A brilliant night at the Tyne Theatre – great enetertainment and wonderful playing from Declan.
Cheers lads!
(Thanks for “… diamond” as well!)
greetings to all Sunnerland Songsters….Goodnight Pablo
Christy – on cloud name after you played “Spancill Hill” for me. Whole gig was magnificent, especially “Little Musgrave” & “Curragh of Kildare” – well done on Moorefield’s victory as well. You Lilywhites are grand people
good call Geordie…you pick the sweet ones
Hi Christy and Declan
just to say i’m really looking forward to seeing you guys again at Warwick on Tuesday – my friend saw you last night in Liverpool and said you were both awesome as always and that Luka was a great show also as was all the others at the festival….
coming your way Marky..have the kettle on
Correction George has just told me his favourite is lawless! – I guess when your 9 a call out means everything
Hope Newcastle was good
Matt x
Hi christy
Saw you at south bank and then with my children in Liverpool 2 days later last year – both brilliant nights
Seeing you in Coventry with wife and my 9 year old twin boys – George and Luca
Any chance of a shout out and ‘lisdoonvarna’ or ‘ride on’ or ‘farewell to pripchat” for my boys – they have grown up for 9 years with your music and are so excited
I’m working in Leeds weds so hoping to get a ticket and see you there as well
Love to you and dec
Matt from Leicester
Good man Matty..we’ll have to try and push the boat out for those two rapscallions..its such a priviledge, having youngsters listening to these songs…it brings a magical element to the proceedings..travel safe, I hope ye have a great night
don’t usually post much but i have to break my silence and thank you declan for a simply brilliant concert in liverpool last night..in an evening of highlights for me you nailed ewan mccoll’s ‘the first time ever i saw her face’ for ever…. your delicate and heartfelt singing had the song hanging so beautifully in the air.. watching you closely you could see you were living every moment of the song..you could almost reach out and touch the audience’s emotionally charged involvement ……then not long after ‘shine on you crazy diamond’ with the same intensity ..you must have to dig deep down to bring out performaces of such potency..don’t know how you manage it but it’s muchly appreciated…and nice to see declan’s ukulele making an appearance…thanks again for a truly memorable evening…roll on vicar street…ta ken
from Knocknagoshel to The Phil, The Feale to The Mersey..good man Ken…..
Hey Christy..
Do you ever do backstage passes?
Was talking the other half into coming to see you on Tuesday (as an early birthday present for me haha).
I hope you’re well!
Christy x
when the gig is over its straight back into the oxygen tent, then a few rapid deckitts of the rosary followed by deep meditation and shiatsu massage…if sleep does not beckon then perhaps a tincture of cocoa or horlicks…
… and, any chance of that brilliant Pink Floyd cover (Shine on … ) tonight at Newcastle? Please? Always a favourite of mine (even goes down a storm at local buskers nights when me and Irish Dave bash it out!)
Newcastle never fails to deliver….from the first gig there in 1967 I dont think I’ve ever had a bad night…hope you and Dave are bashing it out to great acclaim
Looking forward to seeing you guys at The Tyne Theatre tonight – have a good gig lads!
A GREAT night again at the Liverpool Phil last night Christy. My daughter Ailis’s first ever live concert and she loved every second. Thanks to you and Declan for the usual brilliant performance.
Saturday down at The Phil….every age colour and creed….we had ourselves a reet good do
Good review after good review Christy nothing bad said here,I’m coming to Scotland for three gigs I’m sure to find some faults,So be on guard Christy I’m Waching you any slip ups and it’s back to bank work for you,Only joking Enjoy the rest of of the tour Geraint,Leinster beat the ospreys damn.
but when it comes to the 6 Nations ye will be seeking fierce revenge…bring your scrum cap to Barrowland