Thank you for a magical evening at Warwick Arts Centre. There was a heavenly hush in the room while you both played and sang gently and beautifully – hundreds of people moved and stilled ….. and then during lively, humorous songs you and we just ‘partied’ together. I especially enjoyed ‘Away Ye Broken Heart’, but it was all outstanding, memorable and food for the soul.
Christy's reply
they have done a great job with that venue since our last visit…great acoustics..thank you
Christy wanted to say thanks for the mention at the Arts Centre last night and On the Mainland for Seamus. You reduced me to tears with Away Ye Broken Heart. The sadness just cuts straight through – I thought you wiped away a tear at the end yourself.
I thought the whole evening crackled with emotion. For the first half hour I thought you were deep in thought, lost in the songs. There, but somehow detached; it was as if you were totally consumed and immersed in your art.
Cath and I hung on every note and word. Watching you using your movement round the microphone and the volume in your voice to deliver the meaning and emotion in the songs words is nothing short of mesmeric and we were entranced.
Thank you for share the time and place with us. Thanks too to Declan and all the crew. The days are rolling on till the next time but never fast enough.
Thanks, Charlie
Christy's reply
Declan and I are very fortunate to work within a great team…every thing is checked out in advance that each gig be as good as possible….sine we recommenced a few weeks back it seems that we have hit a good patch…the sets are flowing, the right notes are emerging, we are enjoying these current gigs enormously…your initial post was inspiring to read…it is always special when I’m reminded that some of you have been listening to the songs since this journey began..thanks Charlie and Cathy
Just wanted to agree with other posters and say how special Warwick was last night. First saw you as a student in the old Birmingham Odeon and in a couple of weeks I hit the Big 50! I guess we have both mellowed in that time. I thought at first it was a muted audience last night but I was so wrong – it was one of the most intimate atmospheres I have known . The audience hung on every word. Loved the “what shall we do next bit”? I know you don’t normally have to ask – is that new?
Christy's reply
usually the sets flow..we decide what to start with before going on stage but after that its whatever happens…some nights I invite requests, more times I ask Decky to chose…there was a lovely vibe in Warwick the other night..right from the start
Having left lovely(ish) Co. Longford 14 months ago for work here in the “mainland”, listening to yourself and Declan play “Missing You” at the beginning of your set in Warwick Arts Centre really hit home last night. Stirring stuff, and a mighty evening. There’s an awful shine off Declan’s guitars though. The reflection of the stage lights was cutting the eyes off me at times. A bit of 600 grit sand paper would sort that.
Keep her lit lads. Don’t be gone ’til you’re back!
Christy's reply
Sorry about that…we have ordered the grit….catch you again but bring the shades
Christy, fantastic gig at the Volvo (ha), only minor whinge is that declan didn’t sing I will but I’d forgive him almost anything 🙂 you HAVE to record shine on… Came across this
This must be where Musgrave came from, although our version is obviously much better 🙂
Odaat x
Christy's reply
thanks Beth,you must have stepped out..according to my notes Declan sang each night of the tour
Christy – what another FABULOUS performance last night at Warwick Arts Centre from yourself and Dec. I was sat right near the front and just loved listening and watching you both play with such passion – especially enjoyed Ordinary Man (as its one of my favourites) and of course Honda 50 !!. Keep up the good work both , and I cant wait to see you again soon. x
Christy's reply
thats the kinda talk we like to hear !!! thank you Nicola
christy and dec, warwick arts .great evening of song , story and humour , all played with great passion and belief , you guys get better , i was close to the front , and was itching to get up there with yous both and belt out a tune , ah well , i can dream , see you again
Christy's reply
its all about dreaming Romani….both Declan and I have been chasing our dreams for over 50 years now..some nights we almost catch them….best that they remain elusive so as we can continue the chase..shine on
Hi Christy – what a fabulous night we had at your gig in Newcastle. Thanks especially for Aisling. You asked about Little Musgrave and the connection with the area. I offered Lord Barnard’s seat at Raby Castle, Staindrop, just outside of Barnard Castle in Co Durham. Also, a couple of miles outside of the nearby town of Kirkby Stephen (Cumbrian side of the Pennines) is the village of Little Musgrave. I’ve always loved this song and your rendition of it on Monday was special. Thank you and all the best, Elyned
Christy's reply
I’m determined now to visit that tie round its Little Musgrave for me…thank you Aisling
Hi Christy, Big thanks to you and Dec for a great gig last night at Warwick Arts Centre. Fantastic selection of songs. Loved every minute. Hope to see you again soon.
Christy's reply
great acoustics in Warwick Arts Centre…..hard to find but worth the effort…Sat Nav may prove to be the ruination of our homing instincts but, when it comes to finding that “Coventry” gig at Warwick University, the Sat Nav proves itself to be wondrous invention
Hello Christie. Looking forward, once again, to your appearance in Leeds tonight. When you made the trip last year you were good enough to dedicate a song to my mother, Patsy Hurley, on the eve of her 76th birthday. (The steps of Leeds Town Hall marked the start of many a romantic rendezvous, many decades earlier in her life.) She still speaks with a warm glow of the night Christy Moore sang a song just for her. I’ve rarely seen her so giddy. Indeed, she almost fell from the front row of the balcony such was her excitement. Still going strong, and we’d like to keep it that way, so safely installed on back row tonight – just in case.
Thanks, one again, for a very special moment.
Christy's reply
lovely to read that Patsy is coming back tonight..hope ye all have a good one
Hi Christy, went to see you and Declan perform at the Warwick Arts Centre last night and as usual had an absolute blast……………..have missed you but glad that you are back doing live gigs again……………I have been a fan for 25 years or so now but took some guests with us last night to introduce them to your music and craic…………..well they loved you and are now fully converted “Christyians”…………thought all your songs and ballads were perfect as usual including some new ones as well…………..loved the old Honda 50 classic and it was me shouting from the back for you to play Joxer (my favourite) which of course you did………..anyway we had a wonderful night and the memory will linger long until I get to see you back in the Midlands again………..please don’t leave it as long next time………….good luck Chrtisty and keep her cuttin’ son…..Slainte……..
Christy's reply
Thanks BM ..if the wind blows kindly, we’ll be back….as the circus leaves town, the return journey is underway,
I stumbled onto a CD of yours by absolute chance and thought I’ll give it a losten. WOW! I can not believe that I’ve never heard your music before, it feels like I’ve missed out all my life.
Have you ever performed in South Africa or have you any plans to do so in future?
Which label are you with and do you know if your music is available in SA?
All the best and keep making the beautiful music.
Christy's reply
Welcome aboard Robert…most,if not all, of the recorded work is still available….the past 17 years I have recorded with the Columbia label at Sony Ireland. Prior to that on numerous labels of varying distinction, some still around, some gone to the wall….Unfortunately,I have never played on the African Continent. At this stage of the journey it is unlikely that I will. Should you wish to pursue other recordings there is a discograpy at this site. Also there is Sister Site where many correspondents always willing to help with information….
Hello Christy, just pre ordered the new cd on amazon,can’t wait for my first class delivery. I just want to let you know that your music has helped me through a difficult time lately. My daughter is home and doing well on her chemo. She is nearly two and loves to dance with her sisters to lisdoonvarna. It’s a pleasure watching them, thanks my friend !!!
Christy's reply
anyone who reads your post will be sending your daugther their very best wishes…I wish you and your family peace of mind, good health and happy days together
Flew home for the gig in newcastle on sunday. i have been a fan for years but have moved about so much i kept missing you. finally got to a gig and it blew me away! My parents went to see you last year and have been giving me so much grief that they had seen you and i hadnt. pleased that has been put right! thank you! fantastic show hope to catch you in derry or dublin!
Christy's reply
Glad it went well for you…Decky and I both feel we are in a bit of a purple patch at the minute
Christy – can’t wait to hear you again! Living here but your music helps me remember Belfast and my all my memories have links to your music. I even managed to convert my English husband who loves your music too. My engagement present to him was a model sailing ship inspired by The Voyage – I played the song as I gave it to him- and yes we now have our own crew. Good luck for tonight love Siobhan
Superb gig on Sunday in Newcastle, Christy. I took my dad who has seen you in Dungloe before with Planxty and he loved it too. I’m good friends with Michael Tracey and his clan just outside Dungloe in Donegal, who I think you know. Will be telling them what a great gig it was too.
Christy's reply
When I read how you took your Dad to a gig I felt wee pangs of envy. That is something I would love to have experienced. Thanks for sharing Dan.
Thank you for a magical evening at Warwick Arts Centre. There was a heavenly hush in the room while you both played and sang gently and beautifully – hundreds of people moved and stilled ….. and then during lively, humorous songs you and we just ‘partied’ together. I especially enjoyed ‘Away Ye Broken Heart’, but it was all outstanding, memorable and food for the soul.
they have done a great job with that venue since our last visit…great acoustics..thank you
Christy wanted to say thanks for the mention at the Arts Centre last night and On the Mainland for Seamus. You reduced me to tears with Away Ye Broken Heart. The sadness just cuts straight through – I thought you wiped away a tear at the end yourself.
I thought the whole evening crackled with emotion. For the first half hour I thought you were deep in thought, lost in the songs. There, but somehow detached; it was as if you were totally consumed and immersed in your art.
Cath and I hung on every note and word. Watching you using your movement round the microphone and the volume in your voice to deliver the meaning and emotion in the songs words is nothing short of mesmeric and we were entranced.
Thank you for share the time and place with us. Thanks too to Declan and all the crew. The days are rolling on till the next time but never fast enough.
Thanks, Charlie
Declan and I are very fortunate to work within a great team…every thing is checked out in advance that each gig be as good as possible….sine we recommenced a few weeks back it seems that we have hit a good patch…the sets are flowing, the right notes are emerging, we are enjoying these current gigs enormously…your initial post was inspiring to read…it is always special when I’m reminded that some of you have been listening to the songs since this journey began..thanks Charlie and Cathy
Just wanted to agree with other posters and say how special Warwick was last night. First saw you as a student in the old Birmingham Odeon and in a couple of weeks I hit the Big 50! I guess we have both mellowed in that time. I thought at first it was a muted audience last night but I was so wrong – it was one of the most intimate atmospheres I have known . The audience hung on every word. Loved the “what shall we do next bit”? I know you don’t normally have to ask – is that new?
usually the sets flow..we decide what to start with before going on stage but after that its whatever happens…some nights I invite requests, more times I ask Decky to chose…there was a lovely vibe in Warwick the other night..right from the start
Thank you for the reply, made my day.
Having left lovely(ish) Co. Longford 14 months ago for work here in the “mainland”, listening to yourself and Declan play “Missing You” at the beginning of your set in Warwick Arts Centre really hit home last night. Stirring stuff, and a mighty evening. There’s an awful shine off Declan’s guitars though. The reflection of the stage lights was cutting the eyes off me at times. A bit of 600 grit sand paper would sort that.
Keep her lit lads. Don’t be gone ’til you’re back!
Sorry about that…we have ordered the grit….catch you again but bring the shades
Christy, fantastic gig at the Volvo (ha), only minor whinge is that declan didn’t sing I will but I’d forgive him almost anything 🙂 you HAVE to record shine on… Came across this
This must be where Musgrave came from, although our version is obviously much better 🙂
Odaat x
thanks Beth,you must have stepped out..according to my notes Declan sang each night of the tour
Christy – what another FABULOUS performance last night at Warwick Arts Centre from yourself and Dec. I was sat right near the front and just loved listening and watching you both play with such passion – especially enjoyed Ordinary Man (as its one of my favourites) and of course Honda 50 !!. Keep up the good work both , and I cant wait to see you again soon. x
thats the kinda talk we like to hear !!! thank you Nicola
christy and dec, warwick arts .great evening of song , story and humour , all played with great passion and belief , you guys get better , i was close to the front , and was itching to get up there with yous both and belt out a tune , ah well , i can dream , see you again
its all about dreaming Romani….both Declan and I have been chasing our dreams for over 50 years now..some nights we almost catch them….best that they remain elusive so as we can continue the chase..shine on
Hi Christy – what a fabulous night we had at your gig in Newcastle. Thanks especially for Aisling. You asked about Little Musgrave and the connection with the area. I offered Lord Barnard’s seat at Raby Castle, Staindrop, just outside of Barnard Castle in Co Durham. Also, a couple of miles outside of the nearby town of Kirkby Stephen (Cumbrian side of the Pennines) is the village of Little Musgrave. I’ve always loved this song and your rendition of it on Monday was special. Thank you and all the best, Elyned
I’m determined now to visit that tie round its Little Musgrave for me…thank you Aisling
Hi Christy, Big thanks to you and Dec for a great gig last night at Warwick Arts Centre. Fantastic selection of songs. Loved every minute. Hope to see you again soon.
great acoustics in Warwick Arts Centre…..hard to find but worth the effort…Sat Nav may prove to be the ruination of our homing instincts but, when it comes to finding that “Coventry” gig at Warwick University, the Sat Nav proves itself to be wondrous invention
Hello Christie. Looking forward, once again, to your appearance in Leeds tonight. When you made the trip last year you were good enough to dedicate a song to my mother, Patsy Hurley, on the eve of her 76th birthday. (The steps of Leeds Town Hall marked the start of many a romantic rendezvous, many decades earlier in her life.) She still speaks with a warm glow of the night Christy Moore sang a song just for her. I’ve rarely seen her so giddy. Indeed, she almost fell from the front row of the balcony such was her excitement. Still going strong, and we’d like to keep it that way, so safely installed on back row tonight – just in case.
Thanks, one again, for a very special moment.
lovely to read that Patsy is coming back tonight..hope ye all have a good one
Hi Christy, went to see you and Declan perform at the Warwick Arts Centre last night and as usual had an absolute blast……………..have missed you but glad that you are back doing live gigs again……………I have been a fan for 25 years or so now but took some guests with us last night to introduce them to your music and craic…………..well they loved you and are now fully converted “Christyians”…………thought all your songs and ballads were perfect as usual including some new ones as well…………..loved the old Honda 50 classic and it was me shouting from the back for you to play Joxer (my favourite) which of course you did………..anyway we had a wonderful night and the memory will linger long until I get to see you back in the Midlands again………..please don’t leave it as long next time………….good luck Chrtisty and keep her cuttin’ son…..Slainte……..
Thanks BM ..if the wind blows kindly, we’ll be back….as the circus leaves town, the return journey is underway,
Thanks for the plectrum for Benjamin and for a lovely night.
Thumbs up to Benjamin
Hi Christy,
I stumbled onto a CD of yours by absolute chance and thought I’ll give it a losten. WOW! I can not believe that I’ve never heard your music before, it feels like I’ve missed out all my life.
Have you ever performed in South Africa or have you any plans to do so in future?
Which label are you with and do you know if your music is available in SA?
All the best and keep making the beautiful music.
Welcome aboard Robert…most,if not all, of the recorded work is still available….the past 17 years I have recorded with the Columbia label at Sony Ireland. Prior to that on numerous labels of varying distinction, some still around, some gone to the wall….Unfortunately,I have never played on the African Continent. At this stage of the journey it is unlikely that I will. Should you wish to pursue other recordings there is a discograpy at this site. Also there is Sister Site where many correspondents always willing to help with information….
Hello Christy, just pre ordered the new cd on amazon,can’t wait for my first class delivery. I just want to let you know that your music has helped me through a difficult time lately. My daughter is home and doing well on her chemo. She is nearly two and loves to dance with her sisters to lisdoonvarna. It’s a pleasure watching them, thanks my friend !!!
anyone who reads your post will be sending your daugther their very best wishes…I wish you and your family peace of mind, good health and happy days together
Flew home for the gig in newcastle on sunday. i have been a fan for years but have moved about so much i kept missing you. finally got to a gig and it blew me away! My parents went to see you last year and have been giving me so much grief that they had seen you and i hadnt. pleased that has been put right! thank you! fantastic show hope to catch you in derry or dublin!
Glad it went well for you…Decky and I both feel we are in a bit of a purple patch at the minute
Fantastic show in Liverpool on Saturday night! Well worth the trip over from County Antrim. And what a great venue.
keep coming back..maybe see you in The Glens before too long
Christy – can’t wait to hear you again! Living here but your music helps me remember Belfast and my all my memories have links to your music. I even managed to convert my English husband who loves your music too. My engagement present to him was a model sailing ship inspired by The Voyage – I played the song as I gave it to him- and yes we now have our own crew. Good luck for tonight love Siobhan
Thank You Siobhán…
Superb gig on Sunday in Newcastle, Christy. I took my dad who has seen you in Dungloe before with Planxty and he loved it too. I’m good friends with Michael Tracey and his clan just outside Dungloe in Donegal, who I think you know. Will be telling them what a great gig it was too.
When I read how you took your Dad to a gig I felt wee pangs of envy. That is something I would love to have experienced. Thanks for sharing Dan.
And some of us are fools