Christy – Sorry it’s taken me so long to comment – You dedicated Shine on you Crazy diamond to my daughter Kerry at The Phil in Liverpool ( – Thank you so much, I really have no words but can not thank you enough, it meant so so much – deep respect and thanks – Rob Ogden
I so look forward to coming to see you next July in Cork! It will be my firs visit to Ireland and my trip will be planned around seeing you inCork!
I wish you the very best for this coming week, it’s a busy time..looking forward to it all, always a great time waiting for these releases for us, we don’t be nervous at all..goin to be’ll all fly..enjoy as best as possible..we’ll be flyin the flag Wed just booked for Scotland ’14..the never ending tour..long may it go on..Larball.
Christy's reply
maith an fear Labhrás a mhaicín…beidh ana craic againn i gCuba….down at the end of lonely street
An exciting couple of weeks ahead with the new release and the Derry gigs on the horizon. Definitely something to brighten the dark days of Winter. Loving the samples of the reworkings of the songs on the new boxset – the warmth and comfort of old favourites but with the freshness of the new added in. Had a late rush to the shop last night when i heard about the interview in the Sindo. Disappointed to see none left on the shelves, but a stroke of luck at the till to see the girl packing up the returns for the wholesaler – last copy of the Sindo just being put away. Have to agree that the photos are powerful and a good interview too. Best of luck with the release and safe travelling to you, Decky and the crew.
Christy's reply
Thanks John….finally got them gathered together..this particular time is the most difficult part..talking about the work is always harder then making it or singing it….but it has to be announced or it might just disappear….see you above the The Walled City
Hi Christy, just been listening to the sample tracks of the new album from amazon , this sounds like something else such a nice sound, has everything you could ask for, spoken songs, 2 new songs and old favorite’s wonderful, Friday cant come quick enough.
Christy's reply
good man Adam..saw The Prisoner yesterday,harrowing and gripping…. saw Le Weekend a few days back, it was ruined for me by unintelligible dialogue…..enjoyed James Gadolfini’s last film ( Enough Said) it got slated but we enjoyed it….always a bit nerve wrecking when new work is pending, “Where I Come From” is ready for road…I’ll be glad to get back out with Declan and get down to a bit of real work…hope your having a good day..see you Wednesday…Against Batista,the Fidelista !
Dont see Cropredy down on the gig list as yet ( we live in hope)
Coming to see you in the Bridgewater in April – bringing along my 20 yr old son who along with Trance etc etc loves your songs but has never seen you live. He even sang Ride On in Moloneys in Coon this summer to rapturous applause –
Christy's reply
Moloney’s of Coon..that brings back memories from the mid 70s.Manys the large bottle there while getting the messages..had a great concert there in The Hall next door in 1977..walked up the road to Coolcullen after, twas like climbing Kilimanjairo…was I dreaming or did I see lads fishing for Salmon with Hurling Sticks..agh I was dreaming..the other watering holes were Sheerans of the Ridge, The Salmon Pool and Larkins of Kane’s Bridge.. a fellow would never be thirsty with “The Ridge and Coolcullen Brigade”
Congratulations on a brilliant interview on the Indo……Congrats also to Kip Carroll on the photography.. You are indeed ‘our national conscience ‘ and more ….. Still think there may be 1000 gigs left .
Best regards.
Christy's reply
thats a great shot alright, I love the way he got the timber of the the guitar and skin pigment..I had a feeling during the shoot that he was gonna get some good shots
Just reviewed the new set…was great hearing all those songs again in excellent quality and with a lovely flow to it! I think the reviews going to be ok!! 😉
Hi Christy, safely back from Liverpool and what an amazing gig that was at the Phil. So much heart and feeling in the songs, a magical night. I was sending a telepathic message in your direction for The Well Below the Valley, but I don’t like to shout out so that was quite something! Also had the good fortune to catch Declan and Vicky at The Dram in Glasgow this week, so what a great musical October it has been :). Looking forward to the next Scottish tour 🙂 Thanks again, Jan x
Christy's reply
I love those telepathic requests, they dont always get through but when they do, they are invariably noble calls
Hello Christy,
Very interesting reading matter here in the last few weeks … the announcement of your new CD, great reviews of the UK gigs, the talk about awesome songs: Dick Gaughan’s “Different Kind of Love Song”, Ewan McColl’s “First Time Ever I Saw your Face” and on top of gig page CORK and DERRY … Anticipation is growing now. Not very long and we are crossing the ocean … destination dreamland.
Looking forward to see you soon by the Banks of the Lee, Traudel
Christy's reply
its all busy days here at the moment…that time has come around album release brings about a host of different activitiy,excitement, nervousness,interviews….yesterday I got the album into my hand,this marks the end of the making…it arrives,I open it up, look over the sleeve, the booklet, examine to text, the colours, the art work, the design, have a listen, (not a long listen,I have been listening for 18 months)…then I place it on the shelf beside the previous work, this marks the end of the recording process…I can now focus on singing the songs,get back out there and gig the songs to all you listeners who keep the process in motion….looking forward to meeting up with Declan next week, hitting a few chords with him in travels to you both
Hi Christy, hoping you can help. I’ve 2 tickets for your Saturday concert Nov 9th 2nd row, you advised to come back and ask you nearer the time if I couldnt get a swap. I’ve 2 2nd row tickets and if possible I’d like to exchange like for like asking for 2 Friday tickets for my Saturday tickets. Any help is appreciated, it’s been too long since I last seen you (6 months for my sins) Back er on to me Pascal!
Ah don’t worry about the Hair transplant , Christy……. sure most of us are folically challenged at this stage.
As for the Teeth…. Is Steredent still around ??.
They’ll be awful pressure on the CD players in in 8 days time!!! Looking forward to it.
Best regards.
Christy's reply
Greetings to the wide street….no further worries on the gruaig front..the job is done.. a new mop, up top, that will have Wayne and Elton brown with envy….getting the fiacla sand blasted later..a smile like Richard Branson before the day is out
Hi Christy,
Had my tickets for next years’ Scottish gigs in the post today, on the Barrowland ticket is says: No Support. Does that mean we have to stand up by ourselves all evening?
Christy's reply
not at all will be monitored and assessed as you mount the stairs..if you are deemed to be unsteady on your feet , two large ( female) Barrowland crowd-control- engineers will stand at each side of you for the duration of the performance ( 2 hours minimum) should you flag or falter at any time they will give you the treatment instantly, in a manner that will straighten you up no end and soften your cough at the same time…hope all is well with you on The Lowlands. Remember to have your Honda serviced for the winter months and watch out for Beatrice on her bike
Hi all….Its been great to hear First Time Ever I Saw Your Face and other Ewan Mc Coll songs…at recent gigs….his real name was James Henry Millar and he passed on this day in 1989…his songs live on though…only ten more sleeps til the CDs come out,,exciting times,,beir bua agus beannacht. H
Christy's reply
exciting for some, nerve wrecking for others!….just getting the hairs transplanted, the teeth dyed and the corset fitted
Hi there Christy.
Saw you for the first time in Liverpool a few weeks ago with my daughter and boy it’s done my head in. Songs were beautiful. Some were dark, some were light. I was mesmerised. Came out of the theatre not sure how I felt. I wasn’t happy yet I was far from sad. I didn’t want to talk but I needed some connection. Had I been entertained even though I didn’t run out screaming WOW!. May have figured it out now. The songs are the connection. Mirrors for us all to use. Who the feck needs to laugh and smile when you’re enjoying yourself anyway.
All the very best and Thanks for the help along the way
Christy's reply
Sound man Proinsías…thats a review we dont read everyday..thanks for taking the trouble..I still get mesmerised myself by some of these songs..there are nights when I get to the end of a song and have to shake myself out of its mesmeric in order to continue..not many of them have that power but there are quite a few….its only in the past 8 years that I have had this sort of connection with listeners..a post like yours rings the bell…its uplifting to know that there are many listeners out there who hear the songs like I hear them myself…I must always remember what a very wise listener said to me recently..”everyone is at their own concert”
Hi Christy ,hope you had a great tour across the pond.Dick’s great song is on the box set and I found it to be one of the best songs in the air today.Thank you for recording it .lookin forward to the new album and all she has to offer,Newbridge deep down.All my best to the fin
Christy's reply
4 good outings Fin….up and down the M6, over and back across the Pennines…some fiery curries, some funky audiences…its a great country to gig..where I learned me chops, where I got the start….
Christy – Sorry it’s taken me so long to comment – You dedicated Shine on you Crazy diamond to my daughter Kerry at The Phil in Liverpool ( – Thank you so much, I really have no words but can not thank you enough, it meant so so much – deep respect and thanks – Rob Ogden
Thanks Rob…hope we meet up along the way
I so look forward to coming to see you next July in Cork! It will be my firs visit to Ireland and my trip will be planned around seeing you inCork!
Until then, best of luck!
you picked a great place for your first visit….see you on The Banks of The River Lee
I wish you the very best for this coming week, it’s a busy time..looking forward to it all, always a great time waiting for these releases for us, we don’t be nervous at all..goin to be’ll all fly..enjoy as best as possible..we’ll be flyin the flag Wed just booked for Scotland ’14..the never ending tour..long may it go on..Larball.
maith an fear Labhrás a mhaicín…beidh ana craic againn i gCuba….down at the end of lonely street
An exciting couple of weeks ahead with the new release and the Derry gigs on the horizon. Definitely something to brighten the dark days of Winter. Loving the samples of the reworkings of the songs on the new boxset – the warmth and comfort of old favourites but with the freshness of the new added in. Had a late rush to the shop last night when i heard about the interview in the Sindo. Disappointed to see none left on the shelves, but a stroke of luck at the till to see the girl packing up the returns for the wholesaler – last copy of the Sindo just being put away. Have to agree that the photos are powerful and a good interview too. Best of luck with the release and safe travelling to you, Decky and the crew.
Thanks John….finally got them gathered together..this particular time is the most difficult part..talking about the work is always harder then making it or singing it….but it has to be announced or it might just disappear….see you above the The Walled City
Hi Christy, just been listening to the sample tracks of the new album from amazon , this sounds like something else such a nice sound, has everything you could ask for, spoken songs, 2 new songs and old favorite’s wonderful, Friday cant come quick enough.
good man Adam..saw The Prisoner yesterday,harrowing and gripping…. saw Le Weekend a few days back, it was ruined for me by unintelligible dialogue…..enjoyed James Gadolfini’s last film ( Enough Said) it got slated but we enjoyed it….always a bit nerve wrecking when new work is pending, “Where I Come From” is ready for road…I’ll be glad to get back out with Declan and get down to a bit of real work…hope your having a good day..see you Wednesday…Against Batista,the Fidelista !
Dont see Cropredy down on the gig list as yet ( we live in hope)
Coming to see you in the Bridgewater in April – bringing along my 20 yr old son who along with Trance etc etc loves your songs but has never seen you live. He even sang Ride On in Moloneys in Coon this summer to rapturous applause –
Moloney’s of Coon..that brings back memories from the mid 70s.Manys the large bottle there while getting the messages..had a great concert there in The Hall next door in 1977..walked up the road to Coolcullen after, twas like climbing Kilimanjairo…was I dreaming or did I see lads fishing for Salmon with Hurling Sticks..agh I was dreaming..the other watering holes were Sheerans of the Ridge, The Salmon Pool and Larkins of Kane’s Bridge.. a fellow would never be thirsty with “The Ridge and Coolcullen Brigade”
Congratulations on a brilliant interview on the Indo……Congrats also to Kip Carroll on the photography.. You are indeed ‘our national conscience ‘ and more ….. Still think there may be 1000 gigs left .
Best regards.
thats a great shot alright, I love the way he got the timber of the the guitar and skin pigment..I had a feeling during the shoot that he was gonna get some good shots
Just reviewed the new set…was great hearing all those songs again in excellent quality and with a lovely flow to it! I think the reviews going to be ok!! 😉
tis the Flower of Northumberland….
Hi Christy, safely back from Liverpool and what an amazing gig that was at the Phil. So much heart and feeling in the songs, a magical night. I was sending a telepathic message in your direction for The Well Below the Valley, but I don’t like to shout out so that was quite something! Also had the good fortune to catch Declan and Vicky at The Dram in Glasgow this week, so what a great musical October it has been :). Looking forward to the next Scottish tour 🙂 Thanks again, Jan x
I love those telepathic requests, they dont always get through but when they do, they are invariably noble calls
Will you be shipping signed copies to the USA? Hope so , amazon USA only has it listed as an import for a zillion dollars!
we will be posting world wide
Hi Christy
Thanks for getting back to me, it won’t let me reply on the message that was sent.
07860841048 is my number.
Gentleman, thanks.
Hello Christy.
Looking forward to getting your new album not only for myself but also for a friend. Is there anyway to get a signed copy for him?
Thank you!
signed copies will be available from the shop here..we will post details as soon as we have albums to post
Hello Christy,
Very interesting reading matter here in the last few weeks … the announcement of your new CD, great reviews of the UK gigs, the talk about awesome songs: Dick Gaughan’s “Different Kind of Love Song”, Ewan McColl’s “First Time Ever I Saw your Face” and on top of gig page CORK and DERRY … Anticipation is growing now. Not very long and we are crossing the ocean … destination dreamland.
Looking forward to see you soon by the Banks of the Lee, Traudel
its all busy days here at the moment…that time has come around album release brings about a host of different activitiy,excitement, nervousness,interviews….yesterday I got the album into my hand,this marks the end of the making…it arrives,I open it up, look over the sleeve, the booklet, examine to text, the colours, the art work, the design, have a listen, (not a long listen,I have been listening for 18 months)…then I place it on the shelf beside the previous work, this marks the end of the recording process…I can now focus on singing the songs,get back out there and gig the songs to all you listeners who keep the process in motion….looking forward to meeting up with Declan next week, hitting a few chords with him in travels to you both
Hi Christy,
I see you’re going for your tenth at the tent.. Well done.
How time is flying by so quickly.. RyanL
The tenth year in the tent..hard to believe that a decade has flown so swiftly…
Hi Christy, hoping you can help. I’ve 2 tickets for your Saturday concert Nov 9th 2nd row, you advised to come back and ask you nearer the time if I couldnt get a swap. I’ve 2 2nd row tickets and if possible I’d like to exchange like for like asking for 2 Friday tickets for my Saturday tickets. Any help is appreciated, it’s been too long since I last seen you (6 months for my sins) Back er on to me Pascal!
Ride On…..
Ah don’t worry about the Hair transplant , Christy……. sure most of us are folically challenged at this stage.
As for the Teeth…. Is Steredent still around ??.
They’ll be awful pressure on the CD players in in 8 days time!!! Looking forward to it.
Best regards.
Greetings to the wide street….no further worries on the gruaig front..the job is done.. a new mop, up top, that will have Wayne and Elton brown with envy….getting the fiacla sand blasted later..a smile like Richard Branson before the day is out
Hi Christy,
Had my tickets for next years’ Scottish gigs in the post today, on the Barrowland ticket is says: No Support. Does that mean we have to stand up by ourselves all evening?
not at all will be monitored and assessed as you mount the stairs..if you are deemed to be unsteady on your feet , two large ( female) Barrowland crowd-control- engineers will stand at each side of you for the duration of the performance ( 2 hours minimum) should you flag or falter at any time they will give you the treatment instantly, in a manner that will straighten you up no end and soften your cough at the same time…hope all is well with you on The Lowlands. Remember to have your Honda serviced for the winter months and watch out for Beatrice on her bike
Hi all….Its been great to hear First Time Ever I Saw Your Face and other Ewan Mc Coll songs…at recent gigs….his real name was James Henry Millar and he passed on this day in 1989…his songs live on though…only ten more sleeps til the CDs come out,,exciting times,,beir bua agus beannacht. H
exciting for some, nerve wrecking for others!….just getting the hairs transplanted, the teeth dyed and the corset fitted
Hi there Christy.
Saw you for the first time in Liverpool a few weeks ago with my daughter and boy it’s done my head in. Songs were beautiful. Some were dark, some were light. I was mesmerised. Came out of the theatre not sure how I felt. I wasn’t happy yet I was far from sad. I didn’t want to talk but I needed some connection. Had I been entertained even though I didn’t run out screaming WOW!. May have figured it out now. The songs are the connection. Mirrors for us all to use. Who the feck needs to laugh and smile when you’re enjoying yourself anyway.
All the very best and Thanks for the help along the way
Sound man Proinsías…thats a review we dont read everyday..thanks for taking the trouble..I still get mesmerised myself by some of these songs..there are nights when I get to the end of a song and have to shake myself out of its mesmeric in order to continue..not many of them have that power but there are quite a few….its only in the past 8 years that I have had this sort of connection with listeners..a post like yours rings the bell…its uplifting to know that there are many listeners out there who hear the songs like I hear them myself…I must always remember what a very wise listener said to me recently..”everyone is at their own concert”
Hi Christy ,hope you had a great tour across the pond.Dick’s great song is on the box set and I found it to be one of the best songs in the air today.Thank you for recording it .lookin forward to the new album and all she has to offer,Newbridge deep down.All my best to the fin
4 good outings Fin….up and down the M6, over and back across the Pennines…some fiery curries, some funky audiences…its a great country to gig..where I learned me chops, where I got the start….