Wahey, Christy! Just ordered the new album via the shop, can’t wait for it to arrive. It’s brilliant that you’ve put this out and I’m sure it’ll be a huge success. We still live in hope that you’ll come back to Brighton one day before Tallulah and Noah have flown the nest, until then we send you our love and happy vibes 🙂
Christy's reply
always lovely to read those names, to get the good vibrations from Brighton and Hove Albion
This is the Day…. November Man is on the move.
Good luck with the Album Christy, it’s already mega.
Looking forward to you and the gang on the Lare Late, hope you enjoy every second of it.
Christy's reply
greetings to all you songsters out west on The Broad Street…greetings too to Ray Lynam and all the Moate Hillbillies
Good luck today Christy. Looking forward to getting my paws on the new CD. A grand day all round – sporting a magnificent new Mo for Movember. Actually…
Christy's reply
reading your post I’m back in The Elbow Room, its 1969 and I’m playing support to Pentangle…Rab Noakes is there, Jimmy Hutchinson too…I’m squatting out in Torbane with High Speed Grass, they were such a funky band…the Californian Sunshine was kickin in…Josh McCrea was there, Hamish Imlach too, Archie Fisher turned up in a cool Saab and we gathered around the old piano…it emerged later that the piano had nae innards but we played it nevertheless
Hi Christy…just to say good luck with the new release today, the faithful have been waiting patiently and I’m sure they will not be dissapointed (review to follow) …LOL !… Hope the Late Late goes well also for you….see you in Derry shortly. Love & Respect Martin Mac
Christy's reply
Hey Marty..had a great chat with John Bishop after last nights show…sound man
Back to the Caspian (several comments below)… That was some well traveled fishing rod of Peter’s. I read that Matthew was out around these parts and Bartholomew met his doom when he was skinned alive and beheaded by a bad tempered King around here too. Sounds like it could all make a good follow up to “Patrick was a Gentleman” or “St Brendan” if you took the notion.In the meantime I’m treading the water lightly hoping not to meet a descendant of that King so I can get back for Vicar Street or sooner.
Christy's reply
“You’ve heard of St Dennis of France, he was nothin much to brag on…You’ve heard of St George and his lance, how he slayed the auld heathenish Dragon,…. the Saints of the Welshmen and Scot are a couple of pitiful pipers,… and might just as well go to pot when compared to the Patron of Vipers, ..St Patrick of Ireland me Dear” ( St Patrick’s Arrival from the album, “The Iron Behind The Velvet”, 1977 )
I think I hear the morning cock,
I think I hear the jay,
I think I hear Lord Barnard’s men
With a new CD to play…..
happy days!
Happy Samhain, CM
Christy's reply
Lie still Lie still, tis nothin but a shepherd lad bringin his flock to fold… ( PS how do you get your lines to scan like that ? that still eludes me ! )
I always enjoy hearing about your gigs, new and old. Will order the new CD tomorrow. First bought your music from a Schanachie catalogue touting you as Ireland’s Bob Dylan. I now prefer to think of Bob as America’s Christy Moore. I know where we can shove our hamburger! I love the US but wish we would aspire for more, instead of just waving the flag, pounding our chests and gloating over our power and past. Whew! I feel better. Thanks for your gift. Trying to spread the word. Hope to be in Ireland next summer and see you live somewhere. John Hoban too.
Christy's reply
Hey Randy, two successive posts from Colorado !! Sliabh Sneacta and Ridgeway !! a gig with John Hoban sounds good to me
Hi Christy, just found the site. as I. mentioned on facebook. I. have written a protest song. If you have time I. would like if you had a look at it. let me know and I. will send it to you.
looking forward to the INEC on May 24. Regards, Pat.
Christy's reply
there is a thread for new songs on the Sister Site…4711ers.org Ride On Pat
Howya Christy, back on the big grey ship again here in bonnie wee! Another 3 weeks of patroling the western waters, mindin’ the fishes and dreamin’ of wishes! A new shipmate of mine, John Mchugh from the blue side of Merseyside (living in Berlin) and I discovered a mutual love of your music, and will attend at Glasgow in April. Your latest few words are once again most enjoyable to read. Best of luck with tomorrow’s release. Steady as she goes!
Christy's reply
All good here Sean…theres no foghorn sounding this morn, the wind has died down here in Dún Laoghaire, I think I will arise and stir the porridge…maybe head out to Sammy’s Bar and watch the last boats leaving
Hey Christy,
Love to get your “ramblings” through on e-mail, always a great read. Looking forward to getting hold of the new 3 CD set, promises to be a great listen. All’s well here in Guernsey, still waiting for you to show your face here again after you “overstayed your welcome in 1968” according to yourself. I’m sure all will be forgiven/forgotten.
Christy's reply
gotta get back to Sark first, got to cover some unfinished business there
Hi Christy,
A few years ago I heard a song of yours ‘The Two Coneeleys’ in Irish. I love the Irish (gealic) language. I don’t understand a word of it, though. Is it possible to hear you sing more songs in Irish?
Greetings from Tilburg
Christy's reply
it has always been my intention but I keep getting diverted by this foreign tongue…ach beidh Lá eile againn…beimíd ag canadh le chéile as Gaeilge…Óró sé do bheath Abhaile
Cm 68
Oiche samhna maith agat a mhacin ban ta neart pucai anseo i dangain. Ta racket shuas ar an cnoc ach duirt daide go magpies a bhi ann.cs 9 agus roisin na broga dearga.
Ps hilary nil me i fhad uait .
Christy's reply
Im goin on the pooka tonight..I have the boot polish ready and my grannys old overcoat…gonna ring a few bells and rattle a few letterboxes…did’nt do so good last year, came home with a few monkey nuts, an out of date box of smarties, a sour apple and 3 yoyos plus a bloody mongrel of a dog bit me arse..but us Lilywhites dont lie down easy..gonna take them on again tonight and I’ll be ready for that dog this time..I’ll loosen her teeth for her
Christy's reply
I met Fungi once, he had a huge smile on his face..he came right up to me with a half stone bhreadán in his gob, he winked before taking off towards VENTRY harbour…. it was in 1989 and I was out in Dingle Bay with my two sons..we were in wet suits at 7 am of a Summer’s Morning…Fungi made our day
Hi Christy , Just want to wish you well on the eve of your cd release ……loved reading your chat as always ……..what i find great about the live recordings on your cd is I can say we were there and its always great to be part of that joy so I will be buying one of those signed copys. Your chat gives a great oppurnity for people to have a connection with you as you share your toughts with us . Live gigs give us the oppurnity to escape the reality of everyday living and we go into a room where time simply stops and we go into the world of just enjoying your music. Its great to see the list of forthcoming gigs that shows no signs of you stopping or slowing down …..As long as you keep going We will keep going too!!
God bless
Christy's reply
Morning Jimi..thanks for the note..its all go here today..best wishes to you & Svetlana
Thanks for the latest chat Christy, a pleasure to read as usual. Looking forward to hearing the new album, great idea to include the live tracks especially from Knocknagoshel 🙂 Good luck with The Late Late and all other promotional activities.
Christy's reply
Just tuning the Maton, getting ready for action..greetings to all American songsters
Well Christy, got home from work today and planxty live 2004 cd was sitting waiting on me . Such excitement opening the brown amazon box and putting it on my iPod. It’s funny as you get older the things that give you pleasure. ( I’m 30 ) lying listening waiting on my favourite song little musgrave to come on, this being my favourite version of yours. I hope to hear you sing it live someday. He blew his horn both loud and shrill away musgrave away….
Just read the “Chat”. So informative, warm and rolls like the music. Thanks. The Q&A online sesh is a great idea. Whatever form it takes we’ll have to wheel in Miriam or Vincent Browne to keep proper order. Ha. Just hope I’ll be home at the time and not away fighting the Sea Monsters. Looking forward to the new edition. My 79yr old mother back in Ballinspittle will be delighted to see Easter Snow there. Good luck for the forthcoming gigs. J.
Christy's reply
my first communique from the Caspian sea. I have not got a clue where it is but I remember it from religious knowledge class 60 years ago…Peter used to fish there maybe ? was it around there that they ran out of bread…happens here all the time
Hi Christy,
Love the idea of the new CD – I will be getting that soon, some great tracks – thank you.
Haven’t seen you play live for a while – last time was over at Ross during the Hay festival and I’m missing it – how about following a host of others and visit the beautiful south coast over here.
At the local theatre (500 seater built in 1936) we get many famous names who all say its a warm & friendly place to play and perform. Have a look at this video: http://www.tivoliwimborne.co.uk/Default.aspx?pagename=Whats-coming-in-detail&newsarticletitle=TAKE-A-VIRTUAL-TOUR-OF-THE-TIVOLI&newsarticleid=2329
Saw the Fureys here not so long ago and they will be back on May 1st, ask them what they think. Could you could tag on an extra date in April? I hope so.
Take care now.
Christy's reply
nice hall there Marty….I will pass it on to control
Hi All. Well its nearly The Day, only two more sleeps… and a Chat to help pass the time away !!! new gigs to be booked … not to mention the Samples that have been posted along with the song list on the online sales sites and interviews and media work etc etc. It is a cause of both wonder and celebration,,,,,,,wonder, anticipation, excitement all those words that are usually reserved for children anticipating Santa !! and celebration of the collection of refreshed work spanning decades of writing, performing, raising awareness, entertaining, sharing, shinning light and more. I hope Christy and Declan and all the crew can share in and appreciate this wonder and celebration they have created. Mile,mile buiochas, beir bua agus beannacht. H
Christy's reply
salutations to The Kingdom..home of so many fine listeners and wonderful venues from Knocknagoshel to Killorglin and home again by Brandon..watch out for the sheepdogs lurking in the fuchsia
Just wanted to drop in and give a quick howl and hello. The past several months were
testing the humor, and perhaps the heart a bit more. Your music brings light and I’m so grateful for it.
With infinite love and wonder
Christy's reply
you are very welcome back, have not heard you howl for manys the night…hope your humour nor heart were not too tested, keep coming back and dont be leaving it so long…see you by the Lee
Wahey, Christy! Just ordered the new album via the shop, can’t wait for it to arrive. It’s brilliant that you’ve put this out and I’m sure it’ll be a huge success. We still live in hope that you’ll come back to Brighton one day before Tallulah and Noah have flown the nest, until then we send you our love and happy vibes 🙂
always lovely to read those names, to get the good vibrations from Brighton and Hove Albion
This is the Day…. November Man is on the move.
Good luck with the Album Christy, it’s already mega.
Looking forward to you and the gang on the Lare Late, hope you enjoy every second of it.
greetings to all you songsters out west on The Broad Street…greetings too to Ray Lynam and all the Moate Hillbillies
Good luck today Christy. Looking forward to getting my paws on the new CD. A grand day all round – sporting a magnificent new Mo for Movember. Actually…
reading your post I’m back in The Elbow Room, its 1969 and I’m playing support to Pentangle…Rab Noakes is there, Jimmy Hutchinson too…I’m squatting out in Torbane with High Speed Grass, they were such a funky band…the Californian Sunshine was kickin in…Josh McCrea was there, Hamish Imlach too, Archie Fisher turned up in a cool Saab and we gathered around the old piano…it emerged later that the piano had nae innards but we played it nevertheless
Hi Christy…just to say good luck with the new release today, the faithful have been waiting patiently and I’m sure they will not be dissapointed (review to follow) …LOL !… Hope the Late Late goes well also for you….see you in Derry shortly. Love & Respect Martin Mac
Hey Marty..had a great chat with John Bishop after last nights show…sound man
Back to the Caspian (several comments below)… That was some well traveled fishing rod of Peter’s. I read that Matthew was out around these parts and Bartholomew met his doom when he was skinned alive and beheaded by a bad tempered King around here too. Sounds like it could all make a good follow up to “Patrick was a Gentleman” or “St Brendan” if you took the notion.In the meantime I’m treading the water lightly hoping not to meet a descendant of that King so I can get back for Vicar Street or sooner.
“You’ve heard of St Dennis of France, he was nothin much to brag on…You’ve heard of St George and his lance, how he slayed the auld heathenish Dragon,…. the Saints of the Welshmen and Scot are a couple of pitiful pipers,… and might just as well go to pot when compared to the Patron of Vipers, ..St Patrick of Ireland me Dear” ( St Patrick’s Arrival from the album, “The Iron Behind The Velvet”, 1977 )
I think I hear the morning cock,
I think I hear the jay,
I think I hear Lord Barnard’s men
With a new CD to play…..
happy days!
Happy Samhain, CM
Lie still Lie still, tis nothin but a shepherd lad bringin his flock to fold… ( PS how do you get your lines to scan like that ? that still eludes me ! )
I always enjoy hearing about your gigs, new and old. Will order the new CD tomorrow. First bought your music from a Schanachie catalogue touting you as Ireland’s Bob Dylan. I now prefer to think of Bob as America’s Christy Moore. I know where we can shove our hamburger! I love the US but wish we would aspire for more, instead of just waving the flag, pounding our chests and gloating over our power and past. Whew! I feel better. Thanks for your gift. Trying to spread the word. Hope to be in Ireland next summer and see you live somewhere. John Hoban too.
Hey Randy, two successive posts from Colorado !! Sliabh Sneacta and Ridgeway !! a gig with John Hoban sounds good to me
Hi Christy, just found the site. as I. mentioned on facebook. I. have written a protest song. If you have time I. would like if you had a look at it. let me know and I. will send it to you.
looking forward to the INEC on May 24. Regards, Pat.
there is a thread for new songs on the Sister Site…4711ers.org Ride On Pat
Howya Christy, back on the big grey ship again here in bonnie wee! Another 3 weeks of patroling the western waters, mindin’ the fishes and dreamin’ of wishes! A new shipmate of mine, John Mchugh from the blue side of Merseyside (living in Berlin) and I discovered a mutual love of your music, and will attend at Glasgow in April. Your latest few words are once again most enjoyable to read. Best of luck with tomorrow’s release. Steady as she goes!
All good here Sean…theres no foghorn sounding this morn, the wind has died down here in Dún Laoghaire, I think I will arise and stir the porridge…maybe head out to Sammy’s Bar and watch the last boats leaving
Hey Christy,
Love to get your “ramblings” through on e-mail, always a great read. Looking forward to getting hold of the new 3 CD set, promises to be a great listen. All’s well here in Guernsey, still waiting for you to show your face here again after you “overstayed your welcome in 1968” according to yourself. I’m sure all will be forgiven/forgotten.
gotta get back to Sark first, got to cover some unfinished business there
Hi Christy,
A few years ago I heard a song of yours ‘The Two Coneeleys’ in Irish. I love the Irish (gealic) language. I don’t understand a word of it, though. Is it possible to hear you sing more songs in Irish?
Greetings from Tilburg
it has always been my intention but I keep getting diverted by this foreign tongue…ach beidh Lá eile againn…beimíd ag canadh le chéile as Gaeilge…Óró sé do bheath Abhaile
Cm 68
Oiche samhna maith agat a mhacin ban ta neart pucai anseo i dangain. Ta racket shuas ar an cnoc ach duirt daide go magpies a bhi ann.cs 9 agus roisin na broga dearga.
Ps hilary nil me i fhad uait .
Im goin on the pooka tonight..I have the boot polish ready and my grannys old overcoat…gonna ring a few bells and rattle a few letterboxes…did’nt do so good last year, came home with a few monkey nuts, an out of date box of smarties, a sour apple and 3 yoyos plus a bloody mongrel of a dog bit me arse..but us Lilywhites dont lie down easy..gonna take them on again tonight and I’ll be ready for that dog this time..I’ll loosen her teeth for her
I met Fungi once, he had a huge smile on his face..he came right up to me with a half stone bhreadán in his gob, he winked before taking off towards VENTRY harbour…. it was in 1989 and I was out in Dingle Bay with my two sons..we were in wet suits at 7 am of a Summer’s Morning…Fungi made our day
Hi Christy , Just want to wish you well on the eve of your cd release ……loved reading your chat as always ……..what i find great about the live recordings on your cd is I can say we were there and its always great to be part of that joy so I will be buying one of those signed copys. Your chat gives a great oppurnity for people to have a connection with you as you share your toughts with us . Live gigs give us the oppurnity to escape the reality of everyday living and we go into a room where time simply stops and we go into the world of just enjoying your music. Its great to see the list of forthcoming gigs that shows no signs of you stopping or slowing down …..As long as you keep going We will keep going too!!
God bless
Morning Jimi..thanks for the note..its all go here today..best wishes to you & Svetlana
Thanks for the latest chat Christy, a pleasure to read as usual. Looking forward to hearing the new album, great idea to include the live tracks especially from Knocknagoshel 🙂 Good luck with The Late Late and all other promotional activities.
Just tuning the Maton, getting ready for action..greetings to all American songsters
Well Christy, got home from work today and planxty live 2004 cd was sitting waiting on me . Such excitement opening the brown amazon box and putting it on my iPod. It’s funny as you get older the things that give you pleasure. ( I’m 30 ) lying listening waiting on my favourite song little musgrave to come on, this being my favourite version of yours. I hope to hear you sing it live someday. He blew his horn both loud and shrill away musgrave away….
I think I hear the morning cock…better get up
Just read the “Chat”. So informative, warm and rolls like the music. Thanks. The Q&A online sesh is a great idea. Whatever form it takes we’ll have to wheel in Miriam or Vincent Browne to keep proper order. Ha. Just hope I’ll be home at the time and not away fighting the Sea Monsters. Looking forward to the new edition. My 79yr old mother back in Ballinspittle will be delighted to see Easter Snow there. Good luck for the forthcoming gigs. J.
my first communique from the Caspian sea. I have not got a clue where it is but I remember it from religious knowledge class 60 years ago…Peter used to fish there maybe ? was it around there that they ran out of bread…happens here all the time
Hi Christy,
Love the idea of the new CD – I will be getting that soon, some great tracks – thank you.
Haven’t seen you play live for a while – last time was over at Ross during the Hay festival and I’m missing it – how about following a host of others and visit the beautiful south coast over here.
At the local theatre (500 seater built in 1936) we get many famous names who all say its a warm & friendly place to play and perform. Have a look at this video:
Saw the Fureys here not so long ago and they will be back on May 1st, ask them what they think. Could you could tag on an extra date in April? I hope so.
Take care now.
nice hall there Marty….I will pass it on to control
Hi All. Well its nearly The Day, only two more sleeps… and a Chat to help pass the time away !!! new gigs to be booked … not to mention the Samples that have been posted along with the song list on the online sales sites and interviews and media work etc etc. It is a cause of both wonder and celebration,,,,,,,wonder, anticipation, excitement all those words that are usually reserved for children anticipating Santa !! and celebration of the collection of refreshed work spanning decades of writing, performing, raising awareness, entertaining, sharing, shinning light and more. I hope Christy and Declan and all the crew can share in and appreciate this wonder and celebration they have created. Mile,mile buiochas, beir bua agus beannacht. H
salutations to The Kingdom..home of so many fine listeners and wonderful venues from Knocknagoshel to Killorglin and home again by Brandon..watch out for the sheepdogs lurking in the fuchsia
My review of “Where I Come From” http://www.nodepression.com/profiles/blogs/christy-moore-where-i-come-from-cd-review
thank you for taking the time,we always appreciate a good review
Just wanted to drop in and give a quick howl and hello. The past several months were
testing the humor, and perhaps the heart a bit more. Your music brings light and I’m so grateful for it.
With infinite love and wonder
you are very welcome back, have not heard you howl for manys the night…hope your humour nor heart were not too tested, keep coming back and dont be leaving it so long…see you by the Lee