Coming home in Nov but see Trim and Naas sold out. Wanted to go to one and would like to record a piece for The Gaelic Hour. Any way of squeezing in to any of those gigs and having a coffee and recording a piece? Or would you have time for a coffee in between. Arriving Nov 20. Departing Dec 4.
Austin Comerton
The Gaelic Hour
CHIN 97.9FM Ottawa
We so enjoyed your show at Warwick Arts Centre. My friend of 74 is quite new to your music and thoroughly enjoyed it. We laughed and cried and came home feeling exhilerated. Thank you for being part of my life in music x
Christy's reply
its a month on and your post brings me back to that lovely night in Warwick……fair play to you KimBo
I am very much enjoying listening to the new album, it’s really lovely. Congratulations and very well done to all involved in this project. One is reminded of the breadth of your own material, both in number and nature, and its nice to hear these selected songs as a compilation of fresh recordings. You are all sounding well and in fine fettle.
A couple of months ago I sang my dad to sleep with Nancy Spain. He was 64. It was the first song he ever taught me. I liked to belt out “No mather where I wa-anther”. Our favourite was lawless (by name and lawless by nature).Last year we sent you a comment and when you replied we giggled like country girls who found sloe wine. Christy, my dad followed you for more than 40 years. He died from lung cancer and I am so proud I could sing to him – not just Nancy but Black is the colour. You defined my life with him. We used to travel around the country belting out your songs. He was my best friend. I’m 31. My little sister is 29. Our mam died 2 years before dad. You are a big deal to us Christy -thanks for being the soundtrack to our lives. Helen
Christy's reply
thanks for sharing Helen..lovely to read of your dad being your best friend..thanks too for telling us how the songs have been part of your have great memories to cherish…keep on singing
Just saw you on the Late Late Christy, (watched the RTE Player – skips right over the ads!) Brilliant to see you chatting and singing away good as ever!
And was that Elvis I saw in the audience? He’s looking well boy! Good health suits him down to the ground!
Hope all goes well with the album, sure ’tis only brilliant!
Stay well.
Christy's reply
Elvis was in the audience..the brand new fella, svelte and cool as a breeze but the spirit remains intact
I remember first hearing you in the early/mid nineties on the jukebox in an Irish bar in Poughkeepsie, NY and the bartenders (who were from Ireland) would turn you up really loud whenever someone played you. Christy Moore, Voyage and Live at the Point were the 3 albums on the jukebox and those were the first three that I bought. Even though Live at the Point was the most often played, I remember when one particular Tyrone guy worked, he would always put coins in so Voyage could play from beginning to end. I can still see him singing The Night Visit out loud while workin. I saw you at Randall’s Island in ’97, It was then and there I decided you were my favorite singer and that has not ever changed. My buddy Pat and brother Greg became huge fans of you too. Thanks to the woman here who posted the Late Late Show link. I just passed it on to them. Pat actually went to see you between Christmas and New Years a couple years ago and I was mad I couldn’t go with him because I needed to work I have most everything you have sold over the years and I just ordered the new CD set. I bought it through Paypal and there was no way to send you a message that I wanted to get a signed set so I don’t know if the one I bought will be signed. I hope it is but won’t be too fired up if it isn’t cause your music is signature enough. I know I can’t be alone wishing you would come on over to the east coast of US sometime soon. I will be in the front row if that ever happens,,,I can guarantee that! Thanks for all the great music Christy
Christy's reply
sound Robcog….its heartwarming that picture you paint..I still get a buzz when I read about some of my songs being on a juke box…I stood around manys the Juke Box myself..the first one being in Mrs Dunne’s Chipper down the back street in Newbridge in the late 1950s….myself,Joe Coffey and Owen McGuigan, The Meg McGowan and Charlie O’Shaugnessy..many years later I fed a Juke Box in a pub on The Kilburn High Road as I tried to learn the words of “The Rocky Road To Dublin”
I’m not sure if Mr. Moore will actually end up reading this but all I wanted to say is, Thank you so much for all the years of wonderful music & craic. Sadly I have yet to see you live & I hope I do sooner than later. So with that said, I would just like to wish you & yours all the very best for the future. You are a true living legend & your music will live on as long as the world keeps turning. God Bless!
p.s. Looking forward to hearing your new album…2013
Peace j
Christy's reply
Dear YM…rest assured that “Mr Moore” reads everything that comes up here…where is Ogils ? thanks for again
Great interview last night christy and as for the c.d. Well it was about half ten yesterday morning i think it was when i lept out of bed, just after rememberin your new c.d is been released. Well i tell yeah i decicided the stairs was to long so i lept the banasters, and summersalted out the front door into me good auld 1994 carina e. Well i tell yeah i think i left the tyre’s behind me in a cloud of smoke, anyway out to donaghmede were the great Damien Dempsey rains from, 16 clicks on the handbrake into the parking spot and ran into Golden Disc’s,i say’s to ur man -2 new Christy Moore c’ds quicksnap before i piss me whitefronts(one for the cousin’s birthday).And back out the door back into the auld reliable, into 1st and out the carpark like a light as i was late for work. Put in cd no1 in and that was it (Theres a beautiful bog near allenwood were johney doyle is king) The stress was gone 1st 2nd and into 5th the smell of clutch i didnt care i had me new c.d and needed the car in the quietest gear to listen 🙂 Out to blancerdstown were i wash trucks part time, But i have a stereo outside to listen to music 2 and a bit hours of magic.
Christy you inspire me you always have and you always will, i play the guitar for a few years now (Badly) But i hav taking up the mandola,tenor banjo and mandolin. Theres nothing more beautiful then irish music it soothes the soul, and you Christy have the maters key. Best wishes and thanks for the music, Sean 🙂
Christy's reply
Fair Play Seán you took us all on the trip to Golden Discs in Donagmede.I felt I was in the back of your Carina as you ground through the gears….
Good interview on the Late, Late last night Christy. Came across really well. Thought the question about Liam Clancy was a bit lame but you answered it well. Got to town to get my CD this morning from Cool Discs- thank God we still have an independent shop (or two) in the town. Absolutely brilliant sound and great depth in your voice – and great accompaniment from all the musicians. Scallcrows with the goatskin is just out of this world. It’s a remarkable collection with the songs sounding so new and fresh. It also struck me that your singing and lilting is sounding more and more “traditional” and like the Sean Nos. Wonderful album Christy – and thanks so much for recording it.
Christy's reply
thanks for the feedback John…we are very happy with the response to date…with regard to singing I am still learning..after all these years I still find new things to do.,new “freedoms” are revealed….just a few weeks back I was watching the GUTH series on TG4. In the programme about Oasis, the possibilty that Liam’s singing style had a bit of ‘sean-nós’ in it was discussed… (I recommend this excellent series to any songster- it examines the music of the Irish diaspora including Bing Crosby, Dusty Springfield,The Smiths, John Lydon and Oasis…the final programme was to have been about Beatles music but it was not transmitted nor was any reason given) While I have a little knowledge of the intricacies of Sean-Nós singing I do recognise that it is a form that must be developed over a long singing life. Most Irish ‘folk-revival’ singers are imbued with the influence of the Sean-Nós…..the old style is alive and well.We attend singing sessions regularly and it is wonderful to hear the younger generations embracing old singing styles
Congrats Christy and Declan and Jimmy and Cahal on the LLS gig,,,, and the mighty CDs,,, I love the design and artwork and the songs sound so good,, clear and soft and yet powerful too,,, I think this is the link to the LLS,,,, Mile buiochas,, H
Great to hear your reminiscences about playing in Kirkcaldy Christy. That’s a dream line up if ever there was one. The Elbow Room is still going strong up at the top o’ the town. Ordered the new CD and the cover is fantastic, as I’m sure its contents will be when I give it a spin. I was put onto your music in the 80’s when a college chum from Tralee showed me the light. I’ve been a huge fan ever since. I’m getting some surgery on me owd back next week but I hope to be fit enought to see you in Dublin in December. Aye yours.
Christy's reply
wishing you the best with your back op…always a good time to have a few albums stored for listening…hope you gain full recovery
For god’s sake has anyone got a blue line on me buddy on the late late show throwing shape ‘s and a lick of chord’s to bate the band ,sorry christy but the previous posts have me in a frenzie,us poor feckers across the water don’t know what to do Help..Mammy brought us to St Thersa’s gardens when we were young,she had a friend that lived there,I remember because I was 10 at the time and remember the statue.the documentary was sad and angry all in one will help you but you must first help each other .I 3045 miles away for one look forward to your chats git.dont ever forget that my friend .they put us far away in the room in which you sing ,and we are not home but with all you listeners and our ears are perked and tuned. I have had the pleasure of waiting in the rain for to say Thank You outside the back door of many a venue, for I feel that is the very least I could say to someone who wears his heart on his sleeves and helps us in song to heal ,cry and laugh at a gig that runs 2hrs approx depending on intuition from yourself and Dec.I love to read the chat my friend,so keep it up.Put me order on the new album twice, to be sure,but in case no one reads this . You have friends everywhere and I thank you for all you do in song and behind the scenes,that no body knows about,and you know what I’m saying.anyway goodnight my friend and all my best to Val and the kids.Finbar
Christy's reply
aint got no blue line here Fin but I’m sure one of our correspondants will do the blue for you..had a grand time last night with Ryan felt more like a chat then an interview…hope you are singing the songs in Southie and keeping the flag flying
Christy, you were fantastic on The Late Late Show tonight. I have grown up listening to your music as my father is a huge fan. He never fails to have one of your albums in the car! I was at the gig last year in Clonmel and will be returning again in February. Keep doing what your doing! All the best, Aoife
Christy's reply
see you back down there in that beautiful Vale of Honey
well done on the late late performance, the lads sounded great. personally I think its the best you have sounded in years, long it may continue.
Are the lads gonna be around for the gigs in the killashee?? It be brilliant to see ye all there to rock the joint!!
Hey christy did ya really have to tell a million people that moorefield are kildare champions.. some of us around hear are still sore about that..
All joke on the side best of luck in the lenister. sure its great for the town.
Christy's reply
Hey Sashman,greetings from The Black Lagoon…hope ye are all well in Roseberry…we are blest to have two such great clubs in our town…I know the that rivalry is ancient and fierce but ,at the back of it all, we have always been good neighbours to each other…..I hope to do some gigs with Mairtín,Jimmy, Cathal and Seamie next May-June time…get into the trad groove for a bit of folk trance
Makes a change listening to you live on a friday night and dont even have to leave the couch …..Ya got stoned shipping sherry haha …….great interview and songs nice to see Dec,Jimmy & Cathal there also ……CD ordered lookin forward now.
God bless
Christy's reply
shipped the sherry alright Jimi…got doused in the Dolorosa…dont be getting too cosy on that couch… the town would get littered with hairy bowsies
hello Christy any chance of getting a review copy of your new album. I have been trying to track down your PR department with little success. You can check out some of my work at Regards Danny
Christy's reply
come Monday I will send a smoke signal…the PR dept are all gone on the lash for the weekend
Hello Christy,
Looking forward to your new cd. Have been a ‘long time’ fan of you and your music. I was lucky enough to speak to you down in Sydney quite a few years ago and can still remember the conversation!
Please keep on with the great work that you do with your songs and the words in them.
Christy's reply
we’re on a roll down here at the moment Mike..keep coming back
Hi christy,have been a big fan since you played in my dad and uncles night club,CJ’s Salthill,I remember the night the electricity went due to a power storm,I had to hold a bicycle lamp on you for light,big disappointment when power came back on,it showed what a true legend you are to keep the show going even in the dark,not to let your fans down,many a good night there,you were alway very complementary of my mums Marie’s home Cooking,hope to see you some time in our pub O’Connors Salthill,thanks again for always been a complete Gentelman to me and my family when you played all those years ago.
Christy's reply
Thanks for the memories of CJ’s was a great gig, one which I always cherished in the 80’s..Benny and Neilus and all the family offered great hospitality…2 decades earlier I sang next door with Christy on piano..played with lads in Corinthians too circa 1966 when we won the Connacht Senior Cup…we filled it with porter, there was no Heineken in those days !…I rem the night of the power cut very well…there was an amazing atmosphere in the room which was ruined when the bleddy power came back on…I also remember Iggy Brodericks band playing support that night..them boys could surely boogie
Some of Neil Youngs set from Farm Aid last month is up on Youtube, good versions of Early Morning Rain, Blowing in the Wind and the clip below is him singing Changes..(Phil Ochs) … the story at the start relates to Kurt Cobain.
Just bought the new one there, can’t wait to get it!! Been a stressful month for me so couldn’t come at a better time either. Myself and my wife had a lot of fun brainstorming names for the album, so for your amusement: LISDOONS AND OTHER TUNES……FROM THE PEN OF CHRISTY MOORE…..MUSIC FROM THE HEART…..OUT OF HIS MIND…..GIT’S HITS….ANYONE FOR THE LAST WEDGE OF APPLE TART?
Looking forward to both nights in Naas!!! Keep on riding on
Christy's reply
hope thon stress soon gets dissipated..its a hoor of a yoke that feckin stress…the way it seizes everything up.. theres a lot of it about now…a lot of it brought about by those who were elected to serve and protect
Coming home in Nov but see Trim and Naas sold out. Wanted to go to one and would like to record a piece for The Gaelic Hour. Any way of squeezing in to any of those gigs and having a coffee and recording a piece? Or would you have time for a coffee in between. Arriving Nov 20. Departing Dec 4.
Austin Comerton
The Gaelic Hour
CHIN 97.9FM Ottawa
be in touch
We so enjoyed your show at Warwick Arts Centre. My friend of 74 is quite new to your music and thoroughly enjoyed it. We laughed and cried and came home feeling exhilerated. Thank you for being part of my life in music x
its a month on and your post brings me back to that lovely night in Warwick……fair play to you KimBo
I am very much enjoying listening to the new album, it’s really lovely. Congratulations and very well done to all involved in this project. One is reminded of the breadth of your own material, both in number and nature, and its nice to hear these selected songs as a compilation of fresh recordings. You are all sounding well and in fine fettle.
Ros Abú
A couple of months ago I sang my dad to sleep with Nancy Spain. He was 64. It was the first song he ever taught me. I liked to belt out “No mather where I wa-anther”. Our favourite was lawless (by name and lawless by nature).Last year we sent you a comment and when you replied we giggled like country girls who found sloe wine. Christy, my dad followed you for more than 40 years. He died from lung cancer and I am so proud I could sing to him – not just Nancy but Black is the colour. You defined my life with him. We used to travel around the country belting out your songs. He was my best friend. I’m 31. My little sister is 29. Our mam died 2 years before dad. You are a big deal to us Christy -thanks for being the soundtrack to our lives. Helen
thanks for sharing Helen..lovely to read of your dad being your best friend..thanks too for telling us how the songs have been part of your have great memories to cherish…keep on singing
Just saw you on the Late Late Christy, (watched the RTE Player – skips right over the ads!) Brilliant to see you chatting and singing away good as ever!
And was that Elvis I saw in the audience? He’s looking well boy! Good health suits him down to the ground!
Hope all goes well with the album, sure ’tis only brilliant!
Stay well.
Elvis was in the audience..the brand new fella, svelte and cool as a breeze but the spirit remains intact
I remember first hearing you in the early/mid nineties on the jukebox in an Irish bar in Poughkeepsie, NY and the bartenders (who were from Ireland) would turn you up really loud whenever someone played you. Christy Moore, Voyage and Live at the Point were the 3 albums on the jukebox and those were the first three that I bought. Even though Live at the Point was the most often played, I remember when one particular Tyrone guy worked, he would always put coins in so Voyage could play from beginning to end. I can still see him singing The Night Visit out loud while workin. I saw you at Randall’s Island in ’97, It was then and there I decided you were my favorite singer and that has not ever changed. My buddy Pat and brother Greg became huge fans of you too. Thanks to the woman here who posted the Late Late Show link. I just passed it on to them. Pat actually went to see you between Christmas and New Years a couple years ago and I was mad I couldn’t go with him because I needed to work I have most everything you have sold over the years and I just ordered the new CD set. I bought it through Paypal and there was no way to send you a message that I wanted to get a signed set so I don’t know if the one I bought will be signed. I hope it is but won’t be too fired up if it isn’t cause your music is signature enough. I know I can’t be alone wishing you would come on over to the east coast of US sometime soon. I will be in the front row if that ever happens,,,I can guarantee that! Thanks for all the great music Christy
sound Robcog….its heartwarming that picture you paint..I still get a buzz when I read about some of my songs being on a juke box…I stood around manys the Juke Box myself..the first one being in Mrs Dunne’s Chipper down the back street in Newbridge in the late 1950s….myself,Joe Coffey and Owen McGuigan, The Meg McGowan and Charlie O’Shaugnessy..many years later I fed a Juke Box in a pub on The Kilburn High Road as I tried to learn the words of “The Rocky Road To Dublin”
I’m not sure if Mr. Moore will actually end up reading this but all I wanted to say is, Thank you so much for all the years of wonderful music & craic. Sadly I have yet to see you live & I hope I do sooner than later. So with that said, I would just like to wish you & yours all the very best for the future. You are a true living legend & your music will live on as long as the world keeps turning. God Bless!
p.s. Looking forward to hearing your new album…2013
Peace j
Dear YM…rest assured that “Mr Moore” reads everything that comes up here…where is Ogils ? thanks for again
Great interview last night christy and as for the c.d. Well it was about half ten yesterday morning i think it was when i lept out of bed, just after rememberin your new c.d is been released. Well i tell yeah i decicided the stairs was to long so i lept the banasters, and summersalted out the front door into me good auld 1994 carina e. Well i tell yeah i think i left the tyre’s behind me in a cloud of smoke, anyway out to donaghmede were the great Damien Dempsey rains from, 16 clicks on the handbrake into the parking spot and ran into Golden Disc’s,i say’s to ur man -2 new Christy Moore c’ds quicksnap before i piss me whitefronts(one for the cousin’s birthday).And back out the door back into the auld reliable, into 1st and out the carpark like a light as i was late for work. Put in cd no1 in and that was it (Theres a beautiful bog near allenwood were johney doyle is king) The stress was gone 1st 2nd and into 5th the smell of clutch i didnt care i had me new c.d and needed the car in the quietest gear to listen 🙂 Out to blancerdstown were i wash trucks part time, But i have a stereo outside to listen to music 2 and a bit hours of magic.
Christy you inspire me you always have and you always will, i play the guitar for a few years now (Badly) But i hav taking up the mandola,tenor banjo and mandolin. Theres nothing more beautiful then irish music it soothes the soul, and you Christy have the maters key. Best wishes and thanks for the music, Sean 🙂
Fair Play Seán you took us all on the trip to Golden Discs in Donagmede.I felt I was in the back of your Carina as you ground through the gears….
Good interview on the Late, Late last night Christy. Came across really well. Thought the question about Liam Clancy was a bit lame but you answered it well. Got to town to get my CD this morning from Cool Discs- thank God we still have an independent shop (or two) in the town. Absolutely brilliant sound and great depth in your voice – and great accompaniment from all the musicians. Scallcrows with the goatskin is just out of this world. It’s a remarkable collection with the songs sounding so new and fresh. It also struck me that your singing and lilting is sounding more and more “traditional” and like the Sean Nos. Wonderful album Christy – and thanks so much for recording it.
thanks for the feedback John…we are very happy with the response to date…with regard to singing I am still learning..after all these years I still find new things to do.,new “freedoms” are revealed….just a few weeks back I was watching the GUTH series on TG4. In the programme about Oasis, the possibilty that Liam’s singing style had a bit of ‘sean-nós’ in it was discussed… (I recommend this excellent series to any songster- it examines the music of the Irish diaspora including Bing Crosby, Dusty Springfield,The Smiths, John Lydon and Oasis…the final programme was to have been about Beatles music but it was not transmitted nor was any reason given) While I have a little knowledge of the intricacies of Sean-Nós singing I do recognise that it is a form that must be developed over a long singing life. Most Irish ‘folk-revival’ singers are imbued with the influence of the Sean-Nós…..the old style is alive and well.We attend singing sessions regularly and it is wonderful to hear the younger generations embracing old singing styles
Congrats Christy and Declan and Jimmy and Cahal on the LLS gig,,,, and the mighty CDs,,, I love the design and artwork and the songs sound so good,, clear and soft and yet powerful too,,, I think this is the link to the LLS,,,, Mile buiochas,, H
Míle maith agat H…..
Great to hear your reminiscences about playing in Kirkcaldy Christy. That’s a dream line up if ever there was one. The Elbow Room is still going strong up at the top o’ the town. Ordered the new CD and the cover is fantastic, as I’m sure its contents will be when I give it a spin. I was put onto your music in the 80’s when a college chum from Tralee showed me the light. I’ve been a huge fan ever since. I’m getting some surgery on me owd back next week but I hope to be fit enought to see you in Dublin in December. Aye yours.
wishing you the best with your back op…always a good time to have a few albums stored for listening…hope you gain full recovery
For god’s sake has anyone got a blue line on me buddy on the late late show throwing shape ‘s and a lick of chord’s to bate the band ,sorry christy but the previous posts have me in a frenzie,us poor feckers across the water don’t know what to do Help..Mammy brought us to St Thersa’s gardens when we were young,she had a friend that lived there,I remember because I was 10 at the time and remember the statue.the documentary was sad and angry all in one will help you but you must first help each other .I 3045 miles away for one look forward to your chats git.dont ever forget that my friend .they put us far away in the room in which you sing ,and we are not home but with all you listeners and our ears are perked and tuned. I have had the pleasure of waiting in the rain for to say Thank You outside the back door of many a venue, for I feel that is the very least I could say to someone who wears his heart on his sleeves and helps us in song to heal ,cry and laugh at a gig that runs 2hrs approx depending on intuition from yourself and Dec.I love to read the chat my friend,so keep it up.Put me order on the new album twice, to be sure,but in case no one reads this . You have friends everywhere and I thank you for all you do in song and behind the scenes,that no body knows about,and you know what I’m saying.anyway goodnight my friend and all my best to Val and the kids.Finbar
aint got no blue line here Fin but I’m sure one of our correspondants will do the blue for you..had a grand time last night with Ryan felt more like a chat then an interview…hope you are singing the songs in Southie and keeping the flag flying
Christy, you were fantastic on The Late Late Show tonight. I have grown up listening to your music as my father is a huge fan. He never fails to have one of your albums in the car! I was at the gig last year in Clonmel and will be returning again in February. Keep doing what your doing! All the best, Aoife
see you back down there in that beautiful Vale of Honey
well done on the late late performance, the lads sounded great. personally I think its the best you have sounded in years, long it may continue.
Are the lads gonna be around for the gigs in the killashee?? It be brilliant to see ye all there to rock the joint!!
Hey christy did ya really have to tell a million people that moorefield are kildare champions.. some of us around hear are still sore about that..
All joke on the side best of luck in the lenister. sure its great for the town.
Hey Sashman,greetings from The Black Lagoon…hope ye are all well in Roseberry…we are blest to have two such great clubs in our town…I know the that rivalry is ancient and fierce but ,at the back of it all, we have always been good neighbours to each other…..I hope to do some gigs with Mairtín,Jimmy, Cathal and Seamie next May-June time…get into the trad groove for a bit of folk trance
Makes a change listening to you live on a friday night and dont even have to leave the couch …..Ya got stoned shipping sherry haha …….great interview and songs nice to see Dec,Jimmy & Cathal there also ……CD ordered lookin forward now.
God bless
shipped the sherry alright Jimi…got doused in the Dolorosa…dont be getting too cosy on that couch… the town would get littered with hairy bowsies
hello Christy any chance of getting a review copy of your new album. I have been trying to track down your PR department with little success. You can check out some of my work at Regards Danny
come Monday I will send a smoke signal…the PR dept are all gone on the lash for the weekend
Hello Christy,
Looking forward to your new cd. Have been a ‘long time’ fan of you and your music. I was lucky enough to speak to you down in Sydney quite a few years ago and can still remember the conversation!
Please keep on with the great work that you do with your songs and the words in them.
we’re on a roll down here at the moment Mike..keep coming back
Hi christy,have been a big fan since you played in my dad and uncles night club,CJ’s Salthill,I remember the night the electricity went due to a power storm,I had to hold a bicycle lamp on you for light,big disappointment when power came back on,it showed what a true legend you are to keep the show going even in the dark,not to let your fans down,many a good night there,you were alway very complementary of my mums Marie’s home Cooking,hope to see you some time in our pub O’Connors Salthill,thanks again for always been a complete Gentelman to me and my family when you played all those years ago.
Thanks for the memories of CJ’s was a great gig, one which I always cherished in the 80’s..Benny and Neilus and all the family offered great hospitality…2 decades earlier I sang next door with Christy on piano..played with lads in Corinthians too circa 1966 when we won the Connacht Senior Cup…we filled it with porter, there was no Heineken in those days !…I rem the night of the power cut very well…there was an amazing atmosphere in the room which was ruined when the bleddy power came back on…I also remember Iggy Brodericks band playing support that night..them boys could surely boogie
Some of Neil Youngs set from Farm Aid last month is up on Youtube, good versions of Early Morning Rain, Blowing in the Wind and the clip below is him singing Changes..(Phil Ochs) … the story at the start relates to Kurt Cobain.
sit by my side, come as close as the air….
Just bought the new one there, can’t wait to get it!! Been a stressful month for me so couldn’t come at a better time either. Myself and my wife had a lot of fun brainstorming names for the album, so for your amusement: LISDOONS AND OTHER TUNES……FROM THE PEN OF CHRISTY MOORE…..MUSIC FROM THE HEART…..OUT OF HIS MIND…..GIT’S HITS….ANYONE FOR THE LAST WEDGE OF APPLE TART?
Looking forward to both nights in Naas!!! Keep on riding on
hope thon stress soon gets dissipated..its a hoor of a yoke that feckin stress…the way it seizes everything up.. theres a lot of it about now…a lot of it brought about by those who were elected to serve and protect