I danced in a place near Trim last week and won 1st place! what a carry on.RS won nothing and was cantalach all the way home.
Now about the new CD’s I think you sing in that nice low voice not to wake the scallcrows or cromwells magpies..I saw a flock of wild geese!I think they were heading to somewhere cold like: the north pole or south or what ever .Its about time that the magpies do that too!
I had a song on an album and I won a hamper of stuff.
Its called stéibh.You put in your song that you write and sing in a recording studio.(You have to play it OVER AND OVER).and they pick TOP 15 in Cúíge Chonnacht agus Cúige Leighinn.I was SOOO happy that I was on it.
Dado is home since dé luain and he has a bell in his seomra ,every time he presses it day and night the whole crowd run to the room like a flash. Doesnt matter if I’m half dead with the hunger they didn’t even notice me frying my own bacon yesterday on the george foreman I won in a raffle,they are too busy running after the ding dong .
I like the way you sung The two fishermen conneely on the new album(Also the ballad of Ruby walsh just dont want to make this too long)
Are Scallcrows real cause theres nothing on google about them?
Christy's reply
congrats to you and commiserations to RS..her turn next to carry the laurels…every time ye dance and sing ye are both winners for its the song and the dance that matter, not what some auld hairy judge might thing…some of them do be asleep half the time and when they’re awake they might be thinking about their dinner or wondering did the hen lay, I won at a fleadh once and the man who came third was the best Sean Nós singers who ever lived…40 years later I’m still embarrassed…. we used to call the Grey Crows Scallcrows…there used to be a bounty on them in the Garda Barracks…tell me about the George Forman Grill…does it fry both sides of the rasher ? will it do the streaky ? can it also deal with the egg ? for me its hard to beat the auld black pan on the turf fire and the rashers splutterin over the embers as the browsn bread fries crisp in the bacon fat as the tea stews and the dog gazes into the fire wondering will there be an auld rind thrown his way…an old landlady in Limerick once asked me how I liked my eggs done…in twos sez I….I’ll put yours down with my own sez she….you could never cod the lodgin land lady….
….. thats sounds like a great bell that Dado has..I might try and get one of them myself altho I think I know where it would end up..where the sun never shines as …tell me more about your song…
Hi Christy. My parents still get me something small for my birthday each year even though I’ve long since left home and am a Daddy myself now. It’s a nice tradition though. When they asked for a suggestion for this year, I didn’t have to think too long. I asked them to get me your new album and they duly did. It’s great. I love the quiet simplicity of the new arrangements ‘cos that somehow seems to add to the impact of the songs. The new versions of Scallcrows, Johnny Connors, The Stardust Song and Riding The High Stool are already stand out tracks for me. Fair play. Ciaran.
Christy's reply
a great start to the day..glad your are happy with the collection…I was a bit apprehensive about the release but have been overwhelmed by the response..both from listeners and critics…gotta try and figure out now what comes next !!
Hi mate. Been a long time since Ive been on. Been washing my hair. Hope all is well. Saw you on Ryans show….”Bog man” definitely grows on you…..Just got the new CD from Amazon…Fell in love with two tracks for the first time….Johnny Connors and Minds Locked Shut.. Didnt register with me first time round….All good here…Look after yourself Christy
Christy's reply
jasus tis yourself boy…I thought you might be gone up the mountain like Leonard Cohen, or maybe been turned into a Bodhrán skin…good to hear from you…all good here, the sun is low in the sky as it warms me auld aging pelt..I’m packing the bag now and heading for The Royal County to strum the harp that once through Tara’s Hall…its all go here these days..they have me nearly bet at the promoting..smiling at cameras and yabberin on about songs but I dont complain for, to be truthful, I love the whole commotion when an album is released…I have not forgotten the days when reviews and airplays were things I dreamt about…dont be staying away so long
To those suffering from insomnia I can recommend Luka Bloom’s album ‘Before Sleep Comes’. It’s meant to bring you closer to sleep, so you don’t have to feel guilty about dozing off and showing no respect to the artist … And it works – better than a sleeping pill !
Christy's reply
along side Luka’s album let me suggest Nic Jones album “Penguin Eggs”….
Just back from a weekend in Bruges with a few mates. Shared a cabin and hotel room with a fella who snored so loud it was like the soundtrack of a David Attenborough show. got the headphones out and tried Andrea Bocelli to help drown out the noise and drift me off to sleep. Not a fecking hope. Neil Young was just as useless. So then it was ‘Folk Tale’ just managed a few bars of Easter Snow and away I was with the Cross Channel fairies. Woke up with a sore ear when the headphone had been pushed into my temporal lobe. Great weekend. Would recommend the Bangers and Mash 10 euros from Delaney’s where we watched the All Blacks share a training session with the English. Take Care now.
Christy's reply
I recognise you sleep dilemna…I have a much loved album that always lulls me..even on the darkest nights I set it turning and seldom get beyond track one
Hi Christy.
Hope all is well with you.
Quick question for you. I want to get my guitar serviced..A working Tak FP360…Needs refretting and action adjustment…So just wondering if you could point me in the right direction.
With all that wafflin I forgot to ask what I wanted to. Might there be a gig sometime, somewhere, of just the songs from the collection. A night of your own songs..could be a night for the next gathering in the future…just a thought, I’m sure it’s crossed your mind before? A grand bright and brisk day in the smoke.
Good to hear from all the travelers that Derry was another success, couldnt make it this trip..a trip to Trim may be on though.
I wanted to say here a big congratulations on the new collection,Where I Come From..Its something that has been constantly with me since I got it,and what a recording..its better than I could’ve imagined, a trip back in time or me personally, an emotional trip at times, laughs, and thoughtful songs and recitals. Im just blown away with it and delighted it has received such a great reaction for you and Declan and all the players involved. Its these things and the live work that keeps us coming back for more, I wish you many more gigs. I heard Bruce saying in Kilkenny at the end of his Irish gigs..”The older you get, the more it means”…keep well, long may the never ending tour continue..lovin the chats also..keeps us all in touch when we cant make the trips we’d love to be on..Im wafflin now..
Christy's reply
I concur with Bruce on that is a blessing and priviledge to be still in the game…thanks Lar…you may have slimmed down but your support remains stellar….
@Ceiliman,,Is there a prize ???, my guess is that its Derby Day which is just re- released on the new 3 CD set, the words are available on the Lyrics section here on this site,,,do let us know if you find it,,,, Beir bua. H
Ceiliman, I have an album Heartaches and Highways by Emmylou Harris. Its a best of and there is a wonderful song “Calling My Children Home” on It.. Probably on the web somewhere.. Worth a try… RyanL
Dear Christy, we are just after a long walk on the beach in Portmanock before flying home to Hamburg tomorrow … Uwe and I would like to thank you and Decky and the entire team for two great nights in Derry – sound and light were superb as always. The walled „city of culture“ is always a special place to hear certain songs the Derry citizens can relate to … And did you notice the respectful silence after ‚How Long?‘ before the applause set in? Very impressive .. So many beautiful songs on the setlist – wonderful renditions of ‚Shine On You‘, ‚Faithful Departed‘, ‚Cry Like A Man‘ to name just a few. Seeing a bunch of 4711ers along the gigs was worth the long journey alone, but together with the two concerts and buying the new album in Derry it was just a perfect long weekend ..
Christy's reply
Thank you Petra and Uwe for your continued support and feedback…we too enjoyed our Derry visit and twas great to see those familiar faces of our long haul listeners
re ceiliman, if its a song Christy sings one that springs to mind is a song by Mike Waterson “Stitch in time” its on the This is the day album and Live at the point 2006″
Great to read the summary of the crew and their actions – too often we take their input for granted. i suppose that’s a tribute to how well they do their jobs but they certainly add to the gigs. That was a special line up in St Columb’s Hall – unfortunately i was more worried about Santa Claus than Christy Moore in those days – but the gifts from Christy have lasted longer!! Keep well Christy and look forward to meeting you along theroad in 2014.
Hi Christy, I really enjoyed the first Derry gig and most of the second one. Meeting up with a flock of 4711ers is always a pleasure, we all share a harmless dose of insanity that gives us a bond. In Dublin for a few more days now, hoping to indulge in a bit of culture, such a shame that Kurt Weil’s Three Penny Opera has just finished it’s run at the Gate.
Christy's reply
feckin mad yokes,the lot of ye….you bring great joy in your wake…your support is greatly appreciated and cherished…enjoy The Black Lagoon,dont fall in… beware of Elvis impersonators
Hi Christy,
got the new CD. It’s great! Listening to it was a ride through all the years I’ve been listening to your songs, brought back memories when I saw you here in Bonn (almost 20 years ago), followed you to Belfast, Dublin and to different places in Germany.
Unfortunately there is no sign of German gigs- it’s time to come back.
Thanks for this new gem and hope to see you soon
Christy's reply
I have good memories of Bonn, walking by The River, it was a Sunday Night…the venue had a lot of Glass
Hi Christy Last night in Derry was just a beautiful night – I hadnt been to a gig for some time and what a special night it was – Tis better you are gettin !! Lovely gig great lighting sounds venue and great company with the 4711ers and to top the night I got my copy of “Where I Come From” which Im listening to now – lovin it . And thank you soo much for the lovely handshake at the end of the night and your plectrum – !! Hope to see you all again real soon Gabh raibh mile maith agaibh go leir – Keep Coming Back Christy ! Very Best Regards Ger H x
Christy's reply
I appreciate it when the sound and lighting mentioned… Declan and I have been working with the same team for many years…they are superb technicians who carefully prepare for every gig…. David looks after our sound.He is a musician himself and is like a third member of our band. He anticipates our every move and sends the quietest songs to the farthest corners. Beside him out front is Geoff who lights our show. Every stage is different, we never have a set list.Geoff lights each gig never knowing whats coming next. Dickon looks after our monitor sound and keeps a close eye as the show evolves. Johnny looks after the instruments and our performance set-up. He constantly tunes my guitars which gives me the space to think things through, to communicate, to rap and joust whilst I line up the next number. Michael is our Tour Manager.He co-ordinates Dec and I on show days, gets us to the church on time, looks after things in a way that allows us to focus totally on what we gotta do for those 2 precious hours when everything has to come together. Paddy oversees everything that takes place…he paves the way before the circus comes to town…he insures that everyone gets fed,bedded and looked after, he Skippers our ship. This our basic team. Many others involved in varying capacity at different times…. Thanks for noticing Ger and for your comments
I danced in a place near Trim last week and won 1st place! what a carry on.RS won nothing and was cantalach all the way home.
Now about the new CD’s I think you sing in that nice low voice not to wake the scallcrows or cromwells magpies..I saw a flock of wild geese!I think they were heading to somewhere cold like: the north pole or south or what ever .Its about time that the magpies do that too!
I had a song on an album and I won a hamper of stuff.
Its called stéibh.You put in your song that you write and sing in a recording studio.(You have to play it OVER AND OVER).and they pick TOP 15 in Cúíge Chonnacht agus Cúige Leighinn.I was SOOO happy that I was on it.
Dado is home since dé luain and he has a bell in his seomra ,every time he presses it day and night the whole crowd run to the room like a flash. Doesnt matter if I’m half dead with the hunger they didn’t even notice me frying my own bacon yesterday on the george foreman I won in a raffle,they are too busy running after the ding dong .
I like the way you sung The two fishermen conneely on the new album(Also the ballad of Ruby walsh just dont want to make this too long)
Are Scallcrows real cause theres nothing on google about them?
congrats to you and commiserations to RS..her turn next to carry the laurels…every time ye dance and sing ye are both winners for its the song and the dance that matter, not what some auld hairy judge might thing…some of them do be asleep half the time and when they’re awake they might be thinking about their dinner or wondering did the hen lay, I won at a fleadh once and the man who came third was the best Sean Nós singers who ever lived…40 years later I’m still embarrassed…. we used to call the Grey Crows Scallcrows…there used to be a bounty on them in the Garda Barracks…tell me about the George Forman Grill…does it fry both sides of the rasher ? will it do the streaky ? can it also deal with the egg ? for me its hard to beat the auld black pan on the turf fire and the rashers splutterin over the embers as the browsn bread fries crisp in the bacon fat as the tea stews and the dog gazes into the fire wondering will there be an auld rind thrown his way…an old landlady in Limerick once asked me how I liked my eggs done…in twos sez I….I’ll put yours down with my own sez she….you could never cod the lodgin land lady….
….. thats sounds like a great bell that Dado has..I might try and get one of them myself altho I think I know where it would end up..where the sun never shines as …tell me more about your song…
Hi Christy. My parents still get me something small for my birthday each year even though I’ve long since left home and am a Daddy myself now. It’s a nice tradition though. When they asked for a suggestion for this year, I didn’t have to think too long. I asked them to get me your new album and they duly did. It’s great. I love the quiet simplicity of the new arrangements ‘cos that somehow seems to add to the impact of the songs. The new versions of Scallcrows, Johnny Connors, The Stardust Song and Riding The High Stool are already stand out tracks for me. Fair play. Ciaran.
a great start to the day..glad your are happy with the collection…I was a bit apprehensive about the release but have been overwhelmed by the response..both from listeners and critics…gotta try and figure out now what comes next !!
Hi mate. Been a long time since Ive been on. Been washing my hair. Hope all is well. Saw you on Ryans show….”Bog man” definitely grows on you…..Just got the new CD from Amazon…Fell in love with two tracks for the first time….Johnny Connors and Minds Locked Shut.. Didnt register with me first time round….All good here…Look after yourself Christy
jasus tis yourself boy…I thought you might be gone up the mountain like Leonard Cohen, or maybe been turned into a Bodhrán skin…good to hear from you…all good here, the sun is low in the sky as it warms me auld aging pelt..I’m packing the bag now and heading for The Royal County to strum the harp that once through Tara’s Hall…its all go here these days..they have me nearly bet at the promoting..smiling at cameras and yabberin on about songs but I dont complain for, to be truthful, I love the whole commotion when an album is released…I have not forgotten the days when reviews and airplays were things I dreamt about…dont be staying away so long
Thank you.
To those suffering from insomnia I can recommend Luka Bloom’s album ‘Before Sleep Comes’. It’s meant to bring you closer to sleep, so you don’t have to feel guilty about dozing off and showing no respect to the artist … And it works – better than a sleeping pill !
along side Luka’s album let me suggest Nic Jones album “Penguin Eggs”….
Just back from a weekend in Bruges with a few mates. Shared a cabin and hotel room with a fella who snored so loud it was like the soundtrack of a David Attenborough show. got the headphones out and tried Andrea Bocelli to help drown out the noise and drift me off to sleep. Not a fecking hope. Neil Young was just as useless. So then it was ‘Folk Tale’ just managed a few bars of Easter Snow and away I was with the Cross Channel fairies. Woke up with a sore ear when the headphone had been pushed into my temporal lobe. Great weekend. Would recommend the Bangers and Mash 10 euros from Delaney’s where we watched the All Blacks share a training session with the English. Take Care now.
I recognise you sleep dilemna…I have a much loved album that always lulls me..even on the darkest nights I set it turning and seldom get beyond track one
Hi Christy.
Hope all is well with you.
Quick question for you. I want to get my guitar serviced..A working Tak FP360…Needs refretting and action adjustment…So just wondering if you could point me in the right direction.
I’ll get back to you
Hi Christy
I got the CD and was delighted and very impressed. It is fantastic
we are glad it arrived
With all that wafflin I forgot to ask what I wanted to. Might there be a gig sometime, somewhere, of just the songs from the collection. A night of your own songs..could be a night for the next gathering in the future…just a thought, I’m sure it’s crossed your mind before? A grand bright and brisk day in the smoke.
ye’d never know ..anything is possible..good idea
Good to hear from all the travelers that Derry was another success, couldnt make it this trip..a trip to Trim may be on though.
I wanted to say here a big congratulations on the new collection,Where I Come From..Its something that has been constantly with me since I got it,and what a recording..its better than I could’ve imagined, a trip back in time or me personally, an emotional trip at times, laughs, and thoughtful songs and recitals. Im just blown away with it and delighted it has received such a great reaction for you and Declan and all the players involved. Its these things and the live work that keeps us coming back for more, I wish you many more gigs. I heard Bruce saying in Kilkenny at the end of his Irish gigs..”The older you get, the more it means”…keep well, long may the never ending tour continue..lovin the chats also..keeps us all in touch when we cant make the trips we’d love to be on..Im wafflin now..
I concur with Bruce on that is a blessing and priviledge to be still in the game…thanks Lar…you may have slimmed down but your support remains stellar….
Not only do I have to beware of the Elvis impersonator, I also have to watch out for a Kildare DJ, a Dublin Balladeer and maybe even a Scallywag.
sounds like a line from the reel in the flickering light
@Ceiliman,,Is there a prize ???, my guess is that its Derby Day which is just re- released on the new 3 CD set, the words are available on the Lyrics section here on this site,,,do let us know if you find it,,,, Beir bua. H
Ceiliman, I have an album Heartaches and Highways by Emmylou Harris. Its a best of and there is a wonderful song “Calling My Children Home” on It.. Probably on the web somewhere.. Worth a try… RyanL
Dear Christy, we are just after a long walk on the beach in Portmanock before flying home to Hamburg tomorrow … Uwe and I would like to thank you and Decky and the entire team for two great nights in Derry – sound and light were superb as always. The walled „city of culture“ is always a special place to hear certain songs the Derry citizens can relate to … And did you notice the respectful silence after ‚How Long?‘ before the applause set in? Very impressive .. So many beautiful songs on the setlist – wonderful renditions of ‚Shine On You‘, ‚Faithful Departed‘, ‚Cry Like A Man‘ to name just a few. Seeing a bunch of 4711ers along the gigs was worth the long journey alone, but together with the two concerts and buying the new album in Derry it was just a perfect long weekend ..
Thank you Petra and Uwe for your continued support and feedback…we too enjoyed our Derry visit and twas great to see those familiar faces of our long haul listeners
re ceiliman, if its a song Christy sings one that springs to mind is a song by Mike Waterson “Stitch in time” its on the This is the day album and Live at the point 2006″
might not be what your looking for
it dont ring no bells here
Great to read the summary of the crew and their actions – too often we take their input for granted. i suppose that’s a tribute to how well they do their jobs but they certainly add to the gigs. That was a special line up in St Columb’s Hall – unfortunately i was more worried about Santa Claus than Christy Moore in those days – but the gifts from Christy have lasted longer!! Keep well Christy and look forward to meeting you along theroad in 2014.
sounds good John..whallup
Hi Christy, I really enjoyed the first Derry gig and most of the second one. Meeting up with a flock of 4711ers is always a pleasure, we all share a harmless dose of insanity that gives us a bond. In Dublin for a few more days now, hoping to indulge in a bit of culture, such a shame that Kurt Weil’s Three Penny Opera has just finished it’s run at the Gate.
feckin mad yokes,the lot of ye….you bring great joy in your wake…your support is greatly appreciated and cherished…enjoy The Black Lagoon,dont fall in… beware of Elvis impersonators
Hi Christy,
got the new CD. It’s great! Listening to it was a ride through all the years I’ve been listening to your songs, brought back memories when I saw you here in Bonn (almost 20 years ago), followed you to Belfast, Dublin and to different places in Germany.
Unfortunately there is no sign of German gigs- it’s time to come back.
Thanks for this new gem and hope to see you soon
I have good memories of Bonn, walking by The River, it was a Sunday Night…the venue had a lot of Glass
Hi Christy Last night in Derry was just a beautiful night – I hadnt been to a gig for some time and what a special night it was – Tis better you are gettin !! Lovely gig great lighting sounds venue and great company with the 4711ers and to top the night I got my copy of “Where I Come From” which Im listening to now – lovin it . And thank you soo much for the lovely handshake at the end of the night and your plectrum – !! Hope to see you all again real soon Gabh raibh mile maith agaibh go leir – Keep Coming Back Christy ! Very Best Regards Ger H x
I appreciate it when the sound and lighting mentioned… Declan and I have been working with the same team for many years…they are superb technicians who carefully prepare for every gig…. David looks after our sound.He is a musician himself and is like a third member of our band. He anticipates our every move and sends the quietest songs to the farthest corners. Beside him out front is Geoff who lights our show. Every stage is different, we never have a set list.Geoff lights each gig never knowing whats coming next. Dickon looks after our monitor sound and keeps a close eye as the show evolves. Johnny looks after the instruments and our performance set-up. He constantly tunes my guitars which gives me the space to think things through, to communicate, to rap and joust whilst I line up the next number. Michael is our Tour Manager.He co-ordinates Dec and I on show days, gets us to the church on time, looks after things in a way that allows us to focus totally on what we gotta do for those 2 precious hours when everything has to come together. Paddy oversees everything that takes place…he paves the way before the circus comes to town…he insures that everyone gets fed,bedded and looked after, he Skippers our ship. This our basic team. Many others involved in varying capacity at different times…. Thanks for noticing Ger and for your comments