A week ago and still in our Mind. Great gig last saturday in Knightsbrook, Trim.
We specially came from Germany to Trim for the concert, just for 2 days, and enjoyed it!!!
Now the CDs remind us of such a good night just a week ago.
Thank you, Christy and Declan!!!
Regards from Germany!
Tanja and Jonas
Christy's reply
A week is a long time in music…we have been deep in rehearsal as we moved from Meath to Kildare.Thank you for the memory of Trim and the journey you made from Lengerich….greetings to all our German listeners..
Hilary’s post on remembering Noel Brazil reminded me of two other great musicians who also went home on that day 29/11/01. American born Mic Christopher who was raised in Ireland and who may be best remembered for his song Heyday sadly died as a result of an accident… Also on that day another man who had a big Irish family connection but lost his battle to cancer was Beatle George Harrison…Let us all remember them tonight.. RyanL
Christy's reply
the singers were droppin like flies that day Ryan. Noel ,George and Mic all gone in an inst but their vibrations still reverberate
Hi All… Best of luck with the Naas gigs,,,, It is 12 years ago today since Noel Brazil passed,,, here is one of his songs sung in deBarras,,,http://youtu.be/6gQw5j-riOQ
Christy's reply
Nás na Rí agus Cill na Sí, Bhí siad ana mhaith ar fad….Cill Dara Abú….ceapaim go mbeimíd arais ansin,le Cónamh Dé agus Mick Devine…..go neirí an mbóthair leat Hilary..go dtí an céad am arís
Hello Christy, I was listening to your beautiful songs and I looked on the internet to find more about you. And so I came on this website. I’m a very great fan of you and the whole Ireland. My ultimate dream is to live someday, somewhere in Ireland. At the mean time I can only enjoy this lovely music. I even try to play and sing your songs. I hope to meet you someday when you are around in Belgium on tour.
Christy's reply
always dreaming …I’m always dreaming…of days long gone and those who went before…of roads not yet travelled..forests of great danger, sheebeens of mighty fun, days down by The Liffey as we lay in the Sun….greetings to all our good listeners in dear old Belgium…
Morning Christy, love the new look website, don’t need to get me specs out everytime! Say we’ll see you here next year, pleeease :-). Love and peace from me and the crew
Christy's reply
Morra Helen..greetings to our Listeners in Brighton and Hove…..the approval rate for the new site is delightful…..Brighton is on my wish list, lets hope it happens
G’day Christie. Got my signed copy of ‘Where I come from’ its a great record of all your fantastic songs. I’ve got me ol’ guitar out and I’m trying to convince me arthritic fingers to bend into the right shapes so I can sing along.
Congratulations on a career of genuine artist merit and social importance.
And may I say I thought Ireland played magnificently and would have been deserving victors, but I am very proud of our All Blacks.
Kia Kaha {keep strong}
Justin Mitchell
Christy's reply
Morra Justin..hope those fingers are loosening up on the old 3 chord trick…..last Sunday’s game was indeed special….I thought we had you beaten but that Bloody Haka put the hex on us again….ye are worthy World Champions and No1s…I hope we can build on what was shown last Sunday and do the job next time…I am working on a war-dance to respond to your pre-match ritual….keep singing..
The new site is really good Christy. Just logged on for the first time now and really impressed. Hope the tour is still going good. Can see from the comments that you have entranced every audience so for. Fantastic as always. Looking forward to Manchester next year (providing i read the schedule correctly that is)!
Christy's reply
see you in The United City Spur….hope all is good in The Pool…Adelante!
WOW!!! What a surprise! It took a moment to realize where I am. But it’s great and reading is much easier now. Congratulations!
Glad to read “Folk Tale” is revived. Was thinking of it at recent gigs and had asked myself if you’ll sing the beauty again some time.
Christy's reply
found myself humming Folk Tale while walking by The River Boyne last week-end…have been playing it a bit since and may have found a new approach…there is a beautiful sense of mystery in it…Paula Meehan is a wonderful poet ..I loved her contribution to President Higgins “Glaoch”
Hi Christy,
I’ve still been checking in daily but not posted for a while because I’ve had nothing interesting to ask or say and to quote the great Ronan Keatings sometimes ‘you say it best when you say nothing at all’. Anyway I was lucky enough to get to see the Pixies in Manchester last week, a great show, really different & I wondered if you managed to catch them at one of their recent Dublin gigs?
P.S The new album is ‘the dogs’
All the best John
Christy's reply
The Pixies came and went and I never caught sight nor sound of them…lots going on here at the moment..playing quite a bit and there is a lot of promo going on for the current release…always good to hear from Merseyside
God you can’t take your eye off the ball here or the whole thing could be changed congrats it looks great fair play to all involved keep facing the puck out
Christy's reply
jasus Iggy but I dont know whether I’m coming or going….lots of interviews and bits of press with the new albund ( as Shay Spillane used to call them )..having worked on the recordings for 18 months I am happy to take any bit of promo thats going…it has been well received in almost all quarters…the response has been far beyond my expectations….hope all is well with you and your family and that your strings are reverberating sweetly around The Grey Lake of Loughrea
Indeed Congrats to all,,, the site looks all HD and fun,,,, and to follow on from Anuk ( never easy ) the last few lines of that poem are :
You are neither here nor there,
A hurry through which known and strange things pass
As big soft buffetings come at the car sideways
And catch the heart off guard and blow it open……..
it kinda describes what happens for me at gigs, ,,, Beir bua agus beannacht,,,H
Christy's reply
Thanks H…A trouble free passage from old to new..well done Point Blank…what a way to celebrate with two of our finest quoting Seamus Heaney on fresh pages…
Ooooeeee well lookee here M’Lud. Great site. No need for the specs. And the pastel shades are very pleasing. On an aside, took the babbies to a Heaney tribute at the RFH. Highlights were Edna O’Brien and the Glorious Chieftains. So here’s a bit of Postscript which must surely make those on the Mainland feel homesick.
“And some time make the time to drive out west
Into County Clare, along the Flaggy Shore
In September or October, when the wind
And the light are working off each other…….”
Keep on keeping’ on Christy. I’m pleased for one more day on the Earth. Xx
Christy's reply
Sounds like a special night at RFH…there has been a wonderful and richly deserved outpouring of love for Bellaghy’s Poet Son…
hi christy,how are ya keeping? i have to admit we have neglected you this past while due to saving for our big day which was hard as we have saw you quite a few times but now we have that done you are top of our list so we are coming to see you in killashee on saturday.im looking forward to it and hearing your new songs as well as old.itl be good to see you in your home county.if you are doing any requests would you do whichever song you personally enjoy playing the most for debbie,paul,paddy and briege.we invited a few friends this time to enjoy your show with.cant wait to see you again.
Christy's reply
welcome back…safe journey from Armagh to the Short Grass
Gosh don’t you look great !
I usually don’t like people messing with me toys but this time… hat off to the dynamic team at Pointblank ! (and my poor eyes say thank you too)
hi Christy,
i am the Son from Leopold Geppl, he really likes your music and is also a musician (living room musician ;))
he also spend his and my mothers vacation last year in the UK to attend a live Gig with you.
what i wanna ask if its possible for you to Sign your brand new CD, my Mother told me, an send it to my Location? It’s a Christmas Gift 🙂
please let me know if we can Handle this, for sure i wanna pay for that!
Best Regards and looking forward to hear from you,
philipp/son of a great father 🙂
Hi Christy, you conquered Trim, leaving everyone punchdrunk and speechless. Great gig Saturday night, had the crowd in the palm of your hand from word go. Highlights too numerous to mention, but if I had to mention one it would be “Faithful Departed dedicated to the memory of Philip Chevron, brought back memories of great Hearts gigs. The people of Naas are very lucky to have this weekend to look forward to, I see the house full signs are up all ready.
“Rave on John Dunne”
Christy's reply
my first post on the new site goes to The Yellow Furze..how fitting….Trim was brim full of good juju…great room , great audiences, Hotel staff and Management totally supportive of our crew and the gigs….Knightsbrook is a funky destination
A week ago and still in our Mind. Great gig last saturday in Knightsbrook, Trim.
We specially came from Germany to Trim for the concert, just for 2 days, and enjoyed it!!!
Now the CDs remind us of such a good night just a week ago.
Thank you, Christy and Declan!!!
Regards from Germany!
Tanja and Jonas
A week is a long time in music…we have been deep in rehearsal as we moved from Meath to Kildare.Thank you for the memory of Trim and the journey you made from Lengerich….greetings to all our German listeners..
Hilary’s post on remembering Noel Brazil reminded me of two other great musicians who also went home on that day 29/11/01. American born Mic Christopher who was raised in Ireland and who may be best remembered for his song Heyday sadly died as a result of an accident… Also on that day another man who had a big Irish family connection but lost his battle to cancer was Beatle George Harrison…Let us all remember them tonight.. RyanL
the singers were droppin like flies that day Ryan. Noel ,George and Mic all gone in an inst but their vibrations still reverberate
thanks Hilary. really enjoyed the song.
Hi All… Best of luck with the Naas gigs,,,, It is 12 years ago today since Noel Brazil passed,,, here is one of his songs sung in deBarras,,,http://youtu.be/6gQw5j-riOQ
Nás na Rí agus Cill na Sí, Bhí siad ana mhaith ar fad….Cill Dara Abú….ceapaim go mbeimíd arais ansin,le Cónamh Dé agus Mick Devine…..go neirí an mbóthair leat Hilary..go dtí an céad am arís
Hello Christy, I was listening to your beautiful songs and I looked on the internet to find more about you. And so I came on this website. I’m a very great fan of you and the whole Ireland. My ultimate dream is to live someday, somewhere in Ireland. At the mean time I can only enjoy this lovely music. I even try to play and sing your songs. I hope to meet you someday when you are around in Belgium on tour.
always dreaming …I’m always dreaming…of days long gone and those who went before…of roads not yet travelled..forests of great danger, sheebeens of mighty fun, days down by The Liffey as we lay in the Sun….greetings to all our good listeners in dear old Belgium…
Morning Christy, love the new look website, don’t need to get me specs out everytime! Say we’ll see you here next year, pleeease :-). Love and peace from me and the crew
Morra Helen..greetings to our Listeners in Brighton and Hove…..the approval rate for the new site is delightful…..Brighton is on my wish list, lets hope it happens
G’day Christie. Got my signed copy of ‘Where I come from’ its a great record of all your fantastic songs. I’ve got me ol’ guitar out and I’m trying to convince me arthritic fingers to bend into the right shapes so I can sing along.
Congratulations on a career of genuine artist merit and social importance.
And may I say I thought Ireland played magnificently and would have been deserving victors, but I am very proud of our All Blacks.
Kia Kaha {keep strong}
Justin Mitchell
Morra Justin..hope those fingers are loosening up on the old 3 chord trick…..last Sunday’s game was indeed special….I thought we had you beaten but that Bloody Haka put the hex on us again….ye are worthy World Champions and No1s…I hope we can build on what was shown last Sunday and do the job next time…I am working on a war-dance to respond to your pre-match ritual….keep singing..
The new site is really good Christy. Just logged on for the first time now and really impressed. Hope the tour is still going good. Can see from the comments that you have entranced every audience so for. Fantastic as always. Looking forward to Manchester next year (providing i read the schedule correctly that is)!
see you in The United City Spur….hope all is good in The Pool…Adelante!
Hi Christy was just wondering when putting up new dates?
we’re putting them up all the time..what do you have in mind
WOW!!! What a surprise! It took a moment to realize where I am. But it’s great and reading is much easier now. Congratulations!
Glad to read “Folk Tale” is revived. Was thinking of it at recent gigs and had asked myself if you’ll sing the beauty again some time.
found myself humming Folk Tale while walking by The River Boyne last week-end…have been playing it a bit since and may have found a new approach…there is a beautiful sense of mystery in it…Paula Meehan is a wonderful poet ..I loved her contribution to President Higgins “Glaoch”
Got my lovely album and had a great Sunday listening Thank you Christy.
Its fab.
glad it arrived..happy listening…”O to be in Dún na Rí “
Hi Christy,
I’ve still been checking in daily but not posted for a while because I’ve had nothing interesting to ask or say and to quote the great Ronan Keatings sometimes ‘you say it best when you say nothing at all’. Anyway I was lucky enough to get to see the Pixies in Manchester last week, a great show, really different & I wondered if you managed to catch them at one of their recent Dublin gigs?
P.S The new album is ‘the dogs’
All the best John
The Pixies came and went and I never caught sight nor sound of them…lots going on here at the moment..playing quite a bit and there is a lot of promo going on for the current release…always good to hear from Merseyside
God you can’t take your eye off the ball here or the whole thing could be changed congrats it looks great fair play to all involved keep facing the puck out
jasus Iggy but I dont know whether I’m coming or going….lots of interviews and bits of press with the new albund ( as Shay Spillane used to call them )..having worked on the recordings for 18 months I am happy to take any bit of promo thats going…it has been well received in almost all quarters…the response has been far beyond my expectations….hope all is well with you and your family and that your strings are reverberating sweetly around The Grey Lake of Loughrea
Indeed Congrats to all,,, the site looks all HD and fun,,,, and to follow on from Anuk ( never easy ) the last few lines of that poem are :
You are neither here nor there,
A hurry through which known and strange things pass
As big soft buffetings come at the car sideways
And catch the heart off guard and blow it open……..
it kinda describes what happens for me at gigs, ,,, Beir bua agus beannacht,,,H
Thanks H…A trouble free passage from old to new..well done Point Blank…what a way to celebrate with two of our finest quoting Seamus Heaney on fresh pages…
Ooooeeee well lookee here M’Lud. Great site. No need for the specs. And the pastel shades are very pleasing. On an aside, took the babbies to a Heaney tribute at the RFH. Highlights were Edna O’Brien and the Glorious Chieftains. So here’s a bit of Postscript which must surely make those on the Mainland feel homesick.
“And some time make the time to drive out west
Into County Clare, along the Flaggy Shore
In September or October, when the wind
And the light are working off each other…….”
Keep on keeping’ on Christy. I’m pleased for one more day on the Earth. Xx
Sounds like a special night at RFH…there has been a wonderful and richly deserved outpouring of love for Bellaghy’s Poet Son…
hi christy,how are ya keeping? i have to admit we have neglected you this past while due to saving for our big day which was hard as we have saw you quite a few times but now we have that done you are top of our list so we are coming to see you in killashee on saturday.im looking forward to it and hearing your new songs as well as old.itl be good to see you in your home county.if you are doing any requests would you do whichever song you personally enjoy playing the most for debbie,paul,paddy and briege.we invited a few friends this time to enjoy your show with.cant wait to see you again.
welcome back…safe journey from Armagh to the Short Grass
Gosh don’t you look great !
I usually don’t like people messing with me toys but this time… hat off to the dynamic team at Pointblank ! (and my poor eyes say thank you too)
hi Christy,
i am the Son from Leopold Geppl, he really likes your music and is also a musician (living room musician ;))
he also spend his and my mothers vacation last year in the UK to attend a live Gig with you.
what i wanna ask if its possible for you to Sign your brand new CD, my Mother told me, an send it to my Location? It’s a Christmas Gift 🙂
please let me know if we can Handle this, for sure i wanna pay for that!
Best Regards and looking forward to hear from you,
philipp/son of a great father 🙂
Hi Christy, you conquered Trim, leaving everyone punchdrunk and speechless. Great gig Saturday night, had the crowd in the palm of your hand from word go. Highlights too numerous to mention, but if I had to mention one it would be “Faithful Departed dedicated to the memory of Philip Chevron, brought back memories of great Hearts gigs. The people of Naas are very lucky to have this weekend to look forward to, I see the house full signs are up all ready.
“Rave on John Dunne”
my first post on the new site goes to The Yellow Furze..how fitting….Trim was brim full of good juju…great room , great audiences, Hotel staff and Management totally supportive of our crew and the gigs….Knightsbrook is a funky destination
The new website is just Fab and very Funky.
Looking forward to your visit to Athlone.
Best Regards
on successive weekends we get to walk the banks of The Foyle, The Boyne, The Liffey and The broad majestic Shannon….most definitely the Riverside Tour