Hi Christy, please say hello to my husband, Shane Tyrrell at your show in Vicar street on Monday 23rd December. He was recently 40 and is a huge fan. When I first met him I was working for an environmental charity in Cabinteely House and soon after, you started coming everyday to record your documentary, Uncovered. Everyday I used to phone him & let him listen to you as your singing travelled loud & clear to my office. anyway between that & him constantly playing your CD’s I was soon a huge fan myself! Ever since we have gone to all your christmas Vicar street shows as our Christmas gift to each other. Always a fantastic night, Thank you! Cliodhna Tyrrell.
Christy's reply
a nice memory revived there Clíona…happy days in the company of great songsters and players..Declan Sinnott,Donal Lunny,Jimmy Faulkner (RIP), Wally Page,Johnny Mulhearn,Neil McColl,Johnny Duhan, Shane McGowan, Sinéad O’Connor, Jimmy MacCarthy….being in that mansion of faded glories was strange betimes…was it built on Old Irish Sweepstake top-ups or am I getting my mansions mixed up ??..whatever anyways, I hope you and Shane have a good night in Vicar…I am looking forward returning there once more
I had the pleasure of following you since 1972 and have always loved your work and shows. I called in sick on the day the first Planxty album was released to go buy it!
In 1983 I was at your show in the NCH having won the tickets and a signed bodhrán. I still have the bodhrán but unfortunately the signature has faded away.
I’ll be attending the gig in Vicar St. on Monday 23rd of December. Would it be possible to have the bodhrán signed again please? It would be much appreciated.
Looking forward to the show, best of luck!
Gerry Breen
Christy's reply
bring it along Gerry…give it to one of the stage crew plus a note saying what you want me to write…always good to hear from a long-haul balladeer
That time of year again big man, as true as ever, this ye know, head high & heart good, you’re on the juke box till the new year at least… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTVoNb5heIs
Christy's reply
theres gonna be good times when all our dreams come thru
Hi Christy, hope all is well, Love the new Guest book. very well layed out, the butler is worth a watch. see you in Vicar st along the way,
Christy's reply
All going well Adam…enjoying the gigs….went well with Máirtín and Band in Athlone..now I’ve got Vicar St coming up again..always a pleasure to play in that room..Jimmy Higgins is joining Declan and I for the Dublin gigs….talk soon
Hope all is well!
Just released yesterday a brand new videoclip of a great song by Paul Ashford and made famous by The Fureys & Davey Arthur.
Early this time but nevertheless a Happy Xmas 😉
Not sure what the next project is now that the second box is out there, but could I be so bold as to suggest a live recording with Mairtin and the boys? Think there’s a special magic in that mix. Whatever the plan, I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait. Plenty of gigs ahead too in the coming year – don’t know how you do it, but mighty glad that you do. Keep well.
Just want to say how much we enjoyed the gig in Athlone.. Like two gigs rolled into one almost,…. yourself and Jimmy Higgins for the first set and then the rest of the gang to take it to even greater heights., It was very very special . And the craic and the banter , it all makes for an evening to remember. We feel privleged to have been there….Thanks…..
Conor and Martin.
Christy's reply
Down they came from the Hills of Donegal. Crossing the border after dark they turned off the satnav and followed the Shannon til they came to Athlone. Up to the front of the hall with them and in beside the Kingdom Queen. Opening up the Tobelrone they settled in and sang like linnets the whole night thru
I know for a fact the songs of Christy Moore were sung at the Non Stop Picket outside South Africa House. Some rebel songs are still worth bringing.
On a separate note, doesn’t Mr Moore look hale and hearty in the Sunday World. A veritable whippet. Xx
Christy's reply
the renegades sing the renegade songs..
the ones that know hope they’re doin wrong
Another great man gone. I had the good fortune to see him in Dublin in 1990. Here’s a song about Martin Luther King that expresses sentiments I’m feeling about Mandela’s death.
Hi Christy,
What a performance in Athlone tonight………Thank you soooo much.
I’m sure Nelson Mandella would be very proud of your tribute; well done.
Best regards.
Christy's reply
lying here reflecting upon the last nights fun….it was perhaps our 10th gig together, It felt as if our sound was beginning to emerge…we were at one last night in Athlone..in the centre of it all, at the heart of it all…songs,music,players,singers and listeners all together by the broad majestic Shannon…. and it seemed to flow….from Cooleys to The Southern Wind , from Pomeroy to Sligo, from Galway back across the Bogs of Sweet Kildare we flew,… with McColl and MaCarthy,Spillane and Wally Page…in the heat of the night I forgot to welcome Mark
Hi Christy
Having seen you in Caragnie Hall, The National in Kilburn, Beechmount in Navan , The Russel in Navan , and Knightsbrook in Trim , I thought it was high time my son also had the privilege . So for his birthday on 10:11 I bought two tickets for us for the gig at the Bord Gais on Saturday 25:01. This will be his first ever Christy Moore concert, and considering the fact he grew up listening to your music here in Norway, I know it’s going to be an emotional evening for father and son. See you in 2014.
Maurice and Kevin Tobin
Christy's reply
Morra Mossy,you have been with me for a good part of this journey….it must be 25 years since Carnegie Hall….I never attended a concert with my Father but, thankfully, we have been to concerts with our daughters and two sons…played in Bergen once. Back in 1976 (ish),,I learned a song called “Little Mother”
Some people love to touch shoulders with popes etc. I. would have loved to have met Nelson Mandella my hero. R.I.P
Christy's reply
I believe that we did meet him Pat…all who loved him, supported him,watched him, heard him, saw him emerge from 28 years captivity with such love in his heart, saw him embrace his captors and oppressors, watched him break down their high walls with persistant love and forgiveness, outwit them with poltical skills, out manouvre them with his intelligence, with his knowledge of the diversity that exists within all human nature,…….I cannot forget his Presidential demeanour during the Rugby World Cup in South Africa nor the way he travelled the world and embraced us all near and far… we met him Pat..he came out of prison and embrace us all
Hi All,, No doubt about it on this occassion,, Ni bheidh a leitheid aris ann,,,,, RIP Nelson Mandela,, maybe time for a listen,,,, to the story of the Mary Manning and the mighty women from 1984,,,http://youtu.be/TER_M3KNVCE
Great to see Mary Manning on the Late Late…… A REAL hero.
Christy's reply
“The Managers descended in an avalanche of suits
Mary Manning was suspended ‘cos she would’nt touch the fruits.
No one was goin to tell Ben Dunne what he bought or sold
These women are only workers, must do what they are told” ( Sandra Kerr)
I stood up and cried when I learnt of Nelson’s death. Like Dunnes Stores I picketed Barclays Bank in Portsmouth in 1987.It seemed to me that no one gave a damn. Already booked in Glasgow for your Dublin gigs. If I get a chance I will see you soon on your own turf. Thanks for singing that “Dunnes Stores” ballad. Missing you. x
Christy's reply
” Messages came rolling in from all around the World
for such concern and sacrifice,courage brave and bold.
When 18 months were over 10 women and one man
had helped to raise black consciousness throughout the land” ( Sandra Kerr )
“Mary Manning is at the check out,she’s trying to keep warm,
a customer comes up to her with a basket on her arm.
The contents of that basket Mary’s future were to shape.
The label clearly stated..Produce of The Cape…..
I cant check out your oranges Missus you’ll have to bring them back.
They come from South Africa where the white oppress the black
I’d have it on my conscience, I could’nt sleep at night
If I helped support a system that denies black people’s rights….( from the song “Dunnes Stores” by Sandra Kerr)
…………….President Michael D Higgins spoke about the emotion shown by President Mandela when he was introduced to the Dunnes Stores Strikers. How fitting t’would be for some of these brave women to attend his funeral.( Recently I performed at an event run by the South African Embassy to commemorate Irelands support for the civil rights struggle in South Africa. Sadly none of the Dunnes Stores Strikers were present.)
No adequate words to describe the loss of Madiba – his struggle was such a part of my growing up and education of other people’s plight. Such a forgiving and courageous man whose spirit was an inspiration to so many of us. Nice to see that Mary Manning is still in some people’s thoughts today too. Rest in peace Nelson Mandela. http://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/ireland/dunnes-stores-strike-woman-hails-mandela-616396.html
Christy's reply
Madiba Mandela……Thank you for the light you have shone into our darkest corners…Fare thee well
Hi Christy,
Thursday night and Saturday morning sounds good…
Looking forward to them… RyanL
fair play boy
Hi Christy, please say hello to my husband, Shane Tyrrell at your show in Vicar street on Monday 23rd December. He was recently 40 and is a huge fan. When I first met him I was working for an environmental charity in Cabinteely House and soon after, you started coming everyday to record your documentary, Uncovered. Everyday I used to phone him & let him listen to you as your singing travelled loud & clear to my office. anyway between that & him constantly playing your CD’s I was soon a huge fan myself! Ever since we have gone to all your christmas Vicar street shows as our Christmas gift to each other. Always a fantastic night, Thank you! Cliodhna Tyrrell.
a nice memory revived there Clíona…happy days in the company of great songsters and players..Declan Sinnott,Donal Lunny,Jimmy Faulkner (RIP), Wally Page,Johnny Mulhearn,Neil McColl,Johnny Duhan, Shane McGowan, Sinéad O’Connor, Jimmy MacCarthy….being in that mansion of faded glories was strange betimes…was it built on Old Irish Sweepstake top-ups or am I getting my mansions mixed up ??..whatever anyways, I hope you and Shane have a good night in Vicar…I am looking forward returning there once more
Hello Christy,
I had the pleasure of following you since 1972 and have always loved your work and shows. I called in sick on the day the first Planxty album was released to go buy it!
In 1983 I was at your show in the NCH having won the tickets and a signed bodhrán. I still have the bodhrán but unfortunately the signature has faded away.
I’ll be attending the gig in Vicar St. on Monday 23rd of December. Would it be possible to have the bodhrán signed again please? It would be much appreciated.
Looking forward to the show, best of luck!
Gerry Breen
bring it along Gerry…give it to one of the stage crew plus a note saying what you want me to write…always good to hear from a long-haul balladeer
Hi Christy,and everyone.
If anyone is selling tickets for monday dec 23rd i would love 2 please 🙂
Thanks so much. X
hope it works out for you
That time of year again big man, as true as ever, this ye know, head high & heart good, you’re on the juke box till the new year at least… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTVoNb5heIs
theres gonna be good times when all our dreams come thru
Hi Christy, hope all is well, Love the new Guest book. very well layed out, the butler is worth a watch. see you in Vicar st along the way,
All going well Adam…enjoying the gigs….went well with Máirtín and Band in Athlone..now I’ve got Vicar St coming up again..always a pleasure to play in that room..Jimmy Higgins is joining Declan and I for the Dublin gigs….talk soon
Hello Christy
Hope all is well!
Just released yesterday a brand new videoclip of a great song by Paul Ashford and made famous by The Fureys & Davey Arthur.
Early this time but nevertheless a Happy Xmas 😉
Home comes The Rover…..Yield Up the night-time to John of Dreams
Yield Up the night-time to John of Dreams
Not sure what the next project is now that the second box is out there, but could I be so bold as to suggest a live recording with Mairtin and the boys? Think there’s a special magic in that mix. Whatever the plan, I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait. Plenty of gigs ahead too in the coming year – don’t know how you do it, but mighty glad that you do. Keep well.
I’m on it John…cogitatin like a lunatic
Just want to say how much we enjoyed the gig in Athlone.. Like two gigs rolled into one almost,…. yourself and Jimmy Higgins for the first set and then the rest of the gang to take it to even greater heights., It was very very special . And the craic and the banter , it all makes for an evening to remember. We feel privleged to have been there….Thanks…..
Conor and Martin.
Down they came from the Hills of Donegal. Crossing the border after dark they turned off the satnav and followed the Shannon til they came to Athlone. Up to the front of the hall with them and in beside the Kingdom Queen. Opening up the Tobelrone they settled in and sang like linnets the whole night thru
I know for a fact the songs of Christy Moore were sung at the Non Stop Picket outside South Africa House. Some rebel songs are still worth bringing.
On a separate note, doesn’t Mr Moore look hale and hearty in the Sunday World. A veritable whippet. Xx
the renegades sing the renegade songs..
the ones that know hope they’re doin wrong
Another great man gone. I had the good fortune to see him in Dublin in 1990. Here’s a song about Martin Luther King that expresses sentiments I’m feeling about Mandela’s death.
I also read an interesting article today about music on Robben Island. (Galway Bay mentioned)
God rest his soul.
Hi Christy,
What a performance in Athlone tonight………Thank you soooo much.
I’m sure Nelson Mandella would be very proud of your tribute; well done.
Best regards.
lying here reflecting upon the last nights fun….it was perhaps our 10th gig together, It felt as if our sound was beginning to emerge…we were at one last night in Athlone..in the centre of it all, at the heart of it all…songs,music,players,singers and listeners all together by the broad majestic Shannon…. and it seemed to flow….from Cooleys to The Southern Wind , from Pomeroy to Sligo, from Galway back across the Bogs of Sweet Kildare we flew,… with McColl and MaCarthy,Spillane and Wally Page…in the heat of the night I forgot to welcome Mark
Hi Christy
Having seen you in Caragnie Hall, The National in Kilburn, Beechmount in Navan , The Russel in Navan , and Knightsbrook in Trim , I thought it was high time my son also had the privilege . So for his birthday on 10:11 I bought two tickets for us for the gig at the Bord Gais on Saturday 25:01. This will be his first ever Christy Moore concert, and considering the fact he grew up listening to your music here in Norway, I know it’s going to be an emotional evening for father and son. See you in 2014.
Maurice and Kevin Tobin
Morra Mossy,you have been with me for a good part of this journey….it must be 25 years since Carnegie Hall….I never attended a concert with my Father but, thankfully, we have been to concerts with our daughters and two sons…played in Bergen once. Back in 1976 (ish),,I learned a song called “Little Mother”
Some people love to touch shoulders with popes etc. I. would have loved to have met Nelson Mandella my hero. R.I.P
I believe that we did meet him Pat…all who loved him, supported him,watched him, heard him, saw him emerge from 28 years captivity with such love in his heart, saw him embrace his captors and oppressors, watched him break down their high walls with persistant love and forgiveness, outwit them with poltical skills, out manouvre them with his intelligence, with his knowledge of the diversity that exists within all human nature,…….I cannot forget his Presidential demeanour during the Rugby World Cup in South Africa nor the way he travelled the world and embraced us all near and far… we met him Pat..he came out of prison and embrace us all
Hi All,, No doubt about it on this occassion,, Ni bheidh a leitheid aris ann,,,,, RIP Nelson Mandela,, maybe time for a listen,,,, to the story of the Mary Manning and the mighty women from 1984,,,http://youtu.be/TER_M3KNVCE
10 women and a man
Great to see Mary Manning on the Late Late…… A REAL hero.
“The Managers descended in an avalanche of suits
Mary Manning was suspended ‘cos she would’nt touch the fruits.
No one was goin to tell Ben Dunne what he bought or sold
These women are only workers, must do what they are told” ( Sandra Kerr)
I stood up and cried when I learnt of Nelson’s death. Like Dunnes Stores I picketed Barclays Bank in Portsmouth in 1987.It seemed to me that no one gave a damn. Already booked in Glasgow for your Dublin gigs. If I get a chance I will see you soon on your own turf. Thanks for singing that “Dunnes Stores” ballad. Missing you. x
” Messages came rolling in from all around the World
for such concern and sacrifice,courage brave and bold.
When 18 months were over 10 women and one man
had helped to raise black consciousness throughout the land” ( Sandra Kerr )
Here’s an article from today with Mary Manning’s words on Mandela, I thought you’d like the picture: http://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/ireland/dunnes-stores-strike-woman-hails-mandela-616396.html (where’s the blue line??)
“Mary Manning is at the check out,she’s trying to keep warm,
a customer comes up to her with a basket on her arm.
The contents of that basket Mary’s future were to shape.
The label clearly stated..Produce of The Cape…..
I cant check out your oranges Missus you’ll have to bring them back.
They come from South Africa where the white oppress the black
I’d have it on my conscience, I could’nt sleep at night
If I helped support a system that denies black people’s rights….( from the song “Dunnes Stores” by Sandra Kerr)
…………….President Michael D Higgins spoke about the emotion shown by President Mandela when he was introduced to the Dunnes Stores Strikers. How fitting t’would be for some of these brave women to attend his funeral.( Recently I performed at an event run by the South African Embassy to commemorate Irelands support for the civil rights struggle in South Africa. Sadly none of the Dunnes Stores Strikers were present.)
No adequate words to describe the loss of Madiba – his struggle was such a part of my growing up and education of other people’s plight. Such a forgiving and courageous man whose spirit was an inspiration to so many of us. Nice to see that Mary Manning is still in some people’s thoughts today too. Rest in peace Nelson Mandela.
Madiba Mandela……Thank you for the light you have shone into our darkest corners…Fare thee well
Nelson Mandela the peoples king may his soul find rest and may his spirit live on
His light will shine each time He is remembered