I am up late reading old Moore’s Almanac 2014.
I read all of the sport things and Ireland win nothing! England will win the cricket and the lad that Dadó calls “foot and a half ” (Uachtarán Michael D Higgins)will be forced to retire in August.
Also it says Hillary will run for president of U.S.A and she will win the election.Tralee will never be the same!
Yesterday we had a visitor from Máirtin Johnnys house . No not the goat but a big huge fat pig( If I grabbed him I would’ve had bacon).The magpies ran when they saw the savage spitting out grass in the back yard (near to the tree house).
He was pulling up our fine vegetables.He was trying to eat the rope that Noel used for the horse and I thought that it was weird.
We are going to get Holly (with berries) in a secret location its only out side the window of the barracks.Its such a secret I cannot tell you(which is very rare)
P.S The pig was flipping his legs a mhac!
Why did you sing the biko drum instead of dunnes stores at aifreann mandela?
I think it was a good choice an I like the way you changed the words.It fitted well
… <— For John Doire and H
Christy's reply
looking at thon sow clearing pasture on Your Tube clip…I hope her keeper will drop in at least a half pound of back rashers or a few ribs to put in with the cabáiste ( if you have any greens left after that hungry húr of a muc)…it brought me back over 60 years…I was staying with my grandfather Jack Power in a place called Backweston…there was a sow below the yard with a fine litter of bonhams..I was in having a look at them when the feckin sow knocked me leapt on top of me roaring and rooting. A lovely tractor man called Mick Tyndall pulled me out from under the sow and saved my poor auld grandfather nearly died of fright,my granny wanted the sow put before the firing squad…they are very beautiful animals but,God love them, but they get a bad press……………..I sang Biko Drum because the South African Ambassador Jeremiah requested it…I felt it was the right song for the occasion in St Patricks Cathedral..there was great singing and poetry at the Memorial Service for Nelson…3 Gospel choirs from South Africa ..they sure can sing and shimmy and they have the most colourful outfits you ever saw… a few politicians spoke and a few Trade Unionists too.,it was a great event and I will never forget it .I hope to write about it in the next chat….Auld Moore’s almanac is grand for the Fair days and marts, the tides and full moons..but not great at the predictions,Auld Moore himself was a forefather of my own going way back, my Granny Dowling told me that he could not pick a winner to save his life… …
Hiya Christy,
We are all big fans of your music, from my little brother who is 18 to my Da who is 52.
Me and my brother have gotten my mam and dad tickets for Christmas as a surprise for Vicar Street on the 29th December to see you and Declan Sinnot play. They love your music, my dad especially enjoys the lyrics and the way you sing your songs.
I know its hopeful to ask, but if you could give a shout out to them in the audience, it would be the highlight of me Da’s Christmas.
Their names are Junior and Valerie Kehoe and are from Ballyhoo, Screen, Wexford.
Have a great Christmas yourself 🙂
Katie Kehoe
Christy's reply
fair play to you and your brother, if it all goes well we’ll give them a all depends on how the night flows..some nights I simply cant weave it in..might be struggling to keep the show moving…more nights it all just flows and he odd call out fits in seamlessly….greetings to all Wexford songsters
Well Christy, I am very happy to report that Pandora now has some or your classics. And I can hear every word very clearly.
I got myself out of a hole I put my own self in and will get your new complilation on your Home site soon.
But, until I can get well versed in your long musical offerings, I will say that I have heard (and seen on you tube) your “Only the rivers run free” with Planksty (sp?) And on this very day, I heard an old favorite of mine of yours on Pandora ” The reel in the flickering light” Me thinks Christy – or some of Christy’s fans – got on Pandora to extend the Christy Moore channels music list a bit. Ha! Thanks for it all Christy!
Christy's reply
have no idea what Pandora is but hope it works out for you….I know all about jumping into holes of my own making….hope you can begin to avoid these hurtful hazards
just been looking at the dates of your up coming concerts and I was wondering if you’ll be releasing any more in England (preferably Manchester/Leeds area)? I was going to buy my dad tickets for christmas but the only date you have for Manchester we are on holiday.
Thank you.
Christy's reply
Nothing planned in England beyond next April….sorry to have nothing positive to report…hopefully something will come up along the way
Well done on this morning’s interview with Marian – between that and the Imeall show, it’s been a great couple of days, not to mention the moving Madiba tribute. I was especially proud to hear you talk about taking the time to talk with the homeless. Remember an interview with a homeless guy a few years ago where he said what really hurt was people looking away as if he was too bad to look at. said he didn’t mind people not giving him money or whatever, but the avoidance of eye contact made him feel like a “non-person”. Try to at least nod or say hello when I pass now – there but for the grace of God go any of us.
Christy's reply
thats for certain John..taking one wrong turn along the way changes the course of a life…
Lovely Interview with Marian…..I’d say the comment about ” finger on the pulse of the nation” came from the Kerry Queen.
Enjoy Vicar Street… Can’t be there … this ould night work plays havoc with the social life.
Just listened to you with Marian this morning. It brought me back in time with that warm glow I feel in my heart when I hear you perform. Thanks Christy, keeping the spirit of the nation up despite all that’s goin’ on.
Hi Christy.
The new version of Johnny Connors is really moving for me (no pun intended). If you play it on Easter Thursday you may feel a tremor or two coming from the audience. Incidentally a few years back some snow fell while you were performing at the warwick Arts Centre (we had booked a room for the night), but it wasn’t Easter that time.
Season’s greeting to you and yours
Christy's reply
OK Don, if all goes well we’ll pitch camp on The South Bank, we’ll rattle up the pots and the old tin cans….we’ll strike a Holy Thursday like no other and then wait for the hot cross buns
Hi, can anyone settle an argument please, did Christy ever record a version of Carrickfergus TIA. Alan
Christy's reply
many years ago, I sang Carrickfergus in The Peppercannister Church near Merrion was filmed and recorded…it was an enjoyable session…. I never heard a word about it since until I got your mail….I used to gig it back in the 60s but not since…I can still remember the first time I hear it being sung.. an old friend,Jake McDonald, sang it in Bridie Grehan’s pub in Boyle way back in 1964…himself and Ben Parker were serious Fleadh messers and the best of good company….its a marvellous song…I always think of “Carrickfergus” as being from the same mould as “The Maid from Duugannon ” dont ask me why
Unbelievable night last night. Was at a Seamus Heaney tribute, got home just in time to see that most powerful and emotional service in memory of Madiba, and then topped off with a wonderful Imeall. That was such a relaxed and enjoyable interview. Can’t wait to get another look at it on the I-player. Well done to all involved.
Christy's reply
The Memorial Service for Nelson Mandela last night was a night to remember. I hope to reflect upon it in the next chat. Ambassador Jeremiah invited me to sing Wally Page’s song ” Biko Drum”. I gave it everything I had as I sang beside a beautiful portrait of our departed comrade.
Good day Christy, just a quick shout to say how enjoyable “Imeall” was and how impressive your guitar playing on “The Two Conneelys” was too! Looking forward to Vicar St on Monday, is it right or left for Gibralter?
Hey Christy,
Hope all is well with you and yours. Just a note, your hair is grey. Ha.
Christy, I found out through you sending me a note that – am I right – you are issuing your complete works? if so, how much will it cost? My kind friend, I know some of your songs; but, i am illiterate (sp?) of most of your songs .So, I am in Man. I want to get it. How Much will it cost me?
Next for me will be the complete Utah Phillips.
I actually got to meet him and hear him in 1993 in Moscow, Idaho.
Well, Christy, you have always been gracious towards me. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Christy's reply
`morra me auld Carobio…all info re the new collection is on the home page…you are not as illiterate as you think..let us know if its a problem…a cool yule to all Missoula songsters
Hiya Christy, Hope all is good with you. Lovely show on TG4 tonight, fair play. You looked well relaxed and in the zone from the off, as did your host Tristan. He was somewhat in awe of you I thought and looked well chuffed with himself, especially when he got to play along on The Wicklow Boy….I know you often say that it’s the songs that sustain you, and they do, but your presence and your appeal is much broader and much deeper than that. Anyway all good here in the hills keeping the bight side out amid all the nonsense and chaos that’s going on….See you soon…Love & Respect Martin Mac
Christy's reply
the auld awe works in every direction…respect and wonderment, curiosity and satisfaction, it all gets mixed up in the heat of the moment..I was very happy to meet Tristan Rosenstock, an interviewer who wished to talk about these songs, about Anne Lovett Nicky Kelly, The Two Conneeleys…to be talking to someone with a genuine interest and deep knowledge of the work that we do..then for him to pick up the old drum and have a rattle….sure I was awestruck myself Martin….keep coming back
great show in athlone,twas the first time u shoulda and could have had a standing ovation after the first song, But sure, over 2 he’s later, it was well worth the wait. A cracking gig.
Christy's reply
hey Spuddy, sounds like you enjoyed Athlone as much as we did. I love playing with Máirtín,Seamie,Jimmy and Cathal..with an audience like last Sat in Athlone, the music sorta plays itself
hi Christy was just curious today what your thoughts are on sean quinns situation and how the media and the government portrayed his situation, do you feel that great injustice has been done against him? strange question but was curious as to what your opinion of the situation is, thanks
Christy's reply
So far today I have been up for 3 hours. I did not have one thought about Sean Quinn til I read your questionaire.I have no knowledge whatsoever about Sean Quinn’s situation over and above what I read in the papers or absorb from radio and TV. I also know of the huge support he received from many within the local community. I have played concerts in the Slieve Russell over the years. On one occasion Sean Quinn did attend with members of his family but we did not meet.I have always enjoyed playing there and walking the surrounding land, I gather that the Slieve Russell was built on what was once the family farm. I dont know what happened to Sean Quinn…………………………………
I do know that Ireland has been raped and pillaged by the terrible greed of a small number of ruthless profiteers who operated in collusion with hungry bankers, under the nose of careless regulators, on the watch of a power crazed, hypnotised “blunder” of politicians and, to date, none of them have been charged or locked up…………………………
I do know that Sean Quinn has spent some time in prison………………………….
Thats all I know so far today
Hiya christy……great gig in Derry/Derry,some booked for the new year already….it’s just gets better….a little favour if you have the time…….would it be possible to put the words of….where I come from… the lyrics section on here…..bustin me ear to have a rattle…..many thanks….. And have a peaceful Christmas
Christy's reply
Morra Jim..will get around to that as as soon as I get a chance…I’m a Bogman, deep down it where i come from
Of course Marian’s show is Saturday not tomorrow – getting ahead of myself 🙂
Christy's reply
last night about three weeks ago I was so overjoyed by the sad news that I took a fit of runnin, runnin 16 miles per hour with me me two shinbones stuck in me pocket and me head stuck under me arm sittin down every minute ’til I met John James the hackney coach man drivin 16 dead jackasses in an empty steamcoach loaded with 13 roasted milestones
Really looking forward to the Imeall show tonight and even more so to the Marian Finucane show. Love her Saturday morning interviews – and tomorrow will be a highlight for me. I love the way she lets her guests talk. Still haven’t taken the new CD out of the car – a constant companion on every trip i’ve made since i got it. It’s a beautiful piece of work. It’s a true test of those songs that they are still sounding fresh today. Keep well.
Christy's reply
I enjoyed making the Imeall with Tristan Rosenstock…very laid back set up with a crew who were into the gig and the bit of crack..we always watch Imeall here.. its our favourite of the Arts shows kickin about… I’ve been asked to sing Wally’s “Biko Drum” at Mandela Commemoration in St Patrick’s cathedral tonight..I think its being streamed live on their website
Really looking forward to this of a Thursday at 22:45pm on TG4.. before “the Christmas” and man, dont he look great, congratulations..This last few months tour de force of gigs, albums, CD, radio, TV, magazines, has been bigger than Obama & The Queen last year…Lovin it, good health to you and all around you this great season..
I am up late reading old Moore’s Almanac 2014.
I read all of the sport things and Ireland win nothing! England will win the cricket and the lad that Dadó calls “foot and a half ” (Uachtarán Michael D Higgins)will be forced to retire in August.
Also it says Hillary will run for president of U.S.A and she will win the election.Tralee will never be the same!
Yesterday we had a visitor from Máirtin Johnnys house . No not the goat but a big huge fat pig( If I grabbed him I would’ve had bacon).The magpies ran when they saw the savage spitting out grass in the back yard (near to the tree house).
He was pulling up our fine vegetables.He was trying to eat the rope that Noel used for the horse and I thought that it was weird.
We are going to get Holly (with berries) in a secret location its only out side the window of the barracks.Its such a secret I cannot tell you(which is very rare)
P.S The pig was flipping his legs a mhac!
Why did you sing the biko drum instead of dunnes stores at aifreann mandela?
I think it was a good choice an I like the way you changed the words.It fitted well
… <— For John Doire and H
looking at thon sow clearing pasture on Your Tube clip…I hope her keeper will drop in at least a half pound of back rashers or a few ribs to put in with the cabáiste ( if you have any greens left after that hungry húr of a muc)…it brought me back over 60 years…I was staying with my grandfather Jack Power in a place called Backweston…there was a sow below the yard with a fine litter of bonhams..I was in having a look at them when the feckin sow knocked me leapt on top of me roaring and rooting. A lovely tractor man called Mick Tyndall pulled me out from under the sow and saved my poor auld grandfather nearly died of fright,my granny wanted the sow put before the firing squad…they are very beautiful animals but,God love them, but they get a bad press……………..I sang Biko Drum because the South African Ambassador Jeremiah requested it…I felt it was the right song for the occasion in St Patricks Cathedral..there was great singing and poetry at the Memorial Service for Nelson…3 Gospel choirs from South Africa ..they sure can sing and shimmy and they have the most colourful outfits you ever saw… a few politicians spoke and a few Trade Unionists too.,it was a great event and I will never forget it .I hope to write about it in the next chat….Auld Moore’s almanac is grand for the Fair days and marts, the tides and full moons..but not great at the predictions,Auld Moore himself was a forefather of my own going way back, my Granny Dowling told me that he could not pick a winner to save his life… …
Hiya Christy,
We are all big fans of your music, from my little brother who is 18 to my Da who is 52.
Me and my brother have gotten my mam and dad tickets for Christmas as a surprise for Vicar Street on the 29th December to see you and Declan Sinnot play. They love your music, my dad especially enjoys the lyrics and the way you sing your songs.
I know its hopeful to ask, but if you could give a shout out to them in the audience, it would be the highlight of me Da’s Christmas.
Their names are Junior and Valerie Kehoe and are from Ballyhoo, Screen, Wexford.
Have a great Christmas yourself 🙂
Katie Kehoe
fair play to you and your brother, if it all goes well we’ll give them a all depends on how the night flows..some nights I simply cant weave it in..might be struggling to keep the show moving…more nights it all just flows and he odd call out fits in seamlessly….greetings to all Wexford songsters
Well Christy, I am very happy to report that Pandora now has some or your classics. And I can hear every word very clearly.
I got myself out of a hole I put my own self in and will get your new complilation on your Home site soon.
But, until I can get well versed in your long musical offerings, I will say that I have heard (and seen on you tube) your “Only the rivers run free” with Planksty (sp?) And on this very day, I heard an old favorite of mine of yours on Pandora ” The reel in the flickering light” Me thinks Christy – or some of Christy’s fans – got on Pandora to extend the Christy Moore channels music list a bit. Ha! Thanks for it all Christy!
have no idea what Pandora is but hope it works out for you….I know all about jumping into holes of my own making….hope you can begin to avoid these hurtful hazards
just been looking at the dates of your up coming concerts and I was wondering if you’ll be releasing any more in England (preferably Manchester/Leeds area)? I was going to buy my dad tickets for christmas but the only date you have for Manchester we are on holiday.
Thank you.
Nothing planned in England beyond next April….sorry to have nothing positive to report…hopefully something will come up along the way
Well done on this morning’s interview with Marian – between that and the Imeall show, it’s been a great couple of days, not to mention the moving Madiba tribute. I was especially proud to hear you talk about taking the time to talk with the homeless. Remember an interview with a homeless guy a few years ago where he said what really hurt was people looking away as if he was too bad to look at. said he didn’t mind people not giving him money or whatever, but the avoidance of eye contact made him feel like a “non-person”. Try to at least nod or say hello when I pass now – there but for the grace of God go any of us.
thats for certain John..taking one wrong turn along the way changes the course of a life…
Lovely Interview with Marian…..I’d say the comment about ” finger on the pulse of the nation” came from the Kerry Queen.
Enjoy Vicar Street… Can’t be there … this ould night work plays havoc with the social life.
keep it coming Patsy….
Just listened to you with Marian this morning. It brought me back in time with that warm glow I feel in my heart when I hear you perform. Thanks Christy, keeping the spirit of the nation up despite all that’s goin’ on.
fáilte romhat reynard
Hi Christy.
The new version of Johnny Connors is really moving for me (no pun intended). If you play it on Easter Thursday you may feel a tremor or two coming from the audience. Incidentally a few years back some snow fell while you were performing at the warwick Arts Centre (we had booked a room for the night), but it wasn’t Easter that time.
Season’s greeting to you and yours
OK Don, if all goes well we’ll pitch camp on The South Bank, we’ll rattle up the pots and the old tin cans….we’ll strike a Holy Thursday like no other and then wait for the hot cross buns
Hi, can anyone settle an argument please, did Christy ever record a version of Carrickfergus TIA. Alan
many years ago, I sang Carrickfergus in The Peppercannister Church near Merrion was filmed and recorded…it was an enjoyable session…. I never heard a word about it since until I got your mail….I used to gig it back in the 60s but not since…I can still remember the first time I hear it being sung.. an old friend,Jake McDonald, sang it in Bridie Grehan’s pub in Boyle way back in 1964…himself and Ben Parker were serious Fleadh messers and the best of good company….its a marvellous song…I always think of “Carrickfergus” as being from the same mould as “The Maid from Duugannon ” dont ask me why
Unbelievable night last night. Was at a Seamus Heaney tribute, got home just in time to see that most powerful and emotional service in memory of Madiba, and then topped off with a wonderful Imeall. That was such a relaxed and enjoyable interview. Can’t wait to get another look at it on the I-player. Well done to all involved.
The Memorial Service for Nelson Mandela last night was a night to remember. I hope to reflect upon it in the next chat. Ambassador Jeremiah invited me to sing Wally Page’s song ” Biko Drum”. I gave it everything I had as I sang beside a beautiful portrait of our departed comrade.
Good day Christy, just a quick shout to say how enjoyable “Imeall” was and how impressive your guitar playing on “The Two Conneelys” was too! Looking forward to Vicar St on Monday, is it right or left for Gibralter?
what tack do I take for Mizen Head
Hey Christy,
Hope all is well with you and yours. Just a note, your hair is grey. Ha.
Christy, I found out through you sending me a note that – am I right – you are issuing your complete works? if so, how much will it cost? My kind friend, I know some of your songs; but, i am illiterate (sp?) of most of your songs .So, I am in Man. I want to get it. How Much will it cost me?
Next for me will be the complete Utah Phillips.
I actually got to meet him and hear him in 1993 in Moscow, Idaho.
Well, Christy, you have always been gracious towards me. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
`morra me auld Carobio…all info re the new collection is on the home page…you are not as illiterate as you think..let us know if its a problem…a cool yule to all Missoula songsters
Hiya Christy, Hope all is good with you. Lovely show on TG4 tonight, fair play. You looked well relaxed and in the zone from the off, as did your host Tristan. He was somewhat in awe of you I thought and looked well chuffed with himself, especially when he got to play along on The Wicklow Boy….I know you often say that it’s the songs that sustain you, and they do, but your presence and your appeal is much broader and much deeper than that. Anyway all good here in the hills keeping the bight side out amid all the nonsense and chaos that’s going on….See you soon…Love & Respect Martin Mac
the auld awe works in every direction…respect and wonderment, curiosity and satisfaction, it all gets mixed up in the heat of the moment..I was very happy to meet Tristan Rosenstock, an interviewer who wished to talk about these songs, about Anne Lovett Nicky Kelly, The Two Conneeleys…to be talking to someone with a genuine interest and deep knowledge of the work that we do..then for him to pick up the old drum and have a rattle….sure I was awestruck myself Martin….keep coming back
2 hours
2 hours 13 minutes
great show in athlone,twas the first time u shoulda and could have had a standing ovation after the first song, But sure, over 2 he’s later, it was well worth the wait. A cracking gig.
hey Spuddy, sounds like you enjoyed Athlone as much as we did. I love playing with Máirtín,Seamie,Jimmy and Cathal..with an audience like last Sat in Athlone, the music sorta plays itself
hi Christy was just curious today what your thoughts are on sean quinns situation and how the media and the government portrayed his situation, do you feel that great injustice has been done against him? strange question but was curious as to what your opinion of the situation is, thanks
So far today I have been up for 3 hours. I did not have one thought about Sean Quinn til I read your questionaire.I have no knowledge whatsoever about Sean Quinn’s situation over and above what I read in the papers or absorb from radio and TV. I also know of the huge support he received from many within the local community. I have played concerts in the Slieve Russell over the years. On one occasion Sean Quinn did attend with members of his family but we did not meet.I have always enjoyed playing there and walking the surrounding land, I gather that the Slieve Russell was built on what was once the family farm. I dont know what happened to Sean Quinn…………………………………
I do know that Ireland has been raped and pillaged by the terrible greed of a small number of ruthless profiteers who operated in collusion with hungry bankers, under the nose of careless regulators, on the watch of a power crazed, hypnotised “blunder” of politicians and, to date, none of them have been charged or locked up…………………………
I do know that Sean Quinn has spent some time in prison………………………….
Thats all I know so far today
Hiya christy……great gig in Derry/Derry,some booked for the new year already….it’s just gets better….a little favour if you have the time…….would it be possible to put the words of….where I come from… the lyrics section on here…..bustin me ear to have a rattle…..many thanks….. And have a peaceful Christmas
Morra Jim..will get around to that as as soon as I get a chance…I’m a Bogman, deep down it where i come from
Of course Marian’s show is Saturday not tomorrow – getting ahead of myself 🙂
last night about three weeks ago I was so overjoyed by the sad news that I took a fit of runnin, runnin 16 miles per hour with me me two shinbones stuck in me pocket and me head stuck under me arm sittin down every minute ’til I met John James the hackney coach man drivin 16 dead jackasses in an empty steamcoach loaded with 13 roasted milestones
Really looking forward to the Imeall show tonight and even more so to the Marian Finucane show. Love her Saturday morning interviews – and tomorrow will be a highlight for me. I love the way she lets her guests talk. Still haven’t taken the new CD out of the car – a constant companion on every trip i’ve made since i got it. It’s a beautiful piece of work. It’s a true test of those songs that they are still sounding fresh today. Keep well.
I enjoyed making the Imeall with Tristan Rosenstock…very laid back set up with a crew who were into the gig and the bit of crack..we always watch Imeall here.. its our favourite of the Arts shows kickin about… I’ve been asked to sing Wally’s “Biko Drum” at Mandela Commemoration in St Patrick’s cathedral tonight..I think its being streamed live on their website
Really looking forward to this of a Thursday at 22:45pm on TG4.. before “the Christmas” and man, dont he look great, congratulations..This last few months tour de force of gigs, albums, CD, radio, TV, magazines, has been bigger than Obama & The Queen last year…Lovin it, good health to you and all around you this great season..
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