I’d like to wish you and all those you hold dear, Blwyddyn Newydd Dda (Happy New Year). I ‘discovered’ you just a couple of years ago (better late than never I suppose), when I heard you sing ‘Morcambe Bay’ on TV, I think it was the Folk Awards. Since then if have purchased several of your CD’s (which I listen to on a very regular basis, both in the car and at home), and had the opportunity to see and hear you in concert in Cardiff, it was fantastic experience, such a wonderful atmosphere. I was given your new album as a Christmas present, and what another superb collection of your work, Diolch o Galon. Await gig dates with anticipation.
Christy's reply
Kevin Littlewood’s fine song has stirred the emotions of many…..when I began singing there were no songs being written…we relied totally on the songs from the Tradition….the first songwriters I encountered were all English and Scottish…Matt McGinn, Ewan MacColl, Ralph McTell,Bill Caddick, Harvey Andrews,Dave Goulder….then I began to hear Guthrie,Dylan,Ochs….40 years later and we now have more contemporary songwriters then Trad Singers which must surely be a progression ….Songwriting is now very much part of our culture here..long may it continue…greetings to all Cheddar songsters
Hi All. Mention of the Everly Brothers by Ryan L reminds me of the time I heard them sing with Simon & Garfunkel at a memorable gig in Rome in July 2004, along with 700,000 people ( or so they said ), We were all gathered along the Via del Fori Imperali near the Collessium on a balmy Summers evening, people had picnic baskets and bottles of wine,families sharing the music, there was with a full moon also as I recall,,, CM must have been on holidays I guess !!. Here is a link to that Barbara Allen song,,,http://youtu.be/Tq51lxjbAHQ Beir bua.. H
Christy's reply
700,000 you say..was Paddy Carroll on the door ?…when Paul and Art hit the sweet notes they created magic moments…hope your not stormswept…I hear theres lots of slates loose in The Kingdom
Sad to hear today of the death of Phil Everly. He and brother Don led the way in vocal harmony for rock & roll when it was just starting.. Without them would we have ever heard Simon & Garfunkel, The Beach Boys, CSN&Y, or even the Beatles. I doubt it..
But for me it is an old traditional song Barbara Allen that brings out the true magic of their voices.. Phil Everly RIP.. RyanL
Hi Christy hope you are having a good 2014,so far I have had a tooth taken out that did not want to come out he was pulling and twisting,I would rather be hit by George north in full flight than go through that again,looking forward to a few gigs this year Shine on Christy and greetings from a very wet and windy Wales.
Christy's reply
its all new…an in between sort of time… arriving at the end of 2013 gigs and after the last release, its a time for reflection. Its a family time. Days with no schedules to fulfill.We have been spared the worst of the terrible weather. Gales and floods and powercuts everywhere but, so far, we seem to have escaped the worst of it. I have new songs to tackle when the time is right. Not ready yet to crouch and engage…have new music to contemplate with a four piece band…we’ve been getting together occasionally these past 18 months and it is developing slowly..some gigs are planned for late Spring early Summer and that is an exciting prospect… enjoying some Sport on TV…..H.Cup coming to the exciting stage…FA Cup still holds the interest…terrible carry on with Charlie Chan at Cardiff….hope your gums are healing and that your year be good….6 nations ? anyone’s guess !
Hi Christy We have finally arranged for the unveiling of the memorial to the Limerickmen who fought and died with the International Brigades in the Spainish Civil war to take place on the weekend of the 12th -14th of September next.We have been approved by Limerick city of Culture 2014 to host a weekend of musical ,cultural,culinary, artistic etc events.If we can get the support of enough musicians -we would book the milk market to host a celebration -accomadation and expenses will be provided. Andy Irvine is our patron and will most likely play.Would you consider playing? Ger
Morning Christy, just wanted to wish you and your family all the best for this year and we hope we’ll get to see you soon. The wind blows ever more in Brighton and the rain is lashing against the windows, but there’s warmth and happiness inside our little house. Love from us all, Helen, Manuel, Tallulah and Noah
Christy's reply
greetings to you all and thank you..many happy returns
Hi Christy, we’re sitting listening to Live at the Barrowland and debating North and South of the river! Can you settle the argument please and tell us which river? Coming to Barrowland in April. So far been to Perth, Cork and London! Love you x
Christy's reply
Hey Liz..its The Clyde,its The Mersey.its The Tyne,The Liffey The Shannon,its The Foyle…its both sides of the tracks…
Hi All. So its the last gig of 2013… time flies when you are having fun and this year certainly did fly. There are always surprises whether its a new song or a re – presented song, the addition of Vicky and Jimmie or the new line up with M O’ C Band…. then there are the venues,, luxurious hotels or community centres…or the reaction of the listeners ranging from peals of laughter to communal singing, and the requests too, the collective response of audiences varies with location or according to the tone set by the performers or who knows ?, D Day was the 1st Nov this year with the arrival of the 3 CDs with that One Voice singing out, with subtle accompaniment. Vicar St is always special and a great end to the year. Mile, mile buiochas to Christy and Declan and all the crew and to all the great 4711ers who share the fun. Who knows what surprises are in store for 2014 ? Maybe another TV documentary ? Tonight at 11.30 pm RTE 1 will broadcast a documentary about the Gloaming, here is a sample.http://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/video-the-gloaming-perform-samhradh-samhradh-1.1637396 Beir bua agus beannacht agus Athbhliain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise daoibh go leir. H
Christy's reply
Caught The Gloaming film when we got home from Vicar St….it was very very good..looking forward to hearing them in the NCH in late January. Thanks Hilary for all your support across the year…for all the music you have shared with far off listeners, for keeping an eye on newcomers and guiding the slightly bewildered…best wishes for 2014
Morning Christy,
We met on Drury St in Dublin in October and we had a great chat about the old days and how the drink had affected us both but we are well shot of it. We are going to the Vicar St gig tonight and you asked me to remind you to request the song Aisling for my daughter Aisling who will be going to her first Chrisy gig. If its not on the song list anything will do. We will be in front row.
Cheers and a very happy and healthy new year to you and your family.
Denis Murphy
Christy's reply
one two three four telegraph poles burning on the cold black road
Hi Christy,
Well it rained every inch of the way back from Vicar St to Kilrush but by God after that gig it was worth the journey ….Amazing from start to finish, Biko was fantastic with Jimmy on drums what a great addition too many highlights to mention but its better and better your getting . Declan sounded great and what a great atmosphere from the audience. Thanks as always …..Wish You , Declan and everyone a Very Happy New Year!!
God Bless
Christy's reply
glad you made it in Jimi…it was a braw bright moonlight night..what a perfect call out for Butterfly…there was a stillness in the room…7 am and I’m still feeling it…we’re at the end of year 47 of this tour, one more gig to do in 2013..thanks to all you good listeners who raised our game this past year…
Morning Christy, just tuned into 6music and the first song Cerys’s is playing is Delirium Tremens. Whallup!!!
Christy's reply
Cerys is a true singing bird..had the pleasure of meeting her a few years back when Declan and I visited her studio for a few songs….I hope your stormy weather has passed
Hi Christy, just back from playing music at a festival in Newfoundland, Canada. I met a local pianist there, we jammed & I taught her your version of Black Is The Colour – she has recently responded with this version by Nina Simone http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NWmCbEbMmeU&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNWmCbEbMmeU – I just love that a song like that can appeal right across the world & can be found in many different musical genres & traditions – essentially it’s the same song, with just slightly different treatments. Just thought I’d share this with you & your fans; it’s been a long time since I contacted this page, but still loving the music & the gigs!! 😉
Christy's reply
Morra Eoin…thanks for your news from Newfoundland…my favourite version, ( after Hamish Imlach’s) is the one that the late Liam Weldon used to sing..he told me once that it was an old Clare Ballad.. which makes me wonder about the original source of this great old song
Hi Christy , hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all the best for 2014. My Mam passed suddenly a few days before christmas which threw things off track a bit she was a big fan of your music too. I am in Dublin tonight and finding it hard to get a ticket for the show at Vicar St. as I am usually more prepared so im just throwing it out there if anyone has one spare ticket I would love to see the show tonight . I can be contacted on jamescoughlan1@hotmail.com or 0851182270.
Thanks and God bless everyone
Well Christy. Sorry to hear that your Waterford date in March will be your last in the Forum. Its been transformed into a bingo hall and putting an end to live music. After seeing ye there many times over the last 12 years it was the best venue ive been to see ye. Hopefully this won’t put a stop to the Waterford leg of the tour. Katie Reillys said they’ll have ya back.
Christy's reply
This is bad news that I’m sorry to read…For many years it has been a great venue…we’ve always enjoyed our gigs in Ciaran O’Neill’s Forum….its a sad day for all Waterford listeners,for all who come to play and ,most of all, for Ciaran O’Neill himself and for his family and staff….Ciaran has been one of that small number of independent theatre directors driven by a passion for live gigs…I hope that he will rise again
Don’t know if you’ve heard the wonderful voice of Liam Clancy reciting poetry this last couple of nights – I think he had a special gift for reading and to me there was always a special magic in his spoken words.
Hi Christy, a couple of years ago the Kildare team were over here in Boston . I was invited in to play a gig for them in the Irish Village , Dermot Earl on one side of me and Johnny on the other.i was quiet nervous about it.but the whole team ,selectors and geezer put me at ease as the song were all flowin well.I had one of the best gigs I have had this past 20 years.The banter and slagging was mighty, they were a choir of singers.I invited Johnny up and he did , A Boy Named Sue ( Johnny Cash ) & Lisdoonvarna.I have some photos of that night , I think I played for 3 hours straight, I realized it was special when it was all over, they sang Nancy, Sonny ,Curragh of Lillie’s with me and it was magic.I Still play the songs , but not as much these days. I played 3 gigs on St Patricks Day here in Boston, all 3 hr gigs and that was rough on the vocals and the fingers were thumpin. (They built a wall round Robin Island,that prison where Nelson served his time.For 27 years they could not break him.Mandela you are always on my mind) RIP.I off to make the Turkey curry Christy..Hopefully get home this coming year if all goes well, funny I’ve never done a paid gig at home and was on the same bill as the Clancys for a New York Festival 1995, that’s where I met Deb and our journey began.Itust be fun to be a grandad.Thanks for the chats I look forward to them my friend,all the very best to Val and yourself Christy .Take care , love Fin
Christy's reply
hope the turkey curry went well.we’re about to see off the last remnants..a thick fowl broth and a brace of hang sangwedges..should set me up for tonights fun in Vicar Street..lookin forward to hookin up with all the team…Declan and I have been joined by Jimmy Higgins on percussion..He lays it down real solid for us and is a great addition to our sound….young Sonny shone a light on our Christmas..he brings a lot of joy to us all..hope you make it back this year, keep us posted
Hello Christy, my girlfriend and my brother gave me an amazing present this Christmas. I open the pack and what did I find? A Ryanair ticket and a ticket for your Live at Bord Gais Energy Theatre in Dublin. Unbelievable! My 2014 will begin very well. I’d like to have a picture with you. My Irish friends in italy are very envious and I’d like to take them your autograph. Do you think is it possible? Thanks! Alessandro.
Hello Christy, seasons greetings to you and yours. Just back from a few days in Buxton where we spent Xmas, you never know – the Opera House might happen one day for you! Just been playing “Where I Come From” and it is sensational. When I heard that you were re-recording the old songs I was worried that they would lose the “magic” but these recordings have injected a whole new life into them. Get the pen out and rattle a few more off in 2014. See you down the road in 2014. Happy new year.
Christy's reply
Good luck with the latest vinyl release from Sarah Gillespie.. thanks for the feedback, always good to get the thumbs up from Lichfield…I’m becalmed at the minute, no definite recording project in mind, just a bunch of possibilities….but lots of exciting gigs in the pipeline…hope the shop enjoys a good year ahead
Sarah Gillespie’s Glory Days – Vinyl Release http://www.thoseoldrecords.co.uk
Hi Christy,
I’d like to wish you and all those you hold dear, Blwyddyn Newydd Dda (Happy New Year). I ‘discovered’ you just a couple of years ago (better late than never I suppose), when I heard you sing ‘Morcambe Bay’ on TV, I think it was the Folk Awards. Since then if have purchased several of your CD’s (which I listen to on a very regular basis, both in the car and at home), and had the opportunity to see and hear you in concert in Cardiff, it was fantastic experience, such a wonderful atmosphere. I was given your new album as a Christmas present, and what another superb collection of your work, Diolch o Galon. Await gig dates with anticipation.
Kevin Littlewood’s fine song has stirred the emotions of many…..when I began singing there were no songs being written…we relied totally on the songs from the Tradition….the first songwriters I encountered were all English and Scottish…Matt McGinn, Ewan MacColl, Ralph McTell,Bill Caddick, Harvey Andrews,Dave Goulder….then I began to hear Guthrie,Dylan,Ochs….40 years later and we now have more contemporary songwriters then Trad Singers which must surely be a progression ….Songwriting is now very much part of our culture here..long may it continue…greetings to all Cheddar songsters
Hi All. Mention of the Everly Brothers by Ryan L reminds me of the time I heard them sing with Simon & Garfunkel at a memorable gig in Rome in July 2004, along with 700,000 people ( or so they said ), We were all gathered along the Via del Fori Imperali near the Collessium on a balmy Summers evening, people had picnic baskets and bottles of wine,families sharing the music, there was with a full moon also as I recall,,, CM must have been on holidays I guess !!. Here is a link to that Barbara Allen song,,,http://youtu.be/Tq51lxjbAHQ Beir bua.. H
700,000 you say..was Paddy Carroll on the door ?…when Paul and Art hit the sweet notes they created magic moments…hope your not stormswept…I hear theres lots of slates loose in The Kingdom
Sad to hear today of the death of Phil Everly. He and brother Don led the way in vocal harmony for rock & roll when it was just starting.. Without them would we have ever heard Simon & Garfunkel, The Beach Boys, CSN&Y, or even the Beatles. I doubt it..
But for me it is an old traditional song Barbara Allen that brings out the true magic of their voices.. Phil Everly RIP.. RyanL
All we have to do is dream
Hi Christy hope you are having a good 2014,so far I have had a tooth taken out that did not want to come out he was pulling and twisting,I would rather be hit by George north in full flight than go through that again,looking forward to a few gigs this year Shine on Christy and greetings from a very wet and windy Wales.
its all new…an in between sort of time… arriving at the end of 2013 gigs and after the last release, its a time for reflection. Its a family time. Days with no schedules to fulfill.We have been spared the worst of the terrible weather. Gales and floods and powercuts everywhere but, so far, we seem to have escaped the worst of it. I have new songs to tackle when the time is right. Not ready yet to crouch and engage…have new music to contemplate with a four piece band…we’ve been getting together occasionally these past 18 months and it is developing slowly..some gigs are planned for late Spring early Summer and that is an exciting prospect… enjoying some Sport on TV…..H.Cup coming to the exciting stage…FA Cup still holds the interest…terrible carry on with Charlie Chan at Cardiff….hope your gums are healing and that your year be good….6 nations ? anyone’s guess !
Hi Christy We have finally arranged for the unveiling of the memorial to the Limerickmen who fought and died with the International Brigades in the Spainish Civil war to take place on the weekend of the 12th -14th of September next.We have been approved by Limerick city of Culture 2014 to host a weekend of musical ,cultural,culinary, artistic etc events.If we can get the support of enough musicians -we would book the milk market to host a celebration -accomadation and expenses will be provided. Andy Irvine is our patron and will most likely play.Would you consider playing? Ger
Thank you…will be in touch
Morning Christy, just wanted to wish you and your family all the best for this year and we hope we’ll get to see you soon. The wind blows ever more in Brighton and the rain is lashing against the windows, but there’s warmth and happiness inside our little house. Love from us all, Helen, Manuel, Tallulah and Noah
greetings to you all and thank you..many happy returns
Happy New Year, with best wishes for another year of good gigs and vibes x
please approach the bench
Hi Christy, we’re sitting listening to Live at the Barrowland and debating North and South of the river! Can you settle the argument please and tell us which river? Coming to Barrowland in April. So far been to Perth, Cork and London! Love you x
Hey Liz..its The Clyde,its The Mersey.its The Tyne,The Liffey The Shannon,its The Foyle…its both sides of the tracks…
Hi All. So its the last gig of 2013… time flies when you are having fun and this year certainly did fly. There are always surprises whether its a new song or a re – presented song, the addition of Vicky and Jimmie or the new line up with M O’ C Band…. then there are the venues,, luxurious hotels or community centres…or the reaction of the listeners ranging from peals of laughter to communal singing, and the requests too, the collective response of audiences varies with location or according to the tone set by the performers or who knows ?, D Day was the 1st Nov this year with the arrival of the 3 CDs with that One Voice singing out, with subtle accompaniment. Vicar St is always special and a great end to the year. Mile, mile buiochas to Christy and Declan and all the crew and to all the great 4711ers who share the fun. Who knows what surprises are in store for 2014 ? Maybe another TV documentary ? Tonight at 11.30 pm RTE 1 will broadcast a documentary about the Gloaming, here is a sample.http://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/video-the-gloaming-perform-samhradh-samhradh-1.1637396 Beir bua agus beannacht agus Athbhliain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise daoibh go leir. H
Caught The Gloaming film when we got home from Vicar St….it was very very good..looking forward to hearing them in the NCH in late January. Thanks Hilary for all your support across the year…for all the music you have shared with far off listeners, for keeping an eye on newcomers and guiding the slightly bewildered…best wishes for 2014
Morning Christy,
We met on Drury St in Dublin in October and we had a great chat about the old days and how the drink had affected us both but we are well shot of it. We are going to the Vicar St gig tonight and you asked me to remind you to request the song Aisling for my daughter Aisling who will be going to her first Chrisy gig. If its not on the song list anything will do. We will be in front row.
Cheers and a very happy and healthy new year to you and your family.
Denis Murphy
one two three four telegraph poles burning on the cold black road
Hi Christy,
Well it rained every inch of the way back from Vicar St to Kilrush but by God after that gig it was worth the journey ….Amazing from start to finish, Biko was fantastic with Jimmy on drums what a great addition too many highlights to mention but its better and better your getting . Declan sounded great and what a great atmosphere from the audience. Thanks as always …..Wish You , Declan and everyone a Very Happy New Year!!
God Bless
glad you made it in Jimi…it was a braw bright moonlight night..what a perfect call out for Butterfly…there was a stillness in the room…7 am and I’m still feeling it…we’re at the end of year 47 of this tour, one more gig to do in 2013..thanks to all you good listeners who raised our game this past year…
Morning Christy, just tuned into 6music and the first song Cerys’s is playing is Delirium Tremens. Whallup!!!
Cerys is a true singing bird..had the pleasure of meeting her a few years back when Declan and I visited her studio for a few songs….I hope your stormy weather has passed
Hi Christy, just back from playing music at a festival in Newfoundland, Canada. I met a local pianist there, we jammed & I taught her your version of Black Is The Colour – she has recently responded with this version by Nina Simone http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NWmCbEbMmeU&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNWmCbEbMmeU – I just love that a song like that can appeal right across the world & can be found in many different musical genres & traditions – essentially it’s the same song, with just slightly different treatments. Just thought I’d share this with you & your fans; it’s been a long time since I contacted this page, but still loving the music & the gigs!! 😉
Morra Eoin…thanks for your news from Newfoundland…my favourite version, ( after Hamish Imlach’s) is the one that the late Liam Weldon used to sing..he told me once that it was an old Clare Ballad.. which makes me wonder about the original source of this great old song
Hi Christy , hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all the best for 2014. My Mam passed suddenly a few days before christmas which threw things off track a bit she was a big fan of your music too. I am in Dublin tonight and finding it hard to get a ticket for the show at Vicar St. as I am usually more prepared so im just throwing it out there if anyone has one spare ticket I would love to see the show tonight . I can be contacted on jamescoughlan1@hotmail.com or 0851182270.
Thanks and God bless everyone
Well Christy. Sorry to hear that your Waterford date in March will be your last in the Forum. Its been transformed into a bingo hall and putting an end to live music. After seeing ye there many times over the last 12 years it was the best venue ive been to see ye. Hopefully this won’t put a stop to the Waterford leg of the tour. Katie Reillys said they’ll have ya back.
This is bad news that I’m sorry to read…For many years it has been a great venue…we’ve always enjoyed our gigs in Ciaran O’Neill’s Forum….its a sad day for all Waterford listeners,for all who come to play and ,most of all, for Ciaran O’Neill himself and for his family and staff….Ciaran has been one of that small number of independent theatre directors driven by a passion for live gigs…I hope that he will rise again
Hopefully Part 2 of Liam Clancy’s readings here:
I look forward..Thanks John
Don’t know if you’ve heard the wonderful voice of Liam Clancy reciting poetry this last couple of nights – I think he had a special gift for reading and to me there was always a special magic in his spoken words.
Hi Christy, a couple of years ago the Kildare team were over here in Boston . I was invited in to play a gig for them in the Irish Village , Dermot Earl on one side of me and Johnny on the other.i was quiet nervous about it.but the whole team ,selectors and geezer put me at ease as the song were all flowin well.I had one of the best gigs I have had this past 20 years.The banter and slagging was mighty, they were a choir of singers.I invited Johnny up and he did , A Boy Named Sue ( Johnny Cash ) & Lisdoonvarna.I have some photos of that night , I think I played for 3 hours straight, I realized it was special when it was all over, they sang Nancy, Sonny ,Curragh of Lillie’s with me and it was magic.I Still play the songs , but not as much these days. I played 3 gigs on St Patricks Day here in Boston, all 3 hr gigs and that was rough on the vocals and the fingers were thumpin. (They built a wall round Robin Island,that prison where Nelson served his time.For 27 years they could not break him.Mandela you are always on my mind) RIP.I off to make the Turkey curry Christy..Hopefully get home this coming year if all goes well, funny I’ve never done a paid gig at home and was on the same bill as the Clancys for a New York Festival 1995, that’s where I met Deb and our journey began.Itust be fun to be a grandad.Thanks for the chats I look forward to them my friend,all the very best to Val and yourself Christy .Take care , love Fin
hope the turkey curry went well.we’re about to see off the last remnants..a thick fowl broth and a brace of hang sangwedges..should set me up for tonights fun in Vicar Street..lookin forward to hookin up with all the team…Declan and I have been joined by Jimmy Higgins on percussion..He lays it down real solid for us and is a great addition to our sound….young Sonny shone a light on our Christmas..he brings a lot of joy to us all..hope you make it back this year, keep us posted
Hello Christy, my girlfriend and my brother gave me an amazing present this Christmas. I open the pack and what did I find? A Ryanair ticket and a ticket for your Live at Bord Gais Energy Theatre in Dublin. Unbelievable! My 2014 will begin very well. I’d like to have a picture with you. My Irish friends in italy are very envious and I’d like to take them your autograph. Do you think is it possible? Thanks! Alessandro.
it is very possible Alessandro…
Hello Christy, seasons greetings to you and yours. Just back from a few days in Buxton where we spent Xmas, you never know – the Opera House might happen one day for you! Just been playing “Where I Come From” and it is sensational. When I heard that you were re-recording the old songs I was worried that they would lose the “magic” but these recordings have injected a whole new life into them. Get the pen out and rattle a few more off in 2014. See you down the road in 2014. Happy new year.
Good luck with the latest vinyl release from Sarah Gillespie.. thanks for the feedback, always good to get the thumbs up from Lichfield…I’m becalmed at the minute, no definite recording project in mind, just a bunch of possibilities….but lots of exciting gigs in the pipeline…hope the shop enjoys a good year ahead
Sarah Gillespie’s Glory Days – Vinyl Release