Hi Christy, Hope all is well and your enjoying the new year, couple of descent films coming out next few weeks, just looking at the gig page mighty amount gigs coming up, your getting closer to a gig in An tInbhear Mór, the gig in Gorey is only 10 min drive down the road, looking forward,
Christy's reply
So far so good Adam…enjoying a few quiet weeks and looking forward to this years music….really enjoyed the movie Nebraska..Bruce Dern gives a great performance with very little dialogue…hoping to see 12 Years a Slave soon but with slight apprehension ! also hope to catch Blue is the Warmest Colour, and De Caprio’s new movie about Wall St….Gorey used to be a regular gig town when Paul Funge was running the Gorey Arts centre…I knew Paul at school in Newbridge where he was a leading light in all things Arts related…he used to run a Festival called “The Gorey Detail” and he also created his Arts Centre in the yard behind the Family Business.He passed on a few years back.
thank you for your gig in Newcastle last yearChristy. amazing as usual. i was the one who asked for bright blue rose. you sang it after first time ever i saw your face, your version we used for our wedding. i know the bridge hotel folk club well. great night there. curious where i will see you next after 2 gigs in Liverpool and then the sage, Newcastle city hall and Newcastle Tyne Theater
keep healthy and happy and bringing. joy to the masses.thank you
Christy's reply
maybe Ponteland or Hexham, Hebburn or Jarrow, Sounthshields or Sunderland, Trimdon or Prudhoe, Washington or Birtley, Blyth or Ashington…just keep your ear to the ground and follow the blue star..listen out for The Mighty Doonans, The High Level Ranters, The Marsden Rattlers or The Stockton Fettlers, Big Mick Elliot and Hedgehog Pie…music resounds forever upon the Mighty Tyne
Bit late but happy new year to you and yours. Posting today to let you know that today my dad is 90 years old. He’s from Stillorgan originally but after 2 years in the Irish Army he came over to the UK and joined the RAF in 1946. He’s still going strong and we’re having a do for him on Saturday where all 8 kids, grand kids etc etc will be there. A few relatives from Dublin and we’ve hired a duo called Quare Craic. I checked their web-site and they play a few of your tunes so should be a great night. I might even get up myself and give em a piece of ‘Ride On’ if the moods right. Over in Dublin 22nd February for a few nights, maybe I’ll see you along the way.
Take care
Christy's reply
What a wonderful occasion…please give my best wishes to your Father. My own Dad was in the Irish Army from 39-45..maybe they soldiered together !! Hope ye have a great night with “Quare Craic” and that your trip over in Feb goes well
Hi Christy,
My boyfriend loves your music but unfortunately has never got to see you live!we are currently living in Perth Australia but are planning on coming home in the middle of August for a few weeks I didn’t see any gigs listed for August when I looked up the line up but just wondering are you doing any gigs at home or in the UK around this time as I’d love to surprise him with tickets to one of your shows!
Thanks so much
Christy's reply
Mary..there may be a few gigs in August..keep an eye on the gig page and sign up for the news letter..hopefully you can bring that lad of yours to a gig while ye are home..
Hello Christy
I think your CDs are the most played ones in my player, and your music is always there, when my bipolar chaos hits, and helps me alot with my moodswings, especially depression.
My question is a little bit of a technical nature.
As I have almost all of your CDs, I wonder if the older ones have ever been remastered. I got your CDs more or less when they came out, and on amazon uk they show release dates like 2005 for king puck, and 2004 for smoke and strong whiskey. On the german amazon site it shows ordinary man with a release date of 2007. Maybe you can bring some light to all these different release date, before I buy the whole bunch again.
Thank you very much
I am looking very much forward for the new three CD set, I ordered from your shop a week ago.
Thank you very much
kind regards
Christy's reply
Hi Urs…..Good to read that the songs have helped you through some hard times..I too understand the healing power of songs and of music….I cannot explain these release dates you describe..if albums were remastered it was without my knowledge….the release dates are probably caused by Record Companies in different countries releasin albums many years after the original release dates here in Ireland..please do not “buy the whole bunch again”…..once or twice I have considered remastering but always got sidetracked by gigs and new recordings…greetings to all Songsters in The Netherlands
Saw Declan and your good self at the Tyne Theatre, Newcastle late last year, and also caught you both at the Newcastle City Hall the previous year…..Two great shows….can’t wait to catch you both again…….are you returning to the North-East Of England this year?….any chance of playing the Gala Theatre in Durham?….Also, as a parting shot, are you going to release another performance DVD at some point in the future?….Am watching the “Come All You Dreamers” Barrowlands DVD as I write this….fantastic show…..Stay healthy Christy………..Steven
Christy's reply
Rusty…we dont lose any sleep here over mis-spells…..last time I played Durham was with Planxty back in 1973.I think it was at a Folk Festival.Would have played a few Folk Clubs around Durham County in the late 60s. These days I travel to England once a year and play short tours. I’ve no idea if Durham is on the agenda as my colleague organises all that with an agent in England. I work on the songs and music and he works on setting up the gigs. Nothing definite in the pipeline re future DVDs. Quite a few ideas but nothing definite happening. May do an internet gig this year. Thats been on the agenda for 7 years now. Back in the day I played Trimdon, Prudhoe, Durham, Hebburn, Birtley,Washington and probably a few others..great times, great singers and clubs…I was chasing The Blue Star back then
Hi Christy, thank you very much for your new wonderful album. May I ask you a gift for the new year? You’ve never been to play in Italy, don’t you?
So, could you promise that you will be this year?
Christy's reply
Been to Italy three times….with Planxty in 1973 and 1980…solo in 1987…I regret to say that I will not be there in 2014…greetings to all Italian listeners..thank you for the feedback
I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all your work and absolutely enchanting music!
I have always been a big fan of folk music from different places throughout the world, but – hands down – the Irish music tradition is in my humble opinion by far the greatest. And when you mix this great cultural treasure trove with an incredibly amazing talent such as yourself, the result is truly entrancing.
Hi Happy new year.I was just wondering who sings in the back round in nancy spain and the last verse of lakes of pontchartrain from the album best of christy moore? LOVE your work! favorite artist of all time!!!!
Christy's reply
The harmonies were sung by Mandy Murphy, a wonderful singer from Cork. Both songs were on the 1983 album “The Time Has Come”.
Hey Christy
My friend and I are coming to see you for the first time! at The SouthBank centre London in April!!! We can’t wait 🙂 maybe a shout out on the night to us 😉 all the best Sarah and Donna xx
Christy's reply
I plan to give everyone a shout out that night Sarah….hope to embrace the entire audience with music and song and we’ll all cosy up together…hope you and Donna have a good night
Hi Christy
Happy new year to you and yours.I have just received the new album.I love it!!!!!!!!!!! The way it has been set up,the production and the sheer emotion you give when performing those lyrics makes this 3 cd set my favourite of all your albums which I own.I have played selected tracks to friends who feel the same way as I do .Well done to you and Dec and the wonderful influences and support you received when putting it all together.Take care. Keep healthy and happy.Regards and best wishes
Christy's reply
Glad you have found your way into it Colin….it was a lovely journey and we had some magic moments along the way…everything moves so rapid now..years back albums would linger for quite a while before passing to the archive…your review (and a good one in the current Uncut) keeps the flag flying for another while…hope you have a good year
Hope you don’t mind me posting here Christy! If anyone has a spare ticket for any of the Clonmel gigs can they let me know … left it late and didn’t realise they were sold out. You’re very popular Mr Moore! x
Following my last post you mentioned the whereabouts of Mick Hipkiss. So I paid a visit to my good friend John Fitzgerald at Minstrel Music situated at the Birmingham Irish Centre, Digbeth. He informs me that Mick once managed the Ian Campbell Folk Club and played in the band Drowsy Maggie. Mick is apparently now retired and living in Great Barr, Birmingham. In the event that you may wish to contact Mick, I can obtain a contact number from John Fitzgerald for you.
Christy's reply
Mick gave me my first gig in Birmingham back in 1967.He ran a Folk Club in The Old Contemptibles pub where he was also the resident singer. As a result I subsequently got gigs in other clubs in the area including Ian Cambell’s club which was run by Ian’s parents Dave and Winnie.Yet another club was run by The Munstermen and another by John Swift and Tommy Dempsey.All these clubs had great resident singers and bands.It was a vibrant and exciting time for me as I set out upon my journey.
Agnes Nealis
January 6, 2014 at 9:26 pm
Location: The magpies are trying to build a nest in the storm(not working)
Bliain nua maith duit a mhac!
Our tree got hit by lightning and half the tree fell off.Dad is happy cause the magpies won’t be able to make a nest AGAIN.
This year I had no Dreolín and I had to make a fake one and put him into a bottle with holly.
In one house a lad asked me to make him jump.I told him he was very tuirseach from going from house to house.He believed me and gave five euros.
A gang came from an ceathrú rua with a real dreolín and they couln’t put a tune together if their lifes did depend on it but they had a bucket full of money because the dreoilin that was jumpin like a nut job.
RTE are making tapes and taking breaks and throwin shapes down in salthill not coming to Connemara to see the real damage.Tá an Coastguard Guard thing in Spideál on the other side of the road.(whats left of the road)Inish Barra is probably flooded.I will go on some day to check it Did you know there was never a trá on Inish Bearachain BUT then all this gainemah crua came in , after a stoirm years ago ?and it made a huge trá!It was 2 miles long, I bet now its 3 miles long.
There was a rabharta here but we couldn’t get winkles because of the stoirm and the waves were lashin and trashin and I would get SOO cold and SOO wet.and a blast of seaweed came ashore.Down at the relig the walls were swept away and the road and you cannot go through .
ps do you know what a rabharta is? Was there much lightening near you?
Christy's reply
when I was a gasún back around 1955 I was out in my grandfathers haggart with Geraldine Murtagh when a lightnin ball hooshed past us and gave us a fierce shock…the most dramatic lightning I ever saw was in Jamaica…huge electric storms in the night sky were distant and breathtaking…when I was a small boy,if there was thunder in the sky my Dad would always say “they’re rollin out the porter barrels in heaven”
A very happy new year to you, all the crew, and all your readers here. Thanks for a brilliant year of gigs and music, and I look forward to more in 2014. Delira the tour is still never ending , we do likes the travellin. Mention of Buddy earlier makes me dig out his records, he had a great magic. Another tragic death at 22 years, but some classic songs. Heard McCartney & Ronnie Wood discussing how they spent an age trying to get that little opening riff at start of “That’ll be the day”…Declan probably knock it out in a few minutes nowadays, but to them it was listening back to the singles over and over..Charles Holly..just realied a clip I have here of Don & Phil includes backing by The Crickets…Two cool cats of their time…I’d love a trip to the 50’s sometime..Im wafflin again..
Swingin Shepherd Blues, Lonely Boy, Lipstick on your Collar,Cool Water,16 Tons, Peggy Sue,Heartbreak Hotel…..all songs from early teenage years…anyone remember a skiffle group with Alan Ray, Leo McBride and Tony Sinnott plus one whom I cant recall this morn..they played the Newbridge Tennis Club room circa 1960
Greetings all for Nollaig na mBan,,, there was often a gig on 6th Jan,, part of the Live at the Point CD/DVD was recorded on 2006 on 6th Jan as far as I recall…. here is a clip courtesy of Rena for the day thats in it,,,http://youtu.be/01AiQPpzh48 @ Christy as for your reply re : ” I hear theres lots of slates loose in The Kingdom ” some people believe I live in an open air Asylum !!! Beir bua. H
Christy's reply
Thanks Hilary…I have but scant recall of the making of The Point DVD….the Barrowland project is clearer…it changes the working environment when there are cameras and film crews about the performance area..it can be distracting for both audience and players…sometimes the resulting film can make it all worthwhile…..you live in a very special place, such diverse land and scenery,mountains lakes and oceans,Islands Gaeltachts jarveys and even a few footballers, a place for open air enthusiasts and asylum seekers…shine on
Its nice to hear the talk of The Everly Brothers, I still have their vinyl 24 Original Golden Greats ” as advertised on TV and Radio ” … its great, Wake Up Little Susie, Brand New Heartache and Let It be Me still strike a chord – one of the great aspects of this website we can share an appreciation for these songs ….
Christy's reply
memories come flooding back, their sound is locked away in the memory locker, this young heart beats again, Radio Luxembourg,Brylcreem,getting Maisie Behan to take in the trousars, trying to fashion kiss curls,getting D.A. from the barber Brady, nervousness at dancing,watching the courting couples in the Cinema, Connie Francis,Buddy, Frankie Laine, Houndog, 78s, the juke box in Mrs Dunnes Chip Shop….going home via Rosie’s Lane…Dream Dream Dream
just a quick one there. My brother in law Rob Heffernan won the world championship 50km walk in Moscow in August, and I have just finished lashing out a few lyrics to a song for him ( for his son really 🙂 ) and it sounds to me like your version of Duffys Cut
Just wondering if anyone had planned on writing a song about this? – In a year that has been clouded in hardship – the lad gave the country a huge lift.
By the way – love Arthurs day – and I return to Ireland after 20 years in March and I can’t wait to get to see you and Deccie in concert.
Gelidilegt Nyt Ar from Iceland 🙂
Christy's reply
Rob certainly deserves a Ballad to mark that World Title achieved by both himself and his wife.
Hi Christy, Hope all is well and your enjoying the new year, couple of descent films coming out next few weeks, just looking at the gig page mighty amount gigs coming up, your getting closer to a gig in An tInbhear Mór, the gig in Gorey is only 10 min drive down the road, looking forward,
So far so good Adam…enjoying a few quiet weeks and looking forward to this years music….really enjoyed the movie Nebraska..Bruce Dern gives a great performance with very little dialogue…hoping to see 12 Years a Slave soon but with slight apprehension ! also hope to catch Blue is the Warmest Colour, and De Caprio’s new movie about Wall St….Gorey used to be a regular gig town when Paul Funge was running the Gorey Arts centre…I knew Paul at school in Newbridge where he was a leading light in all things Arts related…he used to run a Festival called “The Gorey Detail” and he also created his Arts Centre in the yard behind the Family Business.He passed on a few years back.
thank you for your gig in Newcastle last yearChristy. amazing as usual. i was the one who asked for bright blue rose. you sang it after first time ever i saw your face, your version we used for our wedding. i know the bridge hotel folk club well. great night there. curious where i will see you next after 2 gigs in Liverpool and then the sage, Newcastle city hall and Newcastle Tyne Theater
keep healthy and happy and bringing. joy to the masses.thank you
maybe Ponteland or Hexham, Hebburn or Jarrow, Sounthshields or Sunderland, Trimdon or Prudhoe, Washington or Birtley, Blyth or Ashington…just keep your ear to the ground and follow the blue star..listen out for The Mighty Doonans, The High Level Ranters, The Marsden Rattlers or The Stockton Fettlers, Big Mick Elliot and Hedgehog Pie…music resounds forever upon the Mighty Tyne
In 1973 and 1980 I was too young, but in 1987 …. where you’ve played in Italy? I missed it
I got it wrong Giorgio..In March 1984 I played in Milan, Bologna,Rome, Belgana and Ibina…..
Hi there Christy.
Bit late but happy new year to you and yours. Posting today to let you know that today my dad is 90 years old. He’s from Stillorgan originally but after 2 years in the Irish Army he came over to the UK and joined the RAF in 1946. He’s still going strong and we’re having a do for him on Saturday where all 8 kids, grand kids etc etc will be there. A few relatives from Dublin and we’ve hired a duo called Quare Craic. I checked their web-site and they play a few of your tunes so should be a great night. I might even get up myself and give em a piece of ‘Ride On’ if the moods right. Over in Dublin 22nd February for a few nights, maybe I’ll see you along the way.
Take care
What a wonderful occasion…please give my best wishes to your Father. My own Dad was in the Irish Army from 39-45..maybe they soldiered together !! Hope ye have a great night with “Quare Craic” and that your trip over in Feb goes well
Hi Christy,
My boyfriend loves your music but unfortunately has never got to see you live!we are currently living in Perth Australia but are planning on coming home in the middle of August for a few weeks I didn’t see any gigs listed for August when I looked up the line up but just wondering are you doing any gigs at home or in the UK around this time as I’d love to surprise him with tickets to one of your shows!
Thanks so much
Mary..there may be a few gigs in August..keep an eye on the gig page and sign up for the news letter..hopefully you can bring that lad of yours to a gig while ye are home..
Hello Christy
I think your CDs are the most played ones in my player, and your music is always there, when my bipolar chaos hits, and helps me alot with my moodswings, especially depression.
My question is a little bit of a technical nature.
As I have almost all of your CDs, I wonder if the older ones have ever been remastered. I got your CDs more or less when they came out, and on amazon uk they show release dates like 2005 for king puck, and 2004 for smoke and strong whiskey. On the german amazon site it shows ordinary man with a release date of 2007. Maybe you can bring some light to all these different release date, before I buy the whole bunch again.
Thank you very much
I am looking very much forward for the new three CD set, I ordered from your shop a week ago.
Thank you very much
kind regards
Hi Urs…..Good to read that the songs have helped you through some hard times..I too understand the healing power of songs and of music….I cannot explain these release dates you describe..if albums were remastered it was without my knowledge….the release dates are probably caused by Record Companies in different countries releasin albums many years after the original release dates here in Ireland..please do not “buy the whole bunch again”…..once or twice I have considered remastering but always got sidetracked by gigs and new recordings…greetings to all Songsters in The Netherlands
Apologies for spelling your name wrong in previous post…..hope its not held against me……shame I couldn’t edit it after posting…..Steven
no prob Steven..I have made the correction
Hi Christy
Saw Declan and your good self at the Tyne Theatre, Newcastle late last year, and also caught you both at the Newcastle City Hall the previous year…..Two great shows….can’t wait to catch you both again…….are you returning to the North-East Of England this year?….any chance of playing the Gala Theatre in Durham?….Also, as a parting shot, are you going to release another performance DVD at some point in the future?….Am watching the “Come All You Dreamers” Barrowlands DVD as I write this….fantastic show…..Stay healthy Christy………..Steven
Rusty…we dont lose any sleep here over mis-spells…..last time I played Durham was with Planxty back in 1973.I think it was at a Folk Festival.Would have played a few Folk Clubs around Durham County in the late 60s. These days I travel to England once a year and play short tours. I’ve no idea if Durham is on the agenda as my colleague organises all that with an agent in England. I work on the songs and music and he works on setting up the gigs. Nothing definite in the pipeline re future DVDs. Quite a few ideas but nothing definite happening. May do an internet gig this year. Thats been on the agenda for 7 years now. Back in the day I played Trimdon, Prudhoe, Durham, Hebburn, Birtley,Washington and probably a few others..great times, great singers and clubs…I was chasing The Blue Star back then
Hi Christy, thank you very much for your new wonderful album. May I ask you a gift for the new year? You’ve never been to play in Italy, don’t you?
So, could you promise that you will be this year?
Been to Italy three times….with Planxty in 1973 and 1980…solo in 1987…I regret to say that I will not be there in 2014…greetings to all Italian listeners..thank you for the feedback
Hi Christy,
I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all your work and absolutely enchanting music!
I have always been a big fan of folk music from different places throughout the world, but – hands down – the Irish music tradition is in my humble opinion by far the greatest. And when you mix this great cultural treasure trove with an incredibly amazing talent such as yourself, the result is truly entrancing.
I wish you and all fellow Irishmen all the best!
Kalle, Sweden
what more can we ask for….thank you Kalle
Hi Happy new year.I was just wondering who sings in the back round in nancy spain and the last verse of lakes of pontchartrain from the album best of christy moore? LOVE your work! favorite artist of all time!!!!
The harmonies were sung by Mandy Murphy, a wonderful singer from Cork. Both songs were on the 1983 album “The Time Has Come”.
Hey Christy
My friend and I are coming to see you for the first time! at The SouthBank centre London in April!!! We can’t wait 🙂 maybe a shout out on the night to us 😉 all the best Sarah and Donna xx
I plan to give everyone a shout out that night Sarah….hope to embrace the entire audience with music and song and we’ll all cosy up together…hope you and Donna have a good night
Hi Christy
Happy new year to you and yours.I have just received the new album.I love it!!!!!!!!!!! The way it has been set up,the production and the sheer emotion you give when performing those lyrics makes this 3 cd set my favourite of all your albums which I own.I have played selected tracks to friends who feel the same way as I do .Well done to you and Dec and the wonderful influences and support you received when putting it all together.Take care. Keep healthy and happy.Regards and best wishes
Glad you have found your way into it Colin….it was a lovely journey and we had some magic moments along the way…everything moves so rapid now..years back albums would linger for quite a while before passing to the archive…your review (and a good one in the current Uncut) keeps the flag flying for another while…hope you have a good year
Hope you don’t mind me posting here Christy! If anyone has a spare ticket for any of the Clonmel gigs can they let me know … left it late and didn’t realise they were sold out. You’re very popular Mr Moore! x
no problem Eileen…
Happy New Year to you Christy.
Following my last post you mentioned the whereabouts of Mick Hipkiss. So I paid a visit to my good friend John Fitzgerald at Minstrel Music situated at the Birmingham Irish Centre, Digbeth. He informs me that Mick once managed the Ian Campbell Folk Club and played in the band Drowsy Maggie. Mick is apparently now retired and living in Great Barr, Birmingham. In the event that you may wish to contact Mick, I can obtain a contact number from John Fitzgerald for you.
Mick gave me my first gig in Birmingham back in 1967.He ran a Folk Club in The Old Contemptibles pub where he was also the resident singer. As a result I subsequently got gigs in other clubs in the area including Ian Cambell’s club which was run by Ian’s parents Dave and Winnie.Yet another club was run by The Munstermen and another by John Swift and Tommy Dempsey.All these clubs had great resident singers and bands.It was a vibrant and exciting time for me as I set out upon my journey.
Bliain nua maith duit a mhac!
Our tree got hit by lightning and half the tree fell off.Dad is happy cause the magpies won’t be able to make a nest AGAIN.
This year I had no Dreolín and I had to make a fake one and put him into a bottle with holly.
In one house a lad asked me to make him jump.I told him he was very tuirseach from going from house to house.He believed me and gave five euros.
A gang came from an ceathrú rua with a real dreolín and they couln’t put a tune together if their lifes did depend on it but they had a bucket full of money because the dreoilin that was jumpin like a nut job.
RTE are making tapes and taking breaks and throwin shapes down in salthill not coming to Connemara to see the real damage.Tá an Coastguard Guard thing in Spideál on the other side of the road.(whats left of the road)Inish Barra is probably flooded.I will go on some day to check it Did you know there was never a trá on Inish Bearachain BUT then all this gainemah crua came in , after a stoirm years ago ?and it made a huge trá!It was 2 miles long, I bet now its 3 miles long.
There was a rabharta here but we couldn’t get winkles because of the stoirm and the waves were lashin and trashin and I would get SOO cold and SOO wet.and a blast of seaweed came ashore.Down at the relig the walls were swept away and the road and you cannot go through .
ps do you know what a rabharta is? Was there much lightening near you?
when I was a gasún back around 1955 I was out in my grandfathers haggart with Geraldine Murtagh when a lightnin ball hooshed past us and gave us a fierce shock…the most dramatic lightning I ever saw was in Jamaica…huge electric storms in the night sky were distant and breathtaking…when I was a small boy,if there was thunder in the sky my Dad would always say “they’re rollin out the porter barrels in heaven”
A very happy new year to you, all the crew, and all your readers here. Thanks for a brilliant year of gigs and music, and I look forward to more in 2014. Delira the tour is still never ending , we do likes the travellin. Mention of Buddy earlier makes me dig out his records, he had a great magic. Another tragic death at 22 years, but some classic songs. Heard McCartney & Ronnie Wood discussing how they spent an age trying to get that little opening riff at start of “That’ll be the day”…Declan probably knock it out in a few minutes nowadays, but to them it was listening back to the singles over and over..Charles Holly..just realied a clip I have here of Don & Phil includes backing by The Crickets…Two cool cats of their time…I’d love a trip to the 50’s sometime..Im wafflin again..
Swingin Shepherd Blues, Lonely Boy, Lipstick on your Collar,Cool Water,16 Tons, Peggy Sue,Heartbreak Hotel…..all songs from early teenage years…anyone remember a skiffle group with Alan Ray, Leo McBride and Tony Sinnott plus one whom I cant recall this morn..they played the Newbridge Tennis Club room circa 1960
Greetings all for Nollaig na mBan,,, there was often a gig on 6th Jan,, part of the Live at the Point CD/DVD was recorded on 2006 on 6th Jan as far as I recall…. here is a clip courtesy of Rena for the day thats in it,,,http://youtu.be/01AiQPpzh48 @ Christy as for your reply re : ” I hear theres lots of slates loose in The Kingdom ” some people believe I live in an open air Asylum !!! Beir bua. H
Thanks Hilary…I have but scant recall of the making of The Point DVD….the Barrowland project is clearer…it changes the working environment when there are cameras and film crews about the performance area..it can be distracting for both audience and players…sometimes the resulting film can make it all worthwhile…..you live in a very special place, such diverse land and scenery,mountains lakes and oceans,Islands Gaeltachts jarveys and even a few footballers, a place for open air enthusiasts and asylum seekers…shine on
Its nice to hear the talk of The Everly Brothers, I still have their vinyl 24 Original Golden Greats ” as advertised on TV and Radio ” … its great, Wake Up Little Susie, Brand New Heartache and Let It be Me still strike a chord – one of the great aspects of this website we can share an appreciation for these songs ….
memories come flooding back, their sound is locked away in the memory locker, this young heart beats again, Radio Luxembourg,Brylcreem,getting Maisie Behan to take in the trousars, trying to fashion kiss curls,getting D.A. from the barber Brady, nervousness at dancing,watching the courting couples in the Cinema, Connie Francis,Buddy, Frankie Laine, Houndog, 78s, the juke box in Mrs Dunnes Chip Shop….going home via Rosie’s Lane…Dream Dream Dream
Howya Christy.
just a quick one there. My brother in law Rob Heffernan won the world championship 50km walk in Moscow in August, and I have just finished lashing out a few lyrics to a song for him ( for his son really 🙂 ) and it sounds to me like your version of Duffys Cut
Just wondering if anyone had planned on writing a song about this? – In a year that has been clouded in hardship – the lad gave the country a huge lift.
By the way – love Arthurs day – and I return to Ireland after 20 years in March and I can’t wait to get to see you and Deccie in concert.
Gelidilegt Nyt Ar from Iceland 🙂
Rob certainly deserves a Ballad to mark that World Title achieved by both himself and his wife.