What are you planning for Dec this year Christie , could I chat woith you about The Forgotten irish Campaign in Great Britain? My email address is b.mcglennon@btinternet.com . Could i have a just a couple of minutes of your time to tell you about it ?
Hows it going christy ill be there on friday with the father and the brother for the christmas present ha. Best christmas present ever, i have’nt seen you in ahwhile and i cant wait. Ill have to leave the aul relible Carina at home cause i dont like paying for parking and the feckin anglegrinders on the blink in the boot so ill have to bus it :). Ill be somewere near the front row so give us a wave or the middle finger or ah feck off, or whatever suits lol. Thanks, Seán
Christy's reply
OK Seán ..you make your way to the gig with your two companeros and we’ll do the rest…
Hi Christy looking forward to your concert Friday night am going with my wife Nancy for her birthday, would love it if you could sing Nancy Spain for her if you like. Tham
Thanks Paul h.
Christy's reply
back 50 years ago I knew a Mrs Hederman who had a clothes shop in Naas, her sister, Mrs Lily Murray, worked in Hedermans shop in Newbridge and the Murrays were or next door neighbours…..No matter where I wander
PS. And another year you really should come and play at Jarama. It is always a great weekend, a good crowd and nearly always a beautiful crisp sunny day to walk through the olive growths.
I am writing on behalf of the Asociación de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales (AABI) in Madrid. We´ve our annual Jarama Walk coming up on 22 February, expecting a few hundred people, as always inclduing big contigents from the Friends of the International Brigades in Ireland (FIBI) and the IBMT.
As a little bit of fun to build a bit of atmosphere in the run up, we are going to put on an On-line Concert – Tribute to the International Brigades- with links on our Facebook page to Youtube videos of International brigade songs old and new. it will probably be on the evening of Saturday 8 February, and aimed at our 2,000 friends on Facebook.
You will be pleased to know you will be playing- no need to say what. Pete Seeger, Billy Bragg, Nina Simone, Serrat and many others should all be there too.
Apart from giving you the good news, I am writing because it would be great if you endorsed the event, just with a quick message of support or whatever which we could put on our FB page.
Hi Christy, I. must return to a previous post where I. said that you played in the laurels Killarney with sweeneys men. I. have now checked with my friends (The Rowans) and guess what you are right. It was in fact Al O Donnell. I. must put my hands up and say Sorry I. Got It Wrong. Looking forward to INEC later. Pat.
Christy's reply
Al O’Donnell played a great part in the Folk Revival that flourished in the 60s. I always tried to hear him sing when I was visiting back home. He also made some fine recordings. Great versions of “Sammy’s Bar ” and “Matt Hyland” are two of the songs I remember him sing. He had a unique style of singing and playing…anyone out there who sees him these days, please give him my best wishes
Looking forward to your concert in the Bord Gais Energy Theatre this Friday. I was wondering if you could dedicate ‘The Voyage’ to my girlfriend’s mother and father who will be there also, Elaine and Eddie as it was their wedding song. It will be a huge surprise to them and also extra brownie points for me, Cheers!
Christy's reply
hope ye have a good night..lets see what way the wind is blowing….
I should be happy to give a ticket to one of your concerts to a very nice man, then will have his 60 year birthday 13 may.. The problem is, he is very busy and I dont know, when he will have time to go. Is that possible to buy a presentcard and give him, and he can change it to a ticket a day when he have time?
Both he and his father like/liked you very much and he have also made his own versions of some of your hits, like spanish hill and fairytale of new york- Please, if you can help me, answer me private.
Christy's reply
agh jasus Baraji..are you tryin to wreck me head altogether….I have enough to be doin just to get myself there
re Baraji post below, might be worth buying a ticketmaster voucher, seeing as most of the gigs Christy plays are on ticketmaster.ie
Hi Christy, just a little note to let u know my friend Maureen and I (Rosaleen Stenson) will be at your concert on sat night.
I think it was paddys night 1978 we were hitching from sligo to coolaney to see you in concert, you pulled up to give us a lift, asked us where we were going (we said to you) .
Anyway to make a long story short you asked our names and it was just after u released Nancy Spain on a single and my fathers two reels were on the b side. You got a bit of a shock when you heard i was his daughter. We had a great night and you minded us like two kids so thanks.
Anyway my friend’s son got us the tickets for Christmas so we’re looking forward to the night for old times sake. Keep up the singing and all the best to you and your family. Rosaleen and Maureen
Christy's reply
well fair play to you Rosaleen..and two fine reels they are too…35 years on and we’re still here thanks be…that gig must have been in The Mountain Inn..that was always a good halting place back in the day..I think it was run by Oliver Lipsett..it had a great auld mountainy vibe about it..I have a few new songs since the last time you came to a gig !!!
So the Gloaming are releasing their new record today, and in the past week they have been featured on one of the national radio stations here. Last year, they toured in the U.S. with a different name (Masters of Tradition) and a few other musicians including Cathal Hayden. I live in northern California in an area known (mainly) for weed growers and rednecks (not mutually exclusive, by the way) and no Irish community. There are a few Paddies here whom I run into every so often, but they are in short supply, unfortunately. Despite this, Irish musicians come here occasionally and everybody likes the music. The gigs are always well attended. I was looking forward to the Masters, although I was wondering about Iarla O Lionaird as I knew most of the people wouldn’t know much, if anything, about sean-nos.
Anyway, on the night of the concert, I found myself surrounded by a big group, many clad in bright green jumpers, who were talking loudly about all things “Irish”. They knew the show was going to be “soooo fun” and they were all “soooo excited.” The words blarney, begorrah, and leprechaun were in every line of their stories. I felt sure Iarla would explain his singing style to everybody but damn the bit of him. The lights went down and out he stepped to the mike and without a word, launched into a sean-nos (in Irish, of course). Well, after a second or two of stunned silence, a frisson of bewilderment and consternation swept through the green jumper crowd. They didn’t know what was going on. I knew by the chat of them beforehand that they had been expecting something like “If you’re Irish, Come into the Parlour” and now they had this!! They shifted in their seats, they nudged and whispered and displayed other signs of complete discomfort. Worst of all, they couldn’t clap along. My stomach was sore from trying to keep in the laughing. And the sean-nos went on … and on as sean-noses do. Finally, it ended and Iarla just said, “Go raibh maith agaibh” and walked off the stage. It was class.
Well, the musicians came on then in ones and two, doing solos and duos and building up to mighty sessions. The crowd loved them because of the music and the craic and the green brigade began to warm up. (They could clap along to some of the tunes.) The next time Iarla appeared on stage, he said, “If you thought that was dreary, you haven’t heard anything yet,” or words to that effect and began to explain about sean-nos. Immediately, the green jumpers (being buoyed by the diddley-dee) loved him and hung onto his every word and Iarla even sang one or two in an Irish/English combo and by the end of the concert the greens, being Yanks, were talking as if they had invented sean-nos.
Unfortunately, the group is not coming up our way this year, but I’ll always remember the night of the sean-nos. (Sorry about the fadas. I still can’t get them to work.)
I know that Cathal is not roaming with the Gloaming this year, but is playing with you on occasion. Maybe I’ll get to one of the gigs.
May you and the Tyrone boy have many great sessions together.
Christy's reply
I am really enjoying the gigs with Cathal Hayden and his butties Mairtín, Jimmy and Sheamie..we’re doing a tour in The Spring and there will be sparks flying…..your story reminded me of 1966…I was struggling hard to make ends meet and got offered some support slots on an English Night Club circuit. They all wanted Danny Boy, Molly Malone and Gloccamaura..I sang them too and was glad of the bit of work…I love your description of that “Masters” gig. Iarla is a favourite singer of mine and I can well imagine them winning over green brigade….had a few interesting experiences myself across the pond
Looking forward to the gig at Royal Festival Hall this Easter. I’m coming all the way from Sweden together with my boyfriend to see you and Declan for the very first time.
I wonder if there is any merchandise sold at your gigs?
Since I know that you can’t meet all of us fans after the shows for signing things and taking photos, I would love to buy something at the show to remember it by.
Take care and we’ll see you at Easter in London!
Sincerely /Johanna
Christy's reply
Johanna,hope you have a good trip to London.The most recent album will be available at the the RFH gig. Perhaps the last DVD too.
You said your father was in the Irish Army too.just checking with dad.spent ’39 to ’44 either at the Collins Barracks or the Hibernian School in the artillery ..maybe your dad was there too. Big circles with tiny centres
Christy's reply
my Da, Andy Moore, was in the 3rd Battalion.. he served in The Curragh Camp from 1939-1945
Fantastic 90th Birthday party last night for dad.sat here now next to him on the sofa watching the Barrowland DVD. Bliss
God bless,whichever one you have that is.
Hi there Christy
Fantastic night last night for my Dad’s 90th Birthday party. all family and friends having a great time. The duo ‘Quare Craic’ were superb. very generous to let me get up and sing Ride On and Carrickfergus with the violin helping out. Sat hee now on the sofa next to my Dad watching the Barrowland DVD. Have to put in on loud so he can hear.. Rest of the family gone in the other room to watch Antigues Roadshow. Bliss. And a moment to remember. Cousins just left for the airport,Dublin bound. God bless,whichever one you have that is.
Christy's reply
great to read that ye had a great night of it..what a lovely gathering…..thanks too for sharing it with us…the image of you and your Da watching the DVD together stays with me…to be part of such a special moment, even at a distance, is indeed a priviledge…please give my best wishes to the Artillery man
Hi Christy! Can’t wait for friday night Gig … My Christmas’ present is taking shape. Me and my girlfriend will be in Dublin just to see you play and hope to meet you after the Gig. It’s a dream coming true!
Christy's reply
I’m getting ready, practicing my licks,tuning my Taks, ironing my keks, trimming my locks, flossing my gnashers, darning my sox,dont count on meeting me, after 2 hours whatever is left needs washing, scrubbing, then I need to prepare for the next night…rest the voice, send up a few zzzzzs, be with the family…that said if we meet, we meet…Come all you Dreamers, hear the sound of the barrows calling
I have just heard of the passing late last night of a Newbridge icon. Alice Redmond (or Alice O’Brien to most) was a stalwart of the town, ever present at Moorefield matches, pantos, ceilis, bingos, community games etc. etc. wth pots of tea and sandwiches at the ready. I knew her well and danced with her daughter Sharon and son Finbar (better known on this site as Bixie – some of you might recall Bixie’s unique flair for the written word!!) with Droiched Nua Irish Figure Dance Class. a sad loss and sympathies to all concerned.
Christy's reply
another star falls from The Firmament…commiserations to Bixie and all the clan
Christy, I have seen you play here, alongside the wonderful Mr Sinnott on a few occasions now, and have been mesmerized each time.
I, myself, play (much smaller of course) gigs around my dear North East; some of my own songs, as well as songs that are special to me. ‘Quiet Desperation’ always goes down very well, and your version is one of the most beautiful renditions of any song I have ever heard. It has the power to silence an audience, and I feel extremely lucky whenever I sing it in front of people.
I thank you deeply for your use of melody, passion, important words and wisdom. Keep it up Christy, hope to see you play again soon.
Ever inspired, Joe Moody
Christy's reply
Quiet Desperation was written by the late Floyd “Red Crow” Westerman,Native American of The Sioux tribe. I met him in Derry back in 1978 when a group from The Sioux people came to Ireland on a cultural exchange. An actor,singer and political activist, he shared this song with us. He also learned “Irish Ways, Irish Laws” and took it home with him. I subsequenty learned that he used to sing it as ‘Indian Ways,Indian Laws”. Floyd was also an accomplished Film Actor. Among other parts he played the elder Indian in the film ” Little Big Man”.
Remember the Roma in Antwerp? There was a fleemarket last sunday and I wasn’t very interested but my kids wanted to go and how lucky I was. There was one salesmanager who had some folkmusic and I found a record on vinyl of one Christy Moore !!! I was over the moon, never ever thougt I would find a record of you. It has no title but Nancy Spain on the album and that was the first song in my live I have heard from you. What a coincidence or not?
Many greetings from Chris (the shy woman)
Christy's reply
I remember Roma in Antwerp very clearly…lovely venue run by very friendly people…great canteen beneath the stage where a beautiful meal was prepared for all our crew…happy to read that you found some vinyl….I think that album is from 1976 on Polydor Label
What are you planning for Dec this year Christie , could I chat woith you about The Forgotten irish Campaign in Great Britain? My email address is b.mcglennon@btinternet.com . Could i have a just a couple of minutes of your time to tell you about it ?
why only tell me
re Baraji post below, might be worth buying a ticketmaster voucher, seeing as most of the gigs Christy plays are on ticketmaster.ie
Nice One Adam..you are a stalwart..Baraji caught me at a bad time !
Hows it going christy ill be there on friday with the father and the brother for the christmas present ha. Best christmas present ever, i have’nt seen you in ahwhile and i cant wait. Ill have to leave the aul relible Carina at home cause i dont like paying for parking and the feckin anglegrinders on the blink in the boot so ill have to bus it :). Ill be somewere near the front row so give us a wave or the middle finger or ah feck off, or whatever suits lol. Thanks, Seán
OK Seán ..you make your way to the gig with your two companeros and we’ll do the rest…
Hi Christy looking forward to your concert Friday night am going with my wife Nancy for her birthday, would love it if you could sing Nancy Spain for her if you like. Tham
Thanks Paul h.
back 50 years ago I knew a Mrs Hederman who had a clothes shop in Naas, her sister, Mrs Lily Murray, worked in Hedermans shop in Newbridge and the Murrays were or next door neighbours…..No matter where I wander
PS. And another year you really should come and play at Jarama. It is always a great weekend, a good crowd and nearly always a beautiful crisp sunny day to walk through the olive growths.
thanks Justin….Adelante
Hi Christy,
I am writing on behalf of the Asociación de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales (AABI) in Madrid. We´ve our annual Jarama Walk coming up on 22 February, expecting a few hundred people, as always inclduing big contigents from the Friends of the International Brigades in Ireland (FIBI) and the IBMT.
As a little bit of fun to build a bit of atmosphere in the run up, we are going to put on an On-line Concert – Tribute to the International Brigades- with links on our Facebook page to Youtube videos of International brigade songs old and new. it will probably be on the evening of Saturday 8 February, and aimed at our 2,000 friends on Facebook.
You will be pleased to know you will be playing- no need to say what. Pete Seeger, Billy Bragg, Nina Simone, Serrat and many others should all be there too.
Apart from giving you the good news, I am writing because it would be great if you endorsed the event, just with a quick message of support or whatever which we could put on our FB page.
Justin Byrne
AABI, Madrid
it will be done..thank you
Hi Christy, I. must return to a previous post where I. said that you played in the laurels Killarney with sweeneys men. I. have now checked with my friends (The Rowans) and guess what you are right. It was in fact Al O Donnell. I. must put my hands up and say Sorry I. Got It Wrong. Looking forward to INEC later. Pat.
Al O’Donnell played a great part in the Folk Revival that flourished in the 60s. I always tried to hear him sing when I was visiting back home. He also made some fine recordings. Great versions of “Sammy’s Bar ” and “Matt Hyland” are two of the songs I remember him sing. He had a unique style of singing and playing…anyone out there who sees him these days, please give him my best wishes
Hi Christy,
Looking forward to your concert in the Bord Gais Energy Theatre this Friday. I was wondering if you could dedicate ‘The Voyage’ to my girlfriend’s mother and father who will be there also, Elaine and Eddie as it was their wedding song. It will be a huge surprise to them and also extra brownie points for me, Cheers!
hope ye have a good night..lets see what way the wind is blowing….
I should be happy to give a ticket to one of your concerts to a very nice man, then will have his 60 year birthday 13 may.. The problem is, he is very busy and I dont know, when he will have time to go. Is that possible to buy a presentcard and give him, and he can change it to a ticket a day when he have time?
Both he and his father like/liked you very much and he have also made his own versions of some of your hits, like spanish hill and fairytale of new york- Please, if you can help me, answer me private.
agh jasus Baraji..are you tryin to wreck me head altogether….I have enough to be doin just to get myself there
re Baraji post below, might be worth buying a ticketmaster voucher, seeing as most of the gigs Christy plays are on ticketmaster.ie
Hi Christy, just a little note to let u know my friend Maureen and I (Rosaleen Stenson) will be at your concert on sat night.
I think it was paddys night 1978 we were hitching from sligo to coolaney to see you in concert, you pulled up to give us a lift, asked us where we were going (we said to you) .
Anyway to make a long story short you asked our names and it was just after u released Nancy Spain on a single and my fathers two reels were on the b side. You got a bit of a shock when you heard i was his daughter. We had a great night and you minded us like two kids so thanks.
Anyway my friend’s son got us the tickets for Christmas so we’re looking forward to the night for old times sake. Keep up the singing and all the best to you and your family. Rosaleen and Maureen
well fair play to you Rosaleen..and two fine reels they are too…35 years on and we’re still here thanks be…that gig must have been in The Mountain Inn..that was always a good halting place back in the day..I think it was run by Oliver Lipsett..it had a great auld mountainy vibe about it..I have a few new songs since the last time you came to a gig !!!
So the Gloaming are releasing their new record today, and in the past week they have been featured on one of the national radio stations here. Last year, they toured in the U.S. with a different name (Masters of Tradition) and a few other musicians including Cathal Hayden. I live in northern California in an area known (mainly) for weed growers and rednecks (not mutually exclusive, by the way) and no Irish community. There are a few Paddies here whom I run into every so often, but they are in short supply, unfortunately. Despite this, Irish musicians come here occasionally and everybody likes the music. The gigs are always well attended. I was looking forward to the Masters, although I was wondering about Iarla O Lionaird as I knew most of the people wouldn’t know much, if anything, about sean-nos.
Anyway, on the night of the concert, I found myself surrounded by a big group, many clad in bright green jumpers, who were talking loudly about all things “Irish”. They knew the show was going to be “soooo fun” and they were all “soooo excited.” The words blarney, begorrah, and leprechaun were in every line of their stories. I felt sure Iarla would explain his singing style to everybody but damn the bit of him. The lights went down and out he stepped to the mike and without a word, launched into a sean-nos (in Irish, of course). Well, after a second or two of stunned silence, a frisson of bewilderment and consternation swept through the green jumper crowd. They didn’t know what was going on. I knew by the chat of them beforehand that they had been expecting something like “If you’re Irish, Come into the Parlour” and now they had this!! They shifted in their seats, they nudged and whispered and displayed other signs of complete discomfort. Worst of all, they couldn’t clap along. My stomach was sore from trying to keep in the laughing. And the sean-nos went on … and on as sean-noses do. Finally, it ended and Iarla just said, “Go raibh maith agaibh” and walked off the stage. It was class.
Well, the musicians came on then in ones and two, doing solos and duos and building up to mighty sessions. The crowd loved them because of the music and the craic and the green brigade began to warm up. (They could clap along to some of the tunes.) The next time Iarla appeared on stage, he said, “If you thought that was dreary, you haven’t heard anything yet,” or words to that effect and began to explain about sean-nos. Immediately, the green jumpers (being buoyed by the diddley-dee) loved him and hung onto his every word and Iarla even sang one or two in an Irish/English combo and by the end of the concert the greens, being Yanks, were talking as if they had invented sean-nos.
Unfortunately, the group is not coming up our way this year, but I’ll always remember the night of the sean-nos. (Sorry about the fadas. I still can’t get them to work.)
I know that Cathal is not roaming with the Gloaming this year, but is playing with you on occasion. Maybe I’ll get to one of the gigs.
May you and the Tyrone boy have many great sessions together.
I am really enjoying the gigs with Cathal Hayden and his butties Mairtín, Jimmy and Sheamie..we’re doing a tour in The Spring and there will be sparks flying…..your story reminded me of 1966…I was struggling hard to make ends meet and got offered some support slots on an English Night Club circuit. They all wanted Danny Boy, Molly Malone and Gloccamaura..I sang them too and was glad of the bit of work…I love your description of that “Masters” gig. Iarla is a favourite singer of mine and I can well imagine them winning over green brigade….had a few interesting experiences myself across the pond
Hi Christy!
Looking forward to the gig at Royal Festival Hall this Easter. I’m coming all the way from Sweden together with my boyfriend to see you and Declan for the very first time.
I wonder if there is any merchandise sold at your gigs?
Since I know that you can’t meet all of us fans after the shows for signing things and taking photos, I would love to buy something at the show to remember it by.
Take care and we’ll see you at Easter in London!
Sincerely /Johanna
Johanna,hope you have a good trip to London.The most recent album will be available at the the RFH gig. Perhaps the last DVD too.
You said your father was in the Irish Army too.just checking with dad.spent ’39 to ’44 either at the Collins Barracks or the Hibernian School in the artillery ..maybe your dad was there too. Big circles with tiny centres
my Da, Andy Moore, was in the 3rd Battalion.. he served in The Curragh Camp from 1939-1945
Fecking modern technology
Fantastic 90th Birthday party last night for dad.sat here now next to him on the sofa watching the Barrowland DVD. Bliss
God bless,whichever one you have that is.
Hi there Christy
Fantastic night last night for my Dad’s 90th Birthday party. all family and friends having a great time. The duo ‘Quare Craic’ were superb. very generous to let me get up and sing Ride On and Carrickfergus with the violin helping out. Sat hee now on the sofa next to my Dad watching the Barrowland DVD. Have to put in on loud so he can hear.. Rest of the family gone in the other room to watch Antigues Roadshow. Bliss. And a moment to remember. Cousins just left for the airport,Dublin bound. God bless,whichever one you have that is.
great to read that ye had a great night of it..what a lovely gathering…..thanks too for sharing it with us…the image of you and your Da watching the DVD together stays with me…to be part of such a special moment, even at a distance, is indeed a priviledge…please give my best wishes to the Artillery man
Hi Christy! Can’t wait for friday night Gig … My Christmas’ present is taking shape. Me and my girlfriend will be in Dublin just to see you play and hope to meet you after the Gig. It’s a dream coming true!
I’m getting ready, practicing my licks,tuning my Taks, ironing my keks, trimming my locks, flossing my gnashers, darning my sox,dont count on meeting me, after 2 hours whatever is left needs washing, scrubbing, then I need to prepare for the next night…rest the voice, send up a few zzzzzs, be with the family…that said if we meet, we meet…Come all you Dreamers, hear the sound of the barrows calling
I have just heard of the passing late last night of a Newbridge icon. Alice Redmond (or Alice O’Brien to most) was a stalwart of the town, ever present at Moorefield matches, pantos, ceilis, bingos, community games etc. etc. wth pots of tea and sandwiches at the ready. I knew her well and danced with her daughter Sharon and son Finbar (better known on this site as Bixie – some of you might recall Bixie’s unique flair for the written word!!) with Droiched Nua Irish Figure Dance Class. a sad loss and sympathies to all concerned.
another star falls from The Firmament…commiserations to Bixie and all the clan
Christy, I have seen you play here, alongside the wonderful Mr Sinnott on a few occasions now, and have been mesmerized each time.
I, myself, play (much smaller of course) gigs around my dear North East; some of my own songs, as well as songs that are special to me. ‘Quiet Desperation’ always goes down very well, and your version is one of the most beautiful renditions of any song I have ever heard. It has the power to silence an audience, and I feel extremely lucky whenever I sing it in front of people.
I thank you deeply for your use of melody, passion, important words and wisdom. Keep it up Christy, hope to see you play again soon.
Ever inspired, Joe Moody
Quiet Desperation was written by the late Floyd “Red Crow” Westerman,Native American of The Sioux tribe. I met him in Derry back in 1978 when a group from The Sioux people came to Ireland on a cultural exchange. An actor,singer and political activist, he shared this song with us. He also learned “Irish Ways, Irish Laws” and took it home with him. I subsequenty learned that he used to sing it as ‘Indian Ways,Indian Laws”. Floyd was also an accomplished Film Actor. Among other parts he played the elder Indian in the film ” Little Big Man”.
Dear Christy,
Remember the Roma in Antwerp? There was a fleemarket last sunday and I wasn’t very interested but my kids wanted to go and how lucky I was. There was one salesmanager who had some folkmusic and I found a record on vinyl of one Christy Moore !!! I was over the moon, never ever thougt I would find a record of you. It has no title but Nancy Spain on the album and that was the first song in my live I have heard from you. What a coincidence or not?
Many greetings from Chris (the shy woman)
I remember Roma in Antwerp very clearly…lovely venue run by very friendly people…great canteen beneath the stage where a beautiful meal was prepared for all our crew…happy to read that you found some vinyl….I think that album is from 1976 on Polydor Label