Christy would you PLEASE consider coming to Michigan ,we have all your cds and would LOVE to see you live
Christy's reply
Thanks you Scull…time alone will tell….I’ve no idea at this time whether I will make it back over but, with each passing year, it becomes less likely. Thank you for your words of encouragement which were appreciated and noted.
Christy, at the risk of boring you or your wonderful fans, I want to clarify something I said recently. I often put my own foot in my mouth, because I speak without thinking frequently. I said that my favorite musician was Eric Bogle. I truly love his verses in ‘ No man’s Land” and ” Green Fields ofFrance” . But, I cannot limit myself to saying I have one favorite artist. That is a foolish statement. I – like a many other artists – love and respect many artists. I respect you Christy and so many works that you have done. The list of favorite artists and song writers goes on and on So, forgive my stupid statement.
Re Frankbyrne 7290
I was going through CM DS black and white fantastic video of Crazy Diamond.
Since you reckon you are missing a chord maybe these few more obscure ones may sort you out.. Capo 2nd fret. (1) E flat Maj. on the words (You shone like the)…
(2) C diminished7th on (Faraway laughter)..(3) and on the words (You were caught in the crossfire of childhood and stardom and blown upon) he does a lovely movement from E min to E min Maj7 to E min7…. Repeated in each verse… Maybe not the definitive article but they sound very close… Hope it helps. RyanL
Hi Christy, I sit here tonight listening to ” The Never Came Home ” remembering the 48 who went out to enjoy a Valentines night but never returned, it still sticks fresh in the mind as I was 22 years old then and spent that night out enjoying myself, only hearing the dreadful news the next morning. I would count this as one of the greatest songs you ever wrote and recorded, I remember Eamonn McCann at the time saying you put in to words what everyone else felt but could not express. I sit listening with my twin daughters who were born 19 years after this dreadful event but they can sing along every word with you. Your song has seen to it that these people will never be forgotten
Christy's reply
always good to get word from Senchelstown…hope we’ll meet again before too long
Wow that would be great. We’re in Gorey on the 6th. My Ma’s name is Aine & mine is Jamie. (My profiler name is jamielanagh after my daughter Lanagh, pronounced Lana) Really excited for the show, not long now…….
Christy's reply
WoW, bejapers……”Gallant Wexford and Gorey. Where the green was last seen by proud Saxon by proud Saxon and Tory”……. ( from “Come to the Bower” as sung by Jesse Owens on “Bring Down The Lamp” on RTE in 1964 ish )
What a great education music can give to us. Eventually got round to googling Ann Lovett after hearing the name on your song for ages. Next will be Julie Livingstone when I get a minute.
After that it’s back to youtube and the vid of you and Declan singing Crazy Diamond. I can see his fingers and hear the music but I just can’t nail one of the chords.
Dublin next weekend with friends. Watching the match on Sunday on the TV. Any suggestion from Dublin folk of a good place to watch would be welcomed.Preferably with a ‘Happy Hour’. I see you’re in Mullingar the night before. Not sure of the geography but do think anyone will miss me if I tell them I’m going out for a fag and instead I nip over to see ya. Take care all of you and your own
Christy's reply
you know yourself Frank…heave Ireland….them fags is a hoor altogether
Thanks for the reply, I know my mam would love to hear “They never came home” I’m not sure what your position is in playing that? If not “The voyage” would be great.
Again Thanks a mill
Christy's reply
hopefully manage one of those….how is Lanagh pronounced ? whats your Ma’s name ?..if we’re gonna do it we might as well do it right ! is it the Gorey gig that will attend ?
Oh no Christy! Declan is somewhere between Cork and Shannon or Shannon and Cork. And me all set to brave the howling winds of Camden Town. I hope he and Vicki won’t get stuck in the limbo purgatory of an airport. (Thanks to Deirdre for letting me know.) I hope you hang on to your hat and take care of your step. xx
Christy's reply
Limo Purgatory, Camper-Van Heaven, Hell-on-a-Honda (for Brian)..always good to see your name come up Anuk
Dear mr Moore,
please come back to Holland ,
I loved your gig in Tilburg about 2 years ago,
and I really want to take my wife and daughter to see your show!
We are witing for you !!
kind regards,
Christy's reply
time will reveal where our road may take us..there is talk of a return to Holland, Germany, Belgium, France,…its all in the lap of the Gods….if it falls into place I will be willing…
Hi Christy,
I am bringing my mum to see you play in Wexford soon…,the excitement 🙂
Anyway I just wanted to know is the set list based on your album “Where I come from” or is it a mix of all your hits??
I need to do a playlist for my mum to keep her going!!!
Thanks a mill
Christy's reply
there will be a number of songs from the last release…I’ve no idea how many or which ones…the set evolves as the gig goes on…hope ye have a good night…is there a particular song that your mother would like to hear?
Hey Christy~
Was just here listening to the CD “Where I Come From” that I bought at your Vicar Street Concert in Dec and was thinking, I have come to Ireland 3x for your concerts, isn’t it about time you came to California to do a show???
Think about it…
And while this posting is late, it is sincere, the show on Monday Dec 16 was amazing! You played a great mix of songs and there was a great vibe.
Look forward to seeing you again soon!
Christy's reply
JMF….thanks for your feedback and certainly is about time to return Stateside but flying has not been an option for me this past 20 years or so….I do miss my trips across the broad Atlantic foam..who knows what way the wind is gonna blow!
Hi Christy,
One of my all time favourite albums of yours is the brilliant Traveller from 1999..
This is an album that has got a mixture of the old and the new, as in songs instruments,percussion and programming.. If I may I would like to ask you about some of the songs on the album..First would be, I Loved Her (Banks Of The Lee) Would you consider bringing it to your live shows as I think it would become one of your all time great songs. Second,I know you re recorded Lovely Young One for Where I Come From,,another song that you should maybe think about playing live as I imagine it’s subject would bring comfort to many in these troubled times… And if I can ask why you left The Sirens Voice off of Where I Come From.. It’s a brilliant piece of work… Finely.. Glastonbury, The Well, & What’s The Story Git. For Anne Lovette.. Chilling… RyanL
Christy's reply
Thanks Ryan…I always enjoy getting positive feedback on that album. It was an interesting journey with Leo Pearson down in the garden shed. I sometimes ponder a return to the loops and beats, the samples and randomness of it all…it was an important bit of work for me…I had been a bad space for almost 2 years and it got me back to work…it would good to sing that song by” The Banks” (of The Lee) come Summertime
One of the great things Pete did was invite people to sing. And he sang to children much of his life, too, gave them voice. People of all ages learned the songs that way, and learned to move past whatever inhibitions they had about singing out. As you know, we remember better the enchantment of language while singing or speaking poems aloud, and come to our feelings in ways finer than contemplation or conversation allow. You are definitely part of that tradition, as I witnessed firsthand my last trip over, room after room rocking into chorus as you and Declan led the way. It’s put a good shiver into the world, creates a temporary village we all want to live in more often. You’ve written some great ones and chosen well from the songs of others. More than that, as Pete Seeger did in his life, you’ve awakened memory in so many people, kept traditions alive, roused up passion, and tempered us with intelligence and courage so our colours pour out under the heat of the songs. Enough already, but once in a while I have to go on like this, if only to recognize and pronounce how beautifully the ego can dance when its partner is the greater good. DL
Christy's reply
lets all try and get “Dancing with the greater good” …….
Most know of this man’s name, Eric Bogle, the author of ” No Man’s Land” ;or, also known as “The Green Fields of France” and ” The Band Played Waltzing Matilda” He is my favorite song writer. I guess it is perhaps because of his humanity; as well as, such Soulful music and brilliant words!
Anyway, some may have not heard this one, but it’s great!
Thanks for replying to my post of Feb 2nd re trying to get tickets for your gig in The Clonmel Park Hotel on March 1st.
I’d say we are really snookered down here ’cause there’s a waiting list as long as my arm.
It’s my wife’s sister and her husband that are coming over from London for an anniversary mass and to see my wife’s mother who is heading for her 101st birthday. If you can make something happen I’d be forever in your debt.
Watching an old video of Planxty as I am writing this, any plans for another get together. Travelled to Ennis the last time to see ye. Regards..John O Neill
Christy's reply
leave it with us re Clonmel…no Planxty reunion planned that I know of…LAPD still carry the torch…hard to believe its 8 years since that re-union in Ennis
Christy would you PLEASE consider coming to Michigan ,we have all your cds and would LOVE to see you live
Thanks you Scull…time alone will tell….I’ve no idea at this time whether I will make it back over but, with each passing year, it becomes less likely. Thank you for your words of encouragement which were appreciated and noted.
Christy, at the risk of boring you or your wonderful fans, I want to clarify something I said recently. I often put my own foot in my mouth, because I speak without thinking frequently. I said that my favorite musician was Eric Bogle. I truly love his verses in ‘ No man’s Land” and ” Green Fields ofFrance” . But, I cannot limit myself to saying I have one favorite artist. That is a foolish statement. I – like a many other artists – love and respect many artists. I respect you Christy and so many works that you have done. The list of favorite artists and song writers goes on and on So, forgive my stupid statement.
no problem….
Re Frankbyrne 7290
I was going through CM DS black and white fantastic video of Crazy Diamond.
Since you reckon you are missing a chord maybe these few more obscure ones may sort you out.. Capo 2nd fret. (1) E flat Maj. on the words (You shone like the)…
(2) C diminished7th on (Faraway laughter)..(3) and on the words (You were caught in the crossfire of childhood and stardom and blown upon) he does a lovely movement from E min to E min Maj7 to E min7…. Repeated in each verse… Maybe not the definitive article but they sound very close… Hope it helps. RyanL
I’ll get workin on that straight away..fair play
What dates and where will you be playing in July 2014??!?!
so far, Cork 5th Dublin 11th…..there may be a 2 more dates on week comm 14th ..check gig page & sign up for newsletter
Hi Christy, I sit here tonight listening to ” The Never Came Home ” remembering the 48 who went out to enjoy a Valentines night but never returned, it still sticks fresh in the mind as I was 22 years old then and spent that night out enjoying myself, only hearing the dreadful news the next morning. I would count this as one of the greatest songs you ever wrote and recorded, I remember Eamonn McCann at the time saying you put in to words what everyone else felt but could not express. I sit listening with my twin daughters who were born 19 years after this dreadful event but they can sing along every word with you. Your song has seen to it that these people will never be forgotten
always good to get word from Senchelstown…hope we’ll meet again before too long
Wow that would be great. We’re in Gorey on the 6th. My Ma’s name is Aine & mine is Jamie. (My profiler name is jamielanagh after my daughter Lanagh, pronounced Lana) Really excited for the show, not long now…….
WoW, bejapers……”Gallant Wexford and Gorey. Where the green was last seen by proud Saxon by proud Saxon and Tory”……. ( from “Come to the Bower” as sung by Jesse Owens on “Bring Down The Lamp” on RTE in 1964 ish )
Wow that would be great thanks
Howeya Lofty,
following your success with wooing the Rose I was wondering if you would have a few tips for an auld bachelor for Valentines day?
try the Disco in the garda club….plenty of fine lashers there of a friday night
What a great education music can give to us. Eventually got round to googling Ann Lovett after hearing the name on your song for ages. Next will be Julie Livingstone when I get a minute.
After that it’s back to youtube and the vid of you and Declan singing Crazy Diamond. I can see his fingers and hear the music but I just can’t nail one of the chords.
Dublin next weekend with friends. Watching the match on Sunday on the TV. Any suggestion from Dublin folk of a good place to watch would be welcomed.Preferably with a ‘Happy Hour’. I see you’re in Mullingar the night before. Not sure of the geography but do think anyone will miss me if I tell them I’m going out for a fag and instead I nip over to see ya. Take care all of you and your own
you know yourself Frank…heave Ireland….them fags is a hoor altogether
Thanks for the reply, I know my mam would love to hear “They never came home” I’m not sure what your position is in playing that? If not “The voyage” would be great.
Again Thanks a mill
hopefully manage one of those….how is Lanagh pronounced ? whats your Ma’s name ?..if we’re gonna do it we might as well do it right ! is it the Gorey gig that will attend ?
Oh no Christy! Declan is somewhere between Cork and Shannon or Shannon and Cork. And me all set to brave the howling winds of Camden Town. I hope he and Vicki won’t get stuck in the limbo purgatory of an airport. (Thanks to Deirdre for letting me know.) I hope you hang on to your hat and take care of your step. xx
Limo Purgatory, Camper-Van Heaven, Hell-on-a-Honda (for Brian)..always good to see your name come up Anuk
Dear mr Moore,
please come back to Holland ,
I loved your gig in Tilburg about 2 years ago,
and I really want to take my wife and daughter to see your show!
We are witing for you !!
kind regards,
time will reveal where our road may take us..there is talk of a return to Holland, Germany, Belgium, France,…its all in the lap of the Gods….if it falls into place I will be willing…
Hi Christy, can you tell us how the ‘Remembering Anne Lovett’ event went ? Thanks
It was a truly remarkable evening…Anne Lovett’s passing was remembered in a most fitting manner…I hope to write more about it in the next chat
Hi Christy,
I am bringing my mum to see you play in Wexford soon…,the excitement 🙂
Anyway I just wanted to know is the set list based on your album “Where I come from” or is it a mix of all your hits??
I need to do a playlist for my mum to keep her going!!!
Thanks a mill
there will be a number of songs from the last release…I’ve no idea how many or which ones…the set evolves as the gig goes on…hope ye have a good night…is there a particular song that your mother would like to hear?
Hey Christy~
Was just here listening to the CD “Where I Come From” that I bought at your Vicar Street Concert in Dec and was thinking, I have come to Ireland 3x for your concerts, isn’t it about time you came to California to do a show???
Think about it…
And while this posting is late, it is sincere, the show on Monday Dec 16 was amazing! You played a great mix of songs and there was a great vibe.
Look forward to seeing you again soon!
JMF….thanks for your feedback and certainly is about time to return Stateside but flying has not been an option for me this past 20 years or so….I do miss my trips across the broad Atlantic foam..who knows what way the wind is gonna blow!
Hi Christy,
One of my all time favourite albums of yours is the brilliant Traveller from 1999..
This is an album that has got a mixture of the old and the new, as in songs instruments,percussion and programming.. If I may I would like to ask you about some of the songs on the album..First would be, I Loved Her (Banks Of The Lee) Would you consider bringing it to your live shows as I think it would become one of your all time great songs. Second,I know you re recorded Lovely Young One for Where I Come From,,another song that you should maybe think about playing live as I imagine it’s subject would bring comfort to many in these troubled times… And if I can ask why you left The Sirens Voice off of Where I Come From.. It’s a brilliant piece of work… Finely.. Glastonbury, The Well, & What’s The Story Git. For Anne Lovette.. Chilling… RyanL
Thanks Ryan…I always enjoy getting positive feedback on that album. It was an interesting journey with Leo Pearson down in the garden shed. I sometimes ponder a return to the loops and beats, the samples and randomness of it all…it was an important bit of work for me…I had been a bad space for almost 2 years and it got me back to work…it would good to sing that song by” The Banks” (of The Lee) come Summertime
One of the great things Pete did was invite people to sing. And he sang to children much of his life, too, gave them voice. People of all ages learned the songs that way, and learned to move past whatever inhibitions they had about singing out. As you know, we remember better the enchantment of language while singing or speaking poems aloud, and come to our feelings in ways finer than contemplation or conversation allow. You are definitely part of that tradition, as I witnessed firsthand my last trip over, room after room rocking into chorus as you and Declan led the way. It’s put a good shiver into the world, creates a temporary village we all want to live in more often. You’ve written some great ones and chosen well from the songs of others. More than that, as Pete Seeger did in his life, you’ve awakened memory in so many people, kept traditions alive, roused up passion, and tempered us with intelligence and courage so our colours pour out under the heat of the songs. Enough already, but once in a while I have to go on like this, if only to recognize and pronounce how beautifully the ego can dance when its partner is the greater good. DL
lets all try and get “Dancing with the greater good” …….
Hey Christy,
Most know of this man’s name, Eric Bogle, the author of ” No Man’s Land” ;or, also known as “The Green Fields of France” and ” The Band Played Waltzing Matilda” He is my favorite song writer. I guess it is perhaps because of his humanity; as well as, such Soulful music and brilliant words!
Anyway, some may have not heard this one, but it’s great!
there you go
Hi folks, what’s the best contact num for christys people or assistant
its here
Thanks for replying to my post of Feb 2nd re trying to get tickets for your gig in The Clonmel Park Hotel on March 1st.
I’d say we are really snookered down here ’cause there’s a waiting list as long as my arm.
It’s my wife’s sister and her husband that are coming over from London for an anniversary mass and to see my wife’s mother who is heading for her 101st birthday. If you can make something happen I’d be forever in your debt.
Watching an old video of Planxty as I am writing this, any plans for another get together. Travelled to Ennis the last time to see ye. Regards..John O Neill
leave it with us re Clonmel…no Planxty reunion planned that I know of…LAPD still carry the torch…hard to believe its 8 years since that re-union in Ennis