Hi Christy, as you probably have heard, the Kelly Thomas trial ended up with the police officers being aquited. It’s a sad commentary on society when a life is taken in that way and there are no consequences. There is still a possibility of federal charges being brought. Hope all over there have a great Paddy’s day. Last year I set up under Brennigans Pubs Tri Color and played for the passers by, Slainte
Morning there.
back at work this morning after a terrific few days in Dublin with friends. Arrived literally just in time for the match on Saturday. Great game despite the result. Saturday night ended up in Copper Face Jacks. I’m too old for that crowd really but it was a great laugh. Monday we headed out to Stillorgan to see some cousins. A pint with my cousin Ray who owns Byrne’s of Galloping Green. Another cousin John who has been a car salesman all his life swears he sold you a car back in the early 80’s. Thinks it was a pale blue Peugeot. I think he said a 205 ti if there is such a car. says you brought it back in for some repairs later and although it was out of warranty they agreed to cover it when you threatened to write a song about them if they didn’t. I think he’s probably spot on with his memory. Does it ring a bell.
I usually avoid the Temple Bar area but yesterday lunchtime there were two great fellows I’d say in there sixties pouring out some great songs in the St.John Gogarty. maybe my prejudice of the Temple Bar area is misplaced.
Anyway back to work and recover from the price of a pint over your way.
Take Care
P.S. I have a song posted on Souncloud under FrankieByrne called Your Smile if you get a chance to listen.
Dear Christy ,
Hello! I hope you’re keeping well.
My names Aisling. I’m 25 and a songwriter.
I hope to come and watch you in Manchester on the 15th of April.
Would I be able to come and play for you some time?Anytime really.Just a song. I understand you’re a busy man so I ask without any real expectation.
Thank-you and kindest Regards
Oh and whats your favourite poem written by an Irish writer?
Christy, Declan and Jimmy,
Thank you all for a spectacular night in mullingar on Friday night. The music and craic flowed and I wished it would never end. Here’s to the next 48. One question I have is could you name the song you and Declan duetted on. It’s in my head but the name escapes me. Thanks for all the wonderful memories over the years. Ride on.
Christy's reply
“True Love knows no Season”…….I first heard it sung by Noel Shine in Cork. Subsequently recorded it with Planxty on 1978 album ” The Woman I Loved so well”It was written by Norman Blake from America.
Good to hear that year 48 has got off to a good start for you. Combination of a new job and laptop problems been keeping me off the sites a bit lately but hopefully getting there now. Looking forward to the Belfast and Letterkenny gigs for now, and hopefully squeeze a few more in somewhere along the way – not forgetting Dec and Victoria. Best wishes to all the crew as the Voyage towards year 49 commences. Keep well.
Christy's reply
sound man John…hope you get your stuff sorted and that we meet up again before too long… sending lots of love and good juju to all you good DERRY listeners….ye laid on a great spectacle for the Fleadh 2013..hope it returns again before too long
I was surfing around and found some relatively recent videos of Christy and Shane Macgowan. I wanted to thank Christy for the respect he showed this man.
Many thanks for the fantastic night on Saturday. Stuart and I had a fabulous time. The room was buzzing and you were in great voice. The 3 of you were just amazing. Normally I shout for a song but I just wanted to hear whatever the spirit moved you to sing. We had a good trip back to Belfast and I cooked us a roast dinner before taking Stuart back to the airport on his way back to Lancashire. Till we meet again – may you stay happy, healthy and in good form!
Christy's reply
Thanks Madeleine…it was our pleasure last night to have such an appreciative and inspiring audience.Happy to re-visit that ancient song 38 years on…its one I sing occasionally at song sessions but have not gigged it since the 70s..”I will leave my foot down on a ship’s board and sail far across the sea”…great listeners last night, we love playing that room..its our 5th consecutive year there and its obviously very popular with listeners too…glad that you and Stuart had a good one
A truly great gig last night in Mullingar. Christy you played The Contender again , in fact you played so many favorites its hard to recall which one I liked best. Thanks for bringing us all to that special place where music takes over and the cares and worries of the day are left far far away. Thanks to all, hope to get to see you again soon.
Christy's reply
that place you talk of, I dont think it can be reached alone…..it is a special song…written by Jimmy mack at the height of his creative time…..”the ring, the rose ,the matadór”
A wonderful start to the 48th year of the ‘never ending tour’ in Mullingar last night . The Room really got going early, as you took us on the trip.
Gortatagort was particularly sweet.
Shine on.
Christy's reply
Dear Patsy, you’re as regular as the Flowers of Spring….good to have it kicked off…the first one is always a bit nervy, after a month’s lay off I get these feelings of “will I be able to remember”..then we get a track under our belt, Decky and Jimmy kick in and we’re away like 3 Hoors on a Honda….cornering at top revs, wheelies in reverse and a crowd of great listeners egging us on….last night was just fine…I’d like to have done ALL the requests but there simply was not time…Saturday night-it must be The Auld Sheebeen
I went to the doctor again with a pain in my chest he said I have Costochondritis again.
I am sick of it ..he told me that I can only play the banjo 5 minuets a day.I think he has rocks in his head.
My Aunt Bride told me this is called Ceithín and it used to be cured with cups.So I went to bean na cupán who did a lot of carry on with fire and cups .So now I have to wait and see but it feels better.My chest is all red and my back too from the cups but it doesnt hurt.
Wednesday was Dadós 95 birthday.
Dads sisters all came from Boston with Cork people and Uncle Seán from London.
Trish from Hemel Hempsted.
Mairtín Cóilín from inish Bearachain.
Padraig Cole from Glean Transna.
Mairtín Tom Sheanín from an Sruthán buí.
Maureen and John Windsor(very posh big lipstick same surname as the queen you know) from Blackrock Baile Ath Cliath .
Joe and Caitlin from Bearna .
Mary from an Tuismeán .
Maureen and Martín Rua from across the field.
Michael A Eoin and Marcus from Cnoc na Cathrach.
Michael and Ann from Cuileán
And some more
Uncle Joe took the doras off the hinges to get everyone in and Brendan from Cork took out the big coffee table and nearly killed 2 women .
I brought in the cake he asked me who was it for ,I told him for himself and he blew out the candles.
Towards the end of the night he asked me to take him home .I told him he was already home, I think he was very tired.
But he sang a song and his friend martin winded him.Did you ever see winding before ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEjCPObSUPE
Christy's reply
sorry to hear you are under the weather..you did a great job of carrying the cake in for Dadó…I hope you will soon be back on your banjo and give it the full treatment….Mullingar tonight, I think I pulled a muscle during todays rugby match..might need to bring on a sub in the second half
Hi Christy,
Hope your well, Can’t wait for the gig in Clonmel park hotel on 28th feb. I’ve been
a fan for many a year and your music has kept me company on many a long journey in the car. Any way enough about me. On the 28th we’ll be bringing a very special boy with us to the gig . You could say he was a fan before he was born as any time i put on a cd of yours while my wife was expecting him he would start kicking like mad. For a long while he as been begging to go to a gig, Little does he know he is getting his wish. It would make his dreams come true if you could play a song for his birthday which is the day of the gig. i understand your probably in undated with requests if you could fit one in i would be forever great full. His name is Cian McCarthy he loves little honda 50. Any song will do if this can,t be done. looking forward to the gig best of luck.
Christy's reply
I hope that Cian has a great night…its lovely to meet young listeners…if I get The Honda started we’ll take a spin around Marlfield
Sorry not to be there tonight but my brother in law Stuart and I will be there tomorrow (he has to work today and lives near Manchester). February 2012, you sang “One last cold kiss” in memory of Pauline (Stuart’s wife and my sister) who should have been at the concert with me. So last year we were there again and have to be there this year as well! Thank you for giving us so much pleasure over the years and also always having the right songs for our different moods – the good and the sad. Long may you continue!
Christy's reply
its great to be back in Mullingar again… this is our 5th year to play the Park Hotel..tonight marks the beginning of a new gigging year…for me its year 48 of the neverending tour and Declan may not be too far behind in the longevity..after a 5 week lay-off I’m ready to blow off the cobwebs, kick over the traces, tune the Takamine and open up the voice-box one more time..hard to believe its 2 years since we played The Island Swans in memory of Pauline….hope ye are both in a good space and that ye have a happy Saturday here in Westmeath
My mother and father are making the trip down from Derry to see you on Saturday night in Mullingar (Stephen and Louise) they’re really looking forward to it and never miss you when you play in Derry and Belfast (and once in Dun Luiche!) all the best.
Christy's reply
hope they find their way, they’re coming to a good spot, see you back in Derry/Derry before too long
How’s it going christy ?
Was delighted to see your playing in London soon . I moved to London at 14 my dad had pubs and I ended up being a builder . A living stereotype . Your music has kept me going all these years . You opened my eyes to world wide struggles and I’m greatful for everything I’ve learned through your music . I found a song the other day by an Aussie called Paul Kelly , from little things bigs things grow . I was learning the chords to the lonesome death of hettie Carroll and my Australian girlfriend said it sounded very like that . So I googled it . I’m sure you would like it . Anyway take it eazy . Hope to catch u in London . Trevor
Christy's reply
I was smitten by that song when I first heard it a few years back (on TV Documentary)…spent a good bit of time shaping, chording and learning it … then, as often happens, I found that I could not make a go of it…this happens a lot but I never consider it wasted time..I love the process of trying to find my way into a song..trying it for size….it just did not fit my Kildare shape but I still love to hear it…hope you find your way into it…Shine On Trevor
Dear Christy….ooooh I am very very excited. I am being brought to the fine market town of Clonmel on the day of my birthday 28th February. I will be 46. Can you even believe it? One day at a time eh?? I didn’t think I would make 26 never mind 46!! I am putting out a plea/grovel/incantation/begging on hands and knees for two tickets for the Friday night. Will work for tickets. Washing of the Devine mobile, polishing of the headlights? Anything really. I am so looking forward to it. Let freedom ring. xx
We will be in Killarney the week of July 13. Any hope of you having a gig that week?
Thanks- Craig
Christy's reply
There may be 2 gigs that week but neither in Killarney…there may well be a gig in that region but nothing definite yet..keep an eye on the gig page and sign up for the newsletter
Regarding the going to America problem, I think I have a solution: You know those theme tours they have on cruise ships. Well, you could have one across the Atlantic called “Cruising with Christy” or something and it would sell out instantly. You could bring the family with you. Then, when you reach Amerikay, you could jump on the train and you’d be in California in no time. The whole odyssey could be captured on a new album.
Alternatively, if you bite the bullet and go on the plane, here are a few observations. I dislike flying but do it because I like going places and it’s the only way to get home. Everything is tiresome, but worst of all for me is the turbulence. When it starts, my stomach begins to churn and I clutch the rosary beads tightly. However, over the years, I have figured out a strategy and it kind of works for me. The trick is to sit beside someone who is not the slightest bit afraid of turbulence. (Such people do exist.) Then, you strike up a conversation even if you’re the type who is happy enough keeping to yourself and watching T.V. or reading a book. (First question after hello is, “Are you afraid of turbulence?”) When it starts, keep the conversation going like ninety and it definitely distracts from the trauma. Of course, you can’t always sit beside a friendly, non-afraid person. One time, when the shaking started, I involuntarily reached out and clutched the arm of a business-suited man who looked at me with such disdain that it actually knocked the fear out of me for a minute. Then there was the time I was sitting beside this glam model type who spoke only Italian and was clutching rosary beads and actually prayed (sometimes loudly) for the whole journey. Both of us were rattling every time there was a bump. I think it’s a lack of control thing as I imagine I wouldn’t be scared at all if I was up in the cockpit flying the thing.
That last paragraph wasn’t very reassuring, I’m thinking, but many people would love to see you over here, and since we’re in the middle of the Olympics, I will leave you with the words of the gymnastics coach Bela Karolyi, “You can do it!”
Christy's reply
fair play to you Lizzie…leave it with me….hope ye are all having a real good day over there…a break in the wild winter here..basking in the low February Sun as we prepare to recommence the tour in The City of Mullingar come Friday night..
The Floods are beginning to recede for now !!!! So the Hovercraft will not be needed for transport to Mullingar on Friday & Sat.
Should be a great weekend in the Midlands.
Shine onn
I Live in Oakland, CA and I’ve never seen you live. I wish that I can see you one day. I work for a Union called the International Alliance of Theatrical stage Employees. “Ordinary Man” is a song that I identify with. If there is any way that I could convince you to come to California and play for the McAlese boys that own Kell’s Pub, we would love to see you. My buddy Gerry Forde, who grew up in Salt Hill, said he met you at O’Conner’s once when you were a house band guy. Any chance that youcome to SF?
Christy's reply
Morra Tim McCoy….recent days here have yielded many invites to the USA..its heart warming to know that the songs are being heard right around that mighty continent, “from Alaska to Panama from Hawaii to New York” (Hamish Imlach)….truth of the matter Tim is I have a lot of responsibilities here at the moment, familial, professional and social. I did 6 US Tours back in the 80s and 90s…since then I have become firmly ensconced here in Hibernia…I have developed a strong aversion to hairyplanes and hairports,to internal probing and uniformed moustaches, I looked at sailing to NY and getting the bus to Sausalito but the thought of 6 days locked up with Cruisers ( each way) blew the joy of trans America by Greyhound right up the Cunard Funnel. Still Tim, all this could change in an inst. I could wake up tomorrow morn with a spring in my step and a notion in my old baldy pate that would fly me over to the Kells Pub in California as quick as shite and onions…sing out McCoy ( I also have McCoy listeners in New South Wales and upon the short grass of County Kildare)
Hi Christy, as you probably have heard, the Kelly Thomas trial ended up with the police officers being aquited. It’s a sad commentary on society when a life is taken in that way and there are no consequences. There is still a possibility of federal charges being brought. Hope all over there have a great Paddy’s day. Last year I set up under Brennigans Pubs Tri Color and played for the passers by, Slainte
Morning there.
back at work this morning after a terrific few days in Dublin with friends. Arrived literally just in time for the match on Saturday. Great game despite the result. Saturday night ended up in Copper Face Jacks. I’m too old for that crowd really but it was a great laugh. Monday we headed out to Stillorgan to see some cousins. A pint with my cousin Ray who owns Byrne’s of Galloping Green. Another cousin John who has been a car salesman all his life swears he sold you a car back in the early 80’s. Thinks it was a pale blue Peugeot. I think he said a 205 ti if there is such a car. says you brought it back in for some repairs later and although it was out of warranty they agreed to cover it when you threatened to write a song about them if they didn’t. I think he’s probably spot on with his memory. Does it ring a bell.
I usually avoid the Temple Bar area but yesterday lunchtime there were two great fellows I’d say in there sixties pouring out some great songs in the St.John Gogarty. maybe my prejudice of the Temple Bar area is misplaced.
Anyway back to work and recover from the price of a pint over your way.
Take Care
P.S. I have a song posted on Souncloud under FrankieByrne called Your Smile if you get a chance to listen.
Dear Christy ,
Hello! I hope you’re keeping well.
My names Aisling. I’m 25 and a songwriter.
I hope to come and watch you in Manchester on the 15th of April.
Would I be able to come and play for you some time?Anytime really.Just a song. I understand you’re a busy man so I ask without any real expectation.
Thank-you and kindest Regards
Oh and whats your favourite poem written by an Irish writer?
Christy, Declan and Jimmy,
Thank you all for a spectacular night in mullingar on Friday night. The music and craic flowed and I wished it would never end. Here’s to the next 48. One question I have is could you name the song you and Declan duetted on. It’s in my head but the name escapes me. Thanks for all the wonderful memories over the years. Ride on.
“True Love knows no Season”…….I first heard it sung by Noel Shine in Cork. Subsequently recorded it with Planxty on 1978 album ” The Woman I Loved so well”It was written by Norman Blake from America.
Good to hear that year 48 has got off to a good start for you. Combination of a new job and laptop problems been keeping me off the sites a bit lately but hopefully getting there now. Looking forward to the Belfast and Letterkenny gigs for now, and hopefully squeeze a few more in somewhere along the way – not forgetting Dec and Victoria. Best wishes to all the crew as the Voyage towards year 49 commences. Keep well.
sound man John…hope you get your stuff sorted and that we meet up again before too long… sending lots of love and good juju to all you good DERRY listeners….ye laid on a great spectacle for the Fleadh 2013..hope it returns again before too long
I was surfing around and found some relatively recent videos of Christy and Shane Macgowan. I wanted to thank Christy for the respect he showed this man.
betimes he’s been our greatest Bard…
Many thanks for the fantastic night on Saturday. Stuart and I had a fabulous time. The room was buzzing and you were in great voice. The 3 of you were just amazing. Normally I shout for a song but I just wanted to hear whatever the spirit moved you to sing. We had a good trip back to Belfast and I cooked us a roast dinner before taking Stuart back to the airport on his way back to Lancashire. Till we meet again – may you stay happy, healthy and in good form!
Thanks Madeleine…it was our pleasure last night to have such an appreciative and inspiring audience.Happy to re-visit that ancient song 38 years on…its one I sing occasionally at song sessions but have not gigged it since the 70s..”I will leave my foot down on a ship’s board and sail far across the sea”…great listeners last night, we love playing that room..its our 5th consecutive year there and its obviously very popular with listeners too…glad that you and Stuart had a good one
A truly great gig last night in Mullingar. Christy you played The Contender again , in fact you played so many favorites its hard to recall which one I liked best. Thanks for bringing us all to that special place where music takes over and the cares and worries of the day are left far far away. Thanks to all, hope to get to see you again soon.
that place you talk of, I dont think it can be reached alone…..it is a special song…written by Jimmy mack at the height of his creative time…..”the ring, the rose ,the matadór”
A wonderful start to the 48th year of the ‘never ending tour’ in Mullingar last night . The Room really got going early, as you took us on the trip.
Gortatagort was particularly sweet.
Shine on.
Dear Patsy, you’re as regular as the Flowers of Spring….good to have it kicked off…the first one is always a bit nervy, after a month’s lay off I get these feelings of “will I be able to remember”..then we get a track under our belt, Decky and Jimmy kick in and we’re away like 3 Hoors on a Honda….cornering at top revs, wheelies in reverse and a crowd of great listeners egging us on….last night was just fine…I’d like to have done ALL the requests but there simply was not time…Saturday night-it must be The Auld Sheebeen
I spelt Cleithín wrong its Cleithín
ná bach leis a mhaicín…níor chuala mé an focal sin”before”
I went to the doctor again with a pain in my chest he said I have Costochondritis again.
I am sick of it ..he told me that I can only play the banjo 5 minuets a day.I think he has rocks in his head.
My Aunt Bride told me this is called Ceithín and it used to be cured with cups.So I went to bean na cupán who did a lot of carry on with fire and cups .So now I have to wait and see but it feels better.My chest is all red and my back too from the cups but it doesnt hurt.
Wednesday was Dadós 95 birthday.
Dads sisters all came from Boston with Cork people and Uncle Seán from London.
Trish from Hemel Hempsted.
Mairtín Cóilín from inish Bearachain.
Padraig Cole from Glean Transna.
Mairtín Tom Sheanín from an Sruthán buí.
Maureen and John Windsor(very posh big lipstick same surname as the queen you know) from Blackrock Baile Ath Cliath .
Joe and Caitlin from Bearna .
Mary from an Tuismeán .
Maureen and Martín Rua from across the field.
Michael A Eoin and Marcus from Cnoc na Cathrach.
Michael and Ann from Cuileán
And some more
Uncle Joe took the doras off the hinges to get everyone in and Brendan from Cork took out the big coffee table and nearly killed 2 women .
I brought in the cake he asked me who was it for ,I told him for himself and he blew out the candles.
Towards the end of the night he asked me to take him home .I told him he was already home, I think he was very tired.
But he sang a song and his friend martin winded him.Did you ever see winding before ?
sorry to hear you are under the weather..you did a great job of carrying the cake in for Dadó…I hope you will soon be back on your banjo and give it the full treatment….Mullingar tonight, I think I pulled a muscle during todays rugby match..might need to bring on a sub in the second half
Hi Christy,
Hope your well, Can’t wait for the gig in Clonmel park hotel on 28th feb. I’ve been
a fan for many a year and your music has kept me company on many a long journey in the car. Any way enough about me. On the 28th we’ll be bringing a very special boy with us to the gig . You could say he was a fan before he was born as any time i put on a cd of yours while my wife was expecting him he would start kicking like mad. For a long while he as been begging to go to a gig, Little does he know he is getting his wish. It would make his dreams come true if you could play a song for his birthday which is the day of the gig. i understand your probably in undated with requests if you could fit one in i would be forever great full. His name is Cian McCarthy he loves little honda 50. Any song will do if this can,t be done. looking forward to the gig best of luck.
I hope that Cian has a great night…its lovely to meet young listeners…if I get The Honda started we’ll take a spin around Marlfield
Sorry not to be there tonight but my brother in law Stuart and I will be there tomorrow (he has to work today and lives near Manchester). February 2012, you sang “One last cold kiss” in memory of Pauline (Stuart’s wife and my sister) who should have been at the concert with me. So last year we were there again and have to be there this year as well! Thank you for giving us so much pleasure over the years and also always having the right songs for our different moods – the good and the sad. Long may you continue!
its great to be back in Mullingar again… this is our 5th year to play the Park Hotel..tonight marks the beginning of a new gigging year…for me its year 48 of the neverending tour and Declan may not be too far behind in the longevity..after a 5 week lay-off I’m ready to blow off the cobwebs, kick over the traces, tune the Takamine and open up the voice-box one more time..hard to believe its 2 years since we played The Island Swans in memory of Pauline….hope ye are both in a good space and that ye have a happy Saturday here in Westmeath
How’re ya Christy?
My mother and father are making the trip down from Derry to see you on Saturday night in Mullingar (Stephen and Louise) they’re really looking forward to it and never miss you when you play in Derry and Belfast (and once in Dun Luiche!) all the best.
hope they find their way, they’re coming to a good spot, see you back in Derry/Derry before too long
How’s it going christy ?
Was delighted to see your playing in London soon . I moved to London at 14 my dad had pubs and I ended up being a builder . A living stereotype . Your music has kept me going all these years . You opened my eyes to world wide struggles and I’m greatful for everything I’ve learned through your music . I found a song the other day by an Aussie called Paul Kelly , from little things bigs things grow . I was learning the chords to the lonesome death of hettie Carroll and my Australian girlfriend said it sounded very like that . So I googled it . I’m sure you would like it . Anyway take it eazy . Hope to catch u in London . Trevor
I was smitten by that song when I first heard it a few years back (on TV Documentary)…spent a good bit of time shaping, chording and learning it … then, as often happens, I found that I could not make a go of it…this happens a lot but I never consider it wasted time..I love the process of trying to find my way into a song..trying it for size….it just did not fit my Kildare shape but I still love to hear it…hope you find your way into it…Shine On Trevor
Dear Christy….ooooh I am very very excited. I am being brought to the fine market town of Clonmel on the day of my birthday 28th February. I will be 46. Can you even believe it? One day at a time eh?? I didn’t think I would make 26 never mind 46!! I am putting out a plea/grovel/incantation/begging on hands and knees for two tickets for the Friday night. Will work for tickets. Washing of the Devine mobile, polishing of the headlights? Anything really. I am so looking forward to it. Let freedom ring. xx
The Vale of Honey awaits you..happy birthday
Hi Christy-
We will be in Killarney the week of July 13. Any hope of you having a gig that week?
Thanks- Craig
There may be 2 gigs that week but neither in Killarney…there may well be a gig in that region but nothing definite yet..keep an eye on the gig page and sign up for the newsletter
Regarding the going to America problem, I think I have a solution: You know those theme tours they have on cruise ships. Well, you could have one across the Atlantic called “Cruising with Christy” or something and it would sell out instantly. You could bring the family with you. Then, when you reach Amerikay, you could jump on the train and you’d be in California in no time. The whole odyssey could be captured on a new album.
Alternatively, if you bite the bullet and go on the plane, here are a few observations. I dislike flying but do it because I like going places and it’s the only way to get home. Everything is tiresome, but worst of all for me is the turbulence. When it starts, my stomach begins to churn and I clutch the rosary beads tightly. However, over the years, I have figured out a strategy and it kind of works for me. The trick is to sit beside someone who is not the slightest bit afraid of turbulence. (Such people do exist.) Then, you strike up a conversation even if you’re the type who is happy enough keeping to yourself and watching T.V. or reading a book. (First question after hello is, “Are you afraid of turbulence?”) When it starts, keep the conversation going like ninety and it definitely distracts from the trauma. Of course, you can’t always sit beside a friendly, non-afraid person. One time, when the shaking started, I involuntarily reached out and clutched the arm of a business-suited man who looked at me with such disdain that it actually knocked the fear out of me for a minute. Then there was the time I was sitting beside this glam model type who spoke only Italian and was clutching rosary beads and actually prayed (sometimes loudly) for the whole journey. Both of us were rattling every time there was a bump. I think it’s a lack of control thing as I imagine I wouldn’t be scared at all if I was up in the cockpit flying the thing.
That last paragraph wasn’t very reassuring, I’m thinking, but many people would love to see you over here, and since we’re in the middle of the Olympics, I will leave you with the words of the gymnastics coach Bela Karolyi, “You can do it!”
fair play to you Lizzie…leave it with me….hope ye are all having a real good day over there…a break in the wild winter here..basking in the low February Sun as we prepare to recommence the tour in The City of Mullingar come Friday night..
The Floods are beginning to recede for now !!!! So the Hovercraft will not be needed for transport to Mullingar on Friday & Sat.
Should be a great weekend in the Midlands.
Shine onn
perhaps a bit of bog snorkelling of a sat morning
I Live in Oakland, CA and I’ve never seen you live. I wish that I can see you one day. I work for a Union called the International Alliance of Theatrical stage Employees. “Ordinary Man” is a song that I identify with. If there is any way that I could convince you to come to California and play for the McAlese boys that own Kell’s Pub, we would love to see you. My buddy Gerry Forde, who grew up in Salt Hill, said he met you at O’Conner’s once when you were a house band guy. Any chance that youcome to SF?
Morra Tim McCoy….recent days here have yielded many invites to the USA..its heart warming to know that the songs are being heard right around that mighty continent, “from Alaska to Panama from Hawaii to New York” (Hamish Imlach)….truth of the matter Tim is I have a lot of responsibilities here at the moment, familial, professional and social. I did 6 US Tours back in the 80s and 90s…since then I have become firmly ensconced here in Hibernia…I have developed a strong aversion to hairyplanes and hairports,to internal probing and uniformed moustaches, I looked at sailing to NY and getting the bus to Sausalito but the thought of 6 days locked up with Cruisers ( each way) blew the joy of trans America by Greyhound right up the Cunard Funnel. Still Tim, all this could change in an inst. I could wake up tomorrow morn with a spring in my step and a notion in my old baldy pate that would fly me over to the Kells Pub in California as quick as shite and onions…sing out McCoy ( I also have McCoy listeners in New South Wales and upon the short grass of County Kildare)