Well Christy I was just wondering was Decky playing with you in Newry? The Canal Court is a great spot ,our tickets have arrived and we are really looking forward to it. Make sure to sample a coffee and a bun in Grounded coffee shop it’s lovely.
Christy's reply
thats the plan….Doctor Sinnott will be in attendance at Newry…I’m looking forward to getting back there..its been almost 20 years since …always a great town for gigs, for songs , for good listeners……lots of good ballads written around those parts
Hi Christy,
The last time we saw you was in 1988 in Bundoran and in Dingle. Then, life and a few hard years didn’t allow us to be back to Ireland. So, you can imagine how excited and happy we are to be back next May. We’ll be in Galway on the 16th.These 25 past years, we never stopped listening to your records and having news of you(thanks to internet). Take care of you. Brotherly kisses from Michelle and Léon
Christy's reply
we accept kisses here from every quarter…sisterly, brotherly, motherly, fatherly….26 years since your last gig with us….not a lot has changed…some new songs, some different sounds, fresh lights, same guitars, new hairstyle, bit wiser, certainly more sober, happier, a lot older, New Grandson…YiPeee….see you in Galway..happy travels…..( did an interview with Radio France this morning…a documentary on the writings of Bobby Sands….then watched the Rugby from Paris…I’m have a French kinda day )
I am very much looking forward to the TLT this evening , I have a favour which I appreciate may not be possible as the request is quite late in the day.
Myself and my wife to be Gwyn are big fans and have got through some tough times with the comfort of your music .
We are getting married in 2 weeks and I would love if you could play and dedicate the Voyage to Paul & Gwyneth , I know it would make her really happy and it would mean a lot to both of us.
Hi Christy, sorry for delay in posting this since the show last Thursday night – life gets in the way of good intentions! Anyway just warned to say I am a life long fan (only 30 yrs old thou!) and it was my first time to see you and you didn’t disappoint. Brilliant night and you created a lasting memory for me. Especially when you heard my whisper and sang Lawless! It was worth the journey from Armagh. Thanks again. Take care on the road. Muriel x
Christy's reply
Muriel dont be leaving it30 years before you call again… may be playing Armagh in Sept..watch the gig page
I was in Belfast when Bobby Sands died. The bin lids started and we knew he had gone. Everyone went out on the street and we said the rosary. Nowadays, the word “hero” is frequently bandied around and used in a completely wrong way. It sometimes seems as if people are heroes for just doing their jobs.
Bobby Sands is a true hero. May his spirit live on always.
Christy's reply
“scream bang shout, rattle up a din, let The Paras know me girls The Army ‘s comin in” ( Grannys Dustbin Lid-Brian Moore)
oh Christy, I just found this on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6Xyh7NeXNo i was there at the Paradiso when you arrived by boat to stun us all with your concert.. i have changed my plans and will be there at the festival hall on Good Friday, will you ever sing this song again..please…
Dear Christy, I was on a youtube music crusade and lo and behold, this came up…may you be blessed forever for this wonderful tribute to those that died..R.I.P. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcizhnIU2lI
Great new song for Independence lets hope there are lots more!!
I too will be at the Barrowlands in April, I have always wanted to see you there and at last managed to get tickets and time! I am sure it will be a good night, if I can stand the pace at my age.!!
Christy's reply
nae bother Pat….I’m headin for 69 myself,Barrowland keeps me feelin young…you’ll be grand on the night..the red cross are on hand and bairds is down the stair if you need Holy Water
Looking forward to your gig coming up in April at the Barra’s, Glasgow with yourself and Declan. This year even more poignant as hopefully the next time your back our country will have voted Yes to Independence and we will be on our path to self government! A pal and myself who come from your old buddy Hamish Imlach’s stomping ground of Muirhouse in Motherwell have written a song with Scottish Independence in mind that we wanted to send on for a listen. Hope you enjoy and can’t wait till the Barra’s gig.
March 9th 2014.
Today marks the 60th Birthday of Bobby Sands. His name we’ll always remember, his sacrifice we’ll never forget. Today I think of his parents and his siblings, his Son Gerard and his grand children. I remember too his comrades, all of whom held Bobby in such high esteem. His smiling face is known the world over and his fight for freedom remains an inspiration wherever people rise up to face injustice. His poetry and songs still resound. Let us remember….
Dear Christy,
Have just listened to your CD ” Where I come from”, obtained from penny lane records in Christchurch.
Its a coolish autumn day in Christchurch where the weather is changeable from 31 degrees to flooding the next week.
Your lovely CD brings back memories of the Aotea center and Auckland Town where I first heard/saw you .I love your songs and music .
Kia Ora
Christy's reply
Karen, I miss my occasional visits to your beautiful country.I felt very connected each time I played there. Its unlikely that I will return but I will always cherish the memories of those visits
Fantastic gig in the Forum last night Christy. An absolute legend of Ireland. Vive la Quinta Brigada will always have a special resonance with Waterford and boy did I give it gutso last night. Declans song was amazing too and the duet out of this world. Jimmy is a very welcome addition to Band. Any chance of a meet and photo when youre in Waterford again for the 30th???
Christy's reply
bring the camera and see what happens…it being the very last night at The Forum I’m sure there will be a photo opp
Hi again Christy
I hope you’re well.
I’m looking forward to your show at the Southbank centre next month (we have tickets for the Friday gig).
I was listening to some of your records the other day and I just wanted to ask you if there’s a possibility that we can hear you sing Bridget’s pill? I love the song and the live recording that’s on the collection album is just fantastic!
Take care and we’ll see you soon
Christy's reply
Hi Johanna..thanks for your enthusiastic request….. but regrets, that song fell from the repertoire about 45 years ago and spun off to the far end of our sweet Universe…we will do our best to make up for its absence when we camp by The Thames, come April…”
” Flow sweet River Flow “
Hiya Christy .. hope all is good with you and that Waterford goes well tonight. I’m out here in Holy Land at present celebrating the ould belly button birthday…another year older but still none the wiser I’m afraid. Was ambling down by the waterfront here in Tel Aviv earlier today when I happened upon an Irish pub by the name of Molly Blooms, I was drawn to it when I heard the sound of CM and Viva La Quinta Brigade blasting out from the jukebox inside…Sure I had to investigate further..anyways there wasn’t a Biddy or a Mick in sight but Jayus the place was hopping …no recession out here by the looks of things. I had a cup of coffee and listened to a few more tunes before moving on, had a wee chuckle to myself and thought I’d share the story with you…Anyways, it’s been a great trip, Jerusalem, The West Bank, Palestine a truly memorable and once in a life time experience…catch up soon again I Hope Love, Respect & Shalom Martin Mac
Christy's reply
“I went from Dublin to Jerusalem Town,had a drink or two on the journey down. At a railway station called gare du nord I missed me train thru garglin hard.Three days later in Napoli on a Turkish boat I went to see, slept in a hot hole down below, I was travellin tourist class, you know” …( Galway Joe Dolans “trip to Jerusalem’) from the album “The Iron behind The velvet ” ( 1978 )
Well Christy I was just wondering was Decky playing with you in Newry? The Canal Court is a great spot ,our tickets have arrived and we are really looking forward to it. Make sure to sample a coffee and a bun in Grounded coffee shop it’s lovely.
thats the plan….Doctor Sinnott will be in attendance at Newry…I’m looking forward to getting back there..its been almost 20 years since …always a great town for gigs, for songs , for good listeners……lots of good ballads written around those parts
Hi Christy,
The last time we saw you was in 1988 in Bundoran and in Dingle. Then, life and a few hard years didn’t allow us to be back to Ireland. So, you can imagine how excited and happy we are to be back next May. We’ll be in Galway on the 16th.These 25 past years, we never stopped listening to your records and having news of you(thanks to internet). Take care of you. Brotherly kisses from Michelle and Léon
we accept kisses here from every quarter…sisterly, brotherly, motherly, fatherly….26 years since your last gig with us….not a lot has changed…some new songs, some different sounds, fresh lights, same guitars, new hairstyle, bit wiser, certainly more sober, happier, a lot older, New Grandson…YiPeee….see you in Galway..happy travels…..( did an interview with Radio France this morning…a documentary on the writings of Bobby Sands….then watched the Rugby from Paris…I’m have a French kinda day )
Well Christy
I am very much looking forward to the TLT this evening , I have a favour which I appreciate may not be possible as the request is quite late in the day.
Myself and my wife to be Gwyn are big fans and have got through some tough times with the comfort of your music .
We are getting married in 2 weeks and I would love if you could play and dedicate the Voyage to Paul & Gwyneth , I know it would make her really happy and it would mean a lot to both of us.
Have a great gig
well twas possible after all…
Hi Christy, sorry for delay in posting this since the show last Thursday night – life gets in the way of good intentions! Anyway just warned to say I am a life long fan (only 30 yrs old thou!) and it was my first time to see you and you didn’t disappoint. Brilliant night and you created a lasting memory for me. Especially when you heard my whisper and sang Lawless! It was worth the journey from Armagh. Thanks again. Take care on the road. Muriel x
Muriel dont be leaving it30 years before you call again… may be playing Armagh in Sept..watch the gig page
I was in Belfast when Bobby Sands died. The bin lids started and we knew he had gone. Everyone went out on the street and we said the rosary. Nowadays, the word “hero” is frequently bandied around and used in a completely wrong way. It sometimes seems as if people are heroes for just doing their jobs.
Bobby Sands is a true hero. May his spirit live on always.
“scream bang shout, rattle up a din, let The Paras know me girls The Army ‘s comin in” ( Grannys Dustbin Lid-Brian Moore)
dear readers, may I hope that you all listen to this
oh Christy, I just found this on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6Xyh7NeXNo i was there at the Paradiso when you arrived by boat to stun us all with your concert.. i have changed my plans and will be there at the festival hall on Good Friday, will you ever sing this song again..please…
Dear Christy, I was on a youtube music crusade and lo and behold, this came up…may you be blessed forever for this wonderful tribute to those that died..R.I.P.
keep tappin em out Tel…..
Just read your entry about Bobby Sands… Can’t help remembering that I was cycling through Derry when I heard he had died… seems like forever ago!
on yer bike Tim.. Pedal On Pedal on Pedal On ( Acoustic Motorbike-Luka Bloom)
Hi Christy,
Greetings from Atlantic Canada! Any chance of seeing you in this neck of the woods?
landing in Gander with Aeroflot
Dear Christy,
Is there a change you will come to the Netherlands??
Thank you if you are…
we’re working on it..time to hit Carre again
Great new song for Independence lets hope there are lots more!!
I too will be at the Barrowlands in April, I have always wanted to see you there and at last managed to get tickets and time! I am sure it will be a good night, if I can stand the pace at my age.!!
nae bother Pat….I’m headin for 69 myself,Barrowland keeps me feelin young…you’ll be grand on the night..the red cross are on hand and bairds is down the stair if you need Holy Water
Hi Christy
Looking forward to your gig coming up in April at the Barra’s, Glasgow with yourself and Declan. This year even more poignant as hopefully the next time your back our country will have voted Yes to Independence and we will be on our path to self government! A pal and myself who come from your old buddy Hamish Imlach’s stomping ground of Muirhouse in Motherwell have written a song with Scottish Independence in mind that we wanted to send on for a listen. Hope you enjoy and can’t wait till the Barra’s gig.
Sound Dom….thanks for sharing the song..may all your dreams come through
60 t0day – Hope you are resting in peace Bobby
March 9th 2014.
Today marks the 60th Birthday of Bobby Sands. His name we’ll always remember, his sacrifice we’ll never forget. Today I think of his parents and his siblings, his Son Gerard and his grand children. I remember too his comrades, all of whom held Bobby in such high esteem. His smiling face is known the world over and his fight for freedom remains an inspiration wherever people rise up to face injustice. His poetry and songs still resound. Let us remember….
Dear Christy,
Have just listened to your CD ” Where I come from”, obtained from penny lane records in Christchurch.
Its a coolish autumn day in Christchurch where the weather is changeable from 31 degrees to flooding the next week.
Your lovely CD brings back memories of the Aotea center and Auckland Town where I first heard/saw you .I love your songs and music .
Kia Ora
Karen, I miss my occasional visits to your beautiful country.I felt very connected each time I played there. Its unlikely that I will return but I will always cherish the memories of those visits
Sorry, my english not so good. But when are you coming to Berlin????????????????????????????
the backroom team are currently in consultation with Ms Merkel…I would love to return
Fantastic gig in the Forum last night Christy. An absolute legend of Ireland. Vive la Quinta Brigada will always have a special resonance with Waterford and boy did I give it gutso last night. Declans song was amazing too and the duet out of this world. Jimmy is a very welcome addition to Band. Any chance of a meet and photo when youre in Waterford again for the 30th???
bring the camera and see what happens…it being the very last night at The Forum I’m sure there will be a photo opp
Delighted to see you read my earlier comment…Thanks Christy. Really looking forward to the gig in July.
Best Wishes,
me too
Hi again Christy
I hope you’re well.
I’m looking forward to your show at the Southbank centre next month (we have tickets for the Friday gig).
I was listening to some of your records the other day and I just wanted to ask you if there’s a possibility that we can hear you sing Bridget’s pill? I love the song and the live recording that’s on the collection album is just fantastic!
Take care and we’ll see you soon
Hi Johanna..thanks for your enthusiastic request….. but regrets, that song fell from the repertoire about 45 years ago and spun off to the far end of our sweet Universe…we will do our best to make up for its absence when we camp by The Thames, come April…”
” Flow sweet River Flow “
Hiya Christy .. hope all is good with you and that Waterford goes well tonight. I’m out here in Holy Land at present celebrating the ould belly button birthday…another year older but still none the wiser I’m afraid. Was ambling down by the waterfront here in Tel Aviv earlier today when I happened upon an Irish pub by the name of Molly Blooms, I was drawn to it when I heard the sound of CM and Viva La Quinta Brigade blasting out from the jukebox inside…Sure I had to investigate further..anyways there wasn’t a Biddy or a Mick in sight but Jayus the place was hopping …no recession out here by the looks of things. I had a cup of coffee and listened to a few more tunes before moving on, had a wee chuckle to myself and thought I’d share the story with you…Anyways, it’s been a great trip, Jerusalem, The West Bank, Palestine a truly memorable and once in a life time experience…catch up soon again I Hope Love, Respect & Shalom Martin Mac
“I went from Dublin to Jerusalem Town,had a drink or two on the journey down. At a railway station called gare du nord I missed me train thru garglin hard.Three days later in Napoli on a Turkish boat I went to see, slept in a hot hole down below, I was travellin tourist class, you know” …( Galway Joe Dolans “trip to Jerusalem’) from the album “The Iron behind The velvet ” ( 1978 )