I love to play and sing what I am struggling with is the fear of other people laughing at me, I just freeze up when I get asked to sing in front of others but when I’m on my own i can sing and not be afraid. Take last night for example, I was playing guitar with my uncal and he told me that I have to start singing so i had a go at it and I go a few words outbut then I froze , he said i was good. How did you get over this ?? Once again thanks.
Christy's reply
When I first began to sing in public I was terrified…so much so that I could not utter a single word…I used to try and hide behind the guitar as I perspired in fright…but I kept going…have faith in the song and the music….singing is such a deep and emotional form of communication…we must try and remember that its not about us singers, its all about the song, about the words and music…keep on trying, let me know how you are getting on.. I used to practice for hours every day.. I still do
Hello Christy,
What a lovely surprise as I checked your gig page today, we’re delighted you’re going to play with Maírtín O’Connor-Band in Belfast. We didn’t expect that when we booked early in October, so now we are very much looking forward to seeing you together with the Boys at the Waterfront.
Hope you are enjoying springtime. Best of Luck for your solo gig tonight! Traudel
Christy's reply
The Waterfont is a lovely venue…always a good atmosphere…safe travels and we’ll see ye beneath The Black Mountain
Hi Christy, I got to have a quick chat with you after you sang at the Philharmonic Hall in April 2012 and I mentioned that I had lived in Clare and regretted that I had never experienced Lisdoonvarna. You said that it wasn’t too late!
I am thinking of going this year and will have to submit a request for a week of work in September. The only thing is, I don’t know which week to book as I want to make sure that it coincides with when you will be there.
If you can help, I’ll get my request in this week.
Thanks, hope you’re having a good day
Gail x
P.S. My nineteen year old son Sean is coming with me to see you in Manchester next month. It’s his first time and he’s really looking forward to it 🙂
Christy's reply
Gail..I will not be playing in Lisdoonvarna in September…there is always a Festival in Lisdoonvarna every September but it is primarily a Matchmaking Festival that also celebrates the end of The Harvest. Men and Women gather to Dance and Sing, to have a fling, they come in their thousands and dance around the clock..its that kind of a festival…merriment and romance permeate the West Clare air…I do sometimes play in Lisdoon but have nothing planned at this time
Hi Christy
I wrote this song and made this video for me old man. It’s a simple song. There’s a few guitar string buzzes in it but my guitar playing has improved a lot since then. Anyway hope you like it.
Hello Christy
Thank you for replying to me – I think it’s just wonderful how you take time to reply to the messages. The songs you mention are all on the ‘voyage’ cd. Whatever you sing will be good anyway – there are so many great songs. I’m looking forward to the solo gig – it’ll be good to hear the songs alone. Later on we’ll come again and attend one with the backing musicians. We’re in Dublin now and looking forward to this evening.
Best wishes, Mary.
Christy's reply
I have not done a solo gig for about 6 months…I am always apprehensive but also excited by the prospect…it is an entirely different line of work….no warm riffs to wrap me up…no companeros to cover up any cracks but then there is total freedom to follow whatever inclination that emerges…I’ve never been to Penzance..hope you have a good time in The Royal County
Hi Christy, hows the form. Really looking forward to Kilkenny sat week. Any chance you might manage to give away ye broken heart a whirl? A favorite of ours. I got 2 tickets for the Waterford gig the following night too but due to work commitments i cant make it so i hope you dont mind me putting it out there on the guestbook. Its not sold out yet but if anyone is heading i have two going face value. You can eamil me kevin_blanche@yahoo.ie
Christy's reply
come back to us if you dont shift them..we wont leave you stuck
Ok, I’m of Irish and Scottish heritage – as well as German and French. But, me thinks mostly Irish and Scottish since this music speaks to me most. I am, of course, drawn to all good and great music.
But, this is a classic and will bring tears to the best of us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COkya7N3pB8
Christy's reply
I went swimming with Ralph in Halifax,Yorkshire in 1968. As we splashed about young lady asked Ralph if I was a famous wrestler. We adjourned to the Upper George where we quaffed some Websters. Later we did a gig at Richard Collins Folk Club. When Ralph finished his set I wept bitter tears. The bar was closing.We ended up in Mixenden ( Champion Jack Dupree was a neighbour)
I would just like to ask your advice if you wouldn’t mind, I’m 14 years old and I’ve been playing guitar now for 3-4 years i just love your music i know all your songs inside out I just want to know how to start singing as I love folk/irish trad. I was due to see you this may in the waterfront but sadly couldn’t get a hold of any tickets 🙁 but thanks for taking time to read this and for giving me advice.
Christy's reply
dear cm99…please tell me more…you say you play guitar, that you know the songs inside out, that you want to start singing…I dont understand your difficulty…what is preventing you?
Hello Christy,
I’m fulfilling a long-held dream coming to see you at Kells on Saturday 22nd March. I’m so excited! Your voice and accompanying music have helped me through sad times as well as delighting me in happy times, especially my favourite CD ‘Voyage’. I’d love it if you would sing something from that album at the concert. I specially chose to come to Kells as I believe it is near your home and it sounds as if the hall is a fairly small venue which I like better than large concert halls. Can’t wait!
Best wishes, Mary
Christy's reply
Kells is very much on my mind as it will be a solo performance…I seldom play solo gigs, (there were 2 last year),so I am on tenterhooks in anticipation…but I do like these challenges….I will have a look at the album you mention and see what has survived through the years…if memory serves Missing You, Blue Rose and Voyage are on the 1987 album..I have some good memories of making those recordings…
Hi christy I don’t know if you knew George Donaldson
George was a folk singer from Glasgow who passed away last week. He was given the opportunity to sing with Celtic Thunder for 7 years. I knew him for 19 years as a friend and as the best folk voice I ever heard live
He took his inspiration from yourself, he told this years ago . You were his idol ,he learnt your songs and played them in bars in Scotland for years before he joined Celtic Thunder. You were one of the main reasons he started singing
Thank you for inspiring him. He had many years of singing to make people smile
Only 2 people in the world had that special voice. You and George They way he and you sung Bright blue Rose was special
Rest in peace George
Christy's reply
I had not heard of GEORGE’S passing…another singer bites the dust..thanks for letting me know
Christy we saw you at Mullingar on 22 February, just wanted to thank you for a truly memorable, wonderful evening. We were on holidays in Italy and flew to Ireland especially for the show, and it was the best decision, even though everyone from the Customs man to the cabbie in Dublin to the receptionist said “You came from Australia? Fer Christy Moore?” and we proudly said “YES”! It was a fabulous night, we loved every moment of it, even if Ireland did lose the rugby, nothing could have spoilt the night. Thank you so much.
Christy's reply
you honoured our gig by making such a detour to be there…I am humbled by the efforts some listeners make to come hear the songs…safe journey home and very best wishes
It is St Patrick’s Day. The Telegraph ( a bastion of all things parochial) has listed you in their 30 great Irish persons’ quotes. You are between the grand Sinead and the immoveably grand Frank McCourt.
Thanks for sharing this Anuk…The Daily Telegraph no less, and in such august company….there will be no talkin to me if such splendid recognition continues to come this way…mind you, nothin compares to a responsive audience at a good live gig….no review nor platinum disc nor lifetime achievement brouhaha nor doctorate compares to the Barrowland Choir in full throated harmony, to The Kentish Town Forum in top form on a Saturday night….song recognition from the listeners who gather together wherever we play, that is the award that sustains us……( dont where all this came from of a Tuesday Morning !)
“I’m so happy when Saint Patrick’s Day is over
when all the paper hates are thrown away
all the Plastic Paddies have been put back in clover
but no doubt they will return another day”
( from Colm Gallagher’s ” St Patrick’s Dance in San Fernando”)
Played an hour of fine Irish music on a radio show here today, St. Patrick’s Eve, including your fine self doing Me & The Rose. Yes, it does get played. Ride on, Christy.
Christy's reply
You’ve heard of St Denis of France
he never had much for to brag on
you heard of St George and his lance
how he slayed the auld heathenish dragon
the saints of the Welshman and Scot
are a couple of pitiful vipers
and might just as well go to pot
when compared to the Patron of Vipers
……….Saint Patrick of Ireland my Dear…….( Anonymous) ( from “The Iron behind the Velvet” 1978)
Man I just saw Donny Lunny on an RTE show. I was very happy to watch him. This is a great man. I would love to meet him; as well as, you, Andy Irvine and the Irish bag pipe man, I see his face and hear his wonderful music in my ear, but can’t recall his name. Damn you guys are the very best!
Christy's reply
The man who’s name you missed is Liam O’Flynn. I consider him to be the foremost exponent of our Uilleann Pipes….his music has been an important part of my life since I first heard over 50 years ago..I would recommend his music to anyone whose ears have turned on to the sound of this most gracious instrument ( sometimes confused with Bag Pipes)
just checking if you received the CD of a mixture of material that I left in at reception for you at the Clonmel Park Hotel a few weeks back. I heard that the craic was mighty on both nights.
Be seeing you
Wii you be tutor at any of the singing workshops at http://www.scoilsamhraidhwillieclancy.com/ ????
Christy's reply
sure did..it is among the cds I have received all of which will be heard in the same order as they arrived…cannot guarantee a response for unsolicited material…I am deeply immersed at this time in my own work..thanks for sharing JP
I love this guy! So much of the music of NL has been inspired by the Irish. We’ll be in Ireland from July 19th until early August. Seeing Christy in concert would be amazing. Doesn’t seem like he will be around during our time there….sad, He is an amazing story telling. Love him. Love the tunes he shares with Shane…..pure gold.
Christy's reply
thank you for your comments…..seems like we holiday at the same time
Great to see Donal Lunny on the TV last night……..He was raring to let go with the Bazooka while Brendan was talking to him.
The Old clips of Planxty & Moving Hearts really brought back memories…. and the ‘BEAUTIFUL’ hairstyles. Do you know what Christy, looking back now, I think we are all improving with age, ( even though we say so ourselves) Ha.
Christy, though I know from your songs, that you stand for justice and human dignity. And, though I know you are a musician and your site is really mostly about music. I also know that the Irish people are all about being real and are for justice. So, in that Spirit I will use your site with your permission to communicate what I really feel – this won’t air on RTE- is a very critical subject for our times, Warning, if you are weak and can’t handle the truth, don’t listen to this podcast.
My Friends,
This is a classic, a critical, critical and brilliant assessment of our times.
Enter if you are brave enough, and listen – it is after the Beatles song – and realize, really realize, the battle that has been going on for our Souls. Who’s side are you on? Are you willing to fight? Not with guns and death, but with conscience love and Justice!
Magic! Thanks Christy.
(ps: if you want to know more about Penzance tell me and I’ll write a little bit)
I will have to come to Cornwall and suss it out for myself
Dear christy
I love to play and sing what I am struggling with is the fear of other people laughing at me, I just freeze up when I get asked to sing in front of others but when I’m on my own i can sing and not be afraid. Take last night for example, I was playing guitar with my uncal and he told me that I have to start singing so i had a go at it and I go a few words outbut then I froze , he said i was good. How did you get over this ?? Once again thanks.
When I first began to sing in public I was terrified…so much so that I could not utter a single word…I used to try and hide behind the guitar as I perspired in fright…but I kept going…have faith in the song and the music….singing is such a deep and emotional form of communication…we must try and remember that its not about us singers, its all about the song, about the words and music…keep on trying, let me know how you are getting on.. I used to practice for hours every day.. I still do
Hello Christy,
What a lovely surprise as I checked your gig page today, we’re delighted you’re going to play with Maírtín O’Connor-Band in Belfast. We didn’t expect that when we booked early in October, so now we are very much looking forward to seeing you together with the Boys at the Waterfront.
Hope you are enjoying springtime. Best of Luck for your solo gig tonight! Traudel
The Waterfont is a lovely venue…always a good atmosphere…safe travels and we’ll see ye beneath The Black Mountain
Hi Christy, I got to have a quick chat with you after you sang at the Philharmonic Hall in April 2012 and I mentioned that I had lived in Clare and regretted that I had never experienced Lisdoonvarna. You said that it wasn’t too late!
I am thinking of going this year and will have to submit a request for a week of work in September. The only thing is, I don’t know which week to book as I want to make sure that it coincides with when you will be there.
If you can help, I’ll get my request in this week.
Thanks, hope you’re having a good day
Gail x
P.S. My nineteen year old son Sean is coming with me to see you in Manchester next month. It’s his first time and he’s really looking forward to it 🙂
Gail..I will not be playing in Lisdoonvarna in September…there is always a Festival in Lisdoonvarna every September but it is primarily a Matchmaking Festival that also celebrates the end of The Harvest. Men and Women gather to Dance and Sing, to have a fling, they come in their thousands and dance around the clock..its that kind of a festival…merriment and romance permeate the West Clare air…I do sometimes play in Lisdoon but have nothing planned at this time
Hi Christy
I wrote this song and made this video for me old man. It’s a simple song. There’s a few guitar string buzzes in it but my guitar playing has improved a lot since then. Anyway hope you like it.
Kind regards
thanks for sharing your song…dont worry about guitar buzz…Ive heard a lot worse…nice one Joe
Hello Christy
Thank you for replying to me – I think it’s just wonderful how you take time to reply to the messages. The songs you mention are all on the ‘voyage’ cd. Whatever you sing will be good anyway – there are so many great songs. I’m looking forward to the solo gig – it’ll be good to hear the songs alone. Later on we’ll come again and attend one with the backing musicians. We’re in Dublin now and looking forward to this evening.
Best wishes, Mary.
I have not done a solo gig for about 6 months…I am always apprehensive but also excited by the prospect…it is an entirely different line of work….no warm riffs to wrap me up…no companeros to cover up any cracks but then there is total freedom to follow whatever inclination that emerges…I’ve never been to Penzance..hope you have a good time in The Royal County
Hi Christy, hows the form. Really looking forward to Kilkenny sat week. Any chance you might manage to give away ye broken heart a whirl? A favorite of ours. I got 2 tickets for the Waterford gig the following night too but due to work commitments i cant make it so i hope you dont mind me putting it out there on the guestbook. Its not sold out yet but if anyone is heading i have two going face value. You can eamil me kevin_blanche@yahoo.ie
come back to us if you dont shift them..we wont leave you stuck
Ok, I’m of Irish and Scottish heritage – as well as German and French. But, me thinks mostly Irish and Scottish since this music speaks to me most. I am, of course, drawn to all good and great music.
But, this is a classic and will bring tears to the best of us.
I went swimming with Ralph in Halifax,Yorkshire in 1968. As we splashed about young lady asked Ralph if I was a famous wrestler. We adjourned to the Upper George where we quaffed some Websters. Later we did a gig at Richard Collins Folk Club. When Ralph finished his set I wept bitter tears. The bar was closing.We ended up in Mixenden ( Champion Jack Dupree was a neighbour)
Dear Christy,
I would just like to ask your advice if you wouldn’t mind, I’m 14 years old and I’ve been playing guitar now for 3-4 years i just love your music i know all your songs inside out I just want to know how to start singing as I love folk/irish trad. I was due to see you this may in the waterfront but sadly couldn’t get a hold of any tickets 🙁 but thanks for taking time to read this and for giving me advice.
dear cm99…please tell me more…you say you play guitar, that you know the songs inside out, that you want to start singing…I dont understand your difficulty…what is preventing you?
Hello Christy,
I’m fulfilling a long-held dream coming to see you at Kells on Saturday 22nd March. I’m so excited! Your voice and accompanying music have helped me through sad times as well as delighting me in happy times, especially my favourite CD ‘Voyage’. I’d love it if you would sing something from that album at the concert. I specially chose to come to Kells as I believe it is near your home and it sounds as if the hall is a fairly small venue which I like better than large concert halls. Can’t wait!
Best wishes, Mary
Kells is very much on my mind as it will be a solo performance…I seldom play solo gigs, (there were 2 last year),so I am on tenterhooks in anticipation…but I do like these challenges….I will have a look at the album you mention and see what has survived through the years…if memory serves Missing You, Blue Rose and Voyage are on the 1987 album..I have some good memories of making those recordings…
Hi christy I don’t know if you knew George Donaldson
George was a folk singer from Glasgow who passed away last week. He was given the opportunity to sing with Celtic Thunder for 7 years. I knew him for 19 years as a friend and as the best folk voice I ever heard live
He took his inspiration from yourself, he told this years ago . You were his idol ,he learnt your songs and played them in bars in Scotland for years before he joined Celtic Thunder. You were one of the main reasons he started singing
Thank you for inspiring him. He had many years of singing to make people smile
Only 2 people in the world had that special voice. You and George They way he and you sung Bright blue Rose was special
Rest in peace George
I had not heard of GEORGE’S passing…another singer bites the dust..thanks for letting me know
Fantastic gig last Friday night in the TLT Drogheda. Christy and Declan and the drummer were in fine form and gave a great show. Well done you guys.
Jimmy Higgins is the man on percussion…thanks for your feedback..great sound in the TLT
Christy we saw you at Mullingar on 22 February, just wanted to thank you for a truly memorable, wonderful evening. We were on holidays in Italy and flew to Ireland especially for the show, and it was the best decision, even though everyone from the Customs man to the cabbie in Dublin to the receptionist said “You came from Australia? Fer Christy Moore?” and we proudly said “YES”! It was a fabulous night, we loved every moment of it, even if Ireland did lose the rugby, nothing could have spoilt the night. Thank you so much.
you honoured our gig by making such a detour to be there…I am humbled by the efforts some listeners make to come hear the songs…safe journey home and very best wishes
It is St Patrick’s Day. The Telegraph ( a bastion of all things parochial) has listed you in their 30 great Irish persons’ quotes. You are between the grand Sinead and the immoveably grand Frank McCourt.
May you enjoy every Saints’ day. xx
Thanks for sharing this Anuk…The Daily Telegraph no less, and in such august company….there will be no talkin to me if such splendid recognition continues to come this way…mind you, nothin compares to a responsive audience at a good live gig….no review nor platinum disc nor lifetime achievement brouhaha nor doctorate compares to the Barrowland Choir in full throated harmony, to The Kentish Town Forum in top form on a Saturday night….song recognition from the listeners who gather together wherever we play, that is the award that sustains us……( dont where all this came from of a Tuesday Morning !)
“I’m so happy when Saint Patrick’s Day is over
when all the paper hates are thrown away
all the Plastic Paddies have been put back in clover
but no doubt they will return another day”
( from Colm Gallagher’s ” St Patrick’s Dance in San Fernando”)
Played an hour of fine Irish music on a radio show here today, St. Patrick’s Eve, including your fine self doing Me & The Rose. Yes, it does get played. Ride on, Christy.
You’ve heard of St Denis of France
he never had much for to brag on
you heard of St George and his lance
how he slayed the auld heathenish dragon
the saints of the Welshman and Scot
are a couple of pitiful vipers
and might just as well go to pot
when compared to the Patron of Vipers
……….Saint Patrick of Ireland my Dear…….( Anonymous) ( from “The Iron behind the Velvet” 1978)
Man I just saw Donny Lunny on an RTE show. I was very happy to watch him. This is a great man. I would love to meet him; as well as, you, Andy Irvine and the Irish bag pipe man, I see his face and hear his wonderful music in my ear, but can’t recall his name. Damn you guys are the very best!
The man who’s name you missed is Liam O’Flynn. I consider him to be the foremost exponent of our Uilleann Pipes….his music has been an important part of my life since I first heard over 50 years ago..I would recommend his music to anyone whose ears have turned on to the sound of this most gracious instrument ( sometimes confused with Bag Pipes)
just checking if you received the CD of a mixture of material that I left in at reception for you at the Clonmel Park Hotel a few weeks back. I heard that the craic was mighty on both nights.
Be seeing you
Wii you be tutor at any of the singing workshops at http://www.scoilsamhraidhwillieclancy.com/ ????
sure did..it is among the cds I have received all of which will be heard in the same order as they arrived…cannot guarantee a response for unsolicited material…I am deeply immersed at this time in my own work..thanks for sharing JP
I love this guy! So much of the music of NL has been inspired by the Irish. We’ll be in Ireland from July 19th until early August. Seeing Christy in concert would be amazing. Doesn’t seem like he will be around during our time there….sad, He is an amazing story telling. Love him. Love the tunes he shares with Shane…..pure gold.
thank you for your comments…..seems like we holiday at the same time
Great to see Donal Lunny on the TV last night……..He was raring to let go with the Bazooka while Brendan was talking to him.
The Old clips of Planxty & Moving Hearts really brought back memories…. and the ‘BEAUTIFUL’ hairstyles. Do you know what Christy, looking back now, I think we are all improving with age, ( even though we say so ourselves) Ha.
For anyone that didn’t catch the Show :http://www.rte.ie/player/ie/show/10263227/
Donal is about 15 Min into it.
very good interview..great to see him lookin so good
Christy, though I know from your songs, that you stand for justice and human dignity. And, though I know you are a musician and your site is really mostly about music. I also know that the Irish people are all about being real and are for justice. So, in that Spirit I will use your site with your permission to communicate what I really feel – this won’t air on RTE- is a very critical subject for our times, Warning, if you are weak and can’t handle the truth, don’t listen to this podcast.
My Friends,
This is a classic, a critical, critical and brilliant assessment of our times.
Enter if you are brave enough, and listen – it is after the Beatles song – and realize, really realize, the battle that has been going on for our Souls. Who’s side are you on? Are you willing to fight? Not with guns and death, but with conscience love and Justice!
a bit late for the “bhfuil cead agam teacht isteach” but thanks anyway…going to check it out soon