Hi Christy, I’m in training for the Barrowland gig, got some new shin pads fitted and I went to a Status Quo gig last sunday, so I think I’m well prepared.
See you soon,
Christy's reply
thats the way to go Brian….between the shinpads ,your Honda 50 helmet & goggles you will be well equipped for barrowland..come all you dreamers…
Hello Christy, I haven’t been on this forum for about a year, for a variety of reasons, but as you’re coming to Glasgow again next month I thought I’d ask if you could sing Butterfly at the Concert Hall (I ask you every time, hope you don’t mind!).
Another Handsome Family song that I think would be perfect for you is Far From Any Road, from their Singing Bones album. Have you ever thought about doing it?
Christy's reply
I have listened to this album but not for a while…your prompting will have me rooting about for it tomorrow…great to hear The Handsomes featured on the theme music for “True Detective”….there is something haunting and beautiful in their work…
Hello Christy, back home in Penzance now. We spent a lovely couple of days at Navan after theconcert at Kells, visiting Newgrange and Tara and the river. Thank you so much for the song and for the mention of Penzance! The concert came right up to expectations and beyond, I hope we will be able to come again. We have a daughter and her partner who now live at Donard in Co Wicklow so we will try to arrange our visits to coincide with a concert. There is a lovely little theatre in Penzance called ‘The Acorn’ but it only holds 170 – probably much too small to merit all that distance! We saw John Renbourne (an English folk guitarist) there recently. The Hall for Cornwall at Truro holds about 1000. When we saw Fairport Convention there last year they had a lovely Irish musician with them – Kieran Goss, who we went to see again at Devoran village hall near Truro. You are the best tho – I always want to share your songs with everyone because of the messages as well as the way you sing them. Cornwall is also a nice place for a holiday, beautiful in sunshine and wild in winter. I’ll leave you in peace now, but I might write to ask for a song when we come again!! Peace and happiness to you and your family, Mary
Christy's reply
great to hear word of John Renbourne…I’m still hoping to play in Cornwall before the end of this tour ( this is year 48)…a few years back my agent got me a gig in Torquay thinking it was in Cornwall…I discovered his mistake when I opened the gig saying ” I’m so happy to finally play in Cornwall” it was a bad start to the gig but the Torquaydoes finally forgave me my faux pas and we had a grand night in a beautiful theatre beside the pier….played Exeter back in the 80’s..heard a great busker there playing a piano accordeon near the Cathedral….played with The Yetties back in the late 60s..really liked that band
Hi again. Must correct you. I will be “home” in Ireland some weeks before and after your gig in Cavan and the one we have give tickets to, in 60 year birthday present is a good friend to you, living in Ashbourne
Morning Christy.
Persisting it down in Oldham as usual.
Came across a song the last few days and the more I hear of it the more I think you might like it. You may know it already. It’s called Del Gato and it’s by Gene Clark (Byrds) and Carla Olsen. It’s on youtube but then again isn’t everything. I swear you’d get a result if you searched ‘The Pope scores for United’
Take care
Christy's reply
Gene Clarke is in the air at the moment.Watched a beautiful film about him recently (on BBC4 or Sky Arts)..he sure did burn bright…thanks for highlighting the song,I’ll give it a listen
Just wanted to say a big thank you for playing the Voyage for myself and Gwyn @ the TLT in Drogheda, it made our night and gwyn nearly fell off her seat! 🙂 , wedding is on thursday 3rd of april 2014 in the Millhouse Slane if you are about!
Thanks again
Christy's reply
wish you every happiness together…I am barred from weddings( for reasons I can not go into)
It’s a sunny day in Oldham for a change. Nothing else to report.
Look after yourself and yours.
Christy's reply
thats enough news to be going on with for the time of the year thats in it,I tell you Proinsías that a bit of sunshine would go a long way here today with the wind howlin between blasts of sleet and the rain pishin down confusing the wee birds who took the bit of good weather last week to mean that the Spring was comin in..talk about false starts
I and some friends to me, have give 2 tickets to your concert in Cavan 13 june to friend to both you and me and his wife, in 60 year present. I hope he can go and both of you will have a nice evening.
Christy's reply
you and your pals will be very welcome in Cavan..a very hospitable County is Cavan and very fond they are of Norwegians in general, Oslovians in particular….you’ll find the drink to be fierce cheap compared to the hooch back home… come on over with you and we’ll make a good night of it…I played in Bergen in 1976….boys and girls but ’twas cold,I’ll tell you that..see you along the way
Heres a poem I wrote afew years ago christy,what do you think?
The time we had together dad,was much shorter than we planned,
When you rang me on that fateful night,these words you simply said…
The tests they came back positive,the word I cannot say,
It breaks my heart to remember,we thought it would be okay,
Each day I watched my father,get weaker day by day,
I would not ever leave your side,beside you I did stay,
You were so brave and thoughtful,did your best to comfort me,
You held on ’til you could take no more,
Then slipped away from me…
Christy's reply
Thanks for sharing your verse Helen. It matters not what anyone else thinks of it…what matters is that you had the love in your heart to write it
Thanks for your reply and for telling me a bit about the Lisdoonvarna festival. I recently found out that an old classmate now lives in Clare near Lisdoonvarna. She has expressed interest in going to the festival and said she has a spare room if I would like to stay over. I think I just might take her up on it and go along. At the very least, it will satisfy my curiosity and I expect it will be a fantastic experience.
Lisdoon here I come!
Thanks again, Gail x
I know you busy as from reading the other comments so ill keep it brief thanks for replying to all my comment and giving advice and hope for future as a musician and who knows maybe 5-6 years down the line we’ll be in that stage together, not my musician like yourself would take as much time as you do to answer to your fans so thanks. Keep in touch
CM99 ps could i possibly have the chords to “a stitch in time” 🙂
Hi Christy Thanks for your reply and you are human so no harm that you were nervous.My dad was born in Loughlion cottage on Mooretown road which is just off the monasterevan rd in kildare town.I wanted to ask you if I could send one of your cds to you would you sign it for me ?and where would I send it so you receive it?? Cheeky I know but it would mean alot to me X
Hi Christy, my son is only twelve and all ne wants for his birthday is tickets to see you at the concert hall in Glasgow. Is there any age restrictions on you concerts accompanied of course by myself. Tam.
Christy's reply
I have seen younger people at the RCH in Glasgow…it should be fine.. always a good night there, great venue
Hi Christy, Thank you for great night in Kells, great to hear some of the old songs get an airing, great rendition of Dunne Stores, also Lawless and A pair of Brown eyes were wonderful, hope we will see you back in The Royal County soon. “Injustice breeds anger that’s whats been done”
CM (68 3/4 )
These storms made a praiseach of the trees, Two fell in the back yard , one pushed up the roots of the patio on its way down.
The other one took down the tree house.Theres one at Padraig Donnachús that missed the house but took all his washing off the line.
Up in Doire coill one that is over 200 years crashed down .The roots are higher than the house ,This would build a whole new boat x2 and fix the volunteer for a while.So falling trees is good another good thing from them is magpies dont want nests in trees on the ground.
They were sitting on cloch an toirneach looking sad but Dad was delighted.Dadó said if the tree across the road fell that he could see the boats on the lake better .But there are no boats on the lake!Its not deep enough.
CS (9)
Do look forward to sasana? Did any trees fall near you?
Christy's reply
I’ll reply soon C..I’m tied up with new songs at the moment and can only do brief replies…catch you soon…C
Thanks for all the advice i just wish that one day I can be as good as you … To be able to play on stage with you that’s my dream, you’re just an amazing musician and a great role model. I love my guitar and I love music, it’s just the best, I want to be able to tour like you, I don’t want to be famous i want to be known for my good music, all the best CM99
Christy's reply
you keep playing, who knows what can happen along the way…I started playing guitar when I was about 14. I did my first “proper” gig when I was 21…..just keep the head down for now and follow the songs and music…for it to be worthwhile it needs to be developed slowly..nurtured and coaxed along…too many people are doing gigs now long before they are ready…they see “fame” as the target..their heads get turned by TV shows, Dodgy managers, crooked agents, unscruplous sharks that lurk….ignore all that auld shite and follow the songs, the ones that go in deep and touch the emotions…keep in touch
Hey Christy, it’s Saturday night and I’m drinking. Surprise?
Anyway, keeping on my musical, political bent. Musical? Noting better than Sharron Shannon. I wished I had met her when she was younger- very cute- just saying. But, I’m an old Fu22k too now. And, her talent hasn’t gotten any older, her traditional talent is all that needs to be said. And as an Old Fu77k. Maybe she’d talk to me, maybe, I could hope. Anyway, Sharon’s is the very best and thank you Sharron for all you’ve shared musically. Now, politics. George Galloway is the type of man that gave us the Magna Charter. George Galloway is the type of man – like the Irish and Scottish in Revolutionary America – that gets things done. God Bless George! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsAV16vSuhY
Christy's reply
I drank til all my lights were out. that Foxy Devil was my dearest sweetest friend.I too,like you, could give the walls a good talkin.How I loved that sweet embrace. But ,come the day, iron always lurked behind the velvet.
” see that bird of the long smooth neck,
who got his death from the thirst at last…
come fill my bowl, come soothe my soul,
for I’ll get no more drink when my life is past”
( from a translation of “The Yellow Bittern”, a 17th century poem )
Hi.. its Mark here. do ya rem the aul crack on a Sat Night. Fuck it the cucooo is a wonderful bird.
Christy's reply
O the Cuckoo is a pretty bird,it sings as it flies.
It brings us good tidings and tells us no lies.
It sucks the young bird’s eggs to make its voice clear.
The more it cries “cuck oo” the Summer draws near.
( from The Streams of Bunclody )
Hi Christy,
Helen here I’m just back from seeing you at the Kells Theatre. I absolutely loved every minute and as always you put your heart and soul into every song.My father was from Mooretown Kildare and he introduced me to your work.At his funeral I had ‘The time has come’ played as the words said it all.
Keep up the great work Christy and come back to Kells again soon. XX
Christy's reply
it was a good night for sure….from the stage, the room was in the blackest of darkness, I could not even glimpse the front row of listeners altho they were but 8 feet away…I stumbled in the second song,I faltered then stalled ( it was in The Yellow Furze ) once I shared my nervousness with ye- it seemed to evaporate….I’m not sure I know the whereabouts of Mooretown, my own homeplace is Moorefield, where exactly is your Father’s home place ?
Hi Christy, I’m in training for the Barrowland gig, got some new shin pads fitted and I went to a Status Quo gig last sunday, so I think I’m well prepared.
See you soon,
thats the way to go Brian….between the shinpads ,your Honda 50 helmet & goggles you will be well equipped for barrowland..come all you dreamers…
Hello Christy, I haven’t been on this forum for about a year, for a variety of reasons, but as you’re coming to Glasgow again next month I thought I’d ask if you could sing Butterfly at the Concert Hall (I ask you every time, hope you don’t mind!).
Another Handsome Family song that I think would be perfect for you is Far From Any Road, from their Singing Bones album. Have you ever thought about doing it?
I have listened to this album but not for a while…your prompting will have me rooting about for it tomorrow…great to hear The Handsomes featured on the theme music for “True Detective”….there is something haunting and beautiful in their work…
Hello Christy, back home in Penzance now. We spent a lovely couple of days at Navan after theconcert at Kells, visiting Newgrange and Tara and the river. Thank you so much for the song and for the mention of Penzance! The concert came right up to expectations and beyond, I hope we will be able to come again. We have a daughter and her partner who now live at Donard in Co Wicklow so we will try to arrange our visits to coincide with a concert. There is a lovely little theatre in Penzance called ‘The Acorn’ but it only holds 170 – probably much too small to merit all that distance! We saw John Renbourne (an English folk guitarist) there recently. The Hall for Cornwall at Truro holds about 1000. When we saw Fairport Convention there last year they had a lovely Irish musician with them – Kieran Goss, who we went to see again at Devoran village hall near Truro. You are the best tho – I always want to share your songs with everyone because of the messages as well as the way you sing them. Cornwall is also a nice place for a holiday, beautiful in sunshine and wild in winter. I’ll leave you in peace now, but I might write to ask for a song when we come again!! Peace and happiness to you and your family, Mary
great to hear word of John Renbourne…I’m still hoping to play in Cornwall before the end of this tour ( this is year 48)…a few years back my agent got me a gig in Torquay thinking it was in Cornwall…I discovered his mistake when I opened the gig saying ” I’m so happy to finally play in Cornwall” it was a bad start to the gig but the Torquaydoes finally forgave me my faux pas and we had a grand night in a beautiful theatre beside the pier….played Exeter back in the 80’s..heard a great busker there playing a piano accordeon near the Cathedral….played with The Yetties back in the late 60s..really liked that band
Hi again. Must correct you. I will be “home” in Ireland some weeks before and after your gig in Cavan and the one we have give tickets to, in 60 year birthday present is a good friend to you, living in Ashbourne
OK Baraji, that explains it
Morning Christy.
Persisting it down in Oldham as usual.
Came across a song the last few days and the more I hear of it the more I think you might like it. You may know it already. It’s called Del Gato and it’s by Gene Clark (Byrds) and Carla Olsen. It’s on youtube but then again isn’t everything. I swear you’d get a result if you searched ‘The Pope scores for United’
Take care
Gene Clarke is in the air at the moment.Watched a beautiful film about him recently (on BBC4 or Sky Arts)..he sure did burn bright…thanks for highlighting the song,I’ll give it a listen
Well Christy
Just wanted to say a big thank you for playing the Voyage for myself and Gwyn @ the TLT in Drogheda, it made our night and gwyn nearly fell off her seat! 🙂 , wedding is on thursday 3rd of april 2014 in the Millhouse Slane if you are about!
Thanks again
wish you every happiness together…I am barred from weddings( for reasons I can not go into)
Afternoon Christy.
It’s a sunny day in Oldham for a change. Nothing else to report.
Look after yourself and yours.
thats enough news to be going on with for the time of the year thats in it,I tell you Proinsías that a bit of sunshine would go a long way here today with the wind howlin between blasts of sleet and the rain pishin down confusing the wee birds who took the bit of good weather last week to mean that the Spring was comin in..talk about false starts
I and some friends to me, have give 2 tickets to your concert in Cavan 13 june to friend to both you and me and his wife, in 60 year present. I hope he can go and both of you will have a nice evening.
you and your pals will be very welcome in Cavan..a very hospitable County is Cavan and very fond they are of Norwegians in general, Oslovians in particular….you’ll find the drink to be fierce cheap compared to the hooch back home… come on over with you and we’ll make a good night of it…I played in Bergen in 1976….boys and girls but ’twas cold,I’ll tell you that..see you along the way
Heres a poem I wrote afew years ago christy,what do you think?
The time we had together dad,was much shorter than we planned,
When you rang me on that fateful night,these words you simply said…
The tests they came back positive,the word I cannot say,
It breaks my heart to remember,we thought it would be okay,
Each day I watched my father,get weaker day by day,
I would not ever leave your side,beside you I did stay,
You were so brave and thoughtful,did your best to comfort me,
You held on ’til you could take no more,
Then slipped away from me…
Thanks for sharing your verse Helen. It matters not what anyone else thinks of it…what matters is that you had the love in your heart to write it
Thanks for your reply and for telling me a bit about the Lisdoonvarna festival. I recently found out that an old classmate now lives in Clare near Lisdoonvarna. She has expressed interest in going to the festival and said she has a spare room if I would like to stay over. I think I just might take her up on it and go along. At the very least, it will satisfy my curiosity and I expect it will be a fantastic experience.
Lisdoon here I come!
Thanks again, Gail x
Bring your dancing shoes
Sorry 4 my terrible spelling
Dear christy
I know you busy as from reading the other comments so ill keep it brief thanks for replying to all my comment and giving advice and hope for future as a musician and who knows maybe 5-6 years down the line we’ll be in that stage together, not my musician like yourself would take as much time as you do to answer to your fans so thanks. Keep in touch
CM99 ps could i possibly have the chords to “a stitch in time” 🙂
Hi Christy Thanks for your reply and you are human so no harm that you were nervous.My dad was born in Loughlion cottage on Mooretown road which is just off the monasterevan rd in kildare town.I wanted to ask you if I could send one of your cds to you would you sign it for me ?and where would I send it so you receive it?? Cheeky I know but it would mean alot to me X
where there is a will there is a way
Hi Christy, my son is only twelve and all ne wants for his birthday is tickets to see you at the concert hall in Glasgow. Is there any age restrictions on you concerts accompanied of course by myself. Tam.
I have seen younger people at the RCH in Glasgow…it should be fine.. always a good night there, great venue
Hi Christy, Thank you for great night in Kells, great to hear some of the old songs get an airing, great rendition of Dunne Stores, also Lawless and A pair of Brown eyes were wonderful, hope we will see you back in The Royal County soon. “Injustice breeds anger that’s whats been done”
there is a part of me that never leaves Meath
CM (68 3/4 )
These storms made a praiseach of the trees, Two fell in the back yard , one pushed up the roots of the patio on its way down.
The other one took down the tree house.Theres one at Padraig Donnachús that missed the house but took all his washing off the line.
Up in Doire coill one that is over 200 years crashed down .The roots are higher than the house ,This would build a whole new boat x2 and fix the volunteer for a while.So falling trees is good another good thing from them is magpies dont want nests in trees on the ground.
They were sitting on cloch an toirneach looking sad but Dad was delighted.Dadó said if the tree across the road fell that he could see the boats on the lake better .But there are no boats on the lake!Its not deep enough.
CS (9)
Do look forward to sasana? Did any trees fall near you?
I’ll reply soon C..I’m tied up with new songs at the moment and can only do brief replies…catch you soon…C
Dear christy
Thanks for all the advice i just wish that one day I can be as good as you … To be able to play on stage with you that’s my dream, you’re just an amazing musician and a great role model. I love my guitar and I love music, it’s just the best, I want to be able to tour like you, I don’t want to be famous i want to be known for my good music, all the best CM99
you keep playing, who knows what can happen along the way…I started playing guitar when I was about 14. I did my first “proper” gig when I was 21…..just keep the head down for now and follow the songs and music…for it to be worthwhile it needs to be developed slowly..nurtured and coaxed along…too many people are doing gigs now long before they are ready…they see “fame” as the target..their heads get turned by TV shows, Dodgy managers, crooked agents, unscruplous sharks that lurk….ignore all that auld shite and follow the songs, the ones that go in deep and touch the emotions…keep in touch
Hey Christy, it’s Saturday night and I’m drinking. Surprise?
Anyway, keeping on my musical, political bent. Musical? Noting better than Sharron Shannon. I wished I had met her when she was younger- very cute- just saying. But, I’m an old Fu22k too now. And, her talent hasn’t gotten any older, her traditional talent is all that needs to be said. And as an Old Fu77k. Maybe she’d talk to me, maybe, I could hope. Anyway, Sharon’s is the very best and thank you Sharron for all you’ve shared musically. Now, politics. George Galloway is the type of man that gave us the Magna Charter. George Galloway is the type of man – like the Irish and Scottish in Revolutionary America – that gets things done. God Bless George!
I drank til all my lights were out. that Foxy Devil was my dearest sweetest friend.I too,like you, could give the walls a good talkin.How I loved that sweet embrace. But ,come the day, iron always lurked behind the velvet.
” see that bird of the long smooth neck,
who got his death from the thirst at last…
come fill my bowl, come soothe my soul,
for I’ll get no more drink when my life is past”
( from a translation of “The Yellow Bittern”, a 17th century poem )
Hi.. its Mark here. do ya rem the aul crack on a Sat Night. Fuck it the cucooo is a wonderful bird.
O the Cuckoo is a pretty bird,it sings as it flies.
It brings us good tidings and tells us no lies.
It sucks the young bird’s eggs to make its voice clear.
The more it cries “cuck oo” the Summer draws near.
( from The Streams of Bunclody )
Hi Christy,
Helen here I’m just back from seeing you at the Kells Theatre. I absolutely loved every minute and as always you put your heart and soul into every song.My father was from Mooretown Kildare and he introduced me to your work.At his funeral I had ‘The time has come’ played as the words said it all.
Keep up the great work Christy and come back to Kells again soon. XX
it was a good night for sure….from the stage, the room was in the blackest of darkness, I could not even glimpse the front row of listeners altho they were but 8 feet away…I stumbled in the second song,I faltered then stalled ( it was in The Yellow Furze ) once I shared my nervousness with ye- it seemed to evaporate….I’m not sure I know the whereabouts of Mooretown, my own homeplace is Moorefield, where exactly is your Father’s home place ?