Ok, this is kind of silly, or powerful. It just depends. My regret, that I never married a wonderful woman and had some kids with her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP7pdAn3foE
I am almost speechless with the Ralph Mc tell post that was shared here . Thank you to the poster! Ralph still has it! Many of his great songs are shared in it. But also, he still can sing at his old age, Ha! Sorry, Ralph. But, really, you still have got the voice and it Man! Thanks to whoever posted this link. And, thanks to you Ralph for showing up for this event. I can see why Christy would talk with you. You’re a very good and very talented man.
Wow, I’m going to watch the Ralph Mc Tell post above right now! Thank you! I am looking forward to it very much! Ok, just to put a face on all the recent posts I’ve unabashedly made ha, ha.
Just to use the current technology to to send my goodwill to all of you. And to Christy as well, of course.
From Missoula Montana, Ta Ta Tah Tah! ha, ha. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysQtp4YBZXg&list=UUnsUaXejSLQrfjyszAaOGcA
Hi All,,,, Assuming an element of indulgence in allowing space for this long interview with Ralph Mc Tell from TCD in 2012, in view of the recent plug you’ ve given to his upcoming tour here,,,http://youtu.be/UhLLmiqrixA, and wishing you and all the crew well for your own upcoming tour in Caledonia and down south…. a bit of a gaggle gathering too,, exciting !!,, safe travelling all,, beir bua agus beannacht. H
Christy's reply
Ralph once took me by the hand and lead me through the streets of London…he showed me something that made me change my mind ( it was a £40 Guitar in Ivor Mairants in 1967)
Dear Christy, I come to visit your guestbook every day, it is like a community page that is happening here, if only because you respond so often…I love that, oh, and my post is about how excited that I am getting with your gig at the festival hall, NO, my tickets are not for sale any longer…. meanwhile I am listening to Mary Black and Shane… getting in the mood to sing.. love it…love you 🙂
Christy's reply
I am practicing daily for this trip across the water….hope to be in good shape for our opening gig in Edinburgh this night week after which we’ll camp in Glasgow for a few nights before crossing the Border on our way to the united city of Manchester. Then its a night drive down to The Big Smoke and back again to the southbank of the mighty brown Thames..Flow Sweet River Flow
Hey Christy was at your gig Saturday gone in the Hub Kilkenny . . .It was my 13th time to see you on stage.I totally loved your bodhran playing and acapella rendition to Rocky Road to Dublin . . .It blew me away cos i havent seen you pull out the bodhran for a while …you couldnt hear a pin drop in the crowd while you performed ..It will remain in my heart as a very special and memorable piece for a long time.Cannot wait til i see you perform again.
Christy's reply
it was a great call out from that man out on the right wing of The Hub last sat…I reckon its the 3rd or 4th time I’ve sung it since 1969, Back then then it was a constant in my repertoire. I last sang it at a gig for the Irish Rugby squad at their training quarters 2 years ago. It was great to roll it out again and to give the old drum a good rattle.
But my question now is, considering how women, well…… Anyway, who were the awesome, rebel women musicians in Ireland at the same time of this video- or close to this time? Were there any? I really would like to know.
By the way, if I had had any success and money that would have followed to boot, to be able to have at least raised two kids.
And of course, had I met the woman of my life also. I would have named one or more of my kids after, Ronnie Drew or Luke Kelly.
Hey, I’ve always loved these two names, Drew and Kelly. Just saying.
Ha Christy – yeah, it’s ha and not lol, ok?
Ha, good reply/ answer to my self depreciation post.
I do like the conversations we can now have, back and forth, over the ocean. It helps me – at least a bit – it’s like I am there with you having a conversation. And you, as a famous man, are kind enough – when you want to, or have the notion – to post back. Thanks for that. You are very kind.
Now, I just watched this and enjoyed it. Though I may do the occasional self depreciating stuff. I’m ok with myself, really!
Don’t we Irish love to take others down a notch if they are too proud; as well as, ourselves now and then?
I could have done more with my life, that is true. But, I know am a good man and believe me, I am a grateful man.
I don’t cry in my beer; well, unless I am moved by a sad story, an awesome song, etc. But I certainly don’t cry for myself, well sometimes, but I’ve had a great life!
I just watched this and I wish I could have been there. Even though I am 60 now I’ve absolutely no problem with the subject of the song, Ha ha! I love how Luke adds the expression in his face, when it was just the right time to say , too much information! Ha!
Isn’t it grand that this was video taped -or filmed – so I can watch it now so many years later.
As much as I’ve talked about the Republic of Ireland and “the English” on your site, I know of our shared common good will, our enjoyment of beer- for some of us – and our love for song and traditional music. I know you were supported by not only the Irish coming to your performances in England, but by English, Scottish and… Anyway, I really enjoyed the fun jab in in this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI26nW7EbMY
Hey there, I’m sure you get asked this sort of thing all the time but it’s always worth asking. My brothers, sisters and I (6 of us) will be there to greet you and listen in awe at the barrowlands friday 11th april a christmas present to them. Its my sisters 21st on the 9th and I’m sure she’d love it if you could shout out a happy birthday to her (Kathleen). I look forward to the gig.
Christy's reply
I’m looking forward to it myself….see you over yonder
Hi Christy, still gigging away ,but not a much .Played March 16th in Tom Devlins a relation of Seamus Heaneys Wife Marie from the Low Country Derry, sang “Over on the Mainland” for Seamus , RIP.Tom met him once here in Boston & spent the day talking about the Townlands and it’s people.i still carry a photo of Tommy in my guitar case, he got me the start in the Irish Embassy support to the Saw Doctors & then Mike Hanrahan.we walked Castleisland and drank tea at his place in Quincy. He spoke very fondly of you.When in Boston in the early days I stayed at the Embassey Hostel above the pub. Mc Ganns is still going strong,I remember Tommy showing me around it as it was being built, he was so proud of the Irish Dresser behind the bar.He loved the songs and music above all else and helped all who were lucky enoungh to encounter his friendship.played the 17th March also and was home before 10pm , I enjoy the banter minus the booze at the gigs, Ban Gardia at every corner lookin to pull you over.Enjoy the Mainland gigs , any movement on a internet gig?.Swallows are flyin , Summer is tryin to appear,won’t be long now.Take Care of yourself Christy, all the best Fin”The Piper, Poet & Song” rest easy Seamus /Tommy we won’t see your likes again.
Christy's reply
I first met Tommy back in the early days of McGannsinf Doolin . Back then, circa 1976, Tommy and his brother Tony were running that great rambling-house. The hospitality,the music and the porter were top shelf. Later Tommy somehow managed to transport all the essential ingredients of hospitality to Boston. Ten years later I enjoyed the McGann experience allover again this time 3,000 miles from Doolin. Tommy had a way with him. He was always prepared to reach out a helping hand. Many young immigrants found their feet in foreign soil with a leg up from Tommy McGann. He is still sadly missed by many.
A shout out to Christy and Christy fans all over the world. ha!
I am not sure, exactly, why I am drawn to post on – bother- your web site Christy. It certainly isn’t from a lack of respect – though it may sound that way at times – since I often write, and post it, and then say to myself, ” Are you a Fricking idiot!”
Anyway, I don’t mean to be, or too sound too stupid. My heart really does come from a very good place, a musical place. So, maybe this is why I bother your site with all with my silly posts. Since, maybe I feel safe here, and welcomed; even though, I don’t have the ingrained knowledge and understanding that comes from growing up in Ireland. Please forgive me the ignorance of the wisdom ( and humor) – that may come from growing up in and even suffering in Ireland. But, the Irish music tradition, the Spirit, the Soul of us Irish, I assume. Yes, I will claim my Irish heritage though I was not born in Ireland. So, just please humor me. I’ll be your Irish village idiot. Ha! Christy, I think I will post less and will read YOUR chat posts more. Ha!God bless to you all! From the village idiot. Ha!
Christy's reply
steady on there…thou doth lower thyself far too much for our liking….get back up on your hind legs for jasus sake
Christy, really looking forward to your gig in the barrowlands friday week. Have always been a big fan but probably listen to your music more now that im living across the pond. See you next week 🙂
Christy's reply
we’ll hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road
Hello christy,
Me and the girlfriend are heading over to the barrowlands to see you Friday week, I know you said there you don’t work to a set list, but if you end up playing the song ‘beeswing’ could you shout it to my girlfriend Kate if possible, thanks!!
Christy's reply
at the Church of Ceilí, beneath the carousel of healing,….we’ll rock and roll and boogie the night away
Hey Christy,
Am coming to your gig in London on Good Friday with the wife(first for her). Heard you perform “Stitch in time” when I seen you and Dec last in the Odyssey Belfast. Would love to hear it again if poss? Also would love to hear your version of Passenger’s “Let her go” someday. Soon as I heard it, thought it would suit your style!
See you Good Friday
Christy's reply
we’ll have to wait and see what the night brings Conor…Stitch has not been in the set this past couple of years…I dont work to a set list..as we walk out I call the first song to Declan and from then on its wherever the night leads us….see you on The Banks of the mighty Thames and we’ll go with the flow
Alright Christy… Any advice for a young folk singer from County Tyrone about to join the world of folkies in the north east of England?
Christy's reply
no advice Keelan but I’m happy to share my experience…I was 21 in 1966 when I decided to hit the road and dedicate myself to becoming a full time singer….I had never written a song nor did I have any intention of even trying….I simply loved songs from the Tradition….looking back to that time I remember that my primary purpose was the pursuit of songs…next came my determination to be a singer..I travelled to every folk club I could reach in the hope of gaining a floor spot…I also listened and learned, I absorbed singing styles and finger styles….there were times when I had neither money, food nor accomodation but it mattered little ….I had freedom…I began to get my foot in the door in 1967.. support slots came in a few clubs and then I began to gain a few small gigs of my own….It was a different world then….it took years to gain access to the recording process…most of all I practiced and played constantly which I still do today…..Today I am glad to have had that long hard slog…It was there I served the apprenticeship that prepared me for the road that lay ahead
Hi Christy, Had a poster of a Native American on my wall with the words”When the last ocean has been poisoned, When the last fish has been caught,When the last tree has been cut down, Only then shall we realize ,,,, That money cannot be eaten..I no longer have that poster, but I have never forgotten its meaning.I bought it at a flee market in London over 24 years ago, because it is so true.why do we spend so much on looking for life in space?, when we can’t even take care of the planet we live on..And if there is life up there what a laugh they are having at us gombeens.” It won’t be long now says one UFO to the other” They might land on the curragh.Love the chat Christy& will never forget Anne. Take care , all my best to the family .Debs headin to Bognia in July / August with Taylor & Les, meself and the madra are stayin in Boston watching the night sky for movements of any sort and report directly to NASA or NSA .If I have any update I’ll send via pigeon”Wires Crossed” Love Fin
Christy's reply
Good man Fin….the dog will mind you til the lads get back..are you gigging in Boston these days?..is McGanns still going?…I often think of my trips over..used to love meeting Tommy McGann and playing his club…just passed the spot last week where his journey ended R.I.P. Gigs going well here. Heading to Scotland and England next week for a bit of a jaunt..will catch up with a few old buddies and meet a few rapscallions
Sorry Christy and folks. This was the post I meant to leave. But Jimmy, because of my goof, they got to know you a little bit better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbmtaewbjEA
Ok, this is kind of silly, or powerful. It just depends. My regret, that I never married a wonderful woman and had some kids with her.
I am almost speechless with the Ralph Mc tell post that was shared here . Thank you to the poster! Ralph still has it! Many of his great songs are shared in it. But also, he still can sing at his old age, Ha! Sorry, Ralph. But, really, you still have got the voice and it Man! Thanks to whoever posted this link. And, thanks to you Ralph for showing up for this event. I can see why Christy would talk with you. You’re a very good and very talented man.
Wow, I’m going to watch the Ralph Mc Tell post above right now! Thank you! I am looking forward to it very much! Ok, just to put a face on all the recent posts I’ve unabashedly made ha, ha.
Just to use the current technology to to send my goodwill to all of you. And to Christy as well, of course.
From Missoula Montana, Ta Ta Tah Tah! ha, ha.
Hi All,,,, Assuming an element of indulgence in allowing space for this long interview with Ralph Mc Tell from TCD in 2012, in view of the recent plug you’ ve given to his upcoming tour here,,,http://youtu.be/UhLLmiqrixA, and wishing you and all the crew well for your own upcoming tour in Caledonia and down south…. a bit of a gaggle gathering too,, exciting !!,, safe travelling all,, beir bua agus beannacht. H
Ralph once took me by the hand and lead me through the streets of London…he showed me something that made me change my mind ( it was a £40 Guitar in Ivor Mairants in 1967)
Dear Christy, I come to visit your guestbook every day, it is like a community page that is happening here, if only because you respond so often…I love that, oh, and my post is about how excited that I am getting with your gig at the festival hall, NO, my tickets are not for sale any longer…. meanwhile I am listening to Mary Black and Shane… getting in the mood to sing.. love it…love you 🙂
I am practicing daily for this trip across the water….hope to be in good shape for our opening gig in Edinburgh this night week after which we’ll camp in Glasgow for a few nights before crossing the Border on our way to the united city of Manchester. Then its a night drive down to The Big Smoke and back again to the southbank of the mighty brown Thames..Flow Sweet River Flow
Last comment on this subject, ha. Is self depreciation humility; or, just as egotistically focused as any other hubris? Don’t know.
a fellow said to me once “I am the humblest person I know”
Hey Christy was at your gig Saturday gone in the Hub Kilkenny . . .It was my 13th time to see you on stage.I totally loved your bodhran playing and acapella rendition to Rocky Road to Dublin . . .It blew me away cos i havent seen you pull out the bodhran for a while …you couldnt hear a pin drop in the crowd while you performed ..It will remain in my heart as a very special and memorable piece for a long time.Cannot wait til i see you perform again.
it was a great call out from that man out on the right wing of The Hub last sat…I reckon its the 3rd or 4th time I’ve sung it since 1969, Back then then it was a constant in my repertoire. I last sang it at a gig for the Irish Rugby squad at their training quarters 2 years ago. It was great to roll it out again and to give the old drum a good rattle.
A bit of a serious question now. I love this window to the past.
But my question now is, considering how women, well…… Anyway, who were the awesome, rebel women musicians in Ireland at the same time of this video- or close to this time? Were there any? I really would like to know.
By the way, if I had had any success and money that would have followed to boot, to be able to have at least raised two kids.
And of course, had I met the woman of my life also. I would have named one or more of my kids after, Ronnie Drew or Luke Kelly.
Hey, I’ve always loved these two names, Drew and Kelly. Just saying.
Ha Christy – yeah, it’s ha and not lol, ok?
Ha, good reply/ answer to my self depreciation post.
I do like the conversations we can now have, back and forth, over the ocean. It helps me – at least a bit – it’s like I am there with you having a conversation. And you, as a famous man, are kind enough – when you want to, or have the notion – to post back. Thanks for that. You are very kind.
Now, I just watched this and enjoyed it. Though I may do the occasional self depreciating stuff. I’m ok with myself, really!
Don’t we Irish love to take others down a notch if they are too proud; as well as, ourselves now and then?
I could have done more with my life, that is true. But, I know am a good man and believe me, I am a grateful man.
I don’t cry in my beer; well, unless I am moved by a sad story, an awesome song, etc. But I certainly don’t cry for myself, well sometimes, but I’ve had a great life!
I just watched this and I wish I could have been there. Even though I am 60 now I’ve absolutely no problem with the subject of the song, Ha ha! I love how Luke adds the expression in his face, when it was just the right time to say , too much information! Ha!
Isn’t it grand that this was video taped -or filmed – so I can watch it now so many years later.
As much as I’ve talked about the Republic of Ireland and “the English” on your site, I know of our shared common good will, our enjoyment of beer- for some of us – and our love for song and traditional music. I know you were supported by not only the Irish coming to your performances in England, but by English, Scottish and… Anyway, I really enjoyed the fun jab in in this:
Hey there, I’m sure you get asked this sort of thing all the time but it’s always worth asking. My brothers, sisters and I (6 of us) will be there to greet you and listen in awe at the barrowlands friday 11th april a christmas present to them. Its my sisters 21st on the 9th and I’m sure she’d love it if you could shout out a happy birthday to her (Kathleen). I look forward to the gig.
I’m looking forward to it myself….see you over yonder
Hi Christy, still gigging away ,but not a much .Played March 16th in Tom Devlins a relation of Seamus Heaneys Wife Marie from the Low Country Derry, sang “Over on the Mainland” for Seamus , RIP.Tom met him once here in Boston & spent the day talking about the Townlands and it’s people.i still carry a photo of Tommy in my guitar case, he got me the start in the Irish Embassy support to the Saw Doctors & then Mike Hanrahan.we walked Castleisland and drank tea at his place in Quincy. He spoke very fondly of you.When in Boston in the early days I stayed at the Embassey Hostel above the pub. Mc Ganns is still going strong,I remember Tommy showing me around it as it was being built, he was so proud of the Irish Dresser behind the bar.He loved the songs and music above all else and helped all who were lucky enoungh to encounter his friendship.played the 17th March also and was home before 10pm , I enjoy the banter minus the booze at the gigs, Ban Gardia at every corner lookin to pull you over.Enjoy the Mainland gigs , any movement on a internet gig?.Swallows are flyin , Summer is tryin to appear,won’t be long now.Take Care of yourself Christy, all the best Fin”The Piper, Poet & Song” rest easy Seamus /Tommy we won’t see your likes again.
I first met Tommy back in the early days of McGannsinf Doolin . Back then, circa 1976, Tommy and his brother Tony were running that great rambling-house. The hospitality,the music and the porter were top shelf. Later Tommy somehow managed to transport all the essential ingredients of hospitality to Boston. Ten years later I enjoyed the McGann experience allover again this time 3,000 miles from Doolin. Tommy had a way with him. He was always prepared to reach out a helping hand. Many young immigrants found their feet in foreign soil with a leg up from Tommy McGann. He is still sadly missed by many.
A shout out to Christy and Christy fans all over the world. ha!
I am not sure, exactly, why I am drawn to post on – bother- your web site Christy. It certainly isn’t from a lack of respect – though it may sound that way at times – since I often write, and post it, and then say to myself, ” Are you a Fricking idiot!”
Anyway, I don’t mean to be, or too sound too stupid. My heart really does come from a very good place, a musical place. So, maybe this is why I bother your site with all with my silly posts. Since, maybe I feel safe here, and welcomed; even though, I don’t have the ingrained knowledge and understanding that comes from growing up in Ireland. Please forgive me the ignorance of the wisdom ( and humor) – that may come from growing up in and even suffering in Ireland. But, the Irish music tradition, the Spirit, the Soul of us Irish, I assume. Yes, I will claim my Irish heritage though I was not born in Ireland. So, just please humor me. I’ll be your Irish village idiot. Ha! Christy, I think I will post less and will read YOUR chat posts more. Ha!God bless to you all! From the village idiot. Ha!
steady on there…thou doth lower thyself far too much for our liking….get back up on your hind legs for jasus sake
Christy, really looking forward to your gig in the barrowlands friday week. Have always been a big fan but probably listen to your music more now that im living across the pond. See you next week 🙂
we’ll hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road
Hello christy,
Me and the girlfriend are heading over to the barrowlands to see you Friday week, I know you said there you don’t work to a set list, but if you end up playing the song ‘beeswing’ could you shout it to my girlfriend Kate if possible, thanks!!
at the Church of Ceilí, beneath the carousel of healing,….we’ll rock and roll and boogie the night away
Hey Christy,
Am coming to your gig in London on Good Friday with the wife(first for her). Heard you perform “Stitch in time” when I seen you and Dec last in the Odyssey Belfast. Would love to hear it again if poss? Also would love to hear your version of Passenger’s “Let her go” someday. Soon as I heard it, thought it would suit your style!
See you Good Friday
we’ll have to wait and see what the night brings Conor…Stitch has not been in the set this past couple of years…I dont work to a set list..as we walk out I call the first song to Declan and from then on its wherever the night leads us….see you on The Banks of the mighty Thames and we’ll go with the flow
Alright Christy… Any advice for a young folk singer from County Tyrone about to join the world of folkies in the north east of England?
no advice Keelan but I’m happy to share my experience…I was 21 in 1966 when I decided to hit the road and dedicate myself to becoming a full time singer….I had never written a song nor did I have any intention of even trying….I simply loved songs from the Tradition….looking back to that time I remember that my primary purpose was the pursuit of songs…next came my determination to be a singer..I travelled to every folk club I could reach in the hope of gaining a floor spot…I also listened and learned, I absorbed singing styles and finger styles….there were times when I had neither money, food nor accomodation but it mattered little ….I had freedom…I began to get my foot in the door in 1967.. support slots came in a few clubs and then I began to gain a few small gigs of my own….It was a different world then….it took years to gain access to the recording process…most of all I practiced and played constantly which I still do today…..Today I am glad to have had that long hard slog…It was there I served the apprenticeship that prepared me for the road that lay ahead
good man Christy, glad to see you’re still playing away 🙂
your music is keeping me sane while I’m working in England
hope to see you soon.
heading over there myself next week
Hi Christy, Had a poster of a Native American on my wall with the words”When the last ocean has been poisoned, When the last fish has been caught,When the last tree has been cut down, Only then shall we realize ,,,, That money cannot be eaten..I no longer have that poster, but I have never forgotten its meaning.I bought it at a flee market in London over 24 years ago, because it is so true.why do we spend so much on looking for life in space?, when we can’t even take care of the planet we live on..And if there is life up there what a laugh they are having at us gombeens.” It won’t be long now says one UFO to the other” They might land on the curragh.Love the chat Christy& will never forget Anne. Take care , all my best to the family .Debs headin to Bognia in July / August with Taylor & Les, meself and the madra are stayin in Boston watching the night sky for movements of any sort and report directly to NASA or NSA .If I have any update I’ll send via pigeon”Wires Crossed” Love Fin
Good man Fin….the dog will mind you til the lads get back..are you gigging in Boston these days?..is McGanns still going?…I often think of my trips over..used to love meeting Tommy McGann and playing his club…just passed the spot last week where his journey ended R.I.P. Gigs going well here. Heading to Scotland and England next week for a bit of a jaunt..will catch up with a few old buddies and meet a few rapscallions
Sorry Christy and folks. This was the post I meant to leave. But Jimmy, because of my goof, they got to know you a little bit better.
Man, Jimmy, we miss you!