Hi Christy, only seems like yesterday, we were all down in Lisdon. didnt think it was 4 years this April,good times ,Must stock up on the Irish rose for the uk gigs lol, the never ending tour continues . have a safe trip to uk,
Christy's reply
hope to see you at a sound check soon….20 feet from Stardom is a superb movie for all lovers of the human voice…catch it if you can
So ashamed!!! I just looked and saw i put Christie not CHRISTY!! What a dipstick!! Deep shame, please forgive me! Sinead will give me lots of grief when she see’s!! Ashamed of Essex!
Christy's reply
for jasus sake go easy on the shame button there Eddy…the job is oxo
Hi Christie,
Sitting here listening to one of my all time favourite tracks The Cliffs of Doneen, wonderful. My wife Sinead and i saw you last year at The Festival Hall London, we will be back this month to see you again. Really looking forward to it, i hope you are well and that Declan is too! Take care and keep rockin’. Eddy.
Christy's reply
take a view o’er the mountains Eddy …watch out for Billy Goats when the rut is on
Hello Christy,
It was with great sadness I read this morning of the death of the gifted singer songwriter Jesse Winchester. I first heard of Jesse at a Declan Sinnott gig many many years ago when Declan sang one of his songs and I was hooked for ever…
His talent will always be with us… RIP Jesse Winchester. RyanL
Christy's reply
I still remember Declan bringing “Black Dog” to a Moving Hearts rehearsal….may Jessie rest in peace when he passes….the old dog aint gone yet
Hi christy, hope all is well today really enjoyed last evening in prosperous the two boys were unreal liam og is something else , just been out there in a place that has such a connection with urself and the planxty members im sure a book could be wrote on stories from that house alone and to get to chat to yeah just rounded off a super evening.thanks again christy and as I said give me a shout anytime at all if I can be of any service to you im up around ur way all the time.keep her going christy all the very best enjoy barrowland next week.
Christy's reply
Morra Paul..that was an amazing recital of music..Liam at his very best and Paddy tucked in perfectly beside him….twas like there notes betimes were coming from one instrument….great too to see Liam so at ease and enjoying the fun of the evening.great to see you there and to have the wee chat at the interval…
Morning Christy. Just over 24 hours ago my beloved mother passed away. Mag Hall from The Barracks has gone to bring joy elsewhere. She will be greatly missed. Your brother’s song ‘Sanctuary’ is comforting me this morning. The next time you sing ‘John O’ Dreams’, be it on stage or quietly to yourself, please cast a thought her way. She was always proud of Christy – “one of our own”. Thanks.
Christy's reply
Dear Richard..I am saddened by this news..I remember your Mother very well… back in our teens we went to the same dances in Lawlors Ballroom in Naas, Dreamland in Athy and the Town Hall in Newbridge….its gonna be a sad time for you and the family…I’ll sing John O Dream for “Mags”
Hey Christy, love to see u in Switzerland some time? Would be great. cheers
Christy's reply
its been a long time since…memories of Nyon Festival with Planxty in the 70s…solo gigs in the 70’s -80’s, Basel,Berne,Zurich and a brace of other Swiss Towns…I recall a great Swiss Tour with my old comrade Jimmy Faulkner when we yodelled our way around Switzerland in an old van with two guitars and some fine Thai grass….we ascended to the highest peaks every night ..its over 30 years now since I enjoyed Swiss Hospitality but the memory of it all is warm and enchanting
Well Christy.cracking gig in the hub last weekend. Rocky road to Dublin was outta the blue. Love the updated version of Biko drum. How did the forum go on Sunday? Best of luck on the international leg of the tour next week. Roll on the Iveagh gardens!
Christy's reply
being the last night at the Forum there was sadness in the air..nevertheless it was a grand night and Ciaran and his staff got a good send off..we wish them well with their next project and we thank Ciaran for 25 years of great gigs
Oh, yes – that April weekend 2010 in Lisdoonvarna – never seen a better one … Precious memories of the most beautiful live music around the clock, only interrupted now and then by chatting with friends, climbing mountains and grabbing bits of sleep and food … Didn’t we have perfect summer weather, the best company you could wish for and the finest musicians? Sometimes, as time goes by, it seems like a dream … So glad we could be there – my gratitude towards those who made this weekend so special will never cease …
Christy's reply
Dear Petra, Brian, Lar and Hilary and Olivia..thats a lovely memory of our gathering, hard to believe that 4 years have elapsed since we hung out in Lisdoonvarna…hopefully we can do it again sometime …..in the meantime, thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement in all that goes to make up this community of ours that has emerged these past years..see you along the way be it Lisdoon, Hamburg, Knocknagoshel, Carré, Ros or Mother Redcaps, whatever auld kip we end up in we’ll have a chant a few ballads, knock back a few mugs of tea, we may even sing a verse or two of magnum laundry or bee swings …Adam will bring the Irish Rose, the Rose will bring Tobelrones, we wont have a tooth left by the time this neverending tour is over……PS lovely that our dear friend Jim has been referenced…I still sense his presence when I return to certain venues or sing certain songs…he was a pillar among us, always ready for a laugh no matter how hard the day might be
Christy's reply
Dear Petra, Brian, Lar and Hilary and Olivia..thats a lovely memory of our gathering, hard to believe that 4 years have elapsed since we hung out in Lisdoonvarna…hopefully we can do it again sometime …..in the meantime, thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement,for all that goes to make up this community that has emerged these past years..see you along the way, be it in Lisdoon, Hamburg, Knocknagoshel, Carré, Ros or Mother Redcaps, whatever auld kip we end up in we’ll chant a few ballads, knock back a few mugs of tea, we may even sing a verse or two of magnum laundry or bee swings …Adam will bring the Irish Rose, the Rose will bring Tobelrones, we wont have a tooth left by the time this neverending tour is over……PS lovely that our dear
friend Jim has been referenced…I still sense his presence when I return to certain venues or sing certain songs…he was a pillar among us, always ready for a laugh no matter how hard the day might be….Up Down…two bumps josie, look out forToten Hosen, rev up the Honda 50 and we’ll traverse the Black Valley
I wish all the best to Christy, Declan, Michael D, Paddy D, and all the crew as they prepare to travel for their gigs in Scotland, Manchester & London. I’m sure there will be a right good time had by all. I will be at The Barras, shinpads on, ready for a songfest..come all you dreamers…safest of travelling y’all. Great memories stirred ther by Liv, The Rose and our Dutch supplier, it was so memorable..very very special..KK’s showcase in the back room, Wally, The packed lunch headin off on the bus to climb a mountain..Adam and his camera..Kevin, Rory, all our pals from Europe….it was a mighty , mighty time. I think of Jim McCrann very often, I remember he was asked a couple of times over weekend to ‘pick a song’…he chose Natives & No Time For Love..Livs post has stirred something here, along with some great memories..see ya up the stairs
Four years since the gathering in Lisdoonvarna, time for another one.
Ten years since the first 4711ers got in touch, I’m happy al lot of us are still good friends and I’m looking forward to seeing a Pack of them in Scotland next week.
Hi All . Well said and remembered Liv, my lady,,, it was a defining few days,, for all those reasons and not forgetting the weather !!,, I saw my first swallow of the year on the way to Lisdoon that day with Angela and Jim (RIP ) in the car. Off on another musical jaunt today, not too sure about the swallow I do know the 4711ers are constant as is the welcome and generosity of the crew and gifts and genius of the singers. Beir bua agus beannacht. H
With all this talk of the Grand National tomorrow, my mind is cast back to Lisdoonvarna and I wonder if it has really been 4 years since the gathering. The real gathering that is, none of that touristy folderol. 🙂 The gathering where we learned and shared insights into the work, where we learned that Brian loves nothing better than a spin on the honda 50 and where Scally discovered that limestone rock makes good growing ground for iceberg lettuce. He’s still trying to solve that one :-). Where we were warmly welcomed into the Royal Spa, where we listened, in awe, not only to songs which are old friends and stalwarts in the concert repertoire, but mostly to songs that were aired again after a long period of absence and were welcomed back. Some of these renditions fell on my ears for the first time, yet somehow awakened something in me, some ancestral memory perhaps, as the old collectors and singers were acknowledged and remembered, as the bowrawn echoed on the night, and we sat in rapture and in thanks to all those who wrote, adapted, renewed, carried and preserved these songs over the years, including your good self. It was a significant reminder of the breadth and variety of your repertoire. There were teary eyes in the audience on that Friday night. You once said that there are three things- the song, the singer and the listener-that, when brought together, create the magic that sometimes happens at gigs. That was one of those nights. That was a special weekend and I’ll never forget it, any of it. Thank you. And thanks too to the 4711er comrades I met along the way that helped create those memories. X
Hello Christy. This is a bit cheeky but if you are playing Honda 50 in edinburgh next week could you dedicate it to our 8 year old son Cameron. We are bringing him to see you and it is his current favourite song of yours. We are going to be in the upper circle. Cheers
Was a dreadful thing, over a hundred people in the pub on a Friday night – having a drink, some craic and listening to the band – and then a helicopter literally drops out of the sky on top of them.
10 fatalities and nearly 40 injured, but it could have been so much worse. Thoughts and prayers still with all affected.
Wondered then whether there was any chance you might be up for singing the Stardust song (They Never Came Home) at The Barras? It’s a powerful, mighty song and would have a certain resonance, given what’s happened.
Frankie, think they are pulling the wool over our eyes. This “geep” would make a great Kildare bodhran for Christy.. Paddy Murphys is a good music pub in Ballymore Eustace.
There’s a good article on the BBC news website this morning. A farmer from Kildare named Paddy Murphy (I kid you not) has been surprised by one of his sheep giving birth to a hybrid ‘Geep’. This is apparently a cross between a sheep and a goat. There’s a picture on the website too. He has things sewn up, Mr Murphy as apart from having the farm he also owns a pub in Ballymore Eustace where he he has been showing off his new arrival. There’s a headline in the local paper which reads ‘Ewe gotta be kidding’. Made me chuckle on another wet Friday in Oldham. I live out close to the Saddleworth Moors and the heavy fog hasn’t lifted for days from the hills. Their beauty will return to my eyes soon no doubt. Reading posts of your coming gig in Manchester saddens me. I will be in Nerja in Spain for a family holiday. Still, I shall think of you all and wish you all a great night. I’ve nearly got Barrowland off now and might try it out at the open mic night next week.
Take care of yourself and yours.
Hi Christy, only seems like yesterday, we were all down in Lisdon. didnt think it was 4 years this April,good times ,Must stock up on the Irish rose for the uk gigs lol, the never ending tour continues . have a safe trip to uk,
hope to see you at a sound check soon….20 feet from Stardom is a superb movie for all lovers of the human voice…catch it if you can
So ashamed!!! I just looked and saw i put Christie not CHRISTY!! What a dipstick!! Deep shame, please forgive me! Sinead will give me lots of grief when she see’s!! Ashamed of Essex!
for jasus sake go easy on the shame button there Eddy…the job is oxo
Hi Christie,
Sitting here listening to one of my all time favourite tracks The Cliffs of Doneen, wonderful. My wife Sinead and i saw you last year at The Festival Hall London, we will be back this month to see you again. Really looking forward to it, i hope you are well and that Declan is too! Take care and keep rockin’. Eddy.
take a view o’er the mountains Eddy …watch out for Billy Goats when the rut is on
Hello Christy,
It was with great sadness I read this morning of the death of the gifted singer songwriter Jesse Winchester. I first heard of Jesse at a Declan Sinnott gig many many years ago when Declan sang one of his songs and I was hooked for ever…
His talent will always be with us… RIP Jesse Winchester. RyanL
I still remember Declan bringing “Black Dog” to a Moving Hearts rehearsal….may Jessie rest in peace when he passes….the old dog aint gone yet
Hi christy, hope all is well today really enjoyed last evening in prosperous the two boys were unreal liam og is something else , just been out there in a place that has such a connection with urself and the planxty members im sure a book could be wrote on stories from that house alone and to get to chat to yeah just rounded off a super evening.thanks again christy and as I said give me a shout anytime at all if I can be of any service to you im up around ur way all the time.keep her going christy all the very best enjoy barrowland next week.
Morra Paul..that was an amazing recital of music..Liam at his very best and Paddy tucked in perfectly beside him….twas like there notes betimes were coming from one instrument….great too to see Liam so at ease and enjoying the fun of the evening.great to see you there and to have the wee chat at the interval…
Morning Christy. Just over 24 hours ago my beloved mother passed away. Mag Hall from The Barracks has gone to bring joy elsewhere. She will be greatly missed. Your brother’s song ‘Sanctuary’ is comforting me this morning. The next time you sing ‘John O’ Dreams’, be it on stage or quietly to yourself, please cast a thought her way. She was always proud of Christy – “one of our own”. Thanks.
Dear Richard..I am saddened by this news..I remember your Mother very well… back in our teens we went to the same dances in Lawlors Ballroom in Naas, Dreamland in Athy and the Town Hall in Newbridge….its gonna be a sad time for you and the family…I’ll sing John O Dream for “Mags”
Hey Christy, love to see u in Switzerland some time? Would be great. cheers
its been a long time since…memories of Nyon Festival with Planxty in the 70s…solo gigs in the 70’s -80’s, Basel,Berne,Zurich and a brace of other Swiss Towns…I recall a great Swiss Tour with my old comrade Jimmy Faulkner when we yodelled our way around Switzerland in an old van with two guitars and some fine Thai grass….we ascended to the highest peaks every night ..its over 30 years now since I enjoyed Swiss Hospitality but the memory of it all is warm and enchanting
Well Christy.cracking gig in the hub last weekend. Rocky road to Dublin was outta the blue. Love the updated version of Biko drum. How did the forum go on Sunday? Best of luck on the international leg of the tour next week. Roll on the Iveagh gardens!
being the last night at the Forum there was sadness in the air..nevertheless it was a grand night and Ciaran and his staff got a good send off..we wish them well with their next project and we thank Ciaran for 25 years of great gigs
Oh, yes – that April weekend 2010 in Lisdoonvarna – never seen a better one … Precious memories of the most beautiful live music around the clock, only interrupted now and then by chatting with friends, climbing mountains and grabbing bits of sleep and food … Didn’t we have perfect summer weather, the best company you could wish for and the finest musicians? Sometimes, as time goes by, it seems like a dream … So glad we could be there – my gratitude towards those who made this weekend so special will never cease …
Dear Petra, Brian, Lar and Hilary and Olivia..thats a lovely memory of our gathering, hard to believe that 4 years have elapsed since we hung out in Lisdoonvarna…hopefully we can do it again sometime …..in the meantime, thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement in all that goes to make up this community of ours that has emerged these past years..see you along the way be it Lisdoon, Hamburg, Knocknagoshel, Carré, Ros or Mother Redcaps, whatever auld kip we end up in we’ll have a chant a few ballads, knock back a few mugs of tea, we may even sing a verse or two of magnum laundry or bee swings …Adam will bring the Irish Rose, the Rose will bring Tobelrones, we wont have a tooth left by the time this neverending tour is over……PS lovely that our dear friend Jim has been referenced…I still sense his presence when I return to certain venues or sing certain songs…he was a pillar among us, always ready for a laugh no matter how hard the day might be
Dear Petra, Brian, Lar and Hilary and Olivia..thats a lovely memory of our gathering, hard to believe that 4 years have elapsed since we hung out in Lisdoonvarna…hopefully we can do it again sometime …..in the meantime, thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement,for all that goes to make up this community that has emerged these past years..see you along the way, be it in Lisdoon, Hamburg, Knocknagoshel, Carré, Ros or Mother Redcaps, whatever auld kip we end up in we’ll chant a few ballads, knock back a few mugs of tea, we may even sing a verse or two of magnum laundry or bee swings …Adam will bring the Irish Rose, the Rose will bring Tobelrones, we wont have a tooth left by the time this neverending tour is over……PS lovely that our dear
friend Jim has been referenced…I still sense his presence when I return to certain venues or sing certain songs…he was a pillar among us, always ready for a laugh no matter how hard the day might be….Up Down…two bumps josie, look out forToten Hosen, rev up the Honda 50 and we’ll traverse the Black Valley
I wish all the best to Christy, Declan, Michael D, Paddy D, and all the crew as they prepare to travel for their gigs in Scotland, Manchester & London. I’m sure there will be a right good time had by all. I will be at The Barras, shinpads on, ready for a songfest..come all you dreamers…safest of travelling y’all. Great memories stirred ther by Liv, The Rose and our Dutch supplier, it was so memorable..very very special..KK’s showcase in the back room, Wally, The packed lunch headin off on the bus to climb a mountain..Adam and his camera..Kevin, Rory, all our pals from Europe….it was a mighty , mighty time. I think of Jim McCrann very often, I remember he was asked a couple of times over weekend to ‘pick a song’…he chose Natives & No Time For Love..Livs post has stirred something here, along with some great memories..see ya up the stairs
Four years since the gathering in Lisdoonvarna, time for another one.
Ten years since the first 4711ers got in touch, I’m happy al lot of us are still good friends and I’m looking forward to seeing a Pack of them in Scotland next week.
Hi All . Well said and remembered Liv, my lady,,, it was a defining few days,, for all those reasons and not forgetting the weather !!,, I saw my first swallow of the year on the way to Lisdoon that day with Angela and Jim (RIP ) in the car. Off on another musical jaunt today, not too sure about the swallow I do know the 4711ers are constant as is the welcome and generosity of the crew and gifts and genius of the singers. Beir bua agus beannacht. H
With all this talk of the Grand National tomorrow, my mind is cast back to Lisdoonvarna and I wonder if it has really been 4 years since the gathering. The real gathering that is, none of that touristy folderol. 🙂 The gathering where we learned and shared insights into the work, where we learned that Brian loves nothing better than a spin on the honda 50 and where Scally discovered that limestone rock makes good growing ground for iceberg lettuce. He’s still trying to solve that one :-). Where we were warmly welcomed into the Royal Spa, where we listened, in awe, not only to songs which are old friends and stalwarts in the concert repertoire, but mostly to songs that were aired again after a long period of absence and were welcomed back. Some of these renditions fell on my ears for the first time, yet somehow awakened something in me, some ancestral memory perhaps, as the old collectors and singers were acknowledged and remembered, as the bowrawn echoed on the night, and we sat in rapture and in thanks to all those who wrote, adapted, renewed, carried and preserved these songs over the years, including your good self. It was a significant reminder of the breadth and variety of your repertoire. There were teary eyes in the audience on that Friday night. You once said that there are three things- the song, the singer and the listener-that, when brought together, create the magic that sometimes happens at gigs. That was one of those nights. That was a special weekend and I’ll never forget it, any of it. Thank you. And thanks too to the 4711er comrades I met along the way that helped create those memories. X
Hello Christy. This is a bit cheeky but if you are playing Honda 50 in edinburgh next week could you dedicate it to our 8 year old son Cameron. We are bringing him to see you and it is his current favourite song of yours. We are going to be in the upper circle. Cheers
make sure he wears his helmet and goggles
Coming to your Usher Hall gig, hope to catch up for a few moments if not wish you well. RH
great to hear from you..just sent email
Can’t wait for The Barras gig Christy, and it’s not long now.
Was wondering if you had heard about the helicopter that crashed into The Clutha Vaults, down on the Clydeside near the Scotia & the Victoria Bar last November? (link here: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Glasgow_helicopter_crash)
Was a dreadful thing, over a hundred people in the pub on a Friday night – having a drink, some craic and listening to the band – and then a helicopter literally drops out of the sky on top of them.
10 fatalities and nearly 40 injured, but it could have been so much worse. Thoughts and prayers still with all affected.
Wondered then whether there was any chance you might be up for singing the Stardust song (They Never Came Home) at The Barras? It’s a powerful, mighty song and would have a certain resonance, given what’s happened.
See you in the old hall next week regardless!
thats a good call Iain…
Frankie, think they are pulling the wool over our eyes. This “geep” would make a great Kildare bodhran for Christy.. Paddy Murphys is a good music pub in Ballymore Eustace.
hope you put the clock back in clough x
Morning Christy.
There’s a good article on the BBC news website this morning. A farmer from Kildare named Paddy Murphy (I kid you not) has been surprised by one of his sheep giving birth to a hybrid ‘Geep’. This is apparently a cross between a sheep and a goat. There’s a picture on the website too. He has things sewn up, Mr Murphy as apart from having the farm he also owns a pub in Ballymore Eustace where he he has been showing off his new arrival. There’s a headline in the local paper which reads ‘Ewe gotta be kidding’. Made me chuckle on another wet Friday in Oldham. I live out close to the Saddleworth Moors and the heavy fog hasn’t lifted for days from the hills. Their beauty will return to my eyes soon no doubt. Reading posts of your coming gig in Manchester saddens me. I will be in Nerja in Spain for a family holiday. Still, I shall think of you all and wish you all a great night. I’ve nearly got Barrowland off now and might try it out at the open mic night next week.
Take care of yourself and yours.
Blessed be Mags McIvor..lets canonise her
Really looking forward to the Bridgewater Christy – taking my 20 yr old son to his first Christy Moore concert – my work is done here!!
thats excellent…see you down the Mancunian Way
Ok, this is kind of silly, or powerful. My regret, that I never married the woman of my dreams and had a few kids with her.