Just looking out the window at a beautiful blue sky in Portugal before we take off and head back to greener pastures, was reading your new chat and found it intresting as always, last night strange enough I spent talking with Jimmy McCarthys brother (Desmond I think) in a bar in Albuferia and he spoke with pride about Jimmy and “Ride on ” amongst other things. There was a singer outside on the street (Daniel Kemish)trying to master his all time favorite Christy song “Ordinary Man” and when we chatted he insisted I pass on to you his own EP of wonderful original songs. Glor was an amazing gig as always and look forward to the spa again hopefully this year.
Just wanted to wish you a very belated Happy Birthday Christy! Hope to see you at a gig very soon. You’re a national treasure! Mx
Christy's reply
Thanks Moya….not so sure about National Treasure..would be a good name for a greyhound or a horse at Aintree….I just like being a ballad singer….Up Down
Hello, been a while since i checked in! last time the baby was cooking and came to see you in Lough Rynn with us! He is now here and the most precious little man. Live @ the point kept us company on the way to the hospital and kept my mind off the contractions!!! Still emotional as daddy hasnt stayed but we’ll be ok. Hope to catch you again soon but not sure who id want to accompany me, just wont be the same…..
You’ve been so kind and gracious towards me. I don’t know how to return the respect and thanks for that.
I have – sort of – worn out my welcome. I apologize for that. Meaning, I don’t want to dishonor how kind and patient you’ve been towards me and I might say, how you have been quite loving towards me. I think you have an understanding how much I am isolated and am a lonely man. Maybe I am reading too much into it. But, that is how I perceive your patience with me. And, it is much appreciated.
I will not bore this site much longer, but, I want to share this rant. I have no expectations that you would, or will, share it with your fans . But I at least hope you Christy will watch it. Thanks kind Man. Yes, I looked up the translation of the last sign off. You are kind towards me. Her is the rant. I was on fire I tell you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cxcj-G08jM&list=UUnsUaXejSLQrfjyszAaOGcA
Christy's reply
Hey Cara…if you feel you have “worn out your welcome” you gotta take ownership of that feeling….it does not emanate from here…thanks for your rant collage…ok, so it took you 15 minutes to get to the point but what a journey you shared getting while there…Bush-AT&T-The Rotscschilds and Rotschweilers…Chicago Bath Houses-Confessions of an Economic Hitman..Rep Corp and Dem Corp ALL THE SAME ( love that)…..Palestine, Netanahu,Monsanto, …..many of us know about lonliness….some are content in their lonliness long as they got a soothing bottle…some had to put the bottle down to find a fresh beginning….others could not bear the thought and fair play to them….you intimate that you will share no more rant collages….maybe send us the odd one
“Come All you young rebels and list while I sing
for the love of ones Country is a terrible thing
it banishes fear with the speed of a flame
and makes us all part of The Patriot Game” ( Dominic Behan)
Heya CM, the ears were burning…..talk of the high, high mountains and all…
Wishing like heck I could be catching some gigs…the fuel in the tank for live music needs a desperate topping off. Still going off the fumes from Bantry a few years back!!!
Thank God, Cillian Vallely was in town last week ! I was on my last legs…but he was great medicine! Send a few tunes over the water…we’re desperate…..
Christy's reply
we’ll keep singing out as long as we got aair in our lungs..shine on
Hi Christy, I’m really looking forward to seeing and hearing you again at the inec on Saturday night. I can’t imagine what it will be like without Declan but I’m sure the boys with you will make it another great night. I usually ask you to sing something for me but last year some fella from Derry stood up and asked you to sing a song for his mom and you were just about to sing my song!! So I’m hoping you will sing something for me this time. I’d love to hear The Contender or Companeros if you can fit it in. Thanks Christy see you on Saturday please God.
I had a comment here but it went for moderation or something but was just commenting on the 2 great nights in Glor in Ennis a few weeks back, they were just brilliant..we had a chat after n the local, Hil, Uwe , Petra and meself, just thinkin of all the songs that we’d love to hear with Martín, Cathal, Jimmy & Seamie…I think Poor Deportees would work lovely, St.Brendan, Cont Ceilí, Christy Roved Out, and many more..and agree with Petras earlier comment, the sound was excellenet. Highlight for me was E.McColls First Time Ever…it was simply beautiful..worth the trip alone for that. Hope all is great.
May see ye all in Killarney..safe travels all.
Christy's reply
“she wrote her number down on your paper cuff” …. dont know what was moderated on you or who does what…maybe the auld madra ate it…I love singin that First Time Ever..one of the great songs of the world…just 5 more gigs with The Trad Outfit and we’ll go our separate ways for a while but hopefully get it going again before too long..we finish this leg of the tour in Iveagh gardens in July…Im doing a gig in newbridge with King Modo..had a play yesterday with two hometown boys..great time in the old home town. we rehearsed for 5 hours just 100 yards from where this journey started
Dear Christy, I hope your are well. I think I have just noticed that ye have chords for Fairytale of New York on yer lyrics page. I just wanted to say thank you very much. XOX
Had a feeling you thought Thursday. No bother, you are very busy these days and someone told me you mentioned Dad and O’Connors Pub on the Thursday. Thanks for that.
Best of luck to all five ( wrongly wrote four in last message, sorry) of you.
Take care,
Christy's reply
maybe next time Kenny..hope all is well around the great lake
Am just thrilled to read John Spillane’s ringing endorsement of Boyle on his facebook page arising from his recent visit. Looking forward to seeing it feature on Spillane na Fánaí and am so pleased that John Reilly and the Grehan Sisters are getting a nod alongside Moone Boy and Chris O’Dowd. And the Da will be pleased to see James Daly and Lay Him Away on the Hillside featuring too. 😉 looking forward to hearing the old ballads again in the Ros, if I can bate down the M4 in time 🙂
Christy's reply
There will be a concert in Boyle on June 26th with myself and The Grehan Sisters. We will celebrate the life and songs of John “Jacko” Reilly. All proceeds towards a fund to erect a memorial Plaque to John in the town. I’m really looking forward to hearing Marie, Francie and Helen sing again….they played a large part in helping me get a foot in the door of England’s folk clubs and it was through their music that I first encountered the songs of John Reilly
Hi Christy,
Just arrived back in Hamburg after three days in Salthill. The concert on Friday was excellent and the music from all four of you on stage really gelled together.
I had the chance to meet my uncle Benny O’Connor on Saturday and he told me some lovely stories from the past days at CJ’s. Can you believe he was 80 last month?
Anyway, thanks again for the great gig. It really made the trip over worth it. Good luck with the remaining gigs to all four of you .
All the best,
Kenny O’Connor
Christy's reply
I thought you were coming on the Thursday!! I mis read your previous post. I dedicated Lisdoonvarna to you on the Thursday night…Shite and Onions !…sorry about that Kenny..heard an amazing band in Dublin last night. They are called ALDOC….They are based in Germany and their leader is a Dub …Alan Doherty…..MEGA….sorry I missed you..I drove past O’Connor’s Salthill on fri after the gig in Leisureland..I was tempted to run in but did lost the nerve….50 years ago I had have been in like flynn…tell Benny I was askin for him
Sorry to hear that the demise of 4711ers.org may prove to be long term – hopefully sense will prevail and the embers can be nursed back to a flame. That site has brought so many of us together and taken us down various different roads of learning and sharing. Lazing about here after a hectic weekend and looking forward to the Belfast gigs at the end of the month – seems so long since my last Christy gig and feeling the loss of it. Plenty of music of all sorts this last couple of months though – we’d be lost without it. Keep well Christy and hope to see you soon.
I had one of those visits this from one of those future councillors tonight and he asked what I would like to see happen to the town?? Well I told him I want to see a bronze statue of Christy Moore in the centre of town, right at the post office so there is no fallen out come championship time!!
He taught it would be a brilliant idea but will need the vote to push it through??
I guess we will have to watch this space….
Christy's reply
the robbers would have it melted for scrap within a week
Hooray, after several years of not being able to log in to 4711, I logged in and am locked out of everything, boohoo!
This afternoon I listened to the BBC Radio 3 lunchtime concert which is billed as a ‘concert of early music fused with traditional folk and jazz-style improvisation’. Absolutely lovely, it was.
Anyway, Christy, it got to the third tune from the end of the programme and suddenly something was very familiar. It’s a Sicilian folk tune called Silenzio d’Amuri and it seems, to my ears, like part of Section 31 draws very heavily on that tune (or possibly it’s the other way round).
It’s Christy, and shades of him, that gently make his presence felt, yet again!
Christy's reply
everyone has been locked out without any explanation from the keyholder….that particular forum no longer exists…live goes on, there is a good moon and the stars still sparkle
Your song ” City of Chicago” is the story of my fathers family. The McCurrie’s came to Chicago during the famine. Your music is in my blood. Ty again Christy.
Christy's reply
That song was written by my brother Luka Bloom..he played in Chicago last week and is currently touring the USA
Hi All.. I bet the music is still echoing around the walls of Leisureland today,,, two very different gigs again,,,, same musicians,,same stage crew,,, different audiences,, from the moment Cal starts from the sound- desk the anticipation and excitement begins to build…and its not unusual for texts to start arriving from 4711ers,,,, some of whom are also sitting down to listen to some CM/ DS/ MOC band music maybe here on the Island but also at whatever time it may be around the globe…these gigs are so rich and powerful,,,,with the few solo songs to start and then the other men in black emerge to add their magic to the gigs,, and deliver over 2 hours of magic until the grand climax of Lisdoon or Joxer as encore or maybe a more gentle RIde On.. ,, It seems today is World Fiddle Day…enjoy http://youtu.be/MKreRX7JG_o Beir bua agus beannacht,, H
Christy's reply
wishing all Baltimore (West Cork) Fiddlers a rollicking weekend…the Fiddle Fair there is a great celebration of music..we attended it twice over the years and always left sated and satisifed……shite! I just realised I’m a week late…allow me to send my good wishes ahead to next years Baltimore Fiddle Fair !
Coming through Galway City last night I passed a large piece of Maser like graffiti. It was on a hoarding down by the harbour. All it said was:
Yes, we are under the spell of those who pull the strings.Those faceless (almost) nameless few who sit, smugly aloft, upon their global pile of shit. They pass control on seamlessly from generation to generation.They move, with stealth, around the globe.They are everywhere we are not.You hit the nail on the head last night.They run the guns ‘n drugs, control the very seed,decide who is going to hold the reins,whats going to be in the water, they have saddled Mother Nature and are getting ready to ride her into the very dust from whence we came…… I have to get up now and make the porridge…have a nice weekend me auld segocia
Just looking out the window at a beautiful blue sky in Portugal before we take off and head back to greener pastures, was reading your new chat and found it intresting as always, last night strange enough I spent talking with Jimmy McCarthys brother (Desmond I think) in a bar in Albuferia and he spoke with pride about Jimmy and “Ride on ” amongst other things. There was a singer outside on the street (Daniel Kemish)trying to master his all time favorite Christy song “Ordinary Man” and when we chatted he insisted I pass on to you his own EP of wonderful original songs. Glor was an amazing gig as always and look forward to the spa again hopefully this year.
God bless
Look up.its Aer Lingus
Just wanted to wish you a very belated Happy Birthday Christy! Hope to see you at a gig very soon. You’re a national treasure! Mx
Thanks Moya….not so sure about National Treasure..would be a good name for a greyhound or a horse at Aintree….I just like being a ballad singer….Up Down
Hello, been a while since i checked in! last time the baby was cooking and came to see you in Lough Rynn with us! He is now here and the most precious little man. Live @ the point kept us company on the way to the hospital and kept my mind off the contractions!!! Still emotional as daddy hasnt stayed but we’ll be ok. Hope to catch you again soon but not sure who id want to accompany me, just wont be the same…..
which Aisling is this?
You’ve been so kind and gracious towards me. I don’t know how to return the respect and thanks for that.
I have – sort of – worn out my welcome. I apologize for that. Meaning, I don’t want to dishonor how kind and patient you’ve been towards me and I might say, how you have been quite loving towards me. I think you have an understanding how much I am isolated and am a lonely man. Maybe I am reading too much into it. But, that is how I perceive your patience with me. And, it is much appreciated.
I will not bore this site much longer, but, I want to share this rant. I have no expectations that you would, or will, share it with your fans . But I at least hope you Christy will watch it. Thanks kind Man. Yes, I looked up the translation of the last sign off. You are kind towards me. Her is the rant. I was on fire I tell you.
Hey Cara…if you feel you have “worn out your welcome” you gotta take ownership of that feeling….it does not emanate from here…thanks for your rant collage…ok, so it took you 15 minutes to get to the point but what a journey you shared getting while there…Bush-AT&T-The Rotscschilds and Rotschweilers…Chicago Bath Houses-Confessions of an Economic Hitman..Rep Corp and Dem Corp ALL THE SAME ( love that)…..Palestine, Netanahu,Monsanto, …..many of us know about lonliness….some are content in their lonliness long as they got a soothing bottle…some had to put the bottle down to find a fresh beginning….others could not bear the thought and fair play to them….you intimate that you will share no more rant collages….maybe send us the odd one
“Come All you young rebels and list while I sing
for the love of ones Country is a terrible thing
it banishes fear with the speed of a flame
and makes us all part of The Patriot Game” ( Dominic Behan)
Heya CM, the ears were burning…..talk of the high, high mountains and all…
Wishing like heck I could be catching some gigs…the fuel in the tank for live music needs a desperate topping off. Still going off the fumes from Bantry a few years back!!!
Thank God, Cillian Vallely was in town last week ! I was on my last legs…but he was great medicine! Send a few tunes over the water…we’re desperate…..
we’ll keep singing out as long as we got aair in our lungs..shine on
That’s great Christy thanks.
Hi Christy, I’m really looking forward to seeing and hearing you again at the inec on Saturday night. I can’t imagine what it will be like without Declan but I’m sure the boys with you will make it another great night. I usually ask you to sing something for me but last year some fella from Derry stood up and asked you to sing a song for his mom and you were just about to sing my song!! So I’m hoping you will sing something for me this time. I’d love to hear The Contender or Companeros if you can fit it in. Thanks Christy see you on Saturday please God.
we’ll do our best Mike…
I had a comment here but it went for moderation or something but was just commenting on the 2 great nights in Glor in Ennis a few weeks back, they were just brilliant..we had a chat after n the local, Hil, Uwe , Petra and meself, just thinkin of all the songs that we’d love to hear with Martín, Cathal, Jimmy & Seamie…I think Poor Deportees would work lovely, St.Brendan, Cont Ceilí, Christy Roved Out, and many more..and agree with Petras earlier comment, the sound was excellenet. Highlight for me was E.McColls First Time Ever…it was simply beautiful..worth the trip alone for that. Hope all is great.
May see ye all in Killarney..safe travels all.
“she wrote her number down on your paper cuff” …. dont know what was moderated on you or who does what…maybe the auld madra ate it…I love singin that First Time Ever..one of the great songs of the world…just 5 more gigs with The Trad Outfit and we’ll go our separate ways for a while but hopefully get it going again before too long..we finish this leg of the tour in Iveagh gardens in July…Im doing a gig in newbridge with King Modo..had a play yesterday with two hometown boys..great time in the old home town. we rehearsed for 5 hours just 100 yards from where this journey started
Dear Christy, I hope your are well. I think I have just noticed that ye have chords for Fairytale of New York on yer lyrics page. I just wanted to say thank you very much. XOX
The bells are ringin out
just a test…all in moderation..
Had a feeling you thought Thursday. No bother, you are very busy these days and someone told me you mentioned Dad and O’Connors Pub on the Thursday. Thanks for that.
Best of luck to all five ( wrongly wrote four in last message, sorry) of you.
Take care,
maybe next time Kenny..hope all is well around the great lake
Am just thrilled to read John Spillane’s ringing endorsement of Boyle on his facebook page arising from his recent visit. Looking forward to seeing it feature on Spillane na Fánaí and am so pleased that John Reilly and the Grehan Sisters are getting a nod alongside Moone Boy and Chris O’Dowd. And the Da will be pleased to see James Daly and Lay Him Away on the Hillside featuring too. 😉 looking forward to hearing the old ballads again in the Ros, if I can bate down the M4 in time 🙂
There will be a concert in Boyle on June 26th with myself and The Grehan Sisters. We will celebrate the life and songs of John “Jacko” Reilly. All proceeds towards a fund to erect a memorial Plaque to John in the town. I’m really looking forward to hearing Marie, Francie and Helen sing again….they played a large part in helping me get a foot in the door of England’s folk clubs and it was through their music that I first encountered the songs of John Reilly
Hi Christy,
Just arrived back in Hamburg after three days in Salthill. The concert on Friday was excellent and the music from all four of you on stage really gelled together.
I had the chance to meet my uncle Benny O’Connor on Saturday and he told me some lovely stories from the past days at CJ’s. Can you believe he was 80 last month?
Anyway, thanks again for the great gig. It really made the trip over worth it. Good luck with the remaining gigs to all four of you .
All the best,
Kenny O’Connor
I thought you were coming on the Thursday!! I mis read your previous post. I dedicated Lisdoonvarna to you on the Thursday night…Shite and Onions !…sorry about that Kenny..heard an amazing band in Dublin last night. They are called ALDOC….They are based in Germany and their leader is a Dub …Alan Doherty…..MEGA….sorry I missed you..I drove past O’Connor’s Salthill on fri after the gig in Leisureland..I was tempted to run in but did lost the nerve….50 years ago I had have been in like flynn…tell Benny I was askin for him
Sorry to hear that the demise of 4711ers.org may prove to be long term – hopefully sense will prevail and the embers can be nursed back to a flame. That site has brought so many of us together and taken us down various different roads of learning and sharing. Lazing about here after a hectic weekend and looking forward to the Belfast gigs at the end of the month – seems so long since my last Christy gig and feeling the loss of it. Plenty of music of all sorts this last couple of months though – we’d be lost without it. Keep well Christy and hope to see you soon.
see you on The Bog Meadow
Sounds like my kinda night Christy.
schnapps,chianti,porter and ouzo,pernod, vodka, sambucca,I love you so,………… ( Elvis / Git )
How ya Christy,
I had one of those visits this from one of those future councillors tonight and he asked what I would like to see happen to the town?? Well I told him I want to see a bronze statue of Christy Moore in the centre of town, right at the post office so there is no fallen out come championship time!!
He taught it would be a brilliant idea but will need the vote to push it through??
I guess we will have to watch this space….
the robbers would have it melted for scrap within a week
Hooray, after several years of not being able to log in to 4711, I logged in and am locked out of everything, boohoo!
This afternoon I listened to the BBC Radio 3 lunchtime concert which is billed as a ‘concert of early music fused with traditional folk and jazz-style improvisation’. Absolutely lovely, it was.
Anyway, Christy, it got to the third tune from the end of the programme and suddenly something was very familiar. It’s a Sicilian folk tune called Silenzio d’Amuri and it seems, to my ears, like part of Section 31 draws very heavily on that tune (or possibly it’s the other way round).
It’s Christy, and shades of him, that gently make his presence felt, yet again!
everyone has been locked out without any explanation from the keyholder….that particular forum no longer exists…live goes on, there is a good moon and the stars still sparkle
Your song ” City of Chicago” is the story of my fathers family. The McCurrie’s came to Chicago during the famine. Your music is in my blood. Ty again Christy.
That song was written by my brother Luka Bloom..he played in Chicago last week and is currently touring the USA
Hi All.. I bet the music is still echoing around the walls of Leisureland today,,, two very different gigs again,,,, same musicians,,same stage crew,,, different audiences,, from the moment Cal starts from the sound- desk the anticipation and excitement begins to build…and its not unusual for texts to start arriving from 4711ers,,,, some of whom are also sitting down to listen to some CM/ DS/ MOC band music maybe here on the Island but also at whatever time it may be around the globe…these gigs are so rich and powerful,,,,with the few solo songs to start and then the other men in black emerge to add their magic to the gigs,, and deliver over 2 hours of magic until the grand climax of Lisdoon or Joxer as encore or maybe a more gentle RIde On.. ,, It seems today is World Fiddle Day…enjoy http://youtu.be/MKreRX7JG_o Beir bua agus beannacht,, H
wishing all Baltimore (West Cork) Fiddlers a rollicking weekend…the Fiddle Fair there is a great celebration of music..we attended it twice over the years and always left sated and satisifed……shite! I just realised I’m a week late…allow me to send my good wishes ahead to next years Baltimore Fiddle Fair !
I understand, too many posts. But, if you want some political spunk, here is my rant on current affairs:
Coming through Galway City last night I passed a large piece of Maser like graffiti. It was on a hoarding down by the harbour. All it said was:
Yes, we are under the spell of those who pull the strings.Those faceless (almost) nameless few who sit, smugly aloft, upon their global pile of shit. They pass control on seamlessly from generation to generation.They move, with stealth, around the globe.They are everywhere we are not.You hit the nail on the head last night.They run the guns ‘n drugs, control the very seed,decide who is going to hold the reins,whats going to be in the water, they have saddled Mother Nature and are getting ready to ride her into the very dust from whence we came…… I have to get up now and make the porridge…have a nice weekend me auld segocia