Following your adventures from here, Christy. It appears that you’re having a grand time working in the new settings, enjoying a new palette of sounds. Such a joy when it comes together. Enjoyed the chat, and the mention. I have fond memories of those days and nights in Lisdoonvarna. Working up a few new songs here. Had a wonderful gig recently with songster Linda McRae. Best to ya. Here’s to a good long summer. May the sun shine on us all.
Thanks Christy, you are blessed with a great gift. Thank you for sharing it with us. Enjoyed the show. The Tyrone man is some fiddler. Bob, Maureen and Bernie.
Bit of chat here & there about songs that we’d love to hear with band…I’ve had in me head the past few days “The Two Conneeleys” . The intros and outros of some of the songs workin so well…too many to name (or remember)….St.Brendan rocked Killarney tho…
Christy's reply
15 minutes to go here in The Waterfront….the expectation out front matched by the anticipation backstage..we got a gaggle of 4711ers in too.. from Derry,Germany, Liverpool and Kerry that I know of, plus 4 in from Chicago for the two nights to join the Antrim listeners in this great venue…..
Looking forward to seeing you in Waterfront in Belfast tonight (29 May). Please could you play a song for my son Paul Melaugh, who planned this trip to see you as a Christmas present. Paul presented me with a gorgeous granddaughter Charley on Christmas Day 2012, and she is instrumental in keeping me young in my golden years!
Thanks Christy!
Christy's reply
Hey there Golden Girl…..just ironing my keks here..gotta smarten up for tonights concert venue….this aint no Pound Loney we’re playin tonight…gotta keep up appearances…goin for the James Galway look…silk hanky in the breast pocket.. no golden flute like Sir James but we’ll do our best to rattle the cobwebs of The Waterfront ….Grand Children do change our perspective….there is no understanding it til we experience it….thanks for sharing
hello christy jim clarke speaking will miss gig in belfast .but wife barbara and friends will be there hope PD polo shirt fitted 41years this year if you can please play a song for her barbara clarke sorry again about missing gig but will catch one when home …………….ps out here with conmel company sepam….your life long fan jim
Christy's reply
no sweat Jim…greetings to all out there in the Desert Sands..its a grand soft May day here in Belfast,a cold wind blowing off The Lough as we prepare to serenade The Waterfront….I love playing in this great City, crossing The Bog Meadow beneath The Black Mountain
Alright Christy hows things? My name is Shane Mallon and I first went to see you when I was 15 you and decky played the odyssey in belfast. Since then I have seen you 12 times with tomorrow’s’ gig in the Waterfront being my 13th! Since then a lot has happened in my life and in fact just today I handed in my dissertation into college and I have totally finished university! To gauge the impact you’ve had on my life would be impossible. Thanks to you and planxty I took up the banjo and now my life has just centred around music so much so I don’t know what I’d have done without it!
Anyway, because i finished college this week and I’ve been such a great fan of yours over the years I was wondering could you play a song for me at the waterfront? (It would be the best way to celebrate finally finishing uni and embarking on the big bad world!) Maybe Allende or Before the deluge if it isn’t too much 🙂
Many, Many thanks
Shane Mallon
Christy's reply
good luck with your dissertation..I hope it takes you wherever you want to be….playing with a new band tonight, a Tyrone man among us on Fiddle- Cathal Hayden from Pomeroy…we have not yet played either of the songs you mention….
Hi Christy.
My wife Julie and I are going to see you on Friday night in the waterfront. We went to see you 10 years ago in Castlebar. We had got engaged earlier that day. After the gig we met you in the hotel and got our photos taken.
So here we are 10 years, 1 wedding and 3 kids later.
I was wondering if you could play us a request on Friday night as a surprise for Julie. Possibly “Voyage” if not that one anything else and a mention would be great……
Looking forward to the gig.
Thanks a million. Artie
Christy's reply
Artie…lets see what happens…we’ll do our best to have a good night but can not guarantee call outs..its all down to what way the wind blows
Hello Christy. Looking forward to Thursday night. It’ll be my 6th time seeing you. One of the best nights of my life was you singing with Chris Martin at oxegen! Headin to the land down under in August hopefully see you sometime soon. No time for love
Christy's reply
Good man Sean..hope you have a good trip up to Australia….its a great country to visit… the coming home is very sweet too…just tuning up here for tonight
I was at the barrowlands gig a month or two ago, fantastic gig ..I am not able to get tickets for the Belfast gigs which are sold out.
I would appreciate if you could find a few minutes as I am involved with a residents group and we are seeking funds for a legal campaign. Knowing your ideology portrayed in your music, I am sure that our cause would be compatible with your humanitarian views. Would love a chance to catchup for a brief few minutes during your stay in Belfast.
Kind regards,
Christy's reply
I got work to do while I’m here…prior commitments, rehearsals, sound checks and 2 gigs.gonna spend some time with family and old friends..then I gotta sleep, eat and wash me kecks..
Hello ! We are french, and we can’t speak english at all. But I play guitar, and I try, when alone, to sing the field, to sing the farm, and so on… We saw you in Killarney last saturday :You were so great ! Thanks for “Gortatagort”, one of my prefered song. And thanks for all ! We’ll try to see you in Westport in July. Listen you…
Christy's reply
Merde alors, Glorious Glandore, a lovely spot to sail the yacht…you have picked a beautiful song there..its author, The one and only John Spillane sings it in De Barras of Clonakilty where he plays ,once a month, every month, hair, rain or snow…au revoir for now, maybe see you in Westport mon ami…like you I am mono lingual but like to use the few drops of Francais any chance I get..soup de jour de France, very laissez faire as the President might say, Ms Le Pen is a right pain dans le derriere
HI Christy
You met Conor alot of years ago in Belfast and your contact with him was just brilliant
And we have never forgot your kindness
Conor Has now been nominated for a Broadway world award, voting ends this Friday 30th May.
Please vote for Conor and pass on to as many people as possible
Voting link awards
Click continue until you come to
Best Featured Actor in a Play
Click on Conor Macneill Cripple of Innishmann
Click continue to end
Many thanks
Ann O’ Neill
(Conor’s Mum )
Christy's reply
is that young Conor who came and sang at the soundcheck in The Waterfront some years back ?
Hi Christy!!
Enjoyed reading your New Chat this morning! Thanks for keeping us up to date with all the goings on…
I’m very much looking forward to seeing you and Declan play at the Waterfront this Friday! Been a while since I last seen you, but the music never changes. From as early as I can remember, your music has been a part of everyday life…
I got married in April to my best friend Andy – His birthday was on the 17th May. (Also, happy belated Birthday Wishes to you..!) I got him tickets for your concert as a present… I was wondering if it’s not too much could I request a song for all the young lovers and newlyweds out there?…the Voyage
Take Care Christy!!
Christy's reply
lets ride out the storm and see what way the wind blows…congrats
Hi Christy hope all is well with you, great to read your new chat I enjoyed reading it all but I think the line that struck me most was that you were 52 before you were happy with what you have been given, that’s good to know maybe we should all try our best to be ourselves. face the puck out and drive on all the best
Christy's reply
as John Doyle once said when asked how he dealt with ground hurling..” I do drop the blades down boy “
All is forgiven, Christy – I saw the photo. When I was reading about you and your Down hat, it made me think of my mother, who, upon hearing or recounting stories such as this, would then shake her head sadly and say, “Drink had been taken.” Actually, I was a big Down fan way back in the day when they were the only six-county team to win an All Ireland. In 1968, I had the team’s picture up on my bedroom wall in between Pink Floyd and the Clancy Brothers. (I was a mere babe-in-arms back then, she lies.) Talking of paper hats, it doesn’t seem so long ago that a hat was the only thing you might wear at a match, or you might be lucky enough to bring along a home-made flag. Nowadays, it’s all the designer gear of the day.
I was listening to a few songs at the weekend and wondering if you ever sing them. One was Eric Bogle’s “Now, I’m easy”. I like the Jim Brannigan version. The other was “Walker of the Snow” that Sean Tyrrell sings. I didn’t know until a while ago that the man who wrote that poem was Irish. I thought he was Canadian.
I hope you get over your cold, Christy, before you head north. Try TCP if you have a sore throat.
Agnes, I hope Dado is doing well. Congratulations on the competition.
Christy's reply
two fine songs you mention there…was not familiar with the Sean Tyrrell song…theres many the song I love to hear but cannot sing….its a bit like seeing clothes I’d love to wear but, trying them on, they neither fit nor suit ………Kildare flags nor hats were never a problem….a white hanky on a stick did the trick
The townhall was a disaste , Do you remember the day you were in london (I think)and the lad with the posh axcent (as cool as cool can be) wouldn’t let you sing morecombe bay? your guitar went out of tune and Deccie backed you and it was fós hiontach.?Do you remember that?
Well thats what happend but nobody saved the day I lightly strummed but the noise was awful. The sound check was fine but in the real show the low E slipped half way through and then the G slipped too I felt like screaming .I still sang though but didn’t win.
But I came 2nd in the fleadh in Ennis on Saturday and guess who came first ?…RS she got 1st
CS 9 RS 14
PS does the cuckoo come near you?
Christy's reply
its a terrible thing when the instrument goes out of tune…………………it was on the Andrew Marr Show on BBC TV that the director decided that, in his opinion, the song Morecambe Bay was unsuitable for purpose. I will always regret not walking away from the programme. Instead I sang Ewan MacColl’s “Sweet Thames Flow Softly”. I will never do that again………if that tuning problem arises again you could stop playing the guitar and continue unaccompanied…you have a lovely voice and the song itself is the most important thing……I have a bad old cold tonight and I’m tryin to get the cure before Belfast..the lemon and honey, the strepsils and lemsip, the dispirin and vick…if I did not have gigs I would pay no heed to it…singers cam be fierce bad patients when there are gigs wishes go dtí an clann go léir
Thanks Christy. If anyone did have a spare one lying about and the time I can be contacted at I’m based in Scotland at the moment. But no need to put anyone to too much trouble for it. Let the music keep our spirits high
Between matches and elections, it’s been quite a weekend and it’s not over yet. Eamon has just resigned, Ming is in, and Dublin 4 is going nuts at the election of so much riff-raff to the council. I laughed yesterday at the report of protestors outside the count in Castlebar who had trained their dog “to eat the arse off Enda Kenny.”
Back to matches. I have a bone to pick. A few days ago, in your response to Moyamoo (love that name), I spotted two words at the end – “Up Down” – and have been mulling over them all weekend. Since the replay was coming up, were you declaring support for Down (and you performing with a Tyrone boy right now)? Is it some esoteric musical reference, or maybe just a throwaway meaningless remark? Regardless, Tyrone won (without your support). It puzzled me since Moyamoo’s location was Dublin, but maybe I’m smoking crack and imagining things. This is very important, so explain yourself!!
The brother and niece were at the Friday night concert in Galway and loved it. The family are scattered around the country so they get to see you in all arts and parts, as my mother would say.
Have a great time up north, Christy. Up Tyrone.
Christy's reply
Many years ago I attended a Down match in Croker. Afterwards we adjourned to a porter shop in Dorset Street. When I awoke the next morning I was wearing a paper hat with Up Down written across the peak. Is any further explanation required.
Were you to look back across the Gallery on this site you might happen upon me wearing a county jersey ( not a pretty sight).However I plan to don a GAA jersey once again in the coming weeks but I doubt if it will make it into the gallery. Those Castlebar dogs will need the rabies injection if they fulfil their purpose. I heard Eamon on the wireless yesterday pledging leadership till the end of term.He must have got an earful from the Labour Knesset this morning.Inneresting times ahead as the cookie crumbles. Neo Nazis elected to European parliament but ,fear not,….Fianna Fáil are rising from the ashes and The Healy-Rae Empire is secure
Loved Killarney, last time I was there was sittin beside The Groover from Vancouver himself…I remember a ferry and a note explaining “The Cliffs….” was a Kerry song…have they not got enough ? 🙂
St.Brendan was Saturdays highlight for me, wanted it to last longer..took me right back to lashin on some vinyl OM album up in me room, singin along with a tennis racket as me guitar…4 right screamers behind me in the INEC, they had a great night..
Met KK down there with his mot and a fiend of mine from Elvisland, nice surprises both..
Sure ye couldnt walk in that rain…ready when you are…have a grand week, enjoy Belfast..
Christy's reply
I thought that was you screamin in Klarny… “love nor money would’nt get your nose inside the shop”…must keep that in the set….enjoyin the trad outfit enormously…Mairtín played some stunning notes, particulariy that break he took on the outro fo Gortatagort…Cathal too is stretching himself further each outing, I love his breaks….Sheamie shone on Matty and Beeswing and Jimmy just locks the groove in place right through….its a lovely place to be ,sitting amongst them, they bring fresh colour and then burst into the tune sets….talk soon me auld Linnet
Following your adventures from here, Christy. It appears that you’re having a grand time working in the new settings, enjoying a new palette of sounds. Such a joy when it comes together. Enjoyed the chat, and the mention. I have fond memories of those days and nights in Lisdoonvarna. Working up a few new songs here. Had a wonderful gig recently with songster Linda McRae. Best to ya. Here’s to a good long summer. May the sun shine on us all.
Thanks Christy, you are blessed with a great gift. Thank you for sharing it with us. Enjoyed the show. The Tyrone man is some fiddler. Bob, Maureen and Bernie.
Sound Bob….Hard to beat The Conway Mill
Bit of chat here & there about songs that we’d love to hear with band…I’ve had in me head the past few days “The Two Conneeleys” . The intros and outros of some of the songs workin so well…too many to name (or remember)….St.Brendan rocked Killarney tho…
15 minutes to go here in The Waterfront….the expectation out front matched by the anticipation backstage..we got a gaggle of 4711ers in too.. from Derry,Germany, Liverpool and Kerry that I know of, plus 4 in from Chicago for the two nights to join the Antrim listeners in this great venue…..
Looking forward to seeing you in Waterfront in Belfast tonight (29 May). Please could you play a song for my son Paul Melaugh, who planned this trip to see you as a Christmas present. Paul presented me with a gorgeous granddaughter Charley on Christmas Day 2012, and she is instrumental in keeping me young in my golden years!
Thanks Christy!
Hey there Golden Girl…..just ironing my keks here..gotta smarten up for tonights concert venue….this aint no Pound Loney we’re playin tonight…gotta keep up appearances…goin for the James Galway look…silk hanky in the breast pocket.. no golden flute like Sir James but we’ll do our best to rattle the cobwebs of The Waterfront ….Grand Children do change our perspective….there is no understanding it til we experience it….thanks for sharing
hello christy jim clarke speaking will miss gig in belfast .but wife barbara and friends will be there hope PD polo shirt fitted 41years this year if you can please play a song for her barbara clarke sorry again about missing gig but will catch one when home …………….ps out here with conmel company sepam….your life long fan jim
no sweat Jim…greetings to all out there in the Desert Sands..its a grand soft May day here in Belfast,a cold wind blowing off The Lough as we prepare to serenade The Waterfront….I love playing in this great City, crossing The Bog Meadow beneath The Black Mountain
Thanks Patsy, Kevin C McCurrie
Alright Christy hows things? My name is Shane Mallon and I first went to see you when I was 15 you and decky played the odyssey in belfast. Since then I have seen you 12 times with tomorrow’s’ gig in the Waterfront being my 13th! Since then a lot has happened in my life and in fact just today I handed in my dissertation into college and I have totally finished university! To gauge the impact you’ve had on my life would be impossible. Thanks to you and planxty I took up the banjo and now my life has just centred around music so much so I don’t know what I’d have done without it!
Anyway, because i finished college this week and I’ve been such a great fan of yours over the years I was wondering could you play a song for me at the waterfront? (It would be the best way to celebrate finally finishing uni and embarking on the big bad world!) Maybe Allende or Before the deluge if it isn’t too much 🙂
Many, Many thanks
Shane Mallon
good luck with your dissertation..I hope it takes you wherever you want to be….playing with a new band tonight, a Tyrone man among us on Fiddle- Cathal Hayden from Pomeroy…we have not yet played either of the songs you mention….
Hi Christy.
My wife Julie and I are going to see you on Friday night in the waterfront. We went to see you 10 years ago in Castlebar. We had got engaged earlier that day. After the gig we met you in the hotel and got our photos taken.
So here we are 10 years, 1 wedding and 3 kids later.
I was wondering if you could play us a request on Friday night as a surprise for Julie. Possibly “Voyage” if not that one anything else and a mention would be great……
Looking forward to the gig.
Thanks a million. Artie
Artie…lets see what happens…we’ll do our best to have a good night but can not guarantee call outs..its all down to what way the wind blows
Hello Christy. Looking forward to Thursday night. It’ll be my 6th time seeing you. One of the best nights of my life was you singing with Chris Martin at oxegen! Headin to the land down under in August hopefully see you sometime soon. No time for love
Good man Sean..hope you have a good trip up to Australia….its a great country to visit… the coming home is very sweet too…just tuning up here for tonight
Hi Christy,
I was at the barrowlands gig a month or two ago, fantastic gig ..I am not able to get tickets for the Belfast gigs which are sold out.
I would appreciate if you could find a few minutes as I am involved with a residents group and we are seeking funds for a legal campaign. Knowing your ideology portrayed in your music, I am sure that our cause would be compatible with your humanitarian views. Would love a chance to catchup for a brief few minutes during your stay in Belfast.
Kind regards,
I got work to do while I’m here…prior commitments, rehearsals, sound checks and 2 gigs.gonna spend some time with family and old friends..then I gotta sleep, eat and wash me kecks..
Hello ! We are french, and we can’t speak english at all. But I play guitar, and I try, when alone, to sing the field, to sing the farm, and so on… We saw you in Killarney last saturday :You were so great ! Thanks for “Gortatagort”, one of my prefered song. And thanks for all ! We’ll try to see you in Westport in July. Listen you…
Merde alors, Glorious Glandore, a lovely spot to sail the yacht…you have picked a beautiful song there..its author, The one and only John Spillane sings it in De Barras of Clonakilty where he plays ,once a month, every month, hair, rain or snow…au revoir for now, maybe see you in Westport mon ami…like you I am mono lingual but like to use the few drops of Francais any chance I get..soup de jour de France, very laissez faire as the President might say, Ms Le Pen is a right pain dans le derriere
Mind the cold Christy – the health is everything. Maybe the Connemara crew will have suggestions to keep the voice sweet 🙂
tried the poitín and candle last night..brand new this morn
HI Christy
You met Conor alot of years ago in Belfast and your contact with him was just brilliant
And we have never forgot your kindness
Conor Has now been nominated for a Broadway world award, voting ends this Friday 30th May.
Please vote for Conor and pass on to as many people as possible
Voting link awards
Click continue until you come to
Best Featured Actor in a Play
Click on Conor Macneill Cripple of Innishmann
Click continue to end
Many thanks
Ann O’ Neill
(Conor’s Mum )
is that young Conor who came and sang at the soundcheck in The Waterfront some years back ?
Hi Christy!!
Enjoyed reading your New Chat this morning! Thanks for keeping us up to date with all the goings on…
I’m very much looking forward to seeing you and Declan play at the Waterfront this Friday! Been a while since I last seen you, but the music never changes. From as early as I can remember, your music has been a part of everyday life…
I got married in April to my best friend Andy – His birthday was on the 17th May. (Also, happy belated Birthday Wishes to you..!) I got him tickets for your concert as a present… I was wondering if it’s not too much could I request a song for all the young lovers and newlyweds out there?…the Voyage
Take Care Christy!!
lets ride out the storm and see what way the wind blows…congrats
Hi Christy hope all is well with you, great to read your new chat I enjoyed reading it all but I think the line that struck me most was that you were 52 before you were happy with what you have been given, that’s good to know maybe we should all try our best to be ourselves. face the puck out and drive on all the best
as John Doyle once said when asked how he dealt with ground hurling..” I do drop the blades down boy “
All is forgiven, Christy – I saw the photo. When I was reading about you and your Down hat, it made me think of my mother, who, upon hearing or recounting stories such as this, would then shake her head sadly and say, “Drink had been taken.” Actually, I was a big Down fan way back in the day when they were the only six-county team to win an All Ireland. In 1968, I had the team’s picture up on my bedroom wall in between Pink Floyd and the Clancy Brothers. (I was a mere babe-in-arms back then, she lies.) Talking of paper hats, it doesn’t seem so long ago that a hat was the only thing you might wear at a match, or you might be lucky enough to bring along a home-made flag. Nowadays, it’s all the designer gear of the day.
I was listening to a few songs at the weekend and wondering if you ever sing them. One was Eric Bogle’s “Now, I’m easy”. I like the Jim Brannigan version. The other was “Walker of the Snow” that Sean Tyrrell sings. I didn’t know until a while ago that the man who wrote that poem was Irish. I thought he was Canadian.
I hope you get over your cold, Christy, before you head north. Try TCP if you have a sore throat.
Agnes, I hope Dado is doing well. Congratulations on the competition.
two fine songs you mention there…was not familiar with the Sean Tyrrell song…theres many the song I love to hear but cannot sing….its a bit like seeing clothes I’d love to wear but, trying them on, they neither fit nor suit ………Kildare flags nor hats were never a problem….a white hanky on a stick did the trick
CM 69
The townhall was a disaste , Do you remember the day you were in london (I think)and the lad with the posh axcent (as cool as cool can be) wouldn’t let you sing morecombe bay? your guitar went out of tune and Deccie backed you and it was fós hiontach.?Do you remember that?
Well thats what happend but nobody saved the day I lightly strummed but the noise was awful. The sound check was fine but in the real show the low E slipped half way through and then the G slipped too I felt like screaming .I still sang though but didn’t win.
But I came 2nd in the fleadh in Ennis on Saturday and guess who came first ?…RS she got 1st
CS 9 RS 14
PS does the cuckoo come near you?
its a terrible thing when the instrument goes out of tune…………………it was on the Andrew Marr Show on BBC TV that the director decided that, in his opinion, the song Morecambe Bay was unsuitable for purpose. I will always regret not walking away from the programme. Instead I sang Ewan MacColl’s “Sweet Thames Flow Softly”. I will never do that again………if that tuning problem arises again you could stop playing the guitar and continue unaccompanied…you have a lovely voice and the song itself is the most important thing……I have a bad old cold tonight and I’m tryin to get the cure before Belfast..the lemon and honey, the strepsils and lemsip, the dispirin and vick…if I did not have gigs I would pay no heed to it…singers cam be fierce bad patients when there are gigs wishes go dtí an clann go léir
Thanks Christy. If anyone did have a spare one lying about and the time I can be contacted at I’m based in Scotland at the moment. But no need to put anyone to too much trouble for it. Let the music keep our spirits high
Between matches and elections, it’s been quite a weekend and it’s not over yet. Eamon has just resigned, Ming is in, and Dublin 4 is going nuts at the election of so much riff-raff to the council. I laughed yesterday at the report of protestors outside the count in Castlebar who had trained their dog “to eat the arse off Enda Kenny.”
Back to matches. I have a bone to pick. A few days ago, in your response to Moyamoo (love that name), I spotted two words at the end – “Up Down” – and have been mulling over them all weekend. Since the replay was coming up, were you declaring support for Down (and you performing with a Tyrone boy right now)? Is it some esoteric musical reference, or maybe just a throwaway meaningless remark? Regardless, Tyrone won (without your support). It puzzled me since Moyamoo’s location was Dublin, but maybe I’m smoking crack and imagining things. This is very important, so explain yourself!!
The brother and niece were at the Friday night concert in Galway and loved it. The family are scattered around the country so they get to see you in all arts and parts, as my mother would say.
Have a great time up north, Christy. Up Tyrone.
Many years ago I attended a Down match in Croker. Afterwards we adjourned to a porter shop in Dorset Street. When I awoke the next morning I was wearing a paper hat with Up Down written across the peak. Is any further explanation required.
Were you to look back across the Gallery on this site you might happen upon me wearing a county jersey ( not a pretty sight).However I plan to don a GAA jersey once again in the coming weeks but I doubt if it will make it into the gallery. Those Castlebar dogs will need the rabies injection if they fulfil their purpose. I heard Eamon on the wireless yesterday pledging leadership till the end of term.He must have got an earful from the Labour Knesset this morning.Inneresting times ahead as the cookie crumbles. Neo Nazis elected to European parliament but ,fear not,….Fianna Fáil are rising from the ashes and The Healy-Rae Empire is secure
Loved Killarney, last time I was there was sittin beside The Groover from Vancouver himself…I remember a ferry and a note explaining “The Cliffs….” was a Kerry song…have they not got enough ? 🙂
St.Brendan was Saturdays highlight for me, wanted it to last longer..took me right back to lashin on some vinyl OM album up in me room, singin along with a tennis racket as me guitar…4 right screamers behind me in the INEC, they had a great night..
Met KK down there with his mot and a fiend of mine from Elvisland, nice surprises both..
Sure ye couldnt walk in that rain…ready when you are…have a grand week, enjoy Belfast..
I thought that was you screamin in Klarny… “love nor money would’nt get your nose inside the shop”…must keep that in the set….enjoyin the trad outfit enormously…Mairtín played some stunning notes, particulariy that break he took on the outro fo Gortatagort…Cathal too is stretching himself further each outing, I love his breaks….Sheamie shone on Matty and Beeswing and Jimmy just locks the groove in place right through….its a lovely place to be ,sitting amongst them, they bring fresh colour and then burst into the tune sets….talk soon me auld Linnet