Dear Christy
My fiancé and I are due to marry on the 19th of June 2015 .The pair of us are avid fans of your music and we have been to see you on three occasions .Your music has had great bearing on our lives to date so much so that I proposed to my sweetheart at the cliffs of Doneen .I was wondering if you would be available to play a song or two at our wedding at the bunratty castle hotel .My fiancé is a second cousin of Noel Hill and it would absolutely amaze her if you could make an appearance .go raibh mìle maith agat
Christy's reply
Thank you Thank You…You honor me wonderfully with an invite to your big day..I’m afraid its not possible….I have been barred from attending weddings by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church…they are very particular as to what genre of songs are used within the liturgy of their sacred ceremonials….the last wedding I attended had terrible consequences..I fell off the wagon even before mass began and could not find my way out of the organ loft…later I fell into the trifle and knocked three tiers off the wedding cake into the lap of the bride… the grooms step mother took the vapours, the St Johns Ambulance men had to rush her to A&E but she insisted they stop at the off licence on the way…. the best man came out during the speeches and ended up in the bridal suite with the curate from the next parish who was a bit of a lad by all accounts ( hes in the vatican now, polishing door knobs in the holy sea) … apart from that my doctor recommends that I keep well away from incense as I still suffer PMS from my 3 years in the altar boys…the local Superintendent had a word with me a while ago and suggested I avoid weddings for the next few years as Franco ( the wedding planner) refuses to plan any weddings that I might be attending….the Super told me that I would be better off going to funerals as most of my songs were utterly depressing anyway..I hope ye have a great night in Bunratty…I stayed there once when I was flown down by helicopter to sing “Hey Ronnie Reagan” for George Bush ( the bollix) some years back….the CIA wanted to render me off to Guantanamo but fair play to the Sergeant from Sixmilebridge, he was havin none of it as I was wanted in Tulla for having a leaky septic tank
Hi Christy:
I just found your Youtube of Black is the Colour. Its absolutely beautiful!
That song was collected here in the Appalachian Mountains in 1916, but it was sung in a major mixolydian scale (with a diminished interval to the 7th), and it does not sound good. American folk singer & composer John Jacob Niles though so too, and he composed a different melody for the song and that has been popularized in the US by Joan Baez and others. Quetion: is your version of the tune an authenticate traditional version or a modern composition?
Thanks, and keep on pickin’
Christy's reply
my version came from Hamish Imlach of Scotland in 1969..we gave some thought to the Mixolodyan Scale in The Scotia before the gig but after a few pints of heavy and a few quick shots of Fidel Castro we decided to stick with the Cumbernauld Major 7th and slide it down the neck till we were all demented with the diminished as we harmonised our way up the stairs of The Glasgow Folk centre singin ” when I get a bucket of drink on a saturday Glasgae belongs to me”….love to all our listeners over there…still listening to American Music here..Floyd Westerman, Patsy Cline, Woody,Metallica,The Handsome Family, Jim Page, Dixie Chicks, Odetta,Richie Havens,Janis Ian,John Trudell, Jackson Browne,Doc Watson,…..keep between the ditches Chuck
Just droppin by to mention the radio show with John Murray on RTE this morning…it was lovely to listen to..great requests..Bogies Bonnie Belle…wowser..must add that to the ‘songs wished out of retirement’ list on the sister site.
He is a class interviewer, he brings out the best, knows what & when to ask them…and never mind the younger listeners, us auld lads like a feck and a shite at the gigs too….but maybe it is because the reaction of the younger listeners..who knows.
Also, just re-reading the last chat, reminding me of great recent gigs in Glor, Roscrea, etc..lovely place here that chat…just to relive them again, or to hear about things going on or that lots of us cant get to.
Bet they didn’t have a decent tart in D4 ?
Sounding and looking great..looking forward to hearing new songs..
Christy's reply
jasus Lar there was’nt even a biscuit in the have your prioities right in that station of yours…plenty of calories in the canteen….see you soon
Heading into work on a wet morning, delighted to hear a familiar friendly voice on the radio. Only one complaint, too short, hope to catch you live again soon.
Christy's reply
dont leave it too long..the evenings are drawing in
Really enjoyed you’re interview with John Murray this Morning , nice relaxed chat and some lovely songs and the sound was great ….. The hills are waiting for the never ending tour to touch down in Letterkenny , eagerly anticipated and hopefully the skies might clear .
Christy's reply
hail rain or snow ,we’ll strive to be there….gonna Take in Cavan on the way up, we’ll cross into The Six and then back out again
I was in Donegal this week to attend the funeral of Mike Tracey (I think you met a few times) near Dungloe. The service was taken by his great friend Father Tim O’Sullivan and I accompanied him back to the airport at Belfast. A great storyteller and a great friend of yours. Told you some great tales and a pleasure to hear even more about your singing career. Can’t wait to see you back in Newcastle.
Christy's reply
Morra Dan, thanks for sharing, good to hear that Tim is still taking care of the flock….greetings to all upon the mighty Tyne
Dear Christy,
It took a while but eventually I got the opportunity to thank you, Maírtín, Cathal, Seamie and Jimmy for two terrific nights at the Waterfront. We enjoyed your playing with the Band very much. What a rhythm! I loved to hear you sing my favourites Gortatagort, Yellow Triangle, First Time Ever, Time Has Come and The Well was absolutely fabulous. Also many thanks to you and Paddy for that special treat before the second gig! It was a grand experience for us. Hopefully Wandering Aongus will get another chance to appear, maybe at the place he belongs to.
Meanwhile we too had the pleasure to see the Cork Poet at DeBarra’s where we heard one more beautiful Gortatagort. John also sang a lot of new great songs, amongst them was the John Reilly Song he recently composed in Boyle.
And no wonder, we liked it.
Just saw on a poster today that your little brother is performing here in CTB on 26th. Pity, but then we’ll have already left for a different date.
Enjoy the summer! We now can hear the nightingale sing when it’s getting dark…
Love, Traudel
Christy's reply
John Spillanes residency at De Barras in Clonakilty is a wonder indeed… there in BLACKWELL’S BODEGA, one Thursday each month the wizard bard from Passage stirs the magic pot. He concocts melodious potions and weaves his magic spell upon the devout pagans who throng to hear him chant in that Mecca of Black Black Pudding and Hanging Baskets.. ( my fine nephew Gavin Moore hosts his sitting room sessions there every Wednesday)….some years back we sat in darkness there and listened to Johnny as he shared Magic Nights in the Lobby Bar. ……..Thank you for your continued support and good juju…happy travels and good listening…its been a few years now since that old cinema gig
Christy in the homeland. It doesn’t get much better. King Modo holding up the rafters and the Moors and Sash in one voice. A great, great gig.
Christy's reply
sure thing Richie..them hometown boys sure can reach in deep and get down low…the linnet of Hawkfield and the Blackbird of Piercetown delivered such sweet notes down in Chinatown last Saturday Night. The Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin could’nt get in the door but we had three Roses in the room. “Me and The Rose” herself was there ( Brenda Hyland) . The Sap tells me that the current Kildare Rose was sashaying along the boulevard. Our very own Rose was grooving thru the shortgrass, never missing a note.The Patrician was the place to be the other night. Glad you made it in, fair play to your sister and fair play to Mags.
Really great gig with Paul and Lenny last night. It felt like you were playing to a group of friends. After seeing ya umpteen times over the years, last night was up there with the best of gigs. Must check out king modo now. The two songs were great.
Thanks again another super night.
Christy's reply
whallup ye Lily. we rode hard on Sat night…we made it home without touchin the whip…the rubber was standin on his stirrups and lennie’s ears were twitchin as we past the winning post and made for flanagans
Have you any plans to come back to London?
I am embarrassed to admit this but i bought tickets to your gig at the Festival Hall way back in September as a wedding anniversary present for my husband. I put the gig in my diary as April 24th and that morning took the tickets out of the drawer only to discover the gig had been the week before – April 17th! Like I said I’m embarrassed to admit this stupid mistake! Anyway I’m sure we missed a great night, we have gone to your London gigs for the last few years and they’ve always been fantastic.
Best regards
Joanna (feeling sheepish in the big smoke)
Christy's reply
Jasus JoJo we cant have you feeling sheepish in the smoke..we are pencilled in for Oct 2015 if God spares us all…hang on to your tickets and giz a shout closer to the time
Morning Christy
Got a surprise this morning from my sister. Will be seeing you tonight by the river. Haven’t been through the gates since the Leaving Cert in ’91. Can’t wait. Will be thinking of mam (Mags) so it will be emotional. Ride on.
Christy's reply
come into the parlour now and make yourself at home..fair play to the sister
Footfalls creaking they control
The familiar with pleasance, a crowd
For the show. In rhythmic flow
Types abound some low some loud
Together he found an audience set
A dockman’s hat topping in black
The rocky strait of a legends gait
Cradling a guitar together we relax
Songs of a nation’s awakening fate
With chords the bard’s myth is set
Fingers strumming chords gently
First lamenting new words begin
Bricking it he calm’s his mettle
Beating out the bodhran’s bang
With Ireland’s drum a concert’s set
Harmonious rhymes of ballads and airs
Reverberating in the chorus of his voice
Singing a Melodic multitude of layers
Rising egalitarian lyrics in his embrace
With animated tones the music is set
The connecting Words clear and pure
Of a voice of Ireland, the vocal lyre
Wonderous tales of hero’s adventure
In awe, precious moments we share
Floating on the lyrics of the voyage set
Wisened call for voices from the throng
Echoing requests for tunes beloved
Replied with melody of words and song
A crowd of emotion rise up above
To the fervoured sound of a chorus set
The grand notes of the ordinary man
The fingered beats down by the well
On the autobain Joxter’s voyaging van
Amsterdam’s Gang with red lights tell
Of times to recall when the craic was set
The false ending of a bow, he stands
While Whistling Shouts resound for more
Black the colour of her hair who commands
The encored poetry of Lisdonvarna to the floor
The magic lingers as the cabaret’s set it ends
Christy's reply
Thanks For sharing Frank and thanks too to your wife for encouraging you to post it here. Its a very well observed description of what happens around our really get under the skin of it…you have honoured the work in a “Royal” manner !!
Is the gig in the Iveagh gardens you with a band of sorts or solo with support?
Bringing my da to his first open air gig in a long long time(he was the one you may remember gave you the plectrum made out of an old coin when you played Ryston a few years back)
Really looking forward to this gig
Damien Dempsey tore the roof off the moorefield clubhouse last weekend.Superb gig
Christy's reply
all details are on the gig page at the home page..hope you have a good one, tis shaping up well
Heading to Newbridge on Sat next on the Honda 50 Christy . Just wondering what would be the best route to take in order to avoid Sgt Kelly.. I’ll have plenty of Nitro on board.
Hi Christy. I hope you are well Sir. I wrote to you recently regarding a song I wrote to the tune of one of your songs. I was over the moon when you gave me your blessing to use the tune. “Viva La Familia Celtic” is a pat on the back to all the Celtic supporters who went to Seville in 2003. I hope you like my version.
Thank you.
Gotta agree that there is some magic in the air when the Maírtín O’Connor Band joins you – definitely think it deserves a live recording, but obviously busy schedules etc can make things difficult. Just great to be able to hear it – and to watch the enjoyment you get from it too. 2 wonderful nights in Belfast – and more to look forward to. Still on a high from those gigs 🙂
Christy's reply
Morra John…always good to hear from you…we’re making a grand bit of a racket at the moment
Sorry for not doing this earlier but it’s taken until now to get the rain out of me bones and the Murphys out of my blood stream. Many thanks for the mention for me and the good lady at the Killarney gig it certainly made what was a very special night into a fantastic one. I can’t speak for anyone else but I really thought that we were all part of something special that night. Perhaps this was due to it being the first time we have seen you in the emerald isle but the atmosphere was amazing. It’s a pity it can’t be bottled as it would nice just to take the top off once in a while and have a sniff for old times sake. Speaking of which are there any plans to record any of these performances for prosperity ? It would be great to be able to put on a DVD or CD to relive the memories.
I can’t honestly think of many more songs that I would have liked to hear that night my favourites just kept coming and coming. The Contender in particular was very poignant. I became interested in the amazing Jack Doyle story when I first heard you sing about it and we had been to Cobh the day before the gig to visit his grave.
Anyway enough of my ramblings, I’d better go now as my little Honda 50 is ticking over on the drive. Who knows what adventures await us. Once more many thanks and I look forward to seeing you again in the near future.
Christy's reply
sound Sparky…it was a good night in Killarney…there is something in the water down there…we have no plans to record or film this band at the moment but, like yourself, I think it would make a good project to pursue….we’ll see what happens as the road unwinds before us..we have only played a dozen gigs or so but the sound is settling. We are all becoming more familiar with the material and what the sound should be….see you along the way
Dear Christy
My fiancé and I are due to marry on the 19th of June 2015 .The pair of us are avid fans of your music and we have been to see you on three occasions .Your music has had great bearing on our lives to date so much so that I proposed to my sweetheart at the cliffs of Doneen .I was wondering if you would be available to play a song or two at our wedding at the bunratty castle hotel .My fiancé is a second cousin of Noel Hill and it would absolutely amaze her if you could make an appearance .go raibh mìle maith agat
Thank you Thank You…You honor me wonderfully with an invite to your big day..I’m afraid its not possible….I have been barred from attending weddings by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church…they are very particular as to what genre of songs are used within the liturgy of their sacred ceremonials….the last wedding I attended had terrible consequences..I fell off the wagon even before mass began and could not find my way out of the organ loft…later I fell into the trifle and knocked three tiers off the wedding cake into the lap of the bride… the grooms step mother took the vapours, the St Johns Ambulance men had to rush her to A&E but she insisted they stop at the off licence on the way…. the best man came out during the speeches and ended up in the bridal suite with the curate from the next parish who was a bit of a lad by all accounts ( hes in the vatican now, polishing door knobs in the holy sea) … apart from that my doctor recommends that I keep well away from incense as I still suffer PMS from my 3 years in the altar boys…the local Superintendent had a word with me a while ago and suggested I avoid weddings for the next few years as Franco ( the wedding planner) refuses to plan any weddings that I might be attending….the Super told me that I would be better off going to funerals as most of my songs were utterly depressing anyway..I hope ye have a great night in Bunratty…I stayed there once when I was flown down by helicopter to sing “Hey Ronnie Reagan” for George Bush ( the bollix) some years back….the CIA wanted to render me off to Guantanamo but fair play to the Sergeant from Sixmilebridge, he was havin none of it as I was wanted in Tulla for having a leaky septic tank
Hi Christy:
I just found your Youtube of Black is the Colour. Its absolutely beautiful!
That song was collected here in the Appalachian Mountains in 1916, but it was sung in a major mixolydian scale (with a diminished interval to the 7th), and it does not sound good. American folk singer & composer John Jacob Niles though so too, and he composed a different melody for the song and that has been popularized in the US by Joan Baez and others. Quetion: is your version of the tune an authenticate traditional version or a modern composition?
Thanks, and keep on pickin’
my version came from Hamish Imlach of Scotland in 1969..we gave some thought to the Mixolodyan Scale in The Scotia before the gig but after a few pints of heavy and a few quick shots of Fidel Castro we decided to stick with the Cumbernauld Major 7th and slide it down the neck till we were all demented with the diminished as we harmonised our way up the stairs of The Glasgow Folk centre singin ” when I get a bucket of drink on a saturday Glasgae belongs to me”….love to all our listeners over there…still listening to American Music here..Floyd Westerman, Patsy Cline, Woody,Metallica,The Handsome Family, Jim Page, Dixie Chicks, Odetta,Richie Havens,Janis Ian,John Trudell, Jackson Browne,Doc Watson,…..keep between the ditches Chuck
Just droppin by to mention the radio show with John Murray on RTE this morning…it was lovely to listen to..great requests..Bogies Bonnie Belle…wowser..must add that to the ‘songs wished out of retirement’ list on the sister site.
He is a class interviewer, he brings out the best, knows what & when to ask them…and never mind the younger listeners, us auld lads like a feck and a shite at the gigs too….but maybe it is because the reaction of the younger listeners..who knows.
Also, just re-reading the last chat, reminding me of great recent gigs in Glor, Roscrea, etc..lovely place here that chat…just to relive them again, or to hear about things going on or that lots of us cant get to.
Bet they didn’t have a decent tart in D4 ?
Sounding and looking great..looking forward to hearing new songs..
jasus Lar there was’nt even a biscuit in the have your prioities right in that station of yours…plenty of calories in the canteen….see you soon
Heading into work on a wet morning, delighted to hear a familiar friendly voice on the radio. Only one complaint, too short, hope to catch you live again soon.
dont leave it too long..the evenings are drawing in
What a treat this morning… Well worth the 4 am call ! Loved Mandolin Mountain.
full marks to our Chilean Rose..hope you went back to sleep afterwards
Really enjoyed you’re interview with John Murray this Morning , nice relaxed chat and some lovely songs and the sound was great ….. The hills are waiting for the never ending tour to touch down in Letterkenny , eagerly anticipated and hopefully the skies might clear .
hail rain or snow ,we’ll strive to be there….gonna Take in Cavan on the way up, we’ll cross into The Six and then back out again
Morning Christy,
I was in Donegal this week to attend the funeral of Mike Tracey (I think you met a few times) near Dungloe. The service was taken by his great friend Father Tim O’Sullivan and I accompanied him back to the airport at Belfast. A great storyteller and a great friend of yours. Told you some great tales and a pleasure to hear even more about your singing career. Can’t wait to see you back in Newcastle.
Morra Dan, thanks for sharing, good to hear that Tim is still taking care of the flock….greetings to all upon the mighty Tyne
Dear Christy,
It took a while but eventually I got the opportunity to thank you, Maírtín, Cathal, Seamie and Jimmy for two terrific nights at the Waterfront. We enjoyed your playing with the Band very much. What a rhythm! I loved to hear you sing my favourites Gortatagort, Yellow Triangle, First Time Ever, Time Has Come and The Well was absolutely fabulous. Also many thanks to you and Paddy for that special treat before the second gig! It was a grand experience for us. Hopefully Wandering Aongus will get another chance to appear, maybe at the place he belongs to.
Meanwhile we too had the pleasure to see the Cork Poet at DeBarra’s where we heard one more beautiful Gortatagort. John also sang a lot of new great songs, amongst them was the John Reilly Song he recently composed in Boyle.
And no wonder, we liked it.
Just saw on a poster today that your little brother is performing here in CTB on 26th. Pity, but then we’ll have already left for a different date.
Enjoy the summer! We now can hear the nightingale sing when it’s getting dark…
Love, Traudel
John Spillanes residency at De Barras in Clonakilty is a wonder indeed… there in BLACKWELL’S BODEGA, one Thursday each month the wizard bard from Passage stirs the magic pot. He concocts melodious potions and weaves his magic spell upon the devout pagans who throng to hear him chant in that Mecca of Black Black Pudding and Hanging Baskets.. ( my fine nephew Gavin Moore hosts his sitting room sessions there every Wednesday)….some years back we sat in darkness there and listened to Johnny as he shared Magic Nights in the Lobby Bar. ……..Thank you for your continued support and good juju…happy travels and good listening…its been a few years now since that old cinema gig
Christy in the homeland. It doesn’t get much better. King Modo holding up the rafters and the Moors and Sash in one voice. A great, great gig.
sure thing Richie..them hometown boys sure can reach in deep and get down low…the linnet of Hawkfield and the Blackbird of Piercetown delivered such sweet notes down in Chinatown last Saturday Night. The Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin could’nt get in the door but we had three Roses in the room. “Me and The Rose” herself was there ( Brenda Hyland) . The Sap tells me that the current Kildare Rose was sashaying along the boulevard. Our very own Rose was grooving thru the shortgrass, never missing a note.The Patrician was the place to be the other night. Glad you made it in, fair play to your sister and fair play to Mags.
Really great gig with Paul and Lenny last night. It felt like you were playing to a group of friends. After seeing ya umpteen times over the years, last night was up there with the best of gigs. Must check out king modo now. The two songs were great.
Thanks again another super night.
whallup ye Lily. we rode hard on Sat night…we made it home without touchin the whip…the rubber was standin on his stirrups and lennie’s ears were twitchin as we past the winning post and made for flanagans
Wonderful show in Newbridge tonight…with lovely new sounds.
It was a real at ‘home in the Kitchen ‘ performance .
Shine on.
hope you made it back to Moate…did you cross Allenwood, any sign of Tuohy in Coill Dubh ??
Hi Christy
Have you any plans to come back to London?
I am embarrassed to admit this but i bought tickets to your gig at the Festival Hall way back in September as a wedding anniversary present for my husband. I put the gig in my diary as April 24th and that morning took the tickets out of the drawer only to discover the gig had been the week before – April 17th! Like I said I’m embarrassed to admit this stupid mistake! Anyway I’m sure we missed a great night, we have gone to your London gigs for the last few years and they’ve always been fantastic.
Best regards
Joanna (feeling sheepish in the big smoke)
Jasus JoJo we cant have you feeling sheepish in the smoke..we are pencilled in for Oct 2015 if God spares us all…hang on to your tickets and giz a shout closer to the time
Morning Christy
Got a surprise this morning from my sister. Will be seeing you tonight by the river. Haven’t been through the gates since the Leaving Cert in ’91. Can’t wait. Will be thinking of mam (Mags) so it will be emotional. Ride on.
come into the parlour now and make yourself at home..fair play to the sister
Hi Christie I was at your recent concert in Kells in Meath and afterwards I wrote a poem about it. the wife said to send it on to you, so i said better do what i’m told . Here it is I hope you like it brother:
Setting of the ordinary man
© Frank McGivney 01.05.14
Acoustic tuned guitars pool
Around Microphones stationed
Surrounding the vacant stool waiting.
All shrouded in Red lustre, patient
In silent silhouette the scene is set
Footfalls creaking they control
The familiar with pleasance, a crowd
For the show. In rhythmic flow
Types abound some low some loud
Together he found an audience set
A dockman’s hat topping in black
The rocky strait of a legends gait
Cradling a guitar together we relax
Songs of a nation’s awakening fate
With chords the bard’s myth is set
Fingers strumming chords gently
First lamenting new words begin
Bricking it he calm’s his mettle
Beating out the bodhran’s bang
With Ireland’s drum a concert’s set
Harmonious rhymes of ballads and airs
Reverberating in the chorus of his voice
Singing a Melodic multitude of layers
Rising egalitarian lyrics in his embrace
With animated tones the music is set
The connecting Words clear and pure
Of a voice of Ireland, the vocal lyre
Wonderous tales of hero’s adventure
In awe, precious moments we share
Floating on the lyrics of the voyage set
Wisened call for voices from the throng
Echoing requests for tunes beloved
Replied with melody of words and song
A crowd of emotion rise up above
To the fervoured sound of a chorus set
The grand notes of the ordinary man
The fingered beats down by the well
On the autobain Joxter’s voyaging van
Amsterdam’s Gang with red lights tell
Of times to recall when the craic was set
The false ending of a bow, he stands
While Whistling Shouts resound for more
Black the colour of her hair who commands
The encored poetry of Lisdonvarna to the floor
The magic lingers as the cabaret’s set it ends
Thanks For sharing Frank and thanks too to your wife for encouraging you to post it here. Its a very well observed description of what happens around our really get under the skin of it…you have honoured the work in a “Royal” manner !!
Is the gig in the Iveagh gardens you with a band of sorts or solo with support?
Bringing my da to his first open air gig in a long long time(he was the one you may remember gave you the plectrum made out of an old coin when you played Ryston a few years back)
Really looking forward to this gig
Damien Dempsey tore the roof off the moorefield clubhouse last weekend.Superb gig
all details are on the gig page at the home page..hope you have a good one, tis shaping up well
Christy here is an event happening in Naas on July 10th which we hope you or any of your followers might be interested in going to. Thanks After residential Care Trust
cant make it.
Heading to Newbridge on Sat next on the Honda 50 Christy . Just wondering what would be the best route to take in order to avoid Sgt Kelly.. I’ll have plenty of Nitro on board.
right at Enfield and follow the mushroom lorry
Hi Christy. I hope you are well Sir. I wrote to you recently regarding a song I wrote to the tune of one of your songs. I was over the moon when you gave me your blessing to use the tune. “Viva La Familia Celtic” is a pat on the back to all the Celtic supporters who went to Seville in 2003. I hope you like my version.
Thank you.
Gotta agree that there is some magic in the air when the Maírtín O’Connor Band joins you – definitely think it deserves a live recording, but obviously busy schedules etc can make things difficult. Just great to be able to hear it – and to watch the enjoyment you get from it too. 2 wonderful nights in Belfast – and more to look forward to. Still on a high from those gigs 🙂
Morra John…always good to hear from you…we’re making a grand bit of a racket at the moment
Hi Christy,
Sorry for not doing this earlier but it’s taken until now to get the rain out of me bones and the Murphys out of my blood stream. Many thanks for the mention for me and the good lady at the Killarney gig it certainly made what was a very special night into a fantastic one. I can’t speak for anyone else but I really thought that we were all part of something special that night. Perhaps this was due to it being the first time we have seen you in the emerald isle but the atmosphere was amazing. It’s a pity it can’t be bottled as it would nice just to take the top off once in a while and have a sniff for old times sake. Speaking of which are there any plans to record any of these performances for prosperity ? It would be great to be able to put on a DVD or CD to relive the memories.
I can’t honestly think of many more songs that I would have liked to hear that night my favourites just kept coming and coming. The Contender in particular was very poignant. I became interested in the amazing Jack Doyle story when I first heard you sing about it and we had been to Cobh the day before the gig to visit his grave.
Anyway enough of my ramblings, I’d better go now as my little Honda 50 is ticking over on the drive. Who knows what adventures await us. Once more many thanks and I look forward to seeing you again in the near future.
sound Sparky…it was a good night in Killarney…there is something in the water down there…we have no plans to record or film this band at the moment but, like yourself, I think it would make a good project to pursue….we’ll see what happens as the road unwinds before us..we have only played a dozen gigs or so but the sound is settling. We are all becoming more familiar with the material and what the sound should be….see you along the way