Another great gig in the Clanree…. fantastic mix of beautiful songs .., esp. enjoyed the “dark end of the street” don’t hear that one too often….and a high octane finish. Really good to hear “Rorys gone” ,again, that is the magic Yourself and Declan produce together and Jimmy Higgins adds so much too.
It was the gig that had everything really.
Christy's reply
solid Marty…have not sung Dark End for manys the year..talkin about Philip last night it just seemed right..the audience embraced it too
Thanks Christy for another great night in Letterkenny. Loved the tributes to Rory and John Sands – beautifully done. Helps to keep the spirits high for another assault on the working week 🙂 Will hopefully see you in Boyle and Sligo – especially excited about Boyle. Keep well .
Christy's reply
thats the next outing..I’d better get them John Reilly Songs out and tune them up…we’re goin to hear Bob on Tue
Hi Christy Gabh raibh mile maith agaibh go leir for the great gig in Letterkenny last night – just what the doctor ordered to lift the soul !!
It was also lovely to meet with the 4711ers again – Hopefully we will see you all again in Sligo – thanks a mill and regards Ger x
Christy's reply
Nice one Ger..always a treat to see familiar faces beaming at front..thanks for your support and feedback
ah Christy what a lovely concert in the clanree letterkenny tis better your getting with age. what a lovely mix of songs and the drums add so much to the sound brought me back to the moving hearts days. you have giving me the privilage of seeing you many many times in many venues over the years and your as good today as the first time i heard you.. may you continue for many years to come. enjoy ur summer. slan Patsy
Christy's reply
Thanks Patsy…Clanree was fairly leppin last night…we enjoyed ourselves too
I have heard this song in many a version and have to say this one, is one of my favourites. The Bodhran sounded beautiful during such a great song..
paul and lenny are like fine wines that are maturing nicely with age.
Great night down in the school too, its funny one of the last times paul was down there was in 1995 when he let off a fire extinguisher in the science lab!! I think he was demonstrating force that day…
Christy's reply
When Hawkfield,Piercetown and Moorefield meet in harmony its a grand place to be
Christy, this was what I write on your FB group (and on my wall) THANKS AGAIN
The last 12 month, have I seen many different type of music in Norway, Denmark, Belgium and Ireland. I have been so sure, NOTHING, could ever beat what Johnny Logan and Michael J. Sherrard with band did i Portalen in december, wich was a amazing concert. But the question is if not Christy Moore made that at least well so good, maybe even a little better. Different type of entertainer and different type of fans, but…! I will smile in a week and that is not my last concert with Christy!!!!!!!. The third best this 12 month is without question Ditch Cassidy and Jimmy Smyth in Gibney’s 1 january. A big thank you to all of you for the joy you give me and all other musiclovers
Oh did I weep when you have said with such surety and conviction that you won’t gig the oul wedding and bar mitzvah. I would only get married on the understanding you would attend. That’s me resigned to spinsterdom. Xx
Christy's reply
my surety is breachable, my conviction dubious….odd occasions can bring on re-examination of old rules provided there is no sherry in the trifle
A Great night in the big hotel in Cavan….Nice to hear old and “new” songs….Mandolin Mountain fits very well.
Good to be back on the road and thanks for the welcome.
Rory Gallagher is 19 years gone today…and you playing in Donegal tonight……
just saying like……
Thanks for a total amazing evening Christy. Se you soon again. Also read my comment in your FBgroup.
Christy's reply
Yes,we had a right good night in The Slieve Russell, Ballyconnel… songsters from both sides of the Border thronged to The Great Room to sit beneath Crystal Chandeliers. The songs freely flowed and we did our longest set in 10 years..2 hours and 20 minutes.. ( the poor smokers were twitchin and the alkies shakin). I really enjoyed rejoining Doctor Sinnott after a 3 month hiatus…..I have no idea how to access facebook…one social medium at a time
“With a beautiful BBC-clipped tone” :p
Sure you’re some sport boy!
The Cliffs of Dooneen, a Christy, in ómós do Danny (atá ar shlí na fírinne), athair Marian, an bhean a bheidh liom oíche amárach. With Fathers Day on Sunday ‘twould mean a lot to a body 🙂
Christy's reply
ceart go leor, ta súl agam go mbéidh mé ábalta an amhrán sin a cannadh….I think I’ll have to get the sean fáinne ór polished up…I do have a great auld grá for the teanga but the ballads as béarla have lead me astray
Duffy’s Cut: Continued excavation hopes to bring murdered Philadelphia railroad workers tragic story to an end.
Fundraiser to excavate 50 murdered Irishmen at Duffy’s Cut
Kate Hickey @KateHickey_ June 13,2014 01:21 PM
Historians and advocates are attempting to raise funds to support the excavation, insurance and examination of the remains of 50 Irish laborers believed to have been massacred at Duffy’s Cut, a stretch of railroad outside Philadelphia.
Brothers Frank and William Watson (a Lutheran minister and a historian) have already spearheaded the project and excavated the remains of seven Irish men buried in the location. Following the examination of the remains and research into documents the brothers and forensic anthropologist Dr Janet Monge established that what happened there in 1832 was nothing short of a massacre.
The story of these murdered Irish laborers began with the British ship John Stamp, which sailed from Derry bound for Philadelphia. Most of the passengers were from Donegal, Derry and Tyrone. The passengers included William Devine (21), George Quigley (22), and John Ruddy (18).
After two months at sea they arrived in Philadelphia on June 23, 1832. There they met with Irish contractor Philip Duffy, who offered them jobs. He had been contracted by the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad to build a section of track called Mile 59, which later became known as Duffy’s Cut.
Within six weeks these 57 laborers were dead.
It is believed that cholera swept through the laborers’ shanty town. Based on the examination of the physical evidence carried out by the Watsons and Monge it is believed that these workers escaped from enforced quarantine, were caught and murdered.
Through the brothers’ hard work and the public’s contributions they had the remains of six of the bodies reburied at the West Laurel Hill cemetery, Pennsylvania, and one the men’s remains, 18-year-old John Ruddy’s, buried in Adara, County Donegal.
Now the Watson brothers plan to uncover and examine the 50 other men who were buried at this site. Previously Amtrak had concerns over safety and stalled the project, however Frank Watson told IrishCentral that they’re now planning to get back to work later this year, funds permitting.
He explained that for the last two years they have been in negotiations with the company who own the plot of land where it is believed the 50 Irishmen are buried.
“Through the hard work of our engineer, Joe Devoy (owner of Tellus 360 in Lancaster, PA) Amtrak has agreed to a plan that will allow us to excavate what look to be the remaining bodies of up to 50 Irish laborers underneath the stone enclosure,” said Frank.
The “enclosure” he refers to was originally built as an octagonal wooden fence by Irish laborers, on the Pennsylvania railroad in 1870. That was replaced around 1909 by Martin Clement and a stone wall remains to this day.
It was through the Watson brothers connection to Clement that this mass murder emerged. Clement built this enclosure around the area, but there was no explanation of what he had found. It all remained a secret until Frank and William Watson’s grandfather Joseph Tripican, who had been an assistant to Clement’s, died.
In 2002 the Watsons were going through some family papers where they discovered a file on Clement’s 1909 investigation that their grandfather had taken home with him after the company went bankrupt in 1970. These company records indicated that at least 57 people had died at Duffy’s Cut.
Nearly thirteen years after their initial discovery the Watson brothers are well on their way to putting an end to the Duffy’s Cut mystery and laying these men to rest.
Frank told IrishCentral that they are being aided in their fundraising by the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick along with the Immaculata University. However, they need over $25,000 to complete the dig and that’s before the laborers’ reinterment is paid for. On Father’s Day they will hold a music fundraiser in Drexel Hill (more details below).
For the past two years the Watson brothers have been sharing the story of Duffy’s Cut with the community, meeting with various groups and working with the group making a movie about the emigrants’ plight.
Frank explained that while the Irish government, especially Peter Ryan, Deputy Consul in New York, has been hugely helpful in promoting and supporting the Duffy’s Cut project there is no Irish or US government funding.
“The goal of the fundraiser is to provide the necessary costs both for the Amtrak and insurance costs, and also to provide for DNA testing on the first set of remains,” explained Frank.
These first set of remains were those of John Duddy, the 18-year-old man, who was returned to his native soil in Donegal.
“Our forensic dentist Matt Patterson collected DNA samples last year when he came with us to Ardara in Donegal for the burial of John Ruddy, and we have been awaiting results of other DNA tests being conducted free of charge by others but because of cost-related issues we still have no complete results – therefore the need to provide funding to ensure prompt results.”
When the other 50 bodies are excavated and examined they were be reinterred at West Laurel Hill Cemetery (in Bala Cynwyd, PA) where six of the Duffy’s Cut victims are already buried.
“The vault was intentionally installed with more space for further bodies two years ago, but if we find the remains of a 70-year-old laborer, we hope to take that body back to Tyrone,” said Frank.
They believe this will be the body of John Burns, the oldest laborer on board the John Stamp. He traveled with his widowed daughter-in-law, Catherine Burns. They both disappeared from history after they arrived in the US in August 1832.
“There were 70 out of 160 passengers on board the John Stamp who hailed from Tyrone, making Tyrone the country with the largest number of passengers who came to America on that ship. At least three of the laborers from Tyrone disappeared after they came to America on board the ship,” said Frank.
“We hope that the concert on Father’s Day will help to raise the necessary funds to discover and rebury the remaining men (and possibly other women as well) from Duffy’s Cut.”
The fundraiser will take place on Father’s Day, Sunday June 15, at the Twentieth Century Club of Lansdowne, Drexel Hill, PA, from 3 to 6pm. For tickets and more information visit their Facebook page here.
A teaser for a documentary on the men:
Here Christy Moore sings a song Duffys Cut
Christy's reply
Be the honey Jimi….your on the ball there…Duffy is back in the set..gaveit a good seeing to in Cavan last night..there were Donegal and Kerry listeners in the front row, Armagh Tyrone Meath London and Californians in behind and they all sitting amidst a great body of Cavan songsters who raised us up to the Crystal Chandeliers….Cavan has always been great gig country..going way back to the 70s I recall that they were always very into the songs in these parts….The Hacklers from Grouse Hall….
“From Ballyshannon and The Glenties they sailed right into hell
they suffered like the weeping Christ, down Duffy’s Cut they sweat their Blood into his Wishing Well
Were they taken by the sickness, were they hunted down like scum,
was there poison in the water, was it murder, was it cholera…
The Smoke that hid the bullets from the barrell of the Bosses gun” ( from Duffy’s Cut by Wally Page)
Hi Christy, hope you’re well. Wondering if you or if anyone on here has any idea where I could get two tickets for The Clanree for tomorrow night. I thought I wouldn’t be able to make the gig originally….
Thanks in advance 🙂
Christy's reply
its rammed, ( thanks be!!)….nothin left in Letterkenny, …the auld gig is flyin at the minute….do have to pinch myself some times..
Thanks for the reply. It’s being so busy that keeps you so young 🙂 I’ll try the 4711ers (though I’ve already asked a couple of members with no luck). All the best for your upcoming gigs . Hope it’s not too long before you are back in London (or Brighton again, that would be nice and only a jaunt along the coast for me). Best wishes.
Christy's reply
if you have no joy at the sister site giz a shout…when I get back to base I can open up the archive and delve in for that set list..greetings from the rolling hills of Cavan,,theres a Blackbird singing outside my window…just had a tune with Declan, our first rendezvous since RFH….
After Residential Care Trust is having a major fundraiser in Naas by screening the “Shane McGowan Story If I Should Fall From Grace” on July 10th Odeon Naas 7:30 with the man himself in attendance and after show gig with music by Aftermath at time: Bar + Venue. We realise you’re a busy man Christy but would love you to attend if you’re available!!!here is the link to tickets thanks
Hello Christy, Sorry to be a pain in the wotsit but would you be able to print the setlist for the Festival Hall gig that took place on Thursday 17th April? I’ve got a jumbled list of songs that I scribbled down on the way home but nothing in the correct order. Thanking you in anticipation. JackieH
Christy's reply
agh Jasus Jackie steady on there…I’m trying to rehearse for upcoming gigs, write a few songs,do a bit of exercise, ate me dinner, pack me bag, watch the world cup, walk the pier, shave shite ‘n shampoo,go to bed and hopefully wake up, sort me emails , answer txts, play me guitar, talk on the wireless, send up a few zzzzzzzzzzzs ……try the sister site….if that dont work call back and I’ll try and track it down
Bhuel, a Christy!
Sheol mé teachtaireacht bheag chuig an bookings & enquiries – táim ag dul chuig an cheolchoirm Dé Sathairn agus bhí mé ag iarraidh request beag – seans go bhfuil tú báite ag na requests céanna cheana féin!!!
Ádh mór,
Go dtóga an ceol ár misneach!
Christy's reply
go hana mhaith mar a deirtear i mBórd na Móna, caill me mo fáínne tar éir an inter cert i 1961….beidir bo mbeith me ábalta for request a dheanaimh but you;ll have to give to me straight up in the bleedin queens english auld capall… marcaidn ar agaidh mar a deirtear i Fairyhouse
Loving the John Murray interview – thanks to the wonders of the I-Player. Sounds beautifully relaxed. Still buzzing from the Belfast gigs and the great honour we had in being there with a special crew. Love the story of the wedding too – makes me sure that i’ve made the right choice in missing a wedding on Saturday to get to the Letterkenny gig – well it’s not like I’m the groom or anything 🙂 Keep well and safe travelling.
Christy's reply
morra John, gearing up here for The Clanree..just pressing the T Shirt now and boiling the guitar strings…camping in Cavan on the way up to the NW. keep in touch with all your positive vibrations..charges the batteries
Declan and the rest of the crew – hope your trip to Cavan will be as successful as all the previous concerts ..
Im looking a big favour , and hope you can help me out ..
we are very lucky to get a Christy gig in every year , and more so since you started coming to us in Cavan .. 🙂
anyway I am hoping you can play a special request for my daughter Megan O Reilly, she has just finished her leaving cert . and what better way than to celebrate with you ..
black is the colour is the song which always reminds me of her , esp from the night a few yrs ago she requested you sang it and you (unknowingly embarrassed her by making her identify herself . . you sang it for Megan that night .. and I would be forever grateful if you could acknowledge her on Friday night ..
during the bad snow a few yrs. ago , she mailed you upset that she was missing a gig in Dublin..
you and your manager organised for her and her uncle (who is your no 1 fan ) to attend a concert in Belfast ..
I thank you to this day for making our lives better for the music and lyrics you have brought into our lives..
so looking forward to seeing you guys on Friday night in the Slieve Russell ..
whoooooooooooooooo whoooo
so a reminder for Megan O Reilly , and if you can include Seamus OReilly as well I will be a very happy lady ..
Christy's reply
Morra Scout…we’ll do the best we can…my self and Declan have been on our separate journeys these past months…looking forward to getting back with him and tuning our axes for the wild forest…our last gig together was 3 months ago in London
Hi Christy
Really enjoyed the John Murray show this morning with your Craic and singing. I have been a fan of yours for a very long time.
Christy, I have just completed the 12 week program in Cuan Mhuire, Newry for addiction and I have to say that is the most wonderful experience I have ever had where is got to know myself for what I am and realized what damage that addictions can bring to yourself and family. Hopefully I’m well on the road to recovery.
Sister Consila is the nearest thing time a walking saint I have ever met for the work she does for people in addiction. She depends entirely on voluntary subscriptions and work. For helping me so much I want to give something back to Cuan Mhuire.
I was wondering if you would be interested in coming to Cuan Mhuire to perform a show for us to help raise funds for the place. If interested I would really appreciate to hear from you. My email address is “” or phone (Northern Ireland code) 07739099520
Michael Nugent
Another great gig in the Clanree…. fantastic mix of beautiful songs .., esp. enjoyed the “dark end of the street” don’t hear that one too often….and a high octane finish. Really good to hear “Rorys gone” ,again, that is the magic Yourself and Declan produce together and Jimmy Higgins adds so much too.
It was the gig that had everything really.
solid Marty…have not sung Dark End for manys the year..talkin about Philip last night it just seemed right..the audience embraced it too
Thanks Christy for another great night in Letterkenny. Loved the tributes to Rory and John Sands – beautifully done. Helps to keep the spirits high for another assault on the working week 🙂 Will hopefully see you in Boyle and Sligo – especially excited about Boyle. Keep well .
thats the next outing..I’d better get them John Reilly Songs out and tune them up…we’re goin to hear Bob on Tue
Hi Christy Gabh raibh mile maith agaibh go leir for the great gig in Letterkenny last night – just what the doctor ordered to lift the soul !!
It was also lovely to meet with the 4711ers again – Hopefully we will see you all again in Sligo – thanks a mill and regards Ger x
Nice one Ger..always a treat to see familiar faces beaming at front..thanks for your support and feedback
ah Christy what a lovely concert in the clanree letterkenny tis better your getting with age. what a lovely mix of songs and the drums add so much to the sound brought me back to the moving hearts days. you have giving me the privilage of seeing you many many times in many venues over the years and your as good today as the first time i heard you.. may you continue for many years to come. enjoy ur summer. slan Patsy
Thanks Patsy…Clanree was fairly leppin last night…we enjoyed ourselves too
hi Christy.
I have heard this song in many a version and have to say this one, is one of my favourites. The Bodhran sounded beautiful during such a great song..
paul and lenny are like fine wines that are maturing nicely with age.
Great night down in the school too, its funny one of the last times paul was down there was in 1995 when he let off a fire extinguisher in the science lab!! I think he was demonstrating force that day…
When Hawkfield,Piercetown and Moorefield meet in harmony its a grand place to be
Christy, this was what I write on your FB group (and on my wall) THANKS AGAIN
The last 12 month, have I seen many different type of music in Norway, Denmark, Belgium and Ireland. I have been so sure, NOTHING, could ever beat what Johnny Logan and Michael J. Sherrard with band did i Portalen in december, wich was a amazing concert. But the question is if not Christy Moore made that at least well so good, maybe even a little better. Different type of entertainer and different type of fans, but…! I will smile in a week and that is not my last concert with Christy!!!!!!!. The third best this 12 month is without question Ditch Cassidy and Jimmy Smyth in Gibney’s 1 january. A big thank you to all of you for the joy you give me and all other musiclovers
greetings to Ditch Cassidy and Jimmy Smith
Oh did I weep when you have said with such surety and conviction that you won’t gig the oul wedding and bar mitzvah. I would only get married on the understanding you would attend. That’s me resigned to spinsterdom. Xx
my surety is breachable, my conviction dubious….odd occasions can bring on re-examination of old rules provided there is no sherry in the trifle
Maryline came to the rescue re. the RFH Setlist 🙂 🙂 🙂
She DE Woman
A Great night in the big hotel in Cavan….Nice to hear old and “new” songs….Mandolin Mountain fits very well.
Good to be back on the road and thanks for the welcome.
Rory Gallagher is 19 years gone today…and you playing in Donegal tonight……
just saying like……
Thanks for the Nod on Rory’s anniversary…
Thanks for a total amazing evening Christy. Se you soon again. Also read my comment in your FBgroup.
Yes,we had a right good night in The Slieve Russell, Ballyconnel… songsters from both sides of the Border thronged to The Great Room to sit beneath Crystal Chandeliers. The songs freely flowed and we did our longest set in 10 years..2 hours and 20 minutes.. ( the poor smokers were twitchin and the alkies shakin). I really enjoyed rejoining Doctor Sinnott after a 3 month hiatus…..I have no idea how to access facebook…one social medium at a time
“With a beautiful BBC-clipped tone” :p
Sure you’re some sport boy!
The Cliffs of Dooneen, a Christy, in ómós do Danny (atá ar shlí na fírinne), athair Marian, an bhean a bheidh liom oíche amárach. With Fathers Day on Sunday ‘twould mean a lot to a body 🙂
ceart go leor, ta súl agam go mbéidh mé ábalta an amhrán sin a cannadh….I think I’ll have to get the sean fáinne ór polished up…I do have a great auld grá for the teanga but the ballads as béarla have lead me astray
Duffy’s Cut: Continued excavation hopes to bring murdered Philadelphia railroad workers tragic story to an end.
Fundraiser to excavate 50 murdered Irishmen at Duffy’s Cut
Kate Hickey @KateHickey_ June 13,2014 01:21 PM
Historians and advocates are attempting to raise funds to support the excavation, insurance and examination of the remains of 50 Irish laborers believed to have been massacred at Duffy’s Cut, a stretch of railroad outside Philadelphia.
Brothers Frank and William Watson (a Lutheran minister and a historian) have already spearheaded the project and excavated the remains of seven Irish men buried in the location. Following the examination of the remains and research into documents the brothers and forensic anthropologist Dr Janet Monge established that what happened there in 1832 was nothing short of a massacre.
The story of these murdered Irish laborers began with the British ship John Stamp, which sailed from Derry bound for Philadelphia. Most of the passengers were from Donegal, Derry and Tyrone. The passengers included William Devine (21), George Quigley (22), and John Ruddy (18).
After two months at sea they arrived in Philadelphia on June 23, 1832. There they met with Irish contractor Philip Duffy, who offered them jobs. He had been contracted by the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad to build a section of track called Mile 59, which later became known as Duffy’s Cut.
Within six weeks these 57 laborers were dead.
It is believed that cholera swept through the laborers’ shanty town. Based on the examination of the physical evidence carried out by the Watsons and Monge it is believed that these workers escaped from enforced quarantine, were caught and murdered.
Through the brothers’ hard work and the public’s contributions they had the remains of six of the bodies reburied at the West Laurel Hill cemetery, Pennsylvania, and one the men’s remains, 18-year-old John Ruddy’s, buried in Adara, County Donegal.
Now the Watson brothers plan to uncover and examine the 50 other men who were buried at this site. Previously Amtrak had concerns over safety and stalled the project, however Frank Watson told IrishCentral that they’re now planning to get back to work later this year, funds permitting.
He explained that for the last two years they have been in negotiations with the company who own the plot of land where it is believed the 50 Irishmen are buried.
“Through the hard work of our engineer, Joe Devoy (owner of Tellus 360 in Lancaster, PA) Amtrak has agreed to a plan that will allow us to excavate what look to be the remaining bodies of up to 50 Irish laborers underneath the stone enclosure,” said Frank.
The “enclosure” he refers to was originally built as an octagonal wooden fence by Irish laborers, on the Pennsylvania railroad in 1870. That was replaced around 1909 by Martin Clement and a stone wall remains to this day.
It was through the Watson brothers connection to Clement that this mass murder emerged. Clement built this enclosure around the area, but there was no explanation of what he had found. It all remained a secret until Frank and William Watson’s grandfather Joseph Tripican, who had been an assistant to Clement’s, died.
In 2002 the Watsons were going through some family papers where they discovered a file on Clement’s 1909 investigation that their grandfather had taken home with him after the company went bankrupt in 1970. These company records indicated that at least 57 people had died at Duffy’s Cut.
Nearly thirteen years after their initial discovery the Watson brothers are well on their way to putting an end to the Duffy’s Cut mystery and laying these men to rest.
Frank told IrishCentral that they are being aided in their fundraising by the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick along with the Immaculata University. However, they need over $25,000 to complete the dig and that’s before the laborers’ reinterment is paid for. On Father’s Day they will hold a music fundraiser in Drexel Hill (more details below).
For the past two years the Watson brothers have been sharing the story of Duffy’s Cut with the community, meeting with various groups and working with the group making a movie about the emigrants’ plight.
Frank explained that while the Irish government, especially Peter Ryan, Deputy Consul in New York, has been hugely helpful in promoting and supporting the Duffy’s Cut project there is no Irish or US government funding.
“The goal of the fundraiser is to provide the necessary costs both for the Amtrak and insurance costs, and also to provide for DNA testing on the first set of remains,” explained Frank.
These first set of remains were those of John Duddy, the 18-year-old man, who was returned to his native soil in Donegal.
“Our forensic dentist Matt Patterson collected DNA samples last year when he came with us to Ardara in Donegal for the burial of John Ruddy, and we have been awaiting results of other DNA tests being conducted free of charge by others but because of cost-related issues we still have no complete results – therefore the need to provide funding to ensure prompt results.”
When the other 50 bodies are excavated and examined they were be reinterred at West Laurel Hill Cemetery (in Bala Cynwyd, PA) where six of the Duffy’s Cut victims are already buried.
“The vault was intentionally installed with more space for further bodies two years ago, but if we find the remains of a 70-year-old laborer, we hope to take that body back to Tyrone,” said Frank.
They believe this will be the body of John Burns, the oldest laborer on board the John Stamp. He traveled with his widowed daughter-in-law, Catherine Burns. They both disappeared from history after they arrived in the US in August 1832.
“There were 70 out of 160 passengers on board the John Stamp who hailed from Tyrone, making Tyrone the country with the largest number of passengers who came to America on that ship. At least three of the laborers from Tyrone disappeared after they came to America on board the ship,” said Frank.
“We hope that the concert on Father’s Day will help to raise the necessary funds to discover and rebury the remaining men (and possibly other women as well) from Duffy’s Cut.”
The fundraiser will take place on Father’s Day, Sunday June 15, at the Twentieth Century Club of Lansdowne, Drexel Hill, PA, from 3 to 6pm. For tickets and more information visit their Facebook page here.
A teaser for a documentary on the men:
Here Christy Moore sings a song Duffys Cut
Be the honey Jimi….your on the ball there…Duffy is back in the set..gaveit a good seeing to in Cavan last night..there were Donegal and Kerry listeners in the front row, Armagh Tyrone Meath London and Californians in behind and they all sitting amidst a great body of Cavan songsters who raised us up to the Crystal Chandeliers….Cavan has always been great gig country..going way back to the 70s I recall that they were always very into the songs in these parts….The Hacklers from Grouse Hall….
“From Ballyshannon and The Glenties they sailed right into hell
they suffered like the weeping Christ, down Duffy’s Cut they sweat their Blood into his Wishing Well
Were they taken by the sickness, were they hunted down like scum,
was there poison in the water, was it murder, was it cholera…
The Smoke that hid the bullets from the barrell of the Bosses gun” ( from Duffy’s Cut by Wally Page)
Hi Christy, hope you’re well. Wondering if you or if anyone on here has any idea where I could get two tickets for The Clanree for tomorrow night. I thought I wouldn’t be able to make the gig originally….
Thanks in advance 🙂
its rammed, ( thanks be!!)….nothin left in Letterkenny, …the auld gig is flyin at the minute….do have to pinch myself some times..
Thanks for the reply. It’s being so busy that keeps you so young 🙂 I’ll try the 4711ers (though I’ve already asked a couple of members with no luck). All the best for your upcoming gigs . Hope it’s not too long before you are back in London (or Brighton again, that would be nice and only a jaunt along the coast for me). Best wishes.
if you have no joy at the sister site giz a shout…when I get back to base I can open up the archive and delve in for that set list..greetings from the rolling hills of Cavan,,theres a Blackbird singing outside my window…just had a tune with Declan, our first rendezvous since RFH….
After Residential Care Trust is having a major fundraiser in Naas by screening the “Shane McGowan Story If I Should Fall From Grace” on July 10th Odeon Naas 7:30 with the man himself in attendance and after show gig with music by Aftermath at time: Bar + Venue. We realise you’re a busy man Christy but would love you to attend if you’re available!!!here is the link to tickets thanks
Hello Christy, Sorry to be a pain in the wotsit but would you be able to print the setlist for the Festival Hall gig that took place on Thursday 17th April? I’ve got a jumbled list of songs that I scribbled down on the way home but nothing in the correct order. Thanking you in anticipation. JackieH
agh Jasus Jackie steady on there…I’m trying to rehearse for upcoming gigs, write a few songs,do a bit of exercise, ate me dinner, pack me bag, watch the world cup, walk the pier, shave shite ‘n shampoo,go to bed and hopefully wake up, sort me emails , answer txts, play me guitar, talk on the wireless, send up a few zzzzzzzzzzzs ……try the sister site….if that dont work call back and I’ll try and track it down
Bhuel, a Christy!
Sheol mé teachtaireacht bheag chuig an bookings & enquiries – táim ag dul chuig an cheolchoirm Dé Sathairn agus bhí mé ag iarraidh request beag – seans go bhfuil tú báite ag na requests céanna cheana féin!!!
Ádh mór,
Go dtóga an ceol ár misneach!
go hana mhaith mar a deirtear i mBórd na Móna, caill me mo fáínne tar éir an inter cert i 1961….beidir bo mbeith me ábalta for request a dheanaimh but you;ll have to give to me straight up in the bleedin queens english auld capall… marcaidn ar agaidh mar a deirtear i Fairyhouse
Loving the John Murray interview – thanks to the wonders of the I-Player. Sounds beautifully relaxed. Still buzzing from the Belfast gigs and the great honour we had in being there with a special crew. Love the story of the wedding too – makes me sure that i’ve made the right choice in missing a wedding on Saturday to get to the Letterkenny gig – well it’s not like I’m the groom or anything 🙂 Keep well and safe travelling.
morra John, gearing up here for The Clanree..just pressing the T Shirt now and boiling the guitar strings…camping in Cavan on the way up to the NW. keep in touch with all your positive vibrations..charges the batteries
dear Christy ,
Declan and the rest of the crew – hope your trip to Cavan will be as successful as all the previous concerts ..
Im looking a big favour , and hope you can help me out ..
we are very lucky to get a Christy gig in every year , and more so since you started coming to us in Cavan .. 🙂
anyway I am hoping you can play a special request for my daughter Megan O Reilly, she has just finished her leaving cert . and what better way than to celebrate with you ..
black is the colour is the song which always reminds me of her , esp from the night a few yrs ago she requested you sang it and you (unknowingly embarrassed her by making her identify herself . . you sang it for Megan that night .. and I would be forever grateful if you could acknowledge her on Friday night ..
during the bad snow a few yrs. ago , she mailed you upset that she was missing a gig in Dublin..
you and your manager organised for her and her uncle (who is your no 1 fan ) to attend a concert in Belfast ..
I thank you to this day for making our lives better for the music and lyrics you have brought into our lives..
so looking forward to seeing you guys on Friday night in the Slieve Russell ..
whoooooooooooooooo whoooo
so a reminder for Megan O Reilly , and if you can include Seamus OReilly as well I will be a very happy lady ..
Morra Scout…we’ll do the best we can…my self and Declan have been on our separate journeys these past months…looking forward to getting back with him and tuning our axes for the wild forest…our last gig together was 3 months ago in London
Hi Christy
Really enjoyed the John Murray show this morning with your Craic and singing. I have been a fan of yours for a very long time.
Christy, I have just completed the 12 week program in Cuan Mhuire, Newry for addiction and I have to say that is the most wonderful experience I have ever had where is got to know myself for what I am and realized what damage that addictions can bring to yourself and family. Hopefully I’m well on the road to recovery.
Sister Consila is the nearest thing time a walking saint I have ever met for the work she does for people in addiction. She depends entirely on voluntary subscriptions and work. For helping me so much I want to give something back to Cuan Mhuire.
I was wondering if you would be interested in coming to Cuan Mhuire to perform a show for us to help raise funds for the place. If interested I would really appreciate to hear from you. My email address is “” or phone (Northern Ireland code) 07739099520
Michael Nugent
I wish you well Michael in your recovery….