Sorry to learn of the death of Gerry Conlon – he suffered much in his life and the pain of losing a good father like Guiseppe….well it was hard for him. This clip shows a bit of what he suffered – language may not be suitable for younger folk. May his suffering be ended and may he be at rest in the arms of Guiseppe and Sarah.
Hi Christy, saw you in the Barras and in Letterkenny these last few months! Two brilliantly different gigs 馃檪 are you back in Glasgow later in the year?
Christy's reply
if all goes well,we’ll be back there in Autumn 2015…..I’d be back next week if it was up to me but they tell me that absence makes the heart grow fond.
“in Mountjoy Jail one Monday morning”
Hi Christy, I’m not sure but I think Gerry Was at a gig in The Mean Fiddler many moons ago ,it is sad to hear of his passing,”they fouled the ball Daddy,they fouled the ball”the hell he went thru is unimaginable and we cannot comprehend ,gone to soon RIP Ger. Away away ye broken hearts you. I would loved to be in Boyle , Johns songs have traveled all around the world, have fun with the Grehan sisters.Take care Christy. ps tell Johnny , Damian Doyle said hello here in Boston
hey Christy
the bodhran that you are use sounds beautiful and I was wondering where in the world would a fellow get one?? I have had a couple over the years but just cant get the sound im looking for.
myself and rubber done a great “johnny don’t go” in new York about 10 years ago. ya should ask him about it…
Them bodhrans on hill 16 sound terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christy's reply
The Bodhr谩n I play was made by an instrument maker in New Zealand. He made a drum for D贸nal Lunny about 15 years ago. I loved the sound so D贸nal asked him to make a second one which thankfully he did. Then he stopped making drums and, as far as I know,he has never made another. Of course the way you play it also effects the sound….having the right mike also enhances the noise it makes and then the sound engineer can sprinkle a bit of daz on it….I’ll chat the Rubber about Sons of Sars in NYC….Dont go to the Crystal Palace, Dont go to the hole in the wall
Came to party late…been listening to “Live in Dublin (2006)”….can’t get it out of my head. “Two Island Swans” is a treasure. Thank you.
Christy's reply
this party is only getting started…”Swans” is indeed a very special song..first heard it back in 1972 from the Band “Mountain”,listened to them a lot back then…its not been on the setlist much in recent years but its that kind of comes and goes..migrates and returns…
My, ahem monologue, thanks to you Christy. Rant is inappropriate. You are right.The one woman left out of this monologue – who inspired the whole damned video on women musicians, aha – is Louise Taylor ad her CD ” Ride”. Whee!
Sincerely, Charles
Hello Christy,
we are here in the wilderness and Internet is very rare, so I could read your reply only today. Thank you! Oh yes, that old cinema gig was long ago, really two decades have passed. How fast time goes by …
Great interview in the John Murray Show that Tuesday morning. Loved to listen to, it was the best breakfast we had here. Wonderful to hear you sing parts of Lord Baker. Now we are curious if he will turn up in Boyle.
Midsummer greetings, Traudel
Christy's reply
Lord Baker has set sail from Turkeyland and will be in Boyle….The Man who slayed his Brother will also return…The Raggle Taggle Gypsy has not returned any of my calls but thats his modus operandi, he always arrives from nowhere and departs to nowhere…chances are he will turn up too….I’ll collect the serving girl at the Well below the valley but the Holy man is nowhere to be found
I’ve just read your most recent chat – very good and I loved the lines about the ‘three guitars’ in Newbridge, you knew who they owners were, such was Ireland of the times, if you owned or played a guitar you were rather ‘esoteric’ even dare I say eccentric. Gawd be with the days if ya wandered down your town’s main street with long and an LP under your arm you were marked out.
Boyle on June 26th looks interesting.
Christy's reply
great thing about having a guitar back then was it made hitching very easy…we hitched everywhere..a guitar guaranteed a quick lift and often , as a result, a different destination..we were footloose and fancy free..I remember myself ad Meg McGowan would go to the edge of town….we ‘d to opposite sides of the road and both start thumbin….we ‘d then go in the direction of the first car to stop….Patsy Hanly, the great flute player, always carried his flute in a fiddle case, the fiddle case was much better for getting lifts….when we first started to go to Boyle back in 1963, we often stopped in Coffey’s of Lecarrow..back then it was a good house for a few tunes..back then not many pubs allowed singing or music, Coffeys of Lecarrow, Grehans,of Boyle, Dowlings of Prosperous were celebrated exceptions
The Gaeilg贸ir铆 are taking over the roads , strands and every stone wall that you can see!They are like a crowd of sheep on the strand.But Dad says not to be joking about them because they are learning Irish.
Dad贸 is going in the home today.I’m in his bed and I’m protesting about giving the bed back to the HSE (James Riley aka bearded unhealthy fella!) . I’m very sad after Dad贸 and the house is not normal.
I’m reading the Christy concert tour live booklet and i have realized on the 1994 set list it says “Rose” , which rose is it , Me and the rose or Bright blue rose(bbr)?
The magpies are gone because I think the cuckoo drove them , the fleet of them one by one.Don’t you know that the cuckoo is a wonderful bird!
CS (9)
P.S “I never met Bob Dylan but I sang with pecker Dunne and we drank lough 脡ireann dry and we went looking for Lough Dann Sure the crack was good in cricklewood But twas better in Athboy , When Maggie Barry asked me up for the wild Colonial Boy”.
Christy's reply
CS(9)…sorry to read that your Dad贸 has moved…I hope the good man will be comfortable and well looked after…its a hard time for all … I’ve no doubt but that you will help to fill the gap left in his absence…I learned a great song years ago from the singing of the late Seosamh 脫 Heanaigh..its called “I wish I had Someone to Love Me”…I learned it in Maroubra, New South Wales in Australia……….I suppose it can be difficult when the hordes arrive in the Summer and they all hunting for the F谩inne 脫r…I was one of them back in the 1950s. In ’57 I went to Gortahork for 2 weeks. I was go hana lonely ar ’60 I went to Ballyferriter and had mighty crack…I learnt a fierce amount altogether…..I’d say the Rose referred to in that gig set is “Me and The Rose”…. …when writing lists I always refer to the other as “Blue”or “BBR”….I was talking to the Rose (from my song) just last week when she attended a gig in my home town along with her Husband and Daughter….
I wish thon Cuckoo would pay us a visit. We have 7 magpies lurking around our garden..they get up to allsorts of evil in the Hedges…they rob nests, they murder chicks, they kill the poor frogs…I dislike them intensely and wish the wind would come and blow them back to the France or wherever else they originated…their very sound is unsettling ( some say the same thing about my own )…CM(69)
Hi All,,,, Just to remind people that Iggy B has co written a song and it has been released by Sean Keane,,,, its available to download at :… its surely worth supporting a fellow 4711er so why not go for it,,,?? Let the sunshine in,,, !!! beir bua. H
Christy's reply
Face the puck Iggy…good luck with the new song me auld linnet.
“may your tae be strong,
your turf be saved,
your gigs be full
and your Summers long”
Oh the night that Daniel came out and joined you on “Mary From Dunloe” That was priceless!!!! One of my fondest memories from a single gig….am getting the itch to be at a gig!!!!! Sing far and the notes may pass over the high rocky mountains….
Christy's reply
“The songs are strong, the notes hang in the air” (Nigel Rolfe)
Forgot to ask: is there something you or your crew would like to have from Belgium?
I will bring it with much pleasure at least if it is not the elephant from the zoo!!
Christy's reply
just your ears, heart and soul…. we bring the rest… Thanks
Last year in Wexford I have started with counting off the days until your next gig.
Not knowing in which part of the country we would arrive now (we’ve been in Castlebar, Balinasloe, Lisdoonvarna,Portlaoise,Carrickmacross).
After a lot of puzzling and compare agendas ( we both work in a hospital) Sligo has become the chosen one. So on friday( this week) we arrive in Cork and we work our way up to Sligo.
I’am reading your book and I was wondering if it would be possible that you signed it ? It’s only a paperback, couldn’t find a hardcover last year in Dublin,
but I guess the words are the same.
Looking foreword to see you and Ireland back many greetings from the shy woman from Belgium Chris.
Ps Our Red Devils are playing tonight hopefully I don’t have to be the shamed woman !
Christy's reply
Be Happy to sign your book…See you in Sligo….give it to Stage crew or sound or light crew…have a good trip…
Since the gig in Ballyconnell was so amazing, will I come to Sligo to. And should be so happy if you could sing Belfast Brigade. I know, you havent sing then for many year, but PLEASE? I also have a small gift for you from Doolin, wich I will put on the scene, before the gig if possible or give you after
Christy's reply
Baraji….glad yo enjoyed Ballyconnell…we had a real good time ourselves and the songs flowed well……wont be doing Belfast Brigade in Sligo…did it on a 1969 album and have never sung it since…. certain songs bite the dust fairly rapid for a variety of reasons…could be a good thread for…poor sister site gets little attention these days…maybe a re vamp, re-boot….a board meeting perhaps !!!
Hi Christy, Thank you sincerely for a great gig the other night in Letterkenny……As always it was an honour and a pleasure to hear and see you perform your magic…Great set, with some unexpected numbers in the mix, like Marty I enjoyed the Rory and Phil Chevron tributes as well. The “Drunken Husband” and “Amsterdam” went down very well also with what was a very receptive and appreciative audience…..I spoke with quite a number of friends and acquaintances (who were there) since the show, many of whom had not been to one of your gigs in years and they all agreed that your “better than ever” and I certainly wouldn’t disagree with that. Normally I would suggest “If it ain’t broken – Don’t fix it” but I have to say Jimmy’s inclusion on percussion appears to be a master stroke…..I didn’t think you could improve on perfection Christy but I have to say Jimmy’s introduction adds another very powerful heartbeat to the Christy and Declan experience..Great to catch up with the ever faithful 4711’ers as well and looking forward with some relish to Sligo in a couple of weeks. Good to chat with Got back to Killybegs after the gig just in time for the second half of the England game….they played well but just lacked that little bit of craftiness that that the Italians have. Joxer was in my head all the way down the road…had hoped he would get a run out in the Clanree, but no harm leaving him on the bench an odd night. Great World Cup so far, lots of goals about, hard to pick a winner just yet. See you in Sligo and Thank you for your nod of acknowledgment the other night !! Love & Respect Martin Mac
Christy's reply
Jasus Marty I dont know whats going on…when I started this tour in 1966 the gig was always 2 x 2o minute sets and that was it…these nights the gigs are getting longer… the last two ran for almost two and a half hours…I’ve never enjoyed my work as much nor played such long sets…. getting back together with Declan was exciting, having Jimmy in the mix makes it more so….he ties it up and keeps it solid…makes more space for Declan and keeps me on the beat….sometimes I lose count of where I am in the music or on the beat but Jimmy is like a metronome, and much more besides…shame about that lad in Letterkenny, they say he was grand coming in but seemed to go off to another zone early on….thankfully he did not ruin the night and it settled down after he went… I hate it when there is disruption, some of us know all about disruption
Is laoch th煤, a Christy – go raibh c茅ad maith agat as an amhr谩n a chasadh! No extra boiled egg though! Unreal show…mar is gn谩ch!
Christy's reply
Landlady to new Lodger…”how do you like your egg in the morning”
Lodger to Landlady..” I likes ’em done in twos”
Landlady to Lodger…. “in that case I’ll put yours down with my own”
Well done on another great gig in the Russell on fri’ night, the 3 of you work so well together, loved the new song Mandolin Mountain, having heard you doing it on John Murray show during the week.
Been a great trip since early ’80s following you, nice to say I was there in The Lawn Belturbet all those years ago, Ballinamore too, saw you & Rory in Lisdoon’, ’83 I think, In the big Tent at Mary from Dungloe, ’97 in Forun in Enniskillen, Fleadh Mor in Tramor with Dylan, Van Morrison, Ray Charles, that was MacGowan’s first outing with The Popes.. then low & behold did’nt I run into you one day in the music shop in Enniskilen, you were next door with Mid Atlantic Digital mastering a CD and came in for strings or something..
Good to see you looking so well, continued health man & thanks for doing ” I wish I was Back Home in Derry”, we’ve a great affinity with the writer here in Fermanagh, glad to say I worked night and day on his election campaign…. Cherers again Christy , Fair Play to ya
Christy's reply
Morra Gaff…thats a quare range of gigs you listed there, I rem all of them in different ways…that Tramore gig was a humdinger, shame it did not take off…Vince Power put on a magnificent spread but the listeners did not turn up…The Lawns in Belturbet was the very first time I ever sang Lisdoonvarna, thats not today nor yesterday…that tent in Dungloe was the night Daniel joined me on stage for Mary from Dungloe..I love that song..used to sing it way back as a young fellow…Donal Lunny and I used to sing it and later he played it with Emmet-Spicleand…that Ballinamore gig was a benefit for the Anti H.Block campaign….always remember meeting a local Ballad singer that night, same name as myself..often wonder what became of him…always liked the Forum in Enniskillen but its been a few years since…thanks for stickin round with the songs
Thank you Ralph! And Christy!
its a long long way, a long long way….a long long way from Clare to here
Sorry to learn of the death of Gerry Conlon – he suffered much in his life and the pain of losing a good father like Guiseppe….well it was hard for him. This clip shows a bit of what he suffered – language may not be suitable for younger folk. May his suffering be ended and may he be at rest in the arms of Guiseppe and Sarah.
Hi Christy, saw you in the Barras and in Letterkenny these last few months! Two brilliantly different gigs 馃檪 are you back in Glasgow later in the year?
if all goes well,we’ll be back there in Autumn 2015…..I’d be back next week if it was up to me but they tell me that absence makes the heart grow fond.
“in Mountjoy Jail one Monday morning”
Hi Christy, I’m not sure but I think Gerry Was at a gig in The Mean Fiddler many moons ago ,it is sad to hear of his passing,”they fouled the ball Daddy,they fouled the ball”the hell he went thru is unimaginable and we cannot comprehend ,gone to soon RIP Ger. Away away ye broken hearts you. I would loved to be in Boyle , Johns songs have traveled all around the world, have fun with the Grehan sisters.Take care Christy. ps tell Johnny , Damian Doyle said hello here in Boston
Morra Fin….which Johnny ?
To all my Christian friends, I hope you won’t shun me now. But here I go.
hey Christy
the bodhran that you are use sounds beautiful and I was wondering where in the world would a fellow get one?? I have had a couple over the years but just cant get the sound im looking for.
myself and rubber done a great “johnny don’t go” in new York about 10 years ago. ya should ask him about it…
Them bodhrans on hill 16 sound terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Bodhr谩n I play was made by an instrument maker in New Zealand. He made a drum for D贸nal Lunny about 15 years ago. I loved the sound so D贸nal asked him to make a second one which thankfully he did. Then he stopped making drums and, as far as I know,he has never made another. Of course the way you play it also effects the sound….having the right mike also enhances the noise it makes and then the sound engineer can sprinkle a bit of daz on it….I’ll chat the Rubber about Sons of Sars in NYC….Dont go to the Crystal Palace, Dont go to the hole in the wall
RIP Gerry Conlon may he be at peace with Guiseppe
I dont know what to say…he was such a lovely,lost innocent lad
Came to party late…been listening to “Live in Dublin (2006)”….can’t get it out of my head. “Two Island Swans” is a treasure. Thank you.
this party is only getting started…”Swans” is indeed a very special song..first heard it back in 1972 from the Band “Mountain”,listened to them a lot back then…its not been on the setlist much in recent years but its that kind of comes and goes..migrates and returns…
My, ahem monologue, thanks to you Christy. Rant is inappropriate. You are right.The one woman left out of this monologue – who inspired the whole damned video on women musicians, aha – is Louise Taylor ad her CD ” Ride”. Whee!
Sincerely, Charles
Hello Christy,
we are here in the wilderness and Internet is very rare, so I could read your reply only today. Thank you! Oh yes, that old cinema gig was long ago, really two decades have passed. How fast time goes by …
Great interview in the John Murray Show that Tuesday morning. Loved to listen to, it was the best breakfast we had here. Wonderful to hear you sing parts of Lord Baker. Now we are curious if he will turn up in Boyle.
Midsummer greetings, Traudel
Lord Baker has set sail from Turkeyland and will be in Boyle….The Man who slayed his Brother will also return…The Raggle Taggle Gypsy has not returned any of my calls but thats his modus operandi, he always arrives from nowhere and departs to nowhere…chances are he will turn up too….I’ll collect the serving girl at the Well below the valley but the Holy man is nowhere to be found
I’ve just read your most recent chat – very good and I loved the lines about the ‘three guitars’ in Newbridge, you knew who they owners were, such was Ireland of the times, if you owned or played a guitar you were rather ‘esoteric’ even dare I say eccentric. Gawd be with the days if ya wandered down your town’s main street with long and an LP under your arm you were marked out.
Boyle on June 26th looks interesting.
great thing about having a guitar back then was it made hitching very easy…we hitched everywhere..a guitar guaranteed a quick lift and often , as a result, a different destination..we were footloose and fancy free..I remember myself ad Meg McGowan would go to the edge of town….we ‘d to opposite sides of the road and both start thumbin….we ‘d then go in the direction of the first car to stop….Patsy Hanly, the great flute player, always carried his flute in a fiddle case, the fiddle case was much better for getting lifts….when we first started to go to Boyle back in 1963, we often stopped in Coffey’s of Lecarrow..back then it was a good house for a few tunes..back then not many pubs allowed singing or music, Coffeys of Lecarrow, Grehans,of Boyle, Dowlings of Prosperous were celebrated exceptions
The Gaeilg贸ir铆 are taking over the roads , strands and every stone wall that you can see!They are like a crowd of sheep on the strand.But Dad says not to be joking about them because they are learning Irish.
Dad贸 is going in the home today.I’m in his bed and I’m protesting about giving the bed back to the HSE (James Riley aka bearded unhealthy fella!) . I’m very sad after Dad贸 and the house is not normal.
I’m reading the Christy concert tour live booklet and i have realized on the 1994 set list it says “Rose” , which rose is it , Me and the rose or Bright blue rose(bbr)?
The magpies are gone because I think the cuckoo drove them , the fleet of them one by one.Don’t you know that the cuckoo is a wonderful bird!
CS (9)
P.S “I never met Bob Dylan but I sang with pecker Dunne and we drank lough 脡ireann dry and we went looking for Lough Dann Sure the crack was good in cricklewood But twas better in Athboy , When Maggie Barry asked me up for the wild Colonial Boy”.
CS(9)…sorry to read that your Dad贸 has moved…I hope the good man will be comfortable and well looked after…its a hard time for all … I’ve no doubt but that you will help to fill the gap left in his absence…I learned a great song years ago from the singing of the late Seosamh 脫 Heanaigh..its called “I wish I had Someone to Love Me”…I learned it in Maroubra, New South Wales in Australia……….I suppose it can be difficult when the hordes arrive in the Summer and they all hunting for the F谩inne 脫r…I was one of them back in the 1950s. In ’57 I went to Gortahork for 2 weeks. I was go hana lonely ar ’60 I went to Ballyferriter and had mighty crack…I learnt a fierce amount altogether…..I’d say the Rose referred to in that gig set is “Me and The Rose”…. …when writing lists I always refer to the other as “Blue”or “BBR”….I was talking to the Rose (from my song) just last week when she attended a gig in my home town along with her Husband and Daughter….
I wish thon Cuckoo would pay us a visit. We have 7 magpies lurking around our garden..they get up to allsorts of evil in the Hedges…they rob nests, they murder chicks, they kill the poor frogs…I dislike them intensely and wish the wind would come and blow them back to the France or wherever else they originated…their very sound is unsettling ( some say the same thing about my own )…CM(69)
Hi All,,,, Just to remind people that Iggy B has co written a song and it has been released by Sean Keane,,,, its available to download at :… its surely worth supporting a fellow 4711er so why not go for it,,,?? Let the sunshine in,,, !!! beir bua. H
Face the puck Iggy…good luck with the new song me auld linnet.
“may your tae be strong,
your turf be saved,
your gigs be full
and your Summers long”
Oh the night that Daniel came out and joined you on “Mary From Dunloe” That was priceless!!!! One of my fondest memories from a single gig….am getting the itch to be at a gig!!!!! Sing far and the notes may pass over the high rocky mountains….
“The songs are strong, the notes hang in the air” (Nigel Rolfe)
Forgot to ask: is there something you or your crew would like to have from Belgium?
I will bring it with much pleasure at least if it is not the elephant from the zoo!!
just your ears, heart and soul…. we bring the rest… Thanks
Dear Christy
Last year in Wexford I have started with counting off the days until your next gig.
Not knowing in which part of the country we would arrive now (we’ve been in Castlebar, Balinasloe, Lisdoonvarna,Portlaoise,Carrickmacross).
After a lot of puzzling and compare agendas ( we both work in a hospital) Sligo has become the chosen one. So on friday( this week) we arrive in Cork and we work our way up to Sligo.
I’am reading your book and I was wondering if it would be possible that you signed it ? It’s only a paperback, couldn’t find a hardcover last year in Dublin,
but I guess the words are the same.
Looking foreword to see you and Ireland back many greetings from the shy woman from Belgium Chris.
Ps Our Red Devils are playing tonight hopefully I don’t have to be the shamed woman !
Be Happy to sign your book…See you in Sligo….give it to Stage crew or sound or light crew…have a good trip…
Since the gig in Ballyconnell was so amazing, will I come to Sligo to. And should be so happy if you could sing Belfast Brigade. I know, you havent sing then for many year, but PLEASE? I also have a small gift for you from Doolin, wich I will put on the scene, before the gig if possible or give you after
Baraji….glad yo enjoyed Ballyconnell…we had a real good time ourselves and the songs flowed well……wont be doing Belfast Brigade in Sligo…did it on a 1969 album and have never sung it since…. certain songs bite the dust fairly rapid for a variety of reasons…could be a good thread for…poor sister site gets little attention these days…maybe a re vamp, re-boot….a board meeting perhaps !!!
Hi Christy, Thank you sincerely for a great gig the other night in Letterkenny……As always it was an honour and a pleasure to hear and see you perform your magic…Great set, with some unexpected numbers in the mix, like Marty I enjoyed the Rory and Phil Chevron tributes as well. The “Drunken Husband” and “Amsterdam” went down very well also with what was a very receptive and appreciative audience…..I spoke with quite a number of friends and acquaintances (who were there) since the show, many of whom had not been to one of your gigs in years and they all agreed that your “better than ever” and I certainly wouldn’t disagree with that. Normally I would suggest “If it ain’t broken – Don’t fix it” but I have to say Jimmy’s inclusion on percussion appears to be a master stroke…..I didn’t think you could improve on perfection Christy but I have to say Jimmy’s introduction adds another very powerful heartbeat to the Christy and Declan experience..Great to catch up with the ever faithful 4711’ers as well and looking forward with some relish to Sligo in a couple of weeks. Good to chat with Got back to Killybegs after the gig just in time for the second half of the England game….they played well but just lacked that little bit of craftiness that that the Italians have. Joxer was in my head all the way down the road…had hoped he would get a run out in the Clanree, but no harm leaving him on the bench an odd night. Great World Cup so far, lots of goals about, hard to pick a winner just yet. See you in Sligo and Thank you for your nod of acknowledgment the other night !! Love & Respect Martin Mac
Jasus Marty I dont know whats going on…when I started this tour in 1966 the gig was always 2 x 2o minute sets and that was it…these nights the gigs are getting longer… the last two ran for almost two and a half hours…I’ve never enjoyed my work as much nor played such long sets…. getting back together with Declan was exciting, having Jimmy in the mix makes it more so….he ties it up and keeps it solid…makes more space for Declan and keeps me on the beat….sometimes I lose count of where I am in the music or on the beat but Jimmy is like a metronome, and much more besides…shame about that lad in Letterkenny, they say he was grand coming in but seemed to go off to another zone early on….thankfully he did not ruin the night and it settled down after he went… I hate it when there is disruption, some of us know all about disruption
Is laoch th煤, a Christy – go raibh c茅ad maith agat as an amhr谩n a chasadh! No extra boiled egg though! Unreal show…mar is gn谩ch!
Landlady to new Lodger…”how do you like your egg in the morning”
Lodger to Landlady..” I likes ’em done in twos”
Landlady to Lodger…. “in that case I’ll put yours down with my own”
Well done on another great gig in the Russell on fri’ night, the 3 of you work so well together, loved the new song Mandolin Mountain, having heard you doing it on John Murray show during the week.
Been a great trip since early ’80s following you, nice to say I was there in The Lawn Belturbet all those years ago, Ballinamore too, saw you & Rory in Lisdoon’, ’83 I think, In the big Tent at Mary from Dungloe, ’97 in Forun in Enniskillen, Fleadh Mor in Tramor with Dylan, Van Morrison, Ray Charles, that was MacGowan’s first outing with The Popes.. then low & behold did’nt I run into you one day in the music shop in Enniskilen, you were next door with Mid Atlantic Digital mastering a CD and came in for strings or something..
Good to see you looking so well, continued health man & thanks for doing ” I wish I was Back Home in Derry”, we’ve a great affinity with the writer here in Fermanagh, glad to say I worked night and day on his election campaign…. Cherers again Christy , Fair Play to ya
Morra Gaff…thats a quare range of gigs you listed there, I rem all of them in different ways…that Tramore gig was a humdinger, shame it did not take off…Vince Power put on a magnificent spread but the listeners did not turn up…The Lawns in Belturbet was the very first time I ever sang Lisdoonvarna, thats not today nor yesterday…that tent in Dungloe was the night Daniel joined me on stage for Mary from Dungloe..I love that song..used to sing it way back as a young fellow…Donal Lunny and I used to sing it and later he played it with Emmet-Spicleand…that Ballinamore gig was a benefit for the Anti H.Block campaign….always remember meeting a local Ballad singer that night, same name as myself..often wonder what became of him…always liked the Forum in Enniskillen but its been a few years since…thanks for stickin round with the songs