Hello Christy,
We just arrived to Co. Sligo and it’s raining …
Loking forward very much to hear Lord Baker and his companions tomorrow.
See you soon, Traudel
Christy's reply
we’ll travel East and we’ll travel West, half the North and the South also, until we arrive into Ireland
Afternoon Sir.
It has actually been quite fine in Oldham the past few weeks but sure it will piss down before the weekend. Great chat you posted. I’m sure like many fans it intrigues us to know how you’re doing, what you’re thinking. We’re just nosey really. Great review of Bob Dylan. He doesn’t make it easy for us. Dylan has been my inspiration to write, sing and play since I first clapped eyes on him at Earl’s Court in 1978 aged 16. My wife thinks I just sing and write miserable hack yer head off songs but the likes of ‘Long Black Coat’ and ‘Pity the Poor Immigrant’ give me a peace that’s hard to find elswehere. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep you posted on the weather in Oldham in case you’re passing for a Dandelion and Burdock some time.
Christy's reply
He dont make it easy for himself either….Dandelion and Burdock sounds good to me…a grand drop of Summer rain will cool Oldham down at the week-end….and remember, you could be in Rochdale..I lived there for a while 45 years ago..twas a grand quiet town then….Jack and Mavis used play every Thu night in The Kingsway…Mike Harding had a club in Middleton, The Valley Folk had a Sat club in Bury, I often bent me elbow there…my Aunt had a grand pub in the hills above Jericho , she kept John Willie Lees Ale..manys the barrel I tapped in the celler
How yeah Christy it was a great night on Sunday it was a lovely tribute to Tony and I heard some lovely songs I hadn’t heard before, the hay is in now and the turf footed so the Massey is heading for Boyle tomorrow night I ‘m bringing my daughter with Ciara its time she saw first hand what all this fuss is about , looking forward to it face the puck out
Christy's reply
were you there ? I thought you told me you were gigging that night? I met your brother on the way in..twas a lovely night… well done with the new single..I loved Sean Keane’s song the other night
Hi Christy,
Another lovely Chat, which I am certain is been read, and re-distributed by an ever increasing Gaggle.
Couldn’t agree with you more about Paul & Lennie in Newbridge….It was as if they just slipped in and joined the wonderful start you had already made to the Concert. By the way I sneaked home by the back roads; just in case the Sgt was knocking about !!!.
I am just imagining you, and the great ‘Westmeath Batchelor’ sculling the Vodka….now i know where he developed the bad habits !!!! LOL.
No walk along the Shannon today … the rain has arrived.
Shine on.
Christy's reply
only ever met Joe a few times, the first time in Mullingar when I sang at The Westmeath Harrier’s Hunt Ball circa 1977..they were all in dicky bows and fur coats so I had a few scoops, then Joe arrived into the dressing room and we had a few more scoops, then my set was delayed by a very lengthy speech from The Master of The Hounds so me and Joe had a few more scoops…when I was finally introduced I was as pissed as a newt…I gave them the Tally-Ho, blew me horn and galloped off into the night…fair play to the Harriers, the cheque did not bounce….next time we met was in the NCH at some awards schimozzel…Jack Lynch was Taoiseach, me and Joe went on the lash….O me O my, you’re such a good lookin woman”
Hello There Christy
I have just found this site and absolutely love all the chats you post prior and post your gigs. Your a great story teller and I have many of your CD’s which i Play over and over again. In the car when my 23 year old Down syndrome daughter Faith is with me she will almost always go to CD 4 ask “Can we listen to Christy” Last time I heard you play in concert was in “Dear old Dundalk Town” in the Fairways Hotel many moons ago now. Your music brings all of my Irishness out of me. You have a wonderful gift ….God Grant that it continues for many more moons. Hope to see you some day in Sydney! Thank You for your music and your stories of times past . Monica
Christy's reply
Morra Monica…greetings to you and Faith…I have lovely memories of Sydney…dont know if I’ll make it back…them hairy planes no longer suit my disposition…does Faith favour any particular songs when listening in your car ?
Christy, the only reason I would keep doing these posts, is because I know you could cut me off at any time; and, that The Irish are Rebels. Ha!
So, in that Spirit I post this post; since, many of those who fought in the US Revolutionary war were Irish. Many who fought in the US Civil War were Irish. And many who fought for all of our rights in US – within the workers Unions – were Irish. So, by your grace Christy, I rage in this kind of Irish Spirit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzPjetXGAac&list=UUnsUaXejSLQrfjyszAaOGcA
Christy's reply
STOP PRESS !! Carob reveals his monikker….fáilte romhat Cathal a Mhaicín
I’ve just joined this site and I’m glad to be here. I always love Christy and his music and I’m looking forward to joining in the chat when I get me bearings!
Christy's reply
we look forward to hearing from you when you have the turf firmly clamped in the Haggert
That was a humdinger of a Chat…I hope you get plenty of sleep, but when you are finding the eyes aren’t closing, please keep writing these chats..they are just treasures to all of us…some will post about them , but most will not..I find them fascinating…love them..all will be great for year 48..see you soon.L
Christy's reply
me lovely man…I have not forgotten our trek !…I met a neighbour of yours the other day in the Supermarket…she was tellin me all about June Rogers..how June has the bodhran and sweat routine perfected.. made my day I can tell you…I feel a duet coming on….
Christy, i note with disappointment your latest blog re Belfast. Disappointment because it was the first gig of yours ive missed in Waterfront since youve been there and i see Mcilhatton and Beeswing got another rattle? Raging! David Meade had sorted me out this time (sorry, i hope you still made the mortgage payments in May) but as i work in PA Hire i was at Royal Hospital Kilmainham setting up for some festival or other! I did consider driving up to see you, but i couldnt get away in time! Looking forward to the next time your up. Take Care.
Christy's reply
Rowan, we’ll catch up later in the year..we have a right few Nordy gigs in the Autumn….David is gaining great plaudits for his recent mixes…his fabulizer is in tune as he scatters Daz prudently…if QPR get into Europe next year we’ll all be up shit creek
Yet another powerful chat Christy – your gift for words extends as well into the spoken as the sung. As to why you do it and who reads it…well can’t answer to the first but i know plenty of us 4711ers read it and love the insight and thoughts it provokes. Was over the Glenshane a lot this last couple of weeks and watching the turf being footed brought Luka, and your, wonderful song to mind – it has a beautiful rhythm to it. Set me thinking how here we always talked of “saving” or “winning” the turf – terms fit for the annual battle against the elements (and the midges). Keep well Christy – all being well, will see you in Boyle and Sligo.
Christy's reply
jasus John them feckin midges have the head half ate offa me…I think they have shares in citronella…it attracts them these days
Hi Christy, Always a pleasure to read your chat and a very intresting insight to yourself …..thanks for sharing ! Got to see the Maitin O’Connor Band in Doolin during the folk festival and they were amazing…..I think we seen them play about six or seven times with you but to see them do their own thing was great. God bless the work as always ……See you at The Marquee .
God bless
Christy's reply
great reports from Doolin Festival…hope I get to play there some time…hope theres plenty of trimming needed down your way
Christy, It’s a great thing I don’t live across the pond, I’d be dead broke trying to attend all your concerts. I’ll have to be content w/CDs. Keep on singing love.
Christy's reply
betjir bottom dollar on that me auld scholar….greetings to all peace loving songsters in dear ol USA
It’s always a pleasure to read your chat, Christy … You got some faithful readers (and listeners) here and around the world, so no need to ask yourself why … The spell is unbroken – just look into the eyes of people when leaving the venue after your concerts … I am convinced that many of them are visiting your guestbook and read the chat …
Had to smile after reading your remarks about Bob Dylan, his indistinct articulation – thought it was only a challenge for me (non-native speaker) to understand his lyrics in concert … As brilliant as they are – you better read them for better understanding … A great mumbler he is for sure – long may he run … Keep on writing, Christy – and singing !
Christy's reply
Hi Petra….hot Summer Days here…I’m heading to Athlone tomorrow for a rehearsal with Mairtín’s Band, then A gig on Thu to commemorate John”Jacko” Reilly who passed on such wonderful songs..Fri back with Declan again as we return once more to Sligo….home of Yeats,Tommie Gorman,Sheamie Dowd and West Life……Mickey Kerins, Lofty Flynn, McSharry Way, Queen Maeve,
Sandy Kelly, McMurrough, Those Nervous Animals, PumpkinHead,Declan Bree,Hal Hennigan’s Cocktail lounge, Ballisodare, Rick Epping, Coolara,Coolooney, Coolaney,Coney Island,Cliffoney
Hiya Christy, hope all is good and thanks for the latest chat….Descriptive as ever – “Sobriety is the real high, all I have to do is gain it, and then hang onto it” I couldn’t agree more, great to be free…Myself and Ger H will be tramping again on Friday night, so willsee you in Sligo, you might give Joxer a wee run out if the form takes you. Love & Respect Martin Mac
Christy's reply
we have had a number of complaints regarding Joxer’s recent absence…for some reason he did not show up nor did he offer any excuse nor explanation…he’d better pull up his sox or he could find himself back at Finn Harps….keep coming back
Johnny Meade your ringmaster, string tuner , On the ball Johnny would be aka Johnny Cash also known as John Doyle the Kildare football legend.Damiean Doyle no relation of me own or John Doyle plays a bit of golf with me now and then( no feckin slagging Christy), he’s friends with Johnny Meade one of your crew.I often wonder on the nicknames of people(Mixer,Joxer,Whacker,Spud ,swerve ,I even know a Hoppy Christy.
Hello Christy, hope you’re enjoying the lovely sunshine. We had our first camp of the summer at the weekend, a great time was had by all and we sang a rousing rendition of Spancil Hill (the twenty third of June being my birthday). We still dream of you coming back to the Dome, maybe one day (Tallulah’s now 14 and Noah 7) Enjoy the summer, love from us all.
Christy's reply
Helen,Tallulah and Noah and everyone in the tent..greetings from Éireann’s Green Shamrock Shore….The Dome is certainly on my wish list but I have to leave all the organisational aspects of touring with the experts….they dont interfere with the songs and I let them get on with organising the gigs….its all down to venues, promoters, bookers, agents and phases of the moon…I hang back here strumming the old guitar, doing my press ups, practicing Spancilhill and hoping that the stars line up and light the road back to Brighton
hi christy hope you are keeping well and enjoying the good summer weather i was wandering are ye playing in ul in limerick in the autumn
Christy's reply
Nothing in for Limerick at this time..I think there are dates in the offing…soon as I know I will pass the word..sign up for the newsletter and we can let you know..a right scorcher here today..I was loitering in the shade of an old apple tree
So it was the farmer’s birthday yesterday and there were people on me word from every corner of the world ( well a mixture of immigrants and deportees) and some had a lot to chat about the devotionals (misguided misplaced misbegotten) given to Christy Moore. Some even mentioned Van Morrison as an alternative! Broaden your horizons they said…so on the way home the big one asks me how I feel …the small one jumps in and says ‘it’ll take a lot more than Van Morrison and the Saw Doctors to shift Mummy’s faith”. The sun is out and it’s raining. Best To wear a hat. Xx
Christy's reply
we must remain resolute, be faithful and strong when false prophets and naysayers try to steer us from our chosen path….I give thanks that “the small one” understood the situation and put those doubt whisperers back in their box…..as the Farmer says ” a feck for all me foes”……its hot here in Bognia this Summer’s day…a time for quiet songs in the shade
Hi christy
I’m wondering if you could contact me back , I’m looking abit of entertainment in April and you are the man ! Please send me your private contact details ! Christina mc Crossan
Hello Christy,
We just arrived to Co. Sligo and it’s raining …
Loking forward very much to hear Lord Baker and his companions tomorrow.
See you soon, Traudel
we’ll travel East and we’ll travel West, half the North and the South also, until we arrive into Ireland
Afternoon Sir.
It has actually been quite fine in Oldham the past few weeks but sure it will piss down before the weekend. Great chat you posted. I’m sure like many fans it intrigues us to know how you’re doing, what you’re thinking. We’re just nosey really. Great review of Bob Dylan. He doesn’t make it easy for us. Dylan has been my inspiration to write, sing and play since I first clapped eyes on him at Earl’s Court in 1978 aged 16. My wife thinks I just sing and write miserable hack yer head off songs but the likes of ‘Long Black Coat’ and ‘Pity the Poor Immigrant’ give me a peace that’s hard to find elswehere. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep you posted on the weather in Oldham in case you’re passing for a Dandelion and Burdock some time.
He dont make it easy for himself either….Dandelion and Burdock sounds good to me…a grand drop of Summer rain will cool Oldham down at the week-end….and remember, you could be in Rochdale..I lived there for a while 45 years ago..twas a grand quiet town then….Jack and Mavis used play every Thu night in The Kingsway…Mike Harding had a club in Middleton, The Valley Folk had a Sat club in Bury, I often bent me elbow there…my Aunt had a grand pub in the hills above Jericho , she kept John Willie Lees Ale..manys the barrel I tapped in the celler
How yeah Christy it was a great night on Sunday it was a lovely tribute to Tony and I heard some lovely songs I hadn’t heard before, the hay is in now and the turf footed so the Massey is heading for Boyle tomorrow night I ‘m bringing my daughter with Ciara its time she saw first hand what all this fuss is about , looking forward to it face the puck out
were you there ? I thought you told me you were gigging that night? I met your brother on the way in..twas a lovely night… well done with the new single..I loved Sean Keane’s song the other night
Hi Christy,
Another lovely Chat, which I am certain is been read, and re-distributed by an ever increasing Gaggle.
Couldn’t agree with you more about Paul & Lennie in Newbridge….It was as if they just slipped in and joined the wonderful start you had already made to the Concert. By the way I sneaked home by the back roads; just in case the Sgt was knocking about !!!.
I am just imagining you, and the great ‘Westmeath Batchelor’ sculling the Vodka….now i know where he developed the bad habits !!!! LOL.
No walk along the Shannon today … the rain has arrived.
Shine on.
only ever met Joe a few times, the first time in Mullingar when I sang at The Westmeath Harrier’s Hunt Ball circa 1977..they were all in dicky bows and fur coats so I had a few scoops, then Joe arrived into the dressing room and we had a few more scoops, then my set was delayed by a very lengthy speech from The Master of The Hounds so me and Joe had a few more scoops…when I was finally introduced I was as pissed as a newt…I gave them the Tally-Ho, blew me horn and galloped off into the night…fair play to the Harriers, the cheque did not bounce….next time we met was in the NCH at some awards schimozzel…Jack Lynch was Taoiseach, me and Joe went on the lash….O me O my, you’re such a good lookin woman”
What happened to the hair? Aha!
Hee, hee, hee..
it departed with the trousars….
Hello There Christy
I have just found this site and absolutely love all the chats you post prior and post your gigs. Your a great story teller and I have many of your CD’s which i Play over and over again. In the car when my 23 year old Down syndrome daughter Faith is with me she will almost always go to CD 4 ask “Can we listen to Christy” Last time I heard you play in concert was in “Dear old Dundalk Town” in the Fairways Hotel many moons ago now. Your music brings all of my Irishness out of me. You have a wonderful gift ….God Grant that it continues for many more moons. Hope to see you some day in Sydney! Thank You for your music and your stories of times past . Monica
Morra Monica…greetings to you and Faith…I have lovely memories of Sydney…dont know if I’ll make it back…them hairy planes no longer suit my disposition…does Faith favour any particular songs when listening in your car ?
Christy, the only reason I would keep doing these posts, is because I know you could cut me off at any time; and, that The Irish are Rebels. Ha!
So, in that Spirit I post this post; since, many of those who fought in the US Revolutionary war were Irish. Many who fought in the US Civil War were Irish. And many who fought for all of our rights in US – within the workers Unions – were Irish. So, by your grace Christy, I rage in this kind of Irish Spirit!
STOP PRESS !! Carob reveals his monikker….fáilte romhat Cathal a Mhaicín
I’ve just joined this site and I’m glad to be here. I always love Christy and his music and I’m looking forward to joining in the chat when I get me bearings!
we look forward to hearing from you when you have the turf firmly clamped in the Haggert
That was a humdinger of a Chat…I hope you get plenty of sleep, but when you are finding the eyes aren’t closing, please keep writing these chats..they are just treasures to all of us…some will post about them , but most will not..I find them fascinating…love them..all will be great for year 48..see you soon.L
me lovely man…I have not forgotten our trek !…I met a neighbour of yours the other day in the Supermarket…she was tellin me all about June Rogers..how June has the bodhran and sweat routine perfected.. made my day I can tell you…I feel a duet coming on….
Christy, i note with disappointment your latest blog re Belfast. Disappointment because it was the first gig of yours ive missed in Waterfront since youve been there and i see Mcilhatton and Beeswing got another rattle? Raging! David Meade had sorted me out this time (sorry, i hope you still made the mortgage payments in May) but as i work in PA Hire i was at Royal Hospital Kilmainham setting up for some festival or other! I did consider driving up to see you, but i couldnt get away in time! Looking forward to the next time your up. Take Care.
Rowan, we’ll catch up later in the year..we have a right few Nordy gigs in the Autumn….David is gaining great plaudits for his recent mixes…his fabulizer is in tune as he scatters Daz prudently…if QPR get into Europe next year we’ll all be up shit creek
Yet another powerful chat Christy – your gift for words extends as well into the spoken as the sung. As to why you do it and who reads it…well can’t answer to the first but i know plenty of us 4711ers read it and love the insight and thoughts it provokes. Was over the Glenshane a lot this last couple of weeks and watching the turf being footed brought Luka, and your, wonderful song to mind – it has a beautiful rhythm to it. Set me thinking how here we always talked of “saving” or “winning” the turf – terms fit for the annual battle against the elements (and the midges). Keep well Christy – all being well, will see you in Boyle and Sligo.
jasus John them feckin midges have the head half ate offa me…I think they have shares in citronella…it attracts them these days
Hi Christy, Always a pleasure to read your chat and a very intresting insight to yourself …..thanks for sharing ! Got to see the Maitin O’Connor Band in Doolin during the folk festival and they were amazing…..I think we seen them play about six or seven times with you but to see them do their own thing was great. God bless the work as always ……See you at The Marquee .
God bless
great reports from Doolin Festival…hope I get to play there some time…hope theres plenty of trimming needed down your way
Christy, It’s a great thing I don’t live across the pond, I’d be dead broke trying to attend all your concerts. I’ll have to be content w/CDs. Keep on singing love.
betjir bottom dollar on that me auld scholar….greetings to all peace loving songsters in dear ol USA
It’s always a pleasure to read your chat, Christy … You got some faithful readers (and listeners) here and around the world, so no need to ask yourself why … The spell is unbroken – just look into the eyes of people when leaving the venue after your concerts … I am convinced that many of them are visiting your guestbook and read the chat …
Had to smile after reading your remarks about Bob Dylan, his indistinct articulation – thought it was only a challenge for me (non-native speaker) to understand his lyrics in concert … As brilliant as they are – you better read them for better understanding … A great mumbler he is for sure – long may he run … Keep on writing, Christy – and singing !
Hi Petra….hot Summer Days here…I’m heading to Athlone tomorrow for a rehearsal with Mairtín’s Band, then A gig on Thu to commemorate John”Jacko” Reilly who passed on such wonderful songs..Fri back with Declan again as we return once more to Sligo….home of Yeats,Tommie Gorman,Sheamie Dowd and West Life……Mickey Kerins, Lofty Flynn, McSharry Way, Queen Maeve,
Sandy Kelly, McMurrough, Those Nervous Animals, PumpkinHead,Declan Bree,Hal Hennigan’s Cocktail lounge, Ballisodare, Rick Epping, Coolara,Coolooney, Coolaney,Coney Island,Cliffoney
Hiya Christy, hope all is good and thanks for the latest chat….Descriptive as ever – “Sobriety is the real high, all I have to do is gain it, and then hang onto it” I couldn’t agree more, great to be free…Myself and Ger H will be tramping again on Friday night, so willsee you in Sligo, you might give Joxer a wee run out if the form takes you. Love & Respect Martin Mac
we have had a number of complaints regarding Joxer’s recent absence…for some reason he did not show up nor did he offer any excuse nor explanation…he’d better pull up his sox or he could find himself back at Finn Harps….keep coming back
Johnny Meade your ringmaster, string tuner , On the ball Johnny would be aka Johnny Cash also known as John Doyle the Kildare football legend.Damiean Doyle no relation of me own or John Doyle plays a bit of golf with me now and then( no feckin slagging Christy), he’s friends with Johnny Meade one of your crew.I often wonder on the nicknames of people(Mixer,Joxer,Whacker,Spud ,swerve ,I even know a Hoppy Christy.
Rubber, Rasher, Spud, Gu, Dasher, Persher, Titch,Boiler, Snoozer,
Hello Christy, hope you’re enjoying the lovely sunshine. We had our first camp of the summer at the weekend, a great time was had by all and we sang a rousing rendition of Spancil Hill (the twenty third of June being my birthday). We still dream of you coming back to the Dome, maybe one day (Tallulah’s now 14 and Noah 7) Enjoy the summer, love from us all.
Helen,Tallulah and Noah and everyone in the tent..greetings from Éireann’s Green Shamrock Shore….The Dome is certainly on my wish list but I have to leave all the organisational aspects of touring with the experts….they dont interfere with the songs and I let them get on with organising the gigs….its all down to venues, promoters, bookers, agents and phases of the moon…I hang back here strumming the old guitar, doing my press ups, practicing Spancilhill and hoping that the stars line up and light the road back to Brighton
hi christy hope you are keeping well and enjoying the good summer weather i was wandering are ye playing in ul in limerick in the autumn
Nothing in for Limerick at this time..I think there are dates in the offing…soon as I know I will pass the word..sign up for the newsletter and we can let you know..a right scorcher here today..I was loitering in the shade of an old apple tree
So it was the farmer’s birthday yesterday and there were people on me word from every corner of the world ( well a mixture of immigrants and deportees) and some had a lot to chat about the devotionals (misguided misplaced misbegotten) given to Christy Moore. Some even mentioned Van Morrison as an alternative! Broaden your horizons they said…so on the way home the big one asks me how I feel …the small one jumps in and says ‘it’ll take a lot more than Van Morrison and the Saw Doctors to shift Mummy’s faith”. The sun is out and it’s raining. Best To wear a hat. Xx
we must remain resolute, be faithful and strong when false prophets and naysayers try to steer us from our chosen path….I give thanks that “the small one” understood the situation and put those doubt whisperers back in their box…..as the Farmer says ” a feck for all me foes”……its hot here in Bognia this Summer’s day…a time for quiet songs in the shade
Hi christy
I’m wondering if you could contact me back , I’m looking abit of entertainment in April and you are the man ! Please send me your private contact details ! Christina mc Crossan
I always go to the top of the mountain in April.