Just to to say thanks for this months “Chat”. I know you wonder if it’s worth the effort and if we read it. Well I read it and I put your resonance and lilt to it…it takes me to the gigs. But I like reading about the little things….keep it up until you get sick of it!
Good health and stable tuning!!
Christy's reply
seems like there may be more readers out there then I’d realized….greetings to all you Flowers of Northumberland
Hi Christy
I just wanted to say please don’t ever stop writing “Christy chat” I’m sure I’m amoung many who have followed you round would miss the warm intersting insight into your gigging life. Your writing is beautiful and touches the very core of the reader. You bring us along with you without us being at the gig. I often read the play lists and close my eyes to hear you singing. Safe travels and please keep posting 🙂 till I see/hear again along the way x
Christy's reply
O those nights in Hebburn ‘n Jarrow, in Prudhoe ‘n Birtley
Hi Christy!
I was searching YouTube for videos on Celtic Thunder and in particular , the song Black is the Colour – sung by Ryan Kelly of that group. Naturally several of your songs popped up as suggestions. When I listened to you singing this song, I became an instant fan. Your voice is incredible and gives me goosebumps. :). I purchased Live at the Point recently and can’t wait to order a few more. I never tire of your music. Would live to see you in concert; but I guess that is going to have to wait until I get back to Ireland in 2016. All my best! Colleen
Hi christy hope you are still eating sheeps eyes,you will be in Westport on the 17 July the day I was born 44 years ago,I won’t be there but can you and Declan sing Gortatogart for me it would make my day Geraint .
I know times are hard in Ireland now. And I know Goldman Sachs, the FED,the European Union and the BIS are also involved unjustly.
As bad as things are economically in Ireland right now, there is a wealth of culture and emotional health – if you remember traditional values – that far out shine what is going on in America right now. And I will recount an old Jewish American comedian’s comment, ” Don’t protect your wealth, protect your health”.
Here is a talented American band, who puts on an awesome show, and look at the audiences response. Is it any wonder why I am lonely in America? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ2y3S8dkHU
Christy's reply
thanks for guiding me towards the Quebe Sisters….a grand interlude just spent checking them out
Me again. Well my Irish friends. I know I can be a stupid bore – or entertaining, aha- but. Thanks for Live Trad.com and for You tube so when I am feeling lonely and have a few – a few, aha – pints in me, I can listen to the sounds and songs that speak to my Soul and make me smile and be less lonely. One such video these gals are grand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nAH3EFXETY
Christy's reply
I likes me few pints, shur where would a lad be if he could’nt have his few pints,thank god we’re not fond of it for ’tis a hoor when it gets in on you, god love him shur he’d drink it off a sore leg, a bird never flew on one wing,ah jasus I love the smell of the porter and the taste o the porter and the way it loosens up the world and takes me away, up up and away….would you put on a pint for me there Paddy like a good man and I’ll have a wee Jemmy while I’m waitin,
Not enough words to say how wonderful the John Reilly tribute in Boyle was last night – like you said,his spirit was definitely there. Wonderful to see the Grehan sisters too – such warm, wonderful ladies. Loved the 2 guest singers and of course yourself, without whom I’d never have heard of John Reilly, so you have played your part in the line of tradition too. It must have been something special holding the tin he made – wonderful craftsmanship. Well done to all involved and good luck for tonight’s gig. It’s an honour to be in those audiences.
Christy's reply
last nights guest contributors were Gerry O’Reilly and Fergus Russell both of The Góilín Sigers Club…..Thanks John
Christy, a chara,
Myself and my husband John are very much looking forward to spending this evening in your company! We’re about to become parents for the first time – le cúnamh Dé – so this will be our last gig/night out for a while! I’ll be sitting near an exit in case an duine beag wants to join in for the encores!
We love your music; your voice has travelled with us on long journeys home to Limerick and Inis Meáin (my home place) and it’s only fitting that our little one hears you in the flesh and gets a grounding in melody before he or she enters the noisy world!
I saw you as a small girl when you played in Halla Naomh Eoin, Inis Meáin, quite a few years back, sitting on my uncle’s knee and I was instantly charmed. You’d be welcome back there any time you’d like a break from the big island!
We hope you have a lovely journey to Sligo and we look forward so much to listening tonight. Thank you for being the soundscape to our relationship and for the good your songs have done and continue to do. Le beannacht is buíochas, Mairéad
Christy's reply
Many Years ago I was playing at a festival in Dranouter,Belgium. Half way thru my set a young woman went into labour and her baby was born backstage in the Red Cross tent. She wrote later and told me it was during Shane’s “A Pair of Brown Eyes” that the process began….ar agaidh linn
wow,what a wonderful night of stories,song and music,it was really outstanding! the grehan sisters are a massive credit to the people of boyle and the tribute tonight for john reilly was enriched so much by home grown talent,which led to the good and ordinary man,christy moore..it was as expected full craic and laughs,but the atmosphere was full attention and focus on the past shared by the irish from hundreds of years back ,right to this day,, from the travellers oral history of song,long gone to mighty ming,it was a experience i among many will treasure x (thanks to all those in boyle and further afield who made this happen,and see you when the plaque goes up christy )
Christy's reply
Mainistir na Búille here we come…once again well set the compass and head for Bridie Grehan’s…….That Hall was like a Space Ship last night
What a privilege it was to be in Boyle tonight. The Fab Grehan Sisters….then you kick off with’Lord Baker’ !!!
A ‘one off’ night. A million thanks to all involved.
Shine on.
Christy's reply
Whallup Patsy…was that your Honda 50 that passed me last night on the Lough Key road.
That was a rare auld night. A great collaboration. Well done to all involved. The Grehan Sisters were such a treat. You can’t beat the Rossie women! x
Christy's reply
It was a great night…I love these one -off gigs that have their own energy and purpose…celebrating the life and songs of John “Jacko” Reilly meant a lot to many people…I loved every second of last nights gig..hearing The Grehan’s again brought me back to an earlier time.A time when we were all discovering the very thing that some of us have been following ever since. No one in that room last night ever experienced the life that John lived yet we were all touched by his spirit last night. John settled into Boyle because some good people in the town did their best to make him feel welcome.I look forward to seeing his memorial Placque upon The Square….The Grehan Sisters were stomping The Plains of Boyle 40 years before Pussy Riot or The Dixie Chicks were heard tell of….
Hi Christy,Hows the form?
I wrote to yourself a while ago on this
and was delighted you got back to me cheers 🙂
I was telling you about an Idea for a song I had.
Since then the song is doing really well
and things starting to work.
Any chance you could give it a listen?
All the best.
Ps.I’ll see you Ryston for another Belter I’m sure.
Thanks for the stories.
Hi there 🙂 came from Dublin for the gig tomorrow in Sligo for my boyfriends birthday. (His name is Simon and he’s 24). Any chance you could play a favourite song of his? He loves before the deluge(personal favourite), no time for love or north and south.
Looking forward to tomorrow, Paula 🙂
Christy's reply
That boy of yours got good taste..hope ye have a good night in Rosses Point
Whee! Free music. And I can assure you it is talented and smart music. Choose what you want in her free music selection. I would venture to say you will like it/ Love it/ be blown away by it. It’s Susan Werner’s fun site. Lots of free samples. http://www.susanwerner.com/content/video/index.html
Christy, well, I don’t speak Gaelic yet. I lucked out on one of your sign outs and was able to get the translation of what you said. But now, I tried to get the translation of your last Gaelic phrase – online – and it’s a bloody nightmare! They want you to down load some program – which is always dangerous. Is there any online site that won’t charge you, that won’t require you to download some nefarious downloading thing. Is there a site that will just Fucking translate the Gaelic into English. If so, at least I can laugh along if you are slighting me; or smile , if you are being kind. I’d enjoy either. Aha!
Thanks for a new Chat, CM!
It is a nice way for those of us far away to get a sense of how the gigs are going over there. I for one, love them! Also nice one with the video clip of the Traveler Awards!
Keep the chats coming…. they are read and they are appreciated!
thanks for the chat Christy always read it and love to hear what your at. up here in st johns newfoundland and out sailing checking out the birds and the whales off the coast and what comes on the radio only yourself Christy belting out Ride on.. the crowd loved it too.. the Newfies love the music same as ourselves
Great evocative chat, thank you. You almost convinced me ref Mr Zimmerman but i still do need to hear the words, lol. Would love to be in Boyle, have a great one.
Christy's reply
he has created so many beautiful songs,he has given us so much to celebrate,to cherish and to sing…and yet he still comes around the world and builds his stage once again….and the only possible reasons can his love of performance,his need to keep moving on, to stand in front of that BAND, to hear his listeners sing and celebrate…54 years gigging and he gotta big smile on his face……Looking forward to Boyle myself…its getting on for 50 years since I first heard The Grehan Sisters sing..they have re-formed specially for tomorrow nights gig…. “O Patsy McCann will you marry me daughter”
Hi Christy, another to jump on the wagon. I enjoy reading your chats as I’m sure many do. Keep them coming, keep gigging and keep us entertained.
That’s all…. for now 🙂
short and sweet Colm….shine on
Hi Christy
Just to to say thanks for this months “Chat”. I know you wonder if it’s worth the effort and if we read it. Well I read it and I put your resonance and lilt to it…it takes me to the gigs. But I like reading about the little things….keep it up until you get sick of it!
Good health and stable tuning!!
seems like there may be more readers out there then I’d realized….greetings to all you Flowers of Northumberland
Hi Christy
I just wanted to say please don’t ever stop writing “Christy chat” I’m sure I’m amoung many who have followed you round would miss the warm intersting insight into your gigging life. Your writing is beautiful and touches the very core of the reader. You bring us along with you without us being at the gig. I often read the play lists and close my eyes to hear you singing. Safe travels and please keep posting 🙂 till I see/hear again along the way x
O those nights in Hebburn ‘n Jarrow, in Prudhoe ‘n Birtley
Hi Christy!
I was searching YouTube for videos on Celtic Thunder and in particular , the song Black is the Colour – sung by Ryan Kelly of that group. Naturally several of your songs popped up as suggestions. When I listened to you singing this song, I became an instant fan. Your voice is incredible and gives me goosebumps. :). I purchased Live at the Point recently and can’t wait to order a few more. I never tire of your music. Would live to see you in concert; but I guess that is going to have to wait until I get back to Ireland in 2016. All my best! Colleen
there will be goosebumps here in 2016
Hello Christy. Hope you find this haunting tune by Jordan Reyne interesting. It’s called Green (Flying Over Ireland): http://youtu.be/Henq9mTwCzE
I love the way Jordan layers her sounds..will certainly keep an ear out
Hi christy hope you are still eating sheeps eyes,you will be in Westport on the 17 July the day I was born 44 years ago,I won’t be there but can you and Declan sing Gortatogart for me it would make my day Geraint .
will do my best Geraint
I know times are hard in Ireland now. And I know Goldman Sachs, the FED,the European Union and the BIS are also involved unjustly.
As bad as things are economically in Ireland right now, there is a wealth of culture and emotional health – if you remember traditional values – that far out shine what is going on in America right now. And I will recount an old Jewish American comedian’s comment, ” Don’t protect your wealth, protect your health”.
Here is a talented American band, who puts on an awesome show, and look at the audiences response. Is it any wonder why I am lonely in America?
thanks for guiding me towards the Quebe Sisters….a grand interlude just spent checking them out
Me again. Well my Irish friends. I know I can be a stupid bore – or entertaining, aha- but. Thanks for Live Trad.com and for You tube so when I am feeling lonely and have a few – a few, aha – pints in me, I can listen to the sounds and songs that speak to my Soul and make me smile and be less lonely. One such video these gals are grand:
I likes me few pints, shur where would a lad be if he could’nt have his few pints,thank god we’re not fond of it for ’tis a hoor when it gets in on you, god love him shur he’d drink it off a sore leg, a bird never flew on one wing,ah jasus I love the smell of the porter and the taste o the porter and the way it loosens up the world and takes me away, up up and away….would you put on a pint for me there Paddy like a good man and I’ll have a wee Jemmy while I’m waitin,
Not enough words to say how wonderful the John Reilly tribute in Boyle was last night – like you said,his spirit was definitely there. Wonderful to see the Grehan sisters too – such warm, wonderful ladies. Loved the 2 guest singers and of course yourself, without whom I’d never have heard of John Reilly, so you have played your part in the line of tradition too. It must have been something special holding the tin he made – wonderful craftsmanship. Well done to all involved and good luck for tonight’s gig. It’s an honour to be in those audiences.
last nights guest contributors were Gerry O’Reilly and Fergus Russell both of The Góilín Sigers Club…..Thanks John
Christy, a chara,
Myself and my husband John are very much looking forward to spending this evening in your company! We’re about to become parents for the first time – le cúnamh Dé – so this will be our last gig/night out for a while! I’ll be sitting near an exit in case an duine beag wants to join in for the encores!
We love your music; your voice has travelled with us on long journeys home to Limerick and Inis Meáin (my home place) and it’s only fitting that our little one hears you in the flesh and gets a grounding in melody before he or she enters the noisy world!
I saw you as a small girl when you played in Halla Naomh Eoin, Inis Meáin, quite a few years back, sitting on my uncle’s knee and I was instantly charmed. You’d be welcome back there any time you’d like a break from the big island!
We hope you have a lovely journey to Sligo and we look forward so much to listening tonight. Thank you for being the soundscape to our relationship and for the good your songs have done and continue to do. Le beannacht is buíochas, Mairéad
Many Years ago I was playing at a festival in Dranouter,Belgium. Half way thru my set a young woman went into labour and her baby was born backstage in the Red Cross tent. She wrote later and told me it was during Shane’s “A Pair of Brown Eyes” that the process began….ar agaidh linn
wow,what a wonderful night of stories,song and music,it was really outstanding! the grehan sisters are a massive credit to the people of boyle and the tribute tonight for john reilly was enriched so much by home grown talent,which led to the good and ordinary man,christy moore..it was as expected full craic and laughs,but the atmosphere was full attention and focus on the past shared by the irish from hundreds of years back ,right to this day,, from the travellers oral history of song,long gone to mighty ming,it was a experience i among many will treasure x (thanks to all those in boyle and further afield who made this happen,and see you when the plaque goes up christy )
Mainistir na Búille here we come…once again well set the compass and head for Bridie Grehan’s…….That Hall was like a Space Ship last night
What a privilege it was to be in Boyle tonight. The Fab Grehan Sisters….then you kick off with’Lord Baker’ !!!
A ‘one off’ night. A million thanks to all involved.
Shine on.
Whallup Patsy…was that your Honda 50 that passed me last night on the Lough Key road.
That was a rare auld night. A great collaboration. Well done to all involved. The Grehan Sisters were such a treat. You can’t beat the Rossie women! x
It was a great night…I love these one -off gigs that have their own energy and purpose…celebrating the life and songs of John “Jacko” Reilly meant a lot to many people…I loved every second of last nights gig..hearing The Grehan’s again brought me back to an earlier time.A time when we were all discovering the very thing that some of us have been following ever since. No one in that room last night ever experienced the life that John lived yet we were all touched by his spirit last night. John settled into Boyle because some good people in the town did their best to make him feel welcome.I look forward to seeing his memorial Placque upon The Square….The Grehan Sisters were stomping The Plains of Boyle 40 years before Pussy Riot or The Dixie Chicks were heard tell of….
Hi Christy,Hows the form?
I wrote to yourself a while ago on this
and was delighted you got back to me cheers 🙂
I was telling you about an Idea for a song I had.
Since then the song is doing really well
and things starting to work.
Any chance you could give it a listen?
All the best.
Ps.I’ll see you Ryston for another Belter I’m sure.
Thanks for the stories.
Thanks for sharing Andy..keep up the good work…see you along the way..ALDI maybe, or Hill 16 on Sunday
Hi there 🙂 came from Dublin for the gig tomorrow in Sligo for my boyfriends birthday. (His name is Simon and he’s 24). Any chance you could play a favourite song of his? He loves before the deluge(personal favourite), no time for love or north and south.
Looking forward to tomorrow, Paula 🙂
That boy of yours got good taste..hope ye have a good night in Rosses Point
Whee! Free music. And I can assure you it is talented and smart music. Choose what you want in her free music selection. I would venture to say you will like it/ Love it/ be blown away by it. It’s Susan Werner’s fun site. Lots of free samples.
Christy, well, I don’t speak Gaelic yet. I lucked out on one of your sign outs and was able to get the translation of what you said. But now, I tried to get the translation of your last Gaelic phrase – online – and it’s a bloody nightmare! They want you to down load some program – which is always dangerous. Is there any online site that won’t charge you, that won’t require you to download some nefarious downloading thing. Is there a site that will just Fucking translate the Gaelic into English. If so, at least I can laugh along if you are slighting me; or smile , if you are being kind. I’d enjoy either. Aha!
Thanks for a new Chat, CM!
It is a nice way for those of us far away to get a sense of how the gigs are going over there. I for one, love them! Also nice one with the video clip of the Traveler Awards!
Keep the chats coming…. they are read and they are appreciated!
Happy trails,
thanks for the chat Christy always read it and love to hear what your at. up here in st johns newfoundland and out sailing checking out the birds and the whales off the coast and what comes on the radio only yourself Christy belting out Ride on.. the crowd loved it too.. the Newfies love the music same as ourselves
Great evocative chat, thank you. You almost convinced me ref Mr Zimmerman but i still do need to hear the words, lol. Would love to be in Boyle, have a great one.
he has created so many beautiful songs,he has given us so much to celebrate,to cherish and to sing…and yet he still comes around the world and builds his stage once again….and the only possible reasons can his love of performance,his need to keep moving on, to stand in front of that BAND, to hear his listeners sing and celebrate…54 years gigging and he gotta big smile on his face……Looking forward to Boyle myself…its getting on for 50 years since I first heard The Grehan Sisters sing..they have re-formed specially for tomorrow nights gig…. “O Patsy McCann will you marry me daughter”