Hi Christy, thanks for your “old fashioned” chats – love them! Was enthrilled to read that you will be playing in Bundoran Oct 17… Having seen quite a few of your gigs over the years, my wife and I think about extending our trip to the the Green Isle this autumn in order to make it for Bundoran. Haven’t found that date on the gig page yet however… as soon as it is sure and tickets are available, we’ll be off to change flights.
Would be great to see you (and Declan?) in October.
Christy's reply
O beautiful Bundoran…..not been there for 10 years but ,if memory serves, its a good gig room….its a unique town…lots of candy floss and one armed bandits but I like all that…I believe that The Blessed Virgin appeared there once ..or was that in a movie…see you there by the broad Atlantic Foam
We exchanged messages after seeing your show in Racket Hall back in May, Can’t wait for Saturday now to hear you again in the marquee, We are keeping out fingers crossed that Black is the Color makes it onto the set list this time.
My friend Erika is coming from Lithuania to hear the show, she’s fallen in love with your music, maybe you can give her a call out, she would get big shock. Here’s to a great night by the Lee, can’t wait. Thanks Eamonn.
Christy's reply
Morra Eamon….my fingers are also crossed….we gotta get a lot of ducks in a row…
Hello Christy,
Back in Belgium after 10 great days in my favorite country.
Thanks to Hilary we where very lucky to see you two times. The gig in Boyle with those fantastic singing sisters where I have never heard of were really very special. We did also liked Sheamy a lot but you and Declan have something special togheter.
Thanks for signing my book and now I can start again with counting the days until the next gig.
Many greetings from Belgium who’s Red Devils are playing very well !
Christy's reply
Glad you had a good trip to Dear Old Bognia ( its my favourite Too !) The Grehan Sisters still rockin 40 years on (That was their first gig in 20 years) The gig with Sheamie was our first ever gig as a duo…it was entirely unrehearsed and spontaneous, it was brave for him to join me at that gig, he was brilliant…playing with Declan is ,for me, something very special…we began playing together in 1981…..Thanks for your feedback Chris..hope your team do well…I’ve not seen any soccer as our Football and Hurling Seasons are in full swing here
Well done on latest chat and in particular your reference to our home town of Newbridge and your walking trip of the magnificent Curragh Plains. Best of luck at the gig sat nite, as usual it will be packed to the “rafters.” Look out for “Tango
Take it handy, and pace yourself cos we want you back next year!!
Bill Brady
Christy's reply
up on Hurley’s Moate I could see it all… they’re makin Viagra at Buckley’s Cross now..where gentle Murtagh Hannon died beneath McKenna’s Beetle….The Mons Miller, Patrician Brothers, Sister Philomena and The Dominican Fathers are all gone up to Heaven, the Verandas are gone from The Barracks, people fearful to swim on The Strand,there is a barber shop in Mrs Noone’s, scaffoldin on The Town Hall, who’s gonna get hung….thats as far as I got, twas time to go into Bradburys
Arthurs Day has been scrapped Christy ……what did you do ? 🙂
Christy's reply
I wrote a song with Wally Page,recorded it with Declan Sinnott, was invited to sing it on the Prime Time programme on RTE…. sang it at a handful of gigs and then dropped it….moved on
Your writing is always a tonic … As much for you as for the reader … And you have a loyal band of those. I understand the power of writing … A powerful tool in dealing with Life in all its variations! Any ‘pop up’ gigs in August? Maybe catch you in Dublin or London! … Wexford would be a huge bonus! Keep your skillet good and greasy, as they say !
The daughter of the late musician Pecker Dunne will be the first Irish Traveller to compete in the Miss Ireland competition.
Sarah Jane Dunne was chosen to represent Kilkenny in next month’s contest, which will take place on July 19.
The Killimer model hasn’t experienced any discrimination about her Traveller background while competing.
“It comes up in conversation sometimes, but I think it’s a positive thing for most people to see someone put on a platform, who would normally be associated with a particular, stereotypical image,” she said.
Ms Dunne has just received an honours degree from Trinity College Dublin and she is now a qualified English and Religion secondary school teacher.
Originally from Clare, the 24-year-old has been living in Kilkenny city for just over a year.
we send very best wishes to Sara Jane and to all the family…The Pecker will be watching over Sara Jane win, lose or draw…..there will be great excitement in Killimer
Hi Christy I know you normally play Dublin just after Christmas, do you have plans to do so this year ? I am 40 on the 27th Dec and was going to head over with my wife and our friends as part of my celebrations
Christy's reply
If all goes well, Vicar St in December…..Bord Gais in January…dates will be confirmed as soon as I get the nod..hope it works out for you
Hi Christy, I did email you some time ago about us attending the gig in the Marque in Cork on 5th July.
We are just getting ready to leave the Isle of man to travel to Dublin for a couple of nights before heading to Cork for your show…the purpose of our trip is for my fellas 50th birthday….Brendan Mc Ilveen, if you could give him a shout out that would be great….Many many thanks. He doesn’t know I’m asking so no harm done if you cant.
Good luck with the tour.
Christy's reply
when that Marquee is in good order anything can happen…have a good trip…you and your fella
HI, Just letting you know your chats are read. Currently listening to your interview with John Murray…cant believe you’re pushing 70… don’t even consider retiring! Interested to see what songs you do. Sound is great by the way.
Christy's reply
Most days I cant believe it myself ! great to be still in the game….yes, the sound was good on that John Murray show was very good, Ciara was the sound engineer and she did a real good job, I knew straight away that Ciara was on the ball..sometimes it can be a fierce bummer to be in a Studio with an engineer who dont give a shite ,or one who seems to be in the wrong job…I think I’ll keep the chats going for another while..feedback has been positive and i enjoy doing them anyway
Dear Christy,
Really enjoyed your show in Killarney, 24th of May. It was the second time we attended a show in Ireland, since you are not coming to Holland. Last year you sang “The Voyage” for us. it was the year of the gathering. Although we missed Declan this time, we enjoyed the Mairtin O’Connor band a lot. Their music made your songs even more special. I bought the “Where I come from” cd and enjoy it every day. Hope to see you soon in Holland and if not, we will be coming to Ireland next year!!!!! Betty.
Christy's reply
I hear rumours of a few gigs in Holland and Germany..my fingers are crossed
Christy, I am going to attribute to humility your questioning whether your writing is of benefit beyond keeping you out of trouble. I will add my voice to the chorus asking you to keep up the scribbling. I will also advise those who haven’t read it that One Voice is a superb book that illuminates the songs and the formative experiences of their singer, and shouldn’t be missed. Since those of us stateside are losing hope of seeing you here in the near future, your writings are the only thing we have to supplement the albums and the YouTube. Please keep it up!
Christy's reply
Morra Mike…the words of encouragemnet are greatly appreciated…best wishes to all our American listeners…we’ll chat on for as long as we can
Hi Christy, Hope all is well with you. just wanted to say that I’m still absolutely buzzing from the other evening in Sligo…wonderful gig, great venue and a very respectful audience (nowhere near as rowdy as us Donegal wan’s). It was one of those gigs for me where I felt a powerful and instantaneous connection to what was going on, and then that lovely feeling of being truly present to experience it. Hugely relaxing and very therapeutic to be able park up the worries and concerns for a couple of hours and to listen to the blessed trinity in full flow, which reminds me you spoke of “Reserved Sins” the other night…a type of sin I had never heard of before, although have probably committed in my time …I’m afraid to google it just in case …LOL ! Thank you for giving Joxer an airing as well (for the month that’s in it) The World Cup is reaching fever pitch …most enjoyable with some great stuff going on…very disappointed but not surprised by the actions of Mr Suarez, It’s thin line between genius and madness Christy….I’m sticking with Argentina to lift the trophy. Looking forward to catching up again very soon, there appears to be some very do-able gigs in the near future on the gig page. Love & Respect Martin Mac
Christy's reply
in fairness I must say that the One Rowdy Boy in Donegal was visiting from Antrim..he may have had sunstroke or psycillobinitis, maybe his Bulmers collided with his medication, but his outburst should no be blemt on the”Donegal wans”, ….down our way a “reserved” sin was a sin that could only be forgiven by a bishop….. mass murder, rape,sodomy, the lash, bank robbery, gigantic fraud, carjacking,stealin buns coud all be forgiven by the local curate BUT put your nose inside a PROTESTANT CHURCH and you committed a RESERVED SIN…of course these are more enlightened times now (nt)….Suarez seems to have bitten off more then he can chew but if he leads Liverpool to The Premiership next season I’m sure his venial sin will be forgiven..with regard to the World Cup..who is the biggest sinner…Shepp Blatter or Buck Suarez…I now which one I’d prefer to have over for a pot of tea and a chat….the auld gig in The Clanree was a great night for the 3 of us…we left the stage fully spent and high on adrenalin…we all felt it was top notch..fair play ye gave us a right old blast of atmosphere…we were absailing on your currents for two and a half hours
Miss Persia and I went out to the jazz festival here today, outside concerts, far from the jazz I grew up loving but good music all the same. At one point three people in the audience succumbed to having cabbage-leaf facials while laying prone in the grass, their noses skyward, while a man played a didjeridoo with its opening pressed and sealed against the tops of their skulls. I took Miss Persia to hear the music because today marks six years since her brother died in a bleak rooming house in Tehran. She had come to Canada by then, and her mother was in a nursing home in Mashhad. Her brother had been found unconscious in his room, bruises on both sides of his torso. It was ruled a suicide by the local authorities. When Miss Persia went home to do her own investigation, she found that the authorities had taken the word of the landlord as gospel and hadn’t investigated further, despite the warped logic that a supposedly suicidal young man would devise a way to beat upon his own back. Anyway, the music lifted her spirits a while, and then we walked along the shoreline and enjoyed the beautiful sunset. Later, she folded into my arms and wept. Six years and no closure but those tears, every June 29th. I enjoyed reading your chat, Christy. I always read them, and I thank you for them. These days, we take comfort where we can. Miss Persia has taken to Dylan. On the drive home, she started singing shyly to me, not knowing all the words…”While riding on a train goin’ west / I fell asleep for to take my rest / I dreamed a dream that made me sad / Concerning myself and the first few friends I had…” And she didn’t know that I knew the song. I’d never sung it except while singing along with Bob’s voice. I missed a verse, but I made it to the end. “I wish, I wish, I wish in vain / That we could sit simply in that room again / Ten thousand dollars at the drop of a hat / I’d give it all gladly if our lives could be like that…” Ride on, good man.
Christy's reply
it is a wonderful gift to meet someone with whom everything can be shared….thanks for sharing your story…..we are living in the Sun these Summer days…I’m gonna have a sing of that old song..its such a gorgeous air…I first encountered it as a boy ” ‘Twas early early all in the Spring, the pretty small birds they began to sing, they sang so sweet and so tunefully, and the song they sang was Sweet Liberty ” ( or sometimes ” the song they sang was Old Ireland Free”)
Some couple of shows…. Sligo was Great Christy ,But Boyle.was unbelievable…almost surreal. We can only imagine how special it was for the folks who had that connection….that history of those songs and the comradeship of the years gone by. Very privileged to have been in the Hall with the locals and the people who had known and heard John Reilly sing .
Thanks for these special times.
Christy's reply
Yes…I felt it in Boyle myself…there was a connection…I kept thinking of all the so-called “powerful” people The berties, the P.Flynns, The McSharry’s, The Burkes, and I kept thinking of John Reilly and the pure power that emanates from his memory and from his songs..he took so little from the world, yet he left so much
Hi Christy, I was wondering , did you record the gig in Boyle by any chance?.The bould Doyler here in Boston would love to get me paws on a copy if possible.reading the comments people have made about the gig in Boyle it sounds like a very special night and would loved to have been there, outside the window if I couldn’t get in the door.Mandolin Mountain is a gem of a song with a lovely vibe.The chats are very personnel in that they show a side to you outside the performance itself, with the prep and getting in the zone prior to strapping on Betsy and leaving it all on stage.Take care all the best to the clan and crew. Fin
Hi Christy Thank you all so much for that very special terrific gig last night in Sligo – The lighting sound and new addition Jimmy added to the excellence – how much better does it get !!! Great to see you all in great form and of course the company of the 4711ers Thanks a million again – Let the Music keep your spirits high and lookin forward to seeing you all again soon Slan go foill a chara Ger x
Christy's reply
Its a good room…Sligo has always been a good gig town.my first time there was 1972-3 when Planxty played a cinema in the town centre on a bill we shared with Pumpkinhead….since then there has been a myriad of venues around Sligo and its environs…The Blue Lagoon was a fave of mine, The Grand, The Venue,Town Hall, Coolera House,Gilhooley Hall, an Art Centre run by Rhoda McManus, Sligo Park, Ballisodare, Mountain Inn Coolaney, The Hall in Cooloney where Moving Hearts recorded “On The Blanket” the night that Martin Hurson died…good to see the Donegal Full Forward line to the fore last night surrounded by listeners from all corners
Hi Christy, thanks for your “old fashioned” chats – love them! Was enthrilled to read that you will be playing in Bundoran Oct 17… Having seen quite a few of your gigs over the years, my wife and I think about extending our trip to the the Green Isle this autumn in order to make it for Bundoran. Haven’t found that date on the gig page yet however… as soon as it is sure and tickets are available, we’ll be off to change flights.
Would be great to see you (and Declan?) in October.
O beautiful Bundoran…..not been there for 10 years but ,if memory serves, its a good gig room….its a unique town…lots of candy floss and one armed bandits but I like all that…I believe that The Blessed Virgin appeared there once ..or was that in a movie…see you there by the broad Atlantic Foam
Hi Christy,
We exchanged messages after seeing your show in Racket Hall back in May, Can’t wait for Saturday now to hear you again in the marquee, We are keeping out fingers crossed that Black is the Color makes it onto the set list this time.
My friend Erika is coming from Lithuania to hear the show, she’s fallen in love with your music, maybe you can give her a call out, she would get big shock. Here’s to a great night by the Lee, can’t wait. Thanks Eamonn.
Morra Eamon….my fingers are also crossed….we gotta get a lot of ducks in a row…
Hello Christy,
Back in Belgium after 10 great days in my favorite country.
Thanks to Hilary we where very lucky to see you two times. The gig in Boyle with those fantastic singing sisters where I have never heard of were really very special. We did also liked Sheamy a lot but you and Declan have something special togheter.
Thanks for signing my book and now I can start again with counting the days until the next gig.
Many greetings from Belgium who’s Red Devils are playing very well !
Glad you had a good trip to Dear Old Bognia ( its my favourite Too !) The Grehan Sisters still rockin 40 years on (That was their first gig in 20 years) The gig with Sheamie was our first ever gig as a duo…it was entirely unrehearsed and spontaneous, it was brave for him to join me at that gig, he was brilliant…playing with Declan is ,for me, something very special…we began playing together in 1981…..Thanks for your feedback Chris..hope your team do well…I’ve not seen any soccer as our Football and Hurling Seasons are in full swing here
Well done on latest chat and in particular your reference to our home town of Newbridge and your walking trip of the magnificent Curragh Plains. Best of luck at the gig sat nite, as usual it will be packed to the “rafters.” Look out for “Tango
Take it handy, and pace yourself cos we want you back next year!!
Bill Brady
up on Hurley’s Moate I could see it all… they’re makin Viagra at Buckley’s Cross now..where gentle Murtagh Hannon died beneath McKenna’s Beetle….The Mons Miller, Patrician Brothers, Sister Philomena and The Dominican Fathers are all gone up to Heaven, the Verandas are gone from The Barracks, people fearful to swim on The Strand,there is a barber shop in Mrs Noone’s, scaffoldin on The Town Hall, who’s gonna get hung….thats as far as I got, twas time to go into Bradburys
Christy, you can chat away as much as you like, because I always read your Chat.
Any chance of you coming to Bristol again? Just so I can hear the Cliffs of Doneen.
Keep on chatting
watching all the wild flowers that ne’er do decay
where The Hare and lofty Pheasant are plain to be seen,
Arthurs Day has been scrapped Christy ……what did you do ? 🙂
I wrote a song with Wally Page,recorded it with Declan Sinnott, was invited to sing it on the Prime Time programme on RTE…. sang it at a handful of gigs and then dropped it….moved on
Your writing is always a tonic … As much for you as for the reader … And you have a loyal band of those. I understand the power of writing … A powerful tool in dealing with Life in all its variations! Any ‘pop up’ gigs in August? Maybe catch you in Dublin or London! … Wexford would be a huge bonus! Keep your skillet good and greasy, as they say !
The daughter of the late musician Pecker Dunne will be the first Irish Traveller to compete in the Miss Ireland competition.
Sarah Jane Dunne was chosen to represent Kilkenny in next month’s contest, which will take place on July 19.
The Killimer model hasn’t experienced any discrimination about her Traveller background while competing.
“It comes up in conversation sometimes, but I think it’s a positive thing for most people to see someone put on a platform, who would normally be associated with a particular, stereotypical image,” she said.
Ms Dunne has just received an honours degree from Trinity College Dublin and she is now a qualified English and Religion secondary school teacher.
Originally from Clare, the 24-year-old has been living in Kilkenny city for just over a year.
So far this year, Ms Dunne won the Miss Trinity College contest and she also took part in 2fm’s Miss Personality competition last month.
– See more at: http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/news/first-irish-traveller-to-compete-in-miss-ireland-competition-30393996.html#sthash.u8do3FGY.dpuf
we send very best wishes to Sara Jane and to all the family…The Pecker will be watching over Sara Jane win, lose or draw…..there will be great excitement in Killimer
Hi Christy I know you normally play Dublin just after Christmas, do you have plans to do so this year ? I am 40 on the 27th Dec and was going to head over with my wife and our friends as part of my celebrations
If all goes well, Vicar St in December…..Bord Gais in January…dates will be confirmed as soon as I get the nod..hope it works out for you
Hi Christy, I did email you some time ago about us attending the gig in the Marque in Cork on 5th July.
We are just getting ready to leave the Isle of man to travel to Dublin for a couple of nights before heading to Cork for your show…the purpose of our trip is for my fellas 50th birthday….Brendan Mc Ilveen, if you could give him a shout out that would be great….Many many thanks. He doesn’t know I’m asking so no harm done if you cant.
Good luck with the tour.
when that Marquee is in good order anything can happen…have a good trip…you and your fella
HI, Just letting you know your chats are read. Currently listening to your interview with John Murray…cant believe you’re pushing 70… don’t even consider retiring! Interested to see what songs you do. Sound is great by the way.
Most days I cant believe it myself ! great to be still in the game….yes, the sound was good on that John Murray show was very good, Ciara was the sound engineer and she did a real good job, I knew straight away that Ciara was on the ball..sometimes it can be a fierce bummer to be in a Studio with an engineer who dont give a shite ,or one who seems to be in the wrong job…I think I’ll keep the chats going for another while..feedback has been positive and i enjoy doing them anyway
Please, Christy, do not forget Flanders!
Hi Paul… I have sent your comment to the Forward Planners
Dear Christy,
Really enjoyed your show in Killarney, 24th of May. It was the second time we attended a show in Ireland, since you are not coming to Holland. Last year you sang “The Voyage” for us. it was the year of the gathering. Although we missed Declan this time, we enjoyed the Mairtin O’Connor band a lot. Their music made your songs even more special. I bought the “Where I come from” cd and enjoy it every day. Hope to see you soon in Holland and if not, we will be coming to Ireland next year!!!!! Betty.
I hear rumours of a few gigs in Holland and Germany..my fingers are crossed
Christy, I am going to attribute to humility your questioning whether your writing is of benefit beyond keeping you out of trouble. I will add my voice to the chorus asking you to keep up the scribbling. I will also advise those who haven’t read it that One Voice is a superb book that illuminates the songs and the formative experiences of their singer, and shouldn’t be missed. Since those of us stateside are losing hope of seeing you here in the near future, your writings are the only thing we have to supplement the albums and the YouTube. Please keep it up!
Morra Mike…the words of encouragemnet are greatly appreciated…best wishes to all our American listeners…we’ll chat on for as long as we can
Hi Christy, Hope all is well with you. just wanted to say that I’m still absolutely buzzing from the other evening in Sligo…wonderful gig, great venue and a very respectful audience (nowhere near as rowdy as us Donegal wan’s). It was one of those gigs for me where I felt a powerful and instantaneous connection to what was going on, and then that lovely feeling of being truly present to experience it. Hugely relaxing and very therapeutic to be able park up the worries and concerns for a couple of hours and to listen to the blessed trinity in full flow, which reminds me you spoke of “Reserved Sins” the other night…a type of sin I had never heard of before, although have probably committed in my time …I’m afraid to google it just in case …LOL ! Thank you for giving Joxer an airing as well (for the month that’s in it) The World Cup is reaching fever pitch …most enjoyable with some great stuff going on…very disappointed but not surprised by the actions of Mr Suarez, It’s thin line between genius and madness Christy….I’m sticking with Argentina to lift the trophy. Looking forward to catching up again very soon, there appears to be some very do-able gigs in the near future on the gig page. Love & Respect Martin Mac
in fairness I must say that the One Rowdy Boy in Donegal was visiting from Antrim..he may have had sunstroke or psycillobinitis, maybe his Bulmers collided with his medication, but his outburst should no be blemt on the”Donegal wans”, ….down our way a “reserved” sin was a sin that could only be forgiven by a bishop….. mass murder, rape,sodomy, the lash, bank robbery, gigantic fraud, carjacking,stealin buns coud all be forgiven by the local curate BUT put your nose inside a PROTESTANT CHURCH and you committed a RESERVED SIN…of course these are more enlightened times now (nt)….Suarez seems to have bitten off more then he can chew but if he leads Liverpool to The Premiership next season I’m sure his venial sin will be forgiven..with regard to the World Cup..who is the biggest sinner…Shepp Blatter or Buck Suarez…I now which one I’d prefer to have over for a pot of tea and a chat….the auld gig in The Clanree was a great night for the 3 of us…we left the stage fully spent and high on adrenalin…we all felt it was top notch..fair play ye gave us a right old blast of atmosphere…we were absailing on your currents for two and a half hours
Miss Persia and I went out to the jazz festival here today, outside concerts, far from the jazz I grew up loving but good music all the same. At one point three people in the audience succumbed to having cabbage-leaf facials while laying prone in the grass, their noses skyward, while a man played a didjeridoo with its opening pressed and sealed against the tops of their skulls. I took Miss Persia to hear the music because today marks six years since her brother died in a bleak rooming house in Tehran. She had come to Canada by then, and her mother was in a nursing home in Mashhad. Her brother had been found unconscious in his room, bruises on both sides of his torso. It was ruled a suicide by the local authorities. When Miss Persia went home to do her own investigation, she found that the authorities had taken the word of the landlord as gospel and hadn’t investigated further, despite the warped logic that a supposedly suicidal young man would devise a way to beat upon his own back. Anyway, the music lifted her spirits a while, and then we walked along the shoreline and enjoyed the beautiful sunset. Later, she folded into my arms and wept. Six years and no closure but those tears, every June 29th. I enjoyed reading your chat, Christy. I always read them, and I thank you for them. These days, we take comfort where we can. Miss Persia has taken to Dylan. On the drive home, she started singing shyly to me, not knowing all the words…”While riding on a train goin’ west / I fell asleep for to take my rest / I dreamed a dream that made me sad / Concerning myself and the first few friends I had…” And she didn’t know that I knew the song. I’d never sung it except while singing along with Bob’s voice. I missed a verse, but I made it to the end. “I wish, I wish, I wish in vain / That we could sit simply in that room again / Ten thousand dollars at the drop of a hat / I’d give it all gladly if our lives could be like that…” Ride on, good man.
it is a wonderful gift to meet someone with whom everything can be shared….thanks for sharing your story…..we are living in the Sun these Summer days…I’m gonna have a sing of that old song..its such a gorgeous air…I first encountered it as a boy ” ‘Twas early early all in the Spring, the pretty small birds they began to sing, they sang so sweet and so tunefully, and the song they sang was Sweet Liberty ” ( or sometimes ” the song they sang was Old Ireland Free”)
Some couple of shows…. Sligo was Great Christy ,But Boyle.was unbelievable…almost surreal. We can only imagine how special it was for the folks who had that connection….that history of those songs and the comradeship of the years gone by. Very privileged to have been in the Hall with the locals and the people who had known and heard John Reilly sing .
Thanks for these special times.
Yes…I felt it in Boyle myself…there was a connection…I kept thinking of all the so-called “powerful” people The berties, the P.Flynns, The McSharry’s, The Burkes, and I kept thinking of John Reilly and the pure power that emanates from his memory and from his songs..he took so little from the world, yet he left so much
You’re forever welcome on the banks of the Tyne. Hope to see you in the Toon again soon.
Bonny Lad
Hi Christy, I was wondering , did you record the gig in Boyle by any chance?.The bould Doyler here in Boston would love to get me paws on a copy if possible.reading the comments people have made about the gig in Boyle it sounds like a very special night and would loved to have been there, outside the window if I couldn’t get in the door.Mandolin Mountain is a gem of a song with a lovely vibe.The chats are very personnel in that they show a side to you outside the performance itself, with the prep and getting in the zone prior to strapping on Betsy and leaving it all on stage.Take care all the best to the clan and crew. Fin
The Old Songs keep calling me
Hi Christy Thank you all so much for that very special terrific gig last night in Sligo – The lighting sound and new addition Jimmy added to the excellence – how much better does it get !!! Great to see you all in great form and of course the company of the 4711ers Thanks a million again – Let the Music keep your spirits high and lookin forward to seeing you all again soon Slan go foill a chara Ger x
Its a good room…Sligo has always been a good gig town.my first time there was 1972-3 when Planxty played a cinema in the town centre on a bill we shared with Pumpkinhead….since then there has been a myriad of venues around Sligo and its environs…The Blue Lagoon was a fave of mine, The Grand, The Venue,Town Hall, Coolera House,Gilhooley Hall, an Art Centre run by Rhoda McManus, Sligo Park, Ballisodare, Mountain Inn Coolaney, The Hall in Cooloney where Moving Hearts recorded “On The Blanket” the night that Martin Hurson died…good to see the Donegal Full Forward line to the fore last night surrounded by listeners from all corners