You probably get this all the time but here goes anyway.
I have a big love for Trad Music and have wrote a number of songs I sing as well.
There is one song in particular I would like to get out there is there any advice you could give me, obviously I would love you to have a listen but im sure you get all sorts of eejits saying the same.
Christy's reply
if you go to there is a thread there where songs can be posted
Hope your in flying form from the night in the tent in cork. Its a gig that I have to make it down too in the near future.
Next stop the Iveagh Gardens, really looking forward to this one. I was at a gig there last year and Its a brilliant little out door venue ( the best in the country in my opinion). and I bet the residents wouldn’t mind you playing here for 5 nights in a row!!!
I hear that the weather is also in favour as well to be a magic experience.
enjoy the night Christy because I will be for sure..
Christy's reply
a grand Summer’s evening would surely be a blessing….just changing the strings now and sharpening the plectrums, Johnny is turning the amps up to 11, Dikon is looking for his earplugs,Geoff is focusing the follow spots, David is contemplating the feed back in the foldback,Paddy is looking for 5 chairs, Mick is under the bonnet, Ciaran is wondering about the width of the gate, I am soon to rehearse with Jimmy,Sheamie, Cathal and Mairtín….keep coming back..greetings to all Roseberry listeners
Hi Christy,
Sorry for this late message, I had no access to a computer whilst we were in Cork or Dublin.
I wanted to thank you for wishing Brendan a Happy Birthday….I can’t tell you how delighted I was.
Brendan was surprised, shocked & delighted….he couldn’t believe it, the song was beautiful.
I looked round at him at one point & could see he was definitely moved & touched, not sure if it was the song or the fact he was 50 but I think it was really that you took the time to say his name.
If you don’t mind, I would like to send a message of condolences via your guest book to the family of friends of the lady who passed away, I’m sure they were delighted with the song you choose.
We thoroughly enjoyed the whole show and I’m sure like others we laughed and cried throughout and joined in the singing when we could. Great nights craic, thanks again.
Best wishes for the future and the rest of your tour.
Fondest Regards Maryanne.
Christy's reply
it was a fine gathering by the River Lee…good to read that ye had a good trip
Its Colette here from Rosemount House, the years have flew by since you last paid us a visit, we are delighted to say we got our purpose built hostel for the boys you met when you were last here.
We have recently had funding for a brand new garden of reflection/ remembrance. Christy we would like to cordially invite you to the opening of this garden. We know that you are a very busy man, but would love to see you again and show you the progress that we have made.
|Here’s our number, contact us at anytime.
02980 779740, Colette/Charlie
Heya CM,
Was paging thru “One Voice” and surprised to see “Crow On The Cradle”!
Never imagined you had ever sung that one! But no reason not to, I suppose…I have always associated it with Mary Black. Stark song, powerful images.
Reading the posts about the Marquee.. sounds like it was a good ‘un. One of these days….
Christy's reply
sure did…I played that song with “The Early Grave Band” for 3 weeks in (I think) 1979…(we did one tour….we played Newbridge,Kilkenny,Cork, Tralee,Sligo, Belfast,Dundalk and Dublin with The Anti Nuclear Roadshow .. did we play anywhere else ?) a powerful spooky song it reminds me of Weela Waile…I learnt it from Derek McEwan of Chadderton, Manchester….he was my butty,employer,agent and provocateur in 1969….we supped some stuff
Hi Christie
Just arrived back in Canada after a whirlwind four days in Ireland. Left Dublin by train to see your show in Cork Saturday night, and for myself and my brother, along with our wives, it was one of the high lights of our lives to this point. We have been listening to your music for 25 years, and both yourself and your wonderful band brought every song to life in a way we could only imagine! Topped off the trip last night at Kennedy’s pub in Dublin with Mr. Pete St John on stage with our friend Loyola Hearn, Canadian ambassador to Ireland, along with your own Harrington Brothers and Newfoundlands Darcy Broderick performing some of Pete’s best songs. Don’t think we could ever top those last two nights. Would love to see you visit our province some time, you have a tremendous following here. Cheers and thanks again for such a memorable evening of music!
Christy's reply
thanks for sharing the story your trip with us…you covered some ground in 4 days…
Hi All… The gig last night in the tent was the best yet,,,,, in my humble opinion,,,, to see you stride onto that big space and claim it and then be joined by the other fine musicians was just mighty,,,,it was such a joyful occassion and in fairness to the Rebels they are well able to sing,,,, and then when I heard the final song,,a Kerry song it felt like a good omen for the match today,, its turning into a busy Summer after all.,, Shine On,,,,beir bua agus beannacht,,, H
Christy's reply
John Daly and Batt Andy, The Sheehans Con and Dan….those Boys of Barr na Sráide who hunted for the Wren
Hey Christy, just wanted to say the gig in the tent tonight was superb, love the buzz with the lads, you could tell you were enjoying it! I have a house guest here from the big smoke, he spent the day in the English Market looking for fresh produce and desserts! Might hang on to him a day or two longer but we’ll have to send him back when his holiday visa expires! Thanks for the great gig, gotta get back to see you soon…
Christy's reply
Its a great Town…nothing but good memories of so many great nights since my very first gig there with Planxty in 1972…we played support to Donovan in City Hall that year..since then there has been gigs in host of different halls…Moving Hearts in Connolly Hall…Anti Nuclear Roadshow in a glorious kip of a Ballroom near The Station,(the night an audient attacked the actor playing Deadly Headly)…the Everyman, Opera House,Country Club, Oscars (?), a basement gig in the city where some langer robbed me bodhrán ( I got a better one next day from Coal Quay Bodhráns- still have it 36 years on ,tis a belter) played Pairc uí Caoimh once way back, a debacle of a gig the week after Ford Motors pulled out of Cork, The Vita Cortex in The Triskel was a lovely night… sure dont the Queen get her nice bit a cod sent over every week from d’Englsh market by FedeX girl
I did indeed – We’re only up the road if yourself and Deccie fancy popping in for a cup a cha haha. Get back to Cork soon please – Love the music – Been playing your stuff myself for years
Hi Christy just wanted to say what a brilliant gig tonight in the tent… My nephew (16) came with me he absolutely loved it as I did.. The atmosphere was great.. Thank you and also the band and crew.. Hoping to see you very soon.. Tony
Christy's reply
twas a grand circus…us 5 had a great time at the flowed freely for us..great that the audience got behind us…these new sounds are working well for us and its a great buzz when the audience weighs in with quality listening…well done all round…our mighty crew, the tent crew, all the production staff, the promoter, the security, red cross,fire crew, car park crew,na Gardaí,….thanks to Mairtín,Cathal, Sheamie and Jimmy for getting into the songs and all the work they’ve done this past 18 months as we gradually brought it all together….thanks too to the songwriters whos work we get to play, Jackson Browne,Luka Bloom(the brother)Barney Rush,Shane McGowan,Jimmy McCarthy,Bob Dylan,Wally Page, Johnny Mulhearn,John Spillane, Bono&The Edge,Bobby Sands,Johnny Duhan…..also to the source singers of the Trad songs Jimmy Crowley, Andy Rynne and John Reilly…..last but not least, all the 3,000 good listeners who made their way to The Marquee last Saturday night gave us all a great nights work…”Let The Music keep your Spirits High”
Break a leg tonight big Man – Sorry I can’t get to the gig – was fecking sold out by the time I got home in March 🙁 – I’ll get a can and have a listen outside the park haha
Christy's reply
no sweat Johnny Boy…we’ll meet again along the way,be it some auld ballad lounge or county Fleadh, some noble Opera House or humble sheebeen..we’ll rattle the rafters, we’ll rosin the bow….enjoy your can boy and beware of the murricawn
Thanks for the chat. It made me feel, not so intrusive; since ,you might be between a gig, waiting for a gig to start and maybe you are up for a distraction.
Thanks for the honesty Christy. It makes me feel not a complete jerk.
On this US- 4th of July – as on other days – I am listening to traditional Irish music. It is very fitting though; since, the Irish have played such a big part in the making of what the US is.
But, with all the great traditional Irish music I’ve been listening to today on the 4th, I want to send out this video. We need to connect, in our loving humanness, constantly.
Christy's reply
that will do me perfect this beautiful morning…here on the Banks of the Lee to play tonight in the grand old City of Cork…you have made a good start to the day by sharing Pharrell’s outburst of Good Vibrations…Brian Wilson played here last night so its a vibey place to be just now
Hello dear Christy,
Hope you are well in these lovely summer days. It was a sad thing to leave the ‘Land of Hearts Desire’ but we arrived home safe and your sweet music still resounds in our ears. What a great time we had on the Island!
Go raibh mile maith agat for four very different and truly memorable nights!
We started our holiday in Belfast to see you and the four lads of the Trad. Outfit in two glorious gigs at the Waterfront, a beautiful venue. After two delightful days we travelled south to our beloved Beara Peninsula where we relaxed in multicoloured surroundings, enjoyed the scenic beauty and the kindness of dear friends. Thanks to the magnificent weather we were able to do a lot of walking, even on Dursey Island and on Sheeps Head too. Then our journey took us to the mystical rock of Skellig Michael and the fertile rocks of the Burren, on the peak of Mullaghmore we also admired the miracles of nature of your motherland.
And eventually there was your Boyle gig, an absolutely unreal experience …
You put together a great mix of songs to honour John Reilly and his legacy with your delicate and heartfelt singing. Fantastic that Lord Baker turned up from Turkeyland and the Travelling People got one of their seldom appearances. Though I loved all the songs What Put the Blood was very special …
To add the magic of this incredible night there were the Grehan Sisters, we enjoyed so much the music of these three powerful women.
What a treat to return to Sligo and see you in Rosses Point at the end of our tour. You were in superb form and I loved to hear my favourites Wandering Aongus and Gortatagort. Thank you! Also liked the Bleacher Lassie, very good you took this fine song back in your set. We had our dear old friend Petra with us, for many years we had planned to attend a gig of yours together and now it has come true. So it was a most joyful night for us. Not to forget is the pleasure we had with the 4711ers friends, always great to share this amazing company.
Thanks again Christy and all the people involved!
Good Luck for your gig at the Banks of the Lee!
Love, Traudel
Christy's reply
” t’was all from the cutting of a hazel rod that never will grow into a tree ”
sang John that Summer’s night back in 1964….sometimes he might pause during a long song, take a mouthful of porter to oil his larynx… then recommence his song odyssey using a different melody…it was utterly pleasant and delightful…….passing years may have clouded my recall of times and dates but my memories of John are very clear… I sit beside him, he’s wearing his great big coat, his cap is at a jaunty angle, the pub is empty, just John and I with Mrs Grehan….Mrs Grehan asks him to sing the Raggle Taggle Gypsy and he does. In the quiet of that cool afternoon ” One sang High, the other sang Low and The Lady sang the Raggle Taggle Gypsy O”
there is an album of John’s songs -The Bonny Green Tree- other recordings exist in an American Library..I’ve yet to hear them.
“they made a vow for seven years, and seven more for to keep it strong,
saying if you dont wed with no other woman,I’m sure I’ll wed with no other man”
………………PS. We all relished the beautiful confection you gifted us in Sligo. It was a cake of spectacular richness.One small slice could nourish the entire crew for a week.Míle maith agat Traudel.
Not a bother Christy! You might pick one for us sure!
We’ll be at the side of the tent if you want to say hello!
Christy's reply
we will of course honour you Omar and all your comrades at Red Cross,But we must not forget ST.Johns Ambo, Gardaí, Fire Officers,crowd control engineers,FCA, Cork City Burghers and Burger Vans,Crepes sizzlers,sword swallowers,John “Boy” Spillane, Naoise Comerford, Cork and Kerry Panels, The Blood and bandage Brigade, Kingdom howlers, DE Ref, Donnacadh O Callaghan, Peter Stringer, Noisy, Jimmy-Barry, Kenny Lee, Jimmy Crowley,Sean Óg Ó hAilpín,Sean Ó Sé, Peader Ó Ríada,Sinéad Lohan,The Boys of Fairhill, De Hill, John Creedon, Larry Tomkins,Lord Puttnam,The Queen, The Engerlish market, the price a cod,Coal Quay Bodhráns, Stokers Lodge, Nomos,De Star Gazers,Seamus Creagh,Máirín Lynch, Din-Joe, Joe Lynch, Colm Murphy,Crowleys (sadly missed,)Eoin Ó Ríabhaigh, Sean Moylan and Dan Breen, Ringy, Jack Doyle( and Movita) ….we’ll do our best to cover every corner, climb every pole, we’ll seek to satisfy, to be in tune, to harmonise and mesmerise…satisfaction all but guaranteed…its gotta be all 5 or nothing at all
Great gig with Luka last night in Kilkee and another Luka gig tonight in Kilrush then off in the morning to the banks of the Lee, I love the Marquee its such a great venue ….you put on a fantastic show there last year cant believe a year has passed ….two great summers back to back. Looking forward …..Enjoy the weekend Christy!
God bless,
Christy's reply
ready to roll…had a one and a half to get the streamlined look for the big tint
horse, would love to see you and declan cover a song jim page does called “over my dead body”.
HI Christy,
You probably get this all the time but here goes anyway.
I have a big love for Trad Music and have wrote a number of songs I sing as well.
There is one song in particular I would like to get out there is there any advice you could give me, obviously I would love you to have a listen but im sure you get all sorts of eejits saying the same.
if you go to there is a thread there where songs can be posted
How ya Christy,
Hope your in flying form from the night in the tent in cork. Its a gig that I have to make it down too in the near future.
Next stop the Iveagh Gardens, really looking forward to this one. I was at a gig there last year and Its a brilliant little out door venue ( the best in the country in my opinion). and I bet the residents wouldn’t mind you playing here for 5 nights in a row!!!
I hear that the weather is also in favour as well to be a magic experience.
enjoy the night Christy because I will be for sure..
a grand Summer’s evening would surely be a blessing….just changing the strings now and sharpening the plectrums, Johnny is turning the amps up to 11, Dikon is looking for his earplugs,Geoff is focusing the follow spots, David is contemplating the feed back in the foldback,Paddy is looking for 5 chairs, Mick is under the bonnet, Ciaran is wondering about the width of the gate, I am soon to rehearse with Jimmy,Sheamie, Cathal and Mairtín….keep coming back..greetings to all Roseberry listeners
Hi Christy,
Sorry for this late message, I had no access to a computer whilst we were in Cork or Dublin.
I wanted to thank you for wishing Brendan a Happy Birthday….I can’t tell you how delighted I was.
Brendan was surprised, shocked & delighted….he couldn’t believe it, the song was beautiful.
I looked round at him at one point & could see he was definitely moved & touched, not sure if it was the song or the fact he was 50 but I think it was really that you took the time to say his name.
If you don’t mind, I would like to send a message of condolences via your guest book to the family of friends of the lady who passed away, I’m sure they were delighted with the song you choose.
We thoroughly enjoyed the whole show and I’m sure like others we laughed and cried throughout and joined in the singing when we could. Great nights craic, thanks again.
Best wishes for the future and the rest of your tour.
Fondest Regards Maryanne.
it was a fine gathering by the River Lee…good to read that ye had a good trip
Hi Christie,
Its Colette here from Rosemount House, the years have flew by since you last paid us a visit, we are delighted to say we got our purpose built hostel for the boys you met when you were last here.
We have recently had funding for a brand new garden of reflection/ remembrance. Christy we would like to cordially invite you to the opening of this garden. We know that you are a very busy man, but would love to see you again and show you the progress that we have made.
|Here’s our number, contact us at anytime.
02980 779740, Colette/Charlie
Heya CM,
Was paging thru “One Voice” and surprised to see “Crow On The Cradle”!
Never imagined you had ever sung that one! But no reason not to, I suppose…I have always associated it with Mary Black. Stark song, powerful images.
Reading the posts about the Marquee.. sounds like it was a good ‘un. One of these days….
sure did…I played that song with “The Early Grave Band” for 3 weeks in (I think) 1979…(we did one tour….we played Newbridge,Kilkenny,Cork, Tralee,Sligo, Belfast,Dundalk and Dublin with The Anti Nuclear Roadshow .. did we play anywhere else ?) a powerful spooky song it reminds me of Weela Waile…I learnt it from Derek McEwan of Chadderton, Manchester….he was my butty,employer,agent and provocateur in 1969….we supped some stuff
Hi Christie
Just arrived back in Canada after a whirlwind four days in Ireland. Left Dublin by train to see your show in Cork Saturday night, and for myself and my brother, along with our wives, it was one of the high lights of our lives to this point. We have been listening to your music for 25 years, and both yourself and your wonderful band brought every song to life in a way we could only imagine! Topped off the trip last night at Kennedy’s pub in Dublin with Mr. Pete St John on stage with our friend Loyola Hearn, Canadian ambassador to Ireland, along with your own Harrington Brothers and Newfoundlands Darcy Broderick performing some of Pete’s best songs. Don’t think we could ever top those last two nights. Would love to see you visit our province some time, you have a tremendous following here. Cheers and thanks again for such a memorable evening of music!
thanks for sharing the story your trip with us…you covered some ground in 4 days…
Hi All… The gig last night in the tent was the best yet,,,,, in my humble opinion,,,, to see you stride onto that big space and claim it and then be joined by the other fine musicians was just mighty,,,,it was such a joyful occassion and in fairness to the Rebels they are well able to sing,,,, and then when I heard the final song,,a Kerry song it felt like a good omen for the match today,, its turning into a busy Summer after all.,, Shine On,,,,beir bua agus beannacht,,, H
John Daly and Batt Andy, The Sheehans Con and Dan….those Boys of Barr na Sráide who hunted for the Wren
Hi Christy,
Thank you for an awesome gig last night …Great atmosphere in the tent , We had a great time and still in Cork in lovely Skibereen .
God bless
are you going back to Kilrush a tall a tall…
Absolutely epic concert last night!
Hey Christy, just wanted to say the gig in the tent tonight was superb, love the buzz with the lads, you could tell you were enjoying it! I have a house guest here from the big smoke, he spent the day in the English Market looking for fresh produce and desserts! Might hang on to him a day or two longer but we’ll have to send him back when his holiday visa expires! Thanks for the great gig, gotta get back to see you soon…
Its a great Town…nothing but good memories of so many great nights since my very first gig there with Planxty in 1972…we played support to Donovan in City Hall that year..since then there has been gigs in host of different halls…Moving Hearts in Connolly Hall…Anti Nuclear Roadshow in a glorious kip of a Ballroom near The Station,(the night an audient attacked the actor playing Deadly Headly)…the Everyman, Opera House,Country Club, Oscars (?), a basement gig in the city where some langer robbed me bodhrán ( I got a better one next day from Coal Quay Bodhráns- still have it 36 years on ,tis a belter) played Pairc uí Caoimh once way back, a debacle of a gig the week after Ford Motors pulled out of Cork, The Vita Cortex in The Triskel was a lovely night… sure dont the Queen get her nice bit a cod sent over every week from d’Englsh market by FedeX girl
I did indeed – We’re only up the road if yourself and Deccie fancy popping in for a cup a cha haha. Get back to Cork soon please – Love the music – Been playing your stuff myself for years
Have a great evening!
Get Back to where you once belong..Get Back
Hi Christy just wanted to say what a brilliant gig tonight in the tent… My nephew (16) came with me he absolutely loved it as I did.. The atmosphere was great.. Thank you and also the band and crew.. Hoping to see you very soon.. Tony
twas a grand circus…us 5 had a great time at the flowed freely for us..great that the audience got behind us…these new sounds are working well for us and its a great buzz when the audience weighs in with quality listening…well done all round…our mighty crew, the tent crew, all the production staff, the promoter, the security, red cross,fire crew, car park crew,na Gardaí,….thanks to Mairtín,Cathal, Sheamie and Jimmy for getting into the songs and all the work they’ve done this past 18 months as we gradually brought it all together….thanks too to the songwriters whos work we get to play, Jackson Browne,Luka Bloom(the brother)Barney Rush,Shane McGowan,Jimmy McCarthy,Bob Dylan,Wally Page, Johnny Mulhearn,John Spillane, Bono&The Edge,Bobby Sands,Johnny Duhan…..also to the source singers of the Trad songs Jimmy Crowley, Andy Rynne and John Reilly…..last but not least, all the 3,000 good listeners who made their way to The Marquee last Saturday night gave us all a great nights work…”Let The Music keep your Spirits High”
Do I have an opinion on this 4th of July in Missoula, Montana? Yep.
thought you might
Break a leg tonight big Man – Sorry I can’t get to the gig – was fecking sold out by the time I got home in March 🙁 – I’ll get a can and have a listen outside the park haha
no sweat Johnny Boy…we’ll meet again along the way,be it some auld ballad lounge or county Fleadh, some noble Opera House or humble sheebeen..we’ll rattle the rafters, we’ll rosin the bow….enjoy your can boy and beware of the murricawn
Thanks for the chat. It made me feel, not so intrusive; since ,you might be between a gig, waiting for a gig to start and maybe you are up for a distraction.
Thanks for the honesty Christy. It makes me feel not a complete jerk.
On this US- 4th of July – as on other days – I am listening to traditional Irish music. It is very fitting though; since, the Irish have played such a big part in the making of what the US is.
But, with all the great traditional Irish music I’ve been listening to today on the 4th, I want to send out this video. We need to connect, in our loving humanness, constantly.
that will do me perfect this beautiful morning…here on the Banks of the Lee to play tonight in the grand old City of Cork…you have made a good start to the day by sharing Pharrell’s outburst of Good Vibrations…Brian Wilson played here last night so its a vibey place to be just now
Hello dear Christy,
Hope you are well in these lovely summer days. It was a sad thing to leave the ‘Land of Hearts Desire’ but we arrived home safe and your sweet music still resounds in our ears. What a great time we had on the Island!
Go raibh mile maith agat for four very different and truly memorable nights!
We started our holiday in Belfast to see you and the four lads of the Trad. Outfit in two glorious gigs at the Waterfront, a beautiful venue. After two delightful days we travelled south to our beloved Beara Peninsula where we relaxed in multicoloured surroundings, enjoyed the scenic beauty and the kindness of dear friends. Thanks to the magnificent weather we were able to do a lot of walking, even on Dursey Island and on Sheeps Head too. Then our journey took us to the mystical rock of Skellig Michael and the fertile rocks of the Burren, on the peak of Mullaghmore we also admired the miracles of nature of your motherland.
And eventually there was your Boyle gig, an absolutely unreal experience …
You put together a great mix of songs to honour John Reilly and his legacy with your delicate and heartfelt singing. Fantastic that Lord Baker turned up from Turkeyland and the Travelling People got one of their seldom appearances. Though I loved all the songs What Put the Blood was very special …
To add the magic of this incredible night there were the Grehan Sisters, we enjoyed so much the music of these three powerful women.
What a treat to return to Sligo and see you in Rosses Point at the end of our tour. You were in superb form and I loved to hear my favourites Wandering Aongus and Gortatagort. Thank you! Also liked the Bleacher Lassie, very good you took this fine song back in your set. We had our dear old friend Petra with us, for many years we had planned to attend a gig of yours together and now it has come true. So it was a most joyful night for us. Not to forget is the pleasure we had with the 4711ers friends, always great to share this amazing company.
Thanks again Christy and all the people involved!
Good Luck for your gig at the Banks of the Lee!
Love, Traudel
” t’was all from the cutting of a hazel rod that never will grow into a tree ”
sang John that Summer’s night back in 1964….sometimes he might pause during a long song, take a mouthful of porter to oil his larynx… then recommence his song odyssey using a different melody…it was utterly pleasant and delightful…….passing years may have clouded my recall of times and dates but my memories of John are very clear… I sit beside him, he’s wearing his great big coat, his cap is at a jaunty angle, the pub is empty, just John and I with Mrs Grehan….Mrs Grehan asks him to sing the Raggle Taggle Gypsy and he does. In the quiet of that cool afternoon ” One sang High, the other sang Low and The Lady sang the Raggle Taggle Gypsy O”
there is an album of John’s songs -The Bonny Green Tree- other recordings exist in an American Library..I’ve yet to hear them.
“they made a vow for seven years, and seven more for to keep it strong,
saying if you dont wed with no other woman,I’m sure I’ll wed with no other man”
………………PS. We all relished the beautiful confection you gifted us in Sligo. It was a cake of spectacular richness.One small slice could nourish the entire crew for a week.Míle maith agat Traudel.
Not a bother Christy! You might pick one for us sure!
We’ll be at the side of the tent if you want to say hello!
we will of course honour you Omar and all your comrades at Red Cross,But we must not forget ST.Johns Ambo, Gardaí, Fire Officers,crowd control engineers,FCA, Cork City Burghers and Burger Vans,Crepes sizzlers,sword swallowers,John “Boy” Spillane, Naoise Comerford, Cork and Kerry Panels, The Blood and bandage Brigade, Kingdom howlers, DE Ref, Donnacadh O Callaghan, Peter Stringer, Noisy, Jimmy-Barry, Kenny Lee, Jimmy Crowley,Sean Óg Ó hAilpín,Sean Ó Sé, Peader Ó Ríada,Sinéad Lohan,The Boys of Fairhill, De Hill, John Creedon, Larry Tomkins,Lord Puttnam,The Queen, The Engerlish market, the price a cod,Coal Quay Bodhráns, Stokers Lodge, Nomos,De Star Gazers,Seamus Creagh,Máirín Lynch, Din-Joe, Joe Lynch, Colm Murphy,Crowleys (sadly missed,)Eoin Ó Ríabhaigh, Sean Moylan and Dan Breen, Ringy, Jack Doyle( and Movita) ….we’ll do our best to cover every corner, climb every pole, we’ll seek to satisfy, to be in tune, to harmonise and mesmerise…satisfaction all but guaranteed…its gotta be all 5 or nothing at all
Hey Christy, looking forward to the first of my two annual gigs!! This year I’m there with the Red Cross making sure yer all ok!
Any chance you’d play Continental Ceili for us??
Cant Be Done Omar..the old C.C. has slipped off the list this past while…
Great gig with Luka last night in Kilkee and another Luka gig tonight in Kilrush then off in the morning to the banks of the Lee, I love the Marquee its such a great venue ….you put on a fantastic show there last year cant believe a year has passed ….two great summers back to back. Looking forward …..Enjoy the weekend Christy!
God bless,
ready to roll…had a one and a half to get the streamlined look for the big tint