Iveagh Gardens was a special gig …. great summer feeling about the place. Hope ye make it an annual event…. don’t tell anyone but I,m sure I heard a Kerry woman say “up the Dubs ” at the end of Molly Malone !!!
Into the West for you now and Three in a Row……
Enjoy the Hols.
Christy's reply
theres no tellin how people are gonna react to the bit of sunstroke…poor old Girth got his arse stuck in the gate at Croke Park, he lookin to join Fianna Fáil,them blue shirts and rusty rifles could’nt organise a piss up in James’s Gate…the Mexican Ambassador flew to Juarez to avoid Christy Burke’s hotline…Bertie trying to get his snotter back in the trough,I dreamt I saw him on The Ha’penny bridge with his berty bowl, Lance gonna ride in the Rás Tailteann,his sponsors are, as of yet unidentified but Michael Lowry could be in the frame, one thing for sure, they’ll be big hitters, big sunshine boys,…………………….. Johnny Ronan back in harness, Bernard McNamara eyin up Stephen’s Green,the shinners gone a bit laissez faire with the planning process….after hours in Islandeady last night, fierce crack altogether….Mayo for Sam… Iveagh Gardens annually ? suits me Marty…loved the gig, grand set up and very handy for cracker-jacks after the show, or The Hardcore Hotel just up the street ( quadruple parkin, bald tyres no tax discs) but watch out for the wall to wall moustaches….Kiltimagh here we come..
CM (69)
The Blackbird was eating all of the smeara in the garden. when the berrys were not even ripe or green!
Then I made a plan.I put a extra large mirror next to the berrys to scare away the blackbird and when he came to pick some berrys he saw himself ran off and never came back again.
Last week Dad’s mast broke on the boat on the way home from Aran Islands. He is putting a new one on today.
I go to see Dadó almost everyday.He has another lad with him in his room called Tom.Tom is from the Aran Islands.Everyday when I go to see Dadó Tom asks me for a drop of Poitín.
Dadó talks about an old lady that keeps walking up and down the hall and then washing her hands and walking up and down again!
I heard you are going to lie in the long grass soon.
CS (9)
P.S. I only heard you play a Reel once on the bodhrán and But I mostly hear you play Jigs.Which do you prefer playing? A reel or a Jig.?
I rather dancing a Reel than a Jig
Christy's reply
“O The Blackbird is such a pretty bird and she sings as she flies”…..
“Take it down from the mast Irish traitors,”…..
“singin Baile na mBó is na gabhna, its the Juice of the barley for me”…Sure thing CS, we’re headin for the long grass alright, its time for summer salads, scallions and mayonaise, bog days and long evenings………. there are some reels I prefer to jigs but also there are some jigs I prefer to certain reels..then again it really boils down to who is playing at the time, I love to hear Joe Burke, Mairtín O’Connor, Raymond Rowland, Johnny Bowe, Joe Cooley, Dermot Byrne, and then theres a great gansaí of young players coming up through the ranks playing magnificent music..the future of Irish Music is secure in their nimble hands
Hi All… Theres a new documentary doing the rounds of the Film Festivals,,,, it got its Irish permiere in Galway recently, and won an award, I think,, Blood Fruit,, its on the Dunnes Stores Strikers,, lets hope it gets a wider release , here is a clip : http://youtu.be/W5tIr45nmxw H
Christy's reply
The Managers descended in an avalanche of suits
Mary was suspended ‘cos she would’nt touch the fruits
no one was gonna tell Ben Dunne what he bought or sold
these women are only workers, must do what they are told
Is’nt that just typical of the way apartheid works
its not just in South Africa, that Bossman calls the shots
Ben would’nt have a boycott, couldnt give a tinkers curse
does’nt matter how he fills the shelves so long as he lines his purse
(From the song “Dunnes Stores” by Sandra Kerr …some new lyrics by Gitser)
Hi Christy,
Hope you have a wonderful time down the ‘West’. Wesport is always buzzing at this time of year.
Then sit back and enjoy your well earned rest.
Shine Onn.
Hi Christy, we are planning a trip to Dublin in December, will you be at Vicar St and if so when? That would make our Christmas!!
Christy's reply
If all goes well,we will be back in Vicar St on December,17,18,22,23,…tickets wont be ready til Sept time..hope that suits your plans….sign up for newsletter
Wonderin when you last played or gigged “Pretty Boy Floyd” or if ever…its a greatsong, would love to hear it again, with Declan or the Martín band…this is Arlo Guthrie
Hello Christy!
We are now back in Sweden from our nice trip to Dublin. We would like to thank you for an amazing concert and my father was really surprised and happy when you played the song for us. He didn’t know I wrote to you so it was a big surprise for him. We are both really happy to finally have seen you live after listening to your music for so many years. We had an amazing time in Dublin and hope to come back and see more of Ireland some day.
Hey Christy..what a gig friday night you had the place rockin! Had a great time..something I’ll never forget, it was my first time at the Iveagh Gardens too and a brill venue. The band playing with u were great too. Thanks 🙂 I carried on the music session weekend by going to harbour bar in Bray lastnight, the band my cousin plays in ‘bunoscionn’ were playing there and all from kildare..your neck of the woods 🙂 ..hope to see u again
Christy's reply
went to gig there myself last year…its an interesting venue, it was like going back into the 60s
not my cup of tea….definitely a get-behind-the-couch moment for me….but I also realise that my auld chanting would have precisely the same effect on millions of people..takes all sorts, thanks be….good luck in your travels, whether its Mars,The Moon or Missouri, its all one day at a time
Christy, I really am being sincere here. Thank you for putting up with me. I promise I will only – from here forth – post honorable musical stuff. Other than this, I will be away. But, before I sign off for a probable long time, I want to post one of many favorites of mine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm9obLQeTbY&list=RDsm9obLQeTbY
Thanks again.
Christy's reply
I have never taken you to be anything but sincere…wherever your journey takes you, I wish you well….watching Sharon, Mary and Eoin led me on to many other of the musicians on this site..thanks for posting
Christy you are like a fine wine,you are getting better with age.Last night at the iveagh gardens was probably my 30th(or so) time to hear you live, going way back to the siamsa cois laoi in 1987 was my first.(that day the wolfe tones brought the house down with “my heart is in ireland”) ,shane mc gowan and the pogues were”very drunk” but brilliant when they sang a song about a thing called love !! , but you were simply different gravy that day,you sang from your heart and the rest as they say is history ! You had your audience in the palm of your hand last night and it was a pleasure to be a part of it.Thank you Christy for a great and memorable night.
respect and regards.
ps.up the royals(sorry christy i could’nt resist it 😉
The Woodlands Hotel is correct, I believe it used to be called The Clyda…Im not sure I was at that gig tho…Im only a pup..KK was tellin me that he’s 42 years goin to see you now…the other hotel in Greystones was The Grand (La Touch in later years).
The Grand hotel gig I remember most was in Malahide, I had to get two buses, and on way home I missed the last bus home to the Rock, no taxi money then, I think I walked it…Jim D was twiddlin the buttons then..that was a great show..lots og great memories over the years now that Im sitting here thinking of gigs. My first was in Carysfort College/Convent in Blackrock, I think in 1984 or 1985..I remember it 3 punts in (borrowed..not returned)..I fell for ya that night when you said to a heckler, for the crack ” the last time I saw a head like that, Lester Piggot was lookin over the back of it”..I too have a memory like a supergrass..Ive loved every gig since that night..it gets better & better..KK wanted to crowd surf last night but the Johns Ambulance lads saw my face and put him off…see you soon..LF (45)
Super gig last night christy in the garden , what a little hidden gem In the middle of dublin super spot .might see yeah in mayo next week all the best .
Christy's reply
Ride On Paul….hope your having a good weekend..giz a shout if your out west
Mighty gig last night Christy. I said it before and ill say it again, that was the best one yet. Getting to sing roar and dance along to a night of classics. The set was perfect. Everyone was buzzing. The gods of the sky kept us dry. Nice touch giving the shout out for Sofia and finishing up with no time for love. Molly Malone was something else. I could go on and on. Hopefully another stand up gig in Ireland next year and if not ill be on the boat to the barrowlands. Hup hup.
Christy's reply
it was great to play an out door stand up in the City centre..could not have had a better crowd…its as perfect an outdoor amphitheatre as I’ve ever experienced and, fair play to the Aiken’s team, they set it up perfectly…great facilities,sound, staging,lights and dressing rooms…it was perfect from our end and, from reports,I gather it was just as good out front…..still, its hard to bate the auld ballad lounge, when all is said and done
A fantastic set, setting and audience last night in Dublins fair city..if there was 5 in a row, we’d be there if the pins allowed it..The 5 of you on stage are rockin no doubt and everyone enjoyed, sound and lights brilliant..KK said to me at one stage it was like watching in 3D the lighting was that good, also, he told me he heard Molly Malone at the GPO once…he knows a lot that buck..but from the front to the back of the arena, it was loved by all…more please..have a grand weekend.
Christy's reply
I thought KK looked like he might be on the mushrooms…met soemone last night who was that gig at that Greystones Hotel gig over 30 years ago. Were you at that ? what was the name of the hotel? was it Woodlands ?
Hey my friend.
Brilliant gig last night really enjoyed it with all the other fans every one was on a high leaving the grounds.
The set list was perfect for the evening that was in it. The pints were cool and we sang our hearts out till the end.
You have to at least one of them out door gigs every year christy. It was like in my bedroom again listening and singing along to a christy tape again. Im still hoarse this morning just hope the voice will be back for the match tomorrow.
Cill dara abu.
Christy's reply
sound Sashman…I’d love an open air gig down by the Strand or in Donnolly’s Hollow, or Hurley’s Moate(in Shake Moshammies stud farm,)or down on the County Pitch, or on The College field but thats all wild dreaming…by the time the County Council and /or The Min for Defense and/or The Racing Board and/or The GAA got their paws on the concept they’d have the bejasus knocked out of it..still lets dream on…the nearest I ever got to my dream was when asked to sing “The Curragh of Kildare” before the Irish Derby…I was afraid I might frighten the horses
I have been a fan for years. I was hoping in comments and at shows if you could remember the people of Gaza and what they are facing. I asked you years ago if you were considering doing a song for Palestine and you said you were, just looking for the right one. Any update?
Christy's reply
Marc….some of us do what we can, but that is not a lot when compared to the dollars and munitions that flow from other quarters….last night in Dublin I sang some songs for the people of Palestine….it means very little ( or nothing) as rockets rain down and fighter planes strafe the innocent….I’m sorry to report that there is a lot more talk of Garth Brooks in Ireland this morning then there is of the plight of the beleaguered. Then again, news is carefully controlled and manipulated everywhere these days.You probably have your own distractions in the Land of Liberty. Greetings to all our American listeners.
Hi Christy,
We’re bringing our dad/husband mark rohu to your concert tonight as a surprise 50th birthday present.
He as been a fan for years and introduced us to your music when we were small.
We would love it if you could say a happy birthday to him tonight.
Thanks 🙂
Hello Christy!
Last winter me and my father travelled from Sweden to Dublin to watch your concert at the Bort Gais Theater. Unfortunately the show was cancelled so we didn’t get to watch you live that time. Today we are back in Dublin and really excited to watch your show at Iveagh Gardens. I grew up listening to your music and I’m sure my father owns every one of your CDs. I have wanted to see you live for many years and the time is finally here! I’m really looking forward to the concert.
Iveagh Gardens was a special gig …. great summer feeling about the place. Hope ye make it an annual event…. don’t tell anyone but I,m sure I heard a Kerry woman say “up the Dubs ” at the end of Molly Malone !!!
Into the West for you now and Three in a Row……
Enjoy the Hols.
theres no tellin how people are gonna react to the bit of sunstroke…poor old Girth got his arse stuck in the gate at Croke Park, he lookin to join Fianna Fáil,them blue shirts and rusty rifles could’nt organise a piss up in James’s Gate…the Mexican Ambassador flew to Juarez to avoid Christy Burke’s hotline…Bertie trying to get his snotter back in the trough,I dreamt I saw him on The Ha’penny bridge with his berty bowl, Lance gonna ride in the Rás Tailteann,his sponsors are, as of yet unidentified but Michael Lowry could be in the frame, one thing for sure, they’ll be big hitters, big sunshine boys,…………………….. Johnny Ronan back in harness, Bernard McNamara eyin up Stephen’s Green,the shinners gone a bit laissez faire with the planning process….after hours in Islandeady last night, fierce crack altogether….Mayo for Sam… Iveagh Gardens annually ? suits me Marty…loved the gig, grand set up and very handy for cracker-jacks after the show, or The Hardcore Hotel just up the street ( quadruple parkin, bald tyres no tax discs) but watch out for the wall to wall moustaches….Kiltimagh here we come..
Thanks for the 2 concerts in Cavan and Sligo. I will come back home in oktober, so I hope you have a concert in Dublin or county Clare 9-15 oktober?
nothing definite yet.check the gig schedule closer to the time..keep coming back Baraji
CM (69)
The Blackbird was eating all of the smeara in the garden. when the berrys were not even ripe or green!
Then I made a plan.I put a extra large mirror next to the berrys to scare away the blackbird and when he came to pick some berrys he saw himself ran off and never came back again.
Last week Dad’s mast broke on the boat on the way home from Aran Islands. He is putting a new one on today.
I go to see Dadó almost everyday.He has another lad with him in his room called Tom.Tom is from the Aran Islands.Everyday when I go to see Dadó Tom asks me for a drop of Poitín.
Dadó talks about an old lady that keeps walking up and down the hall and then washing her hands and walking up and down again!
I heard you are going to lie in the long grass soon.
CS (9)
P.S. I only heard you play a Reel once on the bodhrán and But I mostly hear you play Jigs.Which do you prefer playing? A reel or a Jig.?
I rather dancing a Reel than a Jig
“O The Blackbird is such a pretty bird and she sings as she flies”…..
“Take it down from the mast Irish traitors,”…..
“singin Baile na mBó is na gabhna, its the Juice of the barley for me”…Sure thing CS, we’re headin for the long grass alright, its time for summer salads, scallions and mayonaise, bog days and long evenings………. there are some reels I prefer to jigs but also there are some jigs I prefer to certain reels..then again it really boils down to who is playing at the time, I love to hear Joe Burke, Mairtín O’Connor, Raymond Rowland, Johnny Bowe, Joe Cooley, Dermot Byrne, and then theres a great gansaí of young players coming up through the ranks playing magnificent music..the future of Irish Music is secure in their nimble hands
Hi All… Theres a new documentary doing the rounds of the Film Festivals,,,, it got its Irish permiere in Galway recently, and won an award, I think,, Blood Fruit,, its on the Dunnes Stores Strikers,, lets hope it gets a wider release , here is a clip : http://youtu.be/W5tIr45nmxw H
The Managers descended in an avalanche of suits
Mary was suspended ‘cos she would’nt touch the fruits
no one was gonna tell Ben Dunne what he bought or sold
these women are only workers, must do what they are told
Is’nt that just typical of the way apartheid works
its not just in South Africa, that Bossman calls the shots
Ben would’nt have a boycott, couldnt give a tinkers curse
does’nt matter how he fills the shelves so long as he lines his purse
(From the song “Dunnes Stores” by Sandra Kerr …some new lyrics by Gitser)
Hi Christy,
Hope you have a wonderful time down the ‘West’. Wesport is always buzzing at this time of year.
Then sit back and enjoy your well earned rest.
Shine Onn.
just about to saddle the pony
Hi Christy, we are planning a trip to Dublin in December, will you be at Vicar St and if so when? That would make our Christmas!!
If all goes well,we will be back in Vicar St on December,17,18,22,23,…tickets wont be ready til Sept time..hope that suits your plans….sign up for newsletter
Wonderin when you last played or gigged “Pretty Boy Floyd” or if ever…its a greatsong, would love to hear it again, with Declan or the Martín band…this is Arlo Guthrie
Meeting Place 1976, just gigged it once,
Hello Christy!
We are now back in Sweden from our nice trip to Dublin. We would like to thank you for an amazing concert and my father was really surprised and happy when you played the song for us. He didn’t know I wrote to you so it was a big surprise for him. We are both really happy to finally have seen you live after listening to your music for so many years. We had an amazing time in Dublin and hope to come back and see more of Ireland some day.
Love, Sofia
Hey Christy..what a gig friday night you had the place rockin! Had a great time..something I’ll never forget, it was my first time at the Iveagh Gardens too and a brill venue. The band playing with u were great too. Thanks 🙂 I carried on the music session weekend by going to harbour bar in Bray lastnight, the band my cousin plays in ‘bunoscionn’ were playing there and all from kildare..your neck of the woods 🙂 ..hope to see u again
went to gig there myself last year…its an interesting venue, it was like going back into the 60s
As I am signing off for a long while – unless some music really turns my crank and I have to share it with you all.
I leave you all with this. I prefer Susan Werner actually, the writer of this song, but, this gal does a great job, so.
not my cup of tea….definitely a get-behind-the-couch moment for me….but I also realise that my auld chanting would have precisely the same effect on millions of people..takes all sorts, thanks be….good luck in your travels, whether its Mars,The Moon or Missouri, its all one day at a time
Christy, I really am being sincere here. Thank you for putting up with me. I promise I will only – from here forth – post honorable musical stuff. Other than this, I will be away. But, before I sign off for a probable long time, I want to post one of many favorites of mine.
Thanks again.
I have never taken you to be anything but sincere…wherever your journey takes you, I wish you well….watching Sharon, Mary and Eoin led me on to many other of the musicians on this site..thanks for posting
Christy you are like a fine wine,you are getting better with age.Last night at the iveagh gardens was probably my 30th(or so) time to hear you live, going way back to the siamsa cois laoi in 1987 was my first.(that day the wolfe tones brought the house down with “my heart is in ireland”) ,shane mc gowan and the pogues were”very drunk” but brilliant when they sang a song about a thing called love !! , but you were simply different gravy that day,you sang from your heart and the rest as they say is history ! You had your audience in the palm of your hand last night and it was a pleasure to be a part of it.Thank you Christy for a great and memorable night.
respect and regards.
ps.up the royals(sorry christy i could’nt resist it 😉
The Woodlands Hotel is correct, I believe it used to be called The Clyda…Im not sure I was at that gig tho…Im only a pup..KK was tellin me that he’s 42 years goin to see you now…the other hotel in Greystones was The Grand (La Touch in later years).
The Grand hotel gig I remember most was in Malahide, I had to get two buses, and on way home I missed the last bus home to the Rock, no taxi money then, I think I walked it…Jim D was twiddlin the buttons then..that was a great show..lots og great memories over the years now that Im sitting here thinking of gigs. My first was in Carysfort College/Convent in Blackrock, I think in 1984 or 1985..I remember it 3 punts in (borrowed..not returned)..I fell for ya that night when you said to a heckler, for the crack ” the last time I saw a head like that, Lester Piggot was lookin over the back of it”..I too have a memory like a supergrass..Ive loved every gig since that night..it gets better & better..KK wanted to crowd surf last night but the Johns Ambulance lads saw my face and put him off…see you soon..LF (45)
Super gig last night christy in the garden , what a little hidden gem In the middle of dublin super spot .might see yeah in mayo next week all the best .
Ride On Paul….hope your having a good weekend..giz a shout if your out west
Mighty gig last night Christy. I said it before and ill say it again, that was the best one yet. Getting to sing roar and dance along to a night of classics. The set was perfect. Everyone was buzzing. The gods of the sky kept us dry. Nice touch giving the shout out for Sofia and finishing up with no time for love. Molly Malone was something else. I could go on and on. Hopefully another stand up gig in Ireland next year and if not ill be on the boat to the barrowlands. Hup hup.
it was great to play an out door stand up in the City centre..could not have had a better crowd…its as perfect an outdoor amphitheatre as I’ve ever experienced and, fair play to the Aiken’s team, they set it up perfectly…great facilities,sound, staging,lights and dressing rooms…it was perfect from our end and, from reports,I gather it was just as good out front…..still, its hard to bate the auld ballad lounge, when all is said and done
A fantastic set, setting and audience last night in Dublins fair city..if there was 5 in a row, we’d be there if the pins allowed it..The 5 of you on stage are rockin no doubt and everyone enjoyed, sound and lights brilliant..KK said to me at one stage it was like watching in 3D the lighting was that good, also, he told me he heard Molly Malone at the GPO once…he knows a lot that buck..but from the front to the back of the arena, it was loved by all…more please..have a grand weekend.
I thought KK looked like he might be on the mushrooms…met soemone last night who was that gig at that Greystones Hotel gig over 30 years ago. Were you at that ? what was the name of the hotel? was it Woodlands ?
Hey my friend.
Brilliant gig last night really enjoyed it with all the other fans every one was on a high leaving the grounds.
The set list was perfect for the evening that was in it. The pints were cool and we sang our hearts out till the end.
You have to at least one of them out door gigs every year christy. It was like in my bedroom again listening and singing along to a christy tape again. Im still hoarse this morning just hope the voice will be back for the match tomorrow.
Cill dara abu.
sound Sashman…I’d love an open air gig down by the Strand or in Donnolly’s Hollow, or Hurley’s Moate(in Shake Moshammies stud farm,)or down on the County Pitch, or on The College field but thats all wild dreaming…by the time the County Council and /or The Min for Defense and/or The Racing Board and/or The GAA got their paws on the concept they’d have the bejasus knocked out of it..still lets dream on…the nearest I ever got to my dream was when asked to sing “The Curragh of Kildare” before the Irish Derby…I was afraid I might frighten the horses
I have been a fan for years. I was hoping in comments and at shows if you could remember the people of Gaza and what they are facing. I asked you years ago if you were considering doing a song for Palestine and you said you were, just looking for the right one. Any update?
Marc….some of us do what we can, but that is not a lot when compared to the dollars and munitions that flow from other quarters….last night in Dublin I sang some songs for the people of Palestine….it means very little ( or nothing) as rockets rain down and fighter planes strafe the innocent….I’m sorry to report that there is a lot more talk of Garth Brooks in Ireland this morning then there is of the plight of the beleaguered. Then again, news is carefully controlled and manipulated everywhere these days.You probably have your own distractions in the Land of Liberty. Greetings to all our American listeners.
Hi Christy,
We’re bringing our dad/husband mark rohu to your concert tonight as a surprise 50th birthday present.
He as been a fan for years and introduced us to your music when we were small.
We would love it if you could say a happy birthday to him tonight.
Thanks 🙂
Hello Christy!
Last winter me and my father travelled from Sweden to Dublin to watch your concert at the Bort Gais Theater. Unfortunately the show was cancelled so we didn’t get to watch you live that time. Today we are back in Dublin and really excited to watch your show at Iveagh Gardens. I grew up listening to your music and I’m sure my father owns every one of your CDs. I have wanted to see you live for many years and the time is finally here! I’m really looking forward to the concert.
Love, Sofia