Sorry, in my haste, I forgot to mention the sublime talents that are also on show tonight, in NEWCASTLE at SLIEVE DONARD RESORT, of Mr Declan Sinnott and Mr Jim Higgins. All the best boys!
All the best for tonight’s gig Christy, dream venue, The Slieve Donard!
Wish I was one of the lucky sods privileged to be attending. May all enjoy!
Once again another brilliant show Christy, Declan and new hand Jimmy …thanks for the music . First time I saw Christy was in 1985 at the self aid concert RDS Dublin and have been to numerous gigs since and for sure there’s life in the aul dog yet Great night had by all!!!
Christy's reply
No matter where I wander,through Cities near or far
Hiya Christy ….hope your keeping well, great to see the tour bus back on the road again and up north of the border tonight. Would love to have gotten along to Armagh, but forgive me for having other priorities this weekend…There’s a small matter of Sam Maguire to be attended to this Sunday…The Hills are truly alive and buzzing in anticipation of what promises to be an epic encounter.. I’m not sure what to expect from Mc Guinness’s men after their Semi – Final demolition of Dublin….The Kingdom will be a whole different proposition that’s for sure….no predictions or no expectations I’m just going to enjoy the occasion….Donegal v Kerry in an All – Ireland Football Final, and Donegal starting as favourites, never in my wildest !!! Enjoy the game Christy and catch up next month hopefully Love & Respect Martin Mac
Christy's reply
just making the sangwiches now.. ticket snug in me oxter..I’m choppin the scallions, the eggs are mashed and the batch is buttered ….I’ll head in shortly and catch a bit 12 Mass before meeting The Scut at Busarus ( he catches the Bus in Naas)…we like to be in well before the minor match….O Days like this are precious Days, no matter who’s toggin off
First question, what had happened 4711? I was googling some Moving Hearts references and found it awol.
Secondly, I am watching a DVD I bought on eBay, a Moving Hearts concert, very early with Brian Calnan on drums and doing some lovely stuff that was never recorded. Quality isn’t great but to be honest, with the songs being played, it doesn’t matter. I don’t know where it is, it looks like a a TV recording but somewhere like the National Stadium. Some beautiful playing by Declan. I will try to put it on Youtube and let you know what happens.
Christy's reply
If memory serves, the only live footage of the original Moving Hearts line-up was from a gig in The National Stadium circa 80-81….anytime I chance to see this footage it brings me right back to the very night…to being part of that band…for those few years we were really cookin
Hi All… best of luck for the first part of your Northern tour,,, Armagh is a city steeped in history .. and Van Morrisson is a regular at Newcastle,, maybe he ‘ll be there ???. safe travelling all,,,, it will be a busy weekend on the roads,,, Enjoy,,,, Beir bua,,,, H
Christy's reply
Last time I met Van was in New York after the Festival at Randalls Island maybe 20 years ago..we did some grub…I believe he has been turning in some great Hotel gigs up around notch by all accounts
Hi christy I wrote this simple uncomplicated few verses a few years back Dedicated to all the women and babies who were treated so cruelly by our so called religious orders .having kids myself a boy and girl I cannot begin to imagine the pain these women went through .
I hope life is treating you kind and looking forward to seeing you live again soon
Oh where are you now my five 11 bouncing boy
I think of you each and every day
. I want to hold you one last time
before I close my eyes and die .
they took you from the laundry in roscrea
I was barely seventeen I’m seven one now
the pain of it stays with me every day
I tried to keep you then but ne’er saw you again
since The day they took you from my arms in roscrea
every night I can still feel your heartbeat on my breast
.your bright blonde hair and tiny feet
the smell of your clean vest .
the tears I cried the fear inside will never go away .
the night they took my little boy stays with me to this day
One hour every night they used to give us time
a mother and her son with his little hand in mine
. For three years in roscrea they worked me to the bone
and after all that time I could never bring you home .
Some days I look out to sea and loudly call your name .
I know you ll never hear me and no words I have explain
but I will allways love you until the day I die
my 5 pound 11 bouncing baby boy
. Chorus
. Every night I can still feel your heartbeat on my breast
your bright blonde hair your tiny feet.
The smell of your clean vest
the tears I cried the fear inside will never go away
. I’m haunted by the night they took you from roscrea .
Sent from my iPhone
Christy's reply
watched that Martin Sixsmith programme last night…how could such evil exist in our midst…those who knew and remained silent are also guilty…the State colluded with The Church…there is evidence and proof that Nuns in “Holy Orders” sold year old babes to paedophiles, that the Government provided passports to enable these live exports, that the only vetting was fianancial…still, to this day, they seek to cry innocent….the revealations are heartbreaking…to see the faces of those wee ones before they were shipped off in their innocence…..
………..of course many found wonderful homes and went on to have happy fulfilled lives but the misfortunates should not be denied..their story must be told….and the story of Tuam
Hi Christy. Your comments about Katie are very precious – thank you so much. She loves music but fell completely asleep in the middle of a pop concert recently so she does have a real appreciation for good music and absolutely loved your show. Thanks again and I hope others make you feel as good as you make us feel. Best wishes, Martina.
Hi Christy, here’s a very early request for your gig in Bundoran… We will be happy to see you again live, having successfully changed our flights in order to be there. Now having ploughed the ocean of life with my wife for 30 years, blessed with three lovely daughters that make up the crew, I kindly ask you to sing Johnny Duhan’s “Voyage” that night.
Looking forward to all other songs as well – see you at the wild Atlantic coast in 4 weeks.
Thanks for your music, and to your great team for the many magic gigs we’ve enjoyed to the full over the last 10 years!
Keep going and playing, Dietmar
Christy's reply
Travel Safe Dietmar..we’ll see you adup in Beautiful Bundoran…
Hi Christy. Thanks for the pick. I really enjoyed your show. My favourite was The Voyage and City of Chicago, North and South of the River and A Stitch in Time was cool too. You can really feel the music. In books and most songs you can imagine it but in your songs I could feel it. I wrote a song called Life. You can listen to it if you want. Katie:)
Hi All,,,Steve Biko died on 12 Sept 1977 , after being arrested on 18th Aug in Port Elisabeth and tortured during his interrogation, on 11 Sept he was driven in a prison van over 1,100 Kilometres to Pretoria where he died the following day… Let us remember,,,…. Beir bua. H
grey skies, might break.
just like to say a big thanks for making records and music that continue to inspire and move me. Some difficult times at the moment. Not major just house moves and life in general. So when I need to, I put on ‘Live at the Point’, have a smile to myself and think will ya ever get over yourself.
Matty Groves says you keep hanging up on him.
Some great posts on here this week.
have a good weekend.
Christy's reply
house moving is reckoned to be in the top 5 of traumatic events in an average life…for some it could be missing Corrie, being late for the dinner, going for a piss and missing a George Best Goal..takes all sorts
Morning Christie,
Just wanted to commend both yourself and Declan on your up & coming concert for the children of Gaza. Tis a wonderful thing you are doing.
I wrote & recorded a song recently that is in keeping with the theme & I kinda hoped you might get a chance to have a listen. If not, no worries. But i wanted to send it to you given the night that was in it. I hope you don’t mind.Kind Regards, Tom
Hi. The solo gig in Carlow last night was a great treat, especially for young Katie in the front row,,, she is a big fan and went home very, very happy,,,, as it seems lots of people did,,, as I eavesdropped on conversations on the way out, !! it was such a warm evening people lingered around in the foyer and car park chatting, the buzz from the gig carried over,,,,, and more to come,,,, mile buiochas agus beir bua.. H
Christy's reply
the first solo gig since Knocknagoshel in Summer 2013….betimes I felt very exposed with the sound being so stripped back….I’ve grown accustomed to the songs being wrapped in a cocoon of music be it with Declan Sinnott and Jimmy Higgins or with The Mairtín O’Connor Band ( Mairtín,Seamie,Cathal,Jimmy)..It took me an hour last night to find my solo groove..finishing off the gig I was despondent feeling I had not done a good gig. This was soon dispelled by the reaction of the audience and the crew who all seemed to feel otherwise. You mentioned young Katie in the front row…she was a guiding light last night, to have one so young listening intently to the songs was quite an inspiration…… when I asked her to pick a song she requested “North and South of The River” which reminded me of working with Bono and The Edge on the very day they launched their latest magnum opus…fair play to them they are still to the good, forging onwards bucking all the fegrudgers….
After the departure to bigger and better things the best radio broadcaster in Ireland left behind a legacy of humour and off the wallness the likes of which we’ll never see again. When the lights when out for him I though holy frig what’s St Peter gonna say when Gerry lands?
So here goes…
When he walked up to the Pearly Gates St Peter said hello
i’ve missed the craic with you and Sean, on my wind up radio
They won’t allow us batteries It drives me half demented
Cos most of those who live here died before they were invented
We’ve got cavemen here and pharaohs and Moslems and some Jews
Gandhi’s into footwear now he’s selling hand made shoes
We’ve got a Dali Lama proud as punch of his position
And a protest group outside they call the Spanish Inquistion
There’s lawyers bangin on the gates tryin’ to get in.
Politicians saying sorry they’ll never lie again
Maggie Thatcher’s waitin’ to be asked, she wants in without a fight
Cos even when she knows she’s wrong she thinks she’s feckin right
But Gerard Michael Anderson lets go for a dander son
And tell me ’bout the places I heard of on your show
Talk to me of dances and Ballrooms and romances
As a Chessman and presenter you were the king you know
Tell me more of big John Wayne and Pecker Dunne and Coyle
Spinnin’ songs by Captain Kirk on the boat goin’ down the Foyle
Playing Daniel and the rooster’s crow and talk along to Phil
Or maybe Mrs Miller singin’ Spancil Hill.
Your visit to Dodge City and other cowboy places
And bus rides round Rodeo Drive spottin’ famous faces
Bumpin into Jimmy Stewart and playin with the Hawk
Gandhi says he’ll mind the gate while we go for a walk.
Oh and dont forget oul Geordie Tuft with yarns of ducks and sheep
Thirty years of memories you’ve given folks to keep
So though your up here in the clouds with Elvis and Les Paul
Your spirits very much at home in the hills of Donegal.
This was an idea for a song. God knows there’s no shortage of humourous material about Gerry God rest him,
I’ve no melody worked out yet.
Christy's reply
thanks for posting…Gerry Anderson was lovely man…I met him maybe half a dozen times, it was always about the music…I recall two particular occasions,both live interviews for BBC Radio Northern Ireland…one in HIS studio in Derry Stroke Derry, another when he came to RTE and we did a “live” one hour phone-in programme ….what I remember best was the fun we had…he had great empathy with people who phoned in their requests, he would coax them along as they regaled their stories, nothing flapped him nor did he leave any stone unturned …he knew his stuff when it came to songs and music….. he honoured me when he sent me a copy of his book, I read it very quickly, could not leave it down for he too was a player who travelled the roads when roads were roads…another night he came to my concert in Vicar Street with his Wife and Family….travelled all the way down and sought no special tratment…afterwards we sat and drank tea and ,as always, Gerry was the finest of Company…I thought we had lost him to BBC London once but back he came to Derry Stroke Derry and took up where he had left off…I loved his quirky TV specials too…..thanks again for posting, it allowed me to pay small tribute to my late Friend…Gerry Anderson
Tá tú ceart seachtú bliain a mhac,Bhí deich caoire istigh aréir agus gabhar amháin beag bídeach isitgh ina lár.Like an avalanche of sheep!( instead of suits)
CS 9 ( 10 i ceathar lá eile )
P.S. Mo Giant Marrow won at festival
Christy's reply
I am flabbergasted to see the strength it took to hold up that gigantic marrow,..
I knew that you could dance and I knew that you could sing,
play the banjo and guitar and make the rafters ring…..but, in anam Dé, I did not realise that you had the strength to lift such fierce weight….I wish you a great year at school and a very happy birthday…..10 years old and the world at your feet….Round you go heel to the toe
Can’t wait too see you tonight in Newcastle
great gathering
Sorry, in my haste, I forgot to mention the sublime talents that are also on show tonight, in NEWCASTLE at SLIEVE DONARD RESORT, of Mr Declan Sinnott and Mr Jim Higgins. All the best boys!
All the best for tonight’s gig Christy, dream venue, The Slieve Donard!
Wish I was one of the lucky sods privileged to be attending. May all enjoy!
Thanks Whack, twas a belter
Once again another brilliant show Christy, Declan and new hand Jimmy …thanks for the music . First time I saw Christy was in 1985 at the self aid concert RDS Dublin and have been to numerous gigs since and for sure there’s life in the aul dog yet Great night had by all!!!
No matter where I wander,through Cities near or far
Hiya Christy ….hope your keeping well, great to see the tour bus back on the road again and up north of the border tonight. Would love to have gotten along to Armagh, but forgive me for having other priorities this weekend…There’s a small matter of Sam Maguire to be attended to this Sunday…The Hills are truly alive and buzzing in anticipation of what promises to be an epic encounter.. I’m not sure what to expect from Mc Guinness’s men after their Semi – Final demolition of Dublin….The Kingdom will be a whole different proposition that’s for sure….no predictions or no expectations I’m just going to enjoy the occasion….Donegal v Kerry in an All – Ireland Football Final, and Donegal starting as favourites, never in my wildest !!! Enjoy the game Christy and catch up next month hopefully Love & Respect Martin Mac
just making the sangwiches now.. ticket snug in me oxter..I’m choppin the scallions, the eggs are mashed and the batch is buttered ….I’ll head in shortly and catch a bit 12 Mass before meeting The Scut at Busarus ( he catches the Bus in Naas)…we like to be in well before the minor match….O Days like this are precious Days, no matter who’s toggin off
First question, what had happened 4711? I was googling some Moving Hearts references and found it awol.
Secondly, I am watching a DVD I bought on eBay, a Moving Hearts concert, very early with Brian Calnan on drums and doing some lovely stuff that was never recorded. Quality isn’t great but to be honest, with the songs being played, it doesn’t matter. I don’t know where it is, it looks like a a TV recording but somewhere like the National Stadium. Some beautiful playing by Declan. I will try to put it on Youtube and let you know what happens.
If memory serves, the only live footage of the original Moving Hearts line-up was from a gig in The National Stadium circa 80-81….anytime I chance to see this footage it brings me right back to the very night…to being part of that band…for those few years we were really cookin
Hi Christy, got the Honda 50 revved up, see you in Armagh
plenty of red diesel in these parts
Hi All… best of luck for the first part of your Northern tour,,, Armagh is a city steeped in history .. and Van Morrisson is a regular at Newcastle,, maybe he ‘ll be there ???. safe travelling all,,,, it will be a busy weekend on the roads,,, Enjoy,,,, Beir bua,,,, H
Last time I met Van was in New York after the Festival at Randalls Island maybe 20 years ago..we did some grub…I believe he has been turning in some great Hotel gigs up around notch by all accounts
Hi christy I wrote this simple uncomplicated few verses a few years back Dedicated to all the women and babies who were treated so cruelly by our so called religious orders .having kids myself a boy and girl I cannot begin to imagine the pain these women went through .
I hope life is treating you kind and looking forward to seeing you live again soon
Oh where are you now my five 11 bouncing boy
I think of you each and every day
. I want to hold you one last time
before I close my eyes and die .
they took you from the laundry in roscrea
I was barely seventeen I’m seven one now
the pain of it stays with me every day
I tried to keep you then but ne’er saw you again
since The day they took you from my arms in roscrea
every night I can still feel your heartbeat on my breast
.your bright blonde hair and tiny feet
the smell of your clean vest .
the tears I cried the fear inside will never go away .
the night they took my little boy stays with me to this day
One hour every night they used to give us time
a mother and her son with his little hand in mine
. For three years in roscrea they worked me to the bone
and after all that time I could never bring you home .
Some days I look out to sea and loudly call your name .
I know you ll never hear me and no words I have explain
but I will allways love you until the day I die
my 5 pound 11 bouncing baby boy
. Chorus
. Every night I can still feel your heartbeat on my breast
your bright blonde hair your tiny feet.
The smell of your clean vest
the tears I cried the fear inside will never go away
. I’m haunted by the night they took you from roscrea .
Sent from my iPhone
watched that Martin Sixsmith programme last night…how could such evil exist in our midst…those who knew and remained silent are also guilty…the State colluded with The Church…there is evidence and proof that Nuns in “Holy Orders” sold year old babes to paedophiles, that the Government provided passports to enable these live exports, that the only vetting was fianancial…still, to this day, they seek to cry innocent….the revealations are heartbreaking…to see the faces of those wee ones before they were shipped off in their innocence…..
………..of course many found wonderful homes and went on to have happy fulfilled lives but the misfortunates should not be denied..their story must be told….and the story of Tuam
Hi Christy. Your comments about Katie are very precious – thank you so much. She loves music but fell completely asleep in the middle of a pop concert recently so she does have a real appreciation for good music and absolutely loved your show. Thanks again and I hope others make you feel as good as you make us feel. Best wishes, Martina.
Hi Christy, here’s a very early request for your gig in Bundoran… We will be happy to see you again live, having successfully changed our flights in order to be there. Now having ploughed the ocean of life with my wife for 30 years, blessed with three lovely daughters that make up the crew, I kindly ask you to sing Johnny Duhan’s “Voyage” that night.
Looking forward to all other songs as well – see you at the wild Atlantic coast in 4 weeks.
Thanks for your music, and to your great team for the many magic gigs we’ve enjoyed to the full over the last 10 years!
Keep going and playing, Dietmar
Travel Safe Dietmar..we’ll see you adup in Beautiful Bundoran…
Hi Christy. Thanks for the pick. I really enjoyed your show. My favourite was The Voyage and City of Chicago, North and South of the River and A Stitch in Time was cool too. You can really feel the music. In books and most songs you can imagine it but in your songs I could feel it. I wrote a song called Life. You can listen to it if you want. Katie:)
41 years ago today… Victor Jara. Let us remember. Love to all from the Bay.
His Hands were Gentle and His Hands were Strong
Hi Christy, any word on a Dublin gig in between Christmas & New Year yet as looking to book up for a few days.
Kindest Regards
Chris Boyle
Vicar Street Dec 29th and 30th
Hi All,,,Steve Biko died on 12 Sept 1977 , after being arrested on 18th Aug in Port Elisabeth and tortured during his interrogation, on 11 Sept he was driven in a prison van over 1,100 Kilometres to Pretoria where he died the following day… Let us remember,,,…. Beir bua. H
the ones that know hope they’re doin wrong
grey skies, might break.
just like to say a big thanks for making records and music that continue to inspire and move me. Some difficult times at the moment. Not major just house moves and life in general. So when I need to, I put on ‘Live at the Point’, have a smile to myself and think will ya ever get over yourself.
Matty Groves says you keep hanging up on him.
Some great posts on here this week.
have a good weekend.
house moving is reckoned to be in the top 5 of traumatic events in an average life…for some it could be missing Corrie, being late for the dinner, going for a piss and missing a George Best Goal..takes all sorts
Morning Christie,
Just wanted to commend both yourself and Declan on your up & coming concert for the children of Gaza. Tis a wonderful thing you are doing.
I wrote & recorded a song recently that is in keeping with the theme & I kinda hoped you might get a chance to have a listen. If not, no worries. But i wanted to send it to you given the night that was in it. I hope you don’t mind.Kind Regards, Tom
sound Tom…thanks for sharing
Hi. The solo gig in Carlow last night was a great treat, especially for young Katie in the front row,,, she is a big fan and went home very, very happy,,,, as it seems lots of people did,,, as I eavesdropped on conversations on the way out, !! it was such a warm evening people lingered around in the foyer and car park chatting, the buzz from the gig carried over,,,,, and more to come,,,, mile buiochas agus beir bua.. H
the first solo gig since Knocknagoshel in Summer 2013….betimes I felt very exposed with the sound being so stripped back….I’ve grown accustomed to the songs being wrapped in a cocoon of music be it with Declan Sinnott and Jimmy Higgins or with The Mairtín O’Connor Band ( Mairtín,Seamie,Cathal,Jimmy)..It took me an hour last night to find my solo groove..finishing off the gig I was despondent feeling I had not done a good gig. This was soon dispelled by the reaction of the audience and the crew who all seemed to feel otherwise. You mentioned young Katie in the front row…she was a guiding light last night, to have one so young listening intently to the songs was quite an inspiration…… when I asked her to pick a song she requested “North and South of The River” which reminded me of working with Bono and The Edge on the very day they launched their latest magnum opus…fair play to them they are still to the good, forging onwards bucking all the fegrudgers….
Well Christy
After the departure to bigger and better things the best radio broadcaster in Ireland left behind a legacy of humour and off the wallness the likes of which we’ll never see again. When the lights when out for him I though holy frig what’s St Peter gonna say when Gerry lands?
So here goes…
When he walked up to the Pearly Gates St Peter said hello
i’ve missed the craic with you and Sean, on my wind up radio
They won’t allow us batteries It drives me half demented
Cos most of those who live here died before they were invented
We’ve got cavemen here and pharaohs and Moslems and some Jews
Gandhi’s into footwear now he’s selling hand made shoes
We’ve got a Dali Lama proud as punch of his position
And a protest group outside they call the Spanish Inquistion
There’s lawyers bangin on the gates tryin’ to get in.
Politicians saying sorry they’ll never lie again
Maggie Thatcher’s waitin’ to be asked, she wants in without a fight
Cos even when she knows she’s wrong she thinks she’s feckin right
But Gerard Michael Anderson lets go for a dander son
And tell me ’bout the places I heard of on your show
Talk to me of dances and Ballrooms and romances
As a Chessman and presenter you were the king you know
Tell me more of big John Wayne and Pecker Dunne and Coyle
Spinnin’ songs by Captain Kirk on the boat goin’ down the Foyle
Playing Daniel and the rooster’s crow and talk along to Phil
Or maybe Mrs Miller singin’ Spancil Hill.
Your visit to Dodge City and other cowboy places
And bus rides round Rodeo Drive spottin’ famous faces
Bumpin into Jimmy Stewart and playin with the Hawk
Gandhi says he’ll mind the gate while we go for a walk.
Oh and dont forget oul Geordie Tuft with yarns of ducks and sheep
Thirty years of memories you’ve given folks to keep
So though your up here in the clouds with Elvis and Les Paul
Your spirits very much at home in the hills of Donegal.
This was an idea for a song. God knows there’s no shortage of humourous material about Gerry God rest him,
I’ve no melody worked out yet.
thanks for posting…Gerry Anderson was lovely man…I met him maybe half a dozen times, it was always about the music…I recall two particular occasions,both live interviews for BBC Radio Northern Ireland…one in HIS studio in Derry Stroke Derry, another when he came to RTE and we did a “live” one hour phone-in programme ….what I remember best was the fun we had…he had great empathy with people who phoned in their requests, he would coax them along as they regaled their stories, nothing flapped him nor did he leave any stone unturned …he knew his stuff when it came to songs and music….. he honoured me when he sent me a copy of his book, I read it very quickly, could not leave it down for he too was a player who travelled the roads when roads were roads…another night he came to my concert in Vicar Street with his Wife and Family….travelled all the way down and sought no special tratment…afterwards we sat and drank tea and ,as always, Gerry was the finest of Company…I thought we had lost him to BBC London once but back he came to Derry Stroke Derry and took up where he had left off…I loved his quirky TV specials too…..thanks again for posting, it allowed me to pay small tribute to my late Friend…Gerry Anderson
CM (69)
Tá tú ceart seachtú bliain a mhac,Bhí deich caoire istigh aréir agus gabhar amháin beag bídeach isitgh ina lár.Like an avalanche of sheep!( instead of suits)
CS 9 ( 10 i ceathar lá eile )
P.S. Mo Giant Marrow won at festival
I am flabbergasted to see the strength it took to hold up that gigantic marrow,..
I knew that you could dance and I knew that you could sing,
play the banjo and guitar and make the rafters ring…..but, in anam Dé, I did not realise that you had the strength to lift such fierce weight….I wish you a great year at school and a very happy birthday…..10 years old and the world at your feet….Round you go heel to the toe