Hi Christy, Hope all is good with you and that your trusted steed is saddled up and ready for the trip north….Looking forward to catching up in Beautiful Bundoran Friday night and then hopefully in Breathtaking Buncrana on Saturday…..Always great to see you visit The Hills….Some Goal from O’Shea last night to silence the mighty Germans… The football was ugly at times and certainly only shades of the Joxer years but a fantastic result nonetheless….Dunphy & Co weren’t too complimentary in their post match analysis but hen that’s show business I guess ! Safe travel …Love & Respect Martin Mac
Christy's reply
Joe Brolly, George Hook, Eamo,. some punditry is grand in its own way… hard to bate Con Houlihan, God be Good to Him..I like Eamon Sweeney too..its like in all areas of life…there are very few who get the full picture, who get under the skin of it….some succeed in making a lifes work talking and writing about subjects as if they were experts..trust me, I dont know what I’m talking about…keep coming back
Just a quick note to say thanks for a very special evening on Sunday.
So many highlights that have been mentioned by others, but for different reasons,Child Burial by Paula (Meehan) and Another Child Another War by Mick (Blake) were important to me and have led me down different paths.
You chose the right songs and proved to me, once again, how important the words are.
Declan O Rourke, Saturday ,Vicar Street, Sunday,Clannad Liverpool Cathedral Monday,not a bad extended weekend!
Thanks again to you all, i could see how important it was to you all and then to us
Christy's reply
you must be dizzy Dave after such a cacophony of sounds..fair play to you..I heard Declan O’Rourke do a gig in Lahinch a while back…a hum dinger
Evening Christy, we took my Da to the waterfront to celebrate the coming of age of his sobriety and as usual a brilliant night, but I regretted not asking for a shout out to him. He’s 60 on Saturday and I’m taking him to Bundoran for the show, would there be any chance of an oul tune to mark him? Cheers:)
Christy's reply
how in the name a jasus can I give him a shout out if you dont include the good mans name..smarten up their nix
no news Séamas but I did enjoy reading your lyric..it brought many things to mind…images I’d forgotten of our own home place..old fields and work practices long since abandoned…how some sail far away to seek the bright lights and fortune but are always drawn back to the home place..a place that will have changed entirely in their absence….I was very tied up the past few days with my own bits and pieces, thus the delay in reply
Marvellous gig last night, it was really beautiful, moving and unique. Well done to all who gave of their time, energy and resources, particularly to you, Declan, Vickie, Jimmy, Mick, Paula and to the crew and all other participants who partnered with you and supported you in making it such a success. It was really uplifting to see all the hard work and thoughtfulness that went into this expression of support. None of this was lost on the audience, there was a warm and respectful vibe in the room that is unique to those kinds of gigs where the songs are viewed in a different light that is particular to the circumstances in which the night is convened. Well done and see you soon x
Christy's reply
Many gave of their time to make this gig happen. In particular, Paddy Doherty and Frank Connolly who carefully oversaw every aspect. Leagues O’Toole was with us every step of the way. The gig is over, it was a pleasure and priviledge to be part of it all. This morning I cannot help but think of MECA and their ongoing struggle to help children in trauma. Thanks for your feedback.
Hey Christy,
Just back in England after coming to Vicar Street on Sunday night, a fantastic gig and you were absolutely right about focusing on the children of Gaza. It certainly made me think, and I hope that a whole bunch of money was raised for MECA. Great to hear the new songs and the old, and quite unusual for us to see so many of you on the stage! We’ll see you next time you’re over here, and maybe make another trip over to the Emerald Isle again soon.
Thank you so much
Rob and Vicky
Christy's reply
We hope to return to Bristol next year…its been a while since…thanks for your support
Christy, what a night at Vicar St.! Thank you so much for the dedication for ‘Viva la Quinta Brigada’.. My brother nearly fell of his seat. He said he can die a happy man now! Saw Ed Sheeran during the week, Arctic Monkeys and a few others during the summer… But none of those gigs have a patch on yours! As long as you’re still playing, I’ll be going…
Eimhéar Etáin x
Christy's reply
thats the kinda talk we like to hear ! at the end of the day it was the collective that created the atmosphere…the words and music, the players, the listeners, the technicians, the backroom team, the promoters..when all these elements become aligned ,in support of children traumatised by war, a power is created that instills hope in us all
Good morning Christy. Thank you to you and your ‘family’ for what will be the most memorable of evenings. Utterly cathartic. Favourite moments: Folk Tale because we are all young and beautiful, Paula Meehan, just beautiful, gratitude for the babies, humbled by the struggle others face, for Patrick Murphy, and the four people you had on stage with you and the people off the stage with you. Thank you for signing my song book. May you always find a rogan josh wherever you find yourself. Xx
Christy's reply
it was a great buzz to see you long haul listeners taking it all in….the moment Paula entered the Green Room before the gig I knew Folk Tale must be played…I love her poetry…in my old home town I once knew a guy called Josh Rogan
What a privilege it was to be in Vicar Street tonight, to witness an amazing performance by all of you.
Thanks so much to you, and all involved in organising , and giving of your time to this worthy cause.
I’m sure the Ambassador must have felt the heartfelt love and support that was in that room for the Children of Gaza.
Shine on
Christy's reply
it was a grand night of it….new songs from Mick Blake, Vickie Keating, Declan Sinnott, Poems from Paula Meehan, back beats from Jimmy Higgins and yours truly….I was in my element surrounded by Ambassadors and that wonderful Horde of Listeners…the raffle had worthy recipients…everyone pulled their weight and all the proceeds are on their way to MECA to contribute towards their work with traumatised Children in Gaza
So after many moons the drought is broken. The mighty Dons forced the franchisees into whimpering capitulation in the Johnson’s paint Trophy, we forced Bury to pray to a greater God, and I’m on my way back to Dublin. Though a bit like visiting a favourite Auntie who you love but still remarks upon your burgeoning stomach. The memories are long and deep so here’s to the sure knowledge that you and all of yours have the Crazy Gang spirit. With trepidation and anticipation, xx
Christy's reply
Welcome back Anuk…hope you have a good trip…busy here preparing for tonights “Gig for Gaza”….your post allows me to take a break and recall my time supporting Bury back in the 60s when I dwelt in between Bury and Rochdale with a favourite aunt of mine, Caitlín Sheeran.I used to make my way to Gigg Lane, full of ale and black pudding ( chunder) and cheer on the local heroes in the old Fourth Division. Occasionally I might wander over to Old Trafford and have a gike at Best Law Charlton but I’d be back in Bury ( The Pack Horse Inn, Birtle) by tea time…well done The Dons ( Vinny still features in the flashbacks)
Looking forward to the gig tomorrow night. I went to see Declan O’Rourke tonight in Vicar Street and he sang his song commemorating the 40 children killed in the crossfire during the Easter Rising. It was a reminder that children are almost always victims whose lives are lost in battles of which they have no understanding. I was listening to the King Puck album today and, when Away Ye Broken Heart came on, all those images from the news coverage of mothers and fathers of the Gaza Strip crying out in grief for their lost children caught in the blast came flooding back. We will be thinking of all those who have been traumatised and bereaved tomorrow. “How long can you hear someone crying, how long can you hear someone dying, before you ask yourself why……”. Best of luck for the gig and the raffle I’m sure it will be a success..x
Christy's reply
welcome back Liv…heard two beautiful Roscommon at the Goilin last Friday..a mother and daughter, 2 lovely singers
Christy's reply
welcome back Liv…heard two beautiful Roscommon songs at the Goilin last Friday..a mother and daughter, 2 lovely singers…thanks for your support
Hey Christy
Have a listen to a song sung by two Wexford kids of 10 and 11. suefurlongmusic.ie. Amazing Irish talent. Put the stereo earphones into the oul I pad
CM(69) .
There is a dolphin that is attacking people in blackrock!!He is very dangerous and the reason why he is so mad all because some ar mesice idiot one time poured cider into his blowhole !They’re all running out of the water like seagulls in a frenzy.He is the fierce ruler of blackrock,. he has a personality crisis ..He is not boring like fungi.
I hope that the surgery will go well.Will you be able to play guitar after it?
This is a video of me and my dad sailing up the corrib.There was a fleet of very loud pipers from USA in the boat ,I wish I had ear plugs.Me and my cousin seán had to put our fingers in our ears . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByAMaI0Re78
P.S How is the Murricawn going for ya?It is a nice song you do a great version of it.
P.P.S Got a tooth pulled today god help us and save us from the eternal fires of hell.
Christy's reply
Morra Aggie..that is surely some sight on the Claddagh…what beautiful graceful boats ye sail….thats terrible to read about yon Dolphin…that mad ar meisce lad should be tied to an anchor …the surgery is minor but necessitates a month long lay -off from my 10 chords…previously I’ve had both thumbs operated for “trigger-thumb” and it went well….its the auld joints and digits starting to feel the weight of years…them War Pipes sure do make a din…if you heard them comin over the mountains towards the battle fields they’d put the heart crossways on you…desertion might spring to mind…I’d be more an Uileann Pipe man mysel but the War Pipes do have their place in the History of music…shine on Aggie and Roisín and all your fambilee…Keep Coming back
Hey Christy,
Having seen you in Bristol, Bath, Birmingham and Cardiff, we’re finally coming over to see you in Dublin at Vicar Street on Sunday night. I’m sure you’ll play Ride On as you always do – it is my wife Vicky’s favourite so it would be really great if you would mention her (Vicky Rose from Portishead) when you play it.
Thank you so much, we are really looking forward to seeing you on home turf, had hoped to see you at de Barras in Clonakilty but it’s been a while since you played there.
See you Sunday
Christy's reply
morra Rob…this wont be a night for callouts…we’ll be focusing our attention on the Children of Gaza…hope you understand
The life I chose out on the road
A hammer in my hand
Packed in the school, picked up my tools,
I got my learning from the land.
I worked long and hard from light to dark,
Till the work was done.
Next morn the cock would crow,
Off I’d go with the rising of the sun.
The brother went off to Dublin town,
His fortune he wished to make,
I stayed at home,
Worked my fingers to the bone,
By the silver of the lake
I’m not complaining now,
I’m only saying how, my life has been.
And there’s many changes to this place,
Down the years that I have seen.
Many cold and lonely winter days
How I’ve dreamt of cities far away
From my place of birth.
Never could I bring myself to stray,
When my blood runs through the earth.
The sun shines down in to the hills,
It always takes my breath away,
But before I go a cloud changes shape
The hills are painted grey.
I never will be rich nor well to do,
Spoilt or even grand.
But till the day I rest il do my best,
Proud to be a lad of the land…
Many cold and lonely winter days
How I’ve dreamt of cities far away
From my place of birth.
Never could I bring myself to stray,
When my blood runs through the earth.
When my blood runs through the earth.
Hi Christy, my friends son Britt Dignan cut his first album and it would be great if you checked it out. A touch of American folk with Irish, gospel and blues mixed in. Britt is the son of my friend Ken who is a preacher with Polio. His Granpa was on the manifest for the Titanic, but missed the boat or Britt would not be here. The Dignans are the perfect example of your brothers “City of Chicago” song that you sing so well.
Christy's reply
had a listen..Britt sounds like he’s well on his way…
Christy, go raibh míle for replying. A great idea to have a gig for he children of this horrible war. We are all big supporters of Gaza! I’m sure the gig will be as great as all of the other times I have seen you live… Could you do me a favour and if you sing “Beeswing” or “Viva la Quinta Brigada” could you dedicate it to Oisín and Catherine home for a holiday from Perth? It would mean an awful lot!
Hi Christy. Do you think you’ll return down here to sunny Brighton in the foreseeable future please? Have been to every one of your Sussex gigs since we first heard your music in 1988, and the last time you performed down here with Declan was amazing – especially Shine On!
Christy's reply
hopin to be there in Oct 2015..if the backroom boys can swing it…if the engine is still pumpin
Hi Christy, Hope all is good with you and that your trusted steed is saddled up and ready for the trip north….Looking forward to catching up in Beautiful Bundoran Friday night and then hopefully in Breathtaking Buncrana on Saturday…..Always great to see you visit The Hills….Some Goal from O’Shea last night to silence the mighty Germans… The football was ugly at times and certainly only shades of the Joxer years but a fantastic result nonetheless….Dunphy & Co weren’t too complimentary in their post match analysis but hen that’s show business I guess ! Safe travel …Love & Respect Martin Mac
Joe Brolly, George Hook, Eamo,. some punditry is grand in its own way… hard to bate Con Houlihan, God be Good to Him..I like Eamon Sweeney too..its like in all areas of life…there are very few who get the full picture, who get under the skin of it….some succeed in making a lifes work talking and writing about subjects as if they were experts..trust me, I dont know what I’m talking about…keep coming back
Just a quick note to say thanks for a very special evening on Sunday.
So many highlights that have been mentioned by others, but for different reasons,Child Burial by Paula (Meehan) and Another Child Another War by Mick (Blake) were important to me and have led me down different paths.
You chose the right songs and proved to me, once again, how important the words are.
Declan O Rourke, Saturday ,Vicar Street, Sunday,Clannad Liverpool Cathedral Monday,not a bad extended weekend!
Thanks again to you all, i could see how important it was to you all and then to us
you must be dizzy Dave after such a cacophony of sounds..fair play to you..I heard Declan O’Rourke do a gig in Lahinch a while back…a hum dinger
Evening Christy, we took my Da to the waterfront to celebrate the coming of age of his sobriety and as usual a brilliant night, but I regretted not asking for a shout out to him. He’s 60 on Saturday and I’m taking him to Bundoran for the show, would there be any chance of an oul tune to mark him? Cheers:)
how in the name a jasus can I give him a shout out if you dont include the good mans name..smarten up their nix
Thanks for taking the time Christy, I really appreciate it.
I’m guessing no news, isn’t good news 🙂
no news Séamas but I did enjoy reading your lyric..it brought many things to mind…images I’d forgotten of our own home place..old fields and work practices long since abandoned…how some sail far away to seek the bright lights and fortune but are always drawn back to the home place..a place that will have changed entirely in their absence….I was very tied up the past few days with my own bits and pieces, thus the delay in reply
Marvellous gig last night, it was really beautiful, moving and unique. Well done to all who gave of their time, energy and resources, particularly to you, Declan, Vickie, Jimmy, Mick, Paula and to the crew and all other participants who partnered with you and supported you in making it such a success. It was really uplifting to see all the hard work and thoughtfulness that went into this expression of support. None of this was lost on the audience, there was a warm and respectful vibe in the room that is unique to those kinds of gigs where the songs are viewed in a different light that is particular to the circumstances in which the night is convened. Well done and see you soon x
Many gave of their time to make this gig happen. In particular, Paddy Doherty and Frank Connolly who carefully oversaw every aspect. Leagues O’Toole was with us every step of the way. The gig is over, it was a pleasure and priviledge to be part of it all. This morning I cannot help but think of MECA and their ongoing struggle to help children in trauma. Thanks for your feedback.
Hey Christy,
Just back in England after coming to Vicar Street on Sunday night, a fantastic gig and you were absolutely right about focusing on the children of Gaza. It certainly made me think, and I hope that a whole bunch of money was raised for MECA. Great to hear the new songs and the old, and quite unusual for us to see so many of you on the stage! We’ll see you next time you’re over here, and maybe make another trip over to the Emerald Isle again soon.
Thank you so much
Rob and Vicky
We hope to return to Bristol next year…its been a while since…thanks for your support
Christy, what a night at Vicar St.! Thank you so much for the dedication for ‘Viva la Quinta Brigada’.. My brother nearly fell of his seat. He said he can die a happy man now! Saw Ed Sheeran during the week, Arctic Monkeys and a few others during the summer… But none of those gigs have a patch on yours! As long as you’re still playing, I’ll be going…
Eimhéar Etáin x
thats the kinda talk we like to hear ! at the end of the day it was the collective that created the atmosphere…the words and music, the players, the listeners, the technicians, the backroom team, the promoters..when all these elements become aligned ,in support of children traumatised by war, a power is created that instills hope in us all
Good morning Christy. Thank you to you and your ‘family’ for what will be the most memorable of evenings. Utterly cathartic. Favourite moments: Folk Tale because we are all young and beautiful, Paula Meehan, just beautiful, gratitude for the babies, humbled by the struggle others face, for Patrick Murphy, and the four people you had on stage with you and the people off the stage with you. Thank you for signing my song book. May you always find a rogan josh wherever you find yourself. Xx
it was a great buzz to see you long haul listeners taking it all in….the moment Paula entered the Green Room before the gig I knew Folk Tale must be played…I love her poetry…in my old home town I once knew a guy called Josh Rogan
What a privilege it was to be in Vicar Street tonight, to witness an amazing performance by all of you.
Thanks so much to you, and all involved in organising , and giving of your time to this worthy cause.
I’m sure the Ambassador must have felt the heartfelt love and support that was in that room for the Children of Gaza.
Shine on
it was a grand night of it….new songs from Mick Blake, Vickie Keating, Declan Sinnott, Poems from Paula Meehan, back beats from Jimmy Higgins and yours truly….I was in my element surrounded by Ambassadors and that wonderful Horde of Listeners…the raffle had worthy recipients…everyone pulled their weight and all the proceeds are on their way to MECA to contribute towards their work with traumatised Children in Gaza
So after many moons the drought is broken. The mighty Dons forced the franchisees into whimpering capitulation in the Johnson’s paint Trophy, we forced Bury to pray to a greater God, and I’m on my way back to Dublin. Though a bit like visiting a favourite Auntie who you love but still remarks upon your burgeoning stomach. The memories are long and deep so here’s to the sure knowledge that you and all of yours have the Crazy Gang spirit. With trepidation and anticipation, xx
Welcome back Anuk…hope you have a good trip…busy here preparing for tonights “Gig for Gaza”….your post allows me to take a break and recall my time supporting Bury back in the 60s when I dwelt in between Bury and Rochdale with a favourite aunt of mine, Caitlín Sheeran.I used to make my way to Gigg Lane, full of ale and black pudding ( chunder) and cheer on the local heroes in the old Fourth Division. Occasionally I might wander over to Old Trafford and have a gike at Best Law Charlton but I’d be back in Bury ( The Pack Horse Inn, Birtle) by tea time…well done The Dons ( Vinny still features in the flashbacks)
Looking forward to the gig tomorrow night. I went to see Declan O’Rourke tonight in Vicar Street and he sang his song commemorating the 40 children killed in the crossfire during the Easter Rising. It was a reminder that children are almost always victims whose lives are lost in battles of which they have no understanding. I was listening to the King Puck album today and, when Away Ye Broken Heart came on, all those images from the news coverage of mothers and fathers of the Gaza Strip crying out in grief for their lost children caught in the blast came flooding back. We will be thinking of all those who have been traumatised and bereaved tomorrow. “How long can you hear someone crying, how long can you hear someone dying, before you ask yourself why……”. Best of luck for the gig and the raffle I’m sure it will be a success..x
welcome back Liv…heard two beautiful Roscommon at the Goilin last Friday..a mother and daughter, 2 lovely singers
welcome back Liv…heard two beautiful Roscommon songs at the Goilin last Friday..a mother and daughter, 2 lovely singers…thanks for your support
Hey Christy
Have a listen to a song sung by two Wexford kids of 10 and 11. suefurlongmusic.ie. Amazing Irish talent. Put the stereo earphones into the oul I pad
CM(69) .
There is a dolphin that is attacking people in blackrock!!He is very dangerous and the reason why he is so mad all because some ar mesice idiot one time poured cider into his blowhole !They’re all running out of the water like seagulls in a frenzy.He is the fierce ruler of blackrock,. he has a personality crisis ..He is not boring like fungi.
I hope that the surgery will go well.Will you be able to play guitar after it?
This is a video of me and my dad sailing up the corrib.There was a fleet of very loud pipers from USA in the boat ,I wish I had ear plugs.Me and my cousin seán had to put our fingers in our ears .
P.S How is the Murricawn going for ya?It is a nice song you do a great version of it.
P.P.S Got a tooth pulled today god help us and save us from the eternal fires of hell.
Morra Aggie..that is surely some sight on the Claddagh…what beautiful graceful boats ye sail….thats terrible to read about yon Dolphin…that mad ar meisce lad should be tied to an anchor …the surgery is minor but necessitates a month long lay -off from my 10 chords…previously I’ve had both thumbs operated for “trigger-thumb” and it went well….its the auld joints and digits starting to feel the weight of years…them War Pipes sure do make a din…if you heard them comin over the mountains towards the battle fields they’d put the heart crossways on you…desertion might spring to mind…I’d be more an Uileann Pipe man mysel but the War Pipes do have their place in the History of music…shine on Aggie and Roisín and all your fambilee…Keep Coming back
Hey Christy,
Having seen you in Bristol, Bath, Birmingham and Cardiff, we’re finally coming over to see you in Dublin at Vicar Street on Sunday night. I’m sure you’ll play Ride On as you always do – it is my wife Vicky’s favourite so it would be really great if you would mention her (Vicky Rose from Portishead) when you play it.
Thank you so much, we are really looking forward to seeing you on home turf, had hoped to see you at de Barras in Clonakilty but it’s been a while since you played there.
See you Sunday
morra Rob…this wont be a night for callouts…we’ll be focusing our attention on the Children of Gaza…hope you understand
Sound. Here it is, it’s called ‘Lad of the Land’.
The life I chose out on the road
A hammer in my hand
Packed in the school, picked up my tools,
I got my learning from the land.
I worked long and hard from light to dark,
Till the work was done.
Next morn the cock would crow,
Off I’d go with the rising of the sun.
The brother went off to Dublin town,
His fortune he wished to make,
I stayed at home,
Worked my fingers to the bone,
By the silver of the lake
I’m not complaining now,
I’m only saying how, my life has been.
And there’s many changes to this place,
Down the years that I have seen.
Many cold and lonely winter days
How I’ve dreamt of cities far away
From my place of birth.
Never could I bring myself to stray,
When my blood runs through the earth.
The sun shines down in to the hills,
It always takes my breath away,
But before I go a cloud changes shape
The hills are painted grey.
I never will be rich nor well to do,
Spoilt or even grand.
But till the day I rest il do my best,
Proud to be a lad of the land…
Many cold and lonely winter days
How I’ve dreamt of cities far away
From my place of birth.
Never could I bring myself to stray,
When my blood runs through the earth.
When my blood runs through the earth.
Hi Christy,
I’ve a song I would love you to have a listen to some time. Is there an email or a postal address I could send it to?
Bang it up here and lets have a look at it
Hi Christy, my friends son Britt Dignan cut his first album and it would be great if you checked it out. A touch of American folk with Irish, gospel and blues mixed in. Britt is the son of my friend Ken who is a preacher with Polio. His Granpa was on the manifest for the Titanic, but missed the boat or Britt would not be here. The Dignans are the perfect example of your brothers “City of Chicago” song that you sing so well.
had a listen..Britt sounds like he’s well on his way…
Christy, go raibh míle for replying. A great idea to have a gig for he children of this horrible war. We are all big supporters of Gaza! I’m sure the gig will be as great as all of the other times I have seen you live… Could you do me a favour and if you sing “Beeswing” or “Viva la Quinta Brigada” could you dedicate it to Oisín and Catherine home for a holiday from Perth? It would mean an awful lot!
Le meas,
Eimhéar Etáin Ní Lochlainn
Hi Christy. Do you think you’ll return down here to sunny Brighton in the foreseeable future please? Have been to every one of your Sussex gigs since we first heard your music in 1988, and the last time you performed down here with Declan was amazing – especially Shine On!
hopin to be there in Oct 2015..if the backroom boys can swing it…if the engine is still pumpin