Found myself supporting Moorefield yesterday in St.Conleths, Moorefield hurlers played Naas in the second game, and all my roaring and shouting did not help, they lost 2-12 to 1-10. In the big one Sarsfields up 5 points and the Moore boys chipped away for a draw. Woke up this morning with ” go way houradat ref” in my head, a fella behind us yesterday was a little upset. Will get another kick at it next Sunday at 2.30.
Christy's reply
there will be extra barrells crossing the bridge i nDroichead Nua…ól suas agus porter síos…see you on the wall next Sunday and in Bun Higgins after
Ok, just one more tonight – posts that is. I just wanted my genetic brothers and sisters in Ireland and in Scotland to know …. we do still have the rebel genes within us! Not to worry. We, like those that still have the fight for justice, will. And the Irish and Scottish genes are all over the globe. You can be sure we will be amongst the ones still willing, still fighting for justice.
That being said, I don’t know how many of my Irish and Scottish Brothers and Sisters know of the late Utah Phillips.
Let me share here. And it is none other than of CORK! Mother Jones!
Man, I really love You Tube and Live
By the way Christy, thanks for the new song writers Live Trad. composer song writers entry stuff you are involved with. I listen and enjoy.
Next up, on the intoxicated mead set.
I just learned just tonight, forgive me, that the author of “Workers Song” is – Ta Tah! – Ed Pickford. And, I just learned tonight that Mother Jones is from cork!
Life is good.
Hi Christy, just came home from our Ireland tour, traveling back after the highlight in Bundoran, with the music of that unbelievable night still reverberating… what a gig at the Great Northern, we saw you & Declan & Jimmy at your best! Thanks a million for the craic. I talked to members of your crew after the last note was played and told them what a great job they did. Sure was a challenge to create that fantastic sound in a ballroom like this. What a close and intimate atmosphere, and we had long good talks into the night with listeners from all over.
Special thanks for singing “The Voyage” for us. It meant so much, reflecting our lives as a family as it seems to me. Love is a boat… Sail on! And see you further down the road. Dietmar & his crew
Christy's reply
Thanks Dietmar…good to hear that ye all had a good trip…it was a grand night in Bundoran
Hi Christy. Lovely gig last night. There was something different about it. Can’t explain it. Maybe because it was in such a familiar venue. Every gig is so different, and that’s probably why we all love coming back over and over again. I think you have a calming influence on O.J. He was restless before, but relaxed as soon as you started playing.. You really should come to Buncrana more often!!
Nice to see John and Marty too! Nicky’s sorry he didn’t get to chat.
Christy's reply
never heard a whimper out of O.J.!! we all enjoyed our excursion to the North West…I agree with you… we should come to Buncrana more often….always good to hear from you Jennifer
I’m from the states and just been here in Ireland two years now. Last night was my first time hearing Christy play. I enjoyed every minute of it. Besides the songs the guitar playing was so beautiful. On the way out I bought his CD. I look forward to many years of Christy’s music playing in my home. Thanks for the great night!!!
Christy's reply
I still believe in The Tooth Fairy..keep coming back
Everyone home safe, sound and accounted for I hope Christy, Thank you for coming north once again to visit with us, it always feels that little bit special to see you up these parts. In fairness it was two awful nights to be out tramping across the hills and valleys of Tir Connail, the wind was howling and the rain was bating it down. But the men and women of Donegal didn’t let you down, they came out in their droves, despite the inclement conditions, and packed her to the rafters in Bundoran and Buncrana. Two very powerful gigs, Bundoran was just Brilliant !! and Buncrana wasn’t bad either !! ….I was remembering back and reminiscing to your previous visit to the Great Northern, (2003) I think it was ? there was a problem with the electricity that night and the power went off at one stage…eventually it got sorted and the show rolled on. …..I think your last visit to Buncrana was to the Plaza Ballroom several years ago …you were very taken that night with the spring loaded floor if memory serves me….. Lots of highlights from the latest Donegal Tour (to numerous to mention) …..A powerful rendition of “Hurt” tonight sent the shivers up me ……Great to see Declan and Jimmy as well at the top of their game …Awesome to behold !… Good company and good craic with 4711 ‘ers …great people great friends ! ……….. Until next time Love & Respect Martin Mac …p.s. C’mon The Moorefield’s
Christy's reply
Fair play MM…so it was 11 years since we last played Bundoran…I remember the power going down..rem The Plaza too..Used to love playing The White Strand basck in the 70s….I remember it was a long haul from Kilkenny to Donegal back in 1976…it was a one man show then…I used to book the gigs, drive the van, set up the gear, do the gig and then drink the fee…a lovely man called Pat Barron used to run the gigs in White Strand and I used to stay with him and his lovely family before heading back home the following day, or sometimes days !!..great to get a second chance
Thanks Christy for yet another wonderful gig in the “White Strand Motor Inn” tonight. Thought you and the lads were better than ever tonight – whatever is in that tablet’s well worth the taking. Great to meet with the 4711 collective as well. Hopefully will make it to the City of the Tribes in December. Keep well.
Christy's reply
whallup and hows she cuttin….they’re was some waft of perfume ( 4711) and after-shave ( Old Spice) there on Sat got me on a bit of a high for the first few numbers but then the sweat kicked in and normal service was resumed..I lost the plot for a while rambling on about Kildare GAA…year 48 of the tour is going good…I’ve never enjoyed my gigs more…Jimmy Higgins is a great addition, he tightens it all up and his presence enables both Declan and I to play a bit differently….maybe see you with the Trad Outfit in Galway come December
Well Christy – The Hills were certainly very alive last night in Bundoran with the sounds of Christy Dec and Jimmy – What a brilliant gig and by Jasus you were in mighty form – Thank you all so much for lifting the hearts and souls of us all in the room – great vibes all round and a fine opening with the 16 Raving Fisherman (who are finally “allowed” out again – bless them all !! ) Gabh raibh mile maith agat for the request from the Killybegs Bus (Lilac !!) So good to see Hilary Marty and Ger again – I really hope you have a night as good up in Buncrana – I will be thinking of you all with envy !- Tell Hil I robbed Sam from her boot and will keep him safe – he feels at home here lol Let the music keep your spirits high and KEEP COMING BACK – You are a legend Christy God Bless You x
Christy's reply
Ger…good to hear from you, last night was a cracker…..I have a feeling that I have never played in Killybegs…it must be the only major town missing from the itinerary..I have visited a few times.. remember being in Clarrie’s lovely bookshop…also went up to meet Canon McDyer in the 70s..that was an inneresting experience.( in nomine patria filio et spiritu sanctu) ..I was commissioned to write a ballad but went on the tear and forgot my reason for being there…ended up with scallywags in Portnoo turning wine into water…seems like a previous that I think about it..thats what it was….just getting the fake tan on now and loading myself into the corset for tonights capers in Buncrana..first time I played here Jane Fonda was in the audience but things are much better now
Hi All,,, The Hills are Alive to the sound of CM/DS/JH… what a great night of song and singing ? the choice of song was so appropriate to the location and time,,,,and the sound was magic ….the influence of the gigs and songs reach far and wide I met the Belgian and German visitors and they were charmed with the gig,,, speaking of influence,,, young CS (10 ) was on RTE radio yesterday,,,, and talk about praise for CM and evidence of influence across the all age groups,,,?? here is the link for all to hear Colm on Tubridy .Shine on ,,and more tonight,,.H!rii=1%3A20666453%3A4678%3A17%2D10%2D2014%3A
Christy's reply
our Colm is some buachall…hope he makes it onto the Toy Show…we really had the Donegal Catch last night…Wally was to the fore with Jolly Ravers and Duffys getting a good warble…what a great audience.10 out of 10 for the Listeners, hecklers, rapscallions, smokers and all
Some night in Bundoran……. a storm outside and the storm in a T-Shirt on fire inside. Yourself ,Declan and Jimmy were incredible. Great to hear “Stand up and Cry” again. When the Juke Box started the energy was unbelievable…and the crowd were with you all the way. Duffys Cut got a great reception too…….interesting to note that John Ruddy , the young man whose remains were brought home and buried in Ardara is now believed to have been from Inishowen….Quigleys Point / Muff area I think . ,,not far from Buncrana. The forensic dental scientists traced the link via DNA and a particular dental abnormality.
The Rose did indeed bring Sam in from the car and we asked her to fill it with something really expensive……so she turned on the cold tap !!!
Christy's reply
we’re all moving to Donegal…had a ball last night in buriful Bundoran…no sign of The Blessed Virgin but all my statues were movin last night..fair play to the McEniff clan..they keep a great hall goin there
my friend,my neighbour,my enemy. its that time of year again when one end of the town goes head to head with the other end of town for the bragging rights for the next 12 months..
the football county final is on our door step again this sunday where the champions Moorefield (Christy’s team) take on their biggest rivals Sarsfields (my team) for another final.
Things haven’t gone sarsfields way over the last 10-15 years with Moorefield being triumph most of the time. but hopefully lady luck will be on the sash side on sunday.
either way come Monday we all will be all proud to be a bogman and the best of neighbour once more.
up the sash!!!!
Christy's reply
Friends and Neighbours Yes…Enemies? …NEVER! That day is gone for me…Let us be foes from Throw-in to Final Whistle and then head out the town together…the factions have been diluted..there still be may be odd pockets of rancour and bittereness still lurking in dark corners ( god Love Them) but thats all over for me… I still hold on to the rivalry but its no stronger then the affection I hold for some of my old Sash friends…Rubber, Quinner, Billy Parkinson, Michael Geraghty,… I remember Boiler’s last game for the Lilies, Miko Doyle, Ray Swan,Nuxer, Of course I’ll follow Moorefield for thats my place…I’ll be up on Lunnys Wall hoping for an almighty County Final with our lads squeezing it by a point in the last seconds of extra time
Hello dear Christy,
Hope this finds you well. I loved to read all the great feedback of your Gaza Gig … It’s just wonderful what you are doing for the children in that troubled land! Wish I was there. But if all goes well we’ll see you at Vicar St at the end of the year.
Very good that Paula Meehan’s enchanting Folk Tale turned up again.
Enjoy lovely Bundoran and the Hills of Donegal!
Best of Luck, Traudel
Christy's reply
could not be better Traudel..we had a great gig in Bundoran which ended two hours was a windy wet night out beside the Atlantic Ocean but inside in the room twas a different story..we had listeners from the 4 corners…a bus from Killybegs, a Van from Glenties, hitchhikers from Drumsna, we had Germans,Belgians, Jackeens, Culchies, Rapscallions, Smugglers, Rebel Rousers, and an off Duty Garda,we had Mary from Dungloe, Molly from Mullaghmore, the songsters were in from Drumsna, Beleek, Falcarragh, 2 mots from Liverpool,( flew from The John Lennon to The George Best, nearly got an upgrade on RyanAir .. outside toilets)..its a great room in The Great Northern Hotel..have not played here for 12 years so twas great to be back…Bundoran is a famous Holiday destination.. favoured around July12th when the Blessed Virgin appeared in the film ‘The Butcher Boy and Stephen Rea started saying the rosary..greetings to all our German Listeners… there have been murmurs of a return to Toten Hosen but nothing definite to report…hope the wind is favourable for your trip to Vicar Street..let us know and we will be sure to include Paula’s Folk Tale….Oíche Mhaith
Morning Christy and all.
Just catching up on the posts after a few weeks away from the buttons. Played The Contender at an open mic night a few weeks ago and got a good reception. It’s hard sometimes playing these quiet tunes with all the chattering but I drift away into the mesmeric to keep me focussed. Thankfully only 3 verses. Hope you don’t mind me putting down the lyrics of a new song I just finished. It’s slow in some sort of descending C chords. Tom Waits-ish. Anyone take a look. Gonna try and get it on Soundcloud soon.
Sweet Aberleen.
Thinking back to our salad days,
so many dreams are in my head
Now I can’t seem to move these morning clouds
Don’t see no reason to leave my bed
Whatever happened to us last night
What did I do or say so wrong
Walking hand in hand down Park Avenue
Looking for a bar to play some songs
You always liked those old jazz numbers
Chet Baker used to make you smile
Now I see tears running down your cheek
By the time we’re listening to MIles
Oh my sweet Aberleen, won’t you give me one more chance
Oh my sweet Aberleen, I wanna take your hand and dance
Hey Bartender, did she say goodbye
She left her old coat upon the stool
He shrugged his shoulders, didn’t seem surprised
Said, ‘She said something about a crazy old fool’
I took her coat out on to 46th
Broadway melody
Gonna fight my way through these busy streets
Bring my Aberleen home to me
Oh my sweet Aberlleen etc etc
These New York streets have always been my home
I wanted them to be your home too
But you had to get back to that L.A. sun
And all your crazy friends in Malibu
I don’t know how long or how far your fortune did take you
I sure hope you’re doing fine
And whoevers arms your in tonight
I’ll always wish they were mine.
Oh my sweet Aberleen etc etc
take care of yourself and yours.
Christy's reply
Thats a grand song you got there Frankie..hope you’re singin it out
THANK YOU! We wanted to give a huge thanks to Christy Moore, Declan Sinnott, their support teams, the 1000+ people who came to the Gig for Gaza including the Palestinian ambassador to Ireland for supporting children in Gaza!
We appreciate your solidarity and love!
Many thanks from Dr. Mona El-Farra and the whole MECA team
Christy's reply
Dear Mona and all at MECA….we will be in touch again soon…
Hi Christy,
We are really looking forward to the Bundoran gig. It’s been a while since that magic night in Knocknagoshel last summer. We invited our Donegal friends, born in Bundoran, to join us. Hope to meet some 4711ers,as well.
See you on Friday.
Piet & Els
Christy's reply
welcome back to the auld sod..I’ve not played Bundoran for 10 years so I’m looking forward to givin it the lash tonight..see you later
PS “I was you were my da” is that just the funniest?
some right feckin comedians up the country !!
Beidh me at tg4 anocht 8pm didn’t see such a carry on since Arthur’s day song.
Cs 10.
Marcaidh ar agaidh Colm…Ruby Walsh could not keep up with you and your lapping eamon coughlan, the latest Fine Gael genius in the ranks
Christy,hope all goes well with the surgery, and that they don’t remove any of that MAGIC from your Fingers.
sound, thanks
Best of luck with the recovery Christy, look forward to catching you again soon! “His hands were gentle, and his hands were strong”
thanks Kev
Found myself supporting Moorefield yesterday in St.Conleths, Moorefield hurlers played Naas in the second game, and all my roaring and shouting did not help, they lost 2-12 to 1-10. In the big one Sarsfields up 5 points and the Moore boys chipped away for a draw. Woke up this morning with ” go way houradat ref” in my head, a fella behind us yesterday was a little upset. Will get another kick at it next Sunday at 2.30.
there will be extra barrells crossing the bridge i nDroichead Nua…ól suas agus porter síos…see you on the wall next Sunday and in Bun Higgins after
Ok, just one more tonight – posts that is. I just wanted my genetic brothers and sisters in Ireland and in Scotland to know …. we do still have the rebel genes within us! Not to worry. We, like those that still have the fight for justice, will. And the Irish and Scottish genes are all over the globe. You can be sure we will be amongst the ones still willing, still fighting for justice.
That being said, I don’t know how many of my Irish and Scottish Brothers and Sisters know of the late Utah Phillips.
Let me share here. And it is none other than of CORK! Mother Jones!
Man, I really love You Tube and Live
By the way Christy, thanks for the new song writers Live Trad. composer song writers entry stuff you are involved with. I listen and enjoy.
Next up, on the intoxicated mead set.
I just learned just tonight, forgive me, that the author of “Workers Song” is – Ta Tah! – Ed Pickford. And, I just learned tonight that Mother Jones is from cork!
Life is good.
Hi Christy, just came home from our Ireland tour, traveling back after the highlight in Bundoran, with the music of that unbelievable night still reverberating… what a gig at the Great Northern, we saw you & Declan & Jimmy at your best! Thanks a million for the craic. I talked to members of your crew after the last note was played and told them what a great job they did. Sure was a challenge to create that fantastic sound in a ballroom like this. What a close and intimate atmosphere, and we had long good talks into the night with listeners from all over.
Special thanks for singing “The Voyage” for us. It meant so much, reflecting our lives as a family as it seems to me. Love is a boat… Sail on! And see you further down the road. Dietmar & his crew
Thanks Dietmar…good to hear that ye all had a good trip…it was a grand night in Bundoran
Hi Christy. Lovely gig last night. There was something different about it. Can’t explain it. Maybe because it was in such a familiar venue. Every gig is so different, and that’s probably why we all love coming back over and over again. I think you have a calming influence on O.J. He was restless before, but relaxed as soon as you started playing.. You really should come to Buncrana more often!!
Nice to see John and Marty too! Nicky’s sorry he didn’t get to chat.
never heard a whimper out of O.J.!! we all enjoyed our excursion to the North West…I agree with you… we should come to Buncrana more often….always good to hear from you Jennifer
I’m from the states and just been here in Ireland two years now. Last night was my first time hearing Christy play. I enjoyed every minute of it. Besides the songs the guitar playing was so beautiful. On the way out I bought his CD. I look forward to many years of Christy’s music playing in my home. Thanks for the great night!!!
I still believe in The Tooth Fairy..keep coming back
Everyone home safe, sound and accounted for I hope Christy, Thank you for coming north once again to visit with us, it always feels that little bit special to see you up these parts. In fairness it was two awful nights to be out tramping across the hills and valleys of Tir Connail, the wind was howling and the rain was bating it down. But the men and women of Donegal didn’t let you down, they came out in their droves, despite the inclement conditions, and packed her to the rafters in Bundoran and Buncrana. Two very powerful gigs, Bundoran was just Brilliant !! and Buncrana wasn’t bad either !! ….I was remembering back and reminiscing to your previous visit to the Great Northern, (2003) I think it was ? there was a problem with the electricity that night and the power went off at one stage…eventually it got sorted and the show rolled on. …..I think your last visit to Buncrana was to the Plaza Ballroom several years ago …you were very taken that night with the spring loaded floor if memory serves me….. Lots of highlights from the latest Donegal Tour (to numerous to mention) …..A powerful rendition of “Hurt” tonight sent the shivers up me ……Great to see Declan and Jimmy as well at the top of their game …Awesome to behold !… Good company and good craic with 4711 ‘ers …great people great friends ! ……….. Until next time Love & Respect Martin Mac …p.s. C’mon The Moorefield’s
Fair play MM…so it was 11 years since we last played Bundoran…I remember the power going down..rem The Plaza too..Used to love playing The White Strand basck in the 70s….I remember it was a long haul from Kilkenny to Donegal back in 1976…it was a one man show then…I used to book the gigs, drive the van, set up the gear, do the gig and then drink the fee…a lovely man called Pat Barron used to run the gigs in White Strand and I used to stay with him and his lovely family before heading back home the following day, or sometimes days !!..great to get a second chance
Thanks Christy for yet another wonderful gig in the “White Strand Motor Inn” tonight. Thought you and the lads were better than ever tonight – whatever is in that tablet’s well worth the taking. Great to meet with the 4711 collective as well. Hopefully will make it to the City of the Tribes in December. Keep well.
whallup and hows she cuttin….they’re was some waft of perfume ( 4711) and after-shave ( Old Spice) there on Sat got me on a bit of a high for the first few numbers but then the sweat kicked in and normal service was resumed..I lost the plot for a while rambling on about Kildare GAA…year 48 of the tour is going good…I’ve never enjoyed my gigs more…Jimmy Higgins is a great addition, he tightens it all up and his presence enables both Declan and I to play a bit differently….maybe see you with the Trad Outfit in Galway come December
Well Christy – The Hills were certainly very alive last night in Bundoran with the sounds of Christy Dec and Jimmy – What a brilliant gig and by Jasus you were in mighty form – Thank you all so much for lifting the hearts and souls of us all in the room – great vibes all round and a fine opening with the 16 Raving Fisherman (who are finally “allowed” out again – bless them all !! ) Gabh raibh mile maith agat for the request from the Killybegs Bus (Lilac !!) So good to see Hilary Marty and Ger again – I really hope you have a night as good up in Buncrana – I will be thinking of you all with envy !- Tell Hil I robbed Sam from her boot and will keep him safe – he feels at home here lol Let the music keep your spirits high and KEEP COMING BACK – You are a legend Christy God Bless You x
Ger…good to hear from you, last night was a cracker…..I have a feeling that I have never played in Killybegs…it must be the only major town missing from the itinerary..I have visited a few times.. remember being in Clarrie’s lovely bookshop…also went up to meet Canon McDyer in the 70s..that was an inneresting experience.( in nomine patria filio et spiritu sanctu) ..I was commissioned to write a ballad but went on the tear and forgot my reason for being there…ended up with scallywags in Portnoo turning wine into water…seems like a previous that I think about it..thats what it was….just getting the fake tan on now and loading myself into the corset for tonights capers in Buncrana..first time I played here Jane Fonda was in the audience but things are much better now
Hi All,,, The Hills are Alive to the sound of CM/DS/JH… what a great night of song and singing ? the choice of song was so appropriate to the location and time,,,,and the sound was magic ….the influence of the gigs and songs reach far and wide I met the Belgian and German visitors and they were charmed with the gig,,, speaking of influence,,, young CS (10 ) was on RTE radio yesterday,,,, and talk about praise for CM and evidence of influence across the all age groups,,,?? here is the link for all to hear Colm on Tubridy .Shine on ,,and more tonight,,.H!rii=1%3A20666453%3A4678%3A17%2D10%2D2014%3A
our Colm is some buachall…hope he makes it onto the Toy Show…we really had the Donegal Catch last night…Wally was to the fore with Jolly Ravers and Duffys getting a good warble…what a great audience.10 out of 10 for the Listeners, hecklers, rapscallions, smokers and all
Some night in Bundoran……. a storm outside and the storm in a T-Shirt on fire inside. Yourself ,Declan and Jimmy were incredible. Great to hear “Stand up and Cry” again. When the Juke Box started the energy was unbelievable…and the crowd were with you all the way. Duffys Cut got a great reception too…….interesting to note that John Ruddy , the young man whose remains were brought home and buried in Ardara is now believed to have been from Inishowen….Quigleys Point / Muff area I think . ,,not far from Buncrana. The forensic dental scientists traced the link via DNA and a particular dental abnormality.
The Rose did indeed bring Sam in from the car and we asked her to fill it with something really expensive……so she turned on the cold tap !!!
we’re all moving to Donegal…had a ball last night in buriful Bundoran…no sign of The Blessed Virgin but all my statues were movin last night..fair play to the McEniff clan..they keep a great hall goin there
my friend,my neighbour,my enemy. its that time of year again when one end of the town goes head to head with the other end of town for the bragging rights for the next 12 months..
the football county final is on our door step again this sunday where the champions Moorefield (Christy’s team) take on their biggest rivals Sarsfields (my team) for another final.
Things haven’t gone sarsfields way over the last 10-15 years with Moorefield being triumph most of the time. but hopefully lady luck will be on the sash side on sunday.
either way come Monday we all will be all proud to be a bogman and the best of neighbour once more.
up the sash!!!!
Friends and Neighbours Yes…Enemies? …NEVER! That day is gone for me…Let us be foes from Throw-in to Final Whistle and then head out the town together…the factions have been diluted..there still be may be odd pockets of rancour and bittereness still lurking in dark corners ( god Love Them) but thats all over for me… I still hold on to the rivalry but its no stronger then the affection I hold for some of my old Sash friends…Rubber, Quinner, Billy Parkinson, Michael Geraghty,… I remember Boiler’s last game for the Lilies, Miko Doyle, Ray Swan,Nuxer, Of course I’ll follow Moorefield for thats my place…I’ll be up on Lunnys Wall hoping for an almighty County Final with our lads squeezing it by a point in the last seconds of extra time
Hello dear Christy,
Hope this finds you well. I loved to read all the great feedback of your Gaza Gig … It’s just wonderful what you are doing for the children in that troubled land! Wish I was there. But if all goes well we’ll see you at Vicar St at the end of the year.
Very good that Paula Meehan’s enchanting Folk Tale turned up again.
Enjoy lovely Bundoran and the Hills of Donegal!
Best of Luck, Traudel
could not be better Traudel..we had a great gig in Bundoran which ended two hours was a windy wet night out beside the Atlantic Ocean but inside in the room twas a different story..we had listeners from the 4 corners…a bus from Killybegs, a Van from Glenties, hitchhikers from Drumsna, we had Germans,Belgians, Jackeens, Culchies, Rapscallions, Smugglers, Rebel Rousers, and an off Duty Garda,we had Mary from Dungloe, Molly from Mullaghmore, the songsters were in from Drumsna, Beleek, Falcarragh, 2 mots from Liverpool,( flew from The John Lennon to The George Best, nearly got an upgrade on RyanAir .. outside toilets)..its a great room in The Great Northern Hotel..have not played here for 12 years so twas great to be back…Bundoran is a famous Holiday destination.. favoured around July12th when the Blessed Virgin appeared in the film ‘The Butcher Boy and Stephen Rea started saying the rosary..greetings to all our German Listeners… there have been murmurs of a return to Toten Hosen but nothing definite to report…hope the wind is favourable for your trip to Vicar Street..let us know and we will be sure to include Paula’s Folk Tale….Oíche Mhaith
Morning Christy and all.
Just catching up on the posts after a few weeks away from the buttons. Played The Contender at an open mic night a few weeks ago and got a good reception. It’s hard sometimes playing these quiet tunes with all the chattering but I drift away into the mesmeric to keep me focussed. Thankfully only 3 verses. Hope you don’t mind me putting down the lyrics of a new song I just finished. It’s slow in some sort of descending C chords. Tom Waits-ish. Anyone take a look. Gonna try and get it on Soundcloud soon.
Sweet Aberleen.
Thinking back to our salad days,
so many dreams are in my head
Now I can’t seem to move these morning clouds
Don’t see no reason to leave my bed
Whatever happened to us last night
What did I do or say so wrong
Walking hand in hand down Park Avenue
Looking for a bar to play some songs
You always liked those old jazz numbers
Chet Baker used to make you smile
Now I see tears running down your cheek
By the time we’re listening to MIles
Oh my sweet Aberleen, won’t you give me one more chance
Oh my sweet Aberleen, I wanna take your hand and dance
Hey Bartender, did she say goodbye
She left her old coat upon the stool
He shrugged his shoulders, didn’t seem surprised
Said, ‘She said something about a crazy old fool’
I took her coat out on to 46th
Broadway melody
Gonna fight my way through these busy streets
Bring my Aberleen home to me
Oh my sweet Aberlleen etc etc
These New York streets have always been my home
I wanted them to be your home too
But you had to get back to that L.A. sun
And all your crazy friends in Malibu
I don’t know how long or how far your fortune did take you
I sure hope you’re doing fine
And whoevers arms your in tonight
I’ll always wish they were mine.
Oh my sweet Aberleen etc etc
take care of yourself and yours.
Thats a grand song you got there Frankie..hope you’re singin it out
THANK YOU! We wanted to give a huge thanks to Christy Moore, Declan Sinnott, their support teams, the 1000+ people who came to the Gig for Gaza including the Palestinian ambassador to Ireland for supporting children in Gaza!
We appreciate your solidarity and love!
Many thanks from Dr. Mona El-Farra and the whole MECA team
Dear Mona and all at MECA….we will be in touch again soon…
Hi Christy,
We are really looking forward to the Bundoran gig. It’s been a while since that magic night in Knocknagoshel last summer. We invited our Donegal friends, born in Bundoran, to join us. Hope to meet some 4711ers,as well.
See you on Friday.
Piet & Els
welcome back to the auld sod..I’ve not played Bundoran for 10 years so I’m looking forward to givin it the lash tonight..see you later