Well Christy,unsuccessful trip to St.Conleths yesterday, Moorefield ran the show.Even with a giant Dermot Earley jersey over Lunnys roof, the Sash could not lift themselves, anyway its back to the hurling for me now…….. John McKenna has just had a very good documentary about Leonard Cohen on RTE 1 wireless, John played a recording (poor sound) of him singing Kevin Barry in the National Stadium 1972,I was at that early in the year and then Planxty in Liberty Hall Nov 22nd 1972, ah! sure we were spoiled.
Christy's reply
Is’nt it great that the two best teams in the County are from our old home town….The Moores and The Sash,,,Pollardstown and The Biller….The Boiler and The Ba….Sos and Nuxer….Eddy O’Connors and Rasher Conlons…Armstrongs and Lady Moorefield’s ( anyone remember that shop?)..Neesons and Coffey’s Clock….The Whites and The O’Hanlons….pistols at dawn at The Bank Corner (PS I sang Kevin Barry in The Palace Newbridge and The Sands `Curragh in 1955 It was the first song I learned from Nancy )
Hi Christy,
Big Fan of yours and Planxty, Been to see you numerous times and Planxty twice. Do ya not think its time for another planxty concert, Theres nothing like it since or I doubt if there ever will be! There whole generations who havent seen ye live.
Glad the hand is on the mend, dear Christy … Go easy with the guitar play and take your time for healing … Uwe and I are looking forward to see you in Naas next month – trust you will be right as rain until then !
Christy's reply
getting the stitches out on Tuesday…Yipee…a stitch in time
I wasn’t gonna sing this song..but i’m gonna sing it…it’s like me on Sat night after a few, I know you don’t drink only the Earl Tea….Casey Casey your the Devil when you get behind the wheel….
Christy's reply
I stopped singing myself there for a while ..after watchin the excellent Dunnes Stores Strike DOCUMENTARY on TG4 I think I will start singing it again..( the prog is repeated tonight)
Hello Christy, I’m glad all went well and wish you a speedy recovery. All soothers are so much the sweeter after a break. It got me thinking about Yusuf Islam and how he gave up playing his guitar for all those years. We were all glad when he found a way to play it again. Take care, heal well and maybe try a new boxset? I have to say I’ve enjoyed Mad Men. Best wishes from a blustery, wind whipped County Down. Thanks, Kevin
Christy's reply
Up Down…. there were plans for another Box Set in 2016 but they have been put on hold, I have been asked to form a new boy band….Moorefield Abú
Sorry to hear you’re injured Christy….Your presence is missed at these water protests. We do go at it with the drums like, but sure you can’t be starting mayhem either…..Sending the healing of the waters to you, and I stuck a hug in the envelope also <3
Don’t know if you heard the interview with poet Dave Lordan on Arena on RTE Radio last night. He had great praise for you and the ballad tradition and dedicated the title poem of his latest collection to you. For those interested, the interview starts 9 minutes 20 seconds in at this link: http://www.rte.ie/radio/utils/radioplayer/rteradioweb.html#!rii=9%3A10335398%3A0%3A%3A
Just been listening to ‘Ride On’ on the You Tube channel, Love the song and also LOVE the smoke horse picture, PLEASE tell me where I could get a copy of that??
Hi Christy see you have ukdates in may but none north of the border barrowlands need you
Christy's reply
Morra Mick Malone…if all goes well we will return to Scotland next October when we hope to play Edinburgh and RCH Glasgow. That achieved we hope to climb the stairs once again, to waltz with Mags McIvor beneath the Carousel of Healing,to see the lads and lassies O The Clyde one more time….Come All You Dreamers
Good to hear “the deed is done” and hopefully all positive and healing from this on in. Must indeed be frustrating without the “soother” but hopefully will return with the appetite whetted even more. Looking forward to hearing you back on form in Galway. Keep well and heal well. In my thoughts.
Christy's reply
Bono and The Edge raised the roof on The Late Late..fair play to them
go maith anois a Mhac, míle maith agat…nílim ábailte aon ceol a dheanaimh ar an bosca ceol…táim ag ámhraníoct “unaccompanied” mar a deirtear..le cónaimh Dé beidh an Takamine thar nais i mo lámh an seactain seo cúghainn…
Hoping the healing is quick and complete. Looking forward to the Galway gig, all being well. Busy weekend with a big game for our hurling club on Sunday – and you with the Kildare replay. Have to keep reminding myself it’s not life or death, but then the ball’s thrown in and……well you know the rest. Great to hear you singing John Spillane’s Ballad of Patrick Murphy on Saturday night – beautiful song. Been following some wonderful history school work on the duchas site – might be an odd song idea somewhere in them if you get time http://www.duchas.ie/en/cbes/4493811/4422799
Christy's reply
job done, so far so good…find it frustrating not being able to pick up the guitar for a play…its like I’m missing my soother, my comforter…..John Spillanes second seaon show commenced on TG4 the other night..he was visiting Boyle and it was a smashing programme….gearing up for the replay on Sunday
Any plans to return to Newcastle, Christy? Promised my dad I’d take him again next time you’re playing up there.
Christy's reply
if all goes well we will return to The Sage next October…its not finally confirmed yet but signs are good….keep an eye on the gig page, sign up fro newsletter…heres hoping it comes off..its a beautiful venue..I love the way it sits on the bank above the great river
Hi,,,, Hope all is well,,,,, The Documentary Blood Fruit on the Dunnes Stores Strike is on anocht @ 930 on TG4 ,,,,Lots of films/ documentaries coming up,,, particularly in Cork with Barrowlands ” in the Opera House and the previous documentary ” Christy ” by Philip King on in the Triskel both on Sun 9th Nov as part of Cork Film festival. Also thereis a Q n A with Philip and Christyin the Opera House,,,, Always something new in the never ending tour,, Beir bua agus beannacht H
Christy's reply
Blood Fruit was superb…a fitting tribute to such a brave and steadfast group of women…so many of us were shamed in this film…the men (and women )”of cloth” failed us once again, the Labour Party disgraced themselves, the Garda showed themselves to be Bully Boys once again…all of this whilst the vast majority of us stood idly by and allowed the Forces of Church, State and Big Business trample upon these brave Women as they stood up for the rights of their Brothers and Sisters in South Africa………………
……..I’m happy about the invite to the Cork Film Festival….the bar for Q&A was set very high at our gathering
Any chance of returning to hell in the near future Christy
But the past behind us
Christy's reply
morra mudge…who knows what way the winds goin to blow… every time I arrive into Tulsk I think of Tom McHale…a great whistle player who passed way too young…had a few great sessions with him ……
Hi Christy,
We had another great time in county Donegal. What a fantastic night in Bundoran ! it was so special to hear you sing ‘A pair of brown eyes’ for us; Down on memory lane, to that night 20 years ago, when you remembered your granduncle on the wall in Ieper, we were two of the 10.000 listeners in that tent in Dranouter. We remember that night as it was yesterday. From that day on, we were fans forever. And a year later, as a consequence, we booked our first holiday to Ireland, and we keep coming back. Our best friends, born in Bundoran, who joined us last Friday, call us now ‘half Irish’, a great compliment to us. Many thanks again, Christy and hope to see you soon again !
Piet & Els
Christy's reply
Shane McGowan’s (and Jem Finer’s) classic song transcends time….it contains such vivid unlimited imagery…I still find new meaning in its lines almost 30 years on from first singing it…..that night we shared in Dranouter, all those Summers ago, is lodged in my memory for various reasons…”A Pair of Brown Eyes” fell from the setlist for many years and returned just recently….lovely to share it with you again in windswept Bundoran…I love that room, the fading glory of that old hotel too, a fitting venue for this great old song…thanks for your feedback…
Well Christy,unsuccessful trip to St.Conleths yesterday, Moorefield ran the show.Even with a giant Dermot Earley jersey over Lunnys roof, the Sash could not lift themselves, anyway its back to the hurling for me now…….. John McKenna has just had a very good documentary about Leonard Cohen on RTE 1 wireless, John played a recording (poor sound) of him singing Kevin Barry in the National Stadium 1972,I was at that early in the year and then Planxty in Liberty Hall Nov 22nd 1972, ah! sure we were spoiled.
Is’nt it great that the two best teams in the County are from our old home town….The Moores and The Sash,,,Pollardstown and The Biller….The Boiler and The Ba….Sos and Nuxer….Eddy O’Connors and Rasher Conlons…Armstrongs and Lady Moorefield’s ( anyone remember that shop?)..Neesons and Coffey’s Clock….The Whites and The O’Hanlons….pistols at dawn at The Bank Corner (PS I sang Kevin Barry in The Palace Newbridge and The Sands `Curragh in 1955 It was the first song I learned from Nancy )
Hey Christy,
Hope your hand is healing up well.
Any chance your heading down under in the near future. Got lots of sun tanned irish down here that need a bit of craic agus ceol
all good Ryan..greetings to all you Brown Paddies up there in NSW..see you down the rocks some Sunday after mass
Hi Christy,
Big Fan of yours and Planxty, Been to see you numerous times and Planxty twice. Do ya not think its time for another planxty concert, Theres nothing like it since or I doubt if there ever will be! There whole generations who havent seen ye live.
Planxty played a large part in my life….in particular,the early times were joyful and memorable…I feel very fortunate to have played in such a great band…we leave 7 albums after us.. whenever I hear Planxty music it still gives me a tingle..it ages well ….https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1935442133261688&set=a.105907479548505.7896.100003877605527&type=1
Glad the hand is on the mend, dear Christy … Go easy with the guitar play and take your time for healing … Uwe and I are looking forward to see you in Naas next month – trust you will be right as rain until then !
getting the stitches out on Tuesday…Yipee…a stitch in time
I wasn’t gonna sing this song..but i’m gonna sing it…it’s like me on Sat night after a few, I know you don’t drink only the Earl Tea….Casey Casey your the Devil when you get behind the wheel….
I stopped singing myself there for a while ..after watchin the excellent Dunnes Stores Strike DOCUMENTARY on TG4 I think I will start singing it again..( the prog is repeated tonight)
Hello Christy, I’m glad all went well and wish you a speedy recovery. All soothers are so much the sweeter after a break. It got me thinking about Yusuf Islam and how he gave up playing his guitar for all those years. We were all glad when he found a way to play it again. Take care, heal well and maybe try a new boxset? I have to say I’ve enjoyed Mad Men. Best wishes from a blustery, wind whipped County Down. Thanks, Kevin
Up Down…. there were plans for another Box Set in 2016 but they have been put on hold, I have been asked to form a new boy band….Moorefield Abú
We are thinking of you, rest a while, stay strong, and get back to the music, it will brighten your day.
been resting for 5 days now..its hard going..I’m exhausted
Sorry to hear you’re injured Christy….Your presence is missed at these water protests. We do go at it with the drums like, but sure you can’t be starting mayhem either…..Sending the healing of the waters to you, and I stuck a hug in the envelope also <3
cool clear water
Don’t know if you heard the interview with poet Dave Lordan on Arena on RTE Radio last night. He had great praise for you and the ballad tradition and dedicated the title poem of his latest collection to you. For those interested, the interview starts 9 minutes 20 seconds in at this link: http://www.rte.ie/radio/utils/radioplayer/rteradioweb.html#!rii=9%3A10335398%3A0%3A%3A
be the jasus I never heard the like
Just been listening to ‘Ride On’ on the You Tube channel, Love the song and also LOVE the smoke horse picture, PLEASE tell me where I could get a copy of that??
sounds like you got it already
Hi Christy see you have ukdates in may but none north of the border barrowlands need you
Morra Mick Malone…if all goes well we will return to Scotland next October when we hope to play Edinburgh and RCH Glasgow. That achieved we hope to climb the stairs once again, to waltz with Mags McIvor beneath the Carousel of Healing,to see the lads and lassies O The Clyde one more time….Come All You Dreamers
Good to hear “the deed is done” and hopefully all positive and healing from this on in. Must indeed be frustrating without the “soother” but hopefully will return with the appetite whetted even more. Looking forward to hearing you back on form in Galway. Keep well and heal well. In my thoughts.
Bono and The Edge raised the roof on The Late Late..fair play to them
Cén caoi a bfuil do lámh? A mhac
go maith anois a Mhac, míle maith agat…nílim ábailte aon ceol a dheanaimh ar an bosca ceol…táim ag ámhraníoct “unaccompanied” mar a deirtear..le cónaimh Dé beidh an Takamine thar nais i mo lámh an seactain seo cúghainn…
Hoping the healing is quick and complete. Looking forward to the Galway gig, all being well. Busy weekend with a big game for our hurling club on Sunday – and you with the Kildare replay. Have to keep reminding myself it’s not life or death, but then the ball’s thrown in and……well you know the rest. Great to hear you singing John Spillane’s Ballad of Patrick Murphy on Saturday night – beautiful song. Been following some wonderful history school work on the duchas site – might be an odd song idea somewhere in them if you get time http://www.duchas.ie/en/cbes/4493811/4422799
job done, so far so good…find it frustrating not being able to pick up the guitar for a play…its like I’m missing my soother, my comforter…..John Spillanes second seaon show commenced on TG4 the other night..he was visiting Boyle and it was a smashing programme….gearing up for the replay on Sunday
Any plans to return to Newcastle, Christy? Promised my dad I’d take him again next time you’re playing up there.
if all goes well we will return to The Sage next October…its not finally confirmed yet but signs are good….keep an eye on the gig page, sign up fro newsletter…heres hoping it comes off..its a beautiful venue..I love the way it sits on the bank above the great river
Absolutely brilliant show in Buncrana last Saturday night! Will you be back in Donegal/Derry for any shows next year?
we hope to be back in 2015..3 great visits this year…L.Kenny, Bundoran and Buncrana..could not ask for better,,,( we’ll be in Derry next June)
Hi,,,, Hope all is well,,,,, The Documentary Blood Fruit on the Dunnes Stores Strike is on anocht @ 930 on TG4 ,,,,Lots of films/ documentaries coming up,,, particularly in Cork with Barrowlands ” in the Opera House and the previous documentary ” Christy ” by Philip King on in the Triskel both on Sun 9th Nov as part of Cork Film festival. Also thereis a Q n A with Philip and Christyin the Opera House,,,, Always something new in the never ending tour,, Beir bua agus beannacht H
Blood Fruit was superb…a fitting tribute to such a brave and steadfast group of women…so many of us were shamed in this film…the men (and women )”of cloth” failed us once again, the Labour Party disgraced themselves, the Garda showed themselves to be Bully Boys once again…all of this whilst the vast majority of us stood idly by and allowed the Forces of Church, State and Big Business trample upon these brave Women as they stood up for the rights of their Brothers and Sisters in South Africa………………
……..I’m happy about the invite to the Cork Film Festival….the bar for Q&A was set very high at our gathering
Any chance of returning to hell in the near future Christy
But the past behind us
morra mudge…who knows what way the winds goin to blow… every time I arrive into Tulsk I think of Tom McHale…a great whistle player who passed way too young…had a few great sessions with him ……
Hi Christy,
We had another great time in county Donegal. What a fantastic night in Bundoran ! it was so special to hear you sing ‘A pair of brown eyes’ for us; Down on memory lane, to that night 20 years ago, when you remembered your granduncle on the wall in Ieper, we were two of the 10.000 listeners in that tent in Dranouter. We remember that night as it was yesterday. From that day on, we were fans forever. And a year later, as a consequence, we booked our first holiday to Ireland, and we keep coming back. Our best friends, born in Bundoran, who joined us last Friday, call us now ‘half Irish’, a great compliment to us. Many thanks again, Christy and hope to see you soon again !
Piet & Els
Shane McGowan’s (and Jem Finer’s) classic song transcends time….it contains such vivid unlimited imagery…I still find new meaning in its lines almost 30 years on from first singing it…..that night we shared in Dranouter, all those Summers ago, is lodged in my memory for various reasons…”A Pair of Brown Eyes” fell from the setlist for many years and returned just recently….lovely to share it with you again in windswept Bundoran…I love that room, the fading glory of that old hotel too, a fitting venue for this great old song…thanks for your feedback…
Hi Christy
What do you think of this song about Temple Bar I think it’s right up your alley! http://youtu.be/PsqzEtprcpk
whallup…its well covered in this version…could’nt bate that