Hello Christy, glad to hear you’re on the mend and hope the technological problems will get sorted. Sad to see there’s no trip to Brighton in the foreseeable, but the memories are still vivid and we will keep our finger’s crossed for the one day. Tallulah and Noah continue to grow and flourish, Manuel and I are still flourishing, but no longer growing, at least not physically :-). The weather’s turned colder and makes me think of ‘The poor November man sees fire and mist and wind and rain and winter ..’. Be well, happy and loved. Helen
Christy's reply
Thanks for dropping in Helen…Happy to hear ye are all well…wrestling with a few glitches here but ,truth be known, life is good ….hoping to be back in harness soon. Then, who knows where the road may lead…
“across the boundless Ocean, away upon the tide”
Hi firstly want to tell you just how much our family love you.
I have some great songs my husband has written and would love you to listen to with a hope you’ll like them and possibky want to play.
Would this be possible?
Isn’t it a grand day fro the beginnin of November all the same…so I’m told every time I step out.
John Spillane in Whelans tonight, he launches the new CD tonight on this side of the country.
Hope the healing is coming along well, and that you sang beautifully at the wedding.
I was at a wedding recently, and it was that emotional..even the cake was in tiers…
L x
Christy's reply
The wedding was lovely. Twas up in The Wee County.The Bride is my niece (in law), The Groom, a man of Lusk. There was lashings of drink and wine for The Ladies, potatoes and cake,bacon and tae. The Band were all the way from Newbridge, she stepped out and I stepped in again
Christy's reply
I gave up at “its time for another intoxicated rant”.
I endured 30 years of that (transmitting and receieving). I heard a man say “I can stop drinking any time I want..I’ve done it hundreds of times”….another man told me “one drink is too many,a hundred not enough”. At first I rejected these wee gems of wisdom.I was’nt ready. But there came the day when I was beaten and battered by my erstwhile companion of the night.I wish you well.
Hey Christy, I hope yer recovering well. Great to read yer chat not so great to read bout yer probs. I just told my husband what happened to see if there was anything ye could dae. He said “There are undelete utilities which are free to download if you search on google (on a different pc as you are minimising use) because when you delete something it is not physically deleted from the hard drive in the meantime you must minimise opening, closing and saving files as this will gradually overwrite the lost data until you recover what is lost.” I hope this might help. Good Luck. Take care, Steph xox
Christy's reply
Thanks for taking the trouble Steph. I appreciate your suggestions and will look further. Just this morning I remembered another song I’d worked on..alas and alack tis no longer here. A Cats Flux…..I’m off now to sing a song at my Niece’s wedding….the Sun is Shining…she has baked (and iced) a 7 tier cake so I wont be home for a few days
Hi Christy glad to see barrowland in list for october next year
come all you dreamers when do tix go on sale as my wife ata loss
for my christmas pressie what better than 2 tix forbarrowland
I’m flying back from Australia for the gig in Limerick in March.
Any chance of doing Joxer for my father in law Dave, his favourite song, even though he was born in England.
Also my mate Eoin from Clare who is trying to get us tickets for the Liverpool v United game the same weekend.
Can’t wait.
Christy's reply
would that be Newcastle or West Ham United…I’d be happy to sing a bar for Dave..remind me closer to the date…
So sad! See you in 2016 then but push the guvnors to book the old river place early pleeeeese! Until then look after your good self and that Declan. Annax
Christy's reply
I’m on the case here Anna…all stops have been pulled out, all knobs turned to 11….Sweet Thames Flow Softly
Have just looked at your future gigs. Where has the Easter Southbank gig gone? Have you gone of us? We love you Christy and it’s our yearly treat – please come and sing for us… Annax
Christy's reply
Thanks Anna,I was hoping to be on the Southbank next year. I too feel disappointed …those who organise the tours tell me that there were no suitable dates available until 2016…perhaps some other venue may be considered but I have a real grá for the RFH…..see you along the way
Well well well….you dont write..you dont phone……Myself and your mother are worried sick about you. You treat this place like a hotel etc etc. So how goes it….Havent been on for a while now…..Glad to see youre still alive and kicking. Found a happy birthday postcard you kindly sent my son Conor on his 8th birthday…..Well he will be 16 in few months……Keep the songs coming mate…..Much Love Sir Goatboy!
Christy's reply
well me auld Puck….glad to hear you are still rooting around the mountains…winter here is very mild so far…8 to 16 in the blink of an eye….childer followed by grandchilder as life gallops on….”ah! the poor auld lousy auld earth”
Looking forward to the Welsh gigs Christy,January man Is becoming one of my favourites,Gortatogart and bright blue rose and Easter snow are a close second
Christy's reply
at different times each of those have been at the top of the list but ,currently, “Gortatagort” reigns supreme….
Nice chat Christy – plenty of great looking gigs to look forward to to keep the dark days of Winter at bay. Found this review tonight which brought back wonderful memories of what has been my favourite gig of the year: http://www.fatea-records.co.uk/magazine/2014/MooreGrehan.html
The warmth of the Grehans, the friendliness of the people and the beautiful sea airs of Co Sligo on top of your performance made those a few days to treasure. Long may the never ending tour continue 🙂
Christy's reply
Oliver P. Sweeney’s review of that lovely night brings it all back to mind….as we travel on down the road memories of particular nights tend to fuse together …thanks for reviving the memory of that gathering….
“And then Lord Baker ran to his darling
of twenty one steps he’s made but three
the threw his arms round the Kings young Daughter
and kissed his true love most tenderly”
howya christy. big fan of yours. ya signed an album for me about a year ago and gave me one of your plectrums. i just want to say thanks again for it. your music means a lot to me. keep up the good stuff. fairplay to ya.
Christy's reply
you;re welcome Bari…hope you’re using that plectrum
Hi Christy Im a great fan of yours and was trying to make contact with your manager about a gig proposal for the new year hope you can get back to me asap
Christy's reply
well Mudge..my colleagues details are on the home page…I looks after the songs, he looks after the gigs..it works well for he dont sing very often…
I see a reference to the great Tom McHale in one of the posts, plus also nice to see mention of that great song ‘A Pair of Brown Eyes.’
Dick Gaughan played a good gig here to a small but attentive audience..
At the time I had not picked up on what you said, it was a ‘cryptic’ looking remark you’d replied to me. Happily he sang that song about ‘not singing any love songs’ and told us the story about its genesis.
Hey Christy
I came across your Tradconnect Songwriter showcase competition the other day. I think it’s great that having inspired these people you’re now helping to blood the next generation of talent and thereby preserving the spirit of this great nation.
Anyway, the brief struck a chord as I like so many others have been staring down the long barrel of forced emigration in recent times. It’s caused me many a restless night.
I’ve put a few words down which describe a young man struggling to understand and come to terms with this. Unfortunately though I’m no musician nor do Know any but I’d love to get my words out there. Is there any point in me firing them off in a mail?
Christy's reply
best follow the procedure for the Tradconnect…. I am not involved in the assembly of the material
Hi Christy, I will short trip to Ireland couple of week after, looking forward to see you in Naas on 21st. Yas
See you there Yas
Hello Christy, glad to hear you’re on the mend and hope the technological problems will get sorted. Sad to see there’s no trip to Brighton in the foreseeable, but the memories are still vivid and we will keep our finger’s crossed for the one day. Tallulah and Noah continue to grow and flourish, Manuel and I are still flourishing, but no longer growing, at least not physically :-). The weather’s turned colder and makes me think of ‘The poor November man sees fire and mist and wind and rain and winter ..’. Be well, happy and loved. Helen
Thanks for dropping in Helen…Happy to hear ye are all well…wrestling with a few glitches here but ,truth be known, life is good ….hoping to be back in harness soon. Then, who knows where the road may lead…
“across the boundless Ocean, away upon the tide”
Hi Christy. I was wondering if there will be a pre-sale for the gig next year in the waterfront?
Hi Gar…You’ve got me there…I have’nt got a clue
Hi firstly want to tell you just how much our family love you.
I have some great songs my husband has written and would love you to listen to with a hope you’ll like them and possibky want to play.
Would this be possible?
Isn’t it a grand day fro the beginnin of November all the same…so I’m told every time I step out.
John Spillane in Whelans tonight, he launches the new CD tonight on this side of the country.
Hope the healing is coming along well, and that you sang beautifully at the wedding.
I was at a wedding recently, and it was that emotional..even the cake was in tiers…
L x
The wedding was lovely. Twas up in The Wee County.The Bride is my niece (in law), The Groom, a man of Lusk. There was lashings of drink and wine for The Ladies, potatoes and cake,bacon and tae. The Band were all the way from Newbridge, she stepped out and I stepped in again
I gave up at “its time for another intoxicated rant”.
I endured 30 years of that (transmitting and receieving). I heard a man say “I can stop drinking any time I want..I’ve done it hundreds of times”….another man told me “one drink is too many,a hundred not enough”. At first I rejected these wee gems of wisdom.I was’nt ready. But there came the day when I was beaten and battered by my erstwhile companion of the night.I wish you well.
Hey Christy, I hope yer recovering well. Great to read yer chat not so great to read bout yer probs. I just told my husband what happened to see if there was anything ye could dae. He said “There are undelete utilities which are free to download if you search on google (on a different pc as you are minimising use) because when you delete something it is not physically deleted from the hard drive in the meantime you must minimise opening, closing and saving files as this will gradually overwrite the lost data until you recover what is lost.” I hope this might help. Good Luck. Take care, Steph xox
Thanks for taking the trouble Steph. I appreciate your suggestions and will look further. Just this morning I remembered another song I’d worked on..alas and alack tis no longer here. A Cats Flux…..I’m off now to sing a song at my Niece’s wedding….the Sun is Shining…she has baked (and iced) a 7 tier cake so I wont be home for a few days
Hi Christy glad to see barrowland in list for october next year
come all you dreamers when do tix go on sale as my wife ata loss
for my christmas pressie what better than 2 tix forbarrowland
Hold on to your cap
I’m flying back from Australia for the gig in Limerick in March.
Any chance of doing Joxer for my father in law Dave, his favourite song, even though he was born in England.
Also my mate Eoin from Clare who is trying to get us tickets for the Liverpool v United game the same weekend.
Can’t wait.
would that be Newcastle or West Ham United…I’d be happy to sing a bar for Dave..remind me closer to the date…
Oh. Mrs durkin your son is busy twerkin. CS 10
instead a diggin praties I’ll be diggin lumps a gold ( Johnny McEvoy)
So sad! See you in 2016 then but push the guvnors to book the old river place early pleeeeese! Until then look after your good self and that Declan. Annax
I’m on the case here Anna…all stops have been pulled out, all knobs turned to 11….Sweet Thames Flow Softly
Have just looked at your future gigs. Where has the Easter Southbank gig gone? Have you gone of us? We love you Christy and it’s our yearly treat – please come and sing for us… Annax
Thanks Anna,I was hoping to be on the Southbank next year. I too feel disappointed …those who organise the tours tell me that there were no suitable dates available until 2016…perhaps some other venue may be considered but I have a real grá for the RFH…..see you along the way
Well well well….you dont write..you dont phone……Myself and your mother are worried sick about you. You treat this place like a hotel etc etc. So how goes it….Havent been on for a while now…..Glad to see youre still alive and kicking. Found a happy birthday postcard you kindly sent my son Conor on his 8th birthday…..Well he will be 16 in few months……Keep the songs coming mate…..Much Love Sir Goatboy!
well me auld Puck….glad to hear you are still rooting around the mountains…winter here is very mild so far…8 to 16 in the blink of an eye….childer followed by grandchilder as life gallops on….”ah! the poor auld lousy auld earth”
Looking forward to the Welsh gigs Christy,January man Is becoming one of my favourites,Gortatogart and bright blue rose and Easter snow are a close second
at different times each of those have been at the top of the list but ,currently, “Gortatagort” reigns supreme….
Nice chat Christy – plenty of great looking gigs to look forward to to keep the dark days of Winter at bay. Found this review tonight which brought back wonderful memories of what has been my favourite gig of the year: http://www.fatea-records.co.uk/magazine/2014/MooreGrehan.html
The warmth of the Grehans, the friendliness of the people and the beautiful sea airs of Co Sligo on top of your performance made those a few days to treasure. Long may the never ending tour continue 🙂
Oliver P. Sweeney’s review of that lovely night brings it all back to mind….as we travel on down the road memories of particular nights tend to fuse together …thanks for reviving the memory of that gathering….
“And then Lord Baker ran to his darling
of twenty one steps he’s made but three
the threw his arms round the Kings young Daughter
and kissed his true love most tenderly”
howya christy. big fan of yours. ya signed an album for me about a year ago and gave me one of your plectrums. i just want to say thanks again for it. your music means a lot to me. keep up the good stuff. fairplay to ya.
you;re welcome Bari…hope you’re using that plectrum
Hi Christy Im a great fan of yours and was trying to make contact with your manager about a gig proposal for the new year hope you can get back to me asap
well Mudge..my colleagues details are on the home page…I looks after the songs, he looks after the gigs..it works well for he dont sing very often…
Such a Big Sea. Not much now. Warning, a Canadian selfie.
there you go
I see a reference to the great Tom McHale in one of the posts, plus also nice to see mention of that great song ‘A Pair of Brown Eyes.’
Dick Gaughan played a good gig here to a small but attentive audience..
At the time I had not picked up on what you said, it was a ‘cryptic’ looking remark you’d replied to me. Happily he sang that song about ‘not singing any love songs’ and told us the story about its genesis.
some trio..Tom,Dick and Shane…
Hey Christy
I came across your Tradconnect Songwriter showcase competition the other day. I think it’s great that having inspired these people you’re now helping to blood the next generation of talent and thereby preserving the spirit of this great nation.
Anyway, the brief struck a chord as I like so many others have been staring down the long barrel of forced emigration in recent times. It’s caused me many a restless night.
I’ve put a few words down which describe a young man struggling to understand and come to terms with this. Unfortunately though I’m no musician nor do Know any but I’d love to get my words out there. Is there any point in me firing them off in a mail?
best follow the procedure for the Tradconnect…. I am not involved in the assembly of the material