Hi Christy we’ve been hanging on in quiet desperation for a date for you and the decmeister in Brum or Coventry but so far nowt. Is there anything in the pipeline or should we head to Cardiff?
Christy's reply
Warwick on May 11th might be closer then Cardiff….
Hope all is well with you and that you had a great time whilst adding “movie star” to the CV. Went to see a unique sort of show on Friday night – sort of performance cum lecture about Woody Guthrie and the politics of his time by a guy called Will Kaufman – A version of it can be seen on his site at http://www.willkaufman.com (about halfway down the page). Very interesting portrait of the times – and scarily similar to some of the stuff going on these days. Amazing the doors your playing has opened up to me – never just the candyfloss boyband stuff – i get educated as well 🙂 Keep well and hopefully see you by Corrib side.
Now, I’m going to bore you about my holiday home. I went to two of your concerts – Gaza and Buncrana. The Gaza gig was beautiful, with the music, poetry and overall presentation combining to create an evening reflective of the nature of the event. Well done, Christy. The Buncrana gig had an entirely different vibe, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, too. I’ve long wanted to hear you sing “Kevin Barry” but neither venue seemed to be the time nor place to shout it out. I did get to hear a lovely rendition of it, however, at the 1916 Societies Kevin Barry Commemoration at Glasnevin Cemetery on his anniversary weekend. Maybe next time I’m at home…
You mention John Pilger. I love his writings and documentaries, so it was great to get an opportunity to hear him speak in Dublin a few weeks ago. The media badly needs people with his wisdom and integrity.
Now I’m back here, crying into my tea and listening to Late Dates and such (early evening here). There’s a good mix of music on that programme.
I see Moorefield are still going strong. Good luck to them.
Christy's reply
Nothing boring there…I got this site together that listeners might communicate…I sang Kevin Barry in Glasgow on the last visit to Barrowland..it was a spontaneous rendition with no rehearsal..fortunately the lyric sprung back to mind (the Barrowland Choir were not found wanting)…were you interested there might be an audience recording out there somewhere..Kevin Barry is the first song I ever learned,I think I was 6 or 7 at the time..have you heard Leonard Cohen’s version? Glad you caught those two very different gigs…
Christy, when are next October’s Glasgow tickets going on sale? For 25 years I’ve been trying to get to the front row and never made it yet. I need to do it, just the once will do! Cheers.
Christy's reply
28th of November is what I’m told..hope it works out for you
Maybe you know this by now, but “The Time Has Come” was played on Late Date last Thursday by Alf McCarthy. Someone called in with information about the Cork Film Festival which Alf relayed to the listeners. He then played “The Time” (2013 version) followed by “Welcome to the Cabaret”. A caller told Alf that the song had been banned, and that he had a copy of the earlier version which, inexplicably, had Foster and Allen singing ” Old Flames” on the other side of the record!! Then someone phoned to say that this song hadn’t been banned, but rather the Stardust song. Someone else called to say that the present-day history revisionists would probably be peeing their pants (or words to that effect) upon hearing the song. Alf told the listeners that your CD was great and to go out and buy it. I hope I’m remembering all this correctly. I think you can pull up the programme on the RTE radio site, but the stuff about you doesn’t come up for about an hour and a half as far as I recall.
Incidentally, Lilian Smith played your version of “Does this Train Stop at Merseyside?” on Late Date tonight.
Christy's reply
Thanks for that…good to hear that old song getting a spin on the airwaves…I have my doubts about the “Old Flames” yarn but, who knows….we’ve had some quare hawks in the music industry over the years…betimes, the bar was set very low….I once heard that certain songs were not banned, they simply did not get played…..
Well what a Christy feast at the Cork Film Festival,,,,?? and Declan and Philip King too,,, it was like being at a gig to see and hear Barrowlands on the big screen with wrap around sound,, we talked to people afterwards who were amazed at the vibe and the power of it all,,,,, people were singing along and clapping just like a gig,,,the grand evening at the pictures finished off with the Documentary from 1994 also with great sound and some musical gems,,,Next job now to convert the Point DVD from 2006 and we ‘ll head to Arklow where Adam can show all three !! Shine On .. H
Usually see you at the RFH,but Just booked tickets for my daughter, Georgi and I to see you in Basingstoke. She will schlep down from Wimbledon and me from Woking as we enjoy our annual outing to see you!
Christy's reply
Hey there Mandy & Georgi….we’ll all schlep together into beautiful Basingstoke…played there once before..got imprisoned in a water closet…have not locked a jax door since…this has led to occasional embarrassment but prevented the onset of paranoiac claustrophobia…( too much info and bad spelling here…. but no one has ever written me about Basingstoke before and I am speeding a bit this morning)
Christy good to hear your on the mend. Been listening to the box set love hearing some of those recordings on a Saturday morning. I hope the winds carry you over to NY some day soon.
Christy's reply
nice one Jamesy…to know that the songs are floating in the Brooklyn air is uplifting..heading for Cork Today..”Come All You Dreamers” is being screened tonight in The Cork Opera House and there will be a Q&A ….a “who made the world” sorta buzz….
Dear Christy,
Very good to read about the rapidly healing up of your hand – you even can play the guitar again … Fantastic!
Wishing you well for your trip to the pictures this weekend. “Come All You Dreamers” in the Opera House surely will be great! It’s just one year ago since we saw you there on stage … lovely memories are coming up.
Last week we got two treats of Irish arts here, one for the eyes and one for the ears. Eventually we had the opportunity to see “Calvary” at the cinema, a terrific but scary fim with the wonderful Brendan Gleeson shot in beautiful scenery of Sligo with Benbulben etc. And some days before it was a joy to hear “The Gloaming” at Mannheim’s Old Fire Station. What an awesome sound Martin Hayes and his companions create!
Best of Luck for the Film Festival and enjoy Cork (hopefully it will not be flooded), Traudel
Christy's reply
Calvary was a fine film. Saw Brendan in another film last week.”The Grand Seduction” was shot in Newfoundland.He played his part beautifully.Did a gig with him many years ago. He is a lovely musician. We almost played again recently but his work schedule stymied our plan. We’ll rise again when the wind is right.
Hi Christy.
Delighted your hand has healed up well.
Hope you really enjoy Cork on Sunday ….. something different to get you going again.
Ride on.
How yeah Christy hope all is well with you and the hand is mending well, keeping the head down here the engine of the massey is in bits inside in the parlor trying to put it back together before the turkey plucking starts and trying to write a few songs as well see you in the Ardilaun face the puck out and drive on
Christy's reply
the hard and the wild Igg…hope you have the Tribune spread out on the carpet and not be covering the parlour in axle grease…I’ve still got the Ferguson TVO in the shed.She’s not been turned over since 1976 when she stalled at the foddering during the big snow. The hand has healed up beautifully and Im feverishly practicing my C G Am F in prep for what lies ahead…marcaidh ar agaidh a mhacín agus beimíd ag déanamh ceol ie chéile
Here in upside down world I used “they never came home” in a presentation on Fire & Life Safety.
I had an issue with people locking fire exits in public buildings in Sydney
It did the job
One thing we Irish do well is writing songs about social responsibility
Long may it last
Christy's reply
2 in a row from Sydney ! Great to hear from ye..good to hear that the song served purpose in your presentation ….. “our Laws favour the rich or so it (still) appears”
RTE radio 1 played ‘The Time Has Come’ tonight – probably the first time it has ever been played on radio. I remember seeing Christy in Ballaghdereen and he announced another single had been banned by RTE – five-in-a-row – including ‘The Time Has Come’. Some listeners wrote in and asked if DJ Alf would chance playing ‘Section 31’.
Christy's reply
Thanks El…thats good news….which programme was it..Im curious as to which version, the 1982 or the 2013..delighted that it has been aired..PS hows it going in Sydney?
Hope the healing is going well and that things are good with you. Interesting controversy that the British Legion has chosen Eric Bogle’s great anti-war song to sell the poppies – but removed the last 2, most important, verses that carry the message. I’m afraid this version doesn’t do it for me at all http://youtu.be/t5gTOcoD0c0 Strange how different versions of a song provoke different reactions – wonder how many songs never see the light of day due to the “wrong” singer recording them.
Christy's reply
Only last night I watched John Pilger’s film “Utopia” on YouTube ( highly recommended) which also used a verse of Eric’s song in a very effective way…also been watching Dick Warner’s excellent RTE series on Ireland’s Coastline. He used a recording Jimmy Faulkner and I made of ” House in Carne” by Jim Doc Whelan. It was lovely to hear Jimmy playing on RTE. (Basil Hendricks also played some beautiful pedal steel on the track which featured on the 1980 anti-nuclear 12″ EP )
Hi Christy we’ve been hanging on in quiet desperation for a date for you and the decmeister in Brum or Coventry but so far nowt. Is there anything in the pipeline or should we head to Cardiff?
Warwick on May 11th might be closer then Cardiff….
Looking forward to seeing you in Youghal in March Christy.(your a legend) I know there would be a lot of happy people on the night, if you could sing Clay Castle Lady its a beautiful ballad all about the town. Check the link below…
Morra Mick..Looking forward to my first ever gig in Youghal…”I’ll tell you a story that happened to me”
Hope all is well with you and that you had a great time whilst adding “movie star” to the CV. Went to see a unique sort of show on Friday night – sort of performance cum lecture about Woody Guthrie and the politics of his time by a guy called Will Kaufman – A version of it can be seen on his site at http://www.willkaufman.com (about halfway down the page). Very interesting portrait of the times – and scarily similar to some of the stuff going on these days. Amazing the doors your playing has opened up to me – never just the candyfloss boyband stuff – i get educated as well 🙂 Keep well and hopefully see you by Corrib side.
“say there, Did you hear the news”?
Now, I’m going to bore you about my holiday home. I went to two of your concerts – Gaza and Buncrana. The Gaza gig was beautiful, with the music, poetry and overall presentation combining to create an evening reflective of the nature of the event. Well done, Christy. The Buncrana gig had an entirely different vibe, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, too. I’ve long wanted to hear you sing “Kevin Barry” but neither venue seemed to be the time nor place to shout it out. I did get to hear a lovely rendition of it, however, at the 1916 Societies Kevin Barry Commemoration at Glasnevin Cemetery on his anniversary weekend. Maybe next time I’m at home…
You mention John Pilger. I love his writings and documentaries, so it was great to get an opportunity to hear him speak in Dublin a few weeks ago. The media badly needs people with his wisdom and integrity.
Now I’m back here, crying into my tea and listening to Late Dates and such (early evening here). There’s a good mix of music on that programme.
I see Moorefield are still going strong. Good luck to them.
Nothing boring there…I got this site together that listeners might communicate…I sang Kevin Barry in Glasgow on the last visit to Barrowland..it was a spontaneous rendition with no rehearsal..fortunately the lyric sprung back to mind (the Barrowland Choir were not found wanting)…were you interested there might be an audience recording out there somewhere..Kevin Barry is the first song I ever learned,I think I was 6 or 7 at the time..have you heard Leonard Cohen’s version? Glad you caught those two very different gigs…
large Fresh popcorn large drink pack of Minstrells, a good film 🙂
One Million Dubliners is a beautiful film…Mr Turner a bit disappointing….hope all is good with you Adam…Shine On…
Christy, when are next October’s Glasgow tickets going on sale? For 25 years I’ve been trying to get to the front row and never made it yet. I need to do it, just the once will do! Cheers.
28th of November is what I’m told..hope it works out for you
Maybe you know this by now, but “The Time Has Come” was played on Late Date last Thursday by Alf McCarthy. Someone called in with information about the Cork Film Festival which Alf relayed to the listeners. He then played “The Time” (2013 version) followed by “Welcome to the Cabaret”. A caller told Alf that the song had been banned, and that he had a copy of the earlier version which, inexplicably, had Foster and Allen singing ” Old Flames” on the other side of the record!! Then someone phoned to say that this song hadn’t been banned, but rather the Stardust song. Someone else called to say that the present-day history revisionists would probably be peeing their pants (or words to that effect) upon hearing the song. Alf told the listeners that your CD was great and to go out and buy it. I hope I’m remembering all this correctly. I think you can pull up the programme on the RTE radio site, but the stuff about you doesn’t come up for about an hour and a half as far as I recall.
Incidentally, Lilian Smith played your version of “Does this Train Stop at Merseyside?” on Late Date tonight.
Thanks for that…good to hear that old song getting a spin on the airwaves…I have my doubts about the “Old Flames” yarn but, who knows….we’ve had some quare hawks in the music industry over the years…betimes, the bar was set very low….I once heard that certain songs were not banned, they simply did not get played…..
Good win against the springboks Christy .
Im still stiff and sore..fair play to the Boks..Sporting Losers and well able to sup their ale
Was at that Basingstoke gig, Christy – wondered what the banging on the door noise was!
does the 714 go to Woking ?..is there a forest?
Well what a Christy feast at the Cork Film Festival,,,,?? and Declan and Philip King too,,, it was like being at a gig to see and hear Barrowlands on the big screen with wrap around sound,, we talked to people afterwards who were amazed at the vibe and the power of it all,,,,, people were singing along and clapping just like a gig,,,the grand evening at the pictures finished off with the Documentary from 1994 also with great sound and some musical gems,,,Next job now to convert the Point DVD from 2006 and we ‘ll head to Arklow where Adam can show all three !! Shine On .. H
not a bit of popcorn..roll on Arklow
Usually see you at the RFH,but Just booked tickets for my daughter, Georgi and I to see you in Basingstoke. She will schlep down from Wimbledon and me from Woking as we enjoy our annual outing to see you!
Hey there Mandy & Georgi….we’ll all schlep together into beautiful Basingstoke…played there once before..got imprisoned in a water closet…have not locked a jax door since…this has led to occasional embarrassment but prevented the onset of paranoiac claustrophobia…( too much info and bad spelling here…. but no one has ever written me about Basingstoke before and I am speeding a bit this morning)
Good morning from sunny West Midlands.
Check this out.
thanks for sharing
Christy good to hear your on the mend. Been listening to the box set love hearing some of those recordings on a Saturday morning. I hope the winds carry you over to NY some day soon.
nice one Jamesy…to know that the songs are floating in the Brooklyn air is uplifting..heading for Cork Today..”Come All You Dreamers” is being screened tonight in The Cork Opera House and there will be a Q&A ….a “who made the world” sorta buzz….
Dear Christy,
Very good to read about the rapidly healing up of your hand – you even can play the guitar again … Fantastic!
Wishing you well for your trip to the pictures this weekend. “Come All You Dreamers” in the Opera House surely will be great! It’s just one year ago since we saw you there on stage … lovely memories are coming up.
Last week we got two treats of Irish arts here, one for the eyes and one for the ears. Eventually we had the opportunity to see “Calvary” at the cinema, a terrific but scary fim with the wonderful Brendan Gleeson shot in beautiful scenery of Sligo with Benbulben etc. And some days before it was a joy to hear “The Gloaming” at Mannheim’s Old Fire Station. What an awesome sound Martin Hayes and his companions create!
Best of Luck for the Film Festival and enjoy Cork (hopefully it will not be flooded), Traudel
Calvary was a fine film. Saw Brendan in another film last week.”The Grand Seduction” was shot in Newfoundland.He played his part beautifully.Did a gig with him many years ago. He is a lovely musician. We almost played again recently but his work schedule stymied our plan. We’ll rise again when the wind is right.
Hi Christy.
Delighted your hand has healed up well.
Hope you really enjoy Cork on Sunday ….. something different to get you going again.
Ride on.
going to the pictures
Go easy on the practising, Christy – get the healing done first !
all good Petra…the Doc gave me the nod
How yeah Christy hope all is well with you and the hand is mending well, keeping the head down here the engine of the massey is in bits inside in the parlor trying to put it back together before the turkey plucking starts and trying to write a few songs as well see you in the Ardilaun face the puck out and drive on
the hard and the wild Igg…hope you have the Tribune spread out on the carpet and not be covering the parlour in axle grease…I’ve still got the Ferguson TVO in the shed.She’s not been turned over since 1976 when she stalled at the foddering during the big snow. The hand has healed up beautifully and Im feverishly practicing my C G Am F in prep for what lies ahead…marcaidh ar agaidh a mhacín agus beimíd ag déanamh ceol ie chéile
Here in upside down world I used “they never came home” in a presentation on Fire & Life Safety.
I had an issue with people locking fire exits in public buildings in Sydney
It did the job
One thing we Irish do well is writing songs about social responsibility
Long may it last
2 in a row from Sydney ! Great to hear from ye..good to hear that the song served purpose in your presentation ….. “our Laws favour the rich or so it (still) appears”
RTE radio 1 played ‘The Time Has Come’ tonight – probably the first time it has ever been played on radio. I remember seeing Christy in Ballaghdereen and he announced another single had been banned by RTE – five-in-a-row – including ‘The Time Has Come’. Some listeners wrote in and asked if DJ Alf would chance playing ‘Section 31’.
Thanks El…thats good news….which programme was it..Im curious as to which version, the 1982 or the 2013..delighted that it has been aired..PS hows it going in Sydney?
Hope the healing is going well and that things are good with you. Interesting controversy that the British Legion has chosen Eric Bogle’s great anti-war song to sell the poppies – but removed the last 2, most important, verses that carry the message. I’m afraid this version doesn’t do it for me at all http://youtu.be/t5gTOcoD0c0 Strange how different versions of a song provoke different reactions – wonder how many songs never see the light of day due to the “wrong” singer recording them.
Only last night I watched John Pilger’s film “Utopia” on YouTube ( highly recommended) which also used a verse of Eric’s song in a very effective way…also been watching Dick Warner’s excellent RTE series on Ireland’s Coastline. He used a recording Jimmy Faulkner and I made of ” House in Carne” by Jim Doc Whelan. It was lovely to hear Jimmy playing on RTE. (Basil Hendricks also played some beautiful pedal steel on the track which featured on the 1980 anti-nuclear 12″ EP )