Thank god the blessed mother all the saints ,saint Patrick saint Brendan saint martin saint Arthur lol, saint Faustina, naomh brid as kildara,naomh cholmcille,naomh peadar Agus pól , naomh Luke sent to Europe, saint nick who’s coming ’round the bend.. that 4711ers is back!
PS new invader for a week big brown goat tiny legs and no knees and he stinks to high heaven .
Lizzy dado is doing OK there’s a woman in the home trying to get into his bed.
Christy's reply
not forgetting St Ignatius of Loyola, St Colm of Iona (Institute),St Conleth of The Liffeyside, Blessed Martin de Porres, St Christy The Carrier,Blessed Oliver Plunkett, Alice Glenn and Oliver J,……….I think you may need a roll of barbed wire to keep stinky puck out of the cabbage patch and put up a security fence around dado….all went well last night at the “comeback gig”…the hand held up for the two hour set..we had a mighty crowd in which included a right clutch of 4711ers ( Hil, Lar, Adam,Petra and Uwe from Germany) plus Yas from Japan,Shinade from Edinburgh and singers,footballers, contd later
Hello Christy, I’ve been trying to follow up on our chat with you and Val on the Salthill Monkstown bridge last weekend via your Facebook page as you told me. Since you didn’t respond…here I am.
I so my songwriting under the pen name : Lucis Starling these days not ‘Steve’ ……
I think this new song would be a good fit…i’d like to get it to you. Connect with me on …when you get the chance. BFN and best to you.
Hi Christy. Really looling forward to Kilashee tonight. It was a great night last year. Christy about 20 years ago the auld fellow brought me to one of your gigs in the point. Tonight the auld fellow is here with me howya dad Martin Rowe snr. I was listening to one pf your albums recently and loved ypur version pf messenger boy any chance you could give it a auld blast tonight. Thanks Christy
Have a great night up moors.
Christy's reply
I’m gonna saddle up my old grey mare,ride through the night without a worry or a care….
Hi Christy,
Just wondering if you have any tips for someone looking to break out onto the Irish Folk Music scene, like you did? I just want to be able to make a living from performing every night in different venues.
Cheers Christy.
Christy's reply
I can only share my own experience with you….there is no guide nor manual..I had a dream and I followed it endlessly for many hand to mouth and hoping to get the “rough lie down”…… it was the love of songs and singing that sustained me…I eventually got my start in the small Folk Clubs of England and Scotland…I got my first gig aged 21 in 1966….nothing came easy and for years very little came at all.I still work constantly to maintain my performance. Those difficult early years were also very exciting. I was hearing new sounds,getting ideas, developing my own sound…most of the life long Folksingers I have known were driven by their passion for singing,by their obsession with songs….
Just found your music and i must say you are bloody great Christy.
Do you ever gig in Brittany.
Christy's reply
Had many gigs in Brittany in the 70s and 80s..played there with Planxty, toured there with Jimmy Faulkner, did a couple of solo tours too…all this in my earlier years..I recall Vannes,Rennes,Quimper,Brest and Lorient
Hi all I came across this reference to an outdoor Art piece that was displayed as part of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow , its a path that contains the names of 2,000 bands who played in Barrowlands from 1983 to 2013, there is now an online petition to retain it permanently….sounds like a good plan to me…… only 1 more sleep !!!! H
Love your music! Lived 3 years in Belfast, many friends back there. Ever consider coming to the Birchmere here in VA ? Lot of Irish have come over. Then you can play that long lost song “America” …still love ya. Ford Thompson
Christy's reply
Ford…good to hear from VA….played the old Birchmere twice in bygone days of yore…met poets, painters,winos, freaks, celibates, a sculptor and Robert De Niro ( almost) there..loved that city even tho my stopovers were brief… then I developed an extreme dislike for aeroplanes..I concentrate on local gigs these days but who know what the future holds…Belfast is in great form, H &W still stands loud and proud but The Titanic centre has created a bit of diversion
How are you Christy hope all is well, looking forward to Nass, be great to hear Billy Gray or Duff’s cut if it worked on the night. Got a new lens to try as well 🙂 all the best Adam
Christy's reply
sound man Adam..see you below in County Kildare tomorrow…be careful when you’re crossing The Wicklow Mountains..there still some quare hawks lurking round the peaks..
Hope you’re keeping well. A friend of mine sent me a podcast that I really enjoyed whilst you spoke about your life, your parents and how you became who you are today. I’m wondering if there is anything else out there that might be similar or anything really for that matter? I hope the link attached works so you know what it is. Desert Island Discs 2005-2011, it was on BBC Radio 4
Keep er lit, Ride on!!!
Christy's reply
its all out there on the Derry air….hup ye boy and “three bumps Josie”
Feol dearg galore over here! Not to worry. C’mere, I hear your sister Eilish is good at running festivals… would she be interested? 🙂 We could use an expert hand…
Hi there Christy! Sorry to hear about you and planes, totally understandable though, if one thinks too much about it. If you ever change your mind, let us know! Or let’s hope we can meet up with you sometime over there. Cheers!
Hi Christy I trust all is well with yourself. I thought I would share with you the veritable smorgasbord of musical buffet since my tryst with Dublin ended and I returned home. First there was Dec and Vickie in the Half Moon in Putney. I do like it there a great deal and the venue was enhanced greatly by their presence. They delivered a salve on aching bones. Then there was Van the Man at the Royal (oh yes) Albert Hall. Let me say now I am not a fan and Van was not da man. But my heart was open so I do not know why I felt not a tickle nor a fancy and the evening passed with other matters on my mind. I felt as if I had been to a slightly interesting seminar on something useful like loft insulation. I was redeemed and salvaged by Luka Bloom at the Purcell. Just glorious and loud and funny and lyrical and pretty. Then the other night, oh Christy I wished you’d been there. Ian Prowse and Damo Dempsey at the London Irish Centre in Camden. It was like the FA cup final. We took it to the wire and let everything flow like the exodus of blood sweat and tears. Some singers of the songs phone in the gig from a sauna or brothel but others turn up and work incredibly hard. I am blessed. xx
Christy's reply
Fair Play to you certainly are doing your bit to keep music live…I hope your ears be filled with the sweetest spiciest sounds….its always a joy when you come to listen…fair play to you..
on we go here…started back last night with a solo session in The Phoenix was in Keltoi…first gig since the hand was doctored and nae problems, Thanks Be…I can still muster my 9 chords ….had a grand audience and the grub was good…ready to roll again with Dr Sinnott and the Galway Rhythm Section (Jim Higgins!)
While listening to “Kevin Barry” (I still want to hear you live), I was reflecting on how it was through song that we learned Irish history when we were wains. It wasn’t taught at school, so when we heard a song like this on the radio or someone sang at a gathering or concert, we would ask questions and my father would explain what the particular song was about.
I was wondering if you have ever considered doing a 1916 commemoration album. I can think of no better man to release such a record in honor of those who fought and died through the generations.
Agnes Nealis, you made me laugh out loud at the story of the climb up the mountain. I hope Dado is doing well.
Christy's reply
1916 is almost upon us. I recall the1966 Commemoration.It was very different country (world) back then. Many of us were in a different state of mind.Regarding the centenary, the hijacking is well under way.The Corporates have their greedy paws at the ready, The Government has no shame and are not capable of mounting a respectful commemoration. I expect there will be “commemorative” album releases but I dont plan to be among them. A colleague and I have the kernel of an idea which may take shape. It depends on what way the wind may blow.Greeting to all yon Californian songbirds
I’m goin’ to saddle up me old grey mare – I’m goin’ to ride through the night without a worry or a care … Uwe and I are looking forward to some magic nights in lobby bars with friends around some concerts on the island. The first one to happen at the Killashee House on Friday – be careful with handshakes after the gig ! See you sooooon in Naaaaas, dear Christy !
Christy's reply
we’ll see you in The Fairy Wood near The Moat of Kings….since 1961 Naas has held a special place in my heart..we used to cycle there as young lads to check up on what was going on…bottles of Ale in Eddie Marum’s, glorious pints of Guinness in Tom Fleitchers, Brendan Bowyer in Lawlors Ballroom, learning to slow dance in Naas Tennis club,….the venue in Killashee was once a Father went to school there as a small boy in the 1920s..
CM 69
Inné I climbed the Diamond mountain in Letterfraic.
It is 7km walk in total and over 1,400 feet.(John Doire says he only has 2 feet)
On the way up there There was a lad with headphones and big eyes mom said he probably buried a body up there.Two spanish women and an Irish lad who didn’t understand Irish , and RS thought the Irish lad would propose to the young spanish one on top of the mountain and the old one would have a heart attack because she was getting ready for it anyways after the struggle up the mountain.I wouldn’t be surprised if they are still up there now!
Do you find it hard going back to gigging after surgery because it has not been so long since you had the surgery.? Is it much different playing?
CS 10
Christy's reply
my surgery was so minor I’m nearly embarrassed to be talking about it..all went well, I’m really looking forward to meeting up with Declan and Jimmy next fri in Killashee…well done on your Diamond Mountain climb…I walked the Pier in Dun Laoighaire today ..small fry compared to your gallivant
Hi Christy
I’ve wrote a poem about BOBBY SANDS and I was told that you’d be the man that might make a song out of it!
It celebrates the fact he gave his life for the betterment of his fellow countrymen & women & not the violence of the times in which he lived .
I called it ‘ IN IRISH HEAVEN’
Because that’s where I think he may be .
Let me know if your interested .
& keep up the gigging ! Have seen you many times over 30years , the national, kilburn, hackney empire , the barbican , royal festival hall this year …. Always good
Christy's reply
Morra Farmer..hard at it a large batch of songs on the go at the moment..I need to focus for a while and cannot contemplate any further poems,songs, sonnets,parodies or ballads..soon as I this lot trimmed into shape, rehearsed, performed and recorded I’ll throw open the gathering window again..thanks for your support these past 30 years..some fine auld kips in your list there..I loved that old Forum in Kentish Town..perhaps my favourite London Venue..up there with Half Moon Putney, The George Robey in Finsbury, The Troubadour, The Singers Club (nr Kings X) so many clubs and venues across the first (real) London Gig was in The Hammersmith Folk Centre in 1967..I think it was run by Rod Hamilton… many characters on the London circuit then, Noel Murphy, Johnny Silvo, Diz Dizley to name but three….such a variety of clubs too… McColl and Seegers was strictly trad as was The Fighting Cocks in Kingston… The Troub was broad in approach while Les Cousins was a fierce cool gaff altogether…heard young John Martyn there, also Davey Graham, Bert Jansch and John Renbourn…I was more at home on Fulham Broadway with Raymond Roland,Liam Farrell, Roger Sherlock,Johnny Bowe and a swift gallon of Light and Bitter. (It was before I began to spark the jazz woodbines)
Hi there Chrity! I was wondering if you could contact me regarding a folk festival over here. Cheers!
Christy's reply
Greetings to you Maeve and all other listeners up there….all details about gigs are on the home page ..BUT be warned ,I have not stepped on to an aeroplane for 17 years and have no intensions at the time of writing…best wishes to all listeners, cowboys and Lynches from Bognia…tis throwin it down here but theres a fierce hole in the bucket
Thankyou very much your kindly for me last night Christy, a top gig
Nice to meet you Yas…hoping to make it to Luka Bloom gig in Whelans next Tue
Thank god the blessed mother all the saints ,saint Patrick saint Brendan saint martin saint Arthur lol, saint Faustina, naomh brid as kildara,naomh cholmcille,naomh peadar Agus pól , naomh Luke sent to Europe, saint nick who’s coming ’round the bend.. that 4711ers is back!
PS new invader for a week big brown goat tiny legs and no knees and he stinks to high heaven .
Lizzy dado is doing OK there’s a woman in the home trying to get into his bed.
not forgetting St Ignatius of Loyola, St Colm of Iona (Institute),St Conleth of The Liffeyside, Blessed Martin de Porres, St Christy The Carrier,Blessed Oliver Plunkett, Alice Glenn and Oliver J,……….I think you may need a roll of barbed wire to keep stinky puck out of the cabbage patch and put up a security fence around dado….all went well last night at the “comeback gig”…the hand held up for the two hour set..we had a mighty crowd in which included a right clutch of 4711ers ( Hil, Lar, Adam,Petra and Uwe from Germany) plus Yas from Japan,Shinade from Edinburgh and singers,footballers, contd later
Hello Christy, I’ve been trying to follow up on our chat with you and Val on the Salthill Monkstown bridge last weekend via your Facebook page as you told me. Since you didn’t respond…here I am.
I so my songwriting under the pen name : Lucis Starling these days not ‘Steve’ ……
I think this new song would be a good fit…i’d like to get it to you. Connect with me on …when you get the chance. BFN and best to you.
Hi Christy. Really looling forward to Kilashee tonight. It was a great night last year. Christy about 20 years ago the auld fellow brought me to one of your gigs in the point. Tonight the auld fellow is here with me howya dad Martin Rowe snr. I was listening to one pf your albums recently and loved ypur version pf messenger boy any chance you could give it a auld blast tonight. Thanks Christy
Have a great night up moors.
I’m gonna saddle up my old grey mare,ride through the night without a worry or a care….
Hi Christy,
Just wondering if you have any tips for someone looking to break out onto the Irish Folk Music scene, like you did? I just want to be able to make a living from performing every night in different venues.
Cheers Christy.
I can only share my own experience with you….there is no guide nor manual..I had a dream and I followed it endlessly for many hand to mouth and hoping to get the “rough lie down”…… it was the love of songs and singing that sustained me…I eventually got my start in the small Folk Clubs of England and Scotland…I got my first gig aged 21 in 1966….nothing came easy and for years very little came at all.I still work constantly to maintain my performance. Those difficult early years were also very exciting. I was hearing new sounds,getting ideas, developing my own sound…most of the life long Folksingers I have known were driven by their passion for singing,by their obsession with songs….
Just found your music and i must say you are bloody great Christy.
Do you ever gig in Brittany.
Had many gigs in Brittany in the 70s and 80s..played there with Planxty, toured there with Jimmy Faulkner, did a couple of solo tours too…all this in my earlier years..I recall Vannes,Rennes,Quimper,Brest and Lorient
Hi all I came across this reference to an outdoor Art piece that was displayed as part of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow , its a path that contains the names of 2,000 bands who played in Barrowlands from 1983 to 2013, there is now an online petition to retain it permanently….sounds like a good plan to me…… only 1 more sleep !!!! H
will you be galvinized….
Love your music! Lived 3 years in Belfast, many friends back there. Ever consider coming to the Birchmere here in VA ? Lot of Irish have come over. Then you can play that long lost song “America” …still love ya. Ford Thompson
Ford…good to hear from VA….played the old Birchmere twice in bygone days of yore…met poets, painters,winos, freaks, celibates, a sculptor and Robert De Niro ( almost) there..loved that city even tho my stopovers were brief… then I developed an extreme dislike for aeroplanes..I concentrate on local gigs these days but who know what the future holds…Belfast is in great form, H &W still stands loud and proud but The Titanic centre has created a bit of diversion
How are you Christy hope all is well, looking forward to Nass, be great to hear Billy Gray or Duff’s cut if it worked on the night. Got a new lens to try as well 🙂 all the best Adam
sound man Adam..see you below in County Kildare tomorrow…be careful when you’re crossing The Wicklow Mountains..there still some quare hawks lurking round the peaks..
Good on you, looking forward to vicar street now I know . . . . we’d be lost without technology, thank god for google . . .brienan
keep coming back
Sorry, here’s the link…
just back from The Desert Island..still cant play The pipes but I know every song in The Child Collection
Hi Christy
Hope you’re keeping well. A friend of mine sent me a podcast that I really enjoyed whilst you spoke about your life, your parents and how you became who you are today. I’m wondering if there is anything else out there that might be similar or anything really for that matter? I hope the link attached works so you know what it is. Desert Island Discs 2005-2011, it was on BBC Radio 4
Keep er lit, Ride on!!!
its all out there on the Derry air….hup ye boy and “three bumps Josie”
Feol dearg galore over here! Not to worry. C’mere, I hear your sister Eilish is good at running festivals… would she be interested? 🙂 We could use an expert hand…
Hi there Christy! Sorry to hear about you and planes, totally understandable though, if one thinks too much about it. If you ever change your mind, let us know! Or let’s hope we can meet up with you sometime over there. Cheers!
Sounds Good Maeve..go easy on the feol dearg
Hi Christy I trust all is well with yourself. I thought I would share with you the veritable smorgasbord of musical buffet since my tryst with Dublin ended and I returned home. First there was Dec and Vickie in the Half Moon in Putney. I do like it there a great deal and the venue was enhanced greatly by their presence. They delivered a salve on aching bones. Then there was Van the Man at the Royal (oh yes) Albert Hall. Let me say now I am not a fan and Van was not da man. But my heart was open so I do not know why I felt not a tickle nor a fancy and the evening passed with other matters on my mind. I felt as if I had been to a slightly interesting seminar on something useful like loft insulation. I was redeemed and salvaged by Luka Bloom at the Purcell. Just glorious and loud and funny and lyrical and pretty. Then the other night, oh Christy I wished you’d been there. Ian Prowse and Damo Dempsey at the London Irish Centre in Camden. It was like the FA cup final. We took it to the wire and let everything flow like the exodus of blood sweat and tears. Some singers of the songs phone in the gig from a sauna or brothel but others turn up and work incredibly hard. I am blessed. xx
Fair Play to you certainly are doing your bit to keep music live…I hope your ears be filled with the sweetest spiciest sounds….its always a joy when you come to listen…fair play to you..
on we go here…started back last night with a solo session in The Phoenix was in Keltoi…first gig since the hand was doctored and nae problems, Thanks Be…I can still muster my 9 chords ….had a grand audience and the grub was good…ready to roll again with Dr Sinnott and the Galway Rhythm Section (Jim Higgins!)
While listening to “Kevin Barry” (I still want to hear you live), I was reflecting on how it was through song that we learned Irish history when we were wains. It wasn’t taught at school, so when we heard a song like this on the radio or someone sang at a gathering or concert, we would ask questions and my father would explain what the particular song was about.
I was wondering if you have ever considered doing a 1916 commemoration album. I can think of no better man to release such a record in honor of those who fought and died through the generations.
Agnes Nealis, you made me laugh out loud at the story of the climb up the mountain. I hope Dado is doing well.
1916 is almost upon us. I recall the1966 Commemoration.It was very different country (world) back then. Many of us were in a different state of mind.Regarding the centenary, the hijacking is well under way.The Corporates have their greedy paws at the ready, The Government has no shame and are not capable of mounting a respectful commemoration. I expect there will be “commemorative” album releases but I dont plan to be among them. A colleague and I have the kernel of an idea which may take shape. It depends on what way the wind may blow.Greeting to all yon Californian songbirds
I’m goin’ to saddle up me old grey mare – I’m goin’ to ride through the night without a worry or a care … Uwe and I are looking forward to some magic nights in lobby bars with friends around some concerts on the island. The first one to happen at the Killashee House on Friday – be careful with handshakes after the gig ! See you sooooon in Naaaaas, dear Christy !
we’ll see you in The Fairy Wood near The Moat of Kings….since 1961 Naas has held a special place in my heart..we used to cycle there as young lads to check up on what was going on…bottles of Ale in Eddie Marum’s, glorious pints of Guinness in Tom Fleitchers, Brendan Bowyer in Lawlors Ballroom, learning to slow dance in Naas Tennis club,….the venue in Killashee was once a Father went to school there as a small boy in the 1920s..
CM 69
Inné I climbed the Diamond mountain in Letterfraic.
It is 7km walk in total and over 1,400 feet.(John Doire says he only has 2 feet)
On the way up there There was a lad with headphones and big eyes mom said he probably buried a body up there.Two spanish women and an Irish lad who didn’t understand Irish , and RS thought the Irish lad would propose to the young spanish one on top of the mountain and the old one would have a heart attack because she was getting ready for it anyways after the struggle up the mountain.I wouldn’t be surprised if they are still up there now!
Do you find it hard going back to gigging after surgery because it has not been so long since you had the surgery.? Is it much different playing?
CS 10
my surgery was so minor I’m nearly embarrassed to be talking about it..all went well, I’m really looking forward to meeting up with Declan and Jimmy next fri in Killashee…well done on your Diamond Mountain climb…I walked the Pier in Dun Laoighaire today ..small fry compared to your gallivant
Hi Christy
I’ve wrote a poem about BOBBY SANDS and I was told that you’d be the man that might make a song out of it!
It celebrates the fact he gave his life for the betterment of his fellow countrymen & women & not the violence of the times in which he lived .
I called it ‘ IN IRISH HEAVEN’
Because that’s where I think he may be .
Let me know if your interested .
& keep up the gigging ! Have seen you many times over 30years , the national, kilburn, hackney empire , the barbican , royal festival hall this year …. Always good
Morra Farmer..hard at it a large batch of songs on the go at the moment..I need to focus for a while and cannot contemplate any further poems,songs, sonnets,parodies or ballads..soon as I this lot trimmed into shape, rehearsed, performed and recorded I’ll throw open the gathering window again..thanks for your support these past 30 years..some fine auld kips in your list there..I loved that old Forum in Kentish Town..perhaps my favourite London Venue..up there with Half Moon Putney, The George Robey in Finsbury, The Troubadour, The Singers Club (nr Kings X) so many clubs and venues across the first (real) London Gig was in The Hammersmith Folk Centre in 1967..I think it was run by Rod Hamilton… many characters on the London circuit then, Noel Murphy, Johnny Silvo, Diz Dizley to name but three….such a variety of clubs too… McColl and Seegers was strictly trad as was The Fighting Cocks in Kingston… The Troub was broad in approach while Les Cousins was a fierce cool gaff altogether…heard young John Martyn there, also Davey Graham, Bert Jansch and John Renbourn…I was more at home on Fulham Broadway with Raymond Roland,Liam Farrell, Roger Sherlock,Johnny Bowe and a swift gallon of Light and Bitter. (It was before I began to spark the jazz woodbines)
Hi there Chrity! I was wondering if you could contact me regarding a folk festival over here. Cheers!
Greetings to you Maeve and all other listeners up there….all details about gigs are on the home page ..BUT be warned ,I have not stepped on to an aeroplane for 17 years and have no intensions at the time of writing…best wishes to all listeners, cowboys and Lynches from Bognia…tis throwin it down here but theres a fierce hole in the bucket