Hi christy….well we were all set to come and see you in athlone tonight…tickets gotten in December. ..days counted down to your gig….and then my partner got shingles. And can’t get out of bed. So unfortunately we won’t be with you tonight….but we will be with u out in spirit….sitting at home with your cds playing. Wishing you a wonderful fun gig and thank you for the wonderful gift you share through your mu d ic. Adrienne.
Christy's reply
sorry to hear of your misfortune…the gig went very well fr us ..hopefully we’ll catch up along the way
Well Christy. Hope your keeping well. I found it interesting how people often complain about politicians in general and say they are no good. Then when businessmen try to be politicians, we say no way to that (e.g. Sean Gallagher). So we don’t want politicians to be politicians, we don’t want businessmen to be politicians. So who do we want as politicians? Is it sports stars and musicians? Sure everyone likes them, let them run countries.
At the end of the day, it’s about who steps up
Christy's reply
Its an interesting question…there is no way of knowing the answer….some vote for honest, hardworking, socially-motivated candidates while others vote for candidates who are a lot less than that.In my lifetime I have seen all sorts enter Dáil Éireann from Tony Gregory to Michael Lowry….from Pee Flynn to John Kelly…many good people have stood up and being rejected, many chancers have stepped forward only to be embraced…I have been in The Dáíl a few times…its not a place for the weak-hearted….our Mother and Father were both narrowly defeated in general elections….I got a taste of how it works
I know, I know, Saint Patrick’s day. But Christy, everyday is Paddy’s day with me. I say Paddy because Saint Patrick was of course about the belief in and promoting Christianity. Here’s to those who believe in Christ. And for those who drink, here’s to those “old ones” who did enjoy a pint or two or more. God Bless! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxRR9wnnmwA
Christy's reply
You’ve heard of St Denis of France
he never was much for to brag on
you’ve heard of St George and his lance
how he slayed the auld heathenish dragon.
The saints of the Welshman and Scot
are a couple of pitiful pipers
and might just as well go to pot
when compared to the Patron of Vipers……
………..St Patrick of Ireland My Dear….
Hello Christy, Do you ever get back over to the U.S.to play? I saw you in 1997 at the Guiness fleadh festival in NYC and you were brilliant. Live at the Point is probably my most played CD. All the best to you Christy, thank you for your music.
Christy's reply
That may have been my last U.S. gig Jeff..its unlikely I will make it back….I loved my trips Stateside but that time is done….Me and Planes just dont get on anymore….I’m very fortunate that I have work here at home…best wishes to you and all songsters…we’re hopin here that you will dump Trump
Hi Christy Steve right playing ride on right now on radio 2,?.
Christy's reply
Radio 2 no less ..fair play to Steve Wright, fair play to The Beeb…..did my first Radio gig with the BBC back in 1969..I think it was called Focus on Folk.. Ian Cambell group and Dominic Behan were also featured..may have been anchored by Jim Lloyd
My dear Christy, Let me start by saying the gig in Gorey last week was fantastic. I really want to thank you for singing “Casey” for my daughter “Casey”. She is still grinning from ear to ear. It’s is a testament to the talent on that stage when a 22 year old says ” Dad this sounds so much better live than on CD or DVD “.
Thank you so much again.
Conor O’Brien
Christy's reply
Nice one Conor…do you know Mick Casey in Toronto…..himself and Colm O’Brien organised all my Toronto gigs back in the 80’s. Mick gave me the coat off his back in 1986….I gave it to the Irish Actor Tony Rohr in 1998…it is a real good coat
Hello Christy, a few months ago my best friend bought 2 tickets for myself and him to see you in the South Bank centre in London.. He was all excited. What he didn’t realise was your show was on the same time as his own wedding so obviously cannot attend.. His fiancée was not amused! He will never live that down.. I would love to get a message back from you Christy, so i can read it to him at his own wedding, inn County Tipp in 2 weeks. I am Best man and would love to read it out as part of my speech.. feel free to take the Micky..
Thanks Christy!
Christy's reply
Jasus Darren, how can I send a message if you dont even tell me the man’s name…hope you dont forget the rings
Hello Christy, I hope you are keepin well.., the wife and myself are travelling down to Athlone on Friday for the show and we are very much looking forward to a great night in the company of yourself, Declan and Jim. We first saw you in the Forum in Derry almost 4 years ago where Declan also accompanyied you. We enjoyed that show immensely, the songs you played and the banter inbetween gave us both laughs and tears and a night to remember.., coincidentally our daughter was born 9 months after that gig so something special was definately in the air that night.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy friday nights gig as much as we will. Take care.
Justin and Darragh.
Christy's reply
Athlone has always welcomed the Rambling Siúlars….whether it was the Old Cinema by the bridge, The Dean Crowe, Tommy O’Briens in Irishtown or sundry other Ballad Lounges on the Shannon Banks,the singing birds have always come out…..the old Town has changed radically with its new bridge and skyscraper …but The River still flows forcefully dividing Leinster and Connacht, Roscommon and Westmeath….my grandfather, Christopher Moore, was born there circa 1845
Maidin mhaith a Christy, the mist has lifted over the Bog Meadows…the sun is shining and we have tickets for your show in the Waterfront on September 17th…section A four rows from the front. I finish my working life after 40 years service at the end of May and am planning lovely things when I escape the tyranny of the clock… your concert is just one! If you get the chance check out An Cultúrlann on the Falls Road http://www.culturlann.ie/en/ It’s only two minutes drive from the giant sliotar and the chowder is gorgeous! Ádh mór Mary
Christy's reply
The Falls Road Chowder is calling….cherish those final months beneath that clock…the same “tyrant” will move a lot faster come June…. I see your picture of books each day…..
Hi Christy
Wishing you all the best for tonight’s gig..I’m sure you’ll enjoy the trip and the nostalgia of the Louth/Meath area.Slane is my home from home .A few bends of The Boyne away from Drogheda and over the county border towards The Yellow Furze.
I’ve yet to visit the TLT but have great memories of sessions in the small,packed snug at Carberry’s pub down on the quays.Its a good music town.
Bon voyage,
Christy's reply
I have the Star Bar, the Mars Bar and the Bounty packed for Droichead Átha…all set for The Wee County…the relations are coming from Stackallen….all is good
On the Tarmac. Day trip to Dublin for the rugby. If you’re at the match give us a wave.
Christy's reply
Fáilte romhat arais go dtí Baile átha Clíath Proinsías…..I’m out of Town getting ready to gig tonight Boyneside….years ago I could go to games on a gig day but twas a different time…these days it takes me all day to do my gig…back then I could go to Gigg Lane, Boundary park, Old Trafford,Anfield,Craven Cottage, The Shay, Roker or Easter Rd in the afternoon and roll up to the gig at 8 o’clock….these days I need to stretch body and vocals, practice, rest and contemplate the evenings work, will catch the game on TV before heading for the Tom Leddy Theatre in Drogheda….hoe you have a good day …I was at the last game in Lansdowne Rd v Wales…I’m afraid the grumpy auld man in me was awakened by much of the carry-on in the stadium….I subsequently learned that my percieved irritations were the very things that younger generations extolled and enjoyed…..gonna try again next week for the Scotland game…will be sitting beside Princess Anne so I gotta wear a kilt the noo…….2 anthems no less, same as Scotland
Hi Christy, I’m the doctor from Arkansas who traveled to Gorey to see the gig tonight. Fantastic singing, great music all around, and thank you so much for the song you did for me! You really made my day (in fact my whole trip!).
Christy's reply
Hey Dr Arkan Sawbones….glad you are having a good trip….Jimmy Higgins mentioned we had an Altan man in from US of A..hope you enjoy the rest of your stay…had to get up the road myself to be ready for tomorrows gig… happy travels
Hiya Christy sorry no scottish gigs planned til april next year ,my family from athy co. Kildare do you have connection to there?
Christy's reply
we play Scotia every 18 months on the button…
no family connections in Athy but plenty of memories there from early days….we used to cycle to Athy from Newbridge to hear the great showbands of the day…. Brendan Bowyer and The `Royal…The Platteremen….The Dixies….The Melody Aces…..The Cadets then a change of music….later on I played in Pedigree Corner…….
I posted a weeks about shootouts, thank you for your reply.
It’s my Boyfriends 21st this Tuesday and he is a MEGA FAN of you’s. I was wondering if you could please reply with a “little” Birthday message? Even if it’s just “Breithlá Sona Duit” He would love it! He’s name is Ryan Finnely Mulligan an will be 21. THANK YOU AGAIN
we will be seeing you on the 2nd of April in Brighton! Bring it on
Christy's reply
I shout “The Sheriff” but I didnae shout “The Deputy”
Hey Christy,
Just wanted to say my mum and dad are so excited to be coming to see you in Guildford on 31st March. Sadly I can’t make it but last saw you at the Nuclear rally at Carnsore Point in the 70s. My mum is Maura Morgan, sister of the late Jim (Doc) Whelan who wrote the song NukePower that you recorded and she’s been a massive fan of yours for many a year. Wishing you all the best for a fun evening 🙂
John Crowe is his name and originally from ballymore in kildare living in wicklow now.He hasnt seen you play in about 20 years.He was driving a dumper working for the council or some road company this was 81-82 he was working there.Just wondering where did you come up with the lyrics “Welcome to this evenings cabaret” “Howya john Have you any oul autographs or tapes”or “howya john i know yer face”
Thanks a million for the reply christy
Christy's reply
“where did I come up with them”
I was riding home from Urquharts farm near Kilcullen..we stalled at Bardons for a half gallon of Bulmers with £3 of a days wages jangling the pocket…much later coming thru Athgarvan I came off the Rudge near Whelan;s of The Thatch.I found myself feeling very comfortable in the ditch and slept sound until Johnny Tougher’s lorry passed with a load of gravel from Hillsboro..I got up out of the ditch and freewheeled to the Liffey below Athgarvan Bridge…I washed up and smartened my attire before returning to Urquharts for another days labour..its an ongoing process, marrying the past with the present and the future, truth and fiction….meeting Pink & Twink and Lady Gaga at Mother Hubbard’s should not be taken lightly
Hi Christy, I have been a been a massive fan of your music going back to the 70ts.I used to go to hear you play around Galway and Clare before i moved to the states in 1981`, also the Great American Music Hall in Sanfrancisco, the night you gave away your guitar ,the last time was Leasureland in Galway after Christmas about four or five years ago .I wrote a song called Argentina some years ago it came about after a trip i took with a bunch of Irish musicians to Buenos Aries we were very surprised that there was a great Irish Music scene in Argentina many of the musicians were descendants of Irish people that emigrated after the famine many only spoke Spanish.They mostly emigrated from the midlands, Mullingar and Wexford were the places they mostly came from.Paddy Keenan suggested that i should send you the song (major name drop).You can hear it on U Tube it is called The Argentinia song Vince Keehan and Paddy Keenan.The video is very dark but the audio is not too bad, cell phone job.I’m sure you get a 100 songs a week so the last thing that you want is another one.Anyway you cant fault me for trying.All the best and thanks for all the great music over the years.V.K.
Hi christy….well we were all set to come and see you in athlone tonight…tickets gotten in December. ..days counted down to your gig….and then my partner got shingles. And can’t get out of bed. So unfortunately we won’t be with you tonight….but we will be with u out in spirit….sitting at home with your cds playing. Wishing you a wonderful fun gig and thank you for the wonderful gift you share through your mu d ic. Adrienne.
sorry to hear of your misfortune…the gig went very well fr us ..hopefully we’ll catch up along the way
Well Christy. Hope your keeping well. I found it interesting how people often complain about politicians in general and say they are no good. Then when businessmen try to be politicians, we say no way to that (e.g. Sean Gallagher). So we don’t want politicians to be politicians, we don’t want businessmen to be politicians. So who do we want as politicians? Is it sports stars and musicians? Sure everyone likes them, let them run countries.
At the end of the day, it’s about who steps up
Its an interesting question…there is no way of knowing the answer….some vote for honest, hardworking, socially-motivated candidates while others vote for candidates who are a lot less than that.In my lifetime I have seen all sorts enter Dáil Éireann from Tony Gregory to Michael Lowry….from Pee Flynn to John Kelly…many good people have stood up and being rejected, many chancers have stepped forward only to be embraced…I have been in The Dáíl a few times…its not a place for the weak-hearted….our Mother and Father were both narrowly defeated in general elections….I got a taste of how it works
I know, I know, Saint Patrick’s day. But Christy, everyday is Paddy’s day with me. I say Paddy because Saint Patrick was of course about the belief in and promoting Christianity. Here’s to those who believe in Christ. And for those who drink, here’s to those “old ones” who did enjoy a pint or two or more. God Bless!
You’ve heard of St Denis of France
he never was much for to brag on
you’ve heard of St George and his lance
how he slayed the auld heathenish dragon.
The saints of the Welshman and Scot
are a couple of pitiful pipers
and might just as well go to pot
when compared to the Patron of Vipers……
………..St Patrick of Ireland My Dear….
Hello Christy, Do you ever get back over to the U.S.to play? I saw you in 1997 at the Guiness fleadh festival in NYC and you were brilliant. Live at the Point is probably my most played CD. All the best to you Christy, thank you for your music.
That may have been my last U.S. gig Jeff..its unlikely I will make it back….I loved my trips Stateside but that time is done….Me and Planes just dont get on anymore….I’m very fortunate that I have work here at home…best wishes to you and all songsters…we’re hopin here that you will dump Trump
Hi Christy Steve right playing ride on right now on radio 2,?.
Radio 2 no less ..fair play to Steve Wright, fair play to The Beeb…..did my first Radio gig with the BBC back in 1969..I think it was called Focus on Folk.. Ian Cambell group and Dominic Behan were also featured..may have been anchored by Jim Lloyd
My dear Christy, Let me start by saying the gig in Gorey last week was fantastic. I really want to thank you for singing “Casey” for my daughter “Casey”. She is still grinning from ear to ear. It’s is a testament to the talent on that stage when a 22 year old says ” Dad this sounds so much better live than on CD or DVD “.
Thank you so much again.
Conor O’Brien
Nice one Conor…do you know Mick Casey in Toronto…..himself and Colm O’Brien organised all my Toronto gigs back in the 80’s. Mick gave me the coat off his back in 1986….I gave it to the Irish Actor Tony Rohr in 1998…it is a real good coat
Hello Christy, a few months ago my best friend bought 2 tickets for myself and him to see you in the South Bank centre in London.. He was all excited. What he didn’t realise was your show was on the same time as his own wedding so obviously cannot attend.. His fiancée was not amused! He will never live that down.. I would love to get a message back from you Christy, so i can read it to him at his own wedding, inn County Tipp in 2 weeks. I am Best man and would love to read it out as part of my speech.. feel free to take the Micky..
Thanks Christy!
Jasus Darren, how can I send a message if you dont even tell me the man’s name…hope you dont forget the rings
Hello Christy, I hope you are keepin well.., the wife and myself are travelling down to Athlone on Friday for the show and we are very much looking forward to a great night in the company of yourself, Declan and Jim. We first saw you in the Forum in Derry almost 4 years ago where Declan also accompanyied you. We enjoyed that show immensely, the songs you played and the banter inbetween gave us both laughs and tears and a night to remember.., coincidentally our daughter was born 9 months after that gig so something special was definately in the air that night.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy friday nights gig as much as we will. Take care.
Justin and Darragh.
Athlone has always welcomed the Rambling Siúlars….whether it was the Old Cinema by the bridge, The Dean Crowe, Tommy O’Briens in Irishtown or sundry other Ballad Lounges on the Shannon Banks,the singing birds have always come out…..the old Town has changed radically with its new bridge and skyscraper …but The River still flows forcefully dividing Leinster and Connacht, Roscommon and Westmeath….my grandfather, Christopher Moore, was born there circa 1845
Maidin mhaith a Christy, the mist has lifted over the Bog Meadows…the sun is shining and we have tickets for your show in the Waterfront on September 17th…section A four rows from the front. I finish my working life after 40 years service at the end of May and am planning lovely things when I escape the tyranny of the clock… your concert is just one! If you get the chance check out An Cultúrlann on the Falls Road http://www.culturlann.ie/en/ It’s only two minutes drive from the giant sliotar and the chowder is gorgeous! Ádh mór Mary
The Falls Road Chowder is calling….cherish those final months beneath that clock…the same “tyrant” will move a lot faster come June…. I see your picture of books each day…..
I will tie the fly,can you remember the pattern Christy ?.
All You Need is Love
Hi Christy
Wishing you all the best for tonight’s gig..I’m sure you’ll enjoy the trip and the nostalgia of the Louth/Meath area.Slane is my home from home .A few bends of The Boyne away from Drogheda and over the county border towards The Yellow Furze.
I’ve yet to visit the TLT but have great memories of sessions in the small,packed snug at Carberry’s pub down on the quays.Its a good music town.
Bon voyage,
I have the Star Bar, the Mars Bar and the Bounty packed for Droichead Átha…all set for The Wee County…the relations are coming from Stackallen….all is good
On the Tarmac. Day trip to Dublin for the rugby. If you’re at the match give us a wave.
Fáilte romhat arais go dtí Baile átha Clíath Proinsías…..I’m out of Town getting ready to gig tonight Boyneside….years ago I could go to games on a gig day but twas a different time…these days it takes me all day to do my gig…back then I could go to Gigg Lane, Boundary park, Old Trafford,Anfield,Craven Cottage, The Shay, Roker or Easter Rd in the afternoon and roll up to the gig at 8 o’clock….these days I need to stretch body and vocals, practice, rest and contemplate the evenings work, will catch the game on TV before heading for the Tom Leddy Theatre in Drogheda….hoe you have a good day …I was at the last game in Lansdowne Rd v Wales…I’m afraid the grumpy auld man in me was awakened by much of the carry-on in the stadium….I subsequently learned that my percieved irritations were the very things that younger generations extolled and enjoyed…..gonna try again next week for the Scotland game…will be sitting beside Princess Anne so I gotta wear a kilt the noo…….2 anthems no less, same as Scotland
Hi Christy, I’m the doctor from Arkansas who traveled to Gorey to see the gig tonight. Fantastic singing, great music all around, and thank you so much for the song you did for me! You really made my day (in fact my whole trip!).
Hey Dr Arkan Sawbones….glad you are having a good trip….Jimmy Higgins mentioned we had an Altan man in from US of A..hope you enjoy the rest of your stay…had to get up the road myself to be ready for tomorrows gig… happy travels
Hiya Christy sorry no scottish gigs planned til april next year ,my family from athy co. Kildare do you have connection to there?
we play Scotia every 18 months on the button…
no family connections in Athy but plenty of memories there from early days….we used to cycle to Athy from Newbridge to hear the great showbands of the day…. Brendan Bowyer and The `Royal…The Platteremen….The Dixies….The Melody Aces…..The Cadets then a change of music….later on I played in Pedigree Corner…….
The fishing season has started Christy,ride on.
tie the fly
Dia Duit SIR Christy,
I posted a weeks about shootouts, thank you for your reply.
It’s my Boyfriends 21st this Tuesday and he is a MEGA FAN of you’s. I was wondering if you could please reply with a “little” Birthday message? Even if it’s just “Breithlá Sona Duit” He would love it! He’s name is Ryan Finnely Mulligan an will be 21. THANK YOU AGAIN
we will be seeing you on the 2nd of April in Brighton! Bring it on
I shout “The Sheriff” but I didnae shout “The Deputy”
Hey Christy,
Just wanted to say my mum and dad are so excited to be coming to see you in Guildford on 31st March. Sadly I can’t make it but last saw you at the Nuclear rally at Carnsore Point in the 70s. My mum is Maura Morgan, sister of the late Jim (Doc) Whelan who wrote the song NukePower that you recorded and she’s been a massive fan of yours for many a year. Wishing you all the best for a fun evening 🙂
Ha good man christy. Thanks for that. If ya get a chance would ya give john a shout tonight .Keep her lite christy your a poet.
John Crowe is his name and originally from ballymore in kildare living in wicklow now.He hasnt seen you play in about 20 years.He was driving a dumper working for the council or some road company this was 81-82 he was working there.Just wondering where did you come up with the lyrics “Welcome to this evenings cabaret” “Howya john Have you any oul autographs or tapes”or “howya john i know yer face”
Thanks a million for the reply christy
“where did I come up with them”
I was riding home from Urquharts farm near Kilcullen..we stalled at Bardons for a half gallon of Bulmers with £3 of a days wages jangling the pocket…much later coming thru Athgarvan I came off the Rudge near Whelan;s of The Thatch.I found myself feeling very comfortable in the ditch and slept sound until Johnny Tougher’s lorry passed with a load of gravel from Hillsboro..I got up out of the ditch and freewheeled to the Liffey below Athgarvan Bridge…I washed up and smartened my attire before returning to Urquharts for another days labour..its an ongoing process, marrying the past with the present and the future, truth and fiction….meeting Pink & Twink and Lady Gaga at Mother Hubbard’s should not be taken lightly
Hi Christy, I have been a been a massive fan of your music going back to the 70ts.I used to go to hear you play around Galway and Clare before i moved to the states in 1981`, also the Great American Music Hall in Sanfrancisco, the night you gave away your guitar ,the last time was Leasureland in Galway after Christmas about four or five years ago .I wrote a song called Argentina some years ago it came about after a trip i took with a bunch of Irish musicians to Buenos Aries we were very surprised that there was a great Irish Music scene in Argentina many of the musicians were descendants of Irish people that emigrated after the famine many only spoke Spanish.They mostly emigrated from the midlands, Mullingar and Wexford were the places they mostly came from.Paddy Keenan suggested that i should send you the song (major name drop).You can hear it on U Tube it is called The Argentinia song Vince Keehan and Paddy Keenan.The video is very dark but the audio is not too bad, cell phone job.I’m sure you get a 100 songs a week so the last thing that you want is another one.Anyway you cant fault me for trying.All the best and thanks for all the great music over the years.V.K.
thanks for sharing Vince