Hi Christy looking forward to seeing you in Brighton tomorrow, haven’t seen you since Waterford gig a while ago. Any chance of playing Little Musgrove for Gwen and James, may be last time we’ll see you in UK as heading back to live in Maynooth in June Many Thanks James
Christy's reply
Jamesie Boy…thats a tall order…Musgrave only comes out at certain times..the air has to be right…needs a specific phase of the moon and particular alignment of stars… if its not in order over Hove tomorrow we will seek it out in The Shortgrass upon your return
Hello Christy, hope you’re feeling better and the voice is holding up. Noah and I are just listening to you, getting ready for tomorrow night as we wait for Tallulah to get back from Berlin and Manuel from the office. Took the tickets out to show Noah and we’re now in a mad panic, it says ‘over 18s only’! Say it isn’t so, never normally is at the Dome. If it is, neither of them will be able to come…. Fingers, toes and everything possible to cross is crossed …
Christy's reply
should Tallulah and Noah be refused entry…I know a certain Daddy Longlegs who wont be there…..round we go ,heel to the toe…..
Hi Christy. I’m coming to the Sunday gig (Your first time in the city?) on a weekend visit to my home city, then Monday morning, back to my adopted home city of Derry (tickets already booked for the Forum in September!) and, as ever, looking forward to both. Please play “Back Home in Derry” on Sunday – such a moving song and I’ll be looking forward to getting home!
Christy's reply
First time in Canterbury, England…..but I have played in Waitaha….such a passion for name change…..Sailing..Landing.. Burning.. Slaughtering.. Raising Flags,.. Changing Placenames…..greetings from Doirelondon
Looking forward to the show in Brighton on Saturday. It’s a surprise 50th birthday treat for my wife Jane Proffitt from Wexford, with the kids in tow as well. We saw you at the Albert Hall many years ago for a really back for a great show. Hope your voice is in good form again and looking forward to a great evening.
Thank you Christy, Declan and Jimmy for. Fantastic evening in Cheltenham on Wednesday. We have now listened to you in varying locations from Finsbury Park, Manchester and Cardiff to name few, but Cheltenham Town hall was different again. Loved the range of songs including Voyage and my hubbies favourite Morecambe bay. Well that was my Christmas present tickets used once again, have to persuade him to buy birthday tickets now for Swansea. Hope you are feeling better and safe travelling for you all. Fiona.
Christy's reply
Tá Fáilte romhat Fíona….ye have done some travelllng to hear the songs…we’ve done some travelling to gather them…they have led me around the road and home again, meeting so many and experiencing so much in pursuit of verse….some do not understand the driving force…the magnetism that draws us on…….Out beyond the Streetlamps to hear Calliope’s roar (where the Kaliopes roar)
Thanks a lot for a really lovely gig. I wanted to get up and dance about a bit!
My Dad, my Siblings and my cousin from Canada Eugene came and every one of us loved it. My Dad is now more than a little dehydrated from the tears he shed at the Voyage.
My first memory of your songs is being played the LP of live at the point 1994 when I was 6 or 8, my dad played it with all the bass turned up on warm summer Sundays. We never thought we’d get to see you live but so grateful that fate smiled upon us this night.
Cheers big ears
Christy's reply
Glad all the Winchester O’Sullivans had a good night…..”Welcome To The Cabaret”
Another powerful performance tonight even though you’re under the weather at the minute. I hope you feel better soon.
And thank you from the bottom of my heart for them few pictures tonight and a chat (an absolute gentleman you are). Lol the tears were tripping me walking away after meeting my idol and a national treasure.
I’ll be home in September or October time so I’ll check your tour dates and get another gig booked up.
Many thanks again
Ps thanks for singing “back home in Derry” hanging out the van door as you left. Haha. Madman you are!
Christy's reply
Lovely to meet Ye Kev…Good luck to you both in May
Thanks for a wonderful evening. It was great to meet you in person. If we ever get the opportunity to go to another one of your concerts we certainly will. It far exceeded our expectations. Good luck with the rest of your tour.
Michelle and Derek Power
Tors Cove, Newfoundland
Christy's reply
That was a good call for “So Do I”..a favourite that seldom gets aired…safe journey back to Newfoundland and thanks for the good juju
A few of us heading to Brighton to see you on Saturday night. Please could you dedicate The Voyage to Colette and Wayne? They’re getting married in Cork in August and that’s going to be their first song!
Christy's reply
got a lot of requests for call-outs in Brighton..gonna put em all in a bag and pick one or two…I gotta think of all those other listeners
A wonderful gig tonight Christy, Declan and Jim. Fantastic to hear old songs like Go Move Shift as well as my favourite – The Voyage which holds wonderful memories of my late husband who died far too early. It was the first album I purchased for him when we started dating in the late 80s.
I saw Declan and Vicky in an intimate gig in Brigend, Wales about 18 months ago and it was great to see him again. Marvellous as always. As an irish person living over here we love to hear our own and feel blessed when you appear on our doorstep. Thanks for the music and memories old and new. Come back soon. Dee
Christy's reply
Thanks Dee….happy to hear you had a good night …hopefully our paths will cross again
Hi Christy,
Hope your gig went well? It’s a beautiful sunny day here in Dublin am studying in the library in Trinity a few hundred feet away from the Book of Kells and there are some Japanese tourists taking our photo… It’s a far cry from bottles of bainne & corned beef sambos stewing beside the classroom radiators before lunch, escaping through the gap in the school fence and over to the garage for some crafty smokes. Trying to get back before anyone noticed that you were missing and ending up with stingy eyes for a week because you fell & had half the gravel yard in your knees & they put that horrible purple stuff on it. 10 year old northsiders didn’t do health & safety back then!!
Best of luck with the rest of the tour
Christy's reply
What was it about bottles of milk…so much to miss….the early sounds of delivery..the taste of cold milk from the bottle…the robins piercing the silver tops to rob the cream ….. and now you have me thinkin about freshly sliced (tinned) corned beef on batch bread(burnt crusts) with a good lash of Kilkenny Butter and a mug of strong hot tea….I’m stuck in a buckin hotel here where such a luxury snack would be out of the question wid their buckin crisps and peanuts….were it not for the 3 hours playing each day these tours would be insufferable…the listeners keep me coming back….there lies the purpose of it all
What an amazing night! Wonderful songs to visit and great new ones too. Love the line up but your Bodhran playing was spine tingling. Here’s to the next time. Jen
Christy's reply
I loved that venue..from the moment we entered in the afternoon it had great atmosphere..staff were most helpful too..then you and your fellow audients arrived to fill the space with magic juju and good vibrations…we couldn’nt go wrong with such appreciative listeners..hope we make it back
Hi Christy…well you smashed Cheltenham last night..the Harkin’s were singing loud and proud and a few tears shed at The Voyage. We will be in Birmingham in October so until then “thankyou !!!” for the best night. Get well soon Ann xxx
Christy's reply
Ah Gentle Annie Harkin……ye surely rose to the occasion last night…ye coaxed a good gig from us auld Shelmaliers….we loved ye all last night….now we must haste away to Surrey and the Home Counties Mob….adieu til Autumn..may all your roses blossom
Hi Christy
Welcome back to ‘Blighty’.I hope the cold soon moves on and that you have a great tour.
I was recently reading about the bank strikes in Ireland,during the 1960s and 1970.I know the event in 1966 was a life changer for you.Without that catalyst,do you think you might have ever taken the chance on being a pro musician? I ask the question as a long term semi pro player,who never braved a go at the pro scene, as (pre early retirement) I was in a ‘safe’,public sector job that guaranteed a monthly income.
Also,that was a great exchange with ‘Kane’ that uncovered a welcomee,positive,’feel good ‘ story.
Hope there’s no hard travelin’
Christy's reply
I could have gone all the way in The Bank…..I was CEO material….I also was highly proficient at fiddling, a sure sign of future promise….when left in charge of the postage money I was never short of drink
I did the inter in 1985 and the leaving in ’87. The usual craic in the 80’s the dole or the Dunlaoghaire boat, so there wasn’t much encouragement in school. I had a maths teacher that would shout ‘Kane’ and my answers were either fired in the bin or would be given back as he hummed the theme tune to Laurel & Hardy. I was unemployed for two years during the recent recession ‘another fine mess I got myself into’ and with zero hours & zero prospects I plucked up the courage to go back to education and applied to Trinity as a mature student, nobody cared about my failings with Pythagoras! It was a daunting prospect that I nearly talked myself out of…how could I seriously attend an interview with Trinity College professors? I am now a Senior Fresher and at the moment up to my eyeballs in essays & I wouldn’t have it any other way because Trinity is an environment that values your opinion.
Good luck, on the road am going back to the Harlem Renaissance and the roaring 20’s now!
Christy's reply
Agh Jasus Kane tis all comin back to me now….mine were 1961 & 63….
Enlish,……Fr Clandillon (Clangers)
The Erse,…Fr Valkenburg (Valkie)
Latin Mumbo-Jumbo,……Fr Hegarty (Sniff)
History…………Mr.Nolan (Spike)
Geography…….Fr Curtin..(Gimmo)
Science…………Fr Clifford (total sadist)
French……………Fr Donovan (Ghosty)
Most of them were decent men, Hoppy,Coote, Charlie,Matty,Dux, Paddy,but there were a few right cruel hoors in their midst, Snitch O’Halloran ,Clifford and Jacky Candon to name but three…Coote was Fr Henry Flanagan.. an enlightened man who shared his vision with many…ironically he was also “The Biffer”,a job he carried out with no relish as he dispensed discipline evenly but painfully…he also directed The Choir and The Opera….
I was prepared for the Dominican Fathers by The Patrician Brothers ….for whom I was earlier prepared by The Holy Family Sisters…….even Pope Francis Herself could not lure me back
That said, I did enjoy Altar Boy Duties, ringin the bell and swingin the Thurible , the wine and water cruets, funerals and weddings, kissin the Bishops Ring….
Booked my tickets last year for our annual jaunt to your show at the Festival Hall on the 5th before I discovered you’d be playing locally to me in Guildford, but sure the acoustics are great at the Festival Hall. Hoping your cold is improved and looking forward to a good show.
Christy's reply
We had a good gig in Cheltenham last evening…The Town Hall here is beauty itself in the midst of this glorious old Spa Town….not a jump jockey to be seen….the equine Flu appears to be receding as we prepare to strike camp and make a bolt for Guildford …the gear is packed, the marquee, rolled up,guitars in cotton wool put gently away by engineers wearing kid gloves ….tis time to get up and face the egg
Congratulations on your first in 1959 Christy!! My inter and leaving were a shambles but now I pinch myself for the second chance at education that I have been given when I walk over the cobbles in college. I appreciate your swift reply as I know how hectic your schedule is. Best of luck with the tour.
Kind regards,
Christy's reply
tell us a bit about your “second chance” Kane…when did you do your “shambles”exams…my inter was 1961 and Leaving 1963, I gained 6 passes in both …back then Irish Maths and Latin were compulsory ( There was a choice between Greek and Latin)
When I’m on the road my replies tend to be swift for I do have lots of time to fill
Hi Christie,
Looking forward to tonight’s concert in Cheltenham.Your music has been the soundtrack to my married life 25 years ago especially the Voyage ..married a Donegal man who’ll be with me tonight. Heard you’re battling a cold keep gargling the TCP take care lots of hugs Ann and John Harkin xxxxx
Christy's reply
Gargle TCP!! are you trying to put an end to me altogether….its one thing to pour it down drains to kill salmonella,scurvy or gallopinknobrot but I could not afflict this precious Kildare Voice Box with such a drastic potion….I am currently in the saddling enclosure with more gentle potions..if the worst come to the worst I will send for your recommended tincture
Wishing you very well for your recovery, dear Christy!
Hope the remedies will help … Your gig in “Old Opera” Frankfurt just 20 years ago comes into my mind when you also had a cold and your voice was strained – but nevertheless you gave us a brilliant concert.
Good Luck and GET WELL SOON!!!
Well Christy, if you can’t manage to sing tonight, you’ll make a few bob selling your powders and pills in and around the streets of Cheltenham. Shall we give Daniel a call? Here’s to a great night.
Hi Christy looking forward to seeing you in Brighton tomorrow, haven’t seen you since Waterford gig a while ago. Any chance of playing Little Musgrove for Gwen and James, may be last time we’ll see you in UK as heading back to live in Maynooth in June Many Thanks James
Jamesie Boy…thats a tall order…Musgrave only comes out at certain times..the air has to be right…needs a specific phase of the moon and particular alignment of stars… if its not in order over Hove tomorrow we will seek it out in The Shortgrass upon your return
Hello Christy, hope you’re feeling better and the voice is holding up. Noah and I are just listening to you, getting ready for tomorrow night as we wait for Tallulah to get back from Berlin and Manuel from the office. Took the tickets out to show Noah and we’re now in a mad panic, it says ‘over 18s only’! Say it isn’t so, never normally is at the Dome. If it is, neither of them will be able to come…. Fingers, toes and everything possible to cross is crossed …
should Tallulah and Noah be refused entry…I know a certain Daddy Longlegs who wont be there…..round we go ,heel to the toe…..
Hi Christy. I’m coming to the Sunday gig (Your first time in the city?) on a weekend visit to my home city, then Monday morning, back to my adopted home city of Derry (tickets already booked for the Forum in September!) and, as ever, looking forward to both. Please play “Back Home in Derry” on Sunday – such a moving song and I’ll be looking forward to getting home!
First time in Canterbury, England…..but I have played in Waitaha….such a passion for name change…..Sailing..Landing.. Burning.. Slaughtering.. Raising Flags,.. Changing Placenames…..greetings from Doirelondon
Looking forward to the show in Brighton on Saturday. It’s a surprise 50th birthday treat for my wife Jane Proffitt from Wexford, with the kids in tow as well. We saw you at the Albert Hall many years ago for a really back for a great show. Hope your voice is in good form again and looking forward to a great evening.
the Zubes are doin the trick
Thank you Christy, Declan and Jimmy for. Fantastic evening in Cheltenham on Wednesday. We have now listened to you in varying locations from Finsbury Park, Manchester and Cardiff to name few, but Cheltenham Town hall was different again. Loved the range of songs including Voyage and my hubbies favourite Morecambe bay. Well that was my Christmas present tickets used once again, have to persuade him to buy birthday tickets now for Swansea. Hope you are feeling better and safe travelling for you all. Fiona.
Tá Fáilte romhat Fíona….ye have done some travelllng to hear the songs…we’ve done some travelling to gather them…they have led me around the road and home again, meeting so many and experiencing so much in pursuit of verse….some do not understand the driving force…the magnetism that draws us on…….Out beyond the Streetlamps to hear Calliope’s roar (where the Kaliopes roar)
Hi Christy and gang,
Thanks a lot for a really lovely gig. I wanted to get up and dance about a bit!
My Dad, my Siblings and my cousin from Canada Eugene came and every one of us loved it. My Dad is now more than a little dehydrated from the tears he shed at the Voyage.
My first memory of your songs is being played the LP of live at the point 1994 when I was 6 or 8, my dad played it with all the bass turned up on warm summer Sundays. We never thought we’d get to see you live but so grateful that fate smiled upon us this night.
Cheers big ears
Glad all the Winchester O’Sullivans had a good night…..”Welcome To The Cabaret”
Another powerful performance tonight even though you’re under the weather at the minute. I hope you feel better soon.
And thank you from the bottom of my heart for them few pictures tonight and a chat (an absolute gentleman you are). Lol the tears were tripping me walking away after meeting my idol and a national treasure.
I’ll be home in September or October time so I’ll check your tour dates and get another gig booked up.
Many thanks again
Ps thanks for singing “back home in Derry” hanging out the van door as you left. Haha. Madman you are!
Lovely to meet Ye Kev…Good luck to you both in May
Thanks for a wonderful evening. It was great to meet you in person. If we ever get the opportunity to go to another one of your concerts we certainly will. It far exceeded our expectations. Good luck with the rest of your tour.
Michelle and Derek Power
Tors Cove, Newfoundland
That was a good call for “So Do I”..a favourite that seldom gets aired…safe journey back to Newfoundland and thanks for the good juju
Hi Christy,
A few of us heading to Brighton to see you on Saturday night. Please could you dedicate The Voyage to Colette and Wayne? They’re getting married in Cork in August and that’s going to be their first song!
got a lot of requests for call-outs in Brighton..gonna put em all in a bag and pick one or two…I gotta think of all those other listeners
A wonderful gig tonight Christy, Declan and Jim. Fantastic to hear old songs like Go Move Shift as well as my favourite – The Voyage which holds wonderful memories of my late husband who died far too early. It was the first album I purchased for him when we started dating in the late 80s.
I saw Declan and Vicky in an intimate gig in Brigend, Wales about 18 months ago and it was great to see him again. Marvellous as always. As an irish person living over here we love to hear our own and feel blessed when you appear on our doorstep. Thanks for the music and memories old and new. Come back soon. Dee
Thanks Dee….happy to hear you had a good night …hopefully our paths will cross again
Hi Christy,
Hope your gig went well? It’s a beautiful sunny day here in Dublin am studying in the library in Trinity a few hundred feet away from the Book of Kells and there are some Japanese tourists taking our photo… It’s a far cry from bottles of bainne & corned beef sambos stewing beside the classroom radiators before lunch, escaping through the gap in the school fence and over to the garage for some crafty smokes. Trying to get back before anyone noticed that you were missing and ending up with stingy eyes for a week because you fell & had half the gravel yard in your knees & they put that horrible purple stuff on it. 10 year old northsiders didn’t do health & safety back then!!
Best of luck with the rest of the tour
What was it about bottles of milk…so much to miss….the early sounds of delivery..the taste of cold milk from the bottle…the robins piercing the silver tops to rob the cream ….. and now you have me thinkin about freshly sliced (tinned) corned beef on batch bread(burnt crusts) with a good lash of Kilkenny Butter and a mug of strong hot tea….I’m stuck in a buckin hotel here where such a luxury snack would be out of the question wid their buckin crisps and peanuts….were it not for the 3 hours playing each day these tours would be insufferable…the listeners keep me coming back….there lies the purpose of it all
What an amazing night! Wonderful songs to visit and great new ones too. Love the line up but your Bodhran playing was spine tingling. Here’s to the next time. Jen
I loved that venue..from the moment we entered in the afternoon it had great atmosphere..staff were most helpful too..then you and your fellow audients arrived to fill the space with magic juju and good vibrations…we couldn’nt go wrong with such appreciative listeners..hope we make it back
Hi Christy…well you smashed Cheltenham last night..the Harkin’s were singing loud and proud and a few tears shed at The Voyage. We will be in Birmingham in October so until then “thankyou !!!” for the best night. Get well soon Ann xxx
Ah Gentle Annie Harkin……ye surely rose to the occasion last night…ye coaxed a good gig from us auld Shelmaliers….we loved ye all last night….now we must haste away to Surrey and the Home Counties Mob….adieu til Autumn..may all your roses blossom
Hi Christy
Welcome back to ‘Blighty’.I hope the cold soon moves on and that you have a great tour.
I was recently reading about the bank strikes in Ireland,during the 1960s and 1970.I know the event in 1966 was a life changer for you.Without that catalyst,do you think you might have ever taken the chance on being a pro musician? I ask the question as a long term semi pro player,who never braved a go at the pro scene, as (pre early retirement) I was in a ‘safe’,public sector job that guaranteed a monthly income.
Also,that was a great exchange with ‘Kane’ that uncovered a welcomee,positive,’feel good ‘ story.
Hope there’s no hard travelin’
I could have gone all the way in The Bank…..I was CEO material….I also was highly proficient at fiddling, a sure sign of future promise….when left in charge of the postage money I was never short of drink
Hi Christy,
I did the inter in 1985 and the leaving in ’87. The usual craic in the 80’s the dole or the Dunlaoghaire boat, so there wasn’t much encouragement in school. I had a maths teacher that would shout ‘Kane’ and my answers were either fired in the bin or would be given back as he hummed the theme tune to Laurel & Hardy. I was unemployed for two years during the recent recession ‘another fine mess I got myself into’ and with zero hours & zero prospects I plucked up the courage to go back to education and applied to Trinity as a mature student, nobody cared about my failings with Pythagoras! It was a daunting prospect that I nearly talked myself out of…how could I seriously attend an interview with Trinity College professors? I am now a Senior Fresher and at the moment up to my eyeballs in essays & I wouldn’t have it any other way because Trinity is an environment that values your opinion.
Good luck, on the road am going back to the Harlem Renaissance and the roaring 20’s now!
Agh Jasus Kane tis all comin back to me now….mine were 1961 & 63….
Enlish,……Fr Clandillon (Clangers)
The Erse,…Fr Valkenburg (Valkie)
Latin Mumbo-Jumbo,……Fr Hegarty (Sniff)
History…………Mr.Nolan (Spike)
Geography…….Fr Curtin..(Gimmo)
Science…………Fr Clifford (total sadist)
French……………Fr Donovan (Ghosty)
Most of them were decent men, Hoppy,Coote, Charlie,Matty,Dux, Paddy,but there were a few right cruel hoors in their midst, Snitch O’Halloran ,Clifford and Jacky Candon to name but three…Coote was Fr Henry Flanagan.. an enlightened man who shared his vision with many…ironically he was also “The Biffer”,a job he carried out with no relish as he dispensed discipline evenly but painfully…he also directed The Choir and The Opera….
I was prepared for the Dominican Fathers by The Patrician Brothers ….for whom I was earlier prepared by The Holy Family Sisters…….even Pope Francis Herself could not lure me back
That said, I did enjoy Altar Boy Duties, ringin the bell and swingin the Thurible , the wine and water cruets, funerals and weddings, kissin the Bishops Ring….
Booked my tickets last year for our annual jaunt to your show at the Festival Hall on the 5th before I discovered you’d be playing locally to me in Guildford, but sure the acoustics are great at the Festival Hall. Hoping your cold is improved and looking forward to a good show.
We had a good gig in Cheltenham last evening…The Town Hall here is beauty itself in the midst of this glorious old Spa Town….not a jump jockey to be seen….the equine Flu appears to be receding as we prepare to strike camp and make a bolt for Guildford …the gear is packed, the marquee, rolled up,guitars in cotton wool put gently away by engineers wearing kid gloves ….tis time to get up and face the egg
Congratulations on your first in 1959 Christy!! My inter and leaving were a shambles but now I pinch myself for the second chance at education that I have been given when I walk over the cobbles in college. I appreciate your swift reply as I know how hectic your schedule is. Best of luck with the tour.
Kind regards,
tell us a bit about your “second chance” Kane…when did you do your “shambles”exams…my inter was 1961 and Leaving 1963, I gained 6 passes in both …back then Irish Maths and Latin were compulsory ( There was a choice between Greek and Latin)
When I’m on the road my replies tend to be swift for I do have lots of time to fill
Hi Christie,
Looking forward to tonight’s concert in Cheltenham.Your music has been the soundtrack to my married life 25 years ago especially the Voyage ..married a Donegal man who’ll be with me tonight. Heard you’re battling a cold keep gargling the TCP take care lots of hugs Ann and John Harkin xxxxx
Gargle TCP!! are you trying to put an end to me altogether….its one thing to pour it down drains to kill salmonella,scurvy or gallopinknobrot but I could not afflict this precious Kildare Voice Box with such a drastic potion….I am currently in the saddling enclosure with more gentle potions..if the worst come to the worst I will send for your recommended tincture
Wishing you very well for your recovery, dear Christy!
Hope the remedies will help … Your gig in “Old Opera” Frankfurt just 20 years ago comes into my mind when you also had a cold and your voice was strained – but nevertheless you gave us a brilliant concert.
Good Luck and GET WELL SOON!!!
Well Christy, if you can’t manage to sing tonight, you’ll make a few bob selling your powders and pills in and around the streets of Cheltenham. Shall we give Daniel a call? Here’s to a great night.