Hi Christy,
Well done on the Charity Gig…….. we live in strange times !!!!
Wonderful to see you returning to the Midlands twice in 4 weeks. The usual hearty welcome awaits you. Suppose there will be some who will miss the late late show because their partner wants to go see Christy Moore, “ that baldy……”😂.
The Dean Crowe has had a makeover since you were there last (think it may be 5 years).Hope you like it.
Best regards
Christy's reply
It never dawned on me til now that these gigs were adjacent to each other…in my old head Athlone & Mullingar are in different universes …same with Tullamore & Portlaoise and they but a few turf banks apart…..City North & Drogheda as far apart as Perth & Sydney….
First played the Dean Crowe with Planxty in 1973….. we were wearing flares
Hi Christy,
Anticipation mounts for an irish green- wash at cheltenham.
Anyway on my way back from Madchesta today i had to take a detour through the ‘debatable lands’ of the border reivers…to see a client in Newcastleton.
Newcastleton (aka Copshaw Holm) is just a mile into Scotland and near the centre of the reiving lands of the 15th and 16th centuries, uncontrollable by either scotland or england.
The community itself was a planned village and it has an excellent annual folk music festival, where my 2nd daughter Flora and her friends won the junior group prize one year!
You can find sheila stewart on youtube singing ‘jock stewart’ ( a man you don’t meet everyday) at the newcastleton folk festival.
Today it was ‘pis…g’ down when i was there but dedpite regular floods it has a great spirit and charm, and worth a visit during the music.
Take care
Hi C. Fair play to you for organising the Benefit gig on 11th April, there is always an additional dimension to a Benefit gig, and Vicar St is the ideal venue. The situation in the Ukraine and other parts of this troubled globe can feel overwhelming, but it is always better to light a candle than curse the darkness. I hope its OK to share this poster here ? ( I hope the blue line works ! ) https://webmail.eir.ie/service/home/~/?auth=co&id=587469&part=2.2 Beir bua agus beannacht. H
Hi christy just want to say thanks for a great night’s music and craic in Drogheda on Saturday night. The Scullion clan made it safely back home to Lurgan and continued listening to your music to the wee small hours. As ya do! Just want to say a special thank you for the shout out to my son Micheal it certainly made his night all the more special. Its the small things that make a difference. Really appreciate that. So it won’t be long till we’re back at another one of your gigs, that’s for sure. Until then take it easy, an keep er lite!
Hello Christy,
I feel at home in Yorkshire too, and also in Ireland. I love that moment when we arrive and the air changes, suddenly anything is possible. The air can be a lot flatter here, but we do our best in Yorkshire. It’s strange going into pubs in Ireland and hearing people talk about the queen. I sit there wondering if Irish people are genuinely interested in her, or whether they’ve noticed a couple of strange uk people and are trying to wind us up. Most of us never give her a thought round here. It’s the last thing we’d talk about in a pub.
I love the Liam clips where he talks about the music. Here’s one that always makes me laugh when he says that he thinks someone has trodden on his whistle. https://youtu.be/7Otyu1wMJyw
I listen to him most days.
Christy's reply
we still have pockets of empire loyalists here….they be longing for a glimpse of royalty…when herself trundled over a few years back they went apoplectic or some such with excitement…..I believe that a specialist high end store stocks union jack underwear but only to those with proper credentials…there be times here when we talk of little else
Hi. March is such a busy month for Irish Trad Music with Irish bands touring here and globally and some real quality gigs on in NCH, including the NSO featuring the music of Shaun Davey on 17th March. Speaking of Liam Og there is a very special gig there on Tues 15th with musicians, all with a personal connection to Liam Og, gathering to perform a gig entitled Drawing from the Well : The Liam O ‘ Flynn Collection. It is a collaboration between the much mentioned ITMA and the NCH, there are literally only a handful tickets left. The week culminates on Fri in the sold out gig in Mullingar, the first hotel gig of the 2022 tour, always a lively gig. Beir bua agus beannacht. H
Christy's reply
A collaboration between the Irish Traditional Music Archive & the National Concert Hall could be called a Chintma….
It was a joyful privilege to have seen ‘that band’ a few times, Christy.
It’s a great film – shows all the players at work and the individuals coming together in the finest of ensembles. Liam’s smile is made even better as it looks like he snaps back to reality at the close of the piece…such a wonderful player -gone way too soon, but a fabulous legacy, bless him.
Christy's reply
he carefully willed his 3 sets of Uileann Pipes…they resound beautifully in safe hands…
I was thinking about Morrisey and the Russian Sailor.
Somewhere once I heard Joe Einniú describe it as it could be about anything.I am not sure but I think he meant anytime the under dog wins.
It probably could be applied to the awful recent happenings .
I’ll just go now and throw a blast of turf on the fire.Thank God for it ,I heard the queen and the pope cant afford a drop of oil.I read somewhere there are 775 rooms in high and mighty “civilised” Suckingham palace .Hard to understand with so many escaping sleeping out here and abroad.
As for the Pope he should be warm his robes look so heavy they could be used for ballast or a set of sails.Do you think he wears long John’s underneath?
I was going to write about the carry on, on my bus but I’ll save it for another day..
CS 17
PS sad news on Pete Saint John.Hes passed on but I believe the fields of athenry will live forever.
Christy's reply
CS17….great to read your communique…your prose is becoming poetic..I think your song writing tendencies are coming to bear upon your pen….775 rooms? herself must be exhausted trying to keep track of the housework… then when she has B.Ham Palace spick& span she has all them other gaffs to turn to..small wonder that her loyal subjects hold her in such high esteem…how many lavatories do you reckon she has or does she ever take a shite atall atall…will we ever forget her cúpla focal in Dublin Castle and Mary McAleese’s sheer wondernment and awe at such a stupendous effort from the raining monarch….Andrew with the sweat pouring out of the poor chap and Cathal of Wales waiting for his ma to croak and her with such a love for the Horses and Dogs….her own Mom was a bit of crack..a bottle of Gordons every morning and 20 players full strength before she left the leaba….I miss Philip and Margo..always good for the bit of goss
She sounds a fine woman, hewn from moorland and Yorkshire grit.
I’m pretty sure Yorkshire isn’t part of England. We’re far too stubborn for that.
Hope she’s soon up and fettling you all.
Thanks folks, she’ll be grand. She is a yorkshire woman and thems battlers…though i would point out that i do not class my self as half english…just half yorkshire full ‘cooked’ scottish.
Ructions Murray was weeping, the Tar Barrel was keening
Joxer he bugled the last post for hours
While Bigamy O’Keefe and The Black Paddy Meddler
With Claffeys were talking headstones and flowers
From memory, sorry for mistakes
Its a wonderful song. I’m sorry that it never gets its paws outside of the workroom.
Talking of Piping and workroom, for the last year or so Si Bheag, Si Mhor has wafted its way round the house, down from Steve’s workroom upstairs. Sometimes I’ll be singing in my little nook downstairs in the same key. I sing a lot in D because my voice is seated quite high. I like to hear the two curling round each other.
Steve’s teacher has suggested I accompany Steve’s Si Bheag, Si Mhor on the harp. A project for the coming months.. I think my version will be much simpler than Donald’s.
Thank you for posting that Planxty track…just played it through…caught me again…I’ve not seen that clip since it first came out..Philip King and his film crew captured the essence of the band…my favourite moment is Liam’s smile as the music ends and the applause begins..
Such joyful privilige to have played in that Band
If you get the Bob Dylan call Christy, I hope you master the lyrics of “Wigwam” beforehand.
& please remind him to update “Must Be Santa” with Obama & Biden (he can overlook the orange blimp).
Gotta go – “Nancy Spain” is coming up next on my playlist…
Best wishes & tuneful joys in a world so unnecessarily wrought with greed & pain.
Danny Harris
Christy's reply
Thanks Danny….just back from a visit to Wigwam where I met Ze Ramalho for the first time….via Danny & Dylan
Hi Christy,
Though am hoping not to have to buy a parking season ticket for the nightime hospital carpark i was there again for its ‘inspiration’ again last night, this time with mum, hopefully we may get her home today.
However its deserted but lighten up nature meant that a family of Oystercatchers were not in bed but instead calling out beautifully to all who could hear.
On the radio was the saturday night radio scotland programme Pipeline.
If you love piping it is for you.
Anyway there was a lot of tunes fromIrish ‘legend’ Terry Tully who seems to master Highland pipes , p/m of the St Laurence O’toole dublin pipe band and also a master of the Uilleann pipes he has just retired this week ,and has adapted irish tunes to the bagpipes, sounds like some man.
I also heard that many many irish piping tunes were collected in the 1700s by one irishman o’farrell from waterford and Tipp but nobody can find out his first nane, how sad.
Fascinating anyway.
Stay well
Christy's reply
I hope all goes well Rory….that your Mother returns home safe and well….
you paint a beautiful picture of thon nightime hospital car park…I could see it, hear it in your description….memories of nightime hospital vigils rekindled…
great results yesterday, a pity that Wales did not give us a treble….
Finn Russell reminds me of Lionel Messi,George Best, Fergus Slattery,Mike Gibson….my eyes are always seeking him out in the heat of the action….he seems to perfom at leisure, every little jink and twist, his passing and kicking always seem almost nonchalant and cheeky….our Johnny shone yesterday, young Marcus was not allowed to shine…the sending off was deserved but did tarnish the victory slightly..but we’ll take it….always sweet to hear the chariot creak
Gonna turn my attention to Terry Tully when I’ve had the porridge
Christy as a big Celtic fan i have sung Pete’s greatest folk song hundreds of times in the sheds and stands of Parkhead.
Though he will be missed his legacy will live forever in our voices.
Hi Christy,
Well done on the Charity Gig…….. we live in strange times !!!!
Wonderful to see you returning to the Midlands twice in 4 weeks. The usual hearty welcome awaits you. Suppose there will be some who will miss the late late show because their partner wants to go see Christy Moore, “ that baldy……”😂.
The Dean Crowe has had a makeover since you were there last (think it may be 5 years).Hope you like it.
Best regards
It never dawned on me til now that these gigs were adjacent to each other…in my old head Athlone & Mullingar are in different universes …same with Tullamore & Portlaoise and they but a few turf banks apart…..City North & Drogheda as far apart as Perth & Sydney….
First played the Dean Crowe with Planxty in 1973….. we were wearing flares
Hi Christy,
Anticipation mounts for an irish green- wash at cheltenham.
Anyway on my way back from Madchesta today i had to take a detour through the ‘debatable lands’ of the border reivers…to see a client in Newcastleton.
Newcastleton (aka Copshaw Holm) is just a mile into Scotland and near the centre of the reiving lands of the 15th and 16th centuries, uncontrollable by either scotland or england.
The community itself was a planned village and it has an excellent annual folk music festival, where my 2nd daughter Flora and her friends won the junior group prize one year!
You can find sheila stewart on youtube singing ‘jock stewart’ ( a man you don’t meet everyday) at the newcastleton folk festival.
Today it was ‘pis…g’ down when i was there but dedpite regular floods it has a great spirit and charm, and worth a visit during the music.
Take care
There’s Bethlehem & Cheltenham, There’s Lourdes & Limerick Junction
Hi all.. here is the link poster link..they can be tricky.. https://bit.ly/3t98pWN
ceart go leór mo cara
Sorry about the poster, its a really simple blue and yellow poster for the Benefit gig,,, I ‘ m sure it will appear on the gig page ! H
Thanks Hilary, Rebecca & Kevin
I hope it will let me post my email address
For Hilary
Hello Hilary,
It looks like it needs a username and password to work.
This link gets to the login page
Do you still want to post it?
I can try and help if you like.
One more go…. !! https://webmail.eir.ie/service/home/~/?auth=co&id=587469&part=2.2 ….. its a lovely poster anyway… ! H
Hi C. Fair play to you for organising the Benefit gig on 11th April, there is always an additional dimension to a Benefit gig, and Vicar St is the ideal venue. The situation in the Ukraine and other parts of this troubled globe can feel overwhelming, but it is always better to light a candle than curse the darkness. I hope its OK to share this poster here ? ( I hope the blue line works ! ) https://webmail.eir.ie/service/home/~/?auth=co&id=587469&part=2.2 Beir bua agus beannacht. H
Thanks H….Kevin from Cavan nailed it to the mast
Hi christy just want to say thanks for a great night’s music and craic in Drogheda on Saturday night. The Scullion clan made it safely back home to Lurgan and continued listening to your music to the wee small hours. As ya do! Just want to say a special thank you for the shout out to my son Micheal it certainly made his night all the more special. Its the small things that make a difference. Really appreciate that. So it won’t be long till we’re back at another one of your gigs, that’s for sure. Until then take it easy, an keep er lite!
I’m sure I heard him sing
Hello Christy,
I feel at home in Yorkshire too, and also in Ireland. I love that moment when we arrive and the air changes, suddenly anything is possible. The air can be a lot flatter here, but we do our best in Yorkshire. It’s strange going into pubs in Ireland and hearing people talk about the queen. I sit there wondering if Irish people are genuinely interested in her, or whether they’ve noticed a couple of strange uk people and are trying to wind us up. Most of us never give her a thought round here. It’s the last thing we’d talk about in a pub.
I love the Liam clips where he talks about the music. Here’s one that always makes me laugh when he says that he thinks someone has trodden on his whistle.
I listen to him most days.
we still have pockets of empire loyalists here….they be longing for a glimpse of royalty…when herself trundled over a few years back they went apoplectic or some such with excitement…..I believe that a specialist high end store stocks union jack underwear but only to those with proper credentials…there be times here when we talk of little else
Hi. March is such a busy month for Irish Trad Music with Irish bands touring here and globally and some real quality gigs on in NCH, including the NSO featuring the music of Shaun Davey on 17th March. Speaking of Liam Og there is a very special gig there on Tues 15th with musicians, all with a personal connection to Liam Og, gathering to perform a gig entitled Drawing from the Well : The Liam O ‘ Flynn Collection. It is a collaboration between the much mentioned ITMA and the NCH, there are literally only a handful tickets left. The week culminates on Fri in the sold out gig in Mullingar, the first hotel gig of the 2022 tour, always a lively gig. Beir bua agus beannacht. H
A collaboration between the Irish Traditional Music Archive & the National Concert Hall could be called a Chintma….
It was a joyful privilege to have seen ‘that band’ a few times, Christy.
It’s a great film – shows all the players at work and the individuals coming together in the finest of ensembles. Liam’s smile is made even better as it looks like he snaps back to reality at the close of the piece…such a wonderful player -gone way too soon, but a fabulous legacy, bless him.
he carefully willed his 3 sets of Uileann Pipes…they resound beautifully in safe hands…
I was thinking about Morrisey and the Russian Sailor.
Somewhere once I heard Joe Einniú describe it as it could be about anything.I am not sure but I think he meant anytime the under dog wins.
It probably could be applied to the awful recent happenings .
I’ll just go now and throw a blast of turf on the fire.Thank God for it ,I heard the queen and the pope cant afford a drop of oil.I read somewhere there are 775 rooms in high and mighty “civilised” Suckingham palace .Hard to understand with so many escaping sleeping out here and abroad.
As for the Pope he should be warm his robes look so heavy they could be used for ballast or a set of sails.Do you think he wears long John’s underneath?
I was going to write about the carry on, on my bus but I’ll save it for another day..
CS 17
PS sad news on Pete Saint John.Hes passed on but I believe the fields of athenry will live forever.
CS17….great to read your communique…your prose is becoming poetic..I think your song writing tendencies are coming to bear upon your pen….775 rooms? herself must be exhausted trying to keep track of the housework… then when she has B.Ham Palace spick& span she has all them other gaffs to turn to..small wonder that her loyal subjects hold her in such high esteem…how many lavatories do you reckon she has or does she ever take a shite atall atall…will we ever forget her cúpla focal in Dublin Castle and Mary McAleese’s sheer wondernment and awe at such a stupendous effort from the raining monarch….Andrew with the sweat pouring out of the poor chap and Cathal of Wales waiting for his ma to croak and her with such a love for the Horses and Dogs….her own Mom was a bit of crack..a bottle of Gordons every morning and 20 players full strength before she left the leaba….I miss Philip and Margo..always good for the bit of goss
She sounds a fine woman, hewn from moorland and Yorkshire grit.
I’m pretty sure Yorkshire isn’t part of England. We’re far too stubborn for that.
Hope she’s soon up and fettling you all.
always felt at home in Yorkshire..
Thanks folks, she’ll be grand. She is a yorkshire woman and thems battlers…though i would point out that i do not class my self as half english…just half yorkshire full ‘cooked’ scottish.
Donal’s, sorry
Hello Christy and All,
For Pete St John
Ructions Murray was weeping, the Tar Barrel was keening
Joxer he bugled the last post for hours
While Bigamy O’Keefe and The Black Paddy Meddler
With Claffeys were talking headstones and flowers
From memory, sorry for mistakes
Its a wonderful song. I’m sorry that it never gets its paws outside of the workroom.
Talking of Piping and workroom, for the last year or so Si Bheag, Si Mhor has wafted its way round the house, down from Steve’s workroom upstairs. Sometimes I’ll be singing in my little nook downstairs in the same key. I sing a lot in D because my voice is seated quite high. I like to hear the two curling round each other.
Steve’s teacher has suggested I accompany Steve’s Si Bheag, Si Mhor on the harp. A project for the coming months.. I think my version will be much simpler than Donald’s.
My very best wishes to your Mother, Rory.
Thank you for posting that Planxty track…just played it through…caught me again…I’ve not seen that clip since it first came out..Philip King and his film crew captured the essence of the band…my favourite moment is Liam’s smile as the music ends and the applause begins..
Such joyful privilige to have played in that Band
If you get the Bob Dylan call Christy, I hope you master the lyrics of “Wigwam” beforehand.
& please remind him to update “Must Be Santa” with Obama & Biden (he can overlook the orange blimp).
Gotta go – “Nancy Spain” is coming up next on my playlist…
Best wishes & tuneful joys in a world so unnecessarily wrought with greed & pain.
Danny Harris
Thanks Danny….just back from a visit to Wigwam where I met Ze Ramalho for the first time….via Danny & Dylan
Hi Christy,
Though am hoping not to have to buy a parking season ticket for the nightime hospital carpark i was there again for its ‘inspiration’ again last night, this time with mum, hopefully we may get her home today.
However its deserted but lighten up nature meant that a family of Oystercatchers were not in bed but instead calling out beautifully to all who could hear.
On the radio was the saturday night radio scotland programme Pipeline.
If you love piping it is for you.
Anyway there was a lot of tunes fromIrish ‘legend’ Terry Tully who seems to master Highland pipes , p/m of the St Laurence O’toole dublin pipe band and also a master of the Uilleann pipes he has just retired this week ,and has adapted irish tunes to the bagpipes, sounds like some man.
I also heard that many many irish piping tunes were collected in the 1700s by one irishman o’farrell from waterford and Tipp but nobody can find out his first nane, how sad.
Fascinating anyway.
Stay well
I hope all goes well Rory….that your Mother returns home safe and well….
you paint a beautiful picture of thon nightime hospital car park…I could see it, hear it in your description….memories of nightime hospital vigils rekindled…
great results yesterday, a pity that Wales did not give us a treble….
Finn Russell reminds me of Lionel Messi,George Best, Fergus Slattery,Mike Gibson….my eyes are always seeking him out in the heat of the action….he seems to perfom at leisure, every little jink and twist, his passing and kicking always seem almost nonchalant and cheeky….our Johnny shone yesterday, young Marcus was not allowed to shine…the sending off was deserved but did tarnish the victory slightly..but we’ll take it….always sweet to hear the chariot creak
Gonna turn my attention to Terry Tully when I’ve had the porridge
Christy as a big Celtic fan i have sung Pete’s greatest folk song hundreds of times in the sheds and stands of Parkhead.
Though he will be missed his legacy will live forever in our voices.
Thanks for sharing Rory