Hello Christy I hope your getting over the virus John Murphy the man who wrote the song about you has just written a song about the war in Ukraine 🇺🇦 he asked me to send it to you here’s the link thanks https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DQqhQ3t_MeM
So there you are Christy, trapped inside the hallway, marooned on your couch, abandoned near the fridge, isolated in the bed.
What might pass the time i wonder, i am sure that rehearsing will pass some time , as will making copious mugs of black tea, but for some other activities what about
Reading kidnapped by RL Stevenson,
Watching the Milk Carton Kids’ excellent video of Poison Tree,
Listening to the solo album Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield
or even just singing to yourself Gilbert O’Sullivan’s Alone Again (Naturally).
all topical for someone in your predicament.
Thank You Everyone who has sent good wishes from
Yellow Furze
Mellow Mellee
Nth of Scotland
Coppell Texas
Suffragette City
also thanks for good wishes on other platforms that I cannot access…all the good juju is bearing fruit…I picked up the guitar last night and got singing for a while…soon as I finish this gratitude list I have some rehearsals lined up….
May the music keep our spirits high…..
Wishing you a speedy recovery. And hope you are back to full fitness in no time. Sure you be well able to win the kick outs, by the time Trim comes around !!
Here are a few of Christy’s words to sum it up
Those days will be remembered
Beyond out in the Naul
Listening to the master’s notes
As gently they did fall
I saw “Belfast” movie yesterday & really enjoyed it.
I thought it was interesting that the “baddies” were Billy Clanton & Lourey: “Gunfight at OK Corral” “baddies” were Billy Clanton & Frank McGloury.
Nevertheless Belfast was well done & rang true of Dad’s stories handed down from his Mother’s family (Murphy from Cork).
Hoping you kick the virus well & truly up the arse quick smart
Go mhaireann tú, a Christóir..! Wishing you the best, and a speedy recovery, Christy, from the ‘dreaded lurghi’… I hope the system is well able to give it a good puck in the gob. Logged in for the first time tonight, as I saw the comments of your many well-wishers. Beir bua… I was looking for the story behind “Dooneen”, as the family here were trying to convince me the song was set in Co. Clare. An awful thing, to dry (deny) a Kerryman of his folk song cultural heritage. Your page set the record straight. Beimíd ag paint (caint) ar ball. Míle brioches… & on with the health!.
I left in the spellchecker gaffs, just for the laugh! ha ha… Bob.
Wishing you a good a d quick recovery.
Hope you are back touring again very soon .
In these times I believe music and live music in particular has become even more important.
Hi christy, sorry to hear you’ve covid. Hope your symptoms aren’t to bad and you make a speedy recovery. You may just take it easy comrade. Hopefully it’ll not be long before your back on the road again. All the very best
Hello Christy and All,
I think Kevin will be right about us all having a, favourite album cover.
Mine’s Smoke and Strong Whiskey. I like it so much I have it in a frame. The back is a blow up of the beamed wooden ceiling at the top left of the front.
They look great all together as Kevin arranged them. Lots of black and red and orange.
Hi Christy.. been looking back at some of the great covers from your albums.. I’m sure everyone has a favourite.. and no doubt there is a story to tell for each..I always loved This Is The Day..I don’t know where it is but it takes me to South America (even though I’ve never been).. I think I have them in the correct order here (apologies in advance if I have missed any)..
Hi Christy
Hope you have a speedy recovery.
All my family had it now, except me (eek!) Doesn’t hold the same dread it used to in the early days but we’ve found it affects people differently, so a chance to spend time indulging yourself. Take care.
Take good care of yourself, Christy. I was really sorry to hear the news and I hope your symptoms remain as mild as possible, and that you’re feeling better very soon. I hope you and all the family stay well. Thank you once again for all the beautiful music which continues to inspire and comfort. Very best wishes, Kevin
Damn, Christy – that’s tough news! Get over this thing quick – the world needs you and your music! I was really looking forward to finally seeing you after following you for over 30 years and finally being able to grab a flight from Dallas for the Killarney gig. Now instead I’ll have to find some pub sessions and drown my sorrows. Get well, mate! You’re the best!
Sorry to hear that the virus has struck. Hopefully it will go quickly and prove little more than an annoyance. Thank God for the vaccines and the science. Take it easy and hopefully see you somewhere along the way. Stay safe.
All the best, Christy – take things easy for awhile.
Thanks to John for the link to Paul McGrath’s excellent version of ‘The Contender’ – my lads and Paul’s were briefly at the same school. Not long after his retirement international match, I bumped into the big fella at a school event. I congratulated him on his achievements and we had a good chat.It was obvious how much the accolades meant to him, even though he hadn’t relished being in such a powerful spotlight. An intriguing, genuine guy…
Hello Christy I hope your getting over the virus John Murphy the man who wrote the song about you has just written a song about the war in Ukraine 🇺🇦 he asked me to send it to you here’s the link thanks https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DQqhQ3t_MeM
So there you are Christy, trapped inside the hallway, marooned on your couch, abandoned near the fridge, isolated in the bed.
What might pass the time i wonder, i am sure that rehearsing will pass some time , as will making copious mugs of black tea, but for some other activities what about
Reading kidnapped by RL Stevenson,
Watching the Milk Carton Kids’ excellent video of Poison Tree,
Listening to the solo album Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield
or even just singing to yourself Gilbert O’Sullivan’s Alone Again (Naturally).
all topical for someone in your predicament.
Hi C. I hope you are on the mend, and so glad to see you are conserving your energies and not replying to posts here. This article may be of interest in the light of recent dispatches regarding The Contender and Butty Sugrue, it also explains his nickname!! https://www.irishtimes.com/sport/other-sports/how-a-larger-than-life-kerry-exile-helped-muhammad-ali-fight-in-dublin-1.4839401?fbclid=IwAR3mAX5cMOYhRgPAgNLkIThK6HereRj9qrnja_iwRmi85QTG6gL0DA6Npys Take good care C, take your time, there is a lot of C19 around. Go dtuga Dia biseach duit go luath. Beir bua agus beannacht. H
Thank You Everyone who has sent good wishes from
Yellow Furze
Mellow Mellee
Nth of Scotland
Coppell Texas
Suffragette City
also thanks for good wishes on other platforms that I cannot access…all the good juju is bearing fruit…I picked up the guitar last night and got singing for a while…soon as I finish this gratitude list I have some rehearsals lined up….
May the music keep our spirits high…..
Wishing you a speedy recovery. And hope you are back to full fitness in no time. Sure you be well able to win the kick outs, by the time Trim comes around !!
Here are a few of Christy’s words to sum it up
Those days will be remembered
Beyond out in the Naul
Listening to the master’s notes
As gently they did fall
Hello Christy,
Snow this morning. I hope you are doing ok.
Howdy Christy:
Look likes the Covid has bitten you.
Rest up & get well soon.
I saw “Belfast” movie yesterday & really enjoyed it.
I thought it was interesting that the “baddies” were Billy Clanton & Lourey: “Gunfight at OK Corral” “baddies” were Billy Clanton & Frank McGloury.
Nevertheless Belfast was well done & rang true of Dad’s stories handed down from his Mother’s family (Murphy from Cork).
Hoping you kick the virus well & truly up the arse quick smart
Danny Harris
Go mhaireann tú, a Christóir..! Wishing you the best, and a speedy recovery, Christy, from the ‘dreaded lurghi’… I hope the system is well able to give it a good puck in the gob. Logged in for the first time tonight, as I saw the comments of your many well-wishers. Beir bua… I was looking for the story behind “Dooneen”, as the family here were trying to convince me the song was set in Co. Clare. An awful thing, to dry (deny) a Kerryman of his folk song cultural heritage. Your page set the record straight. Beimíd ag paint (caint) ar ball. Míle brioches… & on with the health!.
I left in the spellchecker gaffs, just for the laugh! ha ha… Bob.
Wishing you a good a d quick recovery.
Hope you are back touring again very soon .
In these times I believe music and live music in particular has become even more important.
Hi christy, sorry to hear you’ve covid. Hope your symptoms aren’t to bad and you make a speedy recovery. You may just take it easy comrade. Hopefully it’ll not be long before your back on the road again. All the very best
Christy, like past indiscretions the old Covid catches up with us all eventually, hope you’r fit and well & back on the road soon.
Hello Christy and All,
I think Kevin will be right about us all having a, favourite album cover.
Mine’s Smoke and Strong Whiskey. I like it so much I have it in a frame. The back is a blow up of the beamed wooden ceiling at the top left of the front.
They look great all together as Kevin arranged them. Lots of black and red and orange.
This is meant to move, hope it does.
Hi Christy,
Very sorry to hear that you’re unwell, best wishes for a speedy recovery.
All the best,
Hi Christy.. been looking back at some of the great covers from your albums.. I’m sure everyone has a favourite.. and no doubt there is a story to tell for each..I always loved This Is The Day..I don’t know where it is but it takes me to South America (even though I’ve never been).. I think I have them in the correct order here (apologies in advance if I have missed any)..
Hope you are feeling better.. Kev
Hi Christy
Hope you have a speedy recovery.
All my family had it now, except me (eek!) Doesn’t hold the same dread it used to in the early days but we’ve found it affects people differently, so a chance to spend time indulging yourself. Take care.
Take good care of yourself, Christy. I was really sorry to hear the news and I hope your symptoms remain as mild as possible, and that you’re feeling better very soon. I hope you and all the family stay well. Thank you once again for all the beautiful music which continues to inspire and comfort. Very best wishes, Kevin
Damn, Christy – that’s tough news! Get over this thing quick – the world needs you and your music! I was really looking forward to finally seeing you after following you for over 30 years and finally being able to grab a flight from Dallas for the Killarney gig. Now instead I’ll have to find some pub sessions and drown my sorrows. Get well, mate! You’re the best!
Sorry to hear that the virus has struck. Hopefully it will go quickly and prove little more than an annoyance. Thank God for the vaccines and the science. Take it easy and hopefully see you somewhere along the way. Stay safe.
Down Dublin road young Aidan McAnespie,was walking to the football field to play
Stay safe and take it easy Christy
All the best, Christy – take things easy for awhile.
Thanks to John for the link to Paul McGrath’s excellent version of ‘The Contender’ – my lads and Paul’s were briefly at the same school. Not long after his retirement international match, I bumped into the big fella at a school event. I congratulated him on his achievements and we had a good chat.It was obvious how much the accolades meant to him, even though he hadn’t relished being in such a powerful spotlight. An intriguing, genuine guy…
Take care, amigo