Great advice to Kara. I hope it’s ok to chip in to the chat…
Cumbria is a fair sized area, but if the family is within access of Cockermouth, I’d recommend ‘Billy Bowman’s’ as worth a visit (at least a website trawl), there’s also a good shop in Penrith, but I don’t have details.I’d be surprised if Carlisle wasn’t ok too. Second hand guitars should be plentiful, but if a new instrument is desired, I’d certainly back ‘Tanglewood’ as being great value for money (other brands are available!) – as you point out,Christy – price certainly isn’t everything in terms of suitability for the player.
Shops may well recommend teachers (I have no experience – as my playing shows!) but, if you want books to narrow the choice of songs as a start – the softback ‘Christy Moore’ song book is still available on line. I got my copy in Dublin decades ago and it gave me a good starting point on songs with which I was familiar as a listener – also,maybe look at songs by The Clancy Brothers for familiarity/ being accessible.
Sorry to ramble at length, but it’s always pleasing when there’s another willing victim to get past the pain of sore finger tips, to enjoy playing an instrument.
Have a good day
Christy's reply
Health Warning!!!!
When my songbook published 40 years ago the man who chorded the songs did not realise that the recordings were all with capo…so the chords in the book are often way outside my capobility….I would not recommend my songbook to any beginner unless well versed in moving the trusty capo up and down the old fretboard..
Hello Christy,
That’s a beautiful use of the word “pure”, only this and nothing else. It caught the gig like pure water. Only water and nothing else.
It’s a lovely word when it’s used like this.
Christy's reply
other uses include :
” a drop of the pure”
“Pure Mule”
“pure eejit”
How’s it goin christy, I hope all is well with you, we haven’t spoken in a while, I’m attempting to reinvent myself as a songwwriter, maybe reinvent is the wrong word, begin would suit better. I wonder if you’d be interested in some of my work? I have a wide variety and can share them with you if it’s your thing? I don’t know how to go about finding people to use and perform my work so excuse me if I’m being blunt and pushy.kind regards Brendan
Christy's reply
“Blunt & Pushy” … good name for a Duo when you get going….keep at it ..stick a verse up here if you wish and we’ll all have a look at it
A good easter rising morning to you Christy,
Yesterday when helping with the stepson’s pond i noticed that the ‘aquatic compost’ is produced by the Bord Na Mona man.
He has worked his way over to the Scottish Borders now, has he worked his way into your live set yet?
Christy's reply
he has only had one outing to date..your query may hoist him up onto the set list ….under starter’s orders here for The Grand National at Fairyhouse….
Hello to you Christy, I hope you are keeping well. My husband, Sean, who is from Antrim area, brought you with him into our relationship over 11 years ago and since then you and your songs have been with us every step of the way, with many a song played at our wedding and our children now singing along too! With his birthday coming up he has admitted a long harboured desire to learn to play the acoustic guitar just like yourself (I am away to buy him a sound beginners guitar after scaring myself with the prices of your beloved Atkins!) And was wondering if you had any advice for a complete novice with only a passion for the folk songs he’s grown up with? I hope very much to see you in concert again if you have any plans to come across the water again in the future, if not we’ll see you on your home turf soon! Thank you, take care. Kara
Christy's reply
consider a second hand guitar…a beginner does not need a new guitar ..certainly not an Atkin…my first guitar cos £3 was not very good but good enough for me to learn 3 chords …..
guitar lessons require consideration…if Sean wants to accompany Folk songs he needs a sympathetic teacher…I suggest he picks 2 songs he particularly likes and then seeks a teacher who will teach him simple accompaniments….
picking the right teacher is important…
getting started on the right track is important…
hope it all goes well….let the music keep our spirits high
Hi C. You certainly seem to have hit yet another purple patch, the gigs are at an all time high. Songs, recitations & dedications all relevant and current even though some songs are ancient, some decades old and revived. I think your craft and performances are well captured by this long time listener . The writer is, I believe a native of Tramore and a great supporter of arts and a pal of Tim Dennehy (of Kerry and Farwell to Priypat ) a recommendation in it’s own right !! Best wishes for NCH and upcoming gigs. Mile buiochas for all you do and share. Beir bua agus beannacht. H
Christy's reply
its a rare thing to get such a pure review….its a few weeks since that gig now but this reviewer certainly caught the atmosphere of the occasion….already looking forward to a return to that great venue..Waterford has always welcomed the singer..I cant remember ever having a bad gig there..and there has been many different venues since 1972
Hello Christy,
Well, the IT wizardry failed and I ended up with 2 minutes 50 seconds of Thomas Mccarthy on dvd. We’ll try to stream the documentary today or tomorrow. So I found some beautiful things on YouTube instead.
He sings Lord Lovatt at the end. It’s a voice you could drown in.
After 30 years of marriage (this October) I still feel like I know so little about it, except that it hopefully gives you someone to hide under the duvet with.
Here’s a quote I like.
I didn’t marry you for good points. I married you so you’d blindly support me however ridiculous I’m being.
Its from The Big Bang Theory.
What do you think of this two leg home and, away thing in the rugby? I don’t think I like it. It seems to be taking all the heat out of the moment.
Christy's reply
you make a good point about this two leg home & away….I sometimes feel the players look exhausted….Peter O’Mahoney was amazing yesterday against Exeter…Simon Zebo has settled back into Munster…young Craig Casey chomping at the heels of Conor Murray
You have a treat in store with Thomas McCarthy….his singing not matched by many…if any at all….he lives and breathes the old songs…its plain to see that singing is at his very core…
Sounds like an ace night in Athlone…enjoy the post gig buzz – not long until the next gig!
So often, there’s fascinating info here… I’d never heard of ‘Bianconi’,but am now informed about a fascinating man and era – thanks!
Have a great day.
Christy's reply
The Journalist Gearoid O’Broin wrote a brilliant article recently about my Athlone antecedents….when the Pope was willed the Family Fortune there was a court case way back in the 1920s….you’ll not be surprised to hear that Pontiff won the day
Thank you so much christy for a fantastic night . You made matthews night too and of course his grandad my dad was delighted u mentioned him and spoke of newbridge . Hes a proud newbridge man . Thanks again christy qnd we hope to see you again soon. Mind your self take care
Christy's reply
Good Man Matthew…I heard you call out after the Honda…well done
You had us all Buzzing on the banks of the Shannon. High octane from the get go….. a mighty choir too, some in tune, some otherwise . Go raibh Maith agat.
Relax and enjoy the long weekend…. You have had a busy one.
Christy's reply
Be the honey but twas a right night on the banks of the broad majestic…a cold blast of wind comin behind me back so I was sweatin and freezin simultaeneously…but we got there in the end…betimes Maria Callas down the hall was gettin ahead of me but she gave a good account of herself , especially when we were both singing the same verse…it was a Saturday night recent years the audience singing has swelled…it carried me along last night…with Brigada,Ord Man,Derry,Honda,Lisdoon and Joxer I felt like I was in the back of the old Bedford Van heading for a Fleadh….
Ride On Patsy….
Great to see Mike Harding adding your ‘Sunflowers’ recital to his festival website Looks like a great festival being set up in the ace town of Settle – including financial support for Ukraine as well.
Brilliant to see you and Mike at the forefront of events – 50 + years since the Platt Fields marquee!
Christy's reply
Here we are, back in Athlone once again…
my Grandfather,Christopher Moore’s home town…
only recently I discovered that his Father ,Andy, was a stage coach driver who moved to Athlone from Kilkenny … Bianconi were setting up the Dublin to Galway stage coach route and our Andy was was appointed man at the helm…he settled well in Athlone becoming very successful…by all accounts he accrued quite a fortune …later he surprised all the family by willing it all to the Pope in Rome…
Hello all,
Haven’t posted here in ages, just wanted to give a shout out for Daoiri Farrell. Went to see him in ‘The Hot Spot’ in Greystones last night, great performance, wonderful vocals and Bouzouki playing.
Best Regards,
Christy's reply
Daoiri deserves to be heard….he has served his time faithfully and now sings and plays beautifully….his choice of repertoire is first class, his accompaniments clear and well blended..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RIDE ON DAOIRI FARRELL<<<<<<<<<<<
Hi Christy, Congratulations to you and all for reaching the 50K, what an achievement. Below are a few words that I would like to share with you and your guestbook in support of the Ukrainian people.
We are the Ground.
Within the sound
A songbird in the leaves
At one among the leaves
A part of knowing
As is the corn
That ripens in the field
The ploughman works to yield
And feed his children.
Warm is the home
That shelters me and mine
When everything is fine
The children laughing
But then the demons came to call
Our towns and cities burn and fall
The screaming howling sirens yell
And turn our Heaven into Hell
I am the blood
My fathers gave to me
My mothers nurtured me
When I was growing
But then the demons came to call
Our towns and cities burn and fall
The screaming howling sirens yell
And turn our Heaven into Hell
We are the ground
Our blood is in the clay
Theres nothing more to say
Our tears are falling
Our tears are falling
Our tears are falling.
Christy's reply
Fair play to you John…40 years after giving “Irish Ways & Irish Laws” to the world you continue to create new work…thanks for sharing
Hello Christy,
Steve has done some of his IT magic and the Thomas Mccarthy documentary is sitting on a dvd waiting for me. Hope to watch it this afternoon.
Hope it’s a grand gig tonight.
I started reading about the Blantyre evictions. There’s a newspaper from the time online. Those women had some spirit.
Dave, I’m off shopping at the Clannagh site and I’m glad the Berlin stuff went down a bomb with the ww1 geeks.
Christy's reply
Its not everyone has the good fortune to share life with an Uileann Piper who doubles as an IT wizard….
I’ve just had a newsletter from that gives details of a large number of albums on a 2 for 12 Euros deal. Some by you/ Liam/ Davy Spillane et al… thought I’d mention it here as it’s not a bad way to add to the back catalogue collection. A good website too – interesting new releases and the story of the label’s growth.’Iconic’ for sure and the source of many a lost hour in the shop on visits to Dublin!
Have a great gig.
Christy's reply
Universal have purchased and re-activated both Tara and Claddagh labels bringing many rare gems back to life with tasteful re-issues….their Planxty “Between The Jigs and The Reels” being a good example…watch out for the poetry of Patrick Kavanagh
Christy a stór!!
A long time fan of yours, I have to every Pre-christmas Vicar Street Gig as far as I can remember and always book in for a Post-christmas date to cure the blues!! I was even in the front row at EP in 20212.
What does a hard working front-line worker have to do to get you down for a sing song with guaranteed ceol agus craic to my wedding next year?
Le Grá
Christy's reply
I’ve no doubt but there will be lots of ceol agus craic at your wedding….my presence would likely dampen the spirit of the joyful occasion…..truth be known Kom,I have a terrible history as a wedding band…on one occasion the celebrant came out in the sacristy and eloped with the best man…another morning I overdid the celebration sherry and fell into the wedding cake making shite of the whole feckin lot, ..once in the Hotel Minella the Bride’s Mother took offence at my choice of song, my drummer did not like her tone and gave the Bride’s Father an awful box wherupon the groom had second thoughts and went off and joined the priesthood…3 months later I appeared before Justice Hedley McKay who barred me from all weddings within an ass’s roar of any Tipperary Town……ever since I’ve had to limit my activity to funerals which I can do at very short notice….I will offer up a Novena that you might get good weather
Hi christy we qre coming yo athlone to see you tomorrow night we are also bringing our son matthew aged 11 he seen you before and you sang honda 50 for him . If possible would you sing that again tomorrow night . His grand dad michael Fitzpatrick will be with us also he d love to hear that song too as hes from st patricks terrace (the barracks) newbridge .thank you so much christy looking forward to hearing you
Hi Christy,
A hearty welcome awaits you on the banks of the Shannon tomorrow. The streets will be slow moving tomorrow afternoon……Might be best to cross the river on the Motorway and arrive into town from the Roscommon side. You got a lovely mention on the Westmeath Independent this week……
“Oh the Easter Snow”.
Best Regards,
Christy's reply
sound Patsy..we’ll come at it from the west..good advice…all set and ready to rock the Dean Crow..played it with Planxty in 1972 ..also the Cinema on the bridge in 1973…that night our sound engineer collapsed during the gig and left in an ambulance …he had a collapsed lung but made a full recovery … 50 years on he is still mixing sound and is in demand around the world for his skilful and creative talents
Mornin’ Christy
Great advice to Kara. I hope it’s ok to chip in to the chat…
Cumbria is a fair sized area, but if the family is within access of Cockermouth, I’d recommend ‘Billy Bowman’s’ as worth a visit (at least a website trawl), there’s also a good shop in Penrith, but I don’t have details.I’d be surprised if Carlisle wasn’t ok too. Second hand guitars should be plentiful, but if a new instrument is desired, I’d certainly back ‘Tanglewood’ as being great value for money (other brands are available!) – as you point out,Christy – price certainly isn’t everything in terms of suitability for the player.
Shops may well recommend teachers (I have no experience – as my playing shows!) but, if you want books to narrow the choice of songs as a start – the softback ‘Christy Moore’ song book is still available on line. I got my copy in Dublin decades ago and it gave me a good starting point on songs with which I was familiar as a listener – also,maybe look at songs by The Clancy Brothers for familiarity/ being accessible.
Sorry to ramble at length, but it’s always pleasing when there’s another willing victim to get past the pain of sore finger tips, to enjoy playing an instrument.
Have a good day
Health Warning!!!!
When my songbook published 40 years ago the man who chorded the songs did not realise that the recordings were all with capo…so the chords in the book are often way outside my capobility….I would not recommend my songbook to any beginner unless well versed in moving the trusty capo up and down the old fretboard..
Please can I add my vote for The Bord Na Mona man into the mix, him and his friend, Myra too.
You can buy Bord Na Mona peat briquettes on Amazon…
jostling for position..maybe they’ve been on the bench long enough
Hello Christy,
That’s a beautiful use of the word “pure”, only this and nothing else. It caught the gig like pure water. Only water and nothing else.
It’s a lovely word when it’s used like this.
other uses include :
” a drop of the pure”
“Pure Mule”
“pure eejit”
How’s it goin christy, I hope all is well with you, we haven’t spoken in a while, I’m attempting to reinvent myself as a songwwriter, maybe reinvent is the wrong word, begin would suit better. I wonder if you’d be interested in some of my work? I have a wide variety and can share them with you if it’s your thing? I don’t know how to go about finding people to use and perform my work so excuse me if I’m being blunt and pushy.kind regards Brendan
“Blunt & Pushy” … good name for a Duo when you get going….keep at it ..stick a verse up here if you wish and we’ll all have a look at it
A good easter rising morning to you Christy,
Yesterday when helping with the stepson’s pond i noticed that the ‘aquatic compost’ is produced by the Bord Na Mona man.
He has worked his way over to the Scottish Borders now, has he worked his way into your live set yet?
he has only had one outing to date..your query may hoist him up onto the set list ….under starter’s orders here for The Grand National at Fairyhouse….
Hello to you Christy, I hope you are keeping well. My husband, Sean, who is from Antrim area, brought you with him into our relationship over 11 years ago and since then you and your songs have been with us every step of the way, with many a song played at our wedding and our children now singing along too! With his birthday coming up he has admitted a long harboured desire to learn to play the acoustic guitar just like yourself (I am away to buy him a sound beginners guitar after scaring myself with the prices of your beloved Atkins!) And was wondering if you had any advice for a complete novice with only a passion for the folk songs he’s grown up with? I hope very much to see you in concert again if you have any plans to come across the water again in the future, if not we’ll see you on your home turf soon! Thank you, take care. Kara
consider a second hand guitar…a beginner does not need a new guitar ..certainly not an Atkin…my first guitar cos £3 was not very good but good enough for me to learn 3 chords …..
guitar lessons require consideration…if Sean wants to accompany Folk songs he needs a sympathetic teacher…I suggest he picks 2 songs he particularly likes and then seeks a teacher who will teach him simple accompaniments….
picking the right teacher is important…
getting started on the right track is important…
hope it all goes well….let the music keep our spirits high
Hi C. You certainly seem to have hit yet another purple patch, the gigs are at an all time high. Songs, recitations & dedications all relevant and current even though some songs are ancient, some decades old and revived. I think your craft and performances are well captured by this long time listener . The writer is, I believe a native of Tramore and a great supporter of arts and a pal of Tim Dennehy (of Kerry and Farwell to Priypat ) a recommendation in it’s own right !! Best wishes for NCH and upcoming gigs. Mile buiochas for all you do and share. Beir bua agus beannacht. H
its a rare thing to get such a pure review….its a few weeks since that gig now but this reviewer certainly caught the atmosphere of the occasion….already looking forward to a return to that great venue..Waterford has always welcomed the singer..I cant remember ever having a bad gig there..and there has been many different venues since 1972
Hello Christy,
Well, the IT wizardry failed and I ended up with 2 minutes 50 seconds of Thomas Mccarthy on dvd. We’ll try to stream the documentary today or tomorrow. So I found some beautiful things on YouTube instead.
He sings Lord Lovatt at the end. It’s a voice you could drown in.
After 30 years of marriage (this October) I still feel like I know so little about it, except that it hopefully gives you someone to hide under the duvet with.
Here’s a quote I like.
I didn’t marry you for good points. I married you so you’d blindly support me however ridiculous I’m being.
Its from The Big Bang Theory.
What do you think of this two leg home and, away thing in the rugby? I don’t think I like it. It seems to be taking all the heat out of the moment.
you make a good point about this two leg home & away….I sometimes feel the players look exhausted….Peter O’Mahoney was amazing yesterday against Exeter…Simon Zebo has settled back into Munster…young Craig Casey chomping at the heels of Conor Murray
You have a treat in store with Thomas McCarthy….his singing not matched by many…if any at all….he lives and breathes the old songs…its plain to see that singing is at his very core…
Happy Easter, Christy/ all
Sounds like an ace night in Athlone…enjoy the post gig buzz – not long until the next gig!
So often, there’s fascinating info here… I’d never heard of ‘Bianconi’,but am now informed about a fascinating man and era – thanks!
Have a great day.
The Journalist Gearoid O’Broin wrote a brilliant article recently about my Athlone antecedents….when the Pope was willed the Family Fortune there was a court case way back in the 1920s….you’ll not be surprised to hear that Pontiff won the day
Thank you so much christy for a fantastic night . You made matthews night too and of course his grandad my dad was delighted u mentioned him and spoke of newbridge . Hes a proud newbridge man . Thanks again christy qnd we hope to see you again soon. Mind your self take care
Good Man Matthew…I heard you call out after the Honda…well done
You had us all Buzzing on the banks of the Shannon. High octane from the get go….. a mighty choir too, some in tune, some otherwise . Go raibh Maith agat.

Relax and enjoy the long weekend…. You have had a busy one.
Be the honey but twas a right night on the banks of the broad majestic…a cold blast of wind comin behind me back so I was sweatin and freezin simultaeneously…but we got there in the end…betimes Maria Callas down the hall was gettin ahead of me but she gave a good account of herself , especially when we were both singing the same verse…it was a Saturday night recent years the audience singing has swelled…it carried me along last night…with Brigada,Ord Man,Derry,Honda,Lisdoon and Joxer I felt like I was in the back of the old Bedford Van heading for a Fleadh….
Ride On Patsy….
Hi Christy
Great to see Mike Harding adding your ‘Sunflowers’ recital to his festival website Looks like a great festival being set up in the ace town of Settle – including financial support for Ukraine as well.
Brilliant to see you and Mike at the forefront of events – 50 + years since the Platt Fields marquee!
Here we are, back in Athlone once again…
my Grandfather,Christopher Moore’s home town…
only recently I discovered that his Father ,Andy, was a stage coach driver who moved to Athlone from Kilkenny … Bianconi were setting up the Dublin to Galway stage coach route and our Andy was was appointed man at the helm…he settled well in Athlone becoming very successful…by all accounts he accrued quite a fortune …later he surprised all the family by willing it all to the Pope in Rome…
Hello all,
Haven’t posted here in ages, just wanted to give a shout out for Daoiri Farrell. Went to see him in ‘The Hot Spot’ in Greystones last night, great performance, wonderful vocals and Bouzouki playing.
Best Regards,
Daoiri deserves to be heard….he has served his time faithfully and now sings and plays beautifully….his choice of repertoire is first class, his accompaniments clear and well blended..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RIDE ON DAOIRI FARRELL<<<<<<<<<<<
Hi Christy, Congratulations to you and all for reaching the 50K, what an achievement. Below are a few words that I would like to share with you and your guestbook in support of the Ukrainian people.
We are the Ground.
Within the sound
A songbird in the leaves
At one among the leaves
A part of knowing
As is the corn
That ripens in the field
The ploughman works to yield
And feed his children.
Warm is the home
That shelters me and mine
When everything is fine
The children laughing
But then the demons came to call
Our towns and cities burn and fall
The screaming howling sirens yell
And turn our Heaven into Hell
I am the blood
My fathers gave to me
My mothers nurtured me
When I was growing
But then the demons came to call
Our towns and cities burn and fall
The screaming howling sirens yell
And turn our Heaven into Hell
We are the ground
Our blood is in the clay
Theres nothing more to say
Our tears are falling
Our tears are falling
Our tears are falling.
Fair play to you John…40 years after giving “Irish Ways & Irish Laws” to the world you continue to create new work…thanks for sharing
Thank you christy just as u prob allready know
your a legend
Hello Christy,
Steve has done some of his IT magic and the Thomas Mccarthy documentary is sitting on a dvd waiting for me. Hope to watch it this afternoon.
Hope it’s a grand gig tonight.
I started reading about the Blantyre evictions. There’s a newspaper from the time online. Those women had some spirit.
Dave, I’m off shopping at the Clannagh site and I’m glad the Berlin stuff went down a bomb with the ww1 geeks.
Its not everyone has the good fortune to share life with an Uileann Piper who doubles as an IT wizard….
Mornin’ Christy/ all
I’ve just had a newsletter from that gives details of a large number of albums on a 2 for 12 Euros deal. Some by you/ Liam/ Davy Spillane et al… thought I’d mention it here as it’s not a bad way to add to the back catalogue collection. A good website too – interesting new releases and the story of the label’s growth.’Iconic’ for sure and the source of many a lost hour in the shop on visits to Dublin!
Have a great gig.
Universal have purchased and re-activated both Tara and Claddagh labels bringing many rare gems back to life with tasteful re-issues….their Planxty “Between The Jigs and The Reels” being a good example…watch out for the poetry of Patrick Kavanagh
Christy a stór!!
A long time fan of yours, I have to every Pre-christmas Vicar Street Gig as far as I can remember and always book in for a Post-christmas date to cure the blues!! I was even in the front row at EP in 20212.
What does a hard working front-line worker have to do to get you down for a sing song with guaranteed ceol agus craic to my wedding next year?
Le Grá
I’ve no doubt but there will be lots of ceol agus craic at your wedding….my presence would likely dampen the spirit of the joyful occasion…..truth be known Kom,I have a terrible history as a wedding band…on one occasion the celebrant came out in the sacristy and eloped with the best man…another morning I overdid the celebration sherry and fell into the wedding cake making shite of the whole feckin lot, ..once in the Hotel Minella the Bride’s Mother took offence at my choice of song, my drummer did not like her tone and gave the Bride’s Father an awful box wherupon the groom had second thoughts and went off and joined the priesthood…3 months later I appeared before Justice Hedley McKay who barred me from all weddings within an ass’s roar of any Tipperary Town……ever since I’ve had to limit my activity to funerals which I can do at very short notice….I will offer up a Novena that you might get good weather
Hi christy we qre coming yo athlone to see you tomorrow night we are also bringing our son matthew aged 11 he seen you before and you sang honda 50 for him . If possible would you sing that again tomorrow night . His grand dad michael Fitzpatrick will be with us also he d love to hear that song too as hes from st patricks terrace (the barracks) newbridge .thank you so much christy looking forward to hearing you
Lets see what happens when we cross The Shannon
Hi Christy,
A hearty welcome awaits you on the banks of the Shannon tomorrow. The streets will be slow moving tomorrow afternoon……Might be best to cross the river on the Motorway and arrive into town from the Roscommon side. You got a lovely mention on the Westmeath Independent this week……
“Oh the Easter Snow”.
Best Regards,
sound Patsy..we’ll come at it from the west..good advice…all set and ready to rock the Dean Crow..played it with Planxty in 1972 ..also the Cinema on the bridge in 1973…that night our sound engineer collapsed during the gig and left in an ambulance …he had a collapsed lung but made a full recovery … 50 years on he is still mixing sound and is in demand around the world for his skilful and creative talents